ttitftsfc w. june nya j rel< from the july asso...

TTItfTSfc w Korw.You* quMtloa will bm uivuW "ft." la this solumn. Tot a hlTMl Imr, and lie for my now AraoLMT 1"1". 4 ttfeuT Day Csait »od rscslra by T#tu*a aill a confidential Uttsr.ol In* id*te»'aaalysiag thras (1) quaaUona privately. Bin you* full asms, address, sad btrfhdate b all lett»T» and plana Include a aalt *4 dressed. STAxrcs envelope tec your reply. Write Tor.Ami* Wjuuci. bar* of Taa Palmetto Liado. 111! Ambmt Bak. CoiffHl'ft. sb Oamlbul M. X.~ I'm a minister and I this church before and the Bishop , sent im- back--again for tfit? people here-- claim- I have done more for the church than anyone else has in 40 year* before. Now the people will not pay their conference claim this year.attti I" v. c ni to know if I should stay? Answer -A change right now " WOUld Not be ad visible. Wai I a t Ic-ast until after conference nr-ets anil then make up your mind. In the meantime . . _ get the ladies together and have them sponsor various dinner* at the church to be sold at a small sum and put on some kind of ralTy to raise cash . .'. this also will have a ten dency to make people take more interest in the church and I am sure you will benefit from it loo .K. T. v..1 ant In love with~?r boy that is in the (\ t'am'p. lie vt-iy tiTe?4ai d manerable to mo I believe he Ibves me because he I tils t.sked to marry me an,| I promised him I would. l)p you think we should marry soon? . .. Answer.Put i-f oft" for at least another year or more. You are now a junior in school and, it will be well to wait until you are thru school to marry. I also feel t'ta* von- owe--your.^mrt-nt^ it little help. They ore in bad circumstances right now, work awhile mid Hintrihrrte opart nf yout* ini come td them. With vour help. they can get on their feet in anoty-, -tr -year. C. S..I am up~nbrih right ' anil I intend to go to Camden the i.middle of next month and I want J*j to know if I should make the change or not? What should I do about my wife? Answer.Your chances for better employment wil be much greater in Camden than they are where you are at present . ..».n^. niaky,,th>' change.- Ve»u won't tout it very hard to get a job . . . you know tlie > iglo w!<y _tm4.w<»rk so begin making unn seaich when" you get there.. Vn'nd.for your wife just us soon a* you get regular work. She isn't contented in the south alone but she would be happy to join you in Camden. L. M.- My husband is always He ha-n'1shown that lie loves l et but you see them in the same cire'e a 1! 'In time. Tell lilt- if lie cares for her? Can I wriite to-you-|.r;-" \-.rteiv-? 1 want to get my A»tTV>logy Reading too. Answer He has "sport dig ideas'" but hasn't made the grade »! \et. I a ill siii-f.that if lull i. . ^t- in -i liii-e to *aay ;iw;iv tioiu t!)< -< young Vtrl*, lit* Would (Id Ki, (lit ttllt molt,- often with him yourself and lit- won't he 'OtPe S" 11 e>11 e > S. Send 2ac for your Astrulotfy Ilea*!' He Mil' t(V" sellij your hirtild.te. lull name, and iorreetaddr. Voii may u>k three question^ and 1 will be glad to anal.VM' them. V. Ih- I'm looking foi a job I'm tat. the majority of people dp noj liku- fat people. I have T~ good education and, tery rjualiI eoff ictni'iwl WP A 51 Mil waiting for assignment. Will 1 y e t w'ork ? Answer.Yes. Keg])" registering1 at the agencies,'rim "ads "Tn the" paper over the week ends ard voe will .find something within the IllrX t.£ew_we,e-k^ -People--don't -object too much to fat people. Fat people can be just as attractive as thin folks provided they are neat in their habits.. Show less concern about your weiydu. try harder to find work and you ' will make a contact. S. T. M.. Please tell me why my husband'*, people seem.secold tow;.id me here of late? Answer.Some time ago you acted, like you wanted tn "eat them up" you were so good and kind to them. When you stop ped showing them attention, they took it for granted you were pout ing with then). Your husband'.people aren't very demonstrative in their affection for their own rim.j urn nii'v .in' uiihhi'i' hi i.'.'ii iini y«»u. ALSTON IIKill ANNCAI. Li. EL CLUB MUSICAL Thf. Alston high school glee club nudei-ed its anfftiul musical program Wednesday May 21st in the school auditorium, before a VargC* and highly appreciative audience. The club consist of thirty talented young boys and girls. This group shows great interest in evei v nhast. of musical activity. A- lohg with their instructors started out In September, 1040 with a determined interest to put over a beneficial and history making program. And its with great J5rid« find pteftsUfe that w,, say we believe we accomplished our aim. The high schpol department ren dered its annual play Monday evening May Z0 Kicked Out of College. Each participant took off NYA Youth Workers S< Examined .. T< Washington. D C.. May floth. Nine out of every teri young peo- "ptc em ployed oif.fhe National Youth Administration o u t-o f- v school work program appear to bo g suffering from 'health defects u most of which can be remedied by ^ t proper care, according to a pre ttmthttry lepuifr un inudlftfl exam no(J inations of NYA youth workers ^ published today bv the Journal of |rrf the American Medical association ( This, report is irasech on the~Te- ''*8 suits of medical examinations of ^e-v 10,000 young men and women em * ployed on the NYA out-of-sc oo) program in 21 states. These ex aminatioijs were made _liy -Uncialpracticing physicians and dentist* . as part of the nation-wide health slKf program of the NYA which is de- mo! signed to improve the health and tra' build up the physical fitness of youth Workers. Complete pfrysn" ^ cal examinations are being gjver. ^ to all the .'185.000 young men und .^ women employed on the NYA out of sdhool work projects. - . tint One of the most significant re-, reg suits of these examinations is tin wh< revelation that one out of every sin< four of the youth examined report wis "d they had never been to a .l.-mlm .era! and 18 percent reported they had T never been to a physician. More than half'of the P-tal cotv number examined. 5G per cent, giv« were bi need of dental care Ten of |m*i inn hum it*n iy uiiriy lit* c.iyc pwu teeth, according to the Journal of the American Medical associat on Refraction of the eyes \vas recommended for 15 percent and a- nother 15 percent were in iwed of ^te] [tonsil Telnov; 1, Special-<T7els were ('aV rcommeuded for- 10 percent- and Prei minor surgery for d percent! suni Recommendations for vener al by ; [treatment were necessary for only 2 percent of thase examined, H ok ?rai worm treatment and major sugery ant* such as hernia repair, were ice- by ommended" for only 2 percent. Tht w'tr jsouthern states show a^ higher" ra tion of treatment necessary fo: Que hookworm disease ar*l hookworm f?i'a< infestation, with recommendation- Gra rmade for 5 percent of the youth Ead examined in these states. sixt Five per cent of those examined E. 1 ar described as being null-nourish Brai ed and 2 percent had orga lie anc^ heart *. aud It would appear from the re- G ports available on these ten thoas- ca^a and examinations that approxUl-the mutely hO percent of the young timi people_employcd bv-NYft r"y was i.»r iinj" type of work with nine out thei of every ten having Jyeult.h <}e- serr fect> which'ian he rem«-H...l.