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Trinity Catholic Primary School, Kemps Creek PO Box 809, St Marys 1790 Principal: Mr Scott Buchan Phone: 9834 3212 Fax: 9834 3597 Email: [email protected]

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Trinity Catholic Primary School, KempsCreekPO Box 809, St Marys 1790Principal: Mr Scott BuchanPhone: 9834 3212 Fax: 9834 3597Email: [email protected]://


About the Annual School ReportTrinity Catholic Primary School is registered by the New South Wales Education StandardsAuthority, NESA, as a member of the Catholic system of schools in the Diocese of Parramatta.

The Annual School Report provides parents and the wider school community with fair, accurateand objective information about various aspects of school performance and development. TheReport describes achievement of school development priorities in 2016 and gives informationabout the 2017 priorities.

This Report is a legislative requirement under the Schools Assistance Act, 2008 and the EducationAmendment Act 2004.

The information in this Report is complemented by the school website where other schoolpublications and newsletters can be viewed or obtained from the school.

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Key Messages

PrincipalI am proud to present to you the 2016 Annual School Report for Trinity Catholic Primary School,Kemps Creek. Inspired by the Scriptural passage in Genesis of Abraham and Sarah at Mamre,Trinity Catholic Primary School is a place of hospitality and community. Our school'slogo symbolises the three persons of God as the three visitors to Mamre whom we are called toserve. This theme of service is continued in our school motto: In Giving We Receive. Therefore,there is a strong commitment to creating a school community where all members experience asense of welcome and belonging based on genuine Christian hospitality.

Trinity Catholic Primary School's philosophy of teaching and learning is based on a Statement ofLearning that was developed collaboratively by parents and staff when the school began. Thisphilosophy of teaching and learning focuses on meeting the needs of each learner by engagingchildren in meaningful and relevant tasks. In 2016 we commenced working with the newHistory syllabus and Geography syllabus which focuses on consistent, balanced and thoroughlearning.

At Trinity Catholic Primary School we aim to be a learning community where individuals share,help, encourage and support each other's efforts to achieve success. Our challenge is to be aplace where 'we' dominates 'me' and where we work together to get the job done in a mutualsearch for excellence.

ParentWe are committed to our philosophy of the school as a 'community of learners' and encourageactive parent and community involvement. Parent involvement opportunities include:

parent information eveningseducation workshopsclassroom supportToddlers Dayliturgiesexcursionshospitality through discos, movie night, 'tears and tissues', and new family orientationsporting carnivalsMamre team (our parent representative body)fundraising through walkathon, raffles, Mothers Day and Fathers Day

StudentAt Trinity Catholic Primary School all of our students are leaders in the community. Theirleadership responsibilities include organising and running school assemblies; flag raising; beingspecial ambassadors to important events and taking on various programs such as Buddies andPeer Support.

Our students have wonderful facilities, playing spaces, learning spaces and technologicalresources to assist them with their learning and leisure at Trinity Catholic Primary School. Theyare given a great deal of responsibility in organising masses, celebrations like Grandparents Dayand other activities.

In a 2016 school survey, students responded that the best things about Trinity Catholic PrimarySchool were:

that the education provided great opportunity and enthusiasmthat the teachers showed empathythat there was purposeful teaching provided for them

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Who we are

History of the schoolTrinity Catholic Primary School, Kemps Creek, opened in 1993 with an enrolment of 116 childrenfrom Kindergarten to Year 2. We currently have 14 learning groups from Kindergarten to Year 6.The majority of our children come from homes where English is their first language.

Trinity Catholic Primary School is the second Catholic school within the parish of Holy Spirit, StClair. The school community moved to the permanent site in 1995 when Stages 1 and 2 of thepermanent buildings were built. In 1998, the third and final stage of the building programconsisting of our Learning and Resource Centre (LARC) and two new classrooms were completedand officially opened. In 2001 seven new demountable classrooms and a demountable toiletblock were installed to accommodate the increasing enrolment at Trinity Catholic Primary School.

Location/drawing areaTrinity Catholic Primary School, Kemps Creek (formerly Erskine Park), is situated five minutes fromthe M4 and 15 minutes from both Penrith and Blacktown.

