trinity sixth form open evening · + trinity sixth form open evening 4:30"7^oopm welcome the...

+ Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening 4:30"7^oopm Welcome The aim of the evening is to provide the opportunity for you to find out about Sixth Form life in general and about the courses on offer here at Trinity School Sixth Form. Subject staff, Sixth Form pastoral staff, current Sixth Form students, members of the School Leadership Team and our Information, Advice & Guidance Officer will be available throughout the evening to offer advice and guidance. Representatives from the following universities will also be available in the Bistro to discuss any questions you may have about specific A Levels that are required in order to study at degree level: Cumbria, Dundee, Edgehill, Glasgow, Northumbria, Stirling and UCLAN. Inspira will also be in the Bistro with information about the National Citizen Service. Welcome & Applying to Trinity talk in the Devonshire Hall 4:45» 5:3° (& 6:oopm if sufficient demand) Subject specific talks: These will take place in classrooms at various times throughout the evening. Please see the schedule overleaf for more details. Available in the Bistro throughout the evening are: Mrs Medley - Sixth Form Pastoral Leader Mrs Fleming- Pastoral Tutor Mrs Ewing - Information, Advice & Guidance Officer Application forms and Prospectus Year 11 Trinity students will receive a personalised application form from their Form Tutors after the Open Evening. Application forms for students who are applying from other schools are available from the Sixth Form entrance this evening or online at where you will also find the Sixth Form Prospectus. Key dates GCSE Results day & Advice Clinics Thursday 20 August GCSE Advice Clinics Friday 21 August Start of Autumn Term Wednesday 2 September Sixth Form Induction Programme Wednesday 2 - Thursday 3 September Refreshments will be available in the Bistro throughout the evening

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Page 1: Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening · + Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening 4:30"7^oopm Welcome The aim of the evening is to provide the opportunity for you to find out about Sixth Form

+ Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening4:30"7^oopm


The aim of the evening is to provide the opportunity for you to find out aboutSixth Form life in general and about the courses on offer here at Trinity SchoolSixth Form. Subject staff, Sixth Form pastoral staff, current Sixth Formstudents, members of the School Leadership Team and our Information,Advice & Guidance Officer will be available throughout the evening to offeradvice and guidance.

Representatives from the following universities will also be available in theBistro to discuss any questions you may have about specific A Levels that arerequired in order to study at degree level: Cumbria, Dundee, Edgehill, Glasgow,Northumbria, Stirling and UCLAN. Inspira will also be in the Bistro withinformation about the National Citizen Service.

Welcome & Applying to Trinity talk in the Devonshire Hall4:45» 5:3° (& 6:oopm if sufficient demand)Subject specific talks:These will take place in classrooms at various times throughout theevening. Please see the schedule overleaf for more details.Available in the Bistro throughout the evening are:Mrs Medley - Sixth Form Pastoral LeaderMrs Fleming- Pastoral TutorMrs Ewing - Information, Advice & Guidance Officer

Application forms and ProspectusYear 11 Trinity students will receive a personalised application form from theirForm Tutors after the Open Evening. Application forms for students who areapplying from other schools are available from the Sixth Form entrance thisevening or online at where you willalso find the Sixth Form Prospectus.

Key datesGCSE Results day & Advice Clinics Thursday 20 AugustGCSE Advice Clinics Friday 21 AugustStart of Autumn Term Wednesday 2 SeptemberSixth Form Induction Programme Wednesday 2 - Thursday 3 September

Refreshments will be available in the Bistro throughout the evening

Page 2: Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening · + Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening 4:30"7^oopm Welcome The aim of the evening is to provide the opportunity for you to find out about Sixth Form







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Page 3: Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening · + Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening 4:30"7^oopm Welcome The aim of the evening is to provide the opportunity for you to find out about Sixth Form



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Page 4: Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening · + Trinity Sixth Form Open Evening 4:30"7^oopm Welcome The aim of the evening is to provide the opportunity for you to find out about Sixth Form

We hope you find the evening informative however if you would like to speakto staff about subject areas or have a general query regarding studying atTrinity Sixth Form please contact the following staff:

Curriculum Leaders for EnglishMrsKThrelkeIdMrs G Barker

Curriculum Leader for MathsMr M CooksonCurriculum Leader for ScienceMiss S McLeod

Curriculum Leader for Arts (Art, Music, Drama)Mrs A RichardsonCurriculum Leader for Humanities

(History, Geography, RS)Ms LWedderburn

Curriculum Leader for Learning SupportMr G Brentnall

Curriculum Leader for Modern LanguagesMrs S McArdle

Curriculum Leader for Physical EducationMrTThrelkeId

Curriculum Leader for Design TechnologyMiss R DockrayFor queries regarding BTEC Business, Law,Psychology and SociologyMrs T Medley

Assistant Head teacher (Sixth Form)Mr A Winter

Sixth Form Pastoral Leader

Mrs T MedleyPastoral Tutor

Mrs A Fleming

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Sixth Form Office (General enquiries)Tel: 01228 516051 ext. 263Email: [email protected]: Trinity Sixth Form, Strand Road, Carlisle, CA11JB