tub tixidune ^tiuuili - chronicling americaa«, l»actjapée« fot *lt, tw«vat» copiet, u ono...

^tiuUili ? V01- XX.N°- 6,021. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1860. PRICE TWO CENTS, TUB NEW-YORK TIxIDUNE ¦a» - T1TK Mt W-VOI» S D411. , IBIHIM. II rVBUf)Ux.V IVERï MORNING AND BVtaMNO (Sr-ioita taicarruii BY THK TRIla'NK ASSOCIATION, ar ni ¦raierna «riLPiBtoa, ciaota» or Bstsa« idmrmvca ..mBBTt.orntaiTB rat citv-bai- aaal «VaHetre* to «- -J» S«.***acribo- at ll| cop* per wee*. Mall inksrr-lbort «. I. -*-¦ *_"**. i ... fot ufa uMaaüta. OTW-V-f-M UKBKI.Y TRIBrM!, « VERT LAROE PAPER POR THa, TOUNTR.», rat pa_iai»e«l e-esfj Batvbbai aloracjn.',«! at to» low prtoe of «8 I*« anenjn. Xi «lav-aar»». _hroo Coaleo for ai. Rive aCoplet fot a«, l»a Ctjapée« fot *Lt, Tw«vat» Copiet, u ono atldreM (and awy k-trorw a atiabe, al lao roto of ai per annum), aso, Twenty Opts» to o-âttiess of «roch «»»aOçitat-riaor (aro* aay karger aomber at t*B> rot« of «1 88 «ay-a), $)U- Any perso., «ending at a dob of I oumty o, Bx.ro will bo eotiUod ta ta sxtr» oopy. lubtcribtloiis to t»o«oB.nc«» at any tinie. -vd-eeill«en>eiiU In Tbb Wbbelt ToMBrra eest ONE DOL- MJx AND TWENTY-FI\E CENTS PP.R LINE for ootoh lawoitioB. Notatin* luaertn* for leas thaa «Î -¦b> um.w_EKl.T TRIB.-VB It »ckBtbed every Tib*da, an* Khipat M..n«iiBtt, Pilot $1 RBt aaaiux. ; Two Copiât« fot «b ; Kite lopiet for «11 2X. TBBJ NBW.IOBK 1 Kill I >i FOR EUROPEAN CIRCILATION, 8BB.>>-a-«ad on in*. dtparLuxe of each Mali S«leaiiier lor Ltver- «u. ai Ob per a--.-, t/iNtsge ~c,i.dVd. Singlo .Ut.piof, Kit« ßi'iigionö Äotitca. ?i ta«. W ¦»hlBaioD-otiaoj- a. _.. «*k>j^ax-T,r«ith- J.a^(.,ï'¦î b,h.: ».»* Mv-lio.i.«: «t. 1-iea.aiBg l'O MUK ROM n 11 | a. m. b, the Rev. KlIVVARI» TtlOMsT)«, U 10 Xtliifi l lui»..al. Aa*Ooa»0 and Journal, nud at 74 u u. U. P^ao,, the Ke» h S POSTER v u. 'tJCsZsaMiTiilfJU a:P- -_ Ailvent Mit.ioa C'hurcb, Caaysi Iiutit-te, RoorrTNö »4..lie*ilil.t M i. il*. Ill, l**ttlli,*t. «t lui a ni and Ü» t. rc. by V!d PHILO H A MKS, «J-aalcr of the Manners' Church' l'rovidtiivr, K 1 'llic public me united to attend. Seat*, life " At ike Flr«t PrtAabylerhtn Church of Hooaken, oort.er oi W atbiiigtoii and »bird its.. Rev. MM 11. BABliU'T «rv»U«ipi«-t<<lnx TO -MORROW (Ssb-ath) MOKNiNU, at 111 otiscX. the ht-v j*Ju>:5 a UTILE. Brookvlvu Tabernacle, on Knitou-av., near II«..* «t B*ats>a*r» :> i< N. l.llLiLl.l, of Urand Rapid». Mi« b will xtresáh TO-MURROvV. Uorrieoa will commence at l"j a m. ami at p. u.. " 4 hrisiian Iaruelile.-l i.« Ling ou Ut ISHAl Ah fr.ii- NOOV at 8 o loci In Militar» 11.1,, No. i»J8JJuv.ery. Subject .'The Little lioni ii. DaaaoFf Vlartoa, in «oruwetion wiin tbe Iniage and Bean in Rev.-iatiok.»' Ua.NlirlL MILTON, tbe New- atcrl Mop » arpenter. ~ rkadworth'o Btttt..Mita SUSAÑ "¿rjolütéói^ií. * I. toi» n. iiotiwonti . Hall, .No 8t» «roadway, TO-MORROM (Sunday. Aug. 12). MOK.N1N«. and EVENInQ, al til» mum hoar« («loer*nie 8 o'clock p. a..., tan.« place. _J siiekney Ilt-kelï ot .Nebraska t'itTv -Thl. elo Ob-eat W »item pietacuer nuX'1-a.rt l»r Mliouiu'» <:i.n.tg«tion «t Paej&r «X M. !.. I i. mil TO -MORROW, at 1 «, i^ ibe alter Maat, at 3, at Wann, .t Ur Laa't 4 hurch at i.iil.t, at If, at Ir.iait)-. «nth »t, .-..-v. jork. ttie Rev. J. L. t». McKour, Pa*tv.r. " ¿.hMt nnrKTT ^ XaORMM« a..d 1'l.MMi, b., ti,e l'»*lor, the Rov 1. jANl.e, cOBiUiri» lug itli'i audit ., o'ciirca. All are iuviied Sestsfree. Sabtmtb tkliifi at y a in. 2 p. in. Mem »rial Church.Han,mond «t.. cor. Wavtrley -ploc«' The Rev Xu. Rtou'l. at*i«Ui.t u.ii.i.t«-r of Holy Tnuity chircfn' biv.oa.ju. will preacli aUMuRKOM (Sui.day _C_NINi, Selvi'.ei at lu*. 4 and m od.eh. tSestt ti.. Norfslktit. New MethodlM Eptsropail I horch, lNoiutt »i Utwa-en (.rana and Hrouiiir .t*. í»re«idiug Kid-.- Uto Bo». JAMKí« O. llOGKRSwill presch TO-MoRRiiVV MORNKNO at 14 o'clock, and In tiie EVENING at 7|. Meat. ¦sa» _Ksrth Pmtbyterian Church . «The Rev. Ur HAL Kill.In. having irren ciuacd ia»i Càaot.uta. lor lepili», wiii tie re-opened Mr. Al SA lib A I'll tl.'ibi. at the u»ualn«urt tit poo wortbip. I'Ja m.,and*Ip in. Pleaching by tue l'a-lo.« North Dutch ( barch. er «,f William and Krilton-tta. I'lvine tervlcei lvV r.ivO bAbbAlii, at 10« a. m. and it. o'clock n ai hi.d t l'r*v»r MeetiuK in Ibe JrA f-.Nlft.» »t ., o', 1. k Savbbalh .-tbi««l and I o.lr I .a»»ri at | a. m aud2p m. KRIIIA. KVEMNüS Piajer Mt-t-tli.g at T, o'clock. A HAHjV l':a>ei at», ting Iron. 12 loi o'clock. All are invited, and teat» iuri.Uli.d. Malh-at. .11. JK. Church, «Ui-.t corner of Avenue K.. The Krv. J. 8. 1.NSR1P »11! pi*«. I. »t l'-i am. Si.bjeot " The Resurrection of tl.« Dead'' And at "* p. ui. sul«je«H. "The Judgmeiit uf the Oreat Dtv." The Rev. J. IRVINE (recently iioin Ireland) will preach "at 8 In th« AhTEiiNoO.N New JeruBBieaa Ckar.-b iSweiAt-nborguui). Public Wortuip on bl.M'AV, Aug. 11, at tiie Natiuiial Mutical Iusti- t.te. formerly (»cldbrck'i Munie Hai., No. T«*£> Broadway, at 1». . U. tu. Beat* lite. Krv.Joha AlcKinlay, of Scotlnnd, will preach at PiJote «.ardei. M«ti Hall, 14th ?; near Ltn-av TO-.MORRoW at ü, p u... sada»lBa at lu« a. m. ai.d ".J p m.,at trie oorurr of Chnitcpber ai.d bed:oid-«ta. 8X Ano'a t hurch, lth »t.. near .'-:h av., the Rev. THO** OALLaI DET, R>attor.-^ervaeMu.lJ»Uttl 10-.M0RRUV»,Mltii tiie voice at MN ». ui. and 8 p. in., and in the Sign lang'.oge at 84 p ui. 'J heilet y. C Y.W Kit, Rtx-toi of (»race Char i.. Sail Frai.ciaro, Cotfrniia. will preacti m tiie moru.ug aud eIeuiu» Sealr free. Tbe Kev C t'raven or L.Roy, NewVork wii: pr.ach fortloiounh 1 uivtr.aii.t trocirtv et Brvo«l>n, a. tL.Lr p.u.e ©I «ortbip. tuii.b. ilaud ?:., near l.aiayetteav. äraU.iec Ihr rabUc are («raiaiiy iuvlicd to attend. S. rvicet at M| s in. and p ri. The Kev. loua« W«î»acott »i.l _aoch TO MORRu.V. tl>i. DtivvliLg« CLurcii. urn. t Betttord tuid lOoK-iiin^ »'X t _i»rt At lot » n. "The obat-clut in tbe w y of a «ii.ii-r « >ntlinc«.l.o., I.» a Hoiy (,od ;'' oi.datl) p.». " Tue intermedíale Kate, vr the ..Lvi.tiv.ti ol the »oui between the de »lb ol t.e ,l> on* il« rr.urrt i- ..v n The Kev. Wni.H. Peanie «.ftl.e Wyorc.iig i c..,ieronc- will prea. h luti r i. iLtrul M. !.. Chuich (ueui comer 14.1. »t., and'iUi avenue i. on m l >ÜA. the lftn in««., in the uiornlug at EtEJ o', net. an: la U.e evening at n 0 clock. The Kev. Ira K. Mevmrtl, ft-iv. oi th- tiapti« Manner»' I bun u, ».,1 i.iea-h in Uta »uteei.t!. Uapiir«. Cbuichl Lultithtt. near Bti. SI M'.'.l MUlLNIMi, A,.cut: 12. al lbi o'v.ock StivO.e* in the KVEN1NO at '.% o. luak when Beveral converted beauieu wiil bo prêtent and andre». Lb.- meel- truj._ Tke Kev. \t aeblnnlon (jladtleo, hs8«r, will pre»x!. in the run to: L.'-^ati ji.ai Choi u Btat. H.,Baai Huí*, brooalyn, To-MOhhili». at 1««; a. BB. aiiiicp. in. buuday Scnooist 9 a. i. ci d S p. in. "The People*» .»leetina »t No. 1*1 bo»er>, KRV H-'hUAV. eabjects. Vu the tith. at 8«. in.: Tut- l.auea snd the l»»i»(liii«la'» f! the l-reaidciitiiil can-jjaigia." r-ti.iiih div. «leal rxciieu.. i.t At* p. in 'The Public Sell .oi. .ibe.i tntli », deu.rlit», and theil cc-rt coimcle:««!. Pioltoii,, nee to all, "The People'« Pol) leeüniclnBlItatt-, ut «No. in bow¬ ery tV Kl.» til .>LiAl .Houilutoli» m SaujOat* ou the liSlh; lot ti«i«t Kraii.LXt, « iti. mural and Ibftuiiiai CliltfttBHI -J, Ob- »ii|.v.»rr ai.d ioiiti.,.ii.» tr- ihj.ii a ceii.¿ prrieutiug tU*.-u*e anu |irr»t'iviux L'-ialtl .-«eat« n.-e ~'»lViit Fr-earhlBM The Krv LI Til Ell II. van i»«ir_Ñ, Parlor ol tbe ;«oiii-tt Pie«i«»'eri»ii Cbuiil., wlDpiuaoli ... t1 e laiKe lout at tl.t jnnilioii ol UoadW«y »«d lb in »i.d v-enlial faik TlO-MUKRuM, at A m'tmmk. Oerri-an iTr,. hing at 4J-. Pr.-aa-i ii.t-ttii.g at " »ai i.«tl.-.«.obo«.l»l I"», m. Ail »le Invited to ett< i. ti._ ~The Kev. Hltlney A. Corey will preach in tbe -M urray Util Hantifi ( l.niclj. <L.tii-«t oeiween Sin and blu-av»., To- MoKhuM MOBN1NOa-tt¿VENINO._ PaiBSn.Ital Alliatlon, Itaoiu« ttlat-Bt.anu "Id-av, .T_ot»ev. 'llldMas J. »AU i r.U. I). 1». »ni pn-arh ,.t the B->**S pía. « on BCNDA1 AfTERNOON at a| o'elaqa Sun- «lay btbool at 1 o'cluvk The public are mvitru Seat« fr«*-. lalverally Place PreobylerinnChurch, .in , :t, at.1'Ua.iit vtorahip every »Al.1>aT1i. at 1'J ». in., a:id I p. In. 8tiai,te.» cordially tovitoS» .' I nlon Mih.iou Heainen.**-Thr R.v t'HAKLK* \V. 10ir..N..-".N, i hupialL trlli p.'..:. I'tJ IORRUW, at 1«J a u.., r.n board the Aisry E Mangan., at Pi« r No 8, N. It-, anii at ¿ y ni in the depot » lOtniirli t Liu» Tier I»j l .-..-i Uten aiiU their hienda m. ilt J. HeaiuiluaierPreebjleriHul'liiiich. -»uti. iiroakiju, tvon.t-r r ir-l p.. . .in t....-..¦-. 1 '«r ilrl JO»EPH 1-.jL.II- KUluL, ot < etvDoctii ui avili ¡.re* h -t tin BkBri t. on Si h DAI, lilh nut. Servnr« at 10* a. to., and T| p. m. The yttbiic mailed. VVllleU--»!. .11 _, ( hurch, near (,r»nd-rt .Prea. hli.g *_*(. iliUKltwV\ »-. 1«*> a. m. ana '.J p m.. by the Pastor, the Rev. jl Jr.. sEARd » ». ru.on lu th' r. « i.NiXO on a paiti ;ular»u!»- fxct- Scott free. W aabimtitoB-otiaHre .11. K. ( huicb.-The Kev. D.. THOMPSON, Ktui'.r of ill« ( biutiau Advocate and Journal, will prracb m thi« ebtrurh "TO-MORROW, Aag. U, at 1"> « in. 'Jlu- R. v. Ur FOttTAaR, thtr 1'attor. la ill ft.k. »t 'i o'clock in lb» I Vei.iiig. _ .«.nU.t» M. I.. « bureta.-The Rev. "(JEOROI. R CROOK». U. 1». ol the Ne»-Vork Ko*4 I onlrrem e. will ptrreo. b '(«»-MOhKOVV (».,..day) MORMNO, and BVENIHO.IB the VonX'-it M. t ( bur« h._ " »vt-BtuiliistertbiTreta, th« Wm:.»°"%\?___Aj_ Til 1> Tortor lh. R»v TIMOJUi 11. Poiiri-.K »u. presci. in il'i» « hui.l. (¡Wd »t »c-tweer .4.h «ud Tth .». ) TO- L«»»lRoVV (»abl.atl.». Aut. 12. at lot. o .:l<x k a. u. ai.d at l «Vtlotk p. m. StiauK»-.» ai«' veiv oidully ...v.t. d. Special Koticcs. Po«t-»c>rn«e Neiletv-Th« Maii.S for El'ROI'E, »1» SOI THAMTTON ai.d HAVHK, per the l'i.iied Stalof .it'-auier ILLINOIS, »il do»« at thi. ot&cti on SATlllliAV, the Ulli day «il Aug., at lZj o'clock p m. JOHN A. ÜIX, Poi:uia-ter. ^Î*.hteenth Waral, Âtieutiou: -'J h- Rail Spittr-io» tlrteXViiitl. Mard m., n.-rl Till.-» (h.li.rino) E\ E.MNü, al « «/tli». k. »t li.e ile«d'i..»it»r», orner oi 'ti. »i. ai.d M av The Rosubliion« the VVardait- r. .(>. tfullj :m itei to La présent. (t} order L UROOKS l'OsTi.K V (apt. »y ore Mat KI«l, Orderiv. f h rie lin u I uion ( Hii.|.->le, tina, al 1 outer«, aril c*vi.tii.,.e TuIiai (Prl*ay), b.'.Tl'KI»A and SI Mit!, boa« irnir the toot e: Jay «t at '. and A a. i«i 8.41, 4 and I o'.ltM.p m Pies. li.-.K b\ île Ke\ .'.!. HOOK, th.- II. .. I»r. St' l.RAl ol'Nr»»ik, th» Rev loi MIT( 11 l.faL of the M Y. Ihur«h. Prof MaTTESON v.- Hex Jtit). t.l AI»AMS, th fUv. Xlr 1IA.SK l.ia ut Nebia»«a, tt.. Rar, i' IVr.A'.ll, tha Rev. WM. IRWIN in.r ei..i-.e.it Mn.iaei, h.., kooaut« vited. and ai!.' probably pre m h tir. e. aoaaaXBEBSS *t !'"¦ a in. S SB. IJ B> i'.