tuisyen malam set 2

13. The diogrom below shows odult plonts ond goung plonts growing in the some oreo. Raiah di bawoh im menunjukkon pokok don onok pokok Aong tumbuh di kowoson Aong sQmo. goung plont anok pokok (o) Whot ore the foctors thot couse competition between the plonts shown obove? @Apakoh foktor gong mengebabkon persaingan antora tumbuhon gong ditunjukkon di otas ini? (b) WhU does competition occur between the plonts shown obove? @Mengopokoh berlaku persoingon ontara tumbuhan Aong ditunjukkon di otas ini? (c) Which plonts will get more sunlight? @ Tumbuhon monokoh Aang okon mendapat cohogo matahori lebih bongok? (d) Whot will hoppen to the plonts thot do not get enough sunlight? @ Apokoh gong okon berloku kepado pokok gong lain gong tidok mendopot cohogo matohari gong cukup? 14. The diogrom below shows the condition of the plonts in two flower pots, p ond e, ot the beginning of on investigotion. Rojoh di bowoh ini menunjukkon keodoon tumbuhon dolam duo biji posu, p dan e, poda permuloon suotu pengiosoton. LEARNING OUTCOMES . Pupils lisl the foctors thot plants compete for . Pupils give reosons whg plonts conpete with eoch gther odult plont ffi

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Page 1: Tuisyen Malam Set 2

13. The diogrom below shows odult plonts ond goung plonts growing in the some oreo.Raiah di bawoh im menunjukkon pokok don onok pokok Aong tumbuh di kowoson AongsQmo.

goung plontanok pokok

(o) Whot ore the foctors thot couse competition between the plonts shown obove?@Apakoh foktor gong mengebabkon persaingan antora tumbuhon gong ditunjukkon di otas


(b) WhU does competition occur between the plonts shown obove?@Mengopokoh berlaku persoingon ontara tumbuhan Aong ditunjukkon di otas ini?

(c) Which plonts will get more sunlight?@ Tumbuhon monokoh Aang okon mendapat cohogo matahori lebih bongok?

(d) Whot will hoppen to the plonts thot do not get enough sunlight?@ Apokoh gong okon berloku kepado pokok gong lain gong tidok mendopot cohogo matohari

gong cukup?

14. The diogrom below shows the condition of the plonts in two flower pots, p ond e, otthe beginning of on investigotion.Rojoh di bowoh ini menunjukkon keodoon tumbuhon dolam duo biji posu, p dan e, podapermuloon suotu pengiosoton.

LEARNING OUTCOMES. Pupils lisl the foctors thot plants compete for. Pupils give reosons whg plonts conpete with eoch gther

odult plont


Page 2: Tuisyen Malam Set 2

(o) Whot is the oim of the investigotion?@Apokah tujuon penAtasoton ini?

(b) Stote one observotion thot con be recorded ofter five dogs.

@ Ngotokon sotu pemerhotion gang dopot dicatofkon selepas limo hori.

(c) Gfue one reoson (inference) for gour observotion in (b).

@ Berikon satu sebob (inferens) bogi pemerhotion kamu di (b).

(d) In this investigotion, stote...@D i. whot is chonged (monipuloted vorioble),

opakoh gong diuboh (pemboleh uboh dimonipulasi).

whot must be kept the some (constont vorioble).opokoh Aong mesti ditetopkan (pemboleh uboh Aang prlu dimalorkon),

iii. whot is observed (responding vqrioble).opokoh Aong diperhatikon (pemboleh ubah gong bergerok balos).

15. The diogrom below shows some oil polm trees in o plontotion.Rojoh di bawqh ini menunjukkon pokok-pokok kelopo sowit di sebuah lodong.

(o) Whg ore the oil polm trees plonted for from eoch other?@Mengopokoh pokok-pokok kelopa sowit ditonam jouh onforo sotu dengon gong loin?

(b) Whot will hoppen if the oil polm trees ore plonted too close to eoch other?@Apokoh gong okan berloku jiko pokok kelopo sowit ditanom terlolu dekot ontara sotu

dengan Aang loin?

.,'",r1;i LEARtttINe ourcoMEst. ,"..o . Pupils list lhe factors thot plonts compete for. Pupils give reosons whg plants compete with eoch other

Page 3: Tuisyen Malam Set 2

(c) Whot ore the foctors thot couse competition between the trees?r rApokoh fokfor-fokfor Aong mengebobkon persoingon ontoro pokok-pokok itu?

