tusmo times october 2014

Ra’iisal wasaaraha Somalia Cabdiweli Sh Axmed ayaa isku shaandheeyay golaha wasiirada ee xukuumadda federaalka ah. Isku-shaandhayn lagu Sameeyay Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Caalamka ka sii akhri bogga 4 Maktabadda Franklin oo kamid ah 41 Maktabaddood ee ay maamusho Degmadda Hennepin ayaa maalintii bisha October, ay ahayd 11, 2014 u dabaal degtay sannad guuradii 100 ee ka soo wareegtay markii la dhisay oo ahayd 1914. Maktabadda Franklin oo ah Maktabad taariikh u leh adeega bulshadda iyo jaaliyadaha soo galootiga ah ee ku cusub wadanka Mareykanka iyo gaar ahaanba magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota. Maktabadda oo ku taala meesha ay iska gooyaan jidka weyn ee Franklin iyo 13, ayaa ah goob aad u soo dhoweysa bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan labadda magaalo ee mataanaha ah Minneapolis iyo St. Paul. Dad badan oo Soomaali ah, oo aan anigu kamid ahayna ayaa ka faa’idaysta adeegyadda iyo macluumaadka muhiimka ah ee laga helo maktabadda Franklin. Shaqaalaha ka shaqeeya Maktabadda Franklin ayaa ah shaqaale u firfircoon soo dhoweeynta dhamaan dad weynaha isticmaala maktabadda, qadarin iyo dadaal dheeraad ahna siiya qof yar iyo qof weynba ee soo gala ama caawinaad u soo doonta maktabadda. Adeegyada laga helo maktabadda Franklin ayaa waxaa kamid ah macluumaad iyo buugaag loogu tala galay dadka baranaya luuqada Ingriisiga. Waxaa maktabadda qaybteeda hoose ku yaala xarun wax lagu barto oo ay ka faa’idaystaan dhamaan dad weynaha xaafada degan... Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper TusmoTimes.com Waxaa magaalada Minneapolis lagu qabtay munaasabad aad u qiimo badan oo loogu dabaal degayay sannad guuradii koobaad ee ka soo wareegtay markii la aasaasay Madxafka Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Minnesota. Munaasabadan qiimaha iyo qaayaha leh, ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay sawirro, ciyaaro iyo qalab muujinaya hiddaha iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale, munaasabadan ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay riwaayad iyo bandhig faneed ay soo abaabuleen fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota iyo guud ahaanba goboladda kala duwan ee wadanka Maraykanka. Ruwaayada lagu soo bandhigay masraxa munaasabada ayaa magaceedu ahaa “Dab iyo Daris Xun Waa Laga Durkaa,” waxaama ruwaayada soo saaray, qoraalkeedana lahaa Maxamud Cisman Maxamed oo ah wiil aad u da’yar, aabihiisna uu yahay Cisman Maxamed oo ah maamulaha madxafka. Qaybtii hore ee munaasabada ayaa dadweynaha loo furay albaabada Madxafka si ay dad weynuhu u arkaan, indha hoodana uga bogtaan qaar ka tirsan qalabka madxafka yaala oo ay kamid yihiin, aqal Soomaali, dhiilo, hangool, looxa quraanka, caw, hadhuub gaanle, haamo, sabraab, dhar hiddo iyo dhaqan ah oo ay xirtaan raga iyo dumarkuba, sawirro, naadh ama qabbaal, wadaan, hargo, saamo, darmo, sibraar, saliyo iyo alaab kale oo badan. Cisman Maxamed Cali oo isagu aasaasay madxafka ayaa u mahadceliyay dhamaan dad weynihii ka soo qayb galay munaasabada. Sidoo kale waxaa munaasabada ka soo qayb galay qaar kamid ah madaxda magaalada Minneapolis iyo gobolka Minnesota. Betsy Hodges oo ah Duqda Magaalada Minneapolis iyo Cabdi Warsame oo ah gudoomiyaha xaafada lixaad ee magaalada Minneapolis, Siyaad Cali oo isagu ah musharax u taagan doorashadda Dugsiyada Dadweynaha ee magaaladda... Cheers and laughter filled Safari Restaurant and Event Center in Minneapolis Wednesday night as members of the Somali-American Police Association (SAPA) presented the organization’s mission and service to the community — with lots of jokes. “One day, a Somali woman was caught speeding,” said Mukhtar Abdulkadir, a Minneapolis police officer. “A police pulled her over. She was so nervous and fearful while she waited for the police [to] come to her window. Then she glanced at the window. Realizing the officer was a Somali, she said to him, ‘Oh, you scared me. I thought you were a real police officer.’” Wearing his crisp blue police uniform and a black tie, Abdulkadir chuckled at his joke, and the nearly 100 Somali- Americans in attendance broke into laughter and cheers. But jokes aside, the gathering was meant to introduce SAPA to the community, to showcase the contributions of Somali- Americans and to punctuate the integral role the Somali community plays in their adopted homeland. The national police association has members in cities across Minnesota, New York, California and other parts of the country. The members at the event included: Waheid Siraach, who became last year the first Somali sergeant in the country; Mohamed Abdullahi, now a sergeant and the first Somali police officer in the United States; Abdiwahab Ali, a longtime officer in the Minneapolis Police Department; and Kadra Mohamed, a community liaison officer in St. Paul and the country’s first Somali woman to become a police officer. Established in 2012, SAPA aims to provide resources... Hooyo magaceeda la yiraahdo Sahro ayaa waydiisay masuuliyiinta hayadaha amniga sababta ay u joojin la’yihiin dhallinyarada da’da yar ee aan waalidkood la socon marka... Tartankaa ayaa wuxuu u dhaxeeyay kooxaha kubadda... Madxafka Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Minnesota oo sannad guuradii koobaad u dabaal degay Maktabadda Franklin oo u dabaaldegtay sannad guuraddii 100 ee ka soo wareegtay markii la dhisay Somali-American officers bridge gap between police and community Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhtar,t usmo times Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhtar,t usmo times by: aibrahim hirs, minnPost Codka Dumarka Bariga Africa Xulalka East Phillips U11 iyo U13 oo Guuleystay ka sii akhri bogga 3 Gudaha Gudaha see page 7 ka sii akhri bogga 3 see page 3 ka sii akhri bogga 3 Sawirrada: Isma Muse SHAQOOYINKA AAN QABANO WAXAA KA MID AH: Ka hortagga Cudurada Ilkaha Qaliinka & Buuxinta Ilkaha Daaweynta Xididada & Goows Dambeedka Dib u hagaajinta Ilkaha (Implant Restoration) Caddeynta Ilkaha (Teeth Whiten- ing) Daweynta Cudurada Ciridka Iyo Adeegyo kale oo badan! Dr. MOHAMMED SALAD, DDS BALLAN UMA BAAHNID, SOO DHAWOOW MAR WALBA! All Major Insurances Accepted Carepoint Dental 4111 Central Ave. NE, Suite 104 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Tel: 763-400-3525 [email protected] www.carepointdentalmn.com

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Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper


Page 1: Tusmo Times October 2014

Ra’iisal wasaaraha Somalia Cabdiweli Sh Axmed ayaa isku shaandheeyay golaha wasiirada ee xukuumadda federaalka ah.

Isku-shaandhayn lagu Sameeyay Xukuumadda Soomaaliya


ka sii akhri bogga 4

Maktabadda Franklin oo kamid ah 41 Maktabaddood ee ay maamusho Degmadda Hennepin ayaa maalintii bisha October, ay ahayd 11, 2014 u dabaal degtay

sannad guuradii 100 ee ka soo wareegtay markii la dhisay oo ahayd 1914.

Maktabadda Franklin oo ah Maktabad taariikh u leh adeega

bulshadda iyo jaaliyadaha soo galootiga ah ee ku cusub wadanka Mareykanka iyo gaar ahaanba magaalada Minneapolis e e gobo lka Minneso t a .

Maktabadda oo ku taala meesha ay iska gooyaan jidka weyn ee Franklin iyo 13, ayaa ah goob aad u soo dhoweysa bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan

labadda magaalo ee mataanaha ah Minneapolis iyo St. Paul. Dad badan oo Soomaali ah, oo aan anigu kamid ahayna ayaa ka faa’idaysta adeegyadda iyo macluumaadka muhiimka ah ee laga helo maktabadda Franklin.

Shaqaalaha ka shaqeeya Maktabadda Franklin ayaa ah shaqaale u firfircoon soo dhoweeynta dhamaan dad weynaha isticmaala maktabadda, qadarin iyo dadaal dheeraad ahna siiya qof yar iyo qof weynba ee soo gala ama caawinaad u soo doonta maktabadda.

Adeegyada l aga he lo maktabadda Franklin ayaa waxaa kamid ah macluumaad iyo buugaag loogu tala galay dadka baranaya luuqada Ingriisiga. Waxaa maktabadda qaybteeda hoose ku yaala xarun wax lagu barto oo ay ka faa’idaystaan dhamaan dad weynaha xaafada degan...

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper TusmoTimes.com

W a x a a m a g a a l a d a Minneapolis lagu qabtay munaasabad aad u qiimo badan oo loogu dabaal degayay sannad guuradii koobaad ee ka soo wareegtay markii la aasaasay Madxafka Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Minnesota.

Munaasabadan qiimaha iyo qaayaha leh, ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay sawirro, ciyaaro iyo qalab muujinaya hiddaha

iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale, munaasabadan ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay riwaayad iyo bandhig faneed ay soo abaabuleen fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota iyo guud ahaanba goboladda kala duwan ee wadanka Maraykanka. Ruwaayada lagu soo bandhigay masraxa munaasabada ayaa magaceedu ahaa “Dab iyo Daris Xun Waa Laga Durkaa,”

waxaama ruwaayada soo saaray, qoraalkeedana lahaa Maxamud Cisman Maxamed oo ah wiil aad u da’yar, aabihiisna uu yahay Cisman Maxamed oo ah maamulaha madxafka.

Qaybtii hore ee munaasabada ayaa dadweynaha loo furay albaabada Madxafka si ay dad weynuhu u arkaan, indha hoodana uga bogtaan qaar ka tirsan qalabka madxafka yaala oo ay kamid yihiin, aqal

Soomaali, dhiilo, hangool, looxa quraanka, caw, hadhuub gaanle, haamo, sabraab, dhar hiddo iyo dhaqan ah oo ay xirtaan raga iyo dumarkuba, sawirro, naadh ama qabbaal, wadaan, hargo, saamo, darmo, sibraar, saliyo iyo alaab kale oo badan.