- M. E lli.cl. Uj.i.i.. u», d. The lulli.w iiitr l'it » u.lile nuil If e--..l.. 11. «. .i adoptad ...i. lia« r. t not the ateoiuBT HI NTRE0S oa 10. i ! a Aug. *-» loten l. /i»».,;, Oa ikU oa* B.aj jir. % i-, i»ei i'lon- to lb. ( 1. »Irr« Bank, oi i.'i nlldt m-ii »tinnier III N i I! H.r-,8 < ..j.: Ilegg« li it iildtid Lin.-, r to leii.-ti r the trip ..ti»l». tory »ici tfreeoblt «.»trotnllt to ail i.n tiota.d tl.'i.i >re, Hi..«,.,' ii »t v«c leiidcr Inn. r.i'i «in. ere tu*Lk»f.,r lili uniform kiiidi,. . i.d o ita.y, sudchreiluily loin.neudbliu «i.,1 Ar.tlrev, Celia'II and kktvll craft, to all wUlilng o goiil day'» »port Ot, lb. I l.bi'.E bk.Xa. if, /..,'., AMOR J. WllalalAMSON Tretld. i.l I. W En«.i.v*íi>, Sacretary. _ T-ie Heal Hbowb H«-Dt< dy fm Cb .1er» Diarrhea, l»y» »ntarry « . .'j» tir«u.|.« and Sain..... r I oinp '.«ii frrvaioM at tl*. »»».or, of ti.» year, Dr. 01DDlNO9*8 \ ir.TABLr. *) My |iy, Nv »1 OretB.aiih »t N«w fork. -»linn ¦bbBSSSBB-A Card. Tbe imdeTrlrned. in compilan e with tbe ipt»ritai>eons d«»ire« of ui»uy ueivolent frisnd», well at their own, would respect¬ fully irivi'e tho»e ». iitlcniea who fe*l intereited in behilf of the ni of tboiiitn.ii of ( hrlsliani in Syria who have be.ti made wretched wanderen, ihelt»rlo«i. md reidy to perish with f«m In«, by a most riitbte.« and tiin.iti-.il war, to m««*t at the Amer- ii «i Trui t Sot l.-tv't Hoiiae, ueit MONDAY, at 3 p. ni., to de- vite iiirnmrrt for having the «uhj.-ct ol tending relief to BMM poor people brought, aa too* u postible, before tlie Churches in an effective and responsible man Der. i^A New Vorn, Auf n, ii ha). -B*«-.. m JAMES BROWN. FRANCIS HAM-, FREDS WINSTON, VV (ALEXANDER," L BAÑOS, STEWART BROWN. OEBaBDHALLOCK, TIIOS. L. RC-UIMoRE. SMITH SHELDON. J. R SPAI.DINO, SIDNEY E AlUIi.SE k Co., WM. A. BOOTH, _U. E. WOOD._ spirituell«.!».' lMcnlc.-Ti,.. Spirit nil-ti «f New York and li.iiiiij will hold a Picnic «t Fort Lee, N.J.. ou THl'RS- I'AY, Ai.gutt 17. Kn.ii.ei t «| e,.k. ra will prcari.t, iiiid «very effort nisoe by the Committee ol Amngruienta to «e.'iire to ai! who liny participate In tliei lestitilie» of the «r<-a«lou » tvtason of inteUeattual aiid »otU.1 enjoyment, ». well aa of phyaical r«-cre*. IIen. 1 ii art», 10 centi. May be obtained it I>e>dwoKh'i and Lamar¬ tine Halla on Sunday 12, and on the Boat the day of the «x curtió» Boat! leave foot of Sj.i ii.g ,t. (il, an* a in., touching at '¿2a tt. Fare ea-h way, 10 cents. WILLIAM V. NOE. 8e*. Com. S T. Tbobi-von, Treasure,. Mtone Preserve Jars- 4. re«-n'a Knalinh Paient.. Self». pBm without wax or rul'l.rr, tbe u.oit durable and perfect «rUtle la. BBS. For tile by VV. N. SEYMOUR A Co., No 4 ( llalli am «<|uare. Prince'* Protean Fountain Pen.Warranted perfect Re,ulated at pleature. Compta- t No tempeiature utf-ct« it Ahiolut.'ly incorrodible. All kiudt of ink u»ed Oso. filling »lite» from to to 10 houu. Call and t««e it. or »end foi a circulai. T. G. STEARNS. Agent, No. *»7 Broadway, N. Y. Wide-Awake ('lab* tnrougn the country ran oblnin, a' tbe lev. est price. UNIFORMS, TORCUE8, and OFFICERS' COLORED LANTERNS. E A. MANN, roomt of the Young Men» Rrpubil. an I'n.on, No, 6.V) I! roadway. trim« I»»» I <iiji.nl \V usbiim .Machine Ine-iuiiled .X« luebtpei-tthl«- !.Pnc» only «In. Dep-.t No. 4In Broadway, x?r:*r c! Canal »t. Aitentt »« l-.l in ill part« of the I'nitawl «Uii». S. »d f.-r » C-tr.uUr. Addreti Sox No. 2.R93 Po«t Othr», St-w York City. . P. A R. FRENCH. Aim publications. k BAD! SB \VKDNEhl»AY NEXT: THE IHONY IDOIi. D. APPLEÏON A Co., Publisher». No». 418 »nd 445, HROADVYAY. ryï\F, MKTHOLI.ST X published ou SATIRDAY »RN1NOS, at the Oth. ¦«, No. 7 P.eetiiiiii »t. Tl.« present number contains a »ecoud Editorial Alii le OU sr.« B88ION, together «a ith numeroiii Editorial Aiti.leaon Current Topi.» of I it er« «t and a thor inghlv digealttd huuniiajy of CURRENT EVENTS In tbr di i.r.ii.inatioD. and in i.il denominations, at wrll full det-.i Is ot A-MERKAN AND FOREION RELIOIOL'S AND SECILAR INTELLIGENCE. ( opioDi Extracta from enriv Prool Sheet» of the FOlUHloMINO WORK UN ITALY Ri THE Rl.V. WILLIAM ARTHl JA. A -'l.tiii' stieii of the inteie»liog 8-rie« ot LEITERS OP A SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT u. 1 tut pr to Ins »olioUri at home, with a man of FAMILY READING. SHORT, 1NSTRI ( UVE, AM, INTERESTING. Th. great rmoriti.il »Uch THE MEi'lloDlbl' it rtxsived thre-gnout the country, mown j it« rapidly ini reusing tuh ». ii| Hou iitt deii'H'.o» »very eirrion oi. the part ot the propri¬ etor! and editort, ami bi peile im»; ti.eir arraiigeinenUlli-j hate already BMUIÜ the »»tillan, e ol »eteral additional contribntori iilaiiiv and eaiiuence. (»EtjROK R CROOKS. D. D.. ) . .._ JOHN M, I LIN i OCR, D. D.. J t"uwrt- L f.ANi.S Publisher. OFFICE.NO. 7 ReEKMAN-ST. Term», ri ¡ier uiuuoi. RETURN MATCH roh THE CHA M PION SHIP ! THE EXCELSIORS BEATEN! TW ELi I THOI SAND SPECTATOR*) ON THE (¡ROI ND. For the only fui) and graphic report of the OREAT BALL MAT« li BETWEEN filsi ATLANTIC AND EXCELSIOB CLUBS OK BROOKLYN, pluyed on 'iburadiiy last, read IHK SUNDAY MERCURY (OF TO-MORROW) itlnc'i »i-o contain! the n.o»t bii liant variety Of interesting read- inii matter e.ei otteiedlolbe public m aiiugiehjsur o! any paper. THE SI Mi-vY MERCURY ] b »old bv every BSWBSSMM i. Ainrri. ML and lin* a lar-rer city cir¬ culation than tiny other journal published A(ite,t,a-iiie..tt re- ceiveo until Í, o'clock ilia evening. (Mine, No. 40 Aim st, /CAMPAIGN EOCTMENTS. We invite the »f.eiitiou of the frieudt.of the Republican onus« to the loLowiug list of document!: LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF HON. ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Authorized edition) By D. VV. BARTLETT. Bound in cloth, w-.th Steel Portrait, Abi rjttge» Price 81 poatnge prepaid. Ac »bridged Edition, paper covert. 25 Ceuta, SLAVER) IN HISTORY-By Count Ourowtki. The work bCstasfSlsven «« » dietiuttive Kxiai di«eate, in lii tiinei and nation., hea-i..iiiBg witli oMrotj MMSf the »:u,i-nt Egyptian» down to the lluaautii» I vol l«tmo., ciot.i. Pri.W *"L UMUL.N'S AND D'JKILAS'S HPEBOlUafl in the great llunoit Ctuiptiigiiof IHM, loyil 0"U»vo, 2«« pajel, llitcbed, îî teilt» a copy. *-aHi p. r h nuied. Po.tate 10 Cent». jltj. L»lMMON 8LAVB c A.«E.Full Hutory of the C»»e, PÍU <.|.iiii...ii ol the .iudiirt sud argument» of coauiel. Price 2i cent» per 10". *!'' i'o-'^Ke 1MB 'Hit ( ASE OF URED StD'Ti-A large pumphbt of 100 ige paid IV.« l-.e pie- i-1 'lb M| i'oit.ge paid. One Copy, MaMM) loiu copie», 81 » pumphl. ; four M 'll,E liilbLatE ALMANAC for 1600 roiitalm Populir Voto f..-r i're»i.Je.t by State«. I.'.lnlii «,l lllra.tio.it. MM (f«flMP Unio, ill cent« 12 copiet, » I loO triplet, «>8. HELPER'S IMPENDINO «KiSlS OF IHK SuUIH (Coii.p«'i.diiiiu). Pilos HO ceuta; «Id per 1(W, »li«) per 1,'toO p(,«;a»re H canil. Rf.i'lRLltAN SONGRTE1 p: ,. CBnU THE BOt.oi-INK MI.NMKEL. ^'.i, THE W IDEA »VAK.E V OcALI.-T. f Pl,._M ^¡a coT,t«i,.i..r Word, and M.«ii. J 8AMMJ« f«M REPl BLitlAN POCKEi I'iSiOL Price 0 ««M- Pottig« """THE BARBAR1TIF8 OF SLAVERY.-Mr. Sumnvi'i re¬ cent tmooek m tiir Seuate, with Htminoud't "' ILLUSTRA¬ TION. " it. .i('i.i V'. erklj 'it ibime of June 8 Price 4 cettt per ioi)v. é¿ msi bundle«). Pottage i .euit per copy additional. CAAiPAION TRACTS. Pibabb eat »AKT,, i i.i«. Ai'iBNTinar to tht. rumhrki an Pott- if e on the »e duci.m» «it», a, prepay ment r««i|u,red I THE lRHEl'RESSi.lLE «'iNi-Lle 1 Oav. Sewtrd t Ko( heater hpeech ol l<£»t. «*¦ ltíi Cüariei O'lioiior'l Union "íT^^MwATltfLBADERfl FOB BIBPWÇM .-,,. bol iI'MJ Wilaoaol Masaa. huaeUS, u. tlie oeuato, J»x ' in THE ADMISSION Of KANSAS, Oov. Sewird't greit Speech, ta Banale, Pefe-M, IM; *1 V NAi ION AL POLIT ILS Speea-h of At.r.l.lm Llncoln ol Illiuoi« «tt Uta ClI.P bPlButS N :w-V oik, Feb «!., lttHO, Jamet R UuoliUle t Vindication ol VV't»eoii.lii r_t__s V LANU FUR THE LANDLEeS: Tbe Hon. Oiluih» A. Omw»s Ndi i-cli in the Home, Keh. 1», 1ÍIO0 T THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN-By an llltaoia R. pulilitatn, vtho li.owB vtrii the u»au aud hi» hutory. A Urg« toi' part pamphlet of 82 dotihl«« column pagrs, AjrfMMM Oirou- Utiou II ¦ cimpaigu document. Prie« 4 centt I oopv. 40 cunts M r doran. *c 5"i per hundred, 820 per tliouiauid. lfro<|uired l.\ mail ene cant additional mn»t be »rut to ptepay postas, VII PROTECTION OF HOME LABOR AMU HOME PRODUCTIONS NECESSAR) TO THE PROSPERITY Or THE AMERICAN FAlt.HEK. By Henry Carey Baird. .The above ue piint'd on fair type and good piper each foro.lrig a large octavo tract o! lb p**««, «xoept No. 6. which ii dou(.|e iu« and price. Tl,e otl.eri aie »old in qnautiti»« of On» Ihoutaiid, or over, for MM AMI j»ei iupy »nd the Tbouuad ¦ily beniud» ,.p from the li.tsbovo giren, u the buyer may it..»ire. In eu.ai.fr quunlitiet, él lb per bundled !.'> erlitt per del- n thiglv, 4 cnitt. By Mail, postige piepaid, 6 cent» pel coiiy, JO u-utt per do»<-u, «1 «»») per MB, *1« M |»»r 1.U00 VV ill not our Hepubln «o »rimú» »id ut to " ciriulstx the docu- niiiitt?" N«w th» tune «.i...:, thouitiiidi of mind» can be i.-a hed aid uifjjeuced. Addrrii THE TRIBUNE, Tribüne Build,..i», N. »t York. CEND TO IlKADQlAKTlaltS, I-! And yojir 4 A.MI-.-M.N MEDALS, « AT VIAM FV< li RE88 PRI' 1 S Slu.J.lr Melbl .rut |...-'|...ill, on iei-.-lpt of 2ii«llt». Stllipls 6, »il /'inmuto,, n,eij.t of II. cant«. mtmAXA An.dr,.. JOHN O. WELLS, (or. Talk low and Heelnn»u-»t N Y. IN PBE8S und Nl.AKLV BEADYi ALFRED B. hTKEETS NEW BOOK, WOODS AND WATERS: Or, Thb Sima.nac» am» Ra, kkt. Ry Allied B. bueet. liluitr»ti«d wiih Engraviugi on VVt""i' 1vol. »mo Cloth, 8125. Early oida-ri loildted. ) dilori' tOftm and ihowhilli will tent pith hnt oi.le.t. A ,il;«r.l MmsssAsjM. M the tr.*!». M. DOf'LADY, No. 4) VValavsr-st., Now-Volk. IMii. I'oi.lTK ,M- TEXT-BOOK FOB IBM o m ti.« I'r.. . 'h' "' t'.e Ai »ri m Notloi». e suvaa t,..n of IM« .n.l oi il» Ai a ... N -i.i.» ('.' il "I I' .«.. Pit taltal lit fiii.. ,i'H e P'i . vl NEW TEXT-BOOKS, Fubrlfhed by 1). APPIiKTON & Co., Not. 44.1 and 445 Itroadway, New-York. A NATI RAL PHILOSOPHY: E.nbrtrlni tbe m«tt r»r*nt Diirnveiie« In the variona branche« of Phj«lrt, and exbit.itu.g tbe «pp'liation of SiientlBe I'liu« Iple« in every lay life. My f. Y U.nAjck»nboa, AM, AnUior of " Flrtt l.»»»oui bi CouipoviÜou." Advauced M Coort«« of Competition and lit., tone,'' " llliiftmied School Hlttory ol the I nlted Male«," he. limo. 4S0 pages «1. Tin« work, which li lll-ittiatotf with »«fine Engraving», Is equally adapted to use with or wlthnnt apparn'tit. PlÁTO'a AI'OLOl.i AMI CUITO, »ith Notes, by VV. 8 Tyler. Oravet Profeeaur of Oreek In Amherat College, ll.uo. Itin vaeri lb «vent». PR KM H S.NTAX. A Coarte of Kxerrls*« in all patru Freiirb 6yutt.. methodically arran^t-d alter Perleviu'i " »yntaxo Française i" to vvhich aro added 'It'll App. ndi ¦.¦«. Dodrnni |.,r U.e u»o of Académie«, CoUegy«, and riivate Leaiitori By Kr.derlrk T. Win.