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 PP Science Y,eqr5 20 Diogrom L4 shows o dirfg food stoll, Rojoh t .4 menuniukkqn sebuoh geroi gong kotor' mereko? A Molorio C Moloio B Tuberculosis D Botuk kering I -: ero :' -' :{en pox -:-:* :lnpok iogram B Answer oll guestions. Write the onswers in lhe spoces provided. v Jqwob semuo soolcln. Tulis iowopn dolqm ruqng gong disdiokqn- I Diogrom 1.5 shows the results of on investigotion corried out bg o group of pupils to find out if woter is necessqru for microorgonisms to grow. Theg heoted o piece of breod in the toosler to drg it ond sprinkled o few drops of woter on onother piece. The pieces of breod were left of q dork corner of the science loborotorg for 4 dogs. Rojoh t .S menunjukkon kepuluson sotu pengiosolon Aong diiotonkan oleh sekumpulon murid unluk mengelohui samo odo air adotah perlu untuk mikroorgonismo Mereko membokqr sekeping rofi dolom pembokor rofi untuk mengeringkonngo don merenjis beberapq litis oir pado sekeping roli gong loin. Keduo-dua keping roti ilu dibiorkon di solu sudul makmol soins Aong gelop selomo 4 hori. Sprinkled with ui'oter Direnjis dengon o ' Mong blocx pc-o'es Bangak to,mEc', -':* Diogrom 1.5/Rojoh 1.5 (o) Stote two informqtion thot gou con obtoin from Diogrom I .5. Ngolokon duo moklumol Aang boleh kamu peroleh dori Roioh L5. 1.4/Rojoh 1.4 (i) (ii) (b) In this invesligolion, stole whot is Dolom pengiosalon ini, ngatokon apq Aang (i) kept the some: ditetapkon somo: &*@ 4

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Post on 04-Oct-2015




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  • PP Science Y,eqr5

    20 Diogrom L4 shows o dirfg food stoll,Rojoh t .4 menuniukkqn sebuoh geroi gong kotor'

    mereko?A Molorio C

    MoloioB Tuberculosis D

    Botuk kering

    I -: ero:'-' :{en pox-:-:* :lnpokDiogram

    B Answer oll guestions. Write the onswers in lhe spoces provided.v Jqwob semuo soolcln. Tulis iowopn dolqm ruqng gong disdiokqn-

    I Diogrom 1.5 shows the results of on investigotion corried out bg o group of pupils to findout if woter is necessqru for microorgonisms to grow. Theg heoted o piece of breod in thetoosler to drg it ond sprinkled o few drops of woter on onother piece. The pieces of breodwere left of q dork corner of the science loborotorg for 4 dogs.Rojoh t .S menunjukkon kepuluson sotu pengiosolon Aong diiotonkan oleh sekumpulon murid unlukmengelohui samo odo air adotah perlu untuk mikroorgonismo berlumbuh. Mereko membokqr sekeping rofidolom pembokor rofi untuk mengeringkonngo don merenjis beberapq litis oir pado sekeping roli gong loin.Keduo-dua keping roti ilu dibiorkon di solu sudul makmol soins Aong gelop selomo 4 hori.

    Sprinkled with ui'oterDirenjis dengon o '

    Mong blocx pc-o'esBangak to,mEc', -':*

    Diogrom 1.5/Rojoh 1.5(o) Stote two informqtion thot gou con obtoin from Diogrom I .5.

    Ngolokon duo moklumol Aang boleh kamu peroleh dori Roioh L5.

    1.4/Rojoh 1.4



    (b) In this invesligolion, stole whot isDolom pengiosalon ini, ngatokon apq Aang

    (i) kept the some:ditetapkon somo:


  • (ii) chonged:diuboh:

    (iiit obserued:Cirerholikon:

    rc, \t/hot is the hgpothesis of lhis investigotion?:.ookqh hipofesis bogi pengiosalqn ini?

    d,, Whot con Uou conclude from this investigotion?Apkoh kesimpulon Aong boleh komu buat daripodo pengiasolan ini?

