tusmo times september 2014

“Waaxda Caafimaadka ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa abaal marin guddoonsiisay sadax qof oo soomaali ah...” Waaxda Caafimaadka MN oo abaal marin siisay 3 ruux local see page 4 Kulankii 14-aad oo sannad walba xilligan oo kale lagu qabto magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa xalay lasoo gabagabeeyay, kaasoo socday muddo saddex maalmood, waxaana ka qayb- galay culummo fara badan oo isugu jiray Soomaali iyo ajnabi. Mu’tamarkan oo billowday Jimcaha aynu soo dhaafnay ayaa lasoo gunaanaday habeenkii xalay ahaa, iyadoo kulan diimeedkan sannad walba lagu qabto magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota. Kulan diimeedkan ayaa waxaa si wadajir ah u soo qabanqaabiyay masjidka Abubakar As-sadiiq iyo golaha imaamyada Waqooyiga Maraykanka, iyadoo la jeediyay saddexdii casho ee uu socday muxaadarooyin iyo duruus kala duwan oo Islaami ah. Imaamyada casharrada iyo muxaadarooyinka ka jeediyay qaarkood ayaa waxay ka socdeen dalka Ingiriiska, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Finland iyo kuwo ka yimid gobollada Marekanka. Culummada ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa, Sheekh Maxamed Idris, Sheekh C/raxmaan Sheekh Cumar, Sheekh Maxamed C. Shuceyb, Sheekh C/risaaq Xaashi, Sheekh Aadan Cabdulle, Sheekh Yussuf Aadan, Sheekh Khadar Jamac, Sheekh Dr. C/ weli Xaaji M. Yuusuf oo ka yimi Finland, Sheekh Maxamed Aadan oo ka yimid Ingiriiska iyo culummo kale oo fara badan. Kulan diimeedka sannadkan ayaa wuxuu ugu duwanaa kuwii ka horreeyay in xoogga la saaray dhallinyarada iyo sidii looga haqab-tiri lahaa su’aalah ay is... Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper TusmoTimes.com Early this month, I had the privilege of attending a community listening session focused on Somali Minnesotan youth issues. The listening session is one of the community meetings that have been happening in the Twin Cities, it was hosted by Muslim Scholars, Imams, Community Leaders, Youth workers, retired public officials, parents and government officials at Augsburg College. Somali American adults and youth who joined the un-Islamic fanatics and the so called Islamic States of Iraq and Syria dominated the discussion of the community listening session. The biggest challenge to our community are youth issues, including truancy, school dropout, substance use, violence, mental health, lack of employment, lack of culturally appropriate youth programs and meaning full connection between our youth and their parents/elders, just to name few. But the one topic or issue that dominates the media and community conversations is the issue of radicalized youth. As a Muslim American and Minnesotan, ISIS does not represent me, nor does it represent Islam. The senseless killings and threats to innocent people by ISIS cannot be justified in the name of my beautiful and peaceful religion. As a father of four Muslim American boys, I want to send a clear message to all Muslim youth and children in Minnesota, North American, Somalia and the rest of the world, that ISIS and Al- Shabaab are threat to all of us and they are perpetrating the worst crimes against humanity. We must reject and strongly condemn anyone who tries to lure our youth into this Un-cool and Un-Islamic idea that have nothing to do with Islam. The Holy Quran says that: “Whosoever kills a human being... it is as if killing the entire human race; and whosoever saves a life, saves the entire human race.” (Qur’an 5:32) I am very proud of our Muslim scholars, Imams and community leaders who speak out over the evils of terrorism and Un-Islamic ideologies... Waxaa maalintii Jimcaha ay bisha September ahayd 5, 2014 makhaayada Safari, goobteeda shirarka lagu qabto ee Magaalada Minneapolis, Minnesota lagu qabtey Xaflad aad u balaaran oo ku aadan Sannad Guuradii Labaad ee markii dhidibada loo taagey Ha’yadda RajoQab. Munaasabadaasi oo si wanaagsan loo soo agaasimey waxaa ka soo qaybgaley reer Minnesota oo aana u kala harin. Dadkii goobta ka hadlay waxaa kamid ahaa culumo, aqoonyahaniin, dhallinyaro, xildhibaano, madax ka tirsan dowlada , haween iyo dhamaan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota. Ugu horeyn waxaa aayadaha Qur’aanka ku furay munaasabada Axmed Yare Calas oo ahaa wiill aad u da’yar. Ayaadaha Qur’aanka kadib, waxaa halkaasi warbixin ka soo jeedisay Falastiin Cabdi Abshir oo sheegtay in mudadii ay jirtey Ha’yadda RajoQab ay qabatey hawlo muhiim u ah Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan Naafada Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa kale oo ay Falastiin sheegtay in nasiib darro walaalkeed Maxamed Abshir oo ah gudoomiyaha Ha’yadda RajoQab, xaalad caafimaad darteed uu uga soo qaybgali waayey munaasabada. Falastiin ayaa sheegtay in walaalkeed Maxamed Abshir uu Ha’yadda Rajoqab u aasaasay in ay ha’yaddu ku caawiso macluumad iyo adeegyo ay wax ugu qabanayso, kuna taageerayso naafada Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa kale oo dadkii munaasabada ka hadlay ka mid ahaa Sheekh Cabdiasis oo looyaqaano Sheekh Nuux... “The use of the hijab may act as a buffer against negative body image...” “Community engagement is the process of working collaboratively...” ISIS Is Not Just Un-Islamic, It Is Un-Cool Too Kulan diimeedkii 14-aad ee Minneapolis oo lasoo Gaba-gabeeyay Ha’yadda RajoQab oo Xustay Sannad Guuradeedii labaad ee markii la Aas-Aasey By: ABdirAhmAn mukhtAr,t usmo times, Chief Editor Qore: SiyAd SAid SAlAh, minneapolis Qalinkii: ABdirAhmAn mukhtAr, minneapolis Women Who Wear Hijab Can Have a Better Body Image Engaging and Collaboration with Somalis see page 3 WoRlD local see page 4 ka sii akhri bogga 3 ka sii akhri bogga 3 see page 3 Photo right: kotv left: new America media SHAQOOYINKA AAN QABANO WAXAA KA MID AH: Ka hortagga Cudurada Ilkaha Qaliinka & Buuxinta Ilkaha Daaweynta Xididada & Goows Dambeedka Dib u hagaajinta Ilkaha (Implant Restoration) Caddeynta Ilkaha (Teeth Whiten- ing) Daweynta Cudurada Ciridka Iyo Adeegyo kale oo badan! Dr. MOHAMMED SALAD, DDS BALLAN UMA BAAHNID, SOO DHAWOOW MAR WALBA! All Major Insurances Accepted Carepoint Dental 4111 Central Ave. NE, Suite 104 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Tel: 763-400-3525 [email protected] www.carepointdentalmn.com www.hufanrestaurant.com www.hufanrestaurant.com