(d) A former wonts to grow other plonts between the oil polm trees. Which of the@following plonts is most suitoble to be grown betureen the oil polm trees to ovoid

competitioi', for sunlight? Tick ( / ) the correct onswers.Seorong pefoni hendok menonom pokok loin onfaro pokok kelopo sowit. Anforo pokokAong berikuf , monakoh Aong sesuoi ditonom ontoro pokok kelopo sowit untuk mengelokkonpersoingon untuk mendopotkon cahogo motohari? Tondakon ( ./ ) jawopon Aong betul.

Rubber treePokok getoh

Pineopple plontPokok nenos

Rombuton treePokok rombuton


16. The diogroms below show severol species of living things.@ Rojoh di bowoh ini menunjukkon beberopo spesies hidupon.


RofflesioBungo pokmo

Orong-utonOrong uton

MommothGajoh berbulu

Bosed on the diogroms shown obove, complete the following toble.Berdasorkon rojoh di ofos ini, lengkapkon joduol gong berikut.

LEARNING OUTCOMES. Pupils list the factors thot plonts compete for. Pupils give examples of extir:t animols. Pupils give exomples of endangered onimols


Page 4: Tuisyen Malam Set 2

t7. The diogrom below shows q humon octivitg'Rojoh di-bowoh ini menuniukkon sotu aktiviti monusio'

(o) whqt is the effect of the obove octivitg on onimols?

6 Apat<oh kesan aktiviti tersebut ke otos hoiwon?

(b) Give three reosons whu certoin onimols ore hunted ond killed bg humons'

@ Berikon tigo sebob mengapo sesetengoh hoiwon diburu dan dibunuh oleh monusio.





(c) Stote two other humon qctivities thot con couse onimols to become extinct'

@ Ngotokan duo oktiviti monusio gong loin gong boteh mengebobkon hoiwon meniodi pupus'



lg. The bor chort below shows the number of onimol species in o certoin oreo from fhe

Ueor 2007 to the Ueor 2010.

corfa polong di biwoh ini menunjukkon spesies haiwon di suofu kowosan dori fahun 2007

hingga 2010.

Number of onimol sPeciesBilongon sPecies hoiwan


fn'";e LEARNING ourcoM Estr.*lEiix$, ; piitt

"*pti iigirtoi, onimols or plonts are focing the threot of ertinction

Page 5: Tuisyen Malam Set 2


(o) Whot is the trend of chonge in the number of onimol species in fhe oreo from the@Ueor 2007 to the Ueor 2010.

Apokoh perubohon corak bilongan spes,es haiwan di kawoson ifu dari tohun 2007 hinggo


(b) Give one reoson to exploin the trend of chonge thot gou hove stoted in (q).

@ Berikon sotu sebob baE menerangkan corok perubahon Aong komu ngatokon di (a).

(c) Predict the number of onimol species in the Ueor 2012 if the trend of chonge thot@ gou hove stoted in (o) continues.

Romalkon bilongan spesies hoiwon pado fohun 20t2 jiko corok perubohon gong komu

ngatokon di (a) berterusan.

(d) Stote one conclusion thqt cqn be mode from the informotion given obove.

@ Ngofokon sot:u kesimpulon Aong dopot dibuat berdqsarkon moklumot di otos ini.


The toble below shows the number of topirs in o logging oreo from the geor 1995 tothe geor 2005.Jodiol di bowoh ini menunjukkon bilongon fapir di sotu kowasan pembolokan dori tahun 1445

hinggo 2005.

(o) Bosed on the informotion in the obove toble, whot con Uou sog obout the species?

@ Berdosorkon moklumot doripado joduol di qtos ini, apokoh gang dapot komu kotokontentong spesies hoiwon itu?

(b) Whot will hoppen to the topir in the hobitot in the Ueor 2015?

etApokoh gong okon berlaku kepoda topir di hqbitot itu poda tohun 2015?

(c) Suggest one wou to sove the topir in the oreo.@ Codongkon sqtu corq untuk mengelomotkon topir di kowqson itu.

