tubi newsletter january march 2014

ROXAS CITY—e Metro Roxas Water District received generous donations from Philippine Water Works Association (PWWA) for the victims of super typhoon Yolanda. MRWD joins “Halad para sa Capizeño” MRWD not shaken by “Yolanda” PWWA donates relief goods, cash for MRWD employees ROXAS CITY—e Metro Roxas Water District join hands with several other public and private entities in celebrating Sinadya sa Halaran Festival from December 7 to 9, 2013 in giving out what they can offer for free to the public. e festival would normally include merrymaking activities like the sadsad or street dancing, trade fairs, and the fluvial procession. But with the aſtermath of super typhoon “Yolanda”, the Provincial and Roxas City Government have decided to celebrate Sinadya sa Halaran in the spirit of unity and volunteerism. Several kiosks were mounted in the Capitol grounds to cater free services and goods from business establishments, non-governmental organization, private and public schools, colleges and universities, city and provincial employees, national government offices. MRWD off Also, the Province has launched the “Tindog Capiz” to promote goodwill and generosity among Capizeños. PWWA /2 YOLANDA /2 ANNIVERSARY /2 PANITAN, CAPIZ—e MRWD has sustained its water supply to serve the public with safe and potable water even at the heights of super typhoon Yolanda. e super typhoon brought a number of damages in the structures of MRWD, yet the District continues to serve its best by way of delivering safe and potable water. For pipeline leaks and other water service line concerns, please call (036) 6210-044 or 6210-737 locals 12 and 31 MRWD Celebrates Its 37 th Year Anniversary e two-day activities, arranged by the different working committees, have enabled the employees to showcase their talents and skills in sports and fun games. e celebration started with a fun-walk from Roxas City Plaza to People’s Park in Baybay, Roxas City which was headed by MRWD General Manager Gonzalo Glen Delgado. Low water pressure was prevalent in some areas due to pumping of water at the source in Panay River was done by an engine drive at Water Treatment Plant due to major shut - down of Capiz Electric Cooperative. Fun games which were participated in by the employees to include bowling, basketball, and board games made the celebration memorable. ers free potable water, cater customer concerns and new water service connections applications. A lecture on non-revenue water reduction program and leakages' prevention were also made available. More capizeños trooped to witness the opening of the said activity and participated all the way until the end of the three-day event. part in this year’s anniversary celebration of the Metro Roxas Water District. ROXAS CITY—Health and wellness, spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie, play major MRWD’s former IBOD Chairman, Engr. Antonio B. Magtibay turned over a check donation amounting to P100,000.00 and relief goods to MRWD General Manager, Engr. Gonzalo Glen Delgado and MRWD Union President Mr. Dante A. Arcangeles. Inspite of difficulties, MRWD sustain its operation to provide potable water

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ROXAS CITY—Th e Metro Roxas Water District received generous donations from Philippine Water Works Association (PWWA) for the victims of super typhoon Yolanda.

MRWD joins “Halad para sa Capizeño”

MRWD not shaken by “Yolanda”

PWWA donates relief goods, cash for

MRWD employees

ROXAS CITY—Th e Metro Roxas Water District join hands with several other public and private entities in celebrating Sinadya sa Halaran Festival from December 7 to 9, 2013 in giving out what they can off er for free to the public.

Th e festival would normally include merrymaking activities like the sadsad or street dancing, trade fairs, and the fl uvial procession. But with the aft ermath of super typhoon “Yolanda”, the Provincial and Roxas City Government have decided to celebrate Sinadya sa Halaran in the spirit of unity and volunteerism.

Several kiosks were mounted in the Capitol grounds to cater free services and goods from business

establishments, non-governmental organization, private and public schools, colleges and universities, city and provincial employees, national government offi ces.

MRWD off

Also, the Province has launched the “Tindog Capiz” to promote goodwill and generosity among Capizeños.




PANITAN, CAPIZ—Th e MRWD has sustained its water supply to serve the public with safe and potable water even at the heights of super typhoon Yolanda.

Th e super typhoon brought a number of damages in the structures of MRWD, yet the District continues to serve its best by way of delivering safe and potable water.