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Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper


Page 1: Tusmo Times September 2014

“Waaxda Caafimaadka ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa abaal marin guddoonsiisay sadax qof oo soomaali ah...”

Waaxda Caafimaadka MN oo abaal marin siisay 3 ruux


see page 4

Kulankii 14-aad oo sannad walba xilligan oo kale lagu qabto magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa xalay lasoo gabagabeeyay, kaasoo socday muddo saddex

maalmood, waxaana ka qayb-galay culummo fara badan oo isugu jiray Soomaali iyo ajnabi.

Mu’tamarkan oo billowday

Jimcaha aynu soo dhaafnay ayaa lasoo gunaanaday habeenkii xalay ahaa, iyadoo kulan diimeedkan sannad walba lagu qabto magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota.

Kulan diimeedkan ayaa waxaa si wadajir ah u soo qabanqaabiyay masjidka Abubakar As-sadiiq iyo golaha imaamyada Waqooyiga

Maraykanka, iyadoo la jeediyay saddexdii casho ee uu socday muxaadarooyin iyo duruus kala duwan oo Islaami ah.

Imaamyada casharrada iyo muxaadarooyinka ka jeediyay qaarkood ayaa waxay ka socdeen dalka Ingiriiska, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Finland iyo kuwo ka yimid gobollada Marekanka.

Culummada ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa, Sheekh Maxamed Idris, Sheekh C/raxmaan Sheekh Cumar, Sheekh Maxamed C. Shuceyb, Sheekh C/risaaq Xaashi, Sheekh Aadan Cabdulle, Sheekh Yussuf Aadan, Sheekh Khadar Jamac, Sheekh Dr. C/weli Xaaji M. Yuusuf oo ka yimi Finland, Sheekh Maxamed Aadan oo ka yimid Ingiriiska iyo culummo kale oo fara badan. Kulan diimeedka sannadkan ayaa wuxuu ugu duwanaa kuwii ka horreeyay in xoogga la saaray dhallinyarada iyo sidii looga haqab-tiri lahaa su’aalah ay is...

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper TusmoTimes.com

Early this month, I had the privilege of attending a communi ty l i s t en ing session focused on Somali Minnesotan youth issues. The listening session is one of the community meetings that have been happening in the Twin Cities, it was hosted by Muslim Scholars, Imams, Community Leaders, Youth workers, retired public officials, parents and government officials at Augsburg College.