    Imron corried out on investigotion to find out how Ueosts offecl q mixture of dough.Toble L I shows how he prepored the dough qnd the results obtoined.Imran menjolonkan sofu pengiasotan untuk mengetahui bagoimono rogi mempengoruhi compuran doh,Jadual I .l menunjukksn bogaimona dio mengediakqn doh dan keputusan Aong diperolehnga.

    After I hourSelepas ljom

    Table 1.l/Joduol 1.1(o) Whot wos lhe difference between dough X ond dough Y ot the beginning of the

    investigotion?Apokoh perbezoan di antqra doh X don doh Y poda owol pengiasotqn?

    oi Whot wos lhe difference between dough X ond dough Y ofter I hour of theinvestigotion?Apkoh perbezaon di onlarq doh X don doh Y setepos t jom pengiasafon?

    200 g flour + 30 I worm woler + l0 g sugor +2 g geost200 g tepung + 30 ml air suam + l0 g gulo + 2 g rogi

    200 g flour + 30 ml wqrmwoter+ l0gsugor200 g lepung + 30 ml oir suom +l0 g gulo

    Size remqined the someSaiz kekol samo

    Soft ond exponded 2 times the originol sizeLembut don mengembong kepado dua koli gando saizasalngo

    c i lq/hot wos the qim of this investigotion?dpo

  • PP s"i"n"" uMffi3 Diogrom 3. I B shows o group of orgonisms in o pond.

    Rojoh 3. t I menunjukkon sekumpulon orgonismo di sebuoh kolom.

    Diogrom 3. 18/Rojoh 3. 18Write one food choin bosed on Diogrom 3. 18.Tulis sotu rsntai mokonon berdasorkon Raioh 3.18-

    Stote lheNgatokon



    (i) producer:pengeluor:

    (ii) cornivores:karnivor:

    (iii) consumers:pengguno:

    (c) Whot will hoppen ifAp,okoh Aqng akon berloku iiko(i) orgonisms Q qre suddenlg deqd?

    orgonisma Q fibo-fibo mafi?

    orgonisms S flg owou to onolher ploce?organisma S terbong ke femPot lain?

    (d) Predict whot will hoppen to lhe onimols if R is destroged with herbicide.Romalkon opo aong okan bertaku kepodo hoiwan-haiwqn tersebut iika R termusnsh deh rocun rumpai.

    Diogrom 3. lq shows the food choin in on oil polm plontotion.Rojah 3.!? menunjukkan sotu rontoi mqkanan di sebuoh lodong kelopo sowil.


    Oil polm treePokok kelapo sowil

    Oil polm fruitsBuoh kelapq sowit

    Diogrom 3. l9lRojoh 3. 19W".e1,'

    OwlBurung hontu

  • In geor 2A07. onlg 5 poirs of owl were inlroduced into the plontotion. Since then the owlpopulolion hod increosed os shown in Toble 3.2.Dqlqm itdrun ?Nv hmry 5 psong burung honlu dibowa masuk ke todang itu. Sejak itu, populasi burunghorfiu bel'for. o{? *prti Wng ditunjukkan dolom Jaduot 3.2. ,

    Oud3"rxrlg hantu


    Toble 3.Z/Joduol 3.2ol Slote the trend of chonge in the populqtion of the onimols from the geor 2OO7 to the

    ueor20l l.Ngotakon corok perubohon populosi haiwon-haiwqn itu dori tohun 2007 hinggo 20 t I .

    (i) Owl populstion:Populosi burung hqnfu'.


    (ii) Rot populstion:Populosi likus:

    (b) Whot is the relotionship between the populotion of rots ond owls?Apokoh hubungon antqro populositikus dengan burung hqntu?

    (c) How does the rot populotion qffect the gield of oil pqlm fruits?Bogoimonakoh populusi likus mempengoruhi penghasiton buah ketapo sowit?

    (d) Whg do oil polm plonters introduce owls into their oil polm plontotion?Mengopokoh peladong kelapo sowit membawo mosuk burung hsntu ke lodang mereka?