Cisman Maxamed Cali oo isagu aasaasay madxafka ayaa u mahadceliyay dhamaan dad weynihii ka soo qayb galay

munaasabada. Sidoo kale waxaa munaasabada ka soo qayb galay qaar kamid ah madaxda magaalada Minneapolis iyo gobolka Minnesota. Betsy Hodges oo ah Duqda Magaalada Minneapol i s iyo Cabdi Warsame oo ah gudoomiyaha xaafada lixaad ee magaalada Minneapolis, Siyaad Cali oo isagu ah musharax u taagan doo ra shadda Dugs iyada Dadweynaha ee magaaladda...

Cheers and laughter filled Safari Restaurant and Event C e n t e r i n M i n n e a p o l i s Wednesday night as members of the Somali-American Police Association (SAPA) presented

the organization’s mission and service to the community — with lots of jokes.

“One day, a Somali woman was caught speeding,” said Mukhtar Abdulkadir, a Minneapolis police officer. “A police pulled her over. She was so nervous

and fearful while she waited for the police [to] come to her window. Then she glanced at the window. Realizing the officer was a Somali, she said to him, ‘Oh, you scared me. I thought

you were a real police officer.’”Wearing his crisp blue

police uniform and a black tie, Abdulkadir chuckled at his joke, and the nearly 100 Somali-Americans in attendance broke into laughter and cheers.

But jokes aside, the gathering

was meant to introduce SAPA to the community, to showcase the contributions of Somali-Americans and to punctuate the integral role the Somali community plays in their adopted homeland.

The national police association has members in cities across Minnesota, New York, California and other parts of the country.

The members at the event included: Waheid Siraach, who became last year the first Somali sergeant in the country; Mohamed Abdullahi, now a sergeant and the first Somali police officer in the United States; Abdiwahab Ali, a longtime officer in the Minneapolis Police Department; and Kadra Mohamed, a community liaison officer in St. Paul and the country’s first Somali woman to become a police officer.

Established in 2012, SAPA aims to provide resources...

Hooyo magaceeda la yiraahdo S a h r o a y a a w a y d i i s a y masuuliyiinta hayadaha amniga sababta ay u joojin la’yihiin dhallinyarada da’da yar ee aan waalidkood la socon marka... Tartankaa ayaa wuxuu u

dhaxeeyay kooxaha kubadda...

Madxafka Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Minnesota oo sannad guuradii koobaad u dabaal degay

Maktabadda Franklin oo u dabaaldegtay sannad guuraddii 100 ee ka soo wareegtay markii la dhisay

Somali-American officers bridge gap between police and community

Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhtar,tusmo times

Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhtar,tusmo timesby: aibrahim hirs, minnPost

Codka Dumarka Bariga Africa

Xulalka East Phillips U11 iyo U13 oo Guuleystay

ka sii akhri bogga 3

Gudaha Gudaha

see page 7

ka sii akhri bogga 3 see page 3

ka sii akhri bogga 3

Sawirrada: Isma Muse

SHAQOOYINKA AAN QABANO WAXAA KA MID AH:Ka hortagga Cudurada IlkahaQaliinka & Buuxinta IlkahaDaaweynta Xididada & Goows DambeedkaDib u hagaajinta Ilkaha (Implant Restoration)Caddeynta Ilkaha (Teeth Whiten-ing)Daweynta Cudurada CiridkaIyo Adeegyo kale oo badan!




All Major Insurances Accepted

Carepoint Dental4111 Central Ave. NE, Suite 104Columbia Heights, MN 55421

Tel: 763-400-3525

[email protected]

Page 2: Tusmo Times October 2014

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa Tusmo Times

Tusmo TimesTusmo Times is a monthly publication covering local and international community news, events and information.

Tusmo Times is currently published in Minnesota and distributed within the Twin Cities and sur-rounding suburbs.

editor-in-ChiefAbdirahman Mukhtar Contributors Abdi Adan “Xiito”, Abdillahi Ganey, Abdulrahman Adem, Ali Omar Suldan , Farah Blue, Fartun Ahmed, Ilyas Maow,Ibrahim Hirsi, Hashim Yonis, Mohamed Bare, Mohamed Talyaani, Siyaad Siciid Saalax, Zeinab Ali.

advertising ConsultantKaamil Haider & Mohamed Filibin Contact 420 15th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN 55454

T. 612-987-6269 E. [email protected]. [email protected]. www.tusmotimes.com You can follow us and subscribe at:

Maqaallada lagu soo qoro Tusmo Times waxaa mas’uul ka ah qofka qoray // Any editorials or opinions expressed in this newspaper is not that of the Tusmo Times and it is the responsibility of the author

Page 3: Tusmo Times October 2014

Betsy Hodges oo ah Duqda M a g a a l a d a M i n n e a p o l i s iyo Cabdi Warsame oo ah gudoomiyaha xaafada lixaad ee magaalada Minneapolis, Siyaad Cali oo isagu ah musharax u taagan doorashadda Dugsiyada Dadweynaha ee magaalada Minneapolis, ayaa ahaa qaar

kamid ah madaxdii munaasabada ka qayb galay, kana hadlay goobta.

Cabdihakiin Br oo ah qoraa caan ah, jilaa, soo saare, iyo waliba shaqsi ku xeel dheer majaajillada iyo horumarinta h i d d a h a i y o d h a q a n k a Soomaaliyeed iyo Cabdulkadir Shiikha oo ah xidig, halyeey iyo tobabare kubadda kolayga, kana mid ahaa ciyaartooydii

ugu caansanaa xidigaha qaranka Soomaaliya ee kubadda kolayga ayaa abaalmarin iyo billad sharaf ah shaqsiga sannadka iyo muwaadin u taagan horumarka bulshadda gudoonsiiyay Cisman Maxamed Cali oo ah maamulaha Madxafka. Cabdulkadir Shiikha iyo Cabdihakiin Br ayaa ku

hadlayey magaca Somali Entertainment Awards.

Haddaba munaasabadan oo aad iyo aad loo soo agaasimay ayaa ahayd munaasabad ay dhamaan dadku u bogeen, iyaga oo waliba u riyaaqay dhamaan qaybihii kala gedisnaa ee munaasabada. Haddii aad jeceshahay in aad

booqato ama aad indhahaaga ku aragto dhamaan qalabka muujinaya hiddaha iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed, fadlan shaqaalaha madxafka kala xiriir 612-234-1625 ama booqo shabakadooda www.somalimuseum.com

Xarunta wax lagu barto ee ku taala maktabadda Franklin ayaa waxaa ka aflaxay dad aad u tiro badan oo Soomaali ah. Sidoo kale waxaa xarunta laga

bixiyaa ama laga caawiyaa dadka raba in ay bartaan imtixaanka laqu qaato sharciga dhalashadda dalka Maraykanka. Waxaa jira macalimiin iyo shaqaale khibrad iyo takhasus u leh sidii ay u caawin lahaayeen dhamaan dadka baranaya luuqada Ingriisiga, xisaabta, qoraalka iyo dhamaan waxbarashadda aasaasiga ah.

Sidoo kale, maktabadda waxaad ka heli kartaa adeegyo loogu tala galay dhamaan qoyska oo dhan oo ay kamid yihiin, gargaarka layliska laga caawinayo arday dhigta fasaladda

u dhexeeya K-12, buugaag noocyo badan leh oo ku qoran luuqado badan. Computer-ro aad u isticmaasho shaqo raadis, waxbarashadda, la xiriirka qoyskaaga ama guud ahaanba wixii baahi ah ee aad uga baahan tahay in aad u isticmaasho computer-ka. Carruurta ay da’doodu ka yartahay 5 jir ayaa waxaa maktabadda loogu sameeyaa barnaamijyo u diyaarinaya waxbarashadda hore, iyadda oo waalidkana la siinayo tobabaro ka caawinaya sidii ay u taageri lahaayeen carruurtooda. Maktabadda Franklin ayaa waxaa yaala buugaagta ugu badan ee ku qoran Af-Soomaaliga. Buugaagtaas ka hadlaya mawduucyo ay kamid yihiin, diinta, dhaqanka, taariikhda, s iyaasada , sheekooyi inka

carruurta, waxbarashadda iyo ganacsiga.

Maktabadda Franklin ayaa xooga saarta, barnaamijyo khaas u ah dhallinyaradda ay da’doodu jirto 13 iyo wixii

ka weyna, si joogta ahna ugu samaysa. Barnaamijyadda loogu talagalay dhallinyarada ayaa iskugu jira kuwo ka caawinaya dhallinyaradda waxbarashada, kobcinta maskaxda, hogaan

wanaaga, xirfadaha la xiriira t iknool i j iyada iyo shaqo raadiska.

Haddaba munaasabadii loogu dabaad degayay sannad guuradii 100 ee ka soo wareegtay markii la dhisay oo ahayd 1914 ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay dad badan oo matalaya dhamaan dad weynaha degan xaafadda u dhow maktabadda iyo madax kala duwan oo matalaya xafiis yada kala duwan ee dowlada, m a g a a l a d a M i n n e a p o l i s , Degmadda Hennepin iyo guud ahaanba ganacsatada iyo hogaamiyayaasha ururada u adeega bulshada. Munaasabadda ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay sawiro, buugaag, qoraalo iyo macluumaad badan oo muujinaya taariikhda dheer ay maktabaddu leedahay.

Wixii akhbaar dheerad ah ee ku saabsan adeegyadda maktabadda Franklin iyo guud ahaanba maktabaddaha Hennepin County, waxaad booqataawww.hclib.org.