Somali American adults and youth who joined the un-Islamic fanatics and the so called Islamic States of Iraq and Syria dominated the discussion of the community listening session. The biggest challenge to our community are youth issues, including truancy, school dropout, substance use, violence, mental health, lack of employment, lack of culturally appropriate youth programs and meaning full connection

between our youth and their parents/elders, just to name few. But the one topic or issue that dominates the media and community conversations is the issue of radicalized youth.

As a Muslim American and Minnesotan, ISIS does not represent me, nor does i t represent Is lam. The senseless killings and threats to innocent people by ISIS cannot be justified in the name of my beautiful and peaceful

religion. As a father of four Muslim American boys, I want to send a clear message to all Muslim youth and children in Minnesota, North American, Somalia and the rest of the world, that ISIS and Al-Shabaab are threat to all of us and they are perpetrating the worst crimes against humanity. We must reject and strongly condemn anyone who tries to lure our youth into this Un-cool and Un-Islamic idea that have

nothing to do with Islam. The Holy Quran says that:

“Whosoever kills a human being... it is as if killing the entire human race; and whosoever saves a life, saves the entire human race.” (Qur’an 5:32)

I am very proud of our Muslim scholars, Imams and community leaders who speak out over the evils of terrorism and Un-Islamic ideologies...

Waxaa maalintii Jimcaha ay bisha September ahayd 5, 2014 makhaayada Safari, goobteeda shirarka lagu qabto ee Magaalada Minneapolis, Minnesota lagu qabtey Xaflad aad u balaaran

oo ku aadan Sannad Guuradii Labaad ee markii dhidibada loo taagey Ha’yadda RajoQab. Munaasabadaasi oo si wanaagsan loo soo agaasimey waxaa ka

soo qaybgaley reer Minnesota oo aana u kala harin. Dadkii goobta ka hadlay waxaa kamid ahaa culumo, aqoonyahaniin, dhallinyaro, xildhibaano, madax ka tirsan dowlada , haween iyo

dhamaan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota.

Ugu horeyn waxaa aayadaha Qur’aanka ku furay munaasabada

Axmed Yare Calas oo ahaa wiill aad u da’yar. Ayaadaha Qur’aanka kadib, waxaa halkaasi warbixin ka soo jeedisay Falastiin Cabdi Abshir oo sheegtay in mudadii ay jirtey Ha’yadda RajoQab ay qabatey hawlo muhiim u ah Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan Naafada Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa kale oo ay Falastiin sheegtay in nasiib darro walaalkeed Maxamed Abshir oo ah gudoomiyaha Ha’yadda RajoQab, xaalad caafimaad darteed uu uga soo qaybgali waayey munaasabada. Falastiin ayaa sheegtay in walaalkeed Maxamed Abshir uu Ha’yadda Rajoqab u aasaasay in ay ha’yaddu ku caawiso macluumad iyo adeegyo ay wax ugu qabanayso, kuna taageerayso naafada Soomaaliyeed.

Waxaa kale oo dadkii munaasabada ka hadlay ka mid ahaa Sheekh Cabdiasis oo looyaqaano Sheekh Nuux...

“The use of the hijab may act as a buffer against negative body image...”

“Communi ty engagement is the process of working collaboratively...”

ISIS Is Not Just Un-Islamic, It Is Un-Cool Too

Kulan diimeedkii 14-aad ee Minneapolis oo lasoo Gaba-gabeeyay

Ha’yadda RajoQab oo Xustay Sannad Guuradeedii labaad ee markii la Aas-Aasey

By: ABdirAhmAn mukhtAr,tusmo times, Chief Editor

Qore: SiyAd SAid SAlAh, minneapolis Qalinkii: ABdirAhmAn mukhtAr, minneapolis

Women Who Wear Hijab Can Have a Better Body Image

Engaging and Collaboration with Somalis

see page 3

WoRlD local

see page 4

ka sii akhri bogga 3 ka sii akhri bogga 3

see page 3

Photo right: kotv left: new America media

SHAQOOYINKA AAN QABANO WAXAA KA MID AH:Ka hortagga Cudurada IlkahaQaliinka & Buuxinta IlkahaDaaweynta Xididada & Goows DambeedkaDib u hagaajinta Ilkaha (Implant Restoration)Caddeynta Ilkaha (Teeth Whiten-ing)Daweynta Cudurada CiridkaIyo Adeegyo kale oo badan!