Our school is situated in a leafy, rural environment and we often see kangaroos grazing in theearly morning and late afternoon in our beautiful surrounds. Sharing the one hundred acre sitewith us is our feeder high school, Emmaus Catholic College and the Emmaus Retirement Village.Our close relationship with Emmaus Catholic College ensures that all Trinity Catholic PrimarySchool students can access a quality, Catholic education from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Trinity Catholic Primary School has a learner-centred philosophy of teaching and learning. Ouraim is to improve the learning outcomes for all of our students.

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Workforce Composition

Category Numberof Staff

Number of teachers who hold teaching qualification from a higher educationinstitution within Australia or as recognised within the National Office of OverseasSkills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) guidelines


Number of teachers who have a bachelor degree from a higher education institutionwithin Australia or within AEI-NOOSR guidelines but lacking formal teacherqualifications


Number of teachers accreditated to teach Religious Education 21

Number of teachers currently undertaking accreditation to teach Religious Education 0

Number of non-teaching staff (includes teachers' aides) 8

Percentage of teachers who are indigenous 0

The average teacher attendance for 2016 91.48

Percentage of 2016 teaching staff who were retained from 2015 85

Catholic Identity and Religious Education

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Catholic Identity and Religious Education

Prayer, Liturgical Life and Faith ExperiencesThe community of Trinity Catholic Primary School demonstrates a meaningful, vibrant andrelevant expression of faith through prayer and liturgy. This is characterised by qualityprofessional development and formation of teaching staff in prayer and Scripture; the highprofile of the parish priests through their regular participation in school events and liturgies;many spontaneous and programmed prayer services and liturgies at all levels; and learninggroups which are whole-school community, parish and diocesan. Many of the church feast daysand solemnities have been acknowledged including Lent, Easter, Trinity Sunday, Advent andChristmas. The message of Christmas was brought alive to our school community through aconcert organised by staff and performed by students, which told the nativity story.

At Trinity Catholic Primary School, the faith experiences we offer give a meaningful expression ofour school motto, In Giving We Receive. We offer opportunities for students to participate inreflection as part of our Peer Support programs and also in preparing our Year 6 students fortheir transition to high school. Our Year 6 students also participate in a three day camp that hasstructured opportunities for spiritual reflection and renewal.

Social JusticeOur whole-school commitment to social justice issues is integrated into the teaching and learningprograms of the Key Learning Areas (KLAs); Religious Education (RE) and Human Society and ItsEnvironment (HSIE). In 2016 the whole school and individual learning group mission activitiesincluded: Project Compassion - Caritas; St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal and ChristmasHampers; and the Sisters of Mercy at Mamre Homestead.

School home and parish partnershipsTrinity Catholic Primary School's commitment to the promotion of positive school, home andparish partnerships is demonstrated by whole-school attendance at the parish church for mass;the attendance of staff at parish Sacramental liturgies and masses; supporting the family-centredSacramental programs with expertise, facilities and resources; and distribution of parish news tothe leadership with our sister parish school, Holy Spirit Primary School. A highlight this year wasthe participation of students in the parish mass for Trinity Feast Day. Values education is anintegral part of our Trinity Catholic Primary School's Behaviour policy. This has assisted in theexplicit teaching of the gospels and Catholic ethos that underpins who we are as a Catholicschool. Our students each received a certificate acknowledging their individual effort atexpressing a particular value at a special award ceremony during the year.

An important design element of quality school culture is our commitment to the philosophy of‘community of learners’. In 2016 the Parent Education program included: ContemporaryNumeracy Education; and Religious Literacy Assessment model.

Religious EducationThe Religious Education program at Trinity Catholic Primary School is directed by the Diocesansyllabus, Sharing Our Story. Structured Religious Education lessons are provided each day andcomplemented by daily class prayer; grade-level liturgies and whole-school masses and liturgies.Teachers are supported by our parish priests through weekly class visits designed to enhance thetopics being taught in Religious Education lessons.

Professional Learning of staff in Religious EducationOne of the priorities for 2016 was to enhance student learning of Scripture leading them todeeper knowledge of Jesus.

A number of staff professional learning sessions were held to deepen the knowledge of Scripturefor staff. A focus was the use of resources for The Year of Mercy for staff and students as theyunpacked Scripture. One session was run by a teacher educator from Catholic Education, Dioceseof Parramatta (CEDP).