Madxafka Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Minnesota oo sannad guuradii koobaad u dabaal degay

Maktabadda Franklin oo u dabaaldegtay sannad guuraddii 100 ee ka soo wareegtay markii la dhisay

continued from ka yimid bogga 1

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Wararka Gudaha / Local News TusmoTimes.com | 3

ka yimid bogga 1

Waxaa magaalada Minneapolis lagu qabtay kulan looga soo horjeedo marin habaabinta dhallinyaradda Soomaaliyed. Kulankan oo loogu magac daray Hooyooyinka ka soo horjeeda marin habaabinta dhallinyaradda, ayaa waxaa soo qaban qaabiyay urur u adeega dumarka iyo bulshadda Soomaaliyeed oo loogu magac daro Codka Dumarka Bariga Africa.Haddaba kulankan oo si hanaan wanaagsan loo soo agaasimay ayaa waxaa ka soo qaybgalay dadweyne aadu tiro badan oo kala matalayey dhamaan dhinacyada

kala duwan ee Bulshadda ku dhaqan magaalada Minneapolis e e gobo lka Minneso t a . Barnaamijkan ayaa waxaa wada daadihinayay Farxiyo Khalif oo ah maamulaha guud iyo

aasaasaha ururka Codka Dumarka Bariga Africa iyo Cabdi Cabdi oo ah agaasimaha barnaamijka dhallinyaradda.Kulanka ayaa waxaa lagu furay aayadaha quraanka kariimka, kadibna Cabdi Cabdi ayaa soo dhoweeyay dhamaan marti sharaftii ka soo qayb gashay kulanka. Farxiyo Khalif ayaa kadib ka hadashay ulajeedada loo qabtay kulanka iyo dhamaan sababaha ku kalifay hooyooyinka iyo dumarka Soomaaliyeed in ay ka hadlaan dhallinyarada la marin habaabinayo.Sidoo kale, waxaa marti ku

ahaa kulanka madax, culumo, odoyo dhaqameed, dhallinyaro iyo waliba masuuliyiin ka kala socday dhamaan hayadaha kala duwan ee ka shaqeeya amniga oo ay kamid yihiin Somali American

Police Association, Minneapolis Police Department, St. Paul Police Department, Office of Minnesota U.S. Attorney, F.B.I, Hennepin County Sherif iyo Ramsey County Sherif.Kulankan oo ka duwanaa kulamada kale ee inta badan la qabto ee looga hadlo arrimaha l a x i r i i r a dha l l inyarada Soomaaliyaad ee ku biiraya ururada xag jira ee ay kamid yihiin Al-Shabaab iyo ISIS, ayaa dumarkii iyo hooyooyinkii fursada u helay in ay hadlaan su’aalo muhiim ah waydiiyeen qaar kamid ah madaxda hayadaha amniga oo ay kamid ahaayeen Andre Luger oo ah xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee u qaabilsan dowladda Maraykanka gobolka Minnesota iyo Rick Thornton oo ka socday xafiiska gobolka Minnesota ee hayadda F.B.I.Hooyo magaceeda la yiraahdo S a h r o a y a a w a y d i i s a y masuuliyiinta hayadaha amniga sababta ay u joojin la’yihiin dhallinyarada da’da yar ee aan waalidkood la socon marka ay wadanka ka dhoofayaan ama ay sucdaalayaan wadan kale. Andre Luger ayaa haddaba u sheegay mama Sahro, in ay jiraan dhallinyaro badan oo ay joojiyeen iyaga oo damacsan

in ay wadanka ka dhoofan, balse inta badan la maqlo oo kali ah dhowrka shaqsi ee ay u suurta gashay in ay baxaan. Andre Luger ayaa yiri, “guud ahaan waxaa jira dhalinyaro aan hakinay socdaalkooda, balse sharciga ayaa noo ogolayn in aan ka hadalno, taas ayaana keenta in aydun inta badan maqlin ama ogaan, dhallinyarada aan socdaalka ka joojino”.Ugaas Maxamed oo isaguna goobta ka hadlay ayaa u m a h a d c e l i y a y d h a m a a n dadweynihii meesha joogay, gaar ahaan gudiga nabad gelyada. Ugaas Maxamed ayaa ayaa sheegay in bulshadda Soomaaliyeed la dhaqanka boolisku ku cusbayn, balse ay ku cusub tahay FBI-da. Ugaas Maxamed ayaa yiri, “maanta laga bilaabo fariinta aan kula noqonayo bulshadda ayaa ah FBI-da in ayna ahayn waxa loo malaynayo, balse waxaa loo baahan yahay wacyi gelin joogto ah, arrimaha nabad galyaduna waa muhiim dhamaanteen xil naga saaran”.Fartun Weli oo ah gudoomiya ururka Isuroon, ayaa ka hadashay sababha keena dhibka ay ku jiraan dhallinyarda Soomaaliyeed. Fartun ayaa sheegtay in ay

dhallinyarada Soomaaliyaad aad uga haraan waxbarshadda iyo dugsiyada, in ay jirto shaqo la’aan badan oo haysa dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed. Fartun ayaa tiri, “waa in fursado loo abuuro dhallinyarada, arrimaha la xiriira bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyo waliba dhallinyaradana la iska kaashado oo laga wada shaqeeyo”. Sgt. Waheid Siraach oo ah maamulaha urur ay ku midoobeen Soomaalida Maraykan ah ee booliska ah ayaa u mahadceliyay Farxiyo Khalif iyo dhamaan dadweynihii meesha joogay. Waheed ayaa sheegay in dumarka iyo hooyooyinka Soomaaliyeed ay yihiin laf dhabarka bulshadda. Waheid ayaa sheegay ujeedada loo aasaasay ururka ay ku midoobeen Soomaalida Maraykan ah ee booliska ah, wuxuuna yiri, “In aan ka shaqayno xaalada nabad galyada, badbaadada dhallinyarada iyo gargaarka dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee raba in ay noqdaan boolis, isku xirka iyo wanaajinta xiriirka bulshadda iyo hayadaha amniga”. Waheid ayaa ka codsaday dhamaan dadki i meesha joogay, gaar ahaan bulshadda Soomaaliyeed in ay kala shaqeeyaan nabad galyada guud,

maadama ay dhamaanteen naga wada dhaxayso. Wuxuuna yiri, “markaad aragtaan qof danbi galaya, fadlan na soo waca. Sidoo kale haddii aad aragtaan qof dhallinyarada maskaxda ka xadaya booliska u sheega, waa masuuliyad kuligeen nawada saran, waana in aan iska qabanaa kuwa dhallinyarada marin habaabinaya, booliskuna la’aantiin wax maqaban karaan, waxaad tihiin indhihii iyo dhagahii bulshadda, booliska ha ka baqina”.Dhamaan masuuliyintii ka kala socday hayadaha amniga iyo ururada bulshadda u adeega ayaa warbixin guud ka bixiyay adeegyada ay u qabtaan bulshadda Soomaaliyeed iyo dha l l inya radda . Haddaba Farxiya Khalif oo iyadu soo qabanqaabisay kulan ayaa gebagebadii barnaamijka u mahadcelisay dhamaan dadkii ka soo qayb galay kulanka, waxayna u sheegtay in ay joogtayn doonaan kulamada noocan oo kale ah ee lagu wacyi gelinayo dumar, hooyooyinka, dhallinyaradda iyo dhamaan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshadda. Waxayna dhamaan dadkii ka codsatay in laga wada shaqeeyo danaha carruurteena iyo dhallinyaradeena.

Established in 2012, SAPA aims to provide resources to Somali-American law-enforcement professionals, to recruit, inspire and mentor Somali officers, and to bridge the gap between police departments and Somali communities across the country.“The reason SAPA was created was because of a need that came out of the Somali-American police officers to have an organization where they can network, but also help the community if the need be,” said Siraach, works for Minneapolis Metro Transit Police. “We also mentor young officers. You know, the police industry is not an easy industry. You need some type of a support system in place, and we provide that to people.”Present at the event were a dozen Somali-American officers in uniform from various agencies, including Metro Transit and police departments in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Mankato, among others.

‘We’re ambassadors’Like many minority groups across the nation, Somali-Americans have had a strained relationship

with law enforcement.Over the years, there have been reports of members of the Minnesota Somali community who were intimidated and threatened by the FBI during i n t e r roga t ions i nvo lv ing terrorism cases. And the story of the 2002 death of Abu Kassim Jeilani, an unarmed, mentally ill Somali man shot and killed by Minneapolis police, seems fresh in the minds of many Somali-Americans.With the number of Somali officers in the state on the rise, however, relations between the community and law enforcement have improved, Siraach said. “We’re ambassadors. Since Somalis started joining the police departments, you can definitely tell how the perception of police departments changed,” he said.

Journey to police departmentBefore he became a police officer, Siraach was an aspiring engineer at Normandale Community College in Bloomington. But in 2002, documentaries and television shows he viewed about the risks and rewards of law enforcement inspired him.

“I fell in love with becoming a police [officer]” he said. “I felt I could make a difference within my community.”Siraach realized that there were not many Somali police officers and he thought he could be an asset to the Minneapolis department. So, in 2007, he joined the department, hoping to not only serve the Somali community, but the community at large, he said. Now as a sergeant, Siraach supervises the investigation unit of Metro Transit Police.And as the spokesman of SAPA, Siraach has a message for his community: “We’re your resources. We’re here to protect you. Trust us. If you witness a crime, call the police. Safety is a shared responsibility. The police alone cannot solve problems. We need the community and the community needs us. So we have to work together.”

Hooyooyinka ka soo horjeeda marin habaabinta dhallinyaradda oo kulan ku qabtay Minneapolis

Somali-American officers bridge gap between police and community

Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhtar,tusmo times

by: ibrahim hirsi, minnPost

Page 4: Tusmo Times October 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Caalamka / World News TusmoTimes.com | 4

Ra’iisal wasaaraha Somalia Cabdiweli Sh Axmed ayaa isku shaandheeyay golaha wasiirada ee xukuumadda federaalka ah.

Isku-shaandhayntan ayaa wasaaradaha ugu badan ee ay saamaysay waxay kala yihiin wasaaradda cadaaladda iyo wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda iyo wasaaradda maaliyadda. Waxa kale oo isku shaandhayntan ay taabatay wasaarada xanaanada xoolaha , wasaaradda qorshaynta iyo wasaaradda ganacsiga

Isku shaandhayntan ayaa si toos ah u saamaysay laba wasiir , laba wasiirul dawle iyo afar wasiir ku xigeen.

Warsaxaafedeed ka soo baxay xafiisk R’isal wasaaraha ayaa

lgu sheegay in sababta keentay isku shaandhayntan ay tahay baahi loo qabo in la dardargaliyo hawlaha golaha wasiiradda , iyo in la abuuro jawi siyaasadeed oo la jaanqaada marxaladda siyaasadeed ee dalku marayo.