(l,-o vided suitable tie a tmntLs made a. -the callable, reports -the Journal ol 'n t the American Medical association was The NYA is not merely concern clul d with finding physical defects lor. but in working out plans whereby P youth nitty receive proper treat ver; ment. "One of the main contribu <'a,t lions of the NYA in obtaining «*d 1 treatment for young people who ''ite need it has been the payment o' "Seht a wag to its youth employees, erci which has enabled many to pay ifmj the cost of medical and denta' nior tare. NYA lias placed m-any Ola: young people with Ma> ticing physicians and dentists ami proj has encouraged special private at tl°n ranveinetits 'between the youth Ohu utd the physician for.,-defraying hYfc: the costs of professional services. ,no Where public or private clinics ex has beetv possible to facilitatfc ac cess to these agencies for a sizable group of young people." <ays the Journal of the American Medical association. Bv enabling these young.tre&<_ _c 7Tte on the NYA out-of school ,lsu work program to become physical the lv-fit tlv National Youth Admin- the stration is hrd^hng them. along Moi with the work experience they are .a receiving' on projects, to -find jobs day in private industry. T i TTie NYA health program is be- SOu ing carried out in cooperation with 'pp the United States Health Service thy State Health Departmertnients fv\> St^ate Medical societies and "State ion Dental asociations throughout the r01 country. ser . Pri his part well. The audience* was ^ -kept.laughing..Everybody enjoy- J£ls ed the play. Mr The senior class will render itV "dass day exercise Friday. On sun I day at 4 o'clock the annual ser- Sid mon will ht^-preached by the Rev. pel T. E. Beard of Charleston and the J.ui followin Monday night the com- wel mencement exercise will bo held. !y The address will be delivered hv T Mr. J. P. C larrick, acting presid nt of Morris college, Sumter.- BE .. - HO lOSEY CHAPEL METHODIST (JU'RCjl 1 enc ^r*nTTs^ con tian Service, sponsored a program -el that will live forever in the com- C., mnnity. At 4:30 o'clock the peo- ing nle of Bethany Baptist and Wes- Toi ley Methodist churches came up in I larg(. numbers. Mr. E H. Segars to < white) businessman of Lamat tioi "ave all the people.a free trip. We tioi -lo not have words to express oui ins thanks to Mr. Segars for his k ml od? way of showing the community his tor nterest in the program of the in hurch. The choir was composed enf .of pcopV of both ehui*eb<*«er The net nastor pave the devotional talk sec from the subject Cod Seeking ed Man's Whereabouts. Bro. E. J. Ch Tetfery Supt. S. S. Wesley church r milU>- a very fine talk. Bro. C. Me- for Tmugh. Su|*t. S. S. Bethany Bapt. ing church brought greetings. Messrs L. C. M. Mixon, N, G. Coodson made Ch very outstanding remarks regard- doi ing the church progrnm. The J. Harmonizing Four Ringers sang hot I several stirring numbers every- of one enfjoyed. vin . THE elective Service Syster > Conduct Registratto Vashington, D. C., May 28th. L ^Titration on July 1 of young t n eligible for military training r not heretofore registered will i. conducted solely _by .Selective d vice loctl boards in their head.rters or in public places desig- f ed by them, National Headquai t ;. wi'Viee Byntem an^- -c need today. J lid of agencies outside the Se- d ivp Service urganlaatlon 1*» not ected to be required, accord- r to Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hers- r , deputy director of Selective o vice. l< ilthough on October 16, 1940, u he .first registration day.many f sons-and organizations outside a Selective Service System as- w ed in the task of enrolling t re than 16,000,000 potential a inees, National Headquarters is tain that the second registry | i can be conducted satisfacto- * by the System itself. d >ocal boards which were in a U te of organization o.. Octobei t< are now functioning in a vou? manner, and should be able to h ister the 750,000 young men l< ) have become 2.1 years old tl :e October 16 and are other b e eligible for registration, Gen- f< I JTershey said. T 11 he Deputy Director asserted c< When the first reistration was tj ducted 'last October we were | .'ti the whole-hearted assistance tl various persons ami agencies, b lie and private, outside the Se- 9 ST. STEPHEN'S FINALS j~ he Closing exercises of the St. phen high school, began on Fri , May 16, with the first grade's I >entation the operetta Mid' I n imer Eve, whic^ was directed 0, Mrs. G. N. Boone end Miss R. Woods. Following this proin were The Spirit of Spring Elso, the Runaway, presentetT |0 the second and third grades l Mesdames C. F. Croker and s r. Wilson as directresses; The w en's Choice, fourth and fifth ui i#s directed by Rev. F. H <ri nt and Miss F. L. Taylor; The w y .in Greerw and The Reward, hi h grade, directed by Mis« R. Saunders. All of these pro- (j ns were very largely attended t| enjoyed by parents, children ,. friends. 0, n Sunday afternoon, the Bac rr ureate exercises were held in i< school auditorium at which ; the Baccalaureate sermon ^ (kl'vereii .hy Jtev,..3auX...Sm^ of -Bummerville, S. ~C. " TTIs- i non was very inspirational and j nod to have impie.ssi'd not ()llly 75 graduates but everyone seated \ he crowded auditorium. Music }j furnished by the school's glee ). directed by Miss F. L, Thy Sj rofessor W. H. Swinton was vi y proud of the large atten-7 si ce-on-this occasion and thank- ,v :he community at large for its U rest in the activities of the aj Other commencement ex- w ses were May 28, high school w r Flying Feathers. Thursday <1 ning at 10:30 a.m. May 29 the >s Day exercises ana on r riaay ; 30, the final commencement 01 gram. The Rev. R. E, Brog- d; pastor of Emmanuel A.M.E. V irch, Charleston, S. C., will de- 'l r the address to the graduate class. Music bv the glee club w _.. V APPF.M.E STATION h M. E. CHUfcCH u ri Rev. E. R. Robinson, Pastor s ilmvjl vucifad »l i.he^ '' al hour with the officers at ir pout"? °f duty. Subject of c lesson Broadening Christian u rizons; the Antioch Movement. c largt^ number, visited the Sun- school. j tt 11:the pastor preacbeTI a ' 1 stirring sermon from I King t , For who is able to judge this s so ,great a people. Quite a t ' partook of the Holy- Commaa.p . Agaih at 8 o'clock Rev. ? sinson preached a wonderful v mon from (Jen. 2:17, subject A 0 ce for the Ransom. p Ve regrpt. much that M:se -p ie Sullivan is ill at her home, t s. Bolton is taking her place t the piamr while she is absent.' I ney Park will preach at Chap- Ie Station, Wednesday evening, ie 11 at 8 o'clock. Visitors are J Icome at all times, but especial- 8 welcome on this night. c lead The Palmetto Leader. r » C A I'FORT DISTRICT CONF. s iLDS ANNUAL SESSION j i rhe Beailfort District Confer- t TjXLthf' rSoiith Carolina Annual ^ \fvvenc^met May 22-23, in Beth ( A.M.E. church, at Wiggins, S. < with Dr. I. W. Wilborn, t>resid- , elder, presiding; Rev. J. O. j mson, entertaining pastor. i Ministers and delegates rallied ( the cause of Christian educa- ] n. I)r. Wilborn in his introduc ] n made the meetin peaeeiui arid pirational by his logical methi and lovable ruling. The pasand members were generous their reception to the conferee. Rev. Julius Holman of Gar t, Mt. Ziori station was elected retary.. Sermons were deliverby Revs. J. P Fuller, Geo. H. aplin and T. D. Tingman. rhe following visited tfhe conenee: Drs. J. E. Beard, presid: elder of the Edisto district; "L. Farmer the presiding elder of arleston district; R. E. Brogt pastor of Emmanuel church W. Murph, pastor of Mt. Zion :h of Charleston. Revs. Polity the Baptist church; W. G. Gari of the C.M.E. ehurdi and Dar I i-l'-- ) PALMETTO LEADER n Local Boards n Tuesday, July 1st ective Service System. Withou heir assistance we could not hav egistered some 16,000,lX)0 potent al traipses with tfhe minimum o lifficulty- w«.