For pipeline leaks and other water service line concerns, please call

(036) 6210-044 or 6210-737locals 12 and 31

MRWD Celebrates Its 37th Year Anniversary

MRWD joins “Halad para sa Capizeño”MRWD joins “Halad para sa Capizeño”MRWD joins “Halad

Th e two-day activities, arranged by the diff erent working committees, have enabled the employees to showcase their talents and skills in sports and fun games.

Th e celebration started with a fun-walk from Roxas City Plaza to People’s Park in Baybay, Roxas City which was headed by MRWD General Manager Gonzalo Glen Delgado.

Low water pressure was prevalent in some areas due to pumping of water at the source in Panay River was done by an engine drive at Water Treatment Plant due to major shut - down of Capiz Electric Cooperative.

Fun games which were participated in by the employees to include bowling, basketball, and board games made the celebration memorable.

ers free potable water, cater customer concerns and new water service connections applications. A lecture on non-revenue water reduction program and leakages' prevention were also made available.

More capizeños trooped to witness the opening of the said activity and participated all the way until the end of the three-day event.

part in this year’s anniversary celebration of the Metro Roxas Water District.

ROXAS CITY—Health and wellness, spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie, play major

MRWD’s former IBOD Chairman, Engr. Antonio B. Magtibay turned over a check donation amounting to P100,000.00 and relief goods to MRWD General Manager, Engr. Gonzalo Glen Delgado and MRWD Union President Mr. Dante A. Arcangeles.

Inspite of difficulties, MRWD sustain its operation to provide potable water

Typewritten text
GM Gonzalo Glen B. Delgado (Photo from left), Gov. Victor Tanco and Vice - Gov. Esteban Evan Contreras take a pose during the opening salvo of "Halad Para Sa Capizeño"

2 Issue No.4 January — March 2014

Tubi NewsletterManagement & Editorial Staff








General Manager



















“Rise again”EDITORIAL

ANNIVERSARY /1The first-ever female basketball game which was

participated in by regular and job-order employees of the District was an exciting event as some rules of the game were not applied.

— by Donna D. Deondo

Our salute goes to all our dedicated employees who extended their invaluable

services not to the District per se but rather to the public during the recovery period in the aftermath of super typhoon “Yolanda”. OurunityandselflesssacrificeasMRWD employees made us worthy to be an outstanding water service provider in times of crisis. In spite of our personal concerns, we manage to restore water service by means

PWWA /1 First Collective Negotiation Agreement Inked

MRWD offers Informant Incentive RewardsROXAS CITY—The Metro Roxas Water District is going after on illegal water connections and water meter thieves. MRWD has received several reports of illegal service connections and stolen water meters from concerned individuals last year. All reports were acted upon which led to the imposition of appropriate penalties and disconnection of water service. Under the existing policy of MRWD, the informant’s identity will not be disclosed and receive rewards ranging from P1, 000.00 to P5, 000.00 depending on the levied compromised penalty. The cash reward will be sourced from the amount collected from the reported illegal service connection. The policy encourages the public to be vigilant and report all illegal connections and stolen water meters to MRWD.

Delgado said that with the kind of support of the PWWA, the same will bring joy and hope for those employees who were worst-hit by super typhoon Yolanda.

PWWA has also made several philanthropic activities in some parts of the region greatly affected by super typhoon Yolanda. — by Jesserie Clorion

Collective Negotiation Agreement is a contract between the management and employees in the government sector that defines the terms and conditions of employment and or improvements thereof not fixed by law.

The CNA will be effective until November of 2016, until after a new agreement shall have been reached.

— by Michael A. Aguilos

of emergency repair of pipelines, leak detection, sustain the operation of Water Treatment Plant amidst the onslaught of “Yolanda”, and safeguard the quality of water produced. Water trucks for humanitarian missions initiated by local or international organizationswerefilledwithpotablewaterforfree. On the other hand, the “Tindog Capiz” program has been gaining support not only in the province but the whole country. It keeps the bayanihan spirit alive from among theconcernstoproactivelyparticipateinrebuildingthelivesoftheaffectedCapizeños. As prime water utility company in the province, the MRWD has actively participated in the “Halad para sa Capizeño” during the Sinadya sa Halaran celebration by way of giving free potable water to all guests, basic customer services and share information on the importance of water conservation. While the MRWD is on the process of rebuilding, its service to its consumer should continue. As a gesture of goodwill, the MRWD Board passed a resolution that relaxed the imposition of penalty for November 2013 water consumption. Exceptional cost-cutting measures were implemented by the Management to prioritize needed operational and maintenance expenses. Thus, the celebration of 2013 Year-End activities and 2014 World Water Day were made as simple as possible. The storm may have temporarily shut us down but our resiliency and sense of public service gained back our strength and courage. MRWD will always rise again and continue to serve the public at its best.

to its concessionaires, and even to the neighboring municipalities.