Our staff members were also provided with opportunities to spend time in prayer and reflection

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Our staff members were also provided with opportunities to spend time in prayer and reflectionfocusing on the place of God in their lives. Throughout the year staff members were able tocelebrate mass together as well as attending a spirituality day together.

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Learning and Teaching

National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)Students in Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 across Australia participated in National AssessmentProgram – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in May 2016. The purpose of this test is to provideinformation to parents and teachers about the achievements of students in aspects of Literacyand Numeracy. The test provides a measure of the student’s performance against establishedstandards and against other students in Australia. Each year the results are analysed by theschool to inform teaching and learning with a view to improving student performance.

The Commonwealth Government sets minimum acceptable standards for literacy, numeracy,reading, writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling at particular ages. These are referred to asnational minimum standards. Student performance in NAPLAN in our school is compared tothese standards. The percentages of students achieving at or above these national minimumstandards, and the percentages of students in the top three bands are reported in the tablebelow.


% of students at or abovenational minimum


% of students in top threebands

School Australia School Australia


Grammar and Punctuation 98 96 77 74

Literacy 98 96 87 74

Reading 96 95 70 71

Writing 98 96 81 80

Spelling 96 94 64 70

Numeracy 98 96 49 63


% of students at or abovenational minimum


% of students in top threebands

School Australia School Australia


Grammar and Punctuation 94 94 49 62

Literacy 87 93 43 57

Reading 89 93 53 62

Writing 89 93 30 48

Spelling 89 93 49 58

Numeracy 91 95 36 57

Students in Year 3 demonstrated that they are predominately above the national minimumstandards in overall Literacy and Numeracy with only a small percentage of students not reachingthe national benchmark. Making inferences and linking information in a text are areas to beaddressed through classroom reading programs. There has been significant improvement inTrinity Catholic Primary School, Kemps Creek Page 7

addressed through classroom reading programs. There has been significant improvement inwriting results with 2016 data one of the strongest in the past five years and above both stateand Catholic systems results. Language features, paragraphing and text cohesion are aspects ofwriting that will continue to be a focus for improvement in classroom programs.

Students in Year 5 demonstrated improvement in aspects of writing particularly with languagefeatures, paragraphing and text cohesion. Making inferences and linking information in a text areareas to be addressed through classroom programs.

Numeracy has also demonstrated improvement. Student learning, however, is still an area ofpriority as these student progress into Year 6. The data also indicated that student performancein the higher bands needs to be extended. In Mathematics priorities have been developed forKindergarten to Year 6. The focus of this is to develop and enrich student numeracy knowledgeand understanding, particularly in multiplicative thinking, from modelling multiplication anddivision strategies, to partial modelling through to abstract strategies. This will be achieved bysupporting students in applying their skills and understanding through purposeful tasks duringdaily one-hour numeracy blocks.

School curriculumIn 2016 the additional teaching and learning programs included: Kindergarten to Year 2 (K-2)support including Reading Recovery and Extending Mathematical Understanding (EMU)intervention, Special Education program including Targeted Learning Partnerships for fundedstudents; and literacy and numeracy support for Years 3 to 6.

The Trinity Catholic Primary School 2016 transition programs included the KindergartenOrientation program; orientation of new students across the grades; and the Step Up to EmmausTransition program. The transition programs included interviews with families; observations ofnew students in small groups; parent education sessions; information evenings; professionalhand overs from preschool teachers; and liaison with health specialists such as occupationaltherapists, speech therapists and paediatricians. The Step Up to Emmaus program includedstudent visits to Emmaus Catholic College and professional hand overs between learning groupteachers and special education teachers.

In 2016 Trinity Catholic Primary School was involved in a number of co-curricular activities whichincluded:

Community and Road Education Safety (CARES)swimming carnivalcross country carnivalathletics carnivalYear 6 camp at Port HackingYear 5 retreat to MulgoaBook Week activitiesauthor visitWriters' Festivalnetball gala day and championshipsParramatta Diocesan boys and girls sports gala daysVoice of Youth public speaking competition

Initiatives to promote respect and responsibilityOur whole-school approach to developing quality behaviour includes cooperative educationpractices embedded in all teaching and learning programs. Community circles and reflectioncircles are two structures used in the learning groups.

