turnkey mvno solutions - ignition wireless · the ignition wireless mvno platform enables the...


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Page 1: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

turnkey MVno SoLutIonS

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Page 2: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs.Quickly launch and support your MVNO business with a turnkey back office solution where you can plug in virtually any service from any provider and sell, provision, fulfill, and provide world class customer care on one ubiq-uitous platform. Supported services include prepaid and postpaid cellular, VoIP, wireline, Internet, long distance and more. Ignition Wireless has streamlined the process of becoming a successful MVNO. In development since 1998, Ignition Wireless has used client input from over 100 MVNOs to refine our core MVNO software and create a robust and cost effective MVNO solution that rivals any in its class.

As a global leader in communications billing we strive and continue to define the standards of our industry.

one Solution

Software Benefits

• IgnitionWirelessdevelopsallsoftwarein-house

• MVNOSoftwarehaslaunchedandsupportedover100MVNOs

• LaunchyourMVNOindays,notweeksormonths

• MVNOsolutionincludesafullsuiteof.NETwebservices

• Scalableinfrastructuretomanagealargecustomerbase

• Quicklyintegratewithmultipleserviceproviders(cellular,Internet,VoIP,cable,ILD)

• Integratewithmultipleserviceprovidersforthesameproductorserviceforredundancyandlowcostflexibility

• Fullintegrationandcompleteautomationwithallmajorcarriers:Verizon,AT&T,Sprint,T-Mobile

• 100%automationwithallcarrierfunctionalityneededtoactivateandsupportwirelesscustomers

• AddmultipleILDgatewaysforleastcostrouting

• Bundlemultipleserviceofferingstocreatetripleorquadplays

• EasilyintegratewithataxsolutionprovidersuchasBillSoftorVertex

• Completebillingsolutionforprepaid,postpaidorhybridmodels

• SupportspaperbillingandE-billingwith“ViewBill”linksincustomerportal

• Genealogyallowsyoutoreportandpayreal-timecommissionsatanylevelforanyproduct

• CompletepaymentgatewaysforcreditcardandACHprocessing

• Comprehensive,automatedreportingonallsystemfunctionality

• Quicklycustomize,configureandpublishrateplans,phonesandaccessories

• CustomerService/CRMmoduleenablesclientstoprovidetheirowncustomercare

• SupportsPINbasedcustomeracquisitions,replenishmentsandthirdpartytopups

• CustomerServiceCallAnalyzerallowsyoutotrackandreportonallsupportcalls

• Dealer,CSRandCustomerManagementportalsforend-to-endsupport

• Managementportalforthirdpartyfulfillmentvendorstocompletependingorders

Page 3: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

one SolutionLaunch your MVno with a flexible, robust, turnkey solution that can quickly

adapt to carrier changes and changes in the industry. Imagine launching your MVNO in justafewdayswithaccesstomultiplecarriers,productsandservicesincludingaretailwebsitewitheCommerce


missioned individually. The Ignition Wireless software can also track and manage fulfillment of handsets, accessories or any other products.


• Prepaid,postpaid,hybridbillingandrating

• Helpdeskwithknowledgedatabase

• SupportsE-billingandpaperbilling

• Comprehensivereporting

• Wholesaleauditingandreporting

• PCIcompliant

• Securitydashboard

• Customerlookup

• Dealersearch

• 15pre-configuredsystemreports

• Troubleticketingsystem

• Carrierconnectionmonitoring

• Automatedsystemalerts

• AutomatedSMSgenerator

• CarrierQA

• MISreporting

• Customdashboards

• Integratedtaxengine

• Integratedcreditcheck

• IntegratedILDsolution


• B2BPMTprocessing

• B2CPMTprocessing

• NACHAfileprocessing

• .NETInternetwebservice

• UploadandmanageESNs,SIMs,IMEIs

• Managedeviceblacklist

• Linkandbundleservicesandfeatures

• Tieredcommissioningandreporting

• Turnkey,privatelylabeledPOSWebsite

• PrivatelylabeledandfullyautomatedIVRsolution

• ProprietaryAFIDS(Anti-FraudandIntrusionDetectionSystem)