Waxaana isku shaandheyntaasi ay tahay sidan hoos ku qoran:-

1-Wasi i rka Wasaaradda Garsoorka iyo Arr imaha Dastuurka Mudane Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow

2-Wasaaradda Xanaanada Xoolaha,Dhirta iyo Daaqa Mudane Faarax Sheekh C/qaadir

3-Wasiirudowlaha Wasaaradda Maalliyadda Mudane Burci Maxamed Xamsa

4 - W a s i i r u d o w l a h a

Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Dhiiragelinta Maalgashiga Mudane C/laahi Maxamed Nuur

5-Wasiir ku xigeenka Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Dhiiragelinta Maalgashiga Mudane C/raxmaan Cabdi Cismaan

6-Was i i r ku x igeenka Wasaaradda Maa l l iyadda Mudane C/laahi Sheekh Cali Qaloocoow

7-Was i i r ku x igeenka Wasaaradda Qorsheynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ah Mudane Mahad Maxamed Salaad

8-Was i i r ku x igeenka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Marwo Fahmo Axmed Nuur

Isku-shaandhayn lagu Sameeyay Xukuumadda SoomaaliyaXigasho: VOa qaybta af-Soomaaliga

Gabdho Soomaali ah oo doonayay in ay u baxsadaan dalka Siiriya oo laga soo qabtay

Somalia: EU and EC Discuss Somali Issues

For first time in 23 years, students attend classes at Somali National University

Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhtar,tusmo times

by: aden mohamed Warsame

by: abdi moalim, sabahi online

In Luxemburg, EU held a meeting yesterday to discuss Somali issues, AMISOM and the war against sea piracy.

In a statement from the meeting, EU came up with ten

bullet points on Somalia. The EC commission praised the signing of the New Deal Conference for Somalia which was signed in Brussels. The EC also praised the working procedure for the

reconstruction of Somalia, the improving security in Somalia and socio-economic development. In the statement EU set the recommendations needed for the Vision 2016 and

the schedule for setting up the standard institutions for the new Somalia.

The EC understood the importance of the emergency of regional states. It also

recommended the formation of an electoral commission and regional state boundaries for the federal system. The EC also praised the training EU provides to SNA which 4,600 SNA

soldiers utilized from since 2010. It also praised the advances of the SNA/AMISOM Operation Indian Ocean in which they took over the control of Baraawe and other places.

The first cohort of students in more than 23 years has begun classes at the Somali National University (SNU), heralding a new era of public education in Somalia, stakeholders say.

Students were welcomed Saturday (October 11th) at the university’s original first building in Mogadishu’s Hamar

Weyne district, said SNU President Mohamed Ahmed Jimale.

“The university has now started operating in the original building where the university was first established in 1969. It has been re-built and re-equipped by the government of Bahrain,” he told Sabahi. “The building consists of 17 classrooms, an administrative office, 22 small offices and a large library.”

SNU will initially offer degrees in the departments of medicine, economics, law, education, agriculture, and veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, Jimale said.

Accepted students will be able to attend the state-owned school for free with the exception of an annual fee of $250 for medicine, $160 for economics, law, agriculture, veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, and $100 for education.

There are also plans to re-build six university-owned properties

in Benadir region and Afgoye so that all the academic departments the university offered before the civil war can be re-established, Jimale said, without giving a specific timeframe for when the plans will be completed.

For the first term, the university admitted 375 students who graduated from high school and passed the university’s placement exam, Jimale said, adding that students will take preparatory courses for six months to help strengthen their skills in languages and other subjects.

He said the six departments currently in operation will

conduct lessons in English, but in the future all departments will offer instruction also in Somali, Arabic, and Italian in accordance with university rules.

SNU’s deputy academic chairman Adam Guled Shabel said each university department will use revamped and updated versions of previous curriculums

to ensure students are prepared for today’s job market.

“We reformed the university’s previous curriculums, which were worked on by [education] experts and we then issued modern curriculums for our people,” he told Sabahi.

Looking toward a better future When the university was first

established, its main goals were to produce professionals that could achieve the country’s development goals, to compete with and attain the same technological advancements achieved in other countries, and for the university to be a source of knowledge that could help

guide and counsel the country’s leadership, said Jimale.

These goals were be attained by sponsoring national studies, holding conferences at the national and international level, and issuing recommendations to address key national issues, he told Sabahi, adding that the university will continue to aim for those same goals.

At an event to welcome accepted students October 7th, Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Osman Jawari said SNU has played an important role for the Somali people and urged the new students to take advantage of the opportunity they have received.

“The university was the nation’s source of knowledge and research,” he said, also announcing that he will be one of the lecturers in the law

department. When the university was in

operation before the civil war, SNU students prepared important national initiatives that were approved by the parliament, Jawari said. He mentioned the rural literacy campaign, which

was an educational programme to teach rural people how to read and write the Somali language. He said the programme was designed by university students and implemented by the government.

Moving forward, Jawari said, SNU students will conduct and produce research that will help develop and modernise the nation.

Admitted students thankful, hopeful

Mohamed Adam Omar, a 19-year-old who was accepted into the agriculture department, told Sabahi he feels fortunate to have the opportunity to receive a free education.

“I am very happy to be among the first students who will restart Somali National University after 23 years, and especially to attend

without charge,” he said. “The Somali National University has a good reputation in the world, and it has produced graduates who are famous and well respected within our country. That will be an encouragement for me.”

Omar also said he was very

hopeful that he and his fellow students will contribute to the country’s development, especially after he graduates with a degree in agriculture, which constitutes a major part of the country’s economy.

“I believe that everywhere in Somalia can be made into a farm and can be used to produce crops,” he said. “I hope that after some time our nation will be able to produce enough resources for the country as well as some to export.”

Likewise, accepted student Safa Ahmed Elmi, 18, said she plans to join the medical school.

“I will get [a degree in] medicine for free, and I am very happy about that,” she told Sabahi. “I went to become a gynaecologist so that I can provide free assistance to Somali

women.” Elmi said that after she

graduates she also wants to help other students by becoming an instructor.

Photo: Sabahi Online

Labo gabdhood oo Soomaali ah ayaa dib loogu soo celiyay

magaalada Denver, Colorado iyo qoyskooda kadib markii la

waayay gabdhahan.Qoyska gabdhahan dhallay iyo

dad kale oo arrintan wax ka ogaa ayaa sheegay in gabdhahan ay diyaarad u raaceen dalka Jarmalka iyadoo aysan waalidkood ogeyn. Mudo dhowr maalmood ah ayaa gabdhahan laga dhex raadinayay gudaha magaalada Denver iyo guud ahaanba gobolka Colorado,

Hase yeeshee labadan gabdhood oo 15jir iyo 16 jir

ah iyo gabar kale oo asalkeedu yahay Sudan ayaa lagu soo qabtay garoonka dayuuradaha magaalada Frankfurt dalka Jarmalka kadib markii ay hayadaha nabad sugida dalka Maraykanku ay la xiriireen kuwa Jarmalka.

Saddexdan gabdhood ayaan la ogeyn halka ay ku sii jeedeen balse mid ka mid ah gabdhahan ayaa u sheegtay booliska dalka

Jarmalka in ay ujeedkoodu ahaa in ay gaaraan dalka Turkiga si ay wax ugu soo bartaan. Balse waalidiinta carruurtan dhashay ayaan weli ka hadal sababta keentay in ay ugu safraan dalka Jaramalka iyagoo aan laga warqabin.

Si kasta ha ahaatee gabdhahan ayaa waxa ay dib ula midoobeen waalidkood mana jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay hayadaha

dambiyada baara ee magaalada Denver iyo dalka Maraykanka.

Dhawaanahan ayaa waxaa soo kordhayey gabdho iyo wiilal asalkoodu yahay Soomaali balse haysta dhalashada wadamada Maraykanka, Canada iyo Ingiriiska oo bilaabeen in ay ku biiraan maleeshiyaadka ISIS ee ka dagaalama wadamada Ciraq iyo Siiriya.Sawirka: VOA Somali

Page 5: Tusmo Times October 2014

Murtida BishaXigasho: Buuga Ha Suntin, Mohamed Duale

Kiisa diide waa kadeed Ku kale doone waa kadeed Kuli anaa leh waa kadeed

Saddex waa kadeed

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Ganacsiga / Business TusmoTimes.com | 5

A new mosque on the West Side features ornate chandeliers, plush carpeting, moldings etched with verses from the Quran and

spacious washrooms.The new space for the

Abubakar Asiddiq Islamic Center is a far cry from the storefront that the congregation has been leasing, with open ductwork, exposed PVC pipes and a leaking ceiling covered by a tarp.

But when founding member Abukar Arman is asked what makes the new building so special, he turns not to physical amenities but to faith.

“The special thing about it is the spirit of Islam that we teach, which is the foundation of the religion,” he said, “... a religion of middle ground.”

The congregation celebrates its grand opening beginning at 3:30 p.m. today with an open house at the 591 Industrial Mile

Rd. site.It is raising about $2.8 million

to pay for the first phase of the project, which includes the

1,200-capacity prayer area and washrooms. It expects to raise about $1.5 million more to add a rooftop dome and minarets, and to finish the second floor with classrooms, offices and a kitchen.

The new space comes in response to the needs of a burgeoning immigrant and Islamic population that also has a number of other mosques in central Ohio bursting at the seams.

“There has been a growing number of immigrants and Muslims moving into the southwest side of Columbus, so it created a great need to have a place, not only a place of worship, but a place of ownership and belonging for

our growing community,” said project director Abdoul-Latif Shmohamed.

Likewise, on the North Side,

Masjid Ibnu Taymiyah has seen a need for more services as the area’s Somali Muslim population grows. So that congregation purchased property in Clinton Township this month with plans to add a second worship site.

And in Hilliard — about 10 miles from the West Side’s Abubakar Asiddiq — leaders at Noor Islamic Cultural Center are eyeing their own expansion as holiday services this year strained the 2,000-person capacity prayer area, with some worshippers observing from outdoors.

Mouhamed Tarazi, president of the Abubakar Asiddiq board, said his group started in 2004 with a handful of families in a leased storefront on Sullivant

Avenue. Ten years later, more than 600 people come to prayers each Friday, and 250 children attend afterschool and weekend Quran classes.

Masjid Ibnu Taymiyah on the North Side serves more than 500 families, compared with the 40 or 50 it served in 2003 when it bought the building it currently uses at 2334 Mock Rd., said director Ahmed Sh Ahmed.

Over in Hilliard, Noor draws about 5,000 people each Friday, said Imran Malik, president of the board that oversees the center. Weekend classes are attended by 900 children, with 300 to 400 turned away each year due to space restrictions.

With its purchase of a former Value City Department Store property at 2035 Innis Rd. for $500,000, Masjid Ibnu Taymiyah seeks to serve Muslims and non-

Muslims alike on the city’s North and East sides, Ahmed said.

He said the more-than-350,000-square-foot building wil l be renovated, with development plans to be finalized after meetings with community members to determine needs.

Hassan Omar, director of the Somali Community Association of Ohio, said the group “couldn’t have found a better building in a better location.”