— by Victoria Pabelonia



According to the Canadian Water Specialist Johanne Greffiths, the water produced by MRWD passed in the Canadian standards after she conducted water analysis/examination at MRWD Water Laboratory.

MRWD Employees Union led by its president, Mr. Dante A. Arcangeles, assures the MRWD Management that the Union will continue to support and cooperate

ROXAS CITY—After several rounds of negotiation, a major breakthrough between the Metro Roxas Water District Management and its employees Union was reached with the signing and approval of the First Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) in 19 November 2013.

in the undertakings of the District that are geared

to further enhance the services being rendered to all its concessionaires.

Both the management of MRWD and its Union conveyed appreciation and gratitude to PWWA for the kind and generous help.

“We could not thank you enough for the help you extended to all the employees of the District,

Moreover, MRWD water was used by the Canadian Soldiers and Philippine Army as they filled their mobile water tankers in MRWD Water Treatment Plant to be distributed to the Yolanda victims in the remote areas of the Province.

Union members were also advised during the General Membership Meeting to take all necessary steps to lessen all operational expenses in order to generate savings that would be beneficial to both parties.

Likewise, water meter thieves or buyers will be liable under Anti-Fencing Law of 1979 which defines fencing as the act of any person, who with intent to gain for himself or for another, of buying, possessing, keeping, acquiring, concealing, selling or disposing of, or in any

” said Union President Arcangeles, expressing thanksto former IBOD Chairman - Engr. Magtibay who extended valuable effort in facilitating the help.

The celebration ended with thanksgiving mass and Employees Fellowship Night wherein deserving employees were recognized.

“We welcome this new milestone as this will have an implication to the benefits of MRWD employees”, said MRWD General Manager Gonzalo Glen B. Delgado.

3Issue No.4 January — March 2014 ARTICLES

MRWD Employees Union championed employees benefit

MRWD joins in the celebration of World Water Day 2014

MRWD Waives Penalty

ROXAS CITY—The Metro Roxas Water District Employees Union (MRWDEU), a legitimate labor organization which is duly registered with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC), supported employees benefit through the approved Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA).

All Union members in good standing including those career service employees who have paid for the

ROXAS CITY—The Metro Roxas Water District passed and approved a resolution relaxing the imposition of penalty for November 2013 water consumption.

“NOW THEREFORE, on collective motion, RESOLVED, as it is hereby RESOLVED, to waive the payment of penalties by the concessionaires for water consumed for the month of November 2013”, expressed in the dispositive portion of IBOD Resolution No. 64, series of 2013.

The said Resolution aims to ease the aftermath of super typhoon “Yolanda’s” devastation that resulted in delays in the payment of water consumption by the District’s consumers.

The said act of goodwill gained support from affected

Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973

Presidential Decree No. 198

Presidential Decree No. 198 otherwise known as “Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973” serves as the original charter of all local water districts in the Philippines. The said decree is founded on the following principles:

1. Declaring a national policy favoring local operation and control of water systems;

2. Authorizing the formation of local water districts and providing for the government

and administration of such districts; chartering a national administration to facilitate improvement of local water utilities; 3. Granting said administration such

powers as are necessary to optimize public service from water utility operations, and for other purposes.One of the pre-requisites to the

orderly and well-balanced growth of urban areas is an effective system of local utilities, the absence of which is recognized as a deterrent to economic growth, a hazard to public health and an irritant to the spirit and well-being of the citizenry. Existing domestic water utilities are not meeting the needs of the

communities they serve; water quality is unsatisfactory; pressure is inadequate; and reliability of service is poor; in fact, many persons receive no piped water service whatsoever; Conditions of service continue to worsen for two apparent reasons, namely: (1) that key element of existing systems are deteriorating faster than they are being maintained or replaced, and (2) that they are not being expanded at a rate sufficient to match population growth; and local water utilities should be locally-controlled and managed, as well as have support on the national level in the area of technical advisory services and financing.

