trevor mcdonald - nagios xi under the hood

Nagios XI Under The Hood By Trevor McDonald [email protected]

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Post on 22-Jan-2018



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Nagios XI

Under The Hood

By Trevor [email protected]

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Who am I?

●Support Manager, Nagios Enterprises

–tmcdonald on Support Forum


–NWC2014 - Nagduino


–World languages

–Computer security

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–Nagios XI 5 w/ Nagios Core 4.1.1

–ndomod in use

–Bulk mode with NPCD

●Scope (but still mostly valid)

–Pre-2014 XI

–Pre-4 Core

–mod_gearman / DNX / remote agents

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–Flat files–RRD–MySQL–Postgres (sorta)



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Overview●Check is run

–Exit code & status output stashed

–Performance data split off

–Event handlers and/or notifications launched

●Perfdata processed

–Multi-step process

●Reports, Web GUI, etc.

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Check is Run

●Check hits next_check_time (status.dat)

●execvp('/path/to/plugin', *args);

●Results are reaped and passed along

●They look like this

–PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.40



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Results are Processed

●Exit Code

●Status Output

–Performance Data is included here, everything after the “|”


●Not much* done with these

–*That I will be covering today

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Exit Code/Status Output

●Goes many places:



–nagios.log if non-OK

–syslog (optional, enabled by default)

–ndo database (optional*, enabled by default)

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Performance Data●Split from status output after “|” character

●Handled by




●Also goes many places:

–Flat files – XML files

–Databases – RRD files

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Performance Data

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Performance Data●Standardized format


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Performance Data●Standardized format


rta=0.401000ms;400.000000;800.000000;0.000000 pl=0%;40;80;0

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Performance Data●Standardized format


rta=0.401000ms;400.000000;800.000000;0.000000 pl=0%;40;80;0

label value warn crit min


rta 0.401000ms 400.000000 800.000000


pl 0% 40 80


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●Stores in:


●Using the form defined by:


●Then every 15 seconds (by default)–[host|service]_perfdata_file_processing_interval

●Nagios will run:–[host|service]_perfdata_file_processing_command

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●Runs every minute, but in a 55-second loop

●Moves files into …/var/spool/perfdata/

●Also handles Outbound Transfers

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●Does the real processing legwork

●Every 15 seconds by default:


which places processed files into:



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Event Handlers/Notifications

●Standard Nagios logic takes over

●Event Handlers run on every state change

–Some only take action for certain states

●Notifications run after max_check_attempts

–XI Notification process is…


●Somewhat proprietary

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●Contacts have notification commands




●Core basically just calls sendmail with args

●XI can

–Use SMTP – Set importance

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–Authenticated, trusted

–Encryption possible


–Marks as High-Priority

–Dependent on mail client

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–Faster response times


–Warning to email

–Critical to SMS

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●PHP script



●Plus tons of arguments




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●Pulls user info from db

–MySQL in XI 5

–Postgres in 2014 and older

●Formatted nicely


●Sent via PHPMailer

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Reports/GUI●Pull primarily from these files


–Archived logs in …/var/archives/

–RRD files in …/share/perfdata/…

●And from many db tables, such as




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Thanks To●Scott Wilkerson

–Explaining finer points of XI, general presentation advice

●John Frickson

–Clearing up Core logic

●Amy Lohmann

–Formatting and consistency

●Jesse Olson

–Guinea pig

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Thank you!

Any Questions?

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