The association was not

involved in the purchase but is giving advice on programs, Omar said. The building will be renovated in phases and likely will feature businesses, conference rooms, classrooms and a sports and indoor recreation area, he said.

Napoleon Bell, executive director of the Columbus C o m m u n i t y R e l a t i o n s Commission, said his office has received requests from the growing immigrant and refugee community for gathering spaces.

“Anytime a group purchases a space to be used productively, it is good for the entire city — and not just that specific population,” he said.

In Hilliard, leaders at Noor are pleased to welcome Abubakar Asiddiq to the West Side and hope that it helps meet the demand for Muslim worship and

education, Malik said.“This will be great because

we’ll have more channels,” he said. “We are hopeful that more synergy and collaboration can be done not only between Muslim institutions but also non-Muslim and Muslim institutions at large.”

Noor worshippers hail from more than 40 ethnic backgrounds, with Arab nations, Somalia, India and Pakistan largely represented.

Its current 17,400 square feet at 5001 Wilcox Rd. includes

a mosque and was opened in 2006. Its expansion plan calls for social-activity space, including a multipurpose/banquet room, gymnasium and classrooms, Malik said.

Although members still must vote on the plan, it’s expected to be built on the current 8-acre site and cost $3 million to $5 million, he said.

The new Abubakar Asiddiq space on about 10 acres on the West Side eventually will offer about 30,000 square feet for prayer services, Quran study, study circles, seminars, social services and youth activities, including soccer. Plans are to open up the space to gatherings by inter-religious and other community groups.

The congregation serves many Somalis but also other immigrants, with increasing

numbers from Iraq and Palestine, and Tarazi said the new mosque is drawing Muslims from out of state to the Columbus area.

It features a prayer area separated by one-way windows that allow women to pray privately behind men while still seeing the prayer leader. Calligraphy at the entrance offers a testament of faith in Arabic, translating to “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger.”

By: Joanne Viviano & Encarnacion Pyle, Columbus dispatch | [email protected]

Columbus: Muslims welcome West Side mosque

Page 6: Tusmo Times October 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Qoyska iyo Dhallinyarada / Family & Youth TusmoTimes.com | 6

Salah Ahmed wanted to become a cop ever since he moved to the United States from Egypt.

On the other hand, Abdiwahab Ali’s interests gravitated to law enforcement after 9/11 — several years after he moved from Somalia to Minnesota in 1995. After becoming a Minneapolis Police Department officer, he went on to help establish the Somali American Police Association.

Ahmed, who is originally from Somalia, reached his goal when he graduated from the police academy last year. In addition to being an officer for the Metro Transit Police Department, he now serves as SAPA’s vice chairman.

Founded in in 2012, SAPA helps Somali-Americans, like Ahmed, find their way into police forces across the nation.

The national organization has at least 10 members — all law enforcement officers — in the Twin Cities. They are working to stop potential recruitment of Somali-Americans by terrorist groups, like al-Shabab and

the Islamic State, in the city’s Cedar-Riverside and Franklin Avenue neighborhoods.

Ahmed said he has ample opportunities to talk face to face with young people in the area and recognize early warning signs of recruitment.

SAPA has been successful so far, he said, citing a recent incident in which

Cedar-Riverside residents were afraid a fellow mosque-goer was trying to recruit overseas fighters, so they called police.

“The Somali community i s very educated about recruitment,” Ahmed said.

Voluntary communi ty-police communication would be impossible without a diverse police force, Metro Transit Police Chief John Harrington said.

“[Officers] meet probably once a month with elders from the Somali community to have an ongoing conversation about this concern we have that individuals are being recruited,” he said.

To help counteract and stop local terrorist influences, Ahmed said it’s important to have continued contact with organizations and neighborhood groups, like Mothers Against Youth Recruitment, which held an October meeting.

Harrington said multiple law enforcement agencies — including the state’s U.S. Attorney’s Office and the St. Paul Police Department — are coordinating to address the

problem.“What do you say to young

people that are being told, ‘This is the right thing to do as a Muslim,’ or ‘This is the right thing to do as a Somali or as an African?’” Harrington said.

SAPA officers are role models for East African community members — especially among the youngest generations. They

also have the added advantage of understanding Somali and Muslim customs, Harrington said, and are further relatable since most are near the age of those targeted by overseas organizations.

Harrington said the only way to foster trust between officers and the people they serve is to build a police department that reflects its communities.

“You don’t have to turn on the news more than a minute to see an example of what happens when there is a breakdown in that relationship between a police department and their community,” Harrington said.

With six to eight full- and part-time officers of Somali descent serving in the Metro Transit Police Department, Harrington said the department still has room for improvement — they’d like to recruit Somali women to the force.

“This is really just the beginning,” Harrington said. “I’m happy with it. I just can’t say I’m satisfied.”

According to Ali, St. Paul’s police department employs one female Somali-American, but she isn’t a sworn officer.

Minneapolis police Public Information Officer John Elder said MPD employs about a half a dozen Somali-American officers, which includes the nation’s first sergeant of Somali descent.

“Our Somal i of f icers are really respected by the community, and … it’s a lot of fun to watch them work,” Elder said. “When they walk into a meeting, they’re like celebrities.”

He said their presence within MPD attracts esteem from both inside and outside the department.

“We’re looking for all members of the community, from all different communities, to come work for MPD,” Elder said. “We are yearning for diversity.”Photo : By Cora Nelson

Somali officers relate to immigrant communities by: niCk WiCker, mn daily

Page 7: Tusmo Times October 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Cayaaraha / Maaweelo / Sports / Entertainment TusmoTimes.com | 7

Minneapolis-Waxaa waayahan dambe ka socday gobalkan Minnesota ciyaaraha kubadda cagta oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Minneapolis Park Recreation. Horyaalkan ciyaaraha ayaa bilowday bishii September ee aan soo dhaafnay horaanteeda. Tartankaa ayaa wuxuu u

dhaxeeyay kooxaha kubadda cagta ee degmooyinka iyo xaafadaha ay ka kooban tahay magaalada Minneapolis ee gobalka Minnesota.

Kooxda East Phillips oo ah koox ay gacanta ku hayaan macalimiin Soomaaliyeed uu oo madax u yahay tawabare

Geedi, Cali Xaashi, Maxamed Rashid iyo Ahmed B. Xawaaji. Tan iyo markii la bilaabay ciyaaraha ayaa horyaalkani uu socday si darandoori ah, iyadoo la ciyaarayey maalmaha Sabtida, Isniinta iyo Tallaadada.

Labada kooxood ee East Phillips U11 iyo U13 waxay u soo

baxeen ciyaartii kama danbaysta ahayd ee finalka, iyadoo kooxda U11 labo iyo tobankii is arag ay soo badiyeen, halka U13 laga badiyay hal ciyaar oo ay imaan waayeen iyadoo ku soo beegan tahay maalinta ciida oo Sabti ahayd.

Ciyaarta ka ma danbeysta ahayd ee finalka oo ahayd mid aad u kululeyd oo dhexmartay kooxahaha East Phillips iyo Brochure NE iyadoo labada kooxood ay muujiyeen ciyaar wanaag, ayaa kooxda East Phillips shabaqa ku hubsadeen gool markay ciyaartu socotay 6 daqiiqo. Kadibna waxay si darandoori ah u dhaliyeen 4 gool oo kale. Waxayna ciyaartu ku dhamaatay 5-0.

Markii ay ciyaarta dhamaatay waxaa koobkii la gudoonsiiyay kooxda East Phillips. Waxaa halkaa ka hadlay madaxa qaban qaabada Minneapolis Park and Recreation iyo waalidiintii ka soo qeyb qashay finalka. Waxaa bilaabatay koobka iyo bilad bixinta.

Waxaa hadalka qaatay tawabare Cali Xaashi, Maxamed Rashid iyo Geedi oo u mahad celiyay waalidiinta garab istaagnaa tan

iyo intii la bilaabay tartankaa oo habeen weliba caawin jiray, ha noqota haddii waalidiinta

qaarkood gaari u baahan yihiin in carruurtooda la soo qaadayo ama la celinayo. Waxay si gaar ah ugu mahad celiyeen Mulki iyo Caddowoo iyagu qeyb weyn ka qaatay isku xirka waalidiinta iyo

tawarabarayaasha.Haddaba maalintii Jimcaha

ay taariikhdu ahayd 10/24/2014 a y a a w a x a a d h a m a a n ciyaartooyda, macalimiintooda iyo waliba waalidkood loo dhigay munaasabad si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay oo ay kooxuhu ugu dabaad degayeen guulihii ay sannadkan soo hooyeen. Munaasabadan oo ay ka soo qayb galeen dad aad u tiro badan ayaa waxaa ula jeedadeedu

ahayd in carruurta Soomaaliyeed ee soo hooyay guul lagu farxo, lagu dhiiri geliyo, abaalmarin iyo waliba haydiyado iyaga farxadgelinaysa goobta lagu gudoonsiiyo.

Xulalka East Phillips U11 iyo U13 oo ku Guuleystay koobka DegmooyinkaQore: axmed b. xaWaaji

Djibouti’s U-17 football squad booked their place in the semi-

finals of the Arab youth football tournament, which is currently

under way in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

The Youngsters shared points with Qatar, after their

hotly-contested match ended in 1-1 draw on Sunday.

Earlier, the boys humiliated their Mauritanian rivals by 4-3 in the opening match of the tournament which was played on 20th of October.

The Djiboutian youngsters, who are now classified as one of the strongest teams in the competition, have made a good approach and so far stories about them have been circulated in the news headlines around the region.

For the past two years, the youthful team has been under

daily training sessions since they were short listed from school tournament some 20 months ago.

In his post election address on November 10 2012, the Djibouti Football Federation president Souleiman Hassan Waberi announced football development plans in particularly to build football from the bottom in a bid to hunt young talented players from inter-school and regional levels tourneys.

In December 2013, the youthful boys had trained in Doha for two weeks to help them catch up with the weather

in Qatar, as the Gulf state was preparing for hosting the youth tournament.

“As I pledged two years ago, my policy toward football development in Djibouti targets school children and boys as young as 12 or 13, because educating children under football is part of building football knowledge from the bottom” the FDF president Souleiman Hassan Waberi told CECAFA Media.

The president pledged bonus for the boys if they win the tourney adding that finishing 2nd is also a good result, but he was

very hopeful that the youngsters may win the trophy.

Meanwhile, in the capital Djibouti, hundreds of football fans have been seen in the streets to celebrate the historic approach made by their U-17 boys.

The fans were chanting positive slogans, while waving the country’s national flag, before they finally gathered outside the FDF headquarters in the city centre.