*lmann, A. M., X Ph. I»., Prof, of Latin, French, and OeruuUi, in the Packet Collegiate Ii.tt. IXuw. 8<*. psg.« «M 24. I.OCRSE OF ANCIENT OEOORAPHY. An-..»-.I with tpeeial referen.'«- to convenience of recitation. Bv rrt'f. H. I. Scl.n.idt.n |l ol ClurobiaColUge l/'.i". 81« page«- «1. AN KLKMKMAUX' «iRAMMAR OF THE ITALIAN I*AM>lA«,K. I'rOKlsOBivrly anaj.f.I for Uto uto of School« und < .lie., a By O. B. Fontana, limn. IS* -atw-a. »!. SPANISH OilAMMAR. X bow, piaeti.-al. and rmrf i.thoi of i.aniinr the Srmniah L¦¦ lignage after th* tyatem of F. Abu, II", toi ot )'l.il..».j>iiv, H.,d )'..'e»*or at the CoU»te<«f Ne«.««. Flrtt American KdiUon, revisrd and e.ilargrd. 12mo. 140 pages. IS cents; Kev, UoaaSl A «.REEK (1HA.MMAR. .'or Schoolf and Collreo«. By Ja.utt lladley. IV.:e»»or in Yale College. I2uio. «1 ÍV \ UIOILS JRHbUI) with Kxp.anatory Note«. By Henry B. »rirz., rrnr.iaor or LaUiB In tbe Ht«»« I i.iv.r. it» .t Ml. I.i.a. 12.¦.'«. Mutinied M'l lave» »I t». WKUS-TKli'S KJ.r'.MF.NTARY SPELLING-HOOK. A neat edition OB tine paper. Piice 80 cents. CORNELL'S t ARMS FOK THE STUDY AND PRAC¬ TICE OF .MAP DRAWINO, accompanied win, i.i»tr.,.tion« for tbeii ute pile per art, tHi centa. A lletcriptiv« Circular will be »ei.t oa application. A tingle cop» of tny of the above worki for examination will be fett by ...ail poatpaid, on rrroint ol on,- li.lr ol rrtail prl-ei. FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS OK MECHANI»:S, AND EX¬ PERIMENTAL DATSk Hy A. .Moiln. Rt-vlied, Trau.lated, ai.d reduced to Knglbib L'niti of Ma-iim, hy Joseph Bennett Civil hi.gin.-ei. 1 v..I H»o. 4«T. ptges. teX. A SERIES OF OUTLINE MAPS. By the tutbor of " Cor¬ nell'« Ben».« ol Sa hool 11»eg.pi,le«. Tb* Serie« compiled of 1«. »i:ret». each of w hl.-h «ub- itfntially ii.oui.-ert on « loth, ar.d the «it is n. ullvp.t ,.p in a p. rtlo io. and accompanied With a Complete Key for tnr Tuoi-li- er'i n»e. 1'iic. per «el, S? In. I». *. r i[ti v.- ( in-ultra »eut i1 pen appll.-ati. n. In Pn-ii, and Nearly Ready : A PltlMARY HISTORY 01 TIIK UNITED ST .TES. Mtd» en«y and ii.tt-reatlng for Beginner«. By U. P 14.. i. | .. A.M. Child'« qiititn. j*400 pp. and num<-tou» IHuttrationa A FiRS'i (¡KEEK tiooK A.M. INTRODUCTORY READ¬ ER. By Prcl. A. Harkne««. Ph. D., of Brown University, au¬ thor of "Arnold 1 Hr«t Latin Beak,*' kr. BRYANT AMD STRATTOS'S COMMERCIAL LAW. Kd iteJ by Am t Dean. lilr.N« li 8 PARABLES.condented. 11.»true ten and oth.r« applying fot It w|!l rrrcive*gr .li» and prrpnid, D. Arei «.To* x Co.'» Comnun Dsataipina filti.s« of School, A(«.ii.-ii.il, und Culli-gi-t«- Text Bu«.a». I». APPLKTO.N X Co., New York. D A. k Co have for file a complete »a«'.rtmrr,t ol Rui «no's PiuL'ii-iiihii al AeeAKni». lliUtlr.ted CsaatoajB** trut by mail .! '."! M.h A SPIRITED BTOaOT OF COLLEGE LIEE. Now Rr.ii.v: JACK BOFROa Aa\i> Ulis FIÜIaNUS: Or, THE ADVENTURES OK A GEORGIAN. By M W. It-Rro-H Ol E»tonton, (Jeoigis. One volume, 12rno Pre«* One Dollar. Se...r.I.v. Aug. IB: MAllION HXilLA.Mi.s NEW NOVEL. "MEMEBItV1 NT TUB ll'THOK of " Hast * " Hidden Path," and " Mo«i 3idr." Iloudiomo Uut«. Price «1 lb. Early in ¡itnnlier: THE HOUSEHOLD Of BOUYERIE; Ok, THE ELIXIR OK GOLD. By a Bo'itbem Lady. Two volume«, uni «lin. Prie.- Two Uoilut X woik ot «Hiking originality and power. NEW EDITIONS OF THE Sl'CÍ ESS1TL NOVELS. 1KB MXIII Of KUTLEDQE. . 88. Making 1 'Vi Volumes TIIB TaBMTT-ftOllBTB Of B1ULAH. «1 89. Making 84.1 »J V'oluaiet. THB ll.ll. «r MAltaAliLaT MONOBIEFFB« «1 lb. Making 1,1*0(1 \ r.' .¦,,..« I'OR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. DBBBY «S* JACKSON, PUBLISHERS. NO. 4»tS HROADWAi, NEW-YORK. rpBE U.NLV COMPLETE RAILWAY oLTDE THE I .MlED STATES A.NI» THE CANADAS AFPLETON'S OFFICIAL II.LI STRATED RAILWAY GLIDE. It ( ONTA1NS NEARLY ONE HI NDRED RAILWAY MAPS, ReprttseulBUg THE MOST 1MPOKIANÏ TKROI'OH ROL TES i n and from the EAf-r, m est, north, am» south. It ».-.. 1-UlltAIU» X TOI TUST OUIHE TO TUB vvaTKRIN«» PLACES. Ü APPLE'l'ON 4. Co., Publisher». No». 44.1 and 145 Broadway, ueai Howard-»«. rpil E AMERICAS JOURNAL PHOTOORAPHT the »-iindfr.i popular and tv.lei title cxponeiit of th- art of Sl'N PAINTING. ( (INTENTS loll AI OUST IS. THE STK.!'.EoS««lPE AMI SOLAR CAMLR.l A Ciabik-l, 1RS. CLEANING THE PLATE R. M Thoiua«. POSUIVL PAPER. M. Aleo. THE PHOTtiORAPHie SCHOOL. ^^ A. -Root IHE 1'RE-ADA.Mll'E LIUHT. K. P St.-v. n«. M D DRY COLLODION. .1 M gaattsta LI l>. TH!. ll'lliNU PATENT.-. E Anthony. EDITORIAL NOTICES..Tho Librador Exp.-diti ... r,o:«i Camera; « nlmdlon (mil. r», -i.d Fila (.'«id-ii». 1, A.c. tbl« J.uiual baa three t'.n.e» the citi uiatlou ot tny ill..liar pnl.liiatiou. advt-r'i«nt * ill do in i! to ui«k>- It their medium. 'I ell.,». "bi SB BM annum. Spe. itnen Nuinl.i r«. K Publ.thtd by «DARLES A SEELY, No. 424 liro*J»iy EDWARD l.ATEf«, OY hUBBOVEl ON NATIONAL POLITIC«. Itt« poiilTiCAl. TEXT-BOOK Ifl III'-' 1 ..!."., 24 p...ge«. Piii r rr 1 For «lie a- 1 be Tribune «litre._ Inali^RYaAJctT MEDICAL^aiid PlIYSIOlrOGl- CAL WORK, which all «hoold rrsd. It luipart. kuowl *d«e aever bt-for» pnblitl.ed. Tho*e aflectfd with Nm-roiun.at, debility, ltecal and general, or who detire a knowled-« of tht ,atr*t pnyiloiofl.-al re^ar.hei tbould n»4 fsil to road It «ai »axe« and nearly 100 engravrnga Prlo* «1 Mailed and ao'.t by .St. «3. LAWRENCE, No. 1 Ve.ev »t A.tor u«,»»., N Y. ^Va^Y"LAWiER SHÖLLÜ I1AVÉ a COPY. E TJIi: Ll'i.MiMÜN SL.AVK CASE. The full Hittory of the Lrmnion Slave Cate, from itt oriiln to lit fanal de« ilion in the ('unit of Appealt, containing the oplnirm of Judge l'aine, before whi.tn the «ate wai fir,', heard, tbe opin¬ ion of the .Supreme Court, tbe point« and argument« of C-trlef O'Conoi, Wm. M. Evart«, and Joaeph Blunt, in the Court of Xppt-kD, and tb* opinion» of JuJ». » Denlo, Wright, tod Cicrke. Th» gnat lu.porviu, e of the l.ya! and politic-l principe» in »olvrd, thr boldnrtt with »hieb the it.ue« were made, and tbe ability witb which the orgameut was au«talned on both «ide«, milder tbi» one of tht-niatt ii»niii«'unt and uulvertally laterett- lug trial» tli»t ever look plsoe in tiii» country. Price pel Oopy, «T'l.-iil- per 1U0, el'. If tentby mail, 5ceut» in addiliuu muit ke lent to pi.pay pottage. Term» caih. Addreat THE TRIBUNE, Tribune Building!, New-York. rpili: POLITICAL laEXT-BOOI JL For I«'**', 1 vol Mb, 248 page. «obtain« an urti. le on OOV. BANKS OF MASSA« HI SETTS. Foi »alcatTlawlibiiiieOrtioe l..r «I. . ?rpiiE PRETTY GIRL »MILKIM. HER A ( llW," word, uni inuiic trruiig.d for pitoo forte, at »uiig by Mi»* Ague« R«>bcrteoi. in Bonriiiaull'« Drama rbr " Colleen Bawn.'r Pllce 25 c.-litt. Publnbed at DAli\ .- Mute. St..rr, No. 410 Oraiid-tt._^___ ANi;W MEDICAL BOOK FOR ALL..Dr. HAMMOND'S Nrw Book treat« fully on Piruitture Lural Deuay. Ci-i.rral Nervoua ExbsnatioL, Selflnduod Cuu tiin.ptloo. and all other Spe, itl lii«.-»-t-. ol |t."uliar lmportain¦». Io the aex.a. By lu un.«- D UabboBB, M. D tormeny J ro¬ le,«or nl AiMitmny .ii.dPslbi.lot;> in lb- Ur..!* M-h;àl ." lege, New i ..rk, L. Dr Hu n no » Book »oitb r-iery one'to»vbiiig."-!'rom The N.»York Home Joi.rual Pn.-e »>1. i.mile.l cheap e.litl(.|,,;»!lce..U po.t«j¡e. .««»BI«. _ I'V IHiSSkTOUSEY, No. UI Nsssaarf LAMKEME, No I \..ev »I A.toi lieu.«; OODkRI.V. No. iAl Bl .«!» ¦.». ¦".«. York. May «l«o be had of the author, at hi» room«, »iroad vv.iy, cuinriol ItIS«irt (Pailidoy liullitinfl. '".( "'">'. UP ¦*-n»i. tiiiii. 'JtuH. »i.d«. toi», rv« iiing. Coim.iltstl n *u irilV.su. A~Nil-Masonic NATIONAL CONVEN- 'I (INS Or 1838 AND |l II St. POLITICAL TEXT BOOR r, li.ii I vol , I-¦»!., 24« page» Fur .alt at li* Till«EM 11-.- Pi!«*' «i .TO STATESMEN AND POLITICIANS. X NOW READY: A POLITICAL TF.XTBOOK FOR I860: (V ir.pri.int a Brief View of PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS: Including ALL THE NATIONAL PLATFORMS EVER YET ADOPTED: Alto, A HISTORY OF THE STRUGGLE B.BIPB«7TI*e«4 SLAVERY IN THE TERRITORIES, »no or THB ACTION OF CONORESS AS TO THE FREEDOM OF THE PUBLIC- LANDS, WITB THE MOST NOTABLE SPEECHES AND LETTERS or MESSRS. LINCOLN, DOUOI-AS, BELL, CASS, SEWARD, EVERETT, BRE4 KINRIDüE, H. V. JOHNSON, ETC., F:TC,TOUCHING TILE QUESTIONS OF THE DAY; inn RETURNS OF ALL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS SINCE lKlli. ('.... fi..-.! By HORACE OREELEY AND JOHN P. CLEVELAND. EDITORS' PREFACE. The -In»'» end of this book is the presentation, in » complot and convenient form, of the more Important fact», voie«, reaofve«, letter, speech«», report«, and other documents, whi h élucidât« the political. ..i.trat now «sitad,,«, thia country. It ha» been our aim to l»t every candidat» and oth»r Important p»raona«e apeak for hln.aeif. make hi» own platform, and vludlcat« (if ha may) hi« n conilitency and the loundnrai of hi« view« on the great questiont which underlie onr carrent p..iiti« Of course, tuch a work can have bat a comparative merit. Make it ever to large, and «till manv thing» mutt be omitted that tlie compiler would with to lt.»«rt, and every Clitic will pluuililv a»k, " Why lasen tais md omit thtt I Why give to nun h of A md »o little of R 1" Rerldet, it it not ilwiyt punible to remember, or, if remembered, to find, ail that would be val¬ ued in . w m k like thia. We can only lay that we have done our bett: let him do better who can. IntccoTacy m; .tutti Is one of the chief vie»«« of our political di».-..».,.,m You ran hardly II«,, n to a ta t trjea-ch, even from a well-Informed and truthful canvasser, which is not marred by »orne misapprehension or nncousciorji m!*iut»mei-,t of th« posi¬ tion and viewt of thit or thtt prominent «ttnuiui. Document!, l.r.-d I. »»!y read lud long tinea lott or mltlaid, are «rnoted from with fluency and coundence, though with indubitable accu¬ racy, when the citations to m».de do grott injuitice to their au¬ thor, and tend to mislead the bearer. We believe the document» .i.e. t. J In t liit work »re to printed that their general accuracy may be tafely relied on. By canvassers of ail partie«, we Unit our Text- Book will be found convenient, not to «ty lndltpeniable. But thoM who only Hate«, lud read, «nd reflect, will tito find tt i manifeit help to a clear niideritandlng of the iunet and contention» of the day. They will be interested In comparing the iiclu.il positions taknn by Mr. Lincoln, or Mr I i.tiglis, or (in,. Casa, or Mr. Everett, i faithfully tet forth In thli work, with these confidently attrib¬ uted to that tt«tiin.Ki in the fluent htrangue of lome political opponent, who It intent on blixontngDitlntoiiitieteney or proving hit iiiilncriity. To verify tnd correct ta« citation» of a froth] derlaiuier tometimet the eatiett »n J moat convincing refuta¬ tion of hi« tpeecb. If a trier of partitas bin It betrayed in the thread of narrativa ¦h lieh partially unitet the lac-cepive reports, bill», vole«, etc., ¦.....t»d in ihn work, the error mi.intentional and regretted. 