^encountered.'' "We are everlastingly gratefu or their help but are certain tha he_ local hoards will bo able -t< onduct the seibnu registration or uly 1, us ordered by the Presi ent." Under £Hi present program ol egistration local boards will en oil the young men at the offices f the boards. In the event thai jcal board Headquarters are sitated so that it would be difficull or__nien_.required to register tc ppear, local board dhairmen may nth the consent of State Direcors of Selective Service, select dditional placs of registration. While full details of plans f<i* egistration were nearing eompleion at National Headquarters to ay, General Hershey sent the fo1 iiidng .telegram to State Direears: "The second registration to be eld July 1 will be conducteo by )cal boards. It is not expected hat outside voluntary help wll e inquired. Suggest that yoi^im arm local boards in_your state ac aat arrangements can be quickly ampleted Jwhen further instrnc. ons have been issued." As announcd by the President le registration will be conducted etween theTTours of ? a.m. and p.m. FAITH Ft>17 TOMORROWBy Ruth Ta>'lor In this day of crisL, when pessilisrh hangs like a murky pall /er s0 much ok our daily life and > behooves us t 1 op rnd consider.not the .tribuitiona of the moment -but ^the ng range view of eternity. Is this overwhelming thing that happening to us a calamity hieh is.ours alnrV to face'. u1 e we gfiing through one of tin t-eat cycles of history throough hich countless "others before us tve passed? Whatevei it is, .ve should in me of trouble get back to first lings and contemplate the eteril goodness. In Whittier's i this subject Ik- states his faith ius: v..» ;~ uU. i i: x i i, in ,-vur iiuiiKiiii^ iiU'jZf ui things, nd tossed by storm and flood 0-^m4rd"t*ed"ti'iiM iny spirit CttTi^sT know that (Jod is good. know not'What lht» fiitm-n liuth f marvel 01 surprise ssured alone, that life (,r death is mercy underlies." If we hold fast to this we can Yea, though I walk through the alley of the shadow of death, I aall fear no evil, for Thou rrt itli me. Thy rod and Thy staff ley comfort me.'. Once we can rrive .at this state of trust, then e are able to face alL.problem-, ith" the proper courage ami pel jective. And above all, we ,ati go about Llr daily lite-, and carry 011 uui oily tasks as we should with igh morale and even with a modium ol" happiness. We have uudi.for which to he 'thankful he rest of the world has teen 'ar for nearly two long...wears, re have-had.peace aj home. We ave free sppeeh, ncensored discussion, and nil the ights guaranteed under the Contitution. We have a chance to we and work and learn accordig to our .talents. Yes, we must face the grave onditions confronting us. Bui re must "ot darken our lives b\ onstant harping on our trouble* -we must face them and cdhfin e to live av- normal people;_grat<ul for our blessings; enjoying all he good things of life that an till ours; doing our daily task.o the best,of our ability: work rrg~Y6"tde7p "others in every way wi an; trying to make the "penph re live or work with happier foi ur presence.and, having seen the irogress that has been made it hiT^past decades, with faith foi omorrow because we put oui mat in the Fternwl finndni.*-> lie he final outcome. Mitchell of the M.E. church. The\ ill addressed the conference it hoice words. The following tamed read papers on subjects ai dgned them: 'Revs. G. W. Gilli ion, Financial Ability <?f the Peo >le Throughout the District; Jul us Holman, The Means Necessar o make the Churches More Pros nit am fill'ui ill Al.iLun, Till' 'HUM Condition of the People Through tut the District, J. I. Haniiltoi tnd Mrs. ZE. Primus. Mi'ssioi tnd the Missionary Cause as Rep esented by the AME Churdh. J D. Johnson. What thd People ar Doing for Mission Wm. McBruwi Does True Religion Consist o Feeling ifnd Emotion or is it ai \ct of Practical Duty? I. ' W iVhite, The Spiritual Condition o :he Churches; P. J. Hammitt, I) :he Public School System mee Jie Primary Needs of the Day 3. A. Brown The Condition of th Public Schools; M'.'T. Tolbert, Th VfnsV PrnhoKU -t . wwwLfir mcoillll^ ill I'j f 111 c dans 4:5. These papers were dis :us*ed and borP commendation b :he conference. The conference was well attend *d by- trhe^ laymen of thP" commun ty. > The Beaufort district is glidir.i ilong joyously under the brothei ly leadership of the presiding el ler. J. I, Hamilton, Reportei W. J A National Health Rel< National Medical Asso t--~ (JOCRDINE CIRCUIT NEWS e (Mrs.) Ellen A. Barr, Reporter Mi.8. SbT5"Blifoixl was born in 1 Williamsburg: county, Lanes, S.C. ' to Mr. Henry and JVlrru -Flora" £ "RfabPTr-v. Kh«*» notwcftrH in > Jerusalem A. M. E. church and was an active member of the I)., ich,.Later she beennie.the f wife of Mr. Marion Buford. They vorked haul together, i On May 12th she became dest jqratel,v_ ill uud on- May 24th she departed her life at 4 o'clock at t ier home. > She was a Christian lady and will be greatly missed in hei home hurch and community. She leaves to mourn: her husband, Mr. Million Bi^ford; four sons, two dtAighU'fs, a mother, ^ Mrs. E. Bliikrley """ MduCohen all of lames. Servant of God well done. = from' thy love employ, The battle frrnght. the victory won Enter thy .Master's joy..Funeral services were held rt Jerusalem A. M. E. church SunI day afternoon, 4 o'clock. The pro . r.n V.. ...V. r fmil Wiirs,. us iwiiu»>. i* 11 >t in um l«1. 11ned-4>y.Kt-vy-lUr""^ J. MoTC lett; prayer, Rev. Weldon McDonald; second hymn 485 lined by Rev. John- Kilty; scriptlll'e lesson"" the HOth Psalms read by Rev. D. S. Fvani;; ypmnrlts, hrrrg Mil ford: music, I nn 'ijnnking of « Friend, Whom I l'se<r^o Know; >bituary, Mr. W. M. Brown; solo. Catherine Williams, He'll Understand and say Well Done; resolution from the Y. M. ami Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Catherine William; Rev. C. S. J. Mollett took his-terrD 'rom the 11th chapter of Paul's ( Letter to the Hebrews. Gth verse, Recessional. Interment in .Jem- salem cemetery. j TRINITY C. M. F. CHURCH , The revival services hive just j closed at Trinity church under tie.; ruder ship Mf the-pastor. Forsorrrc ; Jme .this 1 church '>av. '-been in a . ery delapii'ated condition, tut to j av it is the center of attraction all who pass that way. The impossible thing has been 'done. ( "nd the church is beginning to ake on new life.. * During the revival meeting : ign of a gre t church was d»- \ .ncnv/iil thi-iiixrh the iiiH if the friend^ amoi g those that played leading .parts during <lv -oTvirey wrv- t ht'" Rrvsv.f: t':mi '"1- lough of Sidney Pari? FT \t:.H. _ inii i-h Wi-'.. it... t >t » = ;hurch; Rev. Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Hihton, Rev. Mrs. Mille.dge and lie paster of the Holiness ehureli !'i-e Pi a ver Rand of Sidney Park r Rj.nd and the choir of 'the A Vf. K. /.ion church, and others A'eie responsible l'or a great p ot >f our success in ooui attempt. .The 'church seenr to be in* imi. h vith the spirit, the present* of the spirit W4o>.felt dn-rioy^-trhesc* see- vices. Sunday. .lire 1st, was. a great, 'ay at the church. \| I! o'clock the pastor culled the churcli t* get her and the young people an. friends in order to oreatrbse tin hut eli school and that tiotir -aniii I t the leading pejijtle of.lh'1 churchy iif.