The technical director of Somali Football Federation and the Ocean stars’ head coach have attended FIFA/CAF conference for analysing the 2014 FIFA world cup and was held in the Egyptian capital of Cairo from between 30 September-1st of October.

Technical directors and national team coaches from CAF-member nations attended the conference organized by the world Football’s governing body FIFA in collaboration with the confederation of African Football (CAF).

“It was a very important event during which all participants

exchanged ideas and experiences about technicality, logistics and what has been learned from how the 2014 FIFA world cup was organized” said SFF technical director Awil Ismail Mohamed who along with National team coach George Sammwagere represented Somalia in the top profile gathering.

He said that his delegation gathered very useful experience on techniques and logistics from the meeting which he said will help technical development in Somalia.

FIFA director of member assoc ia t ions Mr . Thiery Regennas who addressed at

the event praised Africa’s performance at the 2014 FIFA world Cup in Brazil.

He said that Algeria and Nigeria’s romping through of the group stage was something very historical.

FIFA executive committee member Mr. Hany Abo Rida also spoke at the opening of the conference and said that such event was very salient for the future of the game.

FIFA and CAF have been organizing such world cup analysing conference since 2002 and this was the fourth time since then.

THE WORLD football’s governing body FIFA is helping the Djibouti Football Federation to get its national league attract International audience for the first time in history. The FDF has launched a five-day audio visual training course for a total of 31 journalists under the auspice of FIFA. About 22 of the journalists are from the national TV and radio (RTD), while the rest 9 journalists are being trained for the federation’s media department.

The President of Djibouti Footba l l federa t ion Mr .

Souleiman Hassan Waberi who addressed at the launch of the training said that it was a very great honour for his federation that Djibouti became the first African country to benefit from such high profile course in history.

The President said he was very thankful to FIFA under the leadership of President Joseph S. Blatter for accepting their proposal to hold such training course for Djiboutian journalists. “The training composes of three categories including camera crew training, the training for football

commentators and as well as another technical training for live coverage coordination team” President Souleiman Hassan Waberi told in his opening remarks on Tuesday.

He said that the FDF and the RTD signed an agreement last year, but due to lack of technical experience it proofed difficulty to get professional live coverage for the league, but hoped that the league will acquire international audiences after the training has completed. “Tens of thousands of Djiboutians who live outside the capital or elsewhere in the

world and as well as international fans will have the opportunity to view our competitions live and that is one of my long-existing dreams even through the years I was serving in the secretariat” president Souleiman noted in his opening address.

The course will run from 7-11 of October and is being conducted by three FIFA experts who are: Jean Yves, Christian Ballet and Yves Cara.

Djibouti youngsters romp through to Arab youth tourney semis

Somalia attends at 2014 world cup analyzing conference

FIFA trains TV crew for Djibouti league live coverage

by: shafi’i mohyaddin abokar, CeCafa media Committee

by: shafi’i mohyaddin abokar, CeCafa media Committee

by: shafi’i mohyaddin abokar, CeCafa media Committee

Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa

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Page 8: Tusmo Times October 2014



While Ebola occupies the world’s attention, a humanitarian crisis is quickly unfolding in Somalia. In August, the Somali federal government declared famine in several regions. The rain necessary for food arrived a month late and was brief in duration. Drought grips much of the country, leaving nearly 3 million Somalis at risk for food insecurity. In conflict areas, over a million people remain displaced from their homes. UNICEF estimates that 200,000 children could die by the end of the year if no action is taken.

The Horn of Africa is considered one of the poorest regions in the world, and ongoing

droughts continue to plague this region. The 2011-2012 drought and famine was the worst to hit the region in 25 years, and claimed 260,000 lives. Half of the lives lost were children under the age of 5. The United Nations estimates that 16 million people in the Horn of Africa are in urgent need of food and other humanitarian assistance today. If climate change continues at the same rate, East Africa’s food security could get even worse with a 20 percent decline in the growing period of key crops by the end of the century and productivity of bean crops cut in half.

Scientists and economists

recommend Africans begin to grow crops that tolerate more heat and less rain as a way to adapt to the changing climate. They also recommend expanding access to clean, renewable energy. Traditional energy sources for Africa’s rural areas and refugee camps are charcoal for cooking and kerosene for lighting. These types of energy are not only harmful to health and to the environment, but they are becoming more expensive as deforestation spreads and the demand for energy increases in Africa. Since the equator passes over the Horn of Africa, solar energy is one of the very promising energy sources for this

region.The famine is devastating, and

we must address the immediate needs while helping Africa become more resilient. Minnesota has a unique connection to this issue – about 21 percent of Minnesota’s foreign-born population is from Africa. Minnesota-based American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa provides food baskets, but we also provide education and solar stoves and solar lights. We also support efforts, like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power plan, to reduce the pollution causing climate change.

Together, we can make a

difference, but it’s going to take all of us. We must get food and water to Somalis devastated by the famine. We also need to address climate change and build resilience.

Our solar stoves and solar l ight ing projects provide assistance, promote self-reliance and reduce pollution for families in the Horn of Africa. These solar solutions are a more sustainable, reliable solution for the families and for addressing climate change. The work Minnesota and the U.S. EPA is doing to reduce carbon pollution from coal and gas power plants by investing in wind, solar and energy efficiency is another part of the solution.

Minnesota’s commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050 and move beyond fossil fuels is the kind of action we need to take together, and I know we can.

Mohamed S. Idris is the executive director of the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa (ARAHA), based in Columbia Heights.

Source: Minnpost

Photo: Courtesy of the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa

Please make your donations to

ARAHA(American Relief Agency of Horn of Africa)

www.araha.org(763) 270-5351

AMOUD(Amoud Foundation for Education and Development)

www.amoudfoundation.com(972) 871-8297

HARO(Humanitarian African Relief Organization)

www.harousa.org(612) 315.5691

Drought and climate change in the Horn of Africa require responsibility and resilienceby: mohamed s. idris

Page 9: Tusmo Times October 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Community Calendar / Shaqooyinka / Employment TusmoTimes.com | 9

DAY RAMADAN JUNE FAJR SUNRISE DHUHR ASR MAGHRIB ISHAFriday 14 11/7 3:47 5:37 1:19 5:26 9:00 10:51Sat 15 12/7 3:49 5:38 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:50Sun 16 13/7 3:50 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:49Mon 17 14/7 3:52 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:58 10:47Tue 18 15/7 3:53 5:40 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:46Wed 19 16/7 3:55 5:41 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:45Thu 20 17/7 3:56 5:42 1:20 5:26 8:56 10:44Friday 21 18/7 3:58 5:43 1:20 5:25 8:55 10:42Sat 22 19/7 3:59 5:44 1:20 5:25 8:54 10:41Sun 23 20/7 4:01 5:45 1:20 5:25 8:53 10:39Mon 24 21/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Tue 25 22/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Wed 26 23/7 4:04 5:47 1:20 5:24 8:51 10:36Thu 27 24/7 4:07 5:49 1:20 5:24 8:49 10:33Friday 28 25/7 4:09 5:50 1:20 5:23 8:48 10:31Sat 29 26/7 4:11 5:51 1:20 5:23 8:47 10:30Sun 30 27/7 4:12 5:52 1:20 5:23 8:46 10:28


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Dhalinyarada Waxaay Ubahanyahiin Baritaanka Cafimaadka Guud!

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Page 10: Tusmo Times October 2014

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FFFrrreeeeee HHHiiiVVV ssscccrrreeeeeennniiinnnggg ttteeesssttt fffooorrr pppeeerrrsssooonnnsss iiinnn ttthhheee aaafffrrriiicccaaannn cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy

Waxa ay ku talajirtay in canuggeedu la tallaalo balse ugu dambaystii waqti uu seexdo ayuu helay. Dhakhtarka waxa uu ku yiri waxa ay tahay xaalad qaasa sababtoo ah qoysku waxay safar ku booqanayeen Kenya, sidaa awgeed waxa uu ku taliyay in canuggeedu la tallaalo waqti ka horreeya midka caadiga ah. Reerkeedu ayay soo booqanayeen umana aysan qabin in ay u dhib weyn kala kulmin doonaan.

Maalinka ay dib gurigooda ugu soo laabteen, canuggeedu waxaa ku soo badanayay calaamadaha qabowga – qufac, duuf dareeraya, iyo indho ilmaynaya iyo guduudan. Kaddibna waxa ku dhacay qandho daal badanna waa uu ka muuqday. Waxa ay u geysay dhakhtarka, waxayna ku dhaheen waxa uu qaba fayruus iyo in ay isha ku hayso. Qufacii waa uu ka sii daray, qandhadiina waa ay ku sii xuumatay sidaa awgeedna mar kale ay dhakhtarkii ku laabatay. Markaan isbitaalka ayaa la seexiyay sababtoo ah waaa ku dhacay qabow. Dhakaatiirtu baaritaanno dheeraad ah ayay ku sameyeen

waxayna u gudbyeen qol gaar ah – waxaa ku dhacday jadeeco.

Canuggeeda neefsashada ayaa dhib ku noqotay sidaa awgeedna mashiin leh tuubo uu ku neefsado ayay galiyeen. Tubooyin ayaa la galiyay afkiisa, sankiisa iyo gacmihiisa. Waa ay qaadanwaday in uu ahaa canuggeeda. Wax ay qabato ayay garanwayday. Dhakhaat i i r tu waxa ay uga digeen in canuggeedu uu dhiman karo. Canuggu cudurkii waa uu ka reestay, balse hooyadiis weligeed ma ay illoobayso saxariirta uu maray. Cid kasta ee dibadda u safraysa waxaa ayay u sheegtaa, “Xaqiiqso in aad qaadataan tallaallada idil ee aad adiga iiyo qoyskaaga u bahaantihiin.”

Siduu arrinkaan ku dhacay? Cidina kuma jirranayn guriga ay degganaayeen, ayadana marar dhif ayay canuggeeda bannaanka u dhigi jirtay marka dukaameysiga ama booqashada qoys kale. Jadeecadu cuncun kaliya ma sababto? Siday ku dhici kartaa in jadeecadu uu canuggeedu si xun ugu jirrado?

