tunnelling through the morse barrier

Volume 157, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS A 15 July 1991 Tunnelling through the Morse barrier Zafar Ahmed Nuclear Physics Division, BhabhaAtomic Research Centre. Bombay 400085, India Received 16 July 1990; revised manuscript received 16 January 1991; accepted for publication 17 May 1991 Communicated by J.P. Vigier The exact and the WKB forms of the transmission coefficient of the Morse barrier have been obtained. Comparing the results obtained from the exact and the WKB analysis on different types of potentials, we present a possible criterion to ascertain the performance of the WKB method. Extraction of bound states of a potential from the transmission coefficient of the inverted potential is also suggested. The tunnelling through one-dimensional potential tivity towards the asymptotic behaviour of the po- barriers has, since the infancy of quantum mechan- tentials. The bound states of the Morse oscillator have ics, been playing an important role in many branches been retrieved from the transmission coefficient. of physics [1,2]. However, there are not many po- The Morse barrier potential (fig. 1) tentials which admit a simple form for transmission amplitude t(k) and transmission coefficient T(k). V(x) = V 0[2 exp(x/a) —exp(2x/a)] (1) Moreover, the fact that the simple poles in the k-plane of t(k) yield the bound states, metastable states, res- offers repulsion to an incoming particle (x< 0) and after a finite distance, it provides to the outgoing onances and virtual states [3] of a potential adds to the motivation of obtaining t(k) for a potential. In particle an asymptotically divergent attraction. Be- this Letter, the transmission amplitude of the Morse cause of this divergent nature, finding T(k) by nu- merical integration is rendered infeasible. We insert barrier (inverted Morse oscillator potential) is ob- the Morse barrier potential (1) in the Schrodinger tamed. The Morse oscillator potential has long been used to investigate the anharmonicities of the vibra- equation tional spectra in molecular and nuclear physics. h 2 d2 ~x) + V 0 [2 exp (x/a) exp (2x/a)] 9’(x) More recently, there has been a revival of interest ~ in the quantum mechanics of the Morse oscillator [4,5], due mainly to an extensive study of the group- =EW(x) forE> 0. (2) theoretical properties of the corresponding Schrö- dinger equation. At this juncture when the bound states, the scattering states, the propagator and the supersymmetric properties have been well discussed, v it seems natural to discuss the Morse barrier for which the transmission coefficient has remained elusive in The exact and the WKB expressions for the trans- the past. ~ _______ mission coefficient of the Morse bamer are given. x -. The Morse barrier and the Eckart barrier are used to infer a sharper condition on the validity of the semi- classical WKB approximation [6] and its insensi- Fig. I. The Morse barrier potential. 0375-9601/9 1/S 03.50 © 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

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Page 1: Tunnelling through the Morse barrier

Volume157,number1 PHYSICSLETTERSA 15 July 1991


ZafarAhmedNuclearPhysicsDivision, BhabhaAtomicResearchCentre.Bombay400085,India

Received16 July 1990; revisedmanuscriptreceived16 January1991; acceptedfor publication17 May 1991Communicatedby J.P.Vigier

TheexactandtheWKB formsofthetransmissioncoefficientof theMorsebarrierhavebeenobtained.Comparingtheresultsobtainedfrom theexactandtheWKB analysison differenttypesof potentials,wepresentapossiblecriterionto ascertaintheperformanceof theWKB method.Extractionof boundstatesof a potential from the transmissioncoefficientof theinvertedpotentialis alsosuggested.

Thetunnellingthroughone-dimensionalpotential tivity towardsthe asymptoticbehaviourof the po-barriershas,sincethe infancyof quantummechan- tentials.TheboundstatesoftheMorseoscillatorhaveics,beenplayinganimportantrole in manybranches beenretrievedfrom the transmissioncoefficient.of physics [1,2]. However,thereare not many po- The Morsebarrierpotential (fig. 1)tentialswhich admita simpleform for transmissionamplitudet(k) andtransmissioncoefficient T(k). V(x)= V0[2 exp(x/a)—exp(2x/a)] (1)Moreover,thefactthat thesimplepolesin thek-planeoft(k) yield the boundstates,metastablestates,res- offersrepulsionto an incomingparticle (x<0) and

after a finite distance,it providesto the outgoingonancesandvirtual states[3] of a potentialaddstothe motivation of obtainingt(k) for a potential.In particlean asymptoticallydivergentattraction.Be-this Letter,the transmissionamplitudeof theMorse causeof this divergentnature,finding T(k) by nu-

mericalintegrationis renderedinfeasible.We insertbarrier (invertedMorseoscillatorpotential) is ob-

the Morsebarrierpotential (1) in the Schrodingertamed.The Morseoscillatorpotentialhaslongbeenusedto investigatethe anharmonicitiesof thevibra- equationtionalspectrain molecularandnuclearphysics. h