Initiatives such as: 'friend of the week'; celebrations of success; Peer Support program and theBuddies program promote the values of respect and responsibility. Moreover, every grade atTrinity Catholic Primary School is committed to developing mission initiatives that promoterespect and responsibility at all levels including classroom, grade, school, community andinternational mission initiatives.

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Responsibility is fostered in our students through whole-school initiatives such as Peer Supportleadership, Learning and Resource Centre (LARC) leaders and assembly leaders.

Professional LearningProfessional learning undertaken by staff in 2016 included:

Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) training for numeracyMonash University Project - Multiplicative Thinking and Proportional Reasoning.individual plans for special learning needs students (Canberra modules)new Geography syllabusnew History syllabusassessing writing conventions using a continuumcreating a balanced literacy blockrunning records and miscue analysisReligious Education teaching - Scripture/word wallschild protection trainingReligious Education Spirituality Dayteacher goal setting

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School Improvement

Annual school prioritiesPriority 1 All students will build on their knowledge of God in the Extraordinary

Jubilee of Mercy through improved understanding of the vocabulary ofScripture and the Catholic tradition. Regular classroom assessmentKindergarten to Year 6 (K-6) will be used to measure student progressalong with the Religious Literacy Assessment (RLA) data from Years 4and 6. The community of Trinity Catholic Primary School demonstratesa meaningful, vibrant and relevant expression of faith through prayerand liturgy. This is characterised as data for Year 4 and Year 6.

Reason for priority 1 This goal was chosen in response to the Religious Literacy Assessment(RLA) data from Year 4 and Year 6 and the need, in all grades, toexpand students' knowledge and use of religious vocabulary so thatthey had a more comprehensive and extensive knowledge of theirreligious literacy vocabulary; particularly the vocabulary of the formalprayers of the church and their basis in Holy Scripture.

Steps taken to achievepriority 1

Some steps taken were for students to:name and explain the words of traditional prayers as perParramatta Diocesan prayer scope and sequenceknow traditional prayers and their connections to Scriptureuse the traditional prayers at appropriate times throughout theday and also at whole-school gatherings such as assemblies andliturgiesidentify sacred vessels, church objects, vestments used bypriests and bishopsname and explain the liturgical seasons

Status of priority 1 Achieved

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Priority 2 At the end of 2016 all Years 3 to 6 students will have achieved aminimum of one cluster growth and all Kindergarten to Year 2 studentstwo clusters growth on the Department of Education and Communities(DEC) continuum in reading and writing, with vulnerable students witha personalised plan to achieve growth in line with goals on their plan.

Reason for priority 2 Our Progressive Achievement Tests in Reading (PAT-R) data showedthat only 70% of children across Years 3 to 6 reached expected growthin reading. NAPLAN data showed that vocabulary was one of thegreatest areas of need in writing (Year 3 - 6%, Year 5 - 25%, Year 7 -52%).

Steps taken to achievepriority 2

Some steps included:new vocabulary to be introduced and discussed during guidedreading authentic and rich learning experiences - through which thechildren could demonstrate an understanding of moresophisticated and technical vocabulary oral language conversationsreciprocal teaching, where students used clarifying questions todiscuss sophisticated words within contextwriting on varied topics using different types of texts such asvisual and multi-modal

Status of priority 2 Achieved

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Priority 3 By November 2016 all students in Year 2 would be able to solvemultiplication and division problems using partial modelling at aminimum and all students in Years 3 to 6 would be at or beyondabstraction using efficient reasoning strategies to solve complexproblems, and vulnerable students with a personalised plan wouldachieve growth in line with goals on their plan.

Reason for priority 3 Previous MAI data and end of year estimates indicated that manystudents, Kindergarten to Year 6, were vulnerable in the multiplicationand division domain. Staff had indicated a need for furtherprofessional learning in the area of multiplication and division and todevelop teaching strategies to improve students’ thinking, reasoningand communicating strategies from modelling to abstraction. Staff alsowanted a deeper understanding of growth point behaviours to informteaching and learning.