Jadeecadu waxa ay

caalamka ku dishaa 430 caruur maalin kasta. Waa cudur la isqaadsiiyo oo ku dhacaya kuwa aan laga tallaalin. Si fudud ayuu uga gudbaa hal qaarad una gudbaa qaarad kale. Canugga yar ee sheekadaan ku jira dad kale ayuu cudurka qaadsiiyay – kuwii diyaardda la saarnaa iyo qoysaska watay caruurtooda aan la tallaalin marka ay Minnesota dib ugu soo laabteen. Haddii aad dibadda u safraysid, hubso in aad adiga iyo caruurtaada tallaalo cusub ka qaadateen jadeecada, qaamoqashiirka iyo rubella (jadeecada Jarmalka

ee caruurta ku dhacda – marka la isku soo duubo lagu magacaabo MMR). Caruurta jira illaa 6 bilood jir waa in tallaalka MMR la siiyo.

Dabaysha (Polio) waa cudur kale ee la isqaadsiiyo oo safarrada ku faafa. Dabayshu waa cudur sababi kara qallal (aan lugta ama gacanta la dhaqaajin karin) iyo mararka qaarkood noqda qoorgooye (meningitis – caabuq ku dhaca maskaxda iyo lafdhabarka). Haddii uu qallalku sii socdana ay sababi karto in uu qofka neefsanwaayo. Faaf idda cudurka dabaysha waxa uu

dareen xoog leh geliyay qubarada Ururka Caafimaadka Caalamka (WHO). Waxa y soo jeediyeen in qofka wax ka badan affar toddobaad u safra waddan lagu ogyahay in ay ka jirto dabaysha in la tallaalo ka hor inta aysan dib ugu laaban waddanka ay ka yimaadeen. Dadka safraya waddamo uu ka jiro cudurka dabaysha waa in ay iska hubsadaan in ay la hadlaan bukaan-eegtadooda haddii ay u bahaanyihiin wax-wax ka dhawra iyo in caruurtooda ay qaateen dhibcaha idil oo ay ugu baahanyihiin safarka.

Safarradaada ka dhigo kuwo caafimaad qaba, la hadal bukaan-eegtadaada w a x a s a f a r k a a g a k u saabsan, tallaallada aad u bahaantahay iyo siyaabaha aad caafimaadkaaga u ilaalsato marka aad safraysid. Mararka qaarkood safarrada waxa ay sababaan cudur. Haddii adiga iyo qoyskaaga aad ka soo laabanaysaan safar caalami ah iyo aad jirrataan, iska hubso in aad bukaan-eegtadaada wacdid iyo u sheegtid calaamadaha aad isku aragtay iyo in aad dhawaan safar ku maqnayd.

Safarradaada Ka Dhigo Kuwo Caafimaad Qaba

T h e C e d a r R i v e r s i d e Community School gir ls’ basketball team is asking for parents’ opinions about their new uniforms. The girls designed the options themselves to be both religiously appropriate according to Somali culture, with a little help from the University of Minnesota. Parents were invited to see the unveiling and share their thoughts Wednesday evening at the Brian Coyle Center.

On Wednesday nights, the gym at the Brian Coyle Center is “NBA” -- no boys allowed. However, playing sports can be

difficult for the girls, who are from East Africa, because they have to be covered from head to toe.

“Seeing them trip over their skirts, seeing them not be able to be safe and be active at the same time is really hard,” coach Jennifer Weber said.

That’s why the girls, with some help from grad students at the University of Minnesota, came up with several designs for new sports uniforms that are both culturally and religiously appropriate. Some even got to model the final four to get feedback from their parents

and community members. The uniforms are made with wicking fabrics that move perspiration away from their bodies to keep them from overheating. Plus, since they’re designed for young girls, there was plenty of pink involved.

The G.I .R.L.S program received a grant from the Extension Service at the U of M to work on the designs and prototypes. Organizers hope to find women in the Somali community to sew the uniforms by next spring after the vote, then, they’ll have a community fashion show.

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Caafimaadka / Health TusmoTimes.com | 10

Cedar Riverside girls basketball designs own culturally-appropriate uniformssource: kmsP


Page 11: Tusmo Times October 2014

Sumcadda dhall inyarada Soomaaliyeed waxaa afduubay al-Shabaab, burcad-badeed iyo wixii la mid ah, sida uu sheegay Wasiirka Soomaaliya ee Dhallinyarada iyo Isboortiga Khaalid Cumar Cali, wuxuuna damacsan yahay inuu wax ka baddalo fikraddaas xun ee laga haysto.

I y a d o o k a a s h a n e e y s a Qaramada Midoobay, ayay Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada iyo Isboortigu sameeyneeysaa dhowr barnaamij oo lagu kordhinayo doorka dhallinyarada ee hawlaha socda ee dawlad-dhiska iyo in dalka la nabadeeyo.

Si hadafkaas loo gaadho, Cali wuxuu sheegay inay xukuumaddu qorsheeyneeyso inay dhallinyarada u dhisto xarun xirfado shaqo laga barto iyo inay fuliso Siyaasadda Dhallinyarada Qaranka oo loola jeedo in dhallinyarada loogu diyaariyo inay noqdaan hoggaamiyeyaasha mustaqbalka iyo inay ka qeyb qaataan arrimaha siyaasadda dalka.

Waraysi ay la yeelatay Sabahi, ayuu Cali kaga hadlay waxqabadka wasaaraddiisa ee sannadkan, sida ay xukuumaddu ula dhaqmeeyso dadka ka soo go’ay al-Shabaab iyo booqashadii uu dhowaan Soomaaliya ku yimid Wakiilka Dhallinyarada ee Xoghayaha Qaramada Midoobay Ahmad Alhendawi.

Sabahi: Wax ma nooga sheegi kartaa shaqooyinka aad

qabatay taniyo intii aad xilka la wareegtay?

Wasiirka Dhallinyarada iyo Isboortoga Khaalid Cumar Cali: Waxaan xilkan qabtay 27-kii January waxaana ay ahayd shaqadii ugu horreeysay ee aan qabtay dib-u-dhiska iyo qalabeeynta xarunta wasaaradda, taas oo burbursaneeyd taniyo 1991-kii. Wasaaraddu halkaas ayay ka hawl-gashaa hadda.

W a x a a i n t a a s d h e e r , maaddaama aysan wasaaraddu [si buuxda] u shaqeeyn jirin xil l igii xukuumaddi hore, waxaan sameeynay oo hawl-galinnay qaab dhismeedka iyo waaxyaha wasaaradda. Waxaan u qaabeeynay lix waaxood: waaxda dhallinyarada, waaxda cayaaraha, waaxda maamulka, waaxda qorsheeynta, waaxda tababarka iyo waaxda soo iibinta.

Markaas ka dib, waxaan bilownay inaan ka shaqeeyno sameeynta siyaasad qaran oo ku aaddan dhallinyarada Soomaaliya anagoo la kaashaneeyna wasaaradaha ka shaqeeyo arrimaha daryeelka bulshada sida Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Wasaaradda Hidaha iyo Tacliinta Sare, Wasaaradda Caafimaadka, Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo Arrimaha Bulshada, iyo Wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Xuquuqda Aadanaha, si ay wasaarad walba kaalinteeda uga ciyaarto kaalinteeda.

Waxaan sidoo kale dalka ku casunnay Wakiilka Dhallinyarada ee Xoghayaha Qaramada Midoobay Ahmed Alhendawi iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayay si ay u arkaan shaqada iyo horumarka ay gaadhay Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada iyo Isboortiga, u qiimeeyaan xaaladda ay hadda

ku sugan yihiin dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed, ulana kulmaan [qaar ka mid ah] dhallinyarada si ay uga taageeraan wixii ay u baahan yihiin si ay u gaaraan h igs igooda mus taqba lka . [Alhendawi] wuxuu la kulmay in ka badan 200 oo dhallinyaro ah oo kala yimid dhowr gobol oo dalka ah.

Sabahi: Maxaad rajeeyneeysay inaad ku gaadho casuumidda Wakiilka Dhallinyarada ee Xoghayaha QM?

Cali: Hadafkeenu wuxuu ahaa inaan baddalno fikradda xun ee ay dadku ka haystaan dhallinyarada Soomaal iyeed . Sumcadda dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed waxaa afduubay al-Shabaab, burcad-badeednimo iyo wax la mid ah. Waxaan rabnaa inaan gabi ahaanba fikraddaas meesha ka saarno.

Midda labaad, waxaan rabnay inaan muujino inay Soomaaliya diyaar u tahay inay dhalinteeda jidka toosan ku hoggaamiso iyo inay taageero uga baahan tahay beesha caa lamka . Waxaan codsannay in nalaga taageero hindise la yidhaahdo Dhallinyarada Isbeddelka, oo beegsanaya saddex waxyaabood, oo ah: in shaqooyin loo abuuro dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed, in tababar loo sameeyo oo loo dhiso xarun tababarka xirfadaha shaqada laga barto, iyo in heer qaran laga dhaqan galiyo siyaasad dhallinyarada ku wajahan.

Alhendawi waa uu aqbalay arrimihii [aan ka hadalnay], waxaana uu maalintii ku xigtay tii uu Muqdisho ka tagay, kula kulmay dalalka deeqda bixiya Nairobi halkaas oo uu ugu bandhigay codsiyadeennii uuna [u tabiyay] waxyaabihii uu soo

arkay. Wuxuu deeq-bixiyeyaasha ka codsaday inay naga caawiyaan h ind i s aha Dha l l i nya rada Isbeddelka waana ay aqbaleen inay na taageeraan.

Sabahi: Maxaad nooga sheegi kartaa Siyaasadda Dhallinyarada Qaranka?

Cali: Siyaasaddan qaran waxaa loo adeegsanayaa in lagu hago dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed shanta sano ee soo socota. Siyaasaddu waxay khuseeysaa sida ay uga qeyb qaadan karaan dib-u-dhiska [dalka] ugana qeyb gali karaan madasha siyaasadda.

Si taas loo gaadho, waxaan u sameeyneeynaa Golaha D h a l l i n y a r a d a Q a r a n k a Soomaaliyeed, waxaanan u dajineeynaa qaabkii ay isku hoggaamin lahaayeen ugu dambeeyntiina u hoggaamin lahaayeen qaranka. Xilligan, waxa jira ururro faro badan oo magac ahaan u jira laakiin aan tayo lahayn [shacabka Soomaal iyeedna] aan s i wanaagsan u matalin. [Koone] walba waxaad ku arki kartaa afar qof oo isku sheegaya urur dhallinyaro. Tani waxay dhallinyarada ku hoggaamin kartaa inay qabiil ahaan isku kala soocaan. Marka, si taas looga hortago, waxaan doonaynaa inaan taageerno nidaam ay ku noqon karaan urur qaran oo leh nidaam hoggaamineed iyo xeerar hoose.