The main purpose of Local Water Districts 1. Acquiring, installing, improving, maintaining and

operating water supply and distribution systems for domestic, industrial, municipal and agricultural uses for residents and lands within the boundaries of such districts;

2. Providing, maintaining and operating wastes -water collection, treatment and disposal facilities; and

3. Conducting such other functions and operations incidental to water resource development, utilization, and disposal within such districts, as are necessary or incidental to said purpose.

The Powers of Local Water Districts 1. Authorization. -  The district may exercise all the

powers which are expressly granted by this Title or which are necessary implied from, or incidental to the powers and purposes herein stated.

2.  Acquisition of Waterworks. - A district may purchase, construct, or otherwise acquire works, water, water rights, land, rights and privileges useful or necessary to convey, supply, the ore, collect, treat, dispose of or make other use of water for any purpose authorized by this Title. In the acquisition of water or water or water rights the district shall cooperate with existing agencies of the government of the Philippines.

3. Sale of Water. - The district shall have the power to sell water, pursuant to generally applicable rules and regulations, to any person for use within the district. As a condition of such sale, the district may require the filing of a written application for service, payment of established charges or deposits and execution of water service contract. Any district holding a valid Certificate of Conformance or a Conditional

Apart from statutory benefits, union-member employees will now be given the chance to be considered in the membership of significant committees that is related to employee’s welfare and benefits.

“The union is mutually working with the Management in order to uphold public service at its best without compromising the just share of labor of our deserving employees”, Union President Dante Arcangeles said.

MRWDEU has also requested for the daily wage increase of its job order personnel which was positively granted by the Management. — by Francis Jocson

ROXAS CITY—The Metro Roxas Water District (MRWD), being the foremost water district in the province of Capiz, led the celebration of World Water Day last March 22, 2014.

The MRWD has opened its Water Treatment Plant for educational tour coupled with relevant lectures which focused on people’s awareness on the importance of water and how to conserve them.

With the theme “Water is Power,” this year’s World Water Day celebration aims to emphasize the relationship between water and energy in the framework of sustainable development.

“The necessity of power nowadays can be likened to our need for water. These two resources need to be effectively harness, enrich and manage so that it would lead to improve our country’s economy and way of living”, said GM Gonzalo Glen B. Delgado.

The MRWD has joined in encouraging all water community including neighboring local water districts and water-based related industry to hang streamers or tarpaulins announcing the World Water Day.

An international day to celebrate freshwater was

MRWD consumers. They also expressed their gratitude to the Board and Management.

This is the first time that the MRWD has waived the imposition of penalty. Under the existing MRWD penalty policy, a delayed payment after due date is charge 10% penalty based on the water consumed.

recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day.

Since then, World Water Day is held annually every 22nd of March as means to emphasize the importance of freshwater and the sustainable management of its resources.


administration fees/dues but are not qualified to be Union members based on the positions which they are holding in the office as specified by the law are assured of the benefits such as union security, allowances, provident fund, housing, protection and safety, health and wellness program, leave privileges, union participation on personnel recruitment and promotion, labor management relations, grievance machinery and CNA incentives.

“The Board has seen the immense effect of super typhoon “Yolanda”. That is why they relaxed the imposition of penalty for the month of November. The District hopes that it will somehow mend the agony towards recovery”, said GM Delgado.