'i.i puipoa* was to oompile a record acceptable and convenient lo i rn of ill partie», and which might be coriulted and trusted by all. VA'hat.-ver it original herein is regtrded is of no um il.-lit, save is i neo.ei.ary elucidation of the residue. Wltheut apology, therefore, or f.rtl.H» explanation, the TextBook li com- mrn.ird to the favor of th« American publie. Prtre fll per opy, pott paid, flW Der h ...lieilrd. Aidrrtt THE TRIBUNE, uilingi New-York. Prtre 81 per copy, pott paid «Utter hundred. Cash ordert Addle«« THE TRIBUNE. Tribune Building!, ß(J(»KS-E.\TKAOKI)I.VAKY! Capis». ( Aiigti.te) Poiitlve Pin!, lochs.8300 Sikai «- - Critica. Examinition of th« Life of Jetut. 4 SO Fbi KKXAi ii - E.n ce of Christianity. 1 5" OBBU'i r. e î li.ist« iiilom. 12."' Hi.».TV. (William) Hiitorr of i'r-cstcralt. M Wiiii-ToMCKtrT'i» (Miry) Rightt of Woman. 75 Vulbbi'» Ruim, piier coser» 30 ctut«; cloth. M Vota»*, New Re«.arches on Ancient HUtory. 1 25 Tau., ii »a (Rtv Hobtrt) IJevü'« Pulpit. 1 25 I ........ A-t ". Ti ..¦....,¦). a Lecturei. i 31 The Elieine ol Seien.:«. By a Student of Comte. SO Mi. mi .,in (Rev. John) on liiipiratioii. 1 111 I'ei Igeiol l 1-.. .' .'I . I 25 Hi I ILL'» End. in . I Against I i.ua'.i»!.it .1. 2 50 Ran Hh.NH.u ii - Somnambulism and <ninp. 1 00 i lie Divine ind Moral Work, of Plata. 1 25 Pa i.sb'i Age ofReaion, 25 cent« in paper, clotu. 3~ Paim- PoUtic«! Work«. 1 OU )'»,.-.»'-Theolcgical Works (with Lite). 100 The Lift ol Thomat I'tb... (juit publUhed). 50 The Religion cf Science,; Being .. I'r» tical Antwertothe Oreat Qai.itl. n." If you tike aw»y my Religion, what w-ul you give n¡« in its »lead ' ".a. 87 Any, or all, of the ibove wil! be mailed free of pottage, by re- .iiittiug lb» piiie to the pobliiher, CALVIN BI.a.Ni HARD, No. M NtMsu it.. Near-York. THE WIDE-AWAKE VOCALIST; Ob, RAIL-SPLITTERS' 80NO-BOOK. WORDS AND MUSIC, POR THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN OF !»60. A Cboicb Con h.tio!» or 8o.*ii»t, S-.,..-, Inn«. Qi aktbti, AM» CaMBBSBS, Aii.iAM.Bn e.iii Pia*>o ok Mkii.hk.iv. The inlio» ii.g title« to Mme of the piece« will give in idea of the life, tcope and variety of the«, thrilling loi.gi: Arise, ye Son» ol Hciteit Toil: Baltimore Convention; bobolink liam- r'tgn Son»; Candidate with a Cork l-»g; Douglas and hit Dinih ; or Abe shall have the Br!t; Forward, Forward, Lithe Word, Get out of the Way, you Little biant: Have you Heard from Chic-uto ? High o.dAbe si.ill Win; In (food Republican Time»; Mai.tu l dropped it Lexington Pool Little Dug Shout for th« Prairie King Splittin' ob de Rail The People had Five Candi¬ date» , The Tiller Man well Skilled ; Unrollthe Republican Start ; Up, Up. «nd be St i, ring Wat it » del ). u'. I.¦.., V »inland, Was its des German TraniU'.iou VV e're bound to Work all Night. Just Published, and for Sale by E. A. DAGOEl r. No .i-i-t Broadway. Price 10 ce,it»; postage, 1 cent; . per hundred. A liberal discount to the Trade._ SEM) 0ME DOLLAK tot WELLS'" illus¬ trated NATIONAL CAMPAIGN HAND BOOK. It it ..rtli man) time« its cost as a Bock of reference. Sent poat i-, d AddrestJ. O. WF'.LLS, corner Ptrk Row und i-eekmui- -1 N. V. .1'HE FltTTKES FOR THE PEOPLE.The X Cbtspctt md Best.LINCOLN and DOUGLAS..Wo l.a.e jn.t bttutd a large and excellent Portrait of STEPHEN A. DOI'(.LAS. am companion to our LINCOLN Picture. Both .re good ¡iteiiei.»., aud each ii »old it 15 cent«, plain, or 16 .cult, hands« inely colored; 88 per hn..dred, plain, or *-15 per hundred, colored. Sent by mail, inclosed in a pasteboard roll, upon receipt of the price and two J-cent ttunpt for each picture lo prepay ,.. »tage BARER «. OODW IN. Printer« aid Publisher», Tribune Building!, Printing House Square, N. Y. ALABAMA L\ FAVOK OF DISUNION. See POLITICAL TEXT-BOOB FOR BBS 1 vol., cloti,, Ho page« For ule it The Tribune Otlice. Pnce -Fi._ CASKS lor BINDINO..Vole. 1 ami "I <»f "»»MEA WEEK 'and vol. 1 COHN'HILI. MAGA¬ ZINE. »»» nuw readv. VV ILLMElt k BOOBBB, No. 42 N»i»iu-it-, comer Lioerty, And all newt agent» and bookielleri._ VOW the». TIME 1er AGENTS to MAKE _1 MONEY..Send to VV ELLS for hit catalogue ol CAVii'AIUN BOt KB, CAMPAK.N CHARTS. CAMPAI,«N MEDALS, CAMPAIGN PINS, Ac, with aritp M Agent». Addr.n J. O. »VELLB, cor. P«rk-row and JMMMti N- Y. 1THE POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK FOR 18üo contain! the Mr-»».», of (iov Adam» of South (-a»oll"P, let- oiim.Hiding the ruopening of the African S.ale-Trade. Piiie fll K.'i .ale at The Tribune Oltics. ^TOTICE to ADVEBTÍ8ER8.--The only Daily I Piper published at the Canadian Seit of Government It THE QUEBEC MORNING CHRONICLE. It it taken in «1 most every family in Quebec, and MMMMM largely in Eaitern C-auad« t'.d New-Bruuiwick. Twenty thousand itraagort are expected on the vi.ll of th« Prime. A.:.. »... a will «nd THE CHRONICLE an excellent medium. Daily Chrouiclr, «i per annum, in advance VV kly Chronicle, «2, do. Terwt for A al¬ ler!.«ii.g mide know u on application. CAMPAIGN M"eÏ)ALS~Â_LL THE RAGE.. Agr,iti are lulling fioin Ut» to t»u doliart a diy. OiJers In d in inr nil i le. cived. Addr.-ti J O. VVEI.LS. Mi liituring Depot « oruer of Park Row and Heekniti »t , NY. \V"alt whitman-" t T LEAVES OF GRASS. For tale at ill Bookttorei prie« 81 25. Sent It ni::li to »ay addiet» in I uiU-d Suta*. prepaid, 81 50. 'I'll A i It ,-. ELDRIDUE, No. 11'. VVaah'u st., Boitun, Mus. Cost ano »fonnb. 10OT <-r STOLEN..TllliEE NOTES for two J hundred dollart e«ch, made by PHIL A. F1NKEKM IN of Nnw-Havrn, Ccnn , payable to the order of ABRAHAM H M, >Vl IN d.trd April 14, lió», at one, two, and three years' lime respectlvrly, with Interiat frum date. All perteiis »re cautioned igalmt receiving or negotiating tuch notti, ». payment bat Dseu tt«>pp«'d ABRAHAM BALDWIN. tîo GUfjom it illan Concern. A LADT Mjflhflfl t«, obtain a LOAN of MONEY ou her Fi.inituie from aoiue kit««! per»on wiio w.itiid allow ti.. trtiile« M isppte Is fear home until the amount tattlod- Add,... Mn. v F.RNON. Tribus, otti.... Printing. AT JAMES BYEEDELL1*.WeeVÙM CartU NOTES, Thrie c«lebr»led «ngr«v«d Carda can be hai .nly at the old Card Depot, No. «rej Broadway, oorner DuansP ENGRAVING aad PRINTINO (hatf sriee).- Weddllig.At II. :,-... a.,d Note Pipen, Ac. H.nliir.i ( a.di Bill Heidi, Portrait«, Au it KELLY'S, N.. i,7 Fulton it, N_Y* WM. EVEBDELL»* «WWS, Hs.lt! rsjjflsjt I »-..-. Myle« of VVjZJJUINO CARDS, NOTES, F-N VELOFES, Ac. il »:«b '-l .J >!:¦ ÄJtCBTBion«. EARLY MORNING EXCURSION to the CHOLERA BANK8.-Th* tea .twiner HUNTRESS, (apt J. Duv.lt will make an ear!» MORNING EXCURSION to the CHOLERA BANKS on WEDNESDAY MORNING, Aug. 18, leaving Jackain-it at 1' v. m. and Peck-«!lp it 2 o', lo.X i... prr« l.ely Bait lunnabed «gratl«. Llura and Refri-ah.nc'uU an be bad un board. F aie, «2. WALTER U C BOOOS _JOSEPH DI'VALL. .. LUSHING B*»aJ\K8, AHOY!"-Th« «>_¡_it> A «ban», taf« and fast fea-«teamer CROTÓN. Caá*- R. S HOKFMIRE. ».-¡.ted by Cspt. NATHAN ANDERSON Jr., having been pot fa «rompióte order, will conli "u« her regular trip« to the Fishing. Banki EVERY DAY darin« the «esson. leaving JamM iHp, ... R.. at :.v> a.m., Hroome «t "(, Fullon-.t, Brooklyn. 8, Bpr.iax-.t.. N. R. 81. Plot No. 4, N R., fi. A fine Ctvillon Rand «n board ; t! »o, RetVethitientt, Bait and Fiablng Tackle lupplied. Fare for the Excuriion, M cants, arlordiiig a Sue fail and viow of the Bay, Iilaiidj, and Foftf bollona. _ I "EXCURSION to th« "CO/lL FIELDS A PENNSYLVANIA."-Th« CENTRAL RAILROAD ol NEW-JERSEY will a*ll EXCURSION TICKETS during'th« Suninver through this region, eoniuiencing Jane 9. ¡futo lor jibe entire Eicortion, «T SO. TirXet» good tor ten daya. Lea»« .'onrtlandt-ft at 6 and 8 a. n.., 18 m and 4 p. m Leave Pie, No. 2 N. R. at 7j and Hi a. m., and 3i p. in. Apply lor lickett at either place. ___ For further Information apply to H. P. BALDWIN, Oenerol Ticket Agent No. M Wali-.t._ PLEASAjNT BUN I »A Y EXCURSION to GLEN WOOD, latidingaSlîoyll« Dock, CftyMaud, New-Rocbelle, and Glen Cove. StsaWST It A V KL«)WER leave« C«tiariiie-«Jt. every SUMDAY «J»'»; D-lAicey ,t.. 8:4*.; 11th it., 9; 2Htb «t., 9:10 .'C th -r 9:1." Fare. 2S rents etch way. A fine grove, free to the Dotrons of the boat, fitted with tablr«, iwinri, i.e. MAY FLOWER and (lllOVE to let In.jnlre foot of 43d at E. R. t__ UN DAY BOAT lor KEYI'OET and 1-EBTÍI aO AM BOY landing at Cbelaea, Union. Ro««»i .'.-, Woodbrídge, Tottenavillr« and Cliflwood. The iwitt iteimer ALICE PRICE, leave« every SUNDAY, rain or thine, St follow«: Robinton it. at 8 o'clock, Spring it 8', Pier No 4 N R. «J o'clock. Return¬ ing, « Key port at 4 o'clock. Fare 26 cent«. So Sportsmen. "IHHING TACKLE. THOMAS H. BATE k Co., No. T WARREN-8T.. NEAR BROADWAY. Dr_ ©0000. s PECIAL NOTICE TO STRANGERS VISITINO THE CITY. OPENING FALL SILK8! CHAS. H KAtU) & Co., No ..¦! i«it.vNDar., Would «ju-i ial!y ln-.it«- the atU-itioB of Strtn(«rt viiitlnj the NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or RICH FALL SILKS ! Comprising all that it new In «tyle and deairable iu colon or qutlitir«, a .J OF THE LATEST IiViP«mTATION. In anticipating the regular OPENING OF FALL SILKS, we mtke this anriouucoiuent «olrly In reference to SOUTHERN and VVEsTERN STRANGE US, .topping here or pauing through the city. On MONDAY, Angunt 13, We will open 150 PIECES RICH FALL BILKS, FOUR DIFFERENT GRADES, TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT STYLE« OF PATTERNS. In prie« varying Eioui if) Cent» to «1 28 per yard CHAS. HEARD k Co.. No. sol Grand-it, SPECIAL NOTICE. DE FORFaRT. ARMSTRONQ 4 CO., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND SPACIOUS WAREROOM», Not. 7ft, TT, 79, 81,83 and 8S - DUaANE-ST^ Min Bioiiftt. Where they will offer for »ale a new and elegant atoeX of DRY GOODS for the Fall Trade, iiiited to oil tecüont of lb« country. They are opening weekly AMOSKEAQ and WAMSUTTA PRINTS, In Bet* tad detliabie «tyle«. Thete celebriated Print«, are th« CHEAPEST and REST now told in the United SUtes, and tbey b«g leave to ali th. particular att> .-.lion OF DEALERS to them. MME. DEMOREST* MAGASIN DES MODES, No. \'A Broadway..Grand opening of Imported l'on» Fatbio'i. on MONDAY, Sept. A, preteuting a brilliant di-piay ol pattrm« of new and recherche design« tor Baj.'uoa, Sleeves, «Vaiata, Mantles, Jacket». Xc and children'« deiigns In great va¬ riety. Bruncht-t No. 820 Cenalit. and No. 134 rirrTepont-at., Brooklyn : alao In ail the principal cities of the Union. Bend tor Fall Circular. _ QKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS '.Cheaper kü» than ever. Retailed at loa» than wholesale prices. Mme. DEMOREaST'S Pr-ixo-Medal .SkirU, patent"d June -.'!* undeni¬ ably 'i..- beat Steel .-«it-, and the lowest pottlbie prices. Notice.12 apringi, N'c. \b »priug«, 75.-. 20ipring«, «1. No. 4*8 Broadway, Not. 2yy and SI» Canal »t., No. 20. «ith av., No. 244 Grind «t, and No. 184 Plrrpont-it., Brooklyn. Dealert iap- plied at No. 4... Broadway. Call and examlue. 