[…] Maaddaama uu dalku ka gudbayo hannaanka siyaasadda qabiilka oo loo gudbayo nidaam isdoorasho ah, hadafkeenu ku aaddan Siyaasadda Dhallinyarada Qaranka waa inay dhallinyaradu hormuud ka noqdaan dadaalkaas oo ay wax ka bartaan hoggaanka. Waa in hoggaamiyeyaasha

qaranka ee mustaqbalka laga soo dhex saaro dhallinyarada hadda.

S a b a h i : G o o r m a a d q o r s h e e y n e e y s a a n i n a a d b i lowdaan barnaamijyada h ind i s aha Dha l l i nya rada I s b e d d e l k a x a g g e e s e dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ka heli karaan macluumaad ku saabsan?

Cali: Hindisahan wuxuu si rasmi ah u bilaaban doonaa February 2015, waxaana ku so bandhigeeynaa oo faahfaahin kaga bixineeynaa mareegta wasaaradda. Halkaas ayaa laga heli karaa.

S a b a h i : B i s h i i h o r e x u k u u m a d d u w a x a y dagaalyahannada al-Shabaab siisay muddo 45-cisho oo cafis ah. Sideebay wasaaraddaadu u taageeraysaa barnaamijka cafiska?

Cali: Dhallinyarada ka soo goosta al-Shabaab waxay marka hore isku soo dhiibaan ci idamada ammaanka iyo Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka. Waxaa naloo soo gudbiyaa marka ay Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranku dhaqan-celin ku sameeyso ka dib, si aan u xoojinno oon uga caawinno fursadaha shaqada ugana taageerno barnaamijyo dib ugu soo dhex daraya bulshada.

Sabahi: Dhallinyarada maanta jooga waxay intooda badan ku soo koreen Soomaaliya oo aysan ka jirin sharci iyo kala dambeeyn dagaalkii sokeeye ka dib. Caqabado noocee ah ayay taasi u keentay wasaaraddaada?

Cali: Taasi waa wax aan ogahay maaddaama uu dalku 23 sano ahaa dawlad la’aan. Ninka dhallinyarada ah ee 10 jirka ahaa [markii ay dawladdii dhexe burburtay] wuxuu hadda

jiraa 33 sano. Hase ahaatee, Alle mahaddii, dhallinyarada maanta jira waxay baahi u qabaan nidaam dawladnimo waxaana ay diyaar u yihiin [inay ka qeyb qaataan].

T u s a a l e a h a a n , dhallinyarada loo magacaabay guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir kuligood waa dad da’ yar. Kan ugu weyn wuxuu jiraa 36 sano. Dadka dhallinyarada ah waa in loo dhiibaa jagooyinka hoggaaminta oo kartidooda la tijaabiyaa. Dadka waaweeyn [ee hadda haya jagooyinka hoggaanka] waa ay sii gaboobayaan uun, marka waxaan go’aansannay in dadkaas leh xirfadaha hoggaamineed ay dhallinyarada ku tababaraan hoggaaminta si ay ugu sahlanaato inay [marka dambe] la wareegaan jagooyinka madaxda sare ee dalka.

Sabahi: Sideebay dumarka dhallinyarada ah uga qeyb qaadan karaan arrimahan oo ay fursadahan ula wadaagi karaan ragga?

Ali: Runtii, kartida dumarka, wax qabadkooda iyo heerarka ay waxbarashada ka gaadheenba aad ayay u wanaagsan tahay. Waxaan aragnay in dumarka ku jira dawladda ay shaqo aad uga wacan qabtaan, ay ka daacadsan yihiin kana hufan yihiin ragga xagga shaqada. Marka, waxaan isku dayaynaa inaan fursado siman siinno wiilasha iyo gabdhaha oo xittaa aan muhiimadda siino gabdhaha. Hase ahaatee, Wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Xuquuqda Aadanaha ayaa u xilsaaran arrimaha haweenka waana aan la shaqeeyneeynaa. Waraysiga waxaa qaaday Cabdi Macallim

Vol. 1 Ed. 10 | October 2014 Dhaqan / Waxbarashada | Education / Culture TusmoTimes.com | 11

Wasiirka dhallinyarada Soomaaliya oo xoogga saaraya diyaarinta hoggaamiyeyaasha mustaqbalkaxigasho: sabahi online

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa

Tusmo Times

The Somali government’s grand vision for Mogadishu port under its new Turkish managers sees modern container ships replacing wooden dhows, new cranes easing the back-breaking work of porters and a surge in state revenue as traffic rises.

Outsourcing port operations to Turkey’s Albayrak Group is one more sign of Somalia’s slow rehabilitation, a dramatic shift from more than two decades of war when clans battled for control of Somalia’s most valuable asset and let its facilities decay.

Yet the award of the 20-year contract has highlighted other challenges facing the government, which has been struggling to build public confidence after years of chaos and has been trying to reassure donors worried about corruption.

In the wake of the deal, members of parliament have accused the government of making the award without proper

oversight, while laborers, fearing they will lose their jobs, have staged frequent protests.

“If you come to the Mogadishu port at the moment, you will wonder if it is a market or a port,” said Abdirahman Omar Osman, an adviser to the Somali presidency, describing how porters rush to dhows and ships as they tie-up, seeking cash to help unload.

“The Turkish company will improve the infrastructure, maximize the income of the government and bring the port to international standards,” he said.

An efficient port is vital for the government, as it is the state’s biggest single source of revenue, and essential to building a functioning economy in a nation that is still battling an Islamist insurgency and which the West and African neighbors fear could yet tip back into anarchy.

The deal might also help change the reputation of Somalia,

which has become notorious as a jumping off point for pirates preying on sea lanes in the Indian Ocean, although hijackings have dropped sharply since 2012.

But it has not been plain sailing for Albayrak, which started work last month. On several occasions, clashes between Turkish employees and Somali laborers brought work to a halt, local officials said.

Last month, three Turks were beaten and a Somali was killed during a scuffle between the laborers and the Turkish workers, according to a port official who asked not to be named.

“The government deliberately handed over the port to the Turkish company without considering our right to work and earn an income,” porter Ahmed Siicow told Reuters. “Turkey wants to use its lifts instead of the thousands of porters.”

Job securiTy

The government faces a delicate balancing act between creating a more efficient port while preserving jobs of people with few other options in one of the world’s poorest nations.

“They will not lose their jobs,” Ports and Marine Transport Minister Yusuf Moallim Amin told Reuters, adding more traffic could mean work for more porters.

Amin said he wanted traffic

Somali port poised for facelift with Turkish help by: Christian lerrahn

to grow from 3,000 containers a month - which now arrives on vessels that need to have their own cranes to unload - to 50,000 in a few years.

“Those dhows, I think they will vanish as we have more, bigger ships coming in,” the minister said by telephone.

The port’s current intake of $5 million a month from duties could double in a year with more traffic, the minister said. Albayrak will also improve collection of service fees, amounting to $1.2 million, of which the state gets 55 percent, he added.

Albayrak aims to build four new berths and repair others, bringing the number of working berths to 10.

More revenues would help a government that is now dependent on donor largesse. But the benefits of the port deal have not shielded the government from criticism from its lawmakers.

“Any deal that is not approved by the parliament remains null and void,” legislator Dahir Amin told Reuters.

Parliament has called several hearings to discuss the deal with Albayrak, a construction company whose webs i te indicates has only one other port enterprise.

DP World, the Dubai-based firm with port operations across the globe, also showed interest, according to a source in the United Arab Emirates and a Somali with knowledge of the

award. A spokeswoman for the Somali

president said Albayrak was the only firm to make a formal expression of interest. DP World said it would not comment.

In response to the row, Albayrak said Turkish firms were fixing Mogadishu’s airport and constructing schools, hospitals and mosques. “Turkey’s interest, love and contribution oriented in Somalia are continuing,” it said in a statement.

Turkey has emerged a crucial donor and ally since 2011, when Somalia was in the midst of a devastating famine. That year, the then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan became the first leader from outside Africa to visit Mogadishu in nearly 20 years as he set out to build his country’s status as a regional power.

Torn loyalTies

The row is another headache for Somalia’s government struggling to rebuild donor confidence after allegations of corruption last year, first by a U.N. monitoring group then by a central bank governor who quit after less than two months in her post. The government denied charges of graft.

Western diplomats say the government faces an understandable lack of capacity as it negotiates deals, whether the port or airport, which is now being run by Turkey’s Favori.

Yet, echoing the sentiment

of others, one senior Western diplomat said more scrutiny was needed. “What are commissions being paid? What is the structure of the contract?” he said.

The port deal and other support from Middle East nations also suggests the Somali government could find itself increasingly torn between regional Muslim rivals.

“The threat is the Somalis will try to play off the different Muslim interests,” the diplomat said, adding this could cause splits in Somali politics and alienate donors.

The UAE, which provides support to Somalia’s security forces and other aid, has been a staunch opponent of Islamist governments who emerged during the Arab Spring. Turkey’s government of the ruling AKP, which has Islamist roots, held out a hand of friendship to Middle East Islamist leaders.

An official in the UAE said the Gulf state’s support for Somalia was aimed at rebuilding the nation and not driven by any commercial concerns. Turkey has made similar comments.

Page 12: Tusmo Times October 2014

Waxaan ognahay doorashaddani in ay noqoneyso mid si lama �laan ah iskugu dhow; sidaa daraadeed waxaan u baahanahay codkaaga, waxaan nahay mush-

araxiin u dagaalama una doodi doona shaqaalaha Gobolka.

Gobolkeenu had iyo jeer wuxuu ahaan doona mid dhinaca saxda ah taagan,

si aad u hesho macluumaad

Musharaxiin u taagan qoysaska shaqeeya

Garsiinta Macluumaadka Codeynta


WAKIILKA EE RASMIGA AH Waxaan kaa caawin karnaa buuxinta kaarka ca�maadka Si lacag la’aan ah.

Xirfadlayaal soomaali ah ayaa: kuu diyaar ah/ kaaga jawaabaya wixii su’aalo ah/ kula buuxinaya arjiga (application)/ kuu wacaya MNSure

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candidates who will fight for working people in our state.

Our state is moving in the right direction, but all of our momentum could be lost if we don’t elect Governor Dayton, Senator Franken, and other champions who will

fight for middle class priorities, not big corporations and wealthy special interests.

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Visit seiumn.org for more informationon endorsed candidates.

• Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.• You can register to vote on Election Day • Election information: mnvotes.org

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Governor Mark Dayton Senator Al Franken Steve Simon

Musharaxiin u taagan qoysaska shaqeeya