2 d2~x) + V0 [2 exp(x/a) — exp(2x/a)] 9’(x)

Morerecently,therehasbeena revivalof interest — ~

in the quantummechanicsof the Morse oscillator[4,5], duemainlyto anextensivestudyofthegroup- =EW(x) forE> 0. (2)theoreticalpropertiesof the correspondingSchrö-dingerequation.At this juncturewhenthe boundstates,the scatteringstates,thepropagatorandthesupersymmetricpropertieshavebeenwell discussed, vit seemsnaturaltodiscusstheMorsebarrierforwhichthe transmissioncoefficienthasremainedelusivein

Theexactandthe WKB expressionsfor thetrans-the past. ~ _______

mission coefficientof the Morsebameraregiven. x -.

TheMorsebarrierandthe Eckartbarrierareusedtoinfer a sharperconditionon thevalidity of the semi-classical WKB approximation[6] andits insensi- Fig. I. TheMorsebarrierpotential.

0375-9601/91/S03.50 © 1991 — ElsevierSciencePublishersB.V. (North-Holland)

Page 2: Tunnelling through the Morse barrier

Volume157, number1 PHYSICSLET1TERSA 15 July 1991

Substituting u =pexp(x/a) in (2) andeliminating~P(x,t)= (2au)~2 exp(xa/2)Mjp,ja(u)the first derivativeof W( u), we get

d2w(u)+(fl22fl2+ ~+a2~ Xexp(—iEtfll), (6b)du2 ~2 pu u2 )w(u)=O~ (3) or

where~P(u)=(1/,.J~)w(u).Inordertobring(3)to 1(x,t)=(2au)_2exp(7a/2)exp(_u/2)u2+I~~the standard Whittaker equation [8] form, we set x

1 F1(~+ ia — ifl, 1 +2ia; u) exp ( — iEt/h).p=2ifl anda

2=—i2a2to write (6c)

d2~v(u)+(!+~+ ~—i2a2\du2 4 u u2 ~ (4) Using

1F1(a, b; ~)=exp(~)1F1(b—a, b; —~) and1F1(a, b; O)=1 [7], we observethat asx—’—~x

wherewe have introduced/J=(2~tV0a2/h2)”2and ~P(x,t)’-.~exp(x/2a)

a= (2~Ea2/h2)”2or a=ka.Thereare eight forms for the solutionsof ~v(u) xexp{i[flexp(x/a)+kx—Et/h]} , (6d)

(w( u) = Z~i = 1, ...~ 8) and their propertieshave indicatingthateqs.(6) representa waveincidentonwidely beenworkedout [8]. UsingZ

7, onetime-de- thebarrierfromthe left. Anotherchoiceof thefunc-pendentsolutionof theSchrodingerequation(4) can tion çv(u) is Z2 which leadsto a wave functionbe written as

W(x, t)= (2au)~2 exp(—xa/2)Z


2Z7exp(—iEt/h) , (5a)

Xexp(—iEt/fz), (7a)where u = 2ifièxp (x/a) or in Whittaker’s notation(MK,m, Wrm) or

~P(x,t)=exp(xfl/2)[2iflexp(x/a)]”2 W(x,t)=(2au)~’2exp(—xa/2)

XMjp,_j~(—u)exp(—iEtfll), (7b)X W_jp,ja(2iflexp(x/a)) exp(—iEt/Fz). (5b)

which in terms of the confluenthypergeometricIn order to find the asymptotic behaviour of the

functions can be expressed aswavefunction (Sb), we use its confluent hypergeo-metric function representation [81 and write !P(x, t) = (2au) — 1/2 exp ( — xa/2) exp ( — u/2)

W(x,t)=exp(xfl/2)u~”2exp(u/2)(—u)”2~1’~ Xuh/2~~xiFi(~_ia_ifl,1_2ia;u)

xU(1+icr+i/3,1+2ia;—u)exp(—iEt/h). Xexp(—iEl/h). (7c)(5c)

Since (7b) can be obtained from (6b) by changingUsing the limit ~ U(a, b, ~ [8] as a to —a, one can easily check that Y’(x, 1) (7) de-x—~x,we get notes a wave travelling to the left after being re-

flected from the barrier. Henceforth, for conve-~P(x,t)—~exp(—x/2a) nience,the wavefunction W(x, t) in eqs. (5), (6)

xexp{i[flexp(x/a)—flx/a—Et/1l]}, (Sd) and (7) will bedenotedby !P, ~t~and!P1.respectively.