3J. BALLIN, O O « A VI rtl-TI'KKR ill ... SHIRTS, BOSOMS, and COLLARS. No. 3 Barclay ft, N. T juoots, ôl)ocs, £*c. Lj\l)IES' FRENCH SHOES. JEKFKRS of No. 57» Broadway would retpee-tftuly tellcit Uie ladies ot New-York, and from all parts of the Colon, to «-all and examine his elegant auortinent of French BOOTS and SHOES, and embroidered Tolletaiid bri<l_ SLIPPER*, frioet commeuturiite with the times JEFFERS. No. ST8 Broadway, opp Metropolltari. » tZ CALF SEWED BOOTS FOR . «lI with »na fTiTUH, «an "S PURCHASED at No. Ib9 CHAM BER.S-8T. 3 SHOES and GAITERS.A NEW STYLE, at JONES'«, Nos 10 and 18 ANN ST. CALL AN« THEM. iTJante. A CITY Female Teacher of the Piano-Forte can take a tew more PUPILS, or would vi»lt School» and Fam- Uiei. Apply to E. H. VV JLCOX k Co., U. S. School Agency, No. 2a!!» Broadway. Private CUuiei forming by the u> »' Troletaori ti.il Teacher«. \V ANTED..A io«»Hition BSTEACHER ot* MU- v T »It and PAINTlNli. in un Imtitute. by a Lady who hat laiglit thete branche« tor many yean would atsM In other de Ça.«mentíof luatruction if requiied. AddretsM. A. TEACHER, Vibune Othco. .. AMER. SCHOOL INST.'su*.*....-* schools An. wi b oinpetont Tea hen, parent» igiatmtoutly » with School Ciicubiri. Competent Tea. Lei« of Mi lie »anted. (See to dt) »Word) SMITH, WOODMAN k Co. No. 5.1. 13load »ay. ABLNDAjNCE of gtood SERVANTS now ready for city or coaiitry. Oerman, Englith, Scotch, Irish, I.- ; rapaMe. civil, active : at the largvit Iuatitute and Home, con¬ ducted by an American Lady. No. 13d lit!, .t, corner of 6th a». tJIRLS WANTED.To go to a manufacturing " «Mage five hour.' ride from tin» city, in Connecticut, ta »bum tteady EMPLOYMENT wUI be given the year round at ren narrative price«. For further Information apply at No. 31 Broadway (up «tali«). «-píFCLOAK and MANTILLA MANITAC- .1 TURERS.- A Lady fully competent to take the entire «rilarte if a Workroom. «Other Hhulotale or retail, deitrea so EN¬ GAGEMENT, thoroughly und. rtondi her buiiuefS: best vlty ¦ eleieuce given. Addle»« A. B., Tribune Orhc«. _ WANTED-A Womau CHILDREN'» NI RSE. one who «¡¡1 be « illlug to make beriolf grn .-rally utsf.il, In a mull t.uilly expetiug soon to M to the country. Wtge«, «Li dollar». Apply at No 118 Wert Iltb «t. W'AN'l ED.PORTER for a Retail Drugstore. If A colored man » bo is bring tbe t-eit teatluiouUla for lion*f«v and indn.Uy and » ho liai had expérience itithe butlnei«. Enatrlra at cace of CASSU ELL. MACK, audio., Diajgl.u FITh Avenue 11, tel WANTED..Fwnilie* wi«hiug to remove to th« aouutry, which are cempoaed of two or more growu-ua daughter«, may besr of sn opportunity to better their ctrrani- ttaiicef »lib peí.tuent employment In a mai.ufatrtiniiig villar» in the St .te of Couiiectlcut, nve boni, ride trom this city. Xp ply to No- 87 Broad» »T, Bp »la1rs_^^_ ft lálfl MONTH made by any one with tro I 1 T\J Strii. 1! Toclt The cbeapeot and belt For Clr ,i.r. «.iJr.-.. JOHN M1LL1KEN, Uwrruce, Mass rpO < IMIa ENfilNEERS.-A «et .»f l.NSTRr- i MENTS foi 8ALE, .,n.iitl,,i| of the toll.wing t).ie Helar Con.pa«», twver uardj ona Seitsut, never «issd; two Tr»n- it. in g.«".! condition ¡rn« pocket Co.uptts. Th» Above will t.« «old at.one hall Iheü ori*iualco.t Foi patUculor«, J!,.-« Hi,i No, 1,4**1, New York Pott Othc* Almut ementa. -ii ,- -yn-* «. \f AY THE BEST MAN WIN." ^JOHM C. HEENANS RECEPTION JTEBTIVAL, . JONES'S WOOD, Will take p'see on _ MONDAY AFTERNOON, Aag.it 13,1M0, when will be issif-d by JOHM MiDONALD, * EDWARD PRHE, JAMES COBICK, ...d C. P. OTTlOltOil, All prominent rrrofussori of |h» oitsry art Df.DWOH-ni'H DOUBLE BAND. of'10 per.'ormer«, «rill fta> i.:ir:»ppropri«t» rr.ii»ic. There sill he COMFORTABLE SEATS for 3.000 pertot*, .a« cliisively for LADIES Md the GENTLEMEN acc-DiopaayinB turn, i and the ground! will to arrange«! thst ¡MM SPECTATORS Can ¦« e p»rf»«-tly. _ The main feature of the day will be a PERFECT REPRE¬ SENTATION ofthe _ INTERNATIONAL CONTEST Between Meisr». HEE N A N »ad BAYERS, With .¡.. th«¦ incidents of that m*moraine event, diveMed of 1(4 actuiliy di«ag'ee»ri:r feature» Th« lèverai profeasor« named above will alt* TRY THEIR HANDS WITH THE CHAMPION. One pleasing «vent will be th« PRESENTATION id 0*8 puree Of * THE CHAMPION FUND, Embracing all the contribution« made to Mr Hesnar. op bo iotoi Th« Second and Third Avenue cart and . nornDsr of tt>«m« boat* wl.I mak» extra trip« to «nd from Joaet'i Wosd on th« diT of th« Fe»tl»aL Ticket«, 21 rent». Lidie» Amphitheiter ind Balcony SitaU, 23 c«mt» extra. Carrlag»! to the Oroundi. !'.> cent» extra. AN OFFICE FOR THE SaLE OP TICKETS. Ampbitfce*. trical Bad balcony Seats, ii op*n at No. 4 -.0 Broadway. l'a- taget of Ticket» ami place« may ».»-. be ttciuti The moit effective measure» have hen mad« to lernre goocf order, the whole management being y.m, . 1 under th» Lanoediata tajterviiion of Meurt. JAMES M. NI.M'N »fid HENBÏ WOOD. The entire rformanee commencing at boob, will concludÁ» by FOUR O'CLOCK, giving ample time, to viatt other placea entertainment, particularly the Orand Circuí at Nibio'a. RE>".MltF.«-Thii will be th« ONLY EXHlBIflOM 1st . * NEW YORK, as Mr. Heenan app.-.-.r*. in Philadelphia an W edi,«idiy. Remeuiber MONDAY AFTERNOON, at Jormft W ood. .> J HEENAN.» FE8TIVAL. i ^, a«_. .- JONES'S WOOD, M0N0AY, A g. It. TO THE Pf.BLIC. ~^ It having been Intiii.ited that I will not uptymts at Jone**« W ood on Moi day, 1 be« to itite that I have u.a. rj my interest« in the handt of Mr. JaS. M NIXON md HY. WOOD for maa- »g« ii-.-iit. the benefit Bccruitg tai me. and that when thoie gsutla- men announce my tppeirtnte at any place I wil, b. present M) faieil th« eotagero*,,»._JNQ. Ç H FIR NAN. IBLO8 GAKDEN. N MATINF.F. 2 O'CLOCK TO-DAY. CINDERELLA, FIFTY BOYS AND GIRLS. NEW, GORGEOUS AND INTERESTING PROCE.SSIO.NS, DA.N'CF:S AND FETES, ROBINSON, ZOYARA, THE BANLON8, AMD ALL TUB RETINUE OF TALENT. THE CARRICULUM, PARTY OF AMATEUR ASPIRANTS. Aduiisdcu..Filly Centk. BABNÜM-" AMËBICÂN^Û8ËTJ_T. "THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP.' THE PEOPLE WILD WITH EXCITEMENT! To !©.. the ircmeuie coi.r. tlot: of LI VINO WONDERS, and enjoy the Amusing Performance« at this M-ueuui, «here all th* appliance! of »cruce and art «re adopted to KEEP COOL Bod CoMFORlABLE. Look over thit hit of Living Wonder« and tee if th* world furolthei another eltabUshment where mi much it to be seeu for a "QUARTER.'' 01ANT BABY, GREAT LIM NO BLACK SEA LION, LIV ING WHAT 18.IT? or MAN MONKEY ALBINO FAM¬ ILY, white at mow, tnoogh bom of parent» aa black as ebony ; LIVING SEAL, ANOEL Flsll, LIVINO SKELETON, LIGHTNING CALCULATOR.!MoNSTER SNAKES, BABY ANACONDAS, HAPPY FAMILY. '«i.«,» ( urloii'in from every part of the Globe. SPLENDID PERFORMANCES in the LARGE and AIRY LECTURE ROOM EVERY AFTERNOON at 3 oYlo.-,k, and EVERY EVENING at 8, By Bndworth'i, late WOOD'S MINSTREL.», in which the«* 1 .¦.¦! HARMONY, WIT, EXTRAVAGANZA, .lu;., to lb* amuaemeut and delight of their «iidten.-e«. ALL THESE FOR 25 CENTS ChUdreu under 10 ye-ara, 18 centta OPEN AT ALL HOURS DAY AND EVENING. LAURA KEENE" THEATER. " I Letir» andMaaag**.Mr. Jours Ja»r»a»o» Stage Manager.Mr. JMAMMMMMB M.i(r»J Director...The» Baker Soeuio Artist,.J.E.Hayap i Prompter.T. 8. Cta* CONTINUED SUCCESS. SATURDAY, Aug. 11, And every evening till further notice, OUR AMERICAN COU8LN. Mi JOHN WOOD.a».Ploreac*. Mr. JOS JEFFERSON.at.Asa Treneliard Mr. E. A. SOT111 UN....Lord Dtrndreary Mr. COULOOCK.at.Mu/coft Mr. PETERS.a».Blnnsy Mr. J. BURNETT.m.Coyis Mr. STODDART.Sir Edward Mil. CHANFRAU.a».Eugenia Mia. VINING.as.Mrs Moiutcfeecstagtoa Mit* JEFFERSON.**.Augitta Mi« SARA STEVENS.\*.Mary MwtHlilfe New and Beautiful Scenery by HAYES. THE AMERICAN COUSIN POLKA, By THOMAS BARER, sill he pertormed every evening. Door» open at 7J eouun«n..» at 8 prwli'ly. Seat» may be lecared one week in »dvince. _ i W INTER GARDEN IS (Stturdiy) EVE THE LA8ÍNIGHT THIS (Stturdiy) EVENING, Aug. U,b«icg PflflBsMAJ THE LAST NIGHT hut tlx of THE FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT THE FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT OK THE WONDERFUL RAVELS, the performance» will be 1er the BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT of YOUNO AMERICA and MISS FRANCIS. th« American .lanseute, on which occasion will be pietentyed FOUR SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENTS. For the tint time, the beautUm ballet of THE FISHERMAN'S DREAM. Alio, for the hrrt time, ALC1DE. .ud In continence ofthe re.; ieat of thoattadi, GABRIEL will appear lor th« Utt time In his great rjlec: Clown in up MAGIC TRLMPET, with evolution, on the TK.HT ROPE._ W.__^ck^theater7~ . EXCITEMBBT STILL INCREASING. THE FLORENCES DRAWING CROWDED HOUSES, Replete with Beauty md Fashion. TONIGHT fSaturds»), Aug 11, l«"«*), O'FLaNNI JAN AND THE PAIRIE««. 0-fMMÂM.Mr- PlaORENCB THE YOUNG ACTRESS. Mtxi».-Mrt FLORENCE! P»Uey Grey, an Irish Hoy.Mr». FLOREN( B Paul Bertie, a French L»d.Mrs. FLORENCH MehiiBble. a YsukeeGi.l.Mr». FLOREN«:« EfTde. a Scotch Little.Mr». F'.ORKNCB The Trtitedlan.Mr» FLORENCE, Do DM open at 7| To commence at 8 o'clock. PALA CU GARDENS. Potirteenth-it. u. ar it av. THE Ll BIN BROTHERS EVERY EVENING. ELECTRICITY, NECROMANCY, and VENTRILOQUISM. PROMENADE CONCERT, by J V. SIRATTONS . UNRIVALED PALACE GARDEN ORCHESTRA, _ADMISSION 25 CENTS._ CLOSING EXHIBITION or STEAMER oreat eastern, "on MONDAY, TUESDAY, »sd WEDNESDAY. 19th, lith. and Lih lost. THE LAST OPENING OF THE SHIP Plior to her departure for England, _, on th« Itith lost. VISITORS WILL FIND 8TEAMBOTS at lb« WHARF*. *, foot ol Ilaiumond-it, every Efll hour from 9 a. m., untrUl:» p. m. Ticket« m«y be obtained on the wharf «t Fifty Centse«ch» Children under twelve year» of M*. hall prl e- . J. H YATE8, S<*r*i«ry. M~~R. C. JER0MXi1ÔP1XTN8; a THREE SACRED and MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS, with full Orrbratra and Chorn from Ma N. Y. Hariaonk Secl- I r»v, it Palace Garden Hall, Aug. !4lh. Itito and lath. PRÔÊËSSOK ANDERSON, " "WIZARD Of THE NORTH,» Will tranifonn the Winter Garden Into hi» " PSiCUOMANTliElM.'' He will make hi» inyilic appearance on MONDAY. AUGUST 10. IOTERNATIONAL ART INSTITUTION EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS, No. 694 Btoadway, corner of 4th ok, Opea from 10 a. m. » p. p. Admiiiion ti :si.ta. ö'ttuioncrr a\\b »fanqj ©ooö». BAKD IIKOTHERS & Co., ManiiAi«i*ari>i»i of CHILD PENS, PEN ar.d PENCIL CASKS. 21 Mall, n m«, New-York. Also, mmulu turert of Bard k Wilton i Patea! Angular Nib Gold Pena Oold Pan» r»p tired or «acksLged. ME ÏFRANCIS &. L0UTREL. ~~ * STATIONERS AND STEAM PRINTERS, _No. 4.*> Maiden isue. ürd-ri icdciled. X GOLD PENS with GOLD and «SILVER CAfiEl to 810. Gold Pen« Ms to fll ; Mat by mML Pea. «a« chuiged. Pent impaired for «A*. G. P. UAWBES, «4 N»i.a»«a. ünilöiug íUiiictialo. ENCAUSTIC TILES F«. FLOOB8. PLUMBERS' MATFBIALB, CHIMNEY TOP«, DRAIN PIPER, A. .fiLLXa k COABia, Nat- »7V ».*.-«*

