tugas fuzzy iii

Slow 25 30 35 Normal 30 35 40 Fast 35 40 45 Tugas Fuz Fani Wahyu Rahardi Zahrotul F aj ri Nuzul Yugie Tenggara ( Hanif Akbar (2 Flow (l/menit) Flow Transmitter Flow Controller Level Transmitter Level Controller % Valve F L

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Post on 11-Oct-2015




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PengendalianTugas Fuzzy - IIIHanif Akbar (2413.105.028)Yugie Tenggara (2413.105.030)Zahrotul Fajri Nuzula (2413.105.031)Fani Wahyu Rahardito (2413.105.032)Himpunan InputFlow (l/menit)Level (cm)Slow253035Low506070Normal303540Medium607080Fast354045High708090Himpunan Output% Valve (%)Small354045Normal404550Big455055Knowlegde BaseKnowlegde BaseF\LLowMediumHighSlowSmallSmallNormalNormalSmallNormalBigFastNormalBigBigInferensiIf Flow "38 l/menit" and Level "69 cm" then . ???Min0.35Max0.6Min0.15Max0.8Knowlegde BaseKnowlegde BaseF\LLowMediumHighF\L0.150.8HighSlowSmallSmallNormalSlowSmallSmallNormalNormalSmallNormalBig0.35SmallNormalBigFastNormalBigBig0.6NormalBigBigRule4if Flow "Normal" and Level "Low" then % Valve "Small"A15if Flow "Normal" and Level "Medium" then % Valve "Normal"A27if Flow "Fast" and Level "Low" then % Valve "Normal"A38if Flow "Fast" and Level "Medium" then % Valve "Big"A4A11min (0.35;0.15)=0.15A22min (0.35;0.80)=0.35A33min (0.60;0.15)=0.15A44min (0.60;0.80)=0.6DefuzzyficationRule - 4 = 0.15if Flow "Normal" and Level "Low" then % Valve "Small"a30b400.15 =z - 300.15 =70 - zc5040 - 3070 - 50d70z1 =31.5Z2 =67Rule - 4Z =31.5Rule - 5 = 0.35if Flow "Normal" and Level "Medium" then % Valve "Normal"a30b400.15 =z - 300.15 =80 - zc6040 - 3080 - 60d80z1 =33.5Z2 =73Rule -5Z =33.5Rule - 4 = 0.15if Flow "Fast" and Level "Low" then % Valve "Normal"a35b450.15 =z - 350.15 =70 - zc5045 - 3570 - 50d70z1 =36.5Z2 =67Rule - 6Z =36.5Rule - 4 = 0.60if Flow "Fast" and Level "Medium" then % Valve "Big"a35b450.15 =z - 350.15 =80 - zc6045 - 3580 - 60d80z1 =41Z2 =68Rule - 7Z =41Z =(0.15*31.5)+(0.35*33.5)+(0.15*36.5)+(0.6*41)=37.220.15+0.35+0.15+0.6maka bukaan valve adalah 37.22 %


ClusteringTugas Fuzzy - IIIHanif Akbar (2413.105.028)Yugie Tenggara (2413.105.030)Zahrotul Fajri Nuzula (2413.105.031)Fani Wahyu Rahardito (2413.105.032)Penerapan Fuzzy Clustering menggunakan Metode Single LinkageIlustrasi pertumbuhan penduduk dari banyaknya kelahiran pada beberapa negara dengan penduduk terbanyak di kawasan Asia, dengan tingkat jumlah kelahiran rata-rata tiap hari, tampak pada tabel dibawah sebagai berikut:NegaraJumlah bayilaki-lakiperempuanIndonesia6162Vietnam4357Tiongkok8298India6687Burma5970Penentuan Matrik JarakIndonesiaVietnamTiongkokIndiaBurmaIndonesia349173765068Vietnam32021429425Tiongkok3771313India338BurmaIndonesiaVietnamTiongkokIndiaBurma(Indo, Burma)3491313338Vietnam32021429Tiongkok377IndiaBurmaIndonesiaVietnamTiongkokIndiaBurma(Indo, Burma, India)349377Vietnam3202TiongkokIndiaBurmaIndonesiaVietnamTiongkokIndiaBurma(Indo, Burma, India, Vietnam)377VietnamTiongkokIndiaBurmaTahapJarak PenggabunganYang DigabungBanyak KelompokKelompokCluster - 1Cluster - 205(Indonesia, Vietnam, Tiongkok, India, Burma)168IndonesiaBurma4(Indo Burma) (Vietnam) (Tiongkok) (India)2338(Indo Burma)India3(Indo Burma India) (Vietnam) (Tiongkok)3349(Indo Burma India)Vietnam2(Indo Burma India Vietnam) (Tiongkok)4377(Indo Bruma India Vetnam)Tiongkok1(Indo Burma India Vietnam Tiongkok)


Bayi Laki-lakiBayi PerempuanJumlah Kelahiran BayiIndonesiaVietnamTiongkokIndiaBurma


Jarak Terdekat


Flow Transmitter

Flow Controller

Level Transmitter

Level Controller

% Valve