Steps taken to achievepriority 3

These included:students engaging in challenging tasks that helped them tomove from modelling (all objects perceived) to partial modellingto abstractingstudents engaging in problems that developed differentmultiplicative thinking eg arrays, groups of, times as many,allocation/rate, Cartesian productstudents actively participating in reflection time by articulatingand demonstrating their mathematical understanding usingmodelling, partial modelling and derived abstract strategies

Status of priority 3 Achieved

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Projected school prioritiesPriority 1 For all students to improve and deepen their Religious Education

knowledge in the seven strands - success will be evidenced throughYear 4 and Year 6 achieving growth of 3-5% in all seven strands of theReligious Literacy Assessment

Reason for Priority 1 Students have gained significant religious knowledge to compete the2016 RLA successfully and achieve the 2016 Formation/RE goal. Thisgoal has been chosen to create a more comprehensive and extensiveknowledge of Scripture (in response to the RLA data from Year 6) andits application to our Christian life and the call to action, which iscontained in the message.

Steps to be taken toachieve Priority 1

Students to:use pre, mid and post assessment in all unitsinteract with learning intentions, word walls and success criteriafor each unituse the three levels of understanding Scripture when reflectingon their learning

literal: on the line - initial learningspiritual: between the line - deep knowledgeapplication: beyond the line - deep understanding

Priority 2 To reduce the number of vulnerable students in writing in the bottomtwo bands by 10% and increase the number of children in the top twobands by 10% of Year 5 and Year 7 NAPLAN 2017 and 2018, andvulnerable students with a personalised plan to achieve growth in linewith goals on their plan

Reason for Priority 2 As a school we have identified that we have been decreasing thechildren in the bottom two bands of NAPLAN over the past five years.

Our Year 5 and Year 7 data shows an increased number of children inthe bottom two bands. The trend data also indicates that we see adrop in the number of children in the top bands from Year 3 to Years 5and 7.

Steps to be taken toachieve Priority 2

Students:to be able to discuss their learning with teachers duringinstructional walksto interact with learning intentions, word walls and successcriteria for each unit

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Priority 3 By November 2017 all students will solve challenging multiplication anddivision problems using efficient reasoning strategies. Kindergarten toYear 2 (K-2) students will be working at partial modelling (growth point3) at a minimum and Years 3 to 6 students will be working at or beyondabstraction (growth point 4+). Vulnerable students with a personalisedplan will achieve growth in line with goals on their plan.

Reason for Priority 3 After teachers made their term 3 predictions for multiplication anddivision, there are still a large number of students at growth point 3.All grades are represented in this data set and whilst many of these arenew to that particular growth point, it is our school’s largest area ofneed.

Steps to be taken toachieve Priority 3

Students will be working mathematically in their Zone of ProximalDevelopment (ZPD) to explore multiplication and division problems.Students will deepen their understanding of the relationship betweenmultiplication and division and the 'multiplicative situation'. Studentswill be engaging in challenging tasks that help them to move frommodelling (all objects perceived) to partial modelling to abstracting.

Community Satisfaction

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Community Satisfaction

Parent satisfactionDuring 2016, Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta engaged insight SRC to conduct theQuality Catholic Schooling (QCS) survey to provide feedback from parents, students and staffabout our school. This survey will be conducted annually.

The QCS data collected and reported showed that our parents valued the work of the school.Their responses tracked largely higher when compared to 2015 data. Areas of strength wereconnectedness to peers, and approachability of staff, whilst an area for focus was classroombehaviour.

Student satisfactionThe QCS data showed that our Year 5 and 6 students valued the work of the school. Theirresponses tracked into the middle 50% band of satisfaction responses with a general growthacross most of the elements.

Areas of strength were teacher empathy, purposeful teaching and student motivation.

Areas of further focus were classroom behaviour and student safety which did not show growthfrom the year before.

Teacher satisfactionThe QCS data showed that our teachers did feel that the school had improved in someareas from the year before but many response elements moved into the 'middle 50% band' ofsatisfaction responses.

There was a clear sense, however, that in the domain of 'teaching and learning' there had beenmaintained growth as well as improvement in the domain of student behaviour. Staff identified avery strong sense of a 'school improvement focus' in 2016.

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Student Profile

Enrolment PolicyTrinity Catholic Primary School follows the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP)Enrolment Policy and Procedures. This document can be obtained from the school office or can beaccessed on the CEDP website

Current and previous years' student enrolmentYear Boys Girls Total

2014 159 149 308

2015 193 160 353

2016 177 162 339

Enrolment numbers are quite variable from term to term as better economic conditions aresustained. The conditions are enabling parents to move to more affluent suburbs, move ontoacreage and lifestyle blocks or move to pursue business opportunities elsewhere. Developmentin the area to accommodate a new airport and the related infrastructure such as freeways hasalso brought uncertainty regarding long term residency for some of our families.