LEARNING OUTCOMES. Pupils explain whg cer-fain onimals or plonts ore facing the threot of extinction. Pupils suggest wogs to prevent tnimols from ertinction


Page 6: Tuisyen Malam Set 2

(d) stote two other qnimols thot ore in the some situotion qs the topir in Mologsio todog'

@ Ngatokon duo hoiwon ioin aing menghodopi keodaon aong somo seperti topir di Molagsio

podo mosa ini.

20. The diogrom below shows Uoung turtles being releosed into the seo in o turtle

rehobilitotion centre.Rojoh di bowoh ini menunjukkan anok-onok wngu aong dibeboskon ke lout di sebuoh pusot

pemulihordon PenAu.

(o)Whotisthepurposeoftheoboveoctivitg?ebtApqt<oh tuiuon oktiviti'di stos ini?

(b) stote two foctors thot con couse the turtle to become extinct'

@ Nyotokon dua fqktor aang boleh mengebabkon pengu meniodi pupus'



(c) The diogroms below show two endongered species of onimols'

ea,Bojoh di-bowoh ini menuniukkon duo spesies hoiwqn gang feroncom'

Stote one wou of preventing extinction of the two species of onimols'

Ngotokon satu tangkoh aong boteh mengerokkon kepupusen duo spesies hoiwon di otos


Species P/SPesies P

Species Q/SPesies O

t t4.,S :ffi]::"3y"t;?yf,'nno,, onimots or pto.nts ore focing the threot or extinction

. pipits suggest wogs to prevent onimols trom ext/ncnon

Page 7: Tuisyen Malam Set 2

21. The diogrom below shows the condition of o forest os o result of logging octivities.Raioh di bowah ini menunjukkon sifuosi kowasan huton se/epos oktiviti pembolokan.

(o) stote two observotions bosed on the diogrom shown obove.@ Ngotokon duo pemerhotion berdasorkon gombor di otos ini.



(b) Cive one reoson to exploin the situotion in the geor 2008.@ Berikan satu sebob untuk menerongkon situosi podo fohun 2008.

(c) Whot hos proboblg hoppened to most of the onimol species in the forest?@Apakoh gang mungkin berlaku kepado kebongakan spesies hoiwon di dolam huton ituT

(d) Whot oction should hove been token to prevent the situotion from occurring in the@Ueor 2008?

Apokoh findokon Aqng potut diambil untuk mengelokkon situosi podo tohun 2008 itu?

22. The diogrom below shows the situotion in o forest oreo ofter logging octivities. Stote@ four forms of environmentol destruction coused bg the octivitg.Raioh di bowoh ini menuniukkon situosi di suqfu kawoson huton se/epos oktiviti pembalakon.Ngatokon empat kemusnohon olom sekitor gong disebobkon oleh aktiviti itu.


' Pupils exploin whg cer-foin onimab or plants are focing fhe threot of extinction. Pupils suggest wogs to prev.nt onimols fror-n gtinction. Pupils give examples of environmenfol destruction coused bg humons


Page 8: Tuisyen Malam Set 2

23. The diogrom below shows o londslide.Rojoh di bowoh ini menuniukkon sotu keiodion tonoh runtuh.

(q) Stote one octivitg thot mog leod to the environmentol destruction shown qbove.

@ Ngotokon sotu okriviti Aong membawo kepada kemusnohon alom sekifar di ofas ini.

(b) Exploin how the octivitg thot gou hove stoted in

@ Terongkon bogoimono aktiviti gong komu ngofokanruntuh.

(o) con couse the londslide.di (a) mengebobkon kejodian tonoh


(c) Nqme two other forms of environmentol destruction thot con be coused bg the

@ some octivitg.Ngotokon duo kemusnohon olom sekitor loin gong disebobkon oleh oktiviti Aong soma.

The Qiogrom below shows two humon octivities.Rojoh di bowoh ini menuniukkon duo oktiviti manusio.

(o) Which octivities@Aktiviti monokoh

mou result in woter pollution?Aang mengebobkon pencemoron oir?


(b) Exploin Uour onswer in (o).

@ Terongkan jowopon kamu di (a).

;' tL:ii: '-**^O

OUTCOMES'o .rvij" . pupits give exomples af environmentol destruction caused bg humans

. Pupils-exptain how hwnon octivities edr'ycouse environmentol destruction