• Completeinventorymanagementsolution(vendortostore)

• Bulkupload,bulkactivate

• Easilymanagehotphoneswith“Suspend-In-Transit”functionality

• Copy/Pastefunctionalityforcreatingnewrateplansandfeatures

• Promocodesupporttooverridedefaultrateplansettings

• PublishandmanageannouncementstoMVNOsanddealers

• Selfcareportalforsubscribers

• Customernotes

• Reportscheduler

• Rateplanoptimizer

• Procurementqueues

• Easilyloadandmanagedevices

• EasilygenerateandmanagePINs

• Plusmuchmore...

Page 4: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

Launch QuicklyIgnition wireless has developed an automated, state-of-the-art solution for launching your MVno quickly and efficiently within days...not weeks or months.Enterbasicrequiredinformation,check/uncheckdesiredfunctionalityandthesoftwareautomaticallyconfiguresthebackoffice.Loaddealers,phones,rateplansandfeaturesandstartactivating.Settingupandsupportingdealershasneverbeensoeasy.Loadtheircontactinforma-tion and they’re ready to activate! The Ignition Wireless platform maages everything from commissions to inventory.


• Easilyenterrequiredinfointoorganizedtextfields

• UploadMVNOgraphicstoprivatelybrandpages

• UploadoptionalcustomTerms&Conditions

• EnterFTPlocation









• Configuretaxsettings

• ConfigureILDsettings

• Configureprepaidandpostpaidsettings

• ConfigurecreditcardandACHpaymentoptions







Page 5: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

PrivateLabelPOSFeatures •CompleteprivatelylabeledPOSportalliveandreadytoactivate

within days!

• Useanyuniquedomainname

• Canbedisplayedinalmostanylanguageandcurrency

• Integratedonlinecreditcheckforpostpaidprogramswithauto-mated score based actions





• Privatelabelselfcaremodulesocustomerscanmanagetheirown accounts online

• PrivatelabelIVR

• Privatelabeltier2dealersupport

• Privatelabeldealertrainingmanuals

• PrivatelabelFAQ’stoanswercommonquestions


• Privatelabelaffiliatesitesimplementedinaslittleas24hours






eCommerce websiteIgnition wireless software provides MVno clients with a turnkey PoS website

that can be privately labeled. The automated, state of the art, web based, POS system allows you to activate, provision and manage all available services. This feature packed POS can be completely re-skinned to fit any look


Page 6: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

dealer ActivationsDealeractivationshaveneverbeeneasier.Eachdealerisgivenauniqueusernameandpass-wordtoaccessthesystem.TheDealerdashboardincludes“Activate”,“Replenish”and“Lookup”quicklinks to get dealers where they need to go quickly. We know time is critical and we have streamlined every process to minimizetimeandeffort.Input from over 100 MVnos has helped us create a feature rich, agile solution that will impress any dealer. Additionaldashboardfeaturesincludeat-a-glancereal-timecarrierstatusgauges,newannouncements,anassortmentofkeyreportsandhelp desk with integrated knowledge database.


• “Activate”quicklinkondealerdashboard

• Selectcarrier


• Selectrateplan

• Selectdevice(buyneworcustomerowned)

• Add/removeplanfeatures

• Entercustomerinfo(optional)

• Viewshoppingcart

• Submitorder/viewreal-timestatus

• Print/emailreceipt


• Lookupcustomer

• Replenishcurrentplanorselectnew

• Add/removeplanfeatures

• Selectpaymentoption

• Viewshoppingcart

• Submitorder/viewreal-timestatus

• Print/emailreceipt


• Addnewlines

• Upgrade/swapdevices

• Viewcurrentplandetails

• Viewusagedetails

• Viewbill

• Viewcustomernotes

• View/updatecustomerinformation

• View/updateusername/password

• View/updatesecurityquestions

• Applymanualdebits/credits

• Manageautopaysettings

Page 7: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

Procurement Queues


• Real-timeat-a-glanceviewofcurrentactivity

• Easilyopenandeditpendingoperations

• Easilyreprocessorclearfailedorders

• Easilyvoidpendingorders

• Easilyactivateorresetanactivation

• ViewjobID,deviceIDandfeaturecodes

• Openordersarelockedtooneuserforediting

• Filterresultsbydealer

• Filterresultsbycarrier

• Filterresultsbyoperationordesiredvalue


• Real-timedeviceverification

• Real-timeerrortrapping

Procurement queues provide users with a real-time look into carrier activity. At a quick glance you can see how many orders and operations are being processed. Visible