We note that ZT=Mip,_ja(—u)=Z4,which denotesa wave moving from left to right Z~=M_~,~( — u) = Z3 andZ~= Wjp, —ia(u) = Z6 or(transmitted)throughthe barrier. Z5. Next, we use [8] Z4=exp[—i~(~—ia)]Z2,

Anotherrelevantform of thesolutionçv(u) ofour Z3 = exp[— i~t(~+ ia) ]Z~and the Wronskianrela-interestis Z1, which gives tions [Z~, Z2] = —2ia, [Z5, Z7] =exp(—,~fl)to ob-

tam the following Wronskian relations for the~P(x,t)=(2au)~’2exp(xa/2)Z

1exp(—iEt/h), wavefunctions,(6a)

[~Pr,Y~]=i, [!1rl~~,lFr]=_i,or


Page 3: Tunnelling through the Morse barrier

Volume 157,number1 PHYSICSLETTERSA 15 July 1991

[~P~’,!P] = i. (8) smallnessof which makesthe transmissionthroughthebarrierbehavesemi-classically,thereby resultingBy virtue of a standard connection formula amongin a good performanceof the WKB method.In the

ZI=MKm(U), Z2=Mic,_m(U) andZ7 W_pc,m(U)

[8] viz limit (4-+0)h—~0thetransmissioncoefficients(l2a)and (13) degenerateinto the classicallimit, i.e.

sin(2itm) ~= ( exp[—iit(~+m)]Z1 T(E)—~O(E—V0). Further,the curvatureof the topit ~ f’(~—m±K)F(1+2m) of the barrier,

exp[—ix(~—m)]Z2\ (9) c0—~ d2V/dx2 I

+F(i+m+K)T(l2m))~ — [1+(dV/d\213/21I J Ix=O

onecanwrite thedesiredlinear connectionamong for theMorsebarrierbecomes2 V0/a


~, ~r and !P as theWKB will work well forwiderbarrierswith lesser

(10) topcurvature.The fully repulsive Eckart potential, V(x) =

with the transmissionamplitude t(k) and the re- V0sech

2(x/a),which convergeson bothsides (x—~flectionamplitude r(k) definedby ±cc), is anotheridealizationof potential barriers

which admitsan analyticform for the transmissiont(k)= (2a)”2 exp[ — 7t(a+fl)/2]coefficient [1] expressibleas

1(~—ia+ifl)(ha) cosh(2xa)—l

X I’(1—2ia) T(E)=cosh(2xa)+cos(2,tw)’


r(k)=exp(—ita)For very small valuesof A, or E> 4 andalso V

0> 4F(~—ia+ifl)r(l+2ia) (llb) (unlike the Morse banier),T(E) degeneratesinto

X F(~+ia+ifl)F(l—2ia) (13) which onceagain turns out to be the WKB

transmissioncoefficient of the Eckart barrier. Therespectively.The currentdensitiesarecalculatedus-coincidenceof theWKB transmissioncoefficientfor

ing (8), subsequentlyweobtaintheMorseandthe Eckartbarrier(whichbehavedif-

— exp( — 4ica) (1 2a) ferently at x—’ — no) suggestsan insensitivityof theT(k)=t*(k)t(k)

= 1+exp[2~t(fl—a)] WKB approximation towards the asymptotic behav-iour of the potentials.

andFor the parabolicbarrier,V(x)= V0[l — (x/a)

2],exp( — 2ica)+exp(2itfl) purely incidentally, the WKB andthe exact trans-

R(k)=r~(k)r(k)= exp(2ita)+exp(2irfl) ‘ mission are the same i.e., T(E)={l+


2]}’ [2]. On the othera=(E/4)’1’2, fl=(V

0/4)”2. (12b) hand,the Morse andthe Eckart barrierswhich are

In an interesting approximation when exp ( — 4ita) two different and generic instances, do render ais ignoredin (12a), we get sharpercondition for the validity of the WKB ap-

proximation.Herein the smallnessof 4 ensurestheT(E)= (1 +exp{2it [ ( V~/4)1/2 (E/A)”2 1 } ) — validity of the WKB approximation,or else when