( Iht't section of ilie city ro*o* 'o clvur"h__tu meet the it-quest of their leader,.numbering forty ot core. church school \vas organized ai follows;- Mr. Benjamin Boozer -h'.pt.; Mrs. Daisy Vokley. assis tai'y Mis.s Lillian Rice, assisant; Treasurer, Rev. Mrs. Mi! ledge; Librarian. Miss Carry Mil dye. Church school teachers Miss Annie Kdn., Martin, Mis>_ Mary Milledgc. The school will i- meet at M:ftt n.m. each Simda~\ afternoon, Rev. "JITS^M. lUassingame, patoi \kh:nt am.jve A. M. E. (BIRCH Rev. I\ R, Brooks, I'astor 1 Stmrhty heiiyt' a li <?t s unday atul.a-lovely day many were seen &oing to church. The Siir.da\ school wrii opened by the assrs_ .ant Stipr.. Mr Fogol..After the Sunday school the pastor deiiver' ed a wohdertul message which by the expressions given were en joy' ed by everyone present. ' At GdlO the A. C E. League me: ' witp M rs tUown president' presiding. The lesson was well iscusse d comments by the pastor. A little rally was had for theLeague and a neat sum \vas 1 </ ized. The League is doing nicely T" ^^^^^^THocl^iinother riicss: go was delivered by the pastor ai.d ri was a masfcrpic. e. Conic to All. 1 * i )uvr, you arv uou-oriu*. r Baltimore ml. mays a f By (Mrs.) I uiise (1. D-.u^lass n Regale*- service,, and Sunday f school were held Sunday at ii n:oo p.m. me i.oid s >'upni i v t served with sermon hy II- v. 1'e.o p On sick tist are Rev. Marshall p Flowers, Mr. Roosevelt I loath. - Mr. Hill, Rev. Netil, Mrs. I'eiiny Jones, Mrs. Lulu 1'. Boons who is y nhle to he out of the hospital. Mr. Alexander M. (tore, Jr., is |- out of rdult school now where lu>^has made good at Ilouglass high 'school f'H months. t g I Mrs. A<'nes ('. F.well is sick at 1013 Bradlet Ave. 1- Mrs. Douglass had..fQr..bor,gueHt.t iTfrs. Ttaisy Mae Hertth. r Mrs. Kwell had for her g\iests ease From The ciation The- National Medical association says that you must mix love with science in these days if you wish to get married in most of the.-sta.tas.of -the Union. In the old days lovers simply went to the jelgrk, got the license, were married, and began life together! reared a family, and took a place in society. But now, the states are saying, "see your doetor'r to see if you" are physically fit foi marriage and if your possible children will come into the world with an even break to\wards not being blind, infirmed in outh, and a constant charge against somebody's pocketbook. Here is what the law wrysr Your doctor must give yoij a blood test to show you are not disturbed by potential venereal disqase. After the test is certified, blanks filled out, and the state department thru yuur physician says you are all right for marriage, your dortoi ill give you n cei tifirHTtfln~T6"~U"m Marriage Bureau, then comes the license and you may live happily "forever afterward". What if you decide to go to a nothe.r state to marry so a^. to avoid the law. T.nvpre mo-ir fin.l it necessary to go somedistawe foi twentv-two states says "REE YOUR DOCTOR" first. These^ s-1:it< n t"hi)'p almost aefoss th<? continent calls the law J-heFliEMARITA-ETEST. After this test, the contracting parties have time, ranging from fifteen to forty days, to get married or find themselves under the compulsion to have to start the process all over again. The reason for this disturbance, to the love, affairs-, of the perpltri of the land is the fearful spread :>f venereal disease talcing its year Iv toll of over 25,000 babies nd infecting over 00,000 which may be born alive. The ivtate of the world today as to nations, is more and move requiring physical fitaess of its citizens to prevent rlindhess. '"vattdnrm-i a "soft" couth life, ancl a population fit foi action in these days of "stress and strain". Venereal diseases have so filled insane asylums.end nstitutions that the National Med ical association 'bets found it ne?essary to put its resources- behind the family life of the people t o protect the youth from destroying itself in its mad flieht to flap rltar for purpose of wedlock. Committee: A. N. Vaughn, M.D president; D. W. Byrd, M.D.. chairman- F D-Rurlio M B., sec-letary. ' Rat rihiv Mrs. Douglass and Mr. \ W. W: .-hint!ton. M»<. MaibTiilene McCendon had 'or her dinner guests her aunt, Mrs. Ell t Belle and friend MrsMargaret Andrews who enjoyed a lelwdoes dirrnorT "TTTHTvAVKT.TTfH I IK I! NEWS Rev. 15, W. Williams, Pastor Rerv :.i'« « v. < re tenr'ed ~v nday 1>y wisitois tan.l fries ds -'unday school lesson was int'er stingly and timely taught by the teachers.' Many practical illus rations were given anil applied every dav needs. Out humble servant thru the (. .vi i of (J0(1 spoke to his ccngrc-;t»ttori from Hebrews 10:2.'!. O.ur .e_a rt s hit rued a* lie" delivered the message* lie_\vas--s^-- his best-orr Sundav. M ay^God richest.blessings r<st upon brm-;.A.nirm±>or>f visitors"worshiped with us. Anong them were the pastor's won 'erfil choir and members fron:St. Paul Baptist church. JJewberry \\ e A err dttightoir to have tKem. !::> carts" were indeed lifted up o lear stub a nice group of young people sing so beautifully, with 'Mof. Jiiegins, leader. We were very, very nnn-frplcasFTf aTid hcrpe hev will <onn eome again. Lunch was served on the ground. The nastor reported a grand trip front he state convention. nuTm-fi. 7\. m. e. church Rev. Wm. .lacksoi,. Paster ArcUP tinnnville. S. ( ..We are happy ftlir Supt. has'recovered and through our blessed Saviour, our ^nnL is able to have a wonderful ?! Si At 11 * o'clock just before servic e xbti-nuuubav.... of Bethel hrad" .r wonderful prayer meeting. Our humble servant delivered to us the message from the subject Look Mir to Jests. Hebrew, 12:2. He olainly illustrated many things -toiy+mr TrteTr runT women and by so doing many of us who were t ot n the right road may accept Jesus us a, personal Saviour. At S o'elock lie aljf,, lifted the name of ''hrist to hi, pf'bple from Eph. bth (jiiiipter. VI1' Ule sLill TTrfumig for the sick. , PINCKNEY'S F1 i \ DELIAK KR AND I OF SOUTH CAROL! Saturday, June 7, 1941 PROFESSION A f; CARDS # _j. .DR. H. H. COOPER DKVfJST Special Attention (liven to Diseases of the Gums -Gold Crown.and Bridge Wofli A Specialty Office Phone 6429 Kes. 8261 1125 Washingtor St.. C«»»a. S C. Office Hours: Telephones: #:S0 A.M. tc 7:00 P.M. Office 6033 Residence 8873 Dr. D. K. Jenkins DENTIST Fillings, Plates, Crowns, Bridges Anesthesia a Specialty DR. J. G. STUART * Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fittsd Accurately Office Hours * Telephones 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Res. 4692 M 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. Office 3798 V' Office Resident* 2030 Tavlor St IM47 Pine St REV. J. H. JOHNSON NOTARY PUBLIC Office 2029 Marion Street Dealer in Real Estate, perform* Marriage Ceremuniea, writes Willi Deeds, Mortgages, Claims, etc, Call to See Hint L AOK FOR /jl I MENTHO t'i | HULSION frjr COUGHS FROM COLDS^M ^ THAI WON T TURN LOOSE V TAKE ONE SIP OF MEMTHO-MULSION WAIT Fnt MINUTES * YOU FAIL TO GET EXPECTED RELIEF M al Tax FOR YO*JR MONEY SACK J J SOLD BY DRUGGISTS a EVERYWHERE « ^ For Dressmaking and Alteration# of all kinds, including the Helming * of COATS .see. Miss Laney Kenneriey A Specialty Ib made of School 01 Print Dresses. Work Neatlv Done 1203 PINE ST. MADAM PETER'S HAIR GROWER * For Diseased Scalp . Gives Ufa and Beauty. BEST GROWER. Apply once a week.Price 35c. 1906 Blanding St., Colombia, S. C. Counts Driy? Store, Washington St., Thomas Drug Store, Tayloi slid .Btrfeg Street* ONSVAY V/z cents per mile ROUND TRIP 10% less than double 1 theone way farei . Air Conditioned I CfAJirftAt 1 ON THROUGH TRAINS | ^ J. T. CO$B Division Passenger Agent .Columbia, s. C. Telephone 9231 DANTZLER BROS. SHOE REPAIR SHOP 2379 Gervais St. Columbia 9 C - PiIipr R^flfli'inable Invisible Half Soling a Specialtj >\Vork Called For and Delivered umEirtAL, Ht»MK ICENSED EM BALM ER IN A AND GEORGIA Funeral Cars and Funeral Equipment AS GOOD AS THE BEST And Better Than the Rest V . And Prices I,ess Office Phone 2-3357 Residence Phone 7765 COl KTfcSY AND SERVICE r. COLUMBIA. 8 U.