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Tel: 763-400-3525

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Page 2: Tusmo Times September 2014

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa Tusmo Times

Tusmo TimesTusmo Times is a monthly publication covering local and international community news, events and information.

Tusmo Times is currently published in Minnesota and distributed within the Twin Cities and sur-rounding suburbs.

editor-in-ChiefAbdirahman Mukhtar Contributors Abdi Adan “Xiito”, Abdillahi Ganey, Abdulrahman Adem, Ali Omar Suldan , Farah Blue, Fartun Ahmed, Ilyas Maow,Ibrahim Hirsi, Hashim Yonis, Mohamed Bare, Mohamed Talyaani, Siyaad Siciid Saalax, Zeinab Ali.

advertising ConsultantKaamil Haider & Mohamed Filibin Contact 420 15th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN 55454

T. 612-987-6269 E. [email protected]. [email protected]. www.tusmotimes.com You can follow us and subscribe at:

Maqaallada lagu soo qoro Tusmo Times waxaa mas’uul ka ah qofka qoray // Any editorials or opinions expressed in this newspaper is not that of the Tusmo Times and it is the responsibility of the author

Page 3: Tusmo Times September 2014

The Somal i Amer ican Minnesotan will continue to do everything within their power to prevent any other young man or woman getting caught up in this poisonous ideology. We all need to remember that ISIS and Al-Shabaab has nothing to do with Islam and they are committing crimes against humanity that

cannot be tolerated.Taking on Somali American

radicalized youth issue have to be one part of a broader outreach to at-risk youth, which involves parents, youth and youth workers, Imams, coaches and community leaders, in meaning full programs ranging from literacy to sports. Finally, we need a comprehensive

community-wide effort that works to raise awareness about the challenges facing Somali American youth, particularly at-risk boys, and to motivate caring adults to connect with youth in three key areas: family, school, and community.

Kulan diimeedka sannadkan ayaa wuxuu ugu duwanaa kuwii ka horreeyay in xoogga la saaray dhallinyarada iyo sidii looga haqab-tiri lahaa su’aalah ay is-weydiinayaan ee ku saabsan

diintooda.Si arrintaas loo xaqiijiyo,

waxaa la casumay culummo ku hadasha afka Ingiriiska oo ay dhallinyarada Mareykanka ku nool si aad ah u daneynayeen, waxaana ka mid ahaa; Sheekh Kariim Abu Zeid, Imam Abdul-Malik, Sheekh Cukaashe Al-kamiini, Sheekh Shadiid iyo kuwo kale. Intaa oo keliya kuma ekeyn waxyaabaha kulanka sannadkan uu uga duwanaa sannadihii hore.

Mu’ tamarka sannadkan waxyaabaha kale ee lagu soo kordhiyay sannadkan waxaa ka mid ahaa tartanka ciyaaraha kubadda cagta iyo midda kolayga oo aad u xiiso badnaa. Sidoo kale waxaa la keenay fardo iyo waxyaabo kale oo carruurtu maaweelo fiican u ahaa.

“Waxaanu ugu talo-galnay in kulankan aanu dar-dar-gelinno oo aan dhallinyarada si gaar ah ugu sameyno waxyaabaha gaarka ah ee ay xiiseeyaan sida sida ciyaaraha iyo kuwo kale oo

maaweelooyin ah si aanay meel kale u aadin inta mu’tamarku uu socdo,” ayuu yiri C/raxamaan Xiddig oo sannadkan lagu maamuusay in mu’tamarka uu isagu hoggaamiyo.

Kulankan oo aalaaba lagu aadiyo xilliyada fasaxyada iyo dabaal-dagyadu ay jiraan ayaa

muhiimadda ugu weyn ee loo qabtay waxay ahayd in culumadu ay gaarsiiyaan diinta ummadda Soomaaliyeed ee qurbo-joogta ah iyo waliba culumada oo ka tashatay aayaha ummadaan Soomaliyeed iyo mustaqbalka

meesha ay ku dambeyn doonaan.Si kastaba ha ahaatee,

dadki i kasoo qayb-galay kulan diimeedkan 14-aad ee Minneapolis waxay u badnaayeen jaaliyadda Afikada Bari ee gobolkan degen sida Soomaalida iyo Oromada, waxaana si weyn u camirnaa hoolalka lagu bixinayay muxaadarooyinka afka Ingiriiska ku baxayay oo dhallinyaradu ay si wanaagsan u soo xaadireen, iyadoo taasi ay dhalisay in la is-weydiiyo sababta da’yartu ay uga jecel yihiin af Somaaliga afafka qalaad, iyadoo lasoo jeediyay in dhallinyarada lagu hago luuqaddooda.