queues include pending operations such as restores, suspends, ports pending, pending mobile number requests, orders pending fulfillment, returns and change requests. The queues are a powerful tool for managing carrier activity. Support teams can view, troubleshoot

and update pending operations real-time. Valuable information is available to streamline communications with carrier resolution teams.

Page 8: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business


• Commissionscanbereal-timeordelayed

• Commissionscanvaryperproduct

• Commissionscanvaryperlevel

• Clerkscanbesetupforeachdealer

• Productofferingscanbecontrolledbylevel,time or location

• Copy/pastefeaturetoaddnewdealers

• Lockreplenishmentstospecificdealers


• Loginmanagementforeachdealer

• Offercashrateandchargerate

• Configurestartercards

• Capallowedcreditsperclerk

• Defineuserroles

• Setactivationfeesperproduct

• NightlybatchACH

• Real-timecreditcardprocessing

• Configurepromocodes

CommissioningIgnition Wireless software includes genealogy, a commissioning and reporting engine that pow-ers your distribution network. genealogy can be configured to match the hierarchy of any distribution scenario.Genealogyincludesfourmainlayers(ISO,MasterAgent,Agent,Dealer)withnomaxwidthatanylevel.Eachlevelcanbecommissionedandreportedonseparately.Dealerscankeeptheircommissionsreal-timeorthesoftwarecanbeusedtocollectallrevenueandcommissionspaidatanydesiredinterval.Reportingisavailabletoauditandreconcileallactivityandtransactions.

Page 9: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business


• Generatereportsbasedonrateplan

• Generatereportsbasedondealer

• Generatereportsbasedonlocation

• Generatereportsbasedontime

• Viewreportsingraphorlistformat

• Easilyexportreportstoexcel

• Cannedreportsinclude:








Trouble Tickets







Subscriber Totals

Wholesale Billing

ReportingisatopstrengthoftheIgnitionWirelesssoftware.reporting is available for every process and operation of the software. Cannedreportsthathavebeenrefinedover


only show data for their level of access. Our top down approach is invaluable when reporting on activity at each level.


Page 10: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

The Ignition Wireless MVNO solution is built around a sophisticated rules based billing and rating engine. This powerful engine has the capability to rate as often as carriers can send customer call data records. the Ignition wireless rating engine can concurrently rate multiple services, prepaid and postpaid from dozens of suppliers.IgnitionWirelesssoftwarecanbeintegratedupwardsintoanycarrierand/ordownstreamintoanyclient’sexistinglegacysystem.


• Automatedreal-timerating

• WatchDogfeatureoffersreal-timemonitoringofrating for revenue assurance

• Autopaysafetylevelcanbesetbythecustomerwhich ensures their phone is never shut off by prepaid rating

• Rateandbillbothusageandbundledtyperateplans

• Buildandrateanyconceivableplan

• Supportoptionalfeaturesofanytypeincludingphone leasing, mobile to mobile, free incoming calls, and much more

• Changeanyratingvariableinseconds

• Supporttruepostpaidplans,postpaidwithspendinglimits, and prepaid plans

• SupportPINbasedbusinessmodels

• Supportcustomeroveragelimits

•Automatedtextmessagesalertcustomerswhenbills come due, if overage balance occurs or if customers are low on minutes


rating & Billing

Page 11: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

the Ignition wireless MVno solution offers dynamic tools that enable world class customer care. The customer self care website provides each subscriber with the ability to