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Korw.You* quMtloa will bm uivuW"ft." la this solumn. Tot a hlTMl Imr,and lie for my now AraoLMT 1"1". 4

ttfeuT Day Csait »od rscslra by T#tu*aaill a confidential Uttsr.ol In* id*te»'aaalysiagthras (1) quaaUona privately. Binyou* full asms, address, sad btrfhdate ball lett»T» and plana Include a aalt *4dressed. STAxrcs envelope tec your reply.Write Tor.Ami* Wjuuci. bar* of TaaPalmetto Liado. 111! Ambmt Bak.CoiffHl'ft. sb Oamlbul

M. X.~ I'm a minister and I h.tdthis church before and the Bishop

, sent im- back--again for tfit? peoplehere-- claim- I have done morefor the church than anyone elsehas in 40 year* before. Now thepeople will not pay their conferenceclaim this year.attti I" v. c nito know if I should stay?

Answer -A change right now" WOUld Not be ad visible. Wai I a t

Ic-ast until after conference nr-etsanil then make up your mind. Inthe meantime . . _ get the ladiestogether and have them sponsorvarious dinner* at the church tobe sold at a small sum and puton some kind of ralTy to raisecash . .'. this also will have a tendency to make people take moreinterest in the church and I am

sure you will benefit from it loo

.K. T. v..1 ant In love with~?rboy that is in the (\ t'am'p. lie

vt-iy tiTe?4ai d manerable to moI believe he Ibves me because heI tils t.sked to marry me an,| Ipromised him I would. l)p youthink we should marry soon?

. .. Answer.Put i-f oft" for at leastanother year or more. You arenow a junior in school and, it willbe well to wait until you are thruschool to marry. I also feel t'ta*von- owe--your.^mrt-nt^ it littlehelp. They ore in bad circumstancesright now, work awhilemid Hintrihrrte opart nf yout* inicome td them. With vour help.they can get on their feet in anoty-,-tr -year.

C. S..I am up~nbrih right '

anil I intend to go to Camden thei.middle of next month and I wantJ*j to know if I should make the

change or not? What should Ido about my wife?Answer.Your chances for betteremployment wil be much

greater in Camden than they are

where you are at present .

..».n^. niaky,,th>' change.- Ve»u won't toutit very hard to get a job . . . youknow tlie > iglo w!<y _tm4.w<»rkso begin making unn seaich when"you get there.. Vn'nd.for yourwife just us soon a* you get regularwork. She isn't contented inthe south alone but she would behappy to join you in Camden.

L. M.- My husband is He ha-n'1shownthat lie loves l et but yousee them in the same cire'e a 1!'In time. Tell lilt- if lie cares forher? Can I wriite to-you-|.r;-"\-.rteiv-? 1 want to get my A»tTV>logyReading too.

Answer He has "sport digideas'" but hasn't made the grade»! \et. I a ill siii-f.that if lull

i. . ^t- in -i liii-eto *aay ;iw;iv tioiu t!)< -< youngVtrl*, lit* Would (Id Ki, (lit ttlltmolt,- often with him yourself andlit- won't he 'OtPe S" 11 e>11 e > S. Send2ac for your Astrulotfy Ilea*!'He Mil' t(V" sellij your hirtild.te.lull name, and iorreetaddr.Voii may u>k three question^ and1 will be glad to anal.VM' them.

V. Ih- I'm looking foi a jobI'm tat. the majority of peopledp noj liku- fat people. I have T~

good education and, tery rjualiIeoff ictni'iwl WP A 51 Milwaiting for assignment. Will 1y e t w'ork ?

Answer.Yes. Keg])" registering1at the agencies,'rim "ads "Tn the"paper over the week ends ard voe

will .find something within theIllrXt.£ew_we,e-k^ -People--don't -objecttoo much to fat people. Fatpeople can be just as attractiveas thin folks provided they are

neat in their habits.. Show lessconcern about your weiydu.try harder to find work and you

' will make a contact.

S. T. M.. Please tell me whymy husband'*, people seem.secoldtow;.id me here of late?Answer.Some time ago you

acted, like you wanted tn "eatthem up" you were so good andkind to them. When you stopped showing them attention, theytook it for granted you were pouting with then). Your husband'.peoplearen't very demonstrativein their affection for their own

rim.j urn nii'v .in' uiihhi'i' hi i.'.'iiiini y«»u.


Thf. Alston high school glee clubnudei-ed its anfftiul musical programWednesday May 21st in theschool auditorium, before a VargC*and highly appreciative audience.The club consist of thirty talentedyoung boys and girls. This

group shows great interest in eveiv nhast. of musical activity. A-lohg with their instructors startedout In September, 1040 with adetermined interest to put over a

beneficial and history making program.And its with great J5rid«find pteftsUfe that w,, say we believewe accomplished our aim.The high schpol department ren

dered its annual play Monday eveningMay Z0 Kicked Out of College.Each participant took off

NYA Youth Workers S<Examined.. T<

Washington. D C.. May floth.

Nine out of every teri young peo-"ptc em ployed oif.fhe NationalYouth Administration o u t-o f- v

school work program appear to bo gsuffering from 'health defects umost of which can be remedied by ^ tproper care, according to a pre

ttmthttry lepuifr un inudlftfl exam no(Jinations of NYA youth workers ^published today bv the Journal of |rrfthe American Medical association


This, report is irasech on the~Te- ''*8suits of medical examinations of ^e-v10,000 young men and women em *

ployed on the NYA out-of-sc oo)program in 21 states. These ex

aminatioijs were made _liy -Uncialpracticingphysicians and dentist* .

as part of the nation-wide health slKfprogram of the NYA which is de- mo!signed to improve the health and tra'

build up the physical fitness ofyouth Workers. Complete pfrysn" ^cal examinations are being gjver. ^to all the .'185.000 young men und .^women employed on the NYA outof sdhool work projects. -


tintOne of the most significant re-, reg

suits of these examinations is tin wh<revelation that one out of every sin<four of the youth examined report wis"d they had never been to a .l.-mlm .era!and 18 percent reported they had Tnever been to a physician.More than half'of the P-tal cotv

number examined. 5G per cent, giv«were bi need of dental care Ten of|m*i inn hum it*n iy uiiriy lit*c.iyc pwuteeth, according to the Journal ofthe American Medical associat on

Refraction of the eyes \vas recommendedfor 15 percent and a-nother 15 percent were in iwed of ^te][tonsil Telnov; 1, Special-<T7els were ('aVrcommeuded for- 10 percent- and Preiminor surgery for d percent! suni