(13) V0>4 the WKB methodwill work verywell at ener-

an expressionthat canotherwisebeobtainedby us- giesE> 4.ing the WKB method which is knownto work well In the one-dimensionalbarrierpenetrationmodelfor the slowly varying potentialprofiles at asymp- [2] of theheavy-ionfusionthecalculationof thefu-totically large energies. Therefore, the WKB approx- sion crosssection is done by obtaining the trans-imation is expectedto work very well for energies missioncoefficientoftheeffectivebarrierformedbyE>A (= h

2/2~ta2).4 is an interestingparameter,the short-rangenuclear attractionand Coulomb plus


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Volume 157, number1 PHYSICSLETTERSA 15 July 1991

centrifugalrepulsion.To thisend,oneeitherusesthe the numberof boundstatesfinite, the positivesignWKB approximationfor T(E) or parametrizesthe herehasto be discardedandn hasto be restrictedfusion interactionby a potentialbarrier (V0 andC0 as n<ô— ~. Finally, by settingE~= — h

2k~/2j~inor A are the parameters)which admitsan analytic (16) we againretrievetheboundstatesof theMorseform for T(E). The typical values of the barrier oscillatorpotentialas givenby (17).heights are given by V

0(MeV) Z1Z2/(A ~ + In fact, whenV0 is changedto — V0, similar polesA ~/3), whereZ andA refertotheatomicnumberand of the WKB transmissioncoefficient (13) shouldatomic massnumberof the colliding nuclei, respec- yield the semiclassicalboundstatesconsistentwithtively. The typical values of A are given by the Bohr—Sommerfeldquantizationlaw, which in-A(MeV)~4/V0. In the light of the presentdiscus- cidentally turn out to be the exact eigenvaluesassion, we would like to emphasizethat the smallness givenby (17).of A andthe largevaluesof V0 underliethe success For a potentialthathasa minimum, if thereexistof the WKB methodin heavy-ionfusion. A fusion two real turningpoints (rootsof E= V(x)) at anybarriershouldhavea Coulombictail; however,ow- energy(positive or negative),aninfinite numberofing to the insensitivityof theWKB methodtowards boundstateswill berealized(finite otherwise).Duethetail ofa potential,its parametrizationby thepar- totheverydefinitionof T(k), i.e. T(k) = t” (k) 1(k),

abolic [2] shapeworkssatisfactorily. it shouldbe clear that half the numberof polesofThephysicalinterpretationof the singularitiesof T(k) are redundantanddo not give correctbound

t ( k) in the complexk-planefacilitatesthe natureof states.Thereforethe conditionk~>0andtheknowl-the energyeigenspectrumof the potential [3]. For edgeof thecardinalityoftheboundstatesenableoneinstance,the simplepolesof 1(k) lying on the upper to rule out thoseredundantpoles. It may be inter-half of the imaginary line in the complex k-plane estingtocheckthatthisconstitutesa generalmethod(physicalsheet)areknownto representthepossible of obtainingthe eigenvaluesof theboundstatesofboundstatesof the potential [3]. By changingfi to a potential from the transmissioncoefficient of theiô (o=~JIV0/AI) andk to ik~(notethata=ka) in invertedpotential.eq. (11a) we get the transmissionamplitudefor the Lastly, it may be notedthat the wave functionsMorseoscillator potential t0 (k) as givenby eqs.(5)—(7) suggestcorrectionstothewave

I 2 functionsof the Morse barrieras obtainedby thet0(k)=(2ia~)/ exp[—jt(ia~+iô)]

complexcoordinatemethodin ref. [4].x1(~+a~—ô)/F(l+2a~), (15) In the light of the presentresults,the Morse bar-

rier comesin the classof thebarriermodelsthatad-which hassimplepoles (ku) in the k-plane, mit asimpleanalyticform for thetransmissioncoef-k~= [ö— (n+ ~)] Ia if ô> n+ ~ ficient. The otherinterestingpotentialbarriermodels

which havelately beensolved canbe foundin refs.(physical sheet) . (16) [3,9,10].

From these, the well-known bound statesof theMorseoscillatorare recovered(E~= —h

2k~J2fL)as I would like to thankDr. Asish KumarDharaandSudhirRanjanJam for discussions.

n=0,h,2,..., [(V0/4)”

2—fl . (17) References

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