• View/editcustomerinformation

• View/editusername

• Resetpassword

• Viewcurrentplan/devicedetails

• Viewusagedetails

• Viewdocuments

• Replenishaccount

• Editautopaysettings


• Searchresultslimitedtoaccesslevel

• Showall,showactiveonly

• Livesearchresults

• Searchby:










Merchant Number

Customer Care


• View/editcustomerinformation

• View/editusername

• Resetpassword

• Viewcustomernotes

• Viewcurrentplan/devicedetails

• Viewusagedetails

• View/uploaddocuments

• Replenish/Suspend/Restoreaccount

• Manualadjustments(credits/debits)

• Adjustbillduedate

• Editautopaysettings

• Editpromocode

Page 12: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

device Management


• Easilyuploadandpublishdevices

• Easilymodifyinfoandpricing

• Uploadimagesanddetails

• Assigninventorytypeandlocation

• AssignUPC(optional)

• Setstartdateandenddate

• Setshippingoptionsandcharges


• LinkPDFformoreinformation(optional)

The Ignition Wireless MVNO solution makes it easy to manage devices. Simple, intuitive interfaces allow quick upload and management of devices and accessories. Uploadinbulkoroneatatime,verifystatusandassigntostorelocations.Easilysetemailandsmsalertstogooutwheninven-torybecomeslow.Changesarejustaseasy;open,modifyandsave.LinkPDFsfrommanufacturerstoprovidemoreinformationaboutdevices.Linkto rebates when available for specific devices. Managing inventory has never been this easy.


• EasilyuploaddeviceIDs(bulkorone-up)

• Exceltemplateonlineforbulkupload

• Verifyupload

• Verifydevicestatusinsystem

• Assigndevicetodealer

• Assigndevicemake,model,colortoID

• Setifreturnableyes/no


• AssignsuppliertoSIMs

• AssignSIMstodealer


• Easilyuploadinventory

• Exceltemplateonlineforbulkupload

• Assigninventorytostorelocations

• Viewdownloadinventorylevelreports

• Viewphonemodels

• Setalertsforlowinventory

• Uploadandmanageaccessories

• Easilyadd/updatestorelocations

Page 13: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

Security and Access ControlSecurity and access control is essential to our billing solution. the Ignition wireless soft-

ware has been carefully designed, segregated and locked down to meet strict PCI data Security Standards.AccesscanbelockedtospecificIPaddresses,passwordscanbeexpiredatset

intervalsandallsystemactivityistrackedbyusernameandIPaddress.Reportsareavailabletoshowthepath,actionsandhistoryofanyuserandcritical alerts can be sent to key people.


Safeguarding data is always a top priority. The Ignition Wireless software has been en-gineered and architected to meet strict PCIData securityStandards. The IgnitionWire-less software protects cardholder data by us-ing double encryption technology, token based authentication, strong password require-ments,anduniqueapplicationIDsforloggingandsecurityaccess.PCIDSScomplianceisa continuous process and is fully integrated into the development life cycle of the Ignition Wireless Software.


Setting up new users is fast and simple with theintuitiveinterface.Eachnewuserwillgeta temp password that they will need to access the system. New users will be prompted to create their own password when they log in for the first time. The users role, security level and department will determine what function-ality and information is available to them oncetheyaccessthesoftware. Useraccesscan also be locked to specified IP addresses. Passwords can be reset and users removed if necessary.


Automated system alerts can be set up toalertkeypeoplewhennecessary.Alertscanbe configured for critical issues that include unauthorized access at any level, unauthor-izedaccesstothedatabaseorprocessserv-ers, pause in rating, carrier operations that are processing slower than normal or complete connection failurewithacarrier. Alertscanbe set up for any failed process and sent to keypeoplethroughSMSoremail.Audibleandvisual alarms are also available when the key people are already logged in to the software. These system alerts are essential to operating and managing any back office solution.


Our exclusive AFIDSModule (Anti Fraud andIntrusionDetectionSystem)isusedtoprotectMVNOs against system penetration as well as MNO errors. This involves AI type program-ming that allows the system to self monitor and evolve using sophisticated layers of in-tuitive reporting, self monitoring, and self adjustment.