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  • ^tiuUili?V01- XX.N°- 6,021. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1860. PRICE TWO CENTS,


    T1TK Mt W-VOI»S D411. , IBIHIM.II rVBUf)Ux.V IVERï MORNING AND BVtaMNO(Sr-ioita taicarruii

    BY THK TRIla'NK ASSOCIATION,ar ni ¦raierna «riLPiBtoa, ciaota» or Bstsa« idmrmvca..mBBTt.orntaiTB rat citv-bai-aaal «VaHetre* to «- -J» S«.***acribo- at ll| cop* per wee*. Mallinksrr-lbort «. I. -*-¦ .» *_"**. i ... fot ufa uMaaüta.


    rat pa_iai»e«l e-esfj Batvbbai aloracjn.',«! at to» low prtoe of «8I*« anenjn. Xi «lav-aar»». _hroo Coaleo for ai. Rive aCoplet fota«, l»a Ctjapée« fot *Lt, Tw«vat» Copiet, u ono atldreM (andawy k-trorw a atiabe, al lao roto of ai per annum), aso, TwentyOpts» to o-âttiess of «roch «»»aOçitat-riaor (aro* aay karger aomber att*B> rot« of «1 88 «ay-a), $)U- Any perso., «ending at a dob ofI oumty o, Bx.ro will bo eotiUod ta ta sxtr» oopy. lubtcribtloiisto t»o«oB.nc«» at any tinie.

    -vd-eeill«en>eiiU In Tbb Wbbelt ToMBrra eest ONE DOL-MJx AND TWENTY-FI\E CENTS PP.R LINE for ootohlawoitioB. Notatin* luaertn* for leas thaa «Î

    -¦b> um.w_EKl.T TRIB.-VBIt »ckBtbed every Tib*da, an* Khipat M..n«iiBtt, Pilot $1RBt aaaiux. ; Two Copiât« fot «b ; Kite lopiet for «11 2X.


    8BB.>>-a-«ad on in*. dtparLuxe of each Mali S«leaiiier lor Ltver-«u. ai Ob per a--.-, t/iNtsge ~c,i.dVd. Singlo .Ut.piof, Kit«

    ßi'iigionö Äotitca.?i ta«. W ¦»hlBaioD-otiaoj- a. _.. «*k>j^ax-T,r«ith-

    J.a^(.,ï'¦î b,h.: ».»* Mv-lio.i.«: «t. 1-iea.aiBg l'O MUKROM n 11 | a. m. b, the Rev. KlIVVARI» TtlOMsT)«, U 10Xtliifi l lui»..al. Aa*Ooa»0 and Journal, nud at 74 u u. b» U.P^ao,, the Ke» h S POSTER v u. 'tJCsZsaMiTiilfJUa:P- -_Ailvent Mit.ioa C'hurcb, Caaysi Iiutit-te, RoorrTNö

    »4..lie*ilil.t M i. il*. Ill, l**ttlli,*t. «t lui a ni and Ü» t. rc.by V!d PHILO H AMKS, «J-aalcr of the Manners' Church'l'rovidtiivr, K 1 'llic public me united to attend. Seat*, life"

    At ike Flr«t PrtAabylerhtn Church of Hooaken,oort.er oi W atbiiigtoii and »bird its.. Rev. MM 11. BABliU'T«rv»U«ipi«-ta*r» :> i< N. l.llLiLl.l, of Urand Rapid». Mi« b willxtresáh TO-MURROvV. Uorrieoa will commence at l"j a m.ami at eiat», ting Iron. 12 loi o'clock. All are invited, and teat» iuri.Uli.d.

    Malh-at. .11. JK. Church, «Ui-.t corner of Avenue K..The Krv. J. 8. 1.NSR1P »11! pi*«. I. »t l'-i am. Si.bjeot" The Resurrection of tl.« Dead'' And at "* p. ui. sul«je«H."The Judgmeiit uf the Oreat Dtv." The Rev. J. IRVINE(recently iioin Ireland) will preach "at 8 In th« AhTEiiNoO.NNew JeruBBieaa Ckar.-b iSweiAt-nborguui). Public

    Wortuip on bl.M'AV, Aug. 11, at tiie Natiuiial Mutical Iusti-t.te. formerly (»cldbrck'i Munie Hai., No. T«*£> Broadway, at 1». .U. tu. Beat* lite.

    Krv.Joha AlcKinlay, of Scotlnnd, will preach atPiJote «.ardei. M«ti Hall, 14th ?; near Ltn-av TO-.MORRoWat ü, p u... sada»lBa at lu« a. m. ai.d ".J p m.,at trie oorurr ofChnitcpber ai.d bed:oid-«ta.8X Ano'a t hurch, lth »t.. near .'-:h av., the Rev. THO**

    OALLaI DET, R>attor.-^ervaeMu.lJ»Uttl 10-.M0RRUV»,Mltiitiie voice at MN ». ui. and 8 p. in., and in the Sign lang'.oge at84 p ui. 'J heilet y. C Y.W Kit, Rtx-toi of (»race Char i.. SailFrai.ciaro, Cotfrniia. will preacti m tiie moru.ug aud eIeuiu»Sealr free.