Mu’tamarkan ayaa la billaabay sannadkii 2001-dii, iyadoo culummadii kasoo qayb-gashay sannadkaas ay ka mid ahaayeen; Sheekh Maxamed Cismaan iyo Sheekh Mustafa Xaaji Ismaaciil Haaruun, waxaana lagu qabtay xarunta weyn ee GYM ka ee YWMC, kaddib markii ay caqabad noqotay in la helo hoolal ka waaweyn.

Kulankan 14-aad ayaa habeenkii Isniintu soo galaysay ee xalay lasoo xiray, waxaana laga akhriyay bayaan ay culummaddu wadajir u soo saareen kasoo taabanayay dhinacyo badan, iyadoo lagu soo khatimay Suaalo iyo Jawaabo, dar-daaran, Qur’aan akhris iyo duco.

// [email protected]

ISIS Is Not Just Un-Islamic,It Is Un-Cool Too

Kulan diimeedkii 14-aad ee Minneapolis oo lasoo Gaba-gabeeyay

continued from page 1

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Wararka Gudaha / Local News TusmoTimes.com | 3

ka yimid bogga 1

E n g a g i n g t h E Community: On August 8, 2014 Councilman Blong Yang and 4th Precinct Inspector Michael Kjos met with the North Side, East African Community. Topics such as public safety, economic resources, public and private housing development were discussed. C o m m u n i t y e n g a g e m e n t is the process of working collaboratively with individuals and groups to achieve specific

goals. Community engagement allows us to directly involve our constituencies in this case the Somali Community in ongoing design, planning, and management of resources. This process results in informed and engaged residents who feel better connected to their communities.It is clear that community involvement provides an environment in which we develop the skills and acquire the knowledge that can help us make a difference in our rapidly changing city. Act of engagement is an act of relationship building. In community engagement, we connect, interact, and build relationships between the individuals in our communities and the causes we care about. As along time resident and a product of Minneapolis, I found the Somali community lacks the attention it deserves from all city agencies on many different levels. The Somali community of Minneapolis is one of the largest and longest established in United States. Many Somalis in Minneapolis have come from

war-torn regions in East Africa after having spent many years in refugee camps in Kenya or Ethiopia. As a result of the ongoing civil war in Somalia, many of these immigrants received little or no formal education prior to their arrival in Minneapolis.O n c e t h e y a r r i v e d i n Minneapolis, many Somalis and their families experienced severe stress adjusting to their new country. Towns and cities such as Minneapolis with

large concentrations of Somali residents have struggled to provide educational and social services for students and their families. The ways that the cities responds to this tremendous challenge can have a significant impact on the educational and economical achievement of Somali families and Youth. It is therefore critical that the City of Minneapolis understand the complex factors that affect the educational and social achievement of the Somali community.

A common complaint by Somalis was that despite the size of the Somali population in Minneapolis, the Somali community remains largely invisible in public policy and community engagement processes. Key barriers for the Somali community in terms of engagement are a lack of information, advice and guidance on policy issues, and a lack of representation on decision-making forums both locally and nationally and, most importantly, lack of resources in their


Specific recommendations arising from community needs according to the report:

I m p r o v i n g t h e neighborhood public safetyImproving engagement by identifying and working with Somali communityEducational opportunities, facilities and premises for young peopleFunding and support for the establishment of Somali youth organizationsEmployment training and support for all adult members of the community Improving engagement by identifying and working directly with the Somali community

Given the concerns and values I heard from those working and living in the neighborhood, these are the issues facing Somali young adults in Minneapolis that need to be address:

The need for and interest in community collaboration to address serious issues facing this populationA lack of resources to address the significant barriers to educational attainment resulting from their unique circumstances, particularly in light of refugee experiencesA lack of resources linking young adults to employment opportunitiesA difference between the realities of crime, violence and other issues in the community and perception considered being a harmful exaggeration

The East African community particularly in Ward 5 is looking forward working with Councilman Blong Yang and 4th Precinct Inspector Michael Kjos.