4 Issue No.4 January — March 2014

Usik nga Tubi sa Tubo Padayon nga nagapangayo sang suporta sa mga pumoluyo ang tagdumalahan sang Metro Roxas Water District angot sa pag gamit sang tubi. Suno kay MRWD General Manager Gonzalo

Glen Delgado nga ang padayon nga pagtaas sang porsyento sang nauyang nga tubi tungod sa samad nga mga tubo kag bawal nga pagkabit sa linya sini ang nagapahina sang suplay ilabi nagid sa aga, sa diin, madamu sang dungan nga nagagamit sini. Angut sini, ginapangabay ni Delgado ang mga konsumidor nga yara sa malayo kag matag-as nga mga lugar

other manner deal any article, item, object or anything of value which he knows, or should be known to him, to have been derived from the proceeds of a crime of robbery or theft. Fencing is punishable by prision mayor or prision correccional depending on the value of the property involved. Moreover, illegal connection is one of the sources of Non-Revenue Water. “MRWD is indebted to those concerned citizens who have cooperated in giving us information on how to track down illegalist in the water industry. We hope that the consuming-public will continue to support us in our efforts to improve our services”, said GM Delgado. The public may continue to report leaks, illegal connections and stolen water meters to the MRWD phone line 6210-737/6210-044 local 12 or 31 or 33.


http://www.bubblews.com/Source: http:www.bubblews.com/news/3179264-el-ni%C3B1o-phenomenon-101

Certificate of Conformance from the Administration shall be exempt from regulation by the Public Service Commission or its successors.

4.  Sewerage. -  A district may require, construct, operate and furnish facilities and services, within or without the district, for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewerage, waste, and storm water. The district may only furnish such services outside the district by means of facilities designed primarily to serve inside the district. Upon providing a sewer system in any area of the district, the district may require all buildings used by human beings to be connected to the sewer system within such reasonable time as may be prescribed by the district, provided that the property upon which such building to be connected stands is located within 35 meters of an existing main of the district’s sewer system, the district may declare the further maintenance or use of cesspools, septic tanks, or other local means of sewerage disposal in such area to be a public nuisance and, after notice in writing of at least 10 days, deprive said property owner of any and all services provided by the district, which sanction may be co-extensive with the period during which the property owner persists in refusing to connect with the district’s sewer system.

5.  Rights of Way. -  The right is hereby granted to locate, construct and maintain works of the district on any land which is now, or hereafter may be, owned by the Government of the Philippines or by any of its political subdivisions, and/or instrumentalities. A district may construct any works along, under or across any street, watercourse, railway, or conduit in a manner which will afford security for life and property:

6.   Contracts. - A district shall have the power to enter into contracts with any person for the purpose of performing any functions of the district: Provided, That the Board of Directors may not by contract delegate any of the discretionary powers vested in the board by this Title. Specifically, but without limiting said general power, a district may enter into the following contracts:

7. Protection of Waters of District. -  A district may commence, maintain, intervene in, defend and compromise actions, and proceedings to prevent interference with or deterioration of water quality or the natural flow of any surface, stream or ground water supply which may be used or useful for any purpose of the district or be a common benefit to the lands or its inhabitants.

amendments overtime but it is still a good law. This has paved the way for the creation of almost a thousand local water districts all over the country.


8.   Fire Protection Capacity. - The district may install and maintain pipeline capacity and additional hydrants for fire protection purposes: Provided,that prior agreement has been executed with the public entity having principal fire protection responsibility within the district whereby the district will be reimbursed over the reasonable life of said facilities for the cost of installation and operation of such fire protection capacity and facilities.Presidential Decree No. 198 has undergone minor

This includes the Metro Roxas Water District (MRWD) which was formed on October 29, 1976 by virtue of Sangguniang Panlungsod Resolution No. 35, Series of 1976. After complying with the requirements, the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) issued a Conditional Certificate of Conformance (CCC) No. 032 to MRWD on January 20, 1977.

nga magsalud kag magtipon sang tubi sa mga inoras nga mabaskog ang tubod sang tubi sa gripo. Sa sini nga pamaagi masigurado nga may supesyente nga tubi nga paga gamiton sa aton pang adlaw-adlaw nga pag ginawi kag kinahanglanon. Guinpasalig man niya nga ang MRWD ang padayon sa pagtuon kag pagpangita sulosyon para mahatagan sang permanente nga sabat ang nasambit nga problema. Samtang, guinapanawagan man niya ang tanan sa pagpaabot sa talatapan snag MRWD sa mga makita nga samad nga tubo sang tubi kag guinadudahan nga ilegal nga koneksyon. Suno pa sa iya nga nakahanda ang amo nga talatapan sa paghatag sang padya para sa makapalab-ot sang amo nga mga impormasyon. — by Ruth Jamora