    Tbe Kev C t'raven or L.Roy, NewVork wii: pr.achfortloiounh 1 uivtr.aii.t trocirtv et Brvo«l>n, a. tL.Lr p.u.e©I «ortbip. tuii.b. ilaud ?:., near l.aiayetteav. äraU.iec Ihr

    rabUc are («raiaiiy iuvlicd to attend. S. rvicet at M| s in. andp ri.The Kev. loua« W«î»acott »i.l _aoch TO MORRu.V.

    tl>i. DtivvliLg« CLurcii. urn.t oí Betttord tuid lOoK-iiin^ »'Xt _i»rt At lot » n. "The obat-clut in tbe w y of a «ii.ii-r «>ntlinc«.l.o., I.» a Hoiy (,od ;'' oi.datl) p.».

    " Tue intermedíaleKate, vr the ..Lvi.tiv.ti ol the »oui between the de »lb ol t.e ,l>on* il« rr.urrt i- ..v n

    The Kev. Wni.H. Peanie «.ftl.e Wyorc.iig i c..,ieronc-will prea. h luti r i. iLtrul M. !.. Chuich (ueui comer 14.1. »t.,and'iUi avenue i. on m l >ÜA. the lftn in««., in the uiornlug atEtEJ o', net. an: la U.e evening at n 0 clock.The Kev. Ira K. Mevmrtl, ft-iv. oi th- tiapti«

    Manner»' I bun u, ».,1 i.iea-h in Uta »uteei.t!. Uapiir«. CbuichlLultithtt. near Bti. a» SI M'.'.l MUlLNIMi, A,.cut: 12. allbi o'v.ock StivO.e* in the KVEN1NO at '.% o. luak whenBeveral converted beauieu wiil bo prêtent and andre». Lb.- meel-truj._Tke Kev. \t aeblnnlon (jladtleo, hs8«r, will pre»x!. in

    the run to: L.'-^ati ji.ai Choi u Btat. H.,Baai Huí*, brooalyn,To-MOhhili». at 1««; a. BB. aiiiicp. in. buuday Scnooist 9a. i. ci d S p. in.

    "The People*» .»leetina »t No. 1*1 bo»er>, E» KRVH-'hUAV. eabjects.Vu the tith. at 8«. in.:

    *¦ Tut- l.auea sndthe l»»i»(liii«la'» f! the l-reaidciitiiil can-jjaigia." r-ti.iiih div.«leal rxciieu.. i.t At* p. in 'The Public Sell .oi. .ibe.itntli », deu.rlit», and theil cc-rt coimcle:««!. Pioltoii,, nee to all,

    "The People'« Pol) leeüniclnBlItatt-, ut «No. in bow¬ery tV Kl.» til .>LiAl .Houilutoli» m SaujOat* ou the liSlh;lot ti«i«t Kraii.LXt, « iti. mural and Ibftuiiiai CliltfttBHI -J,Ob- »ii|.v.»rr ai.d ioiiti.,.ii.» tr- ihj.ii a ceii.¿ prrieutiugtU*.-u*e anu |irr»t'iviux L'-ialtl .-«eat« n.-e

    ~'»lViit Fr-earhlBM The Krv LI Til Ell II. van i»«ir_Ñ,Parlor ol tbe ;«oiii-tt Pie«i«»'eri»ii Cbuiil., wlDpiuaoli ... t1 elaiKe lout at tl.t jnnilioii ol UoadW«y »«d lb in »i.d v-enlialfaik TlO-MUKRuM, at A m'tmmk. Oerri-an iTr,. hing at 4J-.Pr.-aa-i ii.t-ttii.g at

    " »ai i.«tl.-.«.obo«.l»l I"», m. Ail »le Invitedto ett< i. ti._~The Kev. Hltlney A. Corey will preach in tbe -M urrayUtil Hantifi ( l.niclj. a. m. ana '.J p m.. by the Pastor, the Rev.jl Jr.. sEARd » ». ru.on lu th' r. « i.NiXO on a paiti ;ular»u!»-fxct- Scott free.W aabimtitoB-otiaHre .11. K. ( huicb.-The Kev. D..

    THOMPSON, Ktui'.r of ill« ( biutiau Advocate and Journal,will prracb m thi« ebtrurh "TO-MORROW, Aag. U, at 1"> « in.'Jlu- R. v. Ur FOttTAaR, thtr 1'attor. la ill ft.k. »t 'i o'clock inlb» I Vei.iiig. _

    .«.nU.t» M. I.. « bureta.-The Rev. "(JEOROI. RCROOK». U. 1». ol the Ne»-Vork Ko*4 I onlrrem e. will ptrreo. b'(«»-MOhKOVV (».,..day) MORMNO, and BVENIHO.IB theVonX'-it M. t ( bur« h._" »vt-BtuiliistertbiTreta, th« Wm:.»°"%\?___Aj_Til i» 1> Tortor lh. R»v TIMOJUi 11. Poiiri-.K


    presci. in il'i» « hui.l. (¡Wd »t »c-tweer .4.h «ud Tth .». ) TO-L«»»lRoVV (»abl.atl.». Aut. 12. at lot. o .:lle, tina, al 1 outer«, arilc*vi.tii.,.e TuIiai (Prl*ay), b.'.Tl'KI»A k» and SI Mit!,boa« irnir the toot e: Jay «t at '. and A a. i«i 8.41, 4 and Io'.ltM.p m Pies. li.-.K b\ île Ke\ .'.!. HOOK, th.- II. .. I»r.St' l.RAl ol'Nr»»ik, th» Rev loi MIT( 11 l.faL of the M Y.Ihur«h. Prof MaTTESON v.- Hex Jtit). t.l AI»AMS, thfUv. Xlr 1IA.SK l.ia ut Nebia»«a, tt.. Rar, i' IVr.A'.ll, thaRev. WM. IRWIN in.r ei..i-.e.it Mn.iaei, h.., kooaut«vited. and ai!.' probably prem h tir. i« e. aoaaaXBEBSS *t !'"¦ ain. SSB. IJ B> i'.- M. E lli.cl. Uj.i.i.. u», d.The lulli.w iiitr l'it » u.lile nuil If e--..l.. 11. «. .i

    adoptad ...i. lia« r. t not the ateoiuBT HI NTRE0S oa 10. i ! aAug. *-» loten

    l. /i»».,;, Oa ikU oa* B.aj jir. % i-, i»ei i'lon- to lb. ( 1. »Irr«Bank, oi i.'i nlldt m-ii »tinnier III N i I! H.r-,8 < ..j.: Ilegg« li itiildtid Lin.-, r to leii.-ti r the trip a» ..ti»l». tory »ici tfreeoblt«.»trotnllt to ail i.n tiota.d tl.'i.i >re,

    Hi..«,.,' ii »t v«c leiidcr Inn. r.i'i «in. ere tu*Lk»f.,r lili uniformkiiidi,. . i.d o ita.y, sudchreiluily loin.neudbliu «i.,1Ar.tlrev, Celia'II and kktvll craft, to all wUlilng o goiil day'»»port Ot, lb. I l.bi'.E bk.Xa. if, /..,'.,AMOR J. WllalalAMSON Tretld. i.l

    I. W En«.i.v*íi>, Sacretary. _T-ie Heal Hbowb H«-Dt< dy fm Cb .1er» Diarrhea, l»y»

    »ntarry « . .'j» tir«u.|.« and Sain..... r I oinp '.«ii t« f« frrvaioM attl*. »»».or, of ti.» year, i» Dr. 01DDlNO9*8 \ K« ir.TABLr.*) My |iy, Nv »1 OretB.aiih »t N«w fork.

    -»linn ¦bbBSSSBB-A Card.Tbe imdeTrlrned. in compilan e with tbe ipt»ritai>eons d«»ire«

    of ui»uy b« ueivolent frisnd», a» well at their own, would respect¬fully irivi'e tho»e ». iitlcniea who fe*l intereited in behilf of thet« ni of tboiiitn.ii of ( hrlsliani in Syria who have be.ti madewretched wanderen, ihelt»rlo«i. md reidy to perish with f«mIn«, by a most riitbte.« and tiin.iti-.il war, to m««*t at the Amer-ii «i Trui t Sot l.-tv't Hoiiae, ueit MONDAY, at 3 p. ni., to de-vite iiirnmrrt for having the «uhj.-ct ol tending relief to BMMpoor people brought, aa too* u postible, before tlie Churches inan effective and responsible man Der. i^ANew Vorn, Auf n, ii ha). -B*«-.. mJAMES BROWN. FRANCIS HAM-,FREDS WINSTON, VV (ALEXANDER,"L BAÑOS, STEWART BROWN.OEBaBDHALLOCK, TIIOS. L. RC-UIMoRE.SMITH SHELDON. J. R SPAI.DINO,SIDNEY E AlUIi.SE k Co., WM. A. BOOTH,

    _U. E. WOOD._spirituell«.!».' lMcnlc.-Ti,.. Spirit nil-ti «f New York

    and li.iiiiij will hold a Picnic «t Fort Lee, N.J.. ou THl'RS-I'AY, Ai.gutt 17. Kn.ii.ei t «| e,.k. ra will i» prcari.t, iiiid «veryeffort nisoe by the Committee ol Amngruienta to «e.'iire to ai!who liny participate In tliei lestitilie» of the «re>dwoKh'i and Lamar¬tine Halla on Sunday 12, and on the Boat the day of the «xcurtió» Boat! leave foot of Sj.i ii.g ,t. (il, an* J» a in., touchingat '¿2a tt. Fare ea-h way, 10 cents.

    WILLIAM V. NOE. 8e*. Com.S T. Tbobi-von, Treasure,.Mtone Preserve Jars- 4. re«-n'a Knalinh Paient..

    Self».pBm without wax or rul'l.rr, tbe u.oit durable and perfect«rUtle la. BBS. For tile by VV. N. SEYMOUR A Co.,

    No 4 ( llalliam «8.HELPER'S IMPENDINO «KiSlS OF IHK SuUIH

    (Coii.p«'i.diiiiu). Pilos HO ceuta; «Id per 1(W, »li«) per 1,'toOp(,«;a»re H canil.Rf.i'lRLltAN SONGRTE1 p: ,. CBnUTHE BOt.oi-INK MI.NMKEL. ^'.i,THE W IDEA »VAK.E V OcALI.-T. f Pl,._M ^¡a

    coT,t«i,.i..r Word, and M.«ii. J 8AMMJ« f«MREPl BLitlAN POCKEi I'iSiOL Price 0 ««M- Pottig«

    """THE BARBAR1TIF8 OF SLAVERY.-Mr. Sumnvi'i re¬cent tmooek m tiir Seuate, with Htminoud't "' ILLUSTRA¬TION. " it. .i('i.i V'. erklj 'it ibime ofJune 8 Price 4 cettt perioi)v. é¿ msi bundle«). Pottage i .euit per copy additional.

    CAAiPAION TRACTS.Pibabb eat »AKT,, i i.i«. Ai'iBNTinar to tht. rumhrki an Pott-

    ife on the »e duci.m» «it», a, prepay ment 1» r««i|u,redI THE lRHEl'RESSi.lLE «'iNi-Lle 1 Oav. Sewtrd t

    Ko( heater hpeech ol l erlitt perdel- n thiglv, 4 cnitt. By Mail, postige piepaid, 6 cent» pelcoiiy, JO u-utt per do»1. i.mile.l cheap e.litl(.|,,;»!lce..U po.t«j¡e. .««»BI«. B« _ I'VIHiSSkTOUSEY, No. UI Nsssaarf LAMKEME, No I\..ev »I A.toi lieu.«; OODkRI.V. No. iAl Bl .«!» ¦.».


    York. May «l«o be had of the author, at hi» room«,»iroad

    vv.iy, cuinriol ItIS«irt (Pailidoy liullitinfl. '".( "'">'. UP ¦*-n»i.tiiiii. 'JtuH. »i.d«. toi», rv« iiing. Coim.iltstl n *u irilV.su.


    r, li.ii I vol , I-¦»!., 24« page»Fur .alt at li* Till«EM 11-.- Pi!«*' «i















    EDITORS' PREFACE.The -In»'» end of this book is the presentation, in » complot

    and convenient form, of the more Important fact», voie«, reaofve«,letter, speech«», report«, and other documents, whi h élucidât«the political. ..i.trat now «sitad,,«, thia country. It ha» been ouraim to l»t every candidat» and oth»r Important p»raona«e apeakfor hln.aeif. make hi» own platform, and vludlcat« (if ha may)hi« o» n conilitency and the loundnrai of hi« view« on the greatquestiont which underlie onr carrent p..iiti« .¦Of course, tuch a work can have bat a comparative merit.

    Make it ever to large, and «till manv thing» mutt be omittedthat tlie compiler would with to lt.»«rt, and every Clitic willpluuililv a»k, " Why lasen tais md omit thtt I Why give tonun h of A md »o little of R 1" Rerldet, it it not ilwiyt punibleto remember, or, if remembered, to find, ail that would be val¬ued in . w m k like thia. We can only lay that we have done ourbett: let him do better who can.IntccoTacy oí m; .tutti Is one ofthe chief vie»«« of our political

    di».-..».,.,m You ran hardly II«,, n to a ta t trjea-ch, even from awell-Informed and truthful canvasser, which is not marred by»orne misapprehension or nncousciorji m!*iut»mei-,t of th« posi¬tion and viewt of thit or thtt prominent «ttnuiui. Document!,l.r.-d I. »»!y read lud long tinea lott or mltlaid, are «rnoted fromwith fluency and coundence, a» though with indubitable accu¬racy, when the citations to m».de do grott injuitice to their au¬thor, and tend to mislead the bearer. We believe the document».i.e. t. J In t liit work »re to printed that their general accuracymay be tafely relied on.By canvassers of ail partie«, we Unit our Text- Book will befound convenient, not to «ty lndltpeniable. But thoM who onlyHate«, lud read, «nd reflect, will tito find tt i manifeit help to aclear niideritandlng of the iunet and contention» of the day.They will be interested In comparing the iiclu.il positions taknnby Mr. Lincoln, or Mr I i.tiglis, or (in,. Casa, or Mr. Everett,

    i faithfully tet forth In thli work, with these confidently attrib¬uted to that tt«tiin.Ki in the fluent htrangue of lome politicalopponent, who It intent on blixontngDitlntoiiitieteney or provinghit iiiilncriity. To verify tnd correct ta« citation» of a froth]derlaiuier i» tometimet the eatiett »nJ moat convincing refuta¬tion of hi« tpeecb.