Page 14: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

System training and Support


• Detailedtrainingmanuals

• Detailedtrainingvideos

• On-site,in-persontraining

• TrainingattwoIgnitionWirelesslocations

• Videoconferencing

• GoToMeeting,WebExandAdobeConnect

• Skypeinstantmessaging

• Accesstotheknowledgedatabase

• MVNO,MVNO,Dealer,ClerkFAQs

• Quicklaunchguides

Aswithanynewpartnershipasuccessfullaunchisabsolutelycriticalandsetsthestageforyears to come. experienced project management, effective training and unlimited access to invaluable resources can minimize the learning curve for any new platform. Ignition Wirelesshasgoneaboveandbeyondtomakesureyouhaveaccesstowhatyouneed,whenyouneedit.Frominstallationandintegrationtotraining and ongoing support Ignition Wireless is with you every step of the way. Our revenue is tied to your success which makes us the ultimate partner, today and tomorrow.


• Organizedhowtovideos

• Browsecategories,videos,documents

• Q&Awithdevelopersandsupportstaff

• Postquestionsandcomments

• View/searchpreviousposts

• Sortbykeywords,recentorpopular

• Followmembersandcontributors

• Invitenewmembers

Trouble Tickets

• Createnewticket

• Searchorviewalltickets

• Viewonlyyourtickets

• Viewticketsfromallusers

• Edit/updateexistingtickets

• Changeticketstatus

• Addcommentstoopentickets

Page 15: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business

why Ignition wireless?

“Thereisgrowingdemandfortechnologyintegrationbetweencarriers,MVNOs,andtheendcustomer,andwehavedevelopedacompletelyrules-basedoperating platform where MVNOs can efficiently deliver, in literally a matter of days, a turnkey MVNO solution including access to facility carriers, customerservice,fulfillment,paymentprocessingandevenafullyloadedPOSplatform.”-RyanReed,IgnitionWireless’sCTO.

Inthisfastpacedindustryautomationandflexibilityiskey.Ourclientsdependonabillingsystemthatcanquicklyadapttochangesinbusinessre-quirements and carrier updates. The Ignition Wireless back office integration strategy is based on automation and creating efficiencies in areas where technology has not yet caught up to its fullest potential.

TheIgnitionWirelesssoftwarehasbeenindevelopmentsince1998andlaunchedin2003.For the first time since conception the complete Ignition wireless MVno solution is available for license or purchase. This unique offer allows our clients to take ownership and control ofthesourcecode(compiledandnoncompiled)whereyouhost,manageandmodifythesoftwareasneededtoadaptandgrowyourbusiness.

remove the handcuffs of your current vendor and enjoy the operational freedom of owning your own billing system.

“ThereisincredibledemandinthemarketplaceforIgnitionWireless’sMVNOsoftwareaslargercompanieswishtocreatetheultimatetripleorquadplay.Ourclientsenjoytheconvenienceofmanagingmultipleservicesfrommultiplesuppliersononeubiquitousplatform.TheIgnitionWirelesssoftwarecanintegrate with virtually any supplier and aggregate the volume across multiple clients allowing our clients to significantly reduce costs and provide a very costefficientandcompetitiveproduct.”-JeremySands,CEOofIgnitionWireless.

Agile. robust. Intuitive. user Friendly. Affordable.

Call(208)[email protected].

DataSecurityReportingCarrierAccess Commissioning CustomerCare

Page 16: turnkey MVno SoLutIonS - Ignition Wireless · The Ignition Wireless MVNO platform enables the launch, support and management of MVNOs. Quickly launch and support your MVNO business


• HeadquarteredinKirkland,Washington

• InbusinesssinceMarch,1998

• Strongmanagementanddevelopmentteam

• Offersaconvergentacquisition,billingandcareplatformtosupport any type of service

• StrongUScarriertechnologypartnershipsforcellular, Internet, VoIP and long distance

• Strongrelationshipswithdevicemanufacturers

• Strongrelationshipswiththelargestfulfillmentcompanies

• StrongMVNOindustryrelationships5400CarillonPointKirkland,WA98033USA