Recommendations for vener al by ;[treatment were necessary for only2 percent of thase examined, H ok ?raiworm treatment and major sugery ant*such as hernia repair, were ice- byommended" for only 2 percent. Tht w'tr

jsouthern states show a^ higher" ration of treatment necessary fo: Quehookworm disease ar*l hookworm f?i'a<infestation, with recommendation- Grarmade for 5 percent of the youth Eadexamined in these states. sixt

Five per cent of those examined E. 1ar described as being null-nourish Braied and 2 percent had orga lie anc^heart *. aud

It would appear from the re- Gports available on these ten thoas- ca^aand examinations that approxUl-themutely hO percent of the young timipeople_employcd bv-NYft r"y wasi.»r iinj" type of work with nine out theiof every ten having Jyeult.h <}e- serrfect> which'ian he rem«-H...l.(l,-ovided suitable tie atmntLs made a. -thecallable, reports -the Journal ol 'n tthe American Medical association wasThe NYA is not merely concern clul

d with finding physical defects lor.but in working out plans whereby Pyouth nitty receive proper treat ver;ment. "One of the main contribu <'a,tlions of the NYA in obtaining «*d 1treatment for young people who ''iteneed it has been the payment o' "Sehta wag to its youth employees, erciwhich has enabled many to pay ifmjthe cost of medical and denta' niortare. NYA lias placed m-any Ola:young people with Ma>ticing physicians and dentists ami projhas encouraged special private at tl°nranveinetits 'between the youth Ohuutd the physician for.,-defraying hYfc:the costs of professional services. ,noWhere public or private clinics has beetv possible to facilitatfcac cess to these agencies for asizable group of young people."<ays the Journal of the AmericanMedical association.Bv enabling these young.tre&<_ _c

7Tte on the NYA out-of school ,lsuwork program to become physical thelv-fit tlv National Youth Admin- thestration is hrd^hng them. along Moiwith the work experience they are .areceiving' on projects, to -find jobs dayin private industry. Ti

TTie NYA health program is be- SOuing carried out in cooperation with 'ppthe United States Health Service thyState Health Departmertnients fv\>St^ate Medical societies and "State ionDental asociations throughout the r01country. ser

. Prihis part well. The audience* was ^-kept.laughing..Everybody enjoy- J£lsed the play. MrThe senior class will render itV

"dass day exercise Friday. On sun Iday at 4 o'clock the annual ser- Sidmon will ht^-preached by the Rev. pelT. E. Beard of Charleston and the J.uifollowin Monday night the com- welmencement exercise will bo held. !yThe address will be delivered hv TMr. J. P. Clarrick, acting presid ntof Morris college, Sumter.- BE


enc^r*nTTs^ contian Service, sponsored a program -elthat will live forever in the com- C.,mnnity. At 4:30 o'clock the peo- ingnle of Bethany Baptist and Wes- Toiley Methodist churches came up in Ilarg(. numbers. Mr. E H. Segars to< white) businessman of Lamat tioi"ave all the people.a free trip. We tioi-lo not have words to express oui insthanks to Mr. Segars for his k ml od?way of showing the community his tornterest in the program of the inhurch. The choir was composed enf

.of pcopV of both ehui*eb<*«er The netnastor pave the devotional talk secfrom the subject Cod Seeking edMan's Whereabouts. Bro. E. J. ChTetfery Supt. S. S. Wesley church r

milU>- a very fine talk. Bro. C. Me- forTmugh. Su|*t. S. S. Bethany Bapt. ingchurch brought greetings. Messrs L.C. M. Mixon, N, G. Coodson made Chvery outstanding remarks regard- doiing the church progrnm. The J.Harmonizing Four Ringers sang hot

I several stirring numbers every- ofone enfjoyed. vin


elective Service Syster> Conduct RegistrattoVashington, D. C., May 28th. L^Titration on July 1 of young tn eligible for military training r

not heretofore registered will i.conducted solely _by .Selective dvice loctl boards in their head.rtersor in public places desig- fed by them, National Headquai t

;. wi'Viee Byntem an^- -cneed today. Jlid of agencies outside the Se- divp Service urganlaatlon 1*» notected to be required, accord- r

to Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hers- r

, deputy director of Selective ovice. l<ilthough on October 16, 1940, u

he .first registration day.many fsons-and organizations outside a

Selective Service System as- w

ed in the task of enrolling tre than 16,000,000 potential a

inees, National Headquarters istain that the second registry |i can be conducted satisfacto- *

by the System itself. d>ocal boards which were in a Ute of organization o.. Octobei t<are now functioning in a vou?manner, and should be able to hister the 750,000 young men l<) have become 2.1 years old tl:e October 16 and are other be eligible for registration, Gen- f<I JTershey said. T 11he Deputy Director asserted c<When the first reistration was tjducted 'last October we were |.'ti the whole-hearted assistance tlvarious persons ami agencies, blie and private, outside the Se- 9

ST. STEPHEN'S FINALS j~he Closing exercises of the St.phen high school, began on Fri, May 16, with the first grade's I>entation the operetta Mid' I nimer Eve, whic^ was directed 0,Mrs. G. N. Boone end Miss R. C£Woods. Following this proinwere The Spirit of Spring J£Elso, the Runaway, presentetT |0

the second and third gradesl Mesdames C. F. Croker and sr. Wilson as directresses; The w

en's Choice, fourth and fifth uii#s directed by Rev. F. H <rint and Miss F. L. Taylor; The w

y .in Greerw and The Reward, hih grade, directed by Mis« R.Saunders. All of these pro- (jns were very largely attended t|enjoyed by parents, children ,.friends. 0,n Sunday afternoon, the Bac rrureate exercises were held in i<

school auditorium at which; the Baccalaureate sermon ^(kl'vereii .hyJtev,..3auX...Sm^of -Bummerville, S. ~C. " TTIs- i

non was very inspirational and jnod to have impie.ssi'd not ()llly 75graduates but everyone seated \he crowded auditorium. Music }jfurnished by the school's glee

). directed by Miss F. L, Thy Sj

rofessor W. H. Swinton was vi

y proud of the large atten-7 sice-on-this occasion and thank- ,v:he community at large for its Urest in the activities of the aj

Other commencement ex- wses were May 28, high school wr Flying Feathers. Thursday <1ning at 10:30 a.m. May 29 the>s Day exercises ana on r riaay; 30, the final commencement 01

gram. The Rev. R. E, Brog- d;pastor of Emmanuel A.M.E. V

irch, Charleston, S. C., will de- 'l

r the address to the graduateclass. Music bv the glee club


riRev. E. R. Robinson, Pastor s

ilmvjl vucifad »l i.he^''

al hour with the officers atir pout"? °f duty. Subject of c

lesson Broadening Christian u

rizons; the Antioch Movement. clargt^ number, visited the Sun-school. j

tt 11:the pastor preacbeTI a '