Engaging and Collaboration with Somali Community and YouthBy: hAShim yoniS, minneapolis

Waxaa kale oo dadkii munaasabada ka hadlay ka mid ahaa Sheekh Cabdiasis oo looyaqaano Sheekh Nuux. Sheekh Cabdiasis oo kamid ah culumadda iyo naafada ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota ayaa sheegay in wax qabadka Ha’yadda RajoQab uu muuqdo, wuxuuna u

hambalyeeyey Maxamed Abshir iyo dhamaan dadka garab taagan oo uu sheegey in ay bulshada wax weyn u qabteen ,wuxuuna kula dardaarmey in halkaa ay ka sii wadaan howlaha ay Naafada Soomaaliyeed u hayaan . Sheekh Cabdiasis ayaa xusay taariikhda Islaamka iyo Naafada. Sheekha ayaa macneeyay erayga “Curyaan” oo ay Soomaalidu si khalad ah ugu isticmaasho dadka Naafada ah, wuxuuna sheegay in macnaha Curyaan uu yahay maxbuus ama kii la xabsiyay ama la hor istaagay, Sheekha ayaa yiri, waxaa na hor istaagey dadka, balse ereyga “Naafo” ayaa ah ereyga saxda ah, ayuu sheegay Sheekhu. Sheekh Nuux oo aad loola dhacay qudbadiisa ayaa yiri, “magaceenu waa Naafo, qof bini Aadan ah oo kaamil ahna ma jiro, dadka Naafada ahina waa dad wax qaban kara”.

Xubnihii kale ee halkaa ka hadlay waxaa ka mid ahaa Professor Sheekh Siidow. Professor Siidow ayaa ahaa qofkii ku qornaa qudbad sharafeedka lagu xusayey Sannad Guuradeedii labaad ee markii la Aas-Aasey RajoQab. Sheekh Si idow ayaa qudbadiisa ku bilaabay hadalo dhiirigelin ah oo uu ka codsaday dadweynihii goobta joogay in ay ka daba dhahaan ereyada ah, “Aan wada jirno walaalayaal, aan is weheshano walaalayaal”, “Gacmo wadajir bay wax ku gooyaan”. Sheekh Siidoow ayaa sheegay in hawsha Ha’yadda RajoQab ayna hadal u baahnayn, balse qof kasta laga rabo in uu u hiiliyo Naafada Soomaaliyeed iyo dadka u istaagay taageeradooda. Sheekha ayaa sheegay in Maxamed Abshir uu qabtay hawl muhiim ah, hamiga ku jirana uu yahay wax wanaagsan, maadaama uu hamigu yahay wax fiican.

Xildhibaan Cabdi Barre oo ka mid ah Baarlamaanka Dowladda Soomaaliya , Cabdi

Warsame oo ah gudoomiyaha degmadda 6aad ee magaalada Minneapolis, Maxamuud Nuur oo ah Madaxa Confederation of Somali Community of Minnesota iyo Caabiyo Cali oo iyadu ah qof mar walba hiil iyo hooba la garabtaagan bulshada Soomaaliyeed, ayaa

iyaguna qudbado ka jeediyay munaasabada. Xildhibaan Cabdi Barre ayaa sheegay in uu ku dadaali doono sidii uu iskugu xiri lahaa Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Ha’yadda RajoQab Foundation.

Waxaa kaloo munasabada hadalo qiimo iyo qiiroba leh ka jeediyay Shariif Cabdullahi Mooge, Saalixa, Fartuun iyo Cabdiraxmaan oo iyagu ah Naafo kamid ah bulshada Soomaaliyeed eek u dhaqan gobolka Minnesota, ahna xubno firfircoon oo bulshada ka muuqda, kaalimo muhi im ahna kaga j i ra . Shariifka, Saalixa, Fartuun iyo Cabdullahi ayaa ugu horeyntii u mahadceliyay dhamaan dadkii kasoo qayb galay munaasabada iyo qof kasta oo isagu cagan ka geystay taageerida Naafada Soomaaliyeed. Abwaan Cismaan Ducaale ayaa isaguna maanso uu uga hadlayo in khayrka la isku

raaco oo la yiraahdo, “Sabool yaa waxtaraaya oo Saadirkay wax amaansha” munaasabada ka tiriyay. Abwaab Cismaan Ducaale ayaa yiri, “Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahaan, Balaayo il la’ayd ama lug la’ayd”, Abwaan Cismaan ayaa sheegay in ay khalad tahay in dadka Naafada ah loogu yeero ama loogu maahmaaho erayo ama magacyo wax u dhimaya.

Haddaba waxyaabihii ay Hayadda RajoQab Foundation ay soo bandhigtay ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa cajalad daawasho ah oo laga shiday goobta munaasabadu ka

dhacday. Cajalada la dawaaday ayaa ahayd warbixin laga soo duubay 40 kursi oo deeq ah oo ay Ha’yadda RajoQab ay gaarsiisay, una qaybisay gawaarida iyo kuraasta ay dadka naafada ahi isticmaalaan qaar kamid ah dadka naafada ah ee ku nool magaalada Muqdisho bishii June, 2014.