    If a trier of partitas bin It betrayed in the thread of narrativa¦h lieh partially unitet the lac-cepive reports, bill», vole«, etc.,¦.....t»d in ihn work, the error i« mi.intentional and regretted.

    'i.i puipoa* was to oompile a record acceptable and convenientlo i rn of ill partie», and which might be coriulted and trustedby all. VA'hat.-ver it original herein is regtrded is of no um oíil.-lit, save is i neo.ei.ary elucidation of the residue. Wltheutapology, therefore, or f.rtl.H» explanation, the Text Book li com-mrn.ird to the favor of th« American publie.Prtre fll per opy, pott paid, flW Der h

    ...lieilrd. Aidrrtt THE TRIBUNE,uilingiNew-York.

    Prtre 81 per copy, pott paid «Utter hundred. Cash ordertAddle«« THE TRIBUNE.

    Tribune Building!,

    ß(J(»KS-E.\TKAOKI)I.VAKY!Capis». ( Aiigti.te) Poiitlve Pin!, lochs.8300Sikai «- - Critica. Examinition of th« Life of Jetut. 4 SOFbi KKXAi ii - E.n ce of Christianity. 1 5"OBBU'i r. e î li.ist« iiilom. 12."'Hi.».TV. (William) Hiitorr of i'r-cstcralt. MWiiii-ToMCKtrT'i» (Miry) Rightt of Woman. 75Vulbbi'» Ruim, piier coser» 30 ctut«; cloth. MVota»*, New Re«.arches on Ancient HUtory. 1 25Tau., ii »a (Rtv Hobtrt) IJevü'« Pulpit. 1 25I ........ A-t ". Ti ..¦....,¦). a Lecturei. i 31The Elieine ol Seien.:«. By a Student of Comte. SOMi. mi .,in (Rev. John) on liiipiratioii. 1 111I'ei Igeiol l 1-.. .' .'I . I 25Hi I ILL'» End. in . I Against I i.ua'.i»!.it .1. 2 50Ran Hh.NH.u ii - Somnambulism and !:¦


    EARLY MORNING EXCURSION to theCHOLERA BANK8.-Th* tea .twiner HUNTRESS,(apt J. Duv.lt will make an ear!» MORNING EXCURSIONto the CHOLERA BANKS on WEDNESDAY MORNING,Aug. 18, leaving Jackain-it at 1' v. m. and Peck-«!lp it 2 o', lo.X

    i... prr« l.ely Bait lunnabed «gratl«. Llura and Refri-ah.nc'uUan be bad un board. F aie, «2. WALTER U C BOOOS

    _JOSEPH DI'VALL... LUSHING B*»aJ\K8, AHOY!"-Th« «>_¡_it>A «ban», taf« and fast fea-«teamer CROTÓN. Caá*- R. S

    HOKFMIRE. ».-¡.ted by Cspt. NATHAN ANDERSONJr., having been pot fa «rompióte order, will conli "u«her regular trip« to the Fishing. Banki EVERY DAY darin«the «esson. leaving JamM iHp, ... R.. at :.v> a.m., Hroome «t"(, Fullon-.t, Brooklyn. 8, Bpr.iax-.t.. N. R. 81. Plot No. 4, NR., fi. A fine Ctvillon Rand «n board ; t! »o, RetVethitientt, Baitand Fiablng Tackle lupplied. Fare for the Excuriion, M cants,arlordiiig a Sue fail and viow of the Bay, Iilaiidj, and Foftfbollona.


    I"EXCURSION to th« "CO/lL FIELDS oíA PENNSYLVANIA."-Th« CENTRAL RAILROAD olNEW-JERSEY will a*ll EXCURSION TICKETS during'th«Suninver through this region, eoniuiencing Jane 9. ¡futo lor jibeentire Eicortion, «T SO. TirXet» good tor ten daya.Lea»« .'onrtlandt-ft at 6 and 8 a. n.., 18 m and 4 p. m

    Leave Pie, No. 2 N. R. at 7j and Hi a. m., and 3i p. in. Applylor lickett at either place. ___For further Information apply to H. P. BALDWIN, Oenerol

    Ticket Agent No. M Wali-.t._PLEASAjNT BUN I »A Y EXCURSION to GLENWOOD, latidingaSlîoyll« Dock, CftyMaud, New-Rocbelle,and Glen Cove. StsaWST It A V KL«)WER leave« C«tiariiie-«Jt.every SUMDAY «J»'»; D-lAicey ,t.. 8:4*.; 11th it., 9; 2Htb «t.,9:10 .'C th -r 9:1." Fare. 2S rents etch way. A fine grove, freeto the Dotrons of the boat, fitted with tablr«, iwinri, i.e. MAYFLOWER and (lllOVE to let In.jnlre foot of 43d at E. R.

    t__UN DAY BOAT lor KEYI'OET and 1-EBTÍIaO AMBOY landing at Cbelaea, Union. Ro««»i .'.-, Woodbrídge,Tottenavillr« and Cliflwood. The iwitt iteimer ALICE PRICE,leave« every SUNDAY, rain or thine, St follow«: Robinton it.at 8 o'clock, Spring it 8', Pier No 4 N R. «J o'clock. Return¬ing, n« « Key port at 4 o'clock. Fare 26 cent«.

    So Sportsmen."IHHING TACKLE.

    THOMAS H. BATE k Co.,No. T WARREN-8T..




    CHAS. H KAtU) & Co.,No ..¦! i«it.vNDar.,

    Would «ju-i ial!y ln-.it«- the atU-itioB of Strtn(«rt viiitlnj theNEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT


    RICH FALL SILKS !Comprising all that it new In «tyle and deairable iu colon

    or qutlitir«, a .JOF THE LATEST IiViP«mTATION.

    In anticipating the regularOPENING OF FALL SILKS,

    we mtke this anriouucoiuent «olrly In reference toSOUTHERN and VVEsTERN STRANGE US,

    .topping here or pauing through the city.On MONDAY, Angunt 13,



    Eioui if) Cent» to «1 28 per yardCHAS. HEARD k Co..



    TO THEIR NEW AND SPACIOUS WAREROOM»,Not. 7ft, TT, 79, 81,83 and 8S -

    DUaANE-ST^Min Bioiiftt.

    Where they will offer for »ale a new and elegant atoeX ofDRY GOODS for the Fall Trade, iiiited to oil tecüont of lb«country. They are opening weeklyAMOSKEAQ


    In Bet* tad detliabie «tyle«. Thete celebriated Print«, are th«CHEAPEST


    now told in the United SUtes, and tbey b«g leave to ali th.particular att> .-.lion

    OF DEALERSto them.

    MME. DEMOREST* MAGASIN DES MODES,No. \'A Broadway..Grand opening of Imported l'on»Fatbio'i. on MONDAY, Sept. A, preteuting a brilliant di-piay olpattrm« of new and recherche design« tor Baj.'uoa, Sleeves,«Vaiata, Mantles, Jacket». Xc and children'« deiigns In great va¬riety. Bruncht-t No. 820 Cenalit. and No. 134 rirrTepont-at.,Brooklyn : alao In ail the principal cities of the Union. Bend torFall Circular.


    QKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS '.Cheaperkü» than ever. Retailed at loa» than wholesale prices. Mme.DEMOREaST'S Pr-ixo-Medal .SkirU, patent"d June -.'!* undeni¬ably 'i..- beat Steel .-«it-, and the lowest pottlbie prices.Notice.12 apringi, N'c. \b »priug«, 75.-. 20ipring«, «1. No.4*8 Broadway, Not. 2yy and SI» Canal »t., No. 20. «ith av., No.244 Grind «t, and No. 184 Plrrpont-it., Brooklyn. Dealert iap-plied at No. 4... Broadway. Call and examlue.

    3J. BALLIN, OO « A VI rtl-TI'KKR ill ...SHIRTS, BOSOMS, and COLLARS. No. 3 Barclay ft, N. T

    juoots, ôl)ocs, £*c.

    Lj\l)IES' FRENCH SHOES.JEKFKRS of No. 57» Broadway would retpee-tftuly tellcitUie ladies ot New-York, and from all parts of the Colon, to «-alland examine his elegant auortinent of French BOOTS andSHOES, and embroidered Tolletaiid bri«m«

    boat* wl.I mak» extra trip« to «nd from Joaet'i Wosd on th«diT of th« Fe»tl»aLTicket«, 21 rent».Lidie» Amphitheiter ind Balcony SitaU, 23 c«mt» extra.Carrlag»! to the Oroundi. !'.> cent» extra.AN OFFICE FOR THE SaLE OP TICKETS. Ampbitfce*.

    trical Bad balcony Seats, ii op*n at No. 4 -.0 Broadway.l'a- taget of Ticket» ami place« may ».»-. be ttciutiThe moit effective measure» have hen mad« to lernre goocf

    order, the whole management being y.m, . 1 under th» Lanoediatatajterviiion of Meurt. JAMES M. NI.M'N »fid HENBÏWOOD.The entire r» rformanee commencing at boob, will concludÁ»

    by FOUR O'CLOCK, giving ample time, to viatt other placea OÍentertainment, particularly the Orand Circuí at Nibio'a.RE>".MltF.«-Thii will be th« ONLY EXHlBIflOM 1st . *NEW YORK, as Mr. Heenan app.-.-.r*. in Philadelphia anW edi,«idiy. Remeuiber MONDAY AFTERNOON, at JormftWood. .> J

    HEENAN.» FE8TIVAL. i^, a«_. .- JONES'S WOOD, M0N0AY, A g. It.TO THE Pf.BLIC.


    It having been Intiii.ited that I will not uptymts at Jone**«W ood on Moi day, 1 be« to itite that I have u.a. rj my interest«in the handt of Mr. JaS. M NIXON md HY. WOOD for maa-»g« ii-.-iit. the benefit Bccruitg tai me. and that when thoie gsutla-men announce my tppeirtnte at any place I wil, b. present M)faieil th« eotagero*,,»._JNQ. Ç H FIRNAN.





    PARTY OF AMATEUR ASPIRANTS.Aduiisdcu..Filly Centk.


    To !©.. the ircmeuie coi.r. tlot: of LI VINO WONDERS, andenjoy the Amusing Performance« at this M-ueuui, «here all th*appliance! of »cruce and art «re adopted to KEEP COOL BodCoMFORlABLE.Look over thit hit of Living Wonder« and tee if th* world

    furolthei another eltabUshment where mi much it to be seeu fora "QUARTER.''01ANT BABY, GREAT LIMNO BLACK SEA LION,


    '«i.«,» ( urloii'in from every part of the Globe.SPLENDID PERFORMANCES in the LARGE and AIRY


    EVERY EVENING at 8,By Bndworth'i, late WOOD'S MINSTREL.», in which the«*1 .¦.¦! HARMONY, WIT, EXTRAVAGANZA, .lu;., to lb*amuaemeut and delight of their «iidten.-e«.ALL THESE FOR 25 CENTS ChUdreu under 10 ye-ara, 18



    ILetir» andMaaag**.Mr. Jours Ja»r»a»o»

    StageManager.Mr. JMAMMMMMBM.i(r»J Director...The» Baker Soeuio Artist,.J.E.Hayap iPrompter.T. 8. Cta*


    And every evening till further notice,OUR AMERICAN COU8LN.

    Mi JOHN WOOD.a».Ploreac*.Mr. JOS JEFFERSON.at.Asa TreneliardMr. E. A. SOT111 UN....Lord DtrndrearyMr. COULOOCK.at.Mu/coftMr.PETERS.a».BlnnsyMr. J. BURNETT.m.CoyisMr.STODDART.Sir EdwardMil. CHANFRAU.a».EugeniaMia. VINING.as.Mrs MoiutcfeecstagtoaMit* JEFFERSON.**.AugittaMi« SARA STEVENS.\*.Mary MwtHlilfeNew and Beautiful Scenery by HAYES.


    sill he pertormed every evening.Door» open at 7J eouun«n..» at 8 prwli'ly.Seat» may be lecared one week in »dvince. _



    THIS (Stturdiy) EVENING, Aug. U,b«icg PflflBsMAJTHE LAST NIGHT



    the performance» will be 1er theBENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT



    th« American .lanseute, on which occasion will be pietentyedFOUR SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENTS.

    For the tint time, the beautUm ballet ofTHE FISHERMAN'S DREAM.

    Alio, for the hrrt time, ALC1DE..ud In continence ofthe re.; ieat of thoattadi, GABRIELwill appear lor th« Utt time In his great rjlec: Clown in upMAGIC TRLMPET,with evolution, on the TK.HT ROPE._W.__^ck^theater7~ .EXCITEMBBT STILL INCREASING.


    Replete with Beauty md Fashion.TONIGHT fSaturds»), Aug 11, l«"«*),O'FLaNNIJAN AND THE PAIRIE««.


    P»Uey Grey, an IrishHoy.Mr». FLOREN( BPaul Bertie, a FrenchL»d.Mrs. FLORENCHMehiiBble. a YsukeeGi.l.Mr». FLOREN«:«EfTde. a ScotchLittle.Mr». F'.ORKNCBTheTrtitedlan.Mr» FLORENCE,Do DM open at 7| To commence at 8 o'clock.

    PALA CU GARDENS.Potirteenth-it. u. ar it av.THE Ll BIN BROTHERS EVERY EVENING.





    STEAMERoreat eastern,


    19th, lith. and Lih lost.THE LAST OPENING OF THE SHIP

    Plior to her departure for England, _,on th« Itith lost.

    VISITORS WILL FIND 8TEAMBOTS at lb« WHARF*. *,foot ol Ilaiumond-it, every Efll hour from 9 a. m., untrUl:»p. m.Ticket« m«y be obtained on the wharf «t Fifty Centse«ch»Children under twelve year» of M*. hall prl e- .J. H YATE8, S