1 stirring sermon from I King t, For who is able to judge this s

so ,great a people. Quite a t' partook of the Holy- Commaa.p. Agaih at 8 o'clock Rev. ?sinson preached a wonderful vmon from (Jen. 2:17, subject A 0ce for the Ransom. pVe regrpt. much that M:se -pie Sullivan is ill at her home, ts. Bolton is taking her place tthe piamr while she is absent.' I

ney Park will preach at Chap-Ie Station, Wednesday evening,ie 11 at 8 o'clock. Visitors are JIcome at all times, but especial- 8

welcome on this night. c

lead The Palmetto Leader. r» C

A I'FORT DISTRICT CONF. siLDS ANNUAL SESSION jirhe Beailfort District Confer- tTjXLthf' rSoiith Carolina Annual ^\fvvenc^met May 22-23, in Beth (A.M.E. church, at Wiggins, S. <

with Dr. I. W. Wilborn, t>resid- ,

elder, presiding; Rev. J. O. j

mson, entertaining pastor. iMinisters and delegates rallied (the cause of Christian educa- ]n. I)r. Wilborn in his introduc ]n made the meetin peaeeiui arid

pirational by his logical methiand lovable ruling. The pasandmembers were generoustheir reception to the conferee.Rev. Julius Holman of Gart, Mt. Ziori station was electedretary.. Sermons were deliverbyRevs. J. P Fuller, Geo. H.aplin and T. D. Tingman.rhe following visited tfhe conenee:Drs. J. E. Beard, presid:elder of the Edisto district; "L.Farmer the presiding elder ofarleston district; R. E. Brogtpastor of Emmanuel churchW. Murph, pastor of Mt. Zion:h of Charleston. Revs. Politythe Baptist church; W. G. Gariof the C.M.E. ehurdi and Dar I

i-l'-- "»


n Local Boardsn Tuesday, July 1stective Service System. Withouheir assistance we could not havegistered some 16,000,lX)0 potental traipses with tfhe minimum o

lifficulty- w«.^encountered.''"We are everlastingly gratefu

or their help but are certain thahe_ local hoards will bo able -t<onduct the seibnu registration oruly 1, us ordered by the Presient."Under £Hi present program ol

egistration local boards will enoil the young men at the officesf the boards. In the event thaijcal board Headquarters are sitatedso that it would be difficullor__nien_.required to register tcppear, local board dhairmen maynth the consent of State Direcorsof Selective Service, selectdditional placs of registration.While full details of plans f<i*

egistration were nearing eompleionat National Headquarters toay, General Hershey sent the fo1iiidng .telegram to State Direears:"The second registration to be

eld July 1 will be conducteo by)cal boards. It is not expectedhat outside voluntary help wlle inquired. Suggest that yoi^imarm local boards in_your state acaat arrangements can be quicklyampleted Jwhen further instrnc.ons have been issued."As announcd by the President

le registration will be conductedetween theTTours of ? a.m. andp.m.FAITH Ft>17 TOMORROWByRuth Ta>'lor

In this day of crisL, when pessilisrhhangs like a murky pall/er s0 much ok our daily life and> behooves us t 1op rnd consider.not the .tribuitionaof the moment -but ^theng range view of eternity.Is this overwhelming thing thathappening to us a calamityhieh is.ours alnrV to face'.u1

e we gfiing through one of tint-eat cycles of history throoughhich countless "others before ustve passed?Whatevei it is, .ve should inme of trouble get back to firstlings and contemplate the eterilgoodness. In Whittier'si this subject Ik- states his faithius:v..» ;~ uU. i i:x i i, in ,-vur iiuiiKiiii^ iiU'jZf ui

things,nd tossed by storm and flood0-^m4rd"t*ed"ti'iiM iny spirit CttTi^sTknow that (Jod is good.know not'What lht» fiitm-n liuthf marvel 01 surprisessured alone, that life (,r deathis mercy underlies."If we hold fast to this we can

Yea, though I walk through thealley of the shadow of death, Iaall fear no evil, for Thou rrtitli me. Thy rod and Thy staffley comfort me.'. Once we can

rrive .at this state of trust, thene are able to face alL.problem-,ith" the proper courage ami peljective.

And above all, we ,ati go aboutLlr daily lite-, and carry 011 uuioily tasks as we should withigh morale and even with a modiumol" happiness. We haveuudi.for which to he 'thankfulhe rest of the world has teen'ar for nearly two long...wears,re have-had.peace aj home. Weave free sppeeh, discussion, and nil theights guaranteed under the Contitution.We have a chance towe and work and learn accordigto our .talents.Yes, we must face the grave

onditions confronting us. Buire must "ot darken our lives b\onstant harping on our trouble*-we must face them and cdhfine to live av- normal people;_grat<ulfor our blessings; enjoying allhe good things of life that antill ours; doing our daily task.othe best,of our ability: workrrg~Y6"tde7p "others in every way wi

an; trying to make the "penphre live or work with happier foiur presence.and, having seen theirogress that has been made ithiT^past decades, with faith foiomorrow because we put ouimat in the Fternwl finndni.*-> liehe final outcome.

Mitchell of the M.E. church. The\ill addressed the conference ithoice words. The followingtamed read papers on subjects ai

dgned them: 'Revs. G. W. Gilliion, Financial Ability <?f the Peo>le Throughout the District; Julus Holman, The Means Necessaro make the Churches More Prosnit am fill'ui ill Al.iLun, Till' 'HUMCondition of the People Throughtut the District, J. I. Haniiltoitnd Mrs. ZE. Primus. Mi'ssioitnd the Missionary Cause as Repesented by the AME Churdh. JD. Johnson. What thd People arDoing for Mission Wm. McBruwiDoes True Religion Consist o

Feeling ifnd Emotion or is it ai\ct of Practical Duty? I.


WiVhite, The Spiritual Condition o:he Churches; P. J. Hammitt, I):he Public School System meeJie Primary Needs of the Day3. A. Brown The Condition of thPublic Schools; M'.'T. Tolbert, ThVfnsV PrnhoKU -t

. wwwLfir mcoillll^ ill I'j f 111cdans 4:5. These papers were dis:us*ed and borP commendation b:he conference.The conference was well attend

*d by- trhe^ laymen of thP" communty. >The Beaufort district is glidir.i

ilong joyously under the brotheily leadership of the presiding eller.

J. I, Hamilton, Reportei

W.JA National Health Rel<National Medical Asso


(Mrs.) Ellen A. Barr, ReporterMi.8. SbT5"Blifoixl was born in

1 Williamsburg: county, Lanes, S.C.' to Mr. Henry and JVlrru -Flora"£ "RfabPTr-v. Kh«*» notwcftrH in> Jerusalem A. M. E. church andwas an active member of the

I)., ich,.Later she beennie.thef wife of Mr. Marion Buford. They

vorked haul together,i On May 12th she became destjqratel,v_ ill uud on- May 24th she

departed her life at 4 o'clock att ier home.> She was a Christian lady and

will be greatly missed in hei homehurch and community.She leaves to mourn: her husband,Mr. Million Bi^ford; four

sons, two dtAighU'fs, a mother,^ Mrs. E. Bliikrley """ MduCohenall of lames.

Servant of God well done.= from' thy love employ,The battle frrnght. the victory wonEnter thy .Master's joy..Funeralservices were held rtJerusalem A. M. E. church SunIday afternoon, 4 o'clock. The pro

.r.n V.. ...V.r fmil Wiirs,. us iwiiu»>. i* 11 >t in um

l«1. 11ned-4>y.Kt-vy-lUr""^ J. MoTClett;prayer, Rev. Weldon McDonald;second hymn 485 lined by

Rev. John- Kilty; scriptlll'e lesson""the HOth Psalms read by Rev. D.S. Fvani;; ypmnrlts, hrrrgMil ford: music, I nn 'ijnnking of« Friend, Whom I l'se<r^o Know;>bituary, Mr. W. M. Brown; solo.Catherine Williams, He'll Understandand say Well Done; resolutionfrom the Y. M. ami Y. W.C. A., Mrs. Catherine William;Rev. C. S. J. Mollett took his-terrD

'romthe 11th chapter of Paul's (

Letter to the Hebrews. Gth verse,Recessional. Interment in .Jem-salem cemetery. j


The revival services hive just jclosed at Trinity church under tie.;rudership Mf the-pastor. Forsorrrc ;Jme .this 1 church '>av. '-been in a .

ery delapii'ated condition, tut to jav it is the center of attraction

all who pass that way. Theimpossible thing has been 'done. ("nd the church is beginning toake on new life..