Lacagta lagu gaday kuraasta ay naafadu ku socdaan oo dhamayd $5,200 ayaa waxaa ku deeqay oo sadaqaystay dad Soomaaliyeed oo ku nool qurbaha gaar ahaan dalalka Mareykanka, England iyo Canada. Naafada loo qaybiyay gawaarida iyo kuraasta loogu talagalay dadka naafada ah si ay u isticmaalaan ayaa waxay isugu jireen rag iyo dumar, iyadoo mid walba oo ka mid ahi uu helay kursi uu ku socdo oo cusub, dadkan ay intooda badani ahaayeen dad naafo ah oo aanan lahayn, awoodina kuraas ay ku socdaan oo gurguuran jiray.

Dadka Naafada ah ee ka faa’iideystay deeqdan oo cajalda daaawashada ah ka muuqday iyaga oo aad iyo aad u faraxsan ayaa sheegay inay aad ugu farxasan yihiin deeqdan lasoo gaarsiiyay, waxayna sheegeen in kuraasta la siiyay xilli ay baahi weyn u qabeen, iyagoo dadkii ku deeqay ugu duceeyay in uu Ilaahay uu wax ka khayr badan ugu bedelo.

Haddaba maamulka Hay’adda RajoQab Foundation ayaa waxay markale u mahadceliyeen dhamaan dadkii xoogooda i y o x o o l o h o o d a b a u g u tabarucay gargaarka Naafada Soomaaliyeed. Waxayna balanqaadeen in ay hawsha meesha ka sii wadi doonaan, iyaga

oo ku rajo weyn in ay Sannadkan deeqaha loogu gargaaro Naafada Soomaaliyeed ay gaarsiinayaan dhamaan dalka Soomaaliya oo dhan. Haddii aad jeceshahay in aad ka ka qaybqaadato caawinta naafada ku nool Soomaaliya oo la gaarsiinayo deeqda gawaarida dadka naafada ahi ay isticmaalaan, fadlan Maxamed Abshir kala xiriir taleefanka 612 986 4561 ama fariin qoraal ugu soo dir [email protected]. Waxaad kale oo aad booqan kartaa shebakada www.Rajoqabfoundation.org.

Ha’yadda RajoQab oo Xustay Sannad Guuradeedii labaad ee markii la Aas-Aasey ka yimid bogga 1

Page 4: Tusmo Times September 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Caalamka / World News TusmoTimes.com | 4

In one of the most tasteless scenes in the terrible Sex and the City 2, Carrie and co. finally recognize the humanity of the women of Abu Dhabi when they remove their hijabs and reveal the Western designer outfits they’re wearing underneath. Crass though SATC’s gimmick

may be, it’s representative of an attitude that’s widespread in the West: The veil is a symbol of oppression. Most can’t imagine any upsides to wearing one.

New research might make Westerners quest ion that assumption. A study published in the August edition of the British Journal of Psychology suggests that the hijab actually offers some protection against the body dissatisfaction that plagues many Western women. A team of

psychologists, led by Malaysian-born British psychologist Viren Swami at the UK’s University of Westminster, interviewed 587 Muslim women in London, 369

of whom regularly wore some sort of hijab. Their ages ranged from 18 to 70; the mean age was 27. The majority—about 79 percent—were unmarried, and they represented several e t h n i c g r o u p s — B e n g a l i , Pakistani, Indian, and Arab. More than three-quarters held

an undergraduate degree.Swami and his team gave

the women several tests to measure their attitudes toward their bodies—and the women

who wore Western dress scored higher on every scale of body dissatisfaction. When subjects were asked to look at several sketches of women’s bodies and pick the one they would most like to have, the choices of the women who wore the hijab more closely resembled the bodies they actually possessed. On a measure of “drive for thinness”—determined by answers to questions about preoccupation with body weight, fear of becoming fat, and excessive concern with dieting—women who didn’t wear the hijab scored, on average, 3.58 out of 6 points, compared to 2.87 for women who cover up. Women who wore Western dress also registered a higher degree of “social physique anxiety,” or concern with how others perceived their physical appearance: 3.26, versus 2.92, on the 6-point scale.

Women in Western dress were also more likely to deem various forms of media an “important source of information about being attractive.” And they scored higher on a measure of the degree to which they accepted as normal unrealistic ideals of beauty (3.09 versus 2.43).

Women in hijabs also spent less time engaging in “appearance-management behaviors,” and ranked their own appearance as less important than did women who wore Western clothes.

The researchers concluded that it wasn’t just the womens’ faith that was making them less susceptible to idealized depictions of beauty. “It might thus be concluded that use of the hijab offers Muslim women a small protective effect in terms of their body image … the use of the hijab may act as a buffer against negative body image,” write the authors. The veil, in other words, might be oppressive—but so are unrealistic beauty standards.