Student attendance ratesThe table below shows the percentage of student attendance by Year level and school average.

Kindergarten 72.5

Year 1 75.2

Year 2 88.3

Year 3 89.2

Year 4 78.2

Year 5 80.9

Year 6 88.2

School Average 81.6

Characteristics of the student bodyThe table below shows the number of students in each of the categories listed.

Language background other than English (LBOTE) 117

Students with disablities (SWD) 17

Indigenous 8

Managing Student Non-attendanceRegular attendance at school is essential if students are to maximise their potential. Schools inpartnership with parents and guardians, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance ofstudents. The compulsory schooling age is 6-17. Parents and guardians are legally responsible forthe regular attendance of their children, explaining the absences of their children in writingTrinity Catholic Primary School, Kemps Creek Page 16

the regular attendance of their children, explaining the absences of their children in writingwithin several days to the school, and taking measures to resolve attendance issues involvingtheir children. School staff as part of their duty of care, monitor part or whole day absences.

They maintain accurate records of students' attendance, follow up unexplained absencesthrough written and verbal communication, implement programs and practices to addressattendance issues when they arise, and provide clear information to students and parentsregarding attendance requirements and the consequences of unsatisfactory attendance. Theprincipal or their delegate, may grant permission for late arrival or early departure from school,leave or exemption from attendance only in individual cases, on written request from parentsand guardians.

The principal/delegate will undertake all reasonable measures to contact parents promptly if anunexplained absence occurs. If truancy is suspected, the principal will contact theparents/guardians to ascertain the reason for the absence. If a satisfactory response is notreceived, the matter will be referred to the relevant staff at the Catholic Education Office,Diocese of Parramatta who will follow up unexplained absences as per legislative requirements.

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Student wellbeing

Student welfare, discipline and anti-bullying policies and pastoral careThe Trinity Catholic Primary School Behaviour Development policy was revisited with teachingstaff and students throughout 2016. The principles of procedural fairness underpin all theprotocols and practices at Trinity Catholic Primary School and are clearly articulated in the policy.

Included in this policy are the principles that underpin how bullying is addressed through pro-active and reactive strategies. In cases where bullying is identified, we seek to work inpartnership with parents to educate our students to a more appropriate behaviour. Participationin Preventing Anxiety and Victimisation through Education (PAVE) project, was integral in thework for Year 4 and Year 5 to build capacity of students to respond to bullying.

There were no changes to the policy during 2016. A copy of the policy can be obtained throughthe school office.

Complaints and grievances policyThe school has formal written protocols in place to address complaints and grievances. Theseprotocols are in line with the Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP), ComplaintHandling policy. A copy of the school policy is available from the school office or is available onthe CEDP website

There were no changes to the policy during 2016.

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Section Eleven: Financial Statement

Income Expenditure

Commonwealth (65%)Capital (0%)State (21%)Fees (12.7%)Other (1.4%)

Capital (5.7%)Salary (72.3%)Non-Salary (22%)


Commonwealth Recurrent Grants1 $2,876,382

Government Capital Grants 2 $0

State Recurrent Grants 3 $928,324

Fees and Private Income 4 $560,755

Other Capital Income 5 $60,189

Total Income $4,425,650


Capital Expenditure 6 $254,423

Salaries and Related Expenses 7 $3,222,724

Non-Salary Expenses 8 $981,811

Total Expenditure $4,458,958

1. Commonwealth relates to Commonwealth Recurrent Grants including per capita fundingand special purpose grants.

2. Capital relates to Government Capital Grants.3. State relates to State Recurrent Grants including per capita funding, interest subsidy and

special purpose grants.4. Fees relates to diocesan and school based fees, excursions and other private income from

parents.5. Other refers to Other Capital Income including drawdowns from the Diocesan School

Building Fund to fund Capital Expenditure.6. Capital refers to Capital Expenditure including School Buildings, Furniture and Equipment.7. Salaries refers to the total of all Salaries, allowances and related expenses such as

superannuation, workers compensation and leave.8. Non-Salary refers to all other Non-Salary Recurrent Expenses.








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