During the revival meeting :

ign of a gre t church was d»- \.ncnv/iil thi-iiixrh theiiiHif the friend^ amoi g those thatplayed leading .parts during <lv-oTvirey wrv- t ht'" Rrvsv.f: t':mi '"1-

loughof Sidney Pari? FT \t:.H. _inii i-h Wi-'.. it... t >t » =

;hurch; Rev. Mrs. Shaw. Mrs.Hihton, Rev. Mrs. Mille.dge andlie paster of the Holiness ehureli!'i-e Pi a ver Rand of Sidney Park

r Rj.nd and the choir of 'the AVf. K. /.ion church, and othersA'eie responsible l'or a great p ot

>four success in ooui attempt..The 'church seenr to be in* imi. hvith the spirit, the present* of thespirit W4o>.felt dn-rioy^-trhesc* see-

vices.Sunday. .lire 1st, was. a great,

'ay at the church. \| I! o'clockthe pastor culled the churcli t*gether and the young people an.

friends in order to oreatrbse tinhut eli school and that tiotir -aniii It the leading pejijtle of.lh'1 churchyiif.( Iht't section of ilie city ro*o*

'o clvur"h__tu meet the it-quest oftheir leader,.numbering forty ot


church school \vas organized ai

follows;- Mr. Benjamin Boozer-h'.pt.; Mrs. Daisy Vokley. assis

tai'y Mis.s Lillian Rice, assisant;Treasurer, Rev. Mrs. Mi!ledge; Librarian. Miss Carry Mildye. Church school teachers

Miss Annie Kdn., Martin, Mis>_Mary Milledgc. The school will

i- meet at M:ftt n.m. each Simda~\afternoon,Rev. "JITS^M. lUassingame, patoi

\kh:nt am.jveA.M. E. (BIRCH

Rev. I\ R, Brooks, I'astor

1 Stmrhty heiiyt' a li <?t s undayatul.a-lovely day many were seen

&oing to church. The Siir.da\school wrii opened by the assrs_.ant Stipr.. Mr Fogol..After theSunday school the pastor deiiver'ed a wohdertul message which bythe expressions given were enjoy'ed by everyone present.

' At GdlO the A. C E. League me:' witp M rs tUown president'

presiding. The lesson was welliscusse d comments by the pastor.A little rally was had for theLeagueand a neat sum \vas 1

</ized. The League is doing nicelyT" ^^^^^^THocl^iinother riicss: go

was delivered by the pastor ai.dri was a masfcrpic. e. Conic to All.

1 *i )uvr, you arv uou-oriu*.

r Baltimore ml. maysa

f By (Mrs.) I uiise (1. D-.u^lassn

Regale*- service,, and Sundayf school were held Sunday atii n:oo p.m. me i.oid s >'upni i v

t served with sermon hy II- v. 1'e.o

p On sick tist are Rev. Marshallp Flowers, Mr. Roosevelt I loath.- Mr. Hill, Rev. Netil, Mrs. I'eiinyJones, Mrs. Lulu 1'. Boons who isy nhle to he out of the hospital.

Mr. Alexander M. (tore, Jr., is|- out of rdult school now where lu>^hasmade good at Ilouglass high'school f'H months. tg I Mrs. A<'nes ('. F.well is sick at

1013 Bradlet Ave.1- Mrs. Douglass had..fQr..bor,gueHt.tiTfrs. Ttaisy Mae Hertth.r Mrs. Kwell had for her g\iests

ease From Theciation

The- National Medical associationsays that you must mix lovewith science in these days if youwish to get married in most ofthe.-sta.tas.of -the Union. In theold days lovers simply went tothe jelgrk, got the license, weremarried, and began life together!reared a family, and took a placein society. But now, the statesare saying, "see your doetor'r tosee if you" are physically fit foimarriage and if your possiblechildren will come into the worldwith an even break to\wards notbeing blind, infirmed in outh, anda constant charge against somebody'spocketbook.

Here is what the law wrysr Yourdoctor must give yoij a blood testto show you are not disturbed bypotential venereal disqase. Afterthe test is certified, blanks filledout, and the state department thruyuur physician says you are allright for marriage, your dortoi

ill give you n cei tifirHTtfln~T6"~U"mMarriage Bureau, then comes thelicense and you may live happily"forever afterward".What if you decide to go to a

nothe.r state to marry so a^. toavoid the law. T.nvpre mo-ir fin.l it

necessary to go somedistawe foitwentv-two states says "REEYOUR DOCTOR" first. These^s-1:it< n t"hi)'p almost aefossth<? continent calls the lawJ-heFliEMARITA-ETEST.After thistest, the contracting parties havetime, ranging from fifteen to fortydays, to get married or findthemselves under the compulsionto have to start the process allover again.The reason for this disturbance,

to the love, affairs-, of the perpltriof the land is the fearful spread:>f venereal disease talcing its yearIv toll of over 25,000 babies ndinfecting over 00,000 which maybe born alive. The ivtate of theworld today as to nations, is moreand move requiring physical fitaessof its citizens to preventrlindhess. '"vattdnrm-i a "soft"couth life, ancl a population fit foiaction in these days of "stressand strain". Venereal diseaseshave so filled insane asylums.endnstitutions that the National Medical association 'bets found it ne?essaryto put its resources- behindthe family life of the people t oprotect the youth from destroyingitself in its mad flieht to flaprltar for purpose of wedlock.Committee: A. N. Vaughn, M.D

president; D. W. Byrd, M.D..chairman- F D-Rurlio M B., sec-letary.'

Rat rihiv Mrs. Douglass and Mr.\ W. W: .-hint!ton.M»<. MaibTiilene McCendon had

'or her dinner guests her aunt,Mrs. Ell t Belle and friend MrsMargaretAndrews who enjoyed alelwdoes dirrnorT

"TTTHTvAVKT.TTfH I IK I! NEWSRev. 15, W. Williams, Pastor

Rerv :.i'« « v. < re tenr'ed~v nday 1>y wisitois tan.l fries ds-'unday school lesson was int'er

stinglyand timely taught by theteachers.' Many practical illusrations were given anil applied

every dav needs.Out humble servant thru the

(. .vi i of (J0(1 spoke to his ccngrc-;t»ttorifrom Hebrews 10:2.'!. O.ur.e_a rt s hit rued a* lie" delivered themessage* lie_\vas--s^-- his best-orrSundav. May^God richest.blessingsr<st upon brm-;.A.nirm±>or>fvisitors"worshiped with us. Anongthem were the pastor's won'erfil choir and members fron:St.Paul Baptist church. JJewberry\\ e A err dttightoir to have tKem.!::> carts" were indeed lifted upo lear stub a nice group of youngpeople sing so beautifully, with'Mof. Jiiegins, leader. We werevery, very nnn-frplcasFTf aTid hcrpehev will <onn eome again. Lunchwas served on the ground. Thenastor reported a grand trip fronthe state convention.

nuTm-fi. 7\. m. e. churchRev. Wm. .lacksoi,. Paster

ArcUP tinnnville. S. ( ..We are

happy ftlir Supt. has'recovered andthrough our blessed Saviour, our^nnL is able to have a wonderful?! Si At 11


o'clock just beforeservic e xbti-nuuubav.... of Bethel hrad".r wonderful prayer meeting. Ourhumble servant delivered to usthe message from the subject LookMir to Jests. Hebrew, 12:2. Heolainly illustrated many things -toiy+mrTrteTr runT women and by sodoing many of us who were t otn the right road may accept Jesusus a, personal Saviour. At S

o'elock lie aljf,, lifted the name of''hrist to hi, pf'bple from Eph. bth(jiiiipter.

VI1' Ule sLill TTrfumig for thesick. ,


Saturday, June 7, 1941



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