Of course, all this evokes a sense of a conservative argument for the hijab: “The hijab is not a proscription or a burden—just look at the benefits!” I asked Swami if he had any discomfort with this impression, and he told me, “We’re not making a judgment” one way or the other. “We’re certainly not saying that everyone should be wearing a hijab.”

And there might be any number of other reasons for the disparity in self-image between

the cohort of women who wear the hijab and those who don’t. Perhaps cultural factors related, but not directly derived from the prevalence of the hijab, affect how women talk about their bodies. In societies where the hijab is more prevalent, many choices are foreclosed to women, and that may affect how they conceive of and talk about their bodies.

Other bodily pressures may actually manifest more strongly in women who wear the hijab. Because their figures are less visible, they may feel more pressure relating to their faces. Per capita rates of nose jobs in Iran are seven times what they are in the U.S.; the country has even been called the “nose job capital of the world.” The cosmetics industry is booming in the Arab world.

Though they may confer some collateral benefits on wearers, hijabs can’t exactly be promoted as a solution for body anxieties.


Women Who Wear Hijab Can Have a Better Body Image, Study SaysSource: New Republic

Ra’iisul-wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo booqday xerada qaxootiga Dhadhaab

Somali clerics warn youth in diaspora against joining ISIL

Xigasho: SABAhionlinE

Ra’iisul-wasaaraha Somaaliya Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed

iyo wafdi wasiirro ah oo uu hoggaaminayo ayaa booqday

xeryaha qaxootiga Dhadhaab ee Kenya Jimcihii (22-kii August) si uu u soo qiimeeyo xaaladaha nololeed ee Soomaalida ku nool xeryaha.

Axmed waxa uu sheegay in booqshadiisa looga dan lahaa in “lagu dhismo rajada dadkuna uu midba ka kale ku xirmo” iyo in “la dhiso xarig isku kaaya duuba oo naga caawiya sidii aan ku dhisi laheeyn Soomaaliya ka fiican tii hore”. Waa markii ugu horraysay ee hoggaamiye

Soomaaliyeed uu booqdo xerada Dhadhaab.

Axmed ayaa xerada kula kulmay mas’uuliyiin sare oo ka socda Kenya iyo Qarmaada

Midoobay, iyo sidoo kale hoggaamiyeyaal qaxooti, waxana uu ku soo wareegay xarumaha

lagu bixiyo adeegyada sida xarumaha caafimaadka iyo iskuullada, Garowe Online-ta Soomaaliya ayaa warisay.

Waxa uu ballan-qaaday in xukuumaddiisu ay si heelannaani ku jirto uga shaqayn doonto sidii xal waara loogo heli lahaa dhibaatada haysata qaxootiga Soomaalida ee ku nool Dhadhaab.

‘’Ma jiro qof doonaya in uu qaxooti ahaan ku noolaado inta ka hartay noloshiisa,” ayuu yiri Axmed. “Aniga iyo

madaxweynaha waxan dadaal dheeri ah galin doonnaa sidii aan ku hubin lahayn in dhammaan qaxootiga Soomaalidu ugu soo noqon lahaayeen dalkeeda.”

Dalalka haya qaxootiga Soomaaliya ayaa ku celiyay sida ay uga go’antahay fidinta gargaarka kadib kulan heer wasiir ah oo ay ku yeesheen Addis Ababa todobaadkii hore.

Somali clerics say they are worried about Somali youth who are leaving their homes in Europe, Canada and the United States to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

In the latest such incident, reports circulated August 15th that Somali-Canadian citizen

Farah Mohamed Shirdon, 21, the nephew of the former Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon, had been killed in Iraq while fighting on behalf of ISIL.

It was unclear when Shirdon left Canada to join the militant group, but he appeared in an ISIL video posted online in April in which he burned his Canadian passport.

“This is a message to Canada and all the American tyrants: We are coming and we will destroy you, with permission from Allah the almighty,” he said in the video, mostly in English. “I left

comfort for one reason alone. For Allah.”

On August 5th, Feisal Ali Warabe, chairman of Somaliland’s Justice and Welfare Party, confirmed to reporters that his son Hussein Feisal Ali had appeared in a video using nom de guerre Abu Shuaib al-Somali and

claiming to have left his home in Finland to join ISIL fighters.

“We believed in our child, but some people have now radicalised him,” Warabe said.

In June, the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) said it was investigating reports that as many as 15 young men of Somali background from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area of Minnesota had travelled to Syria to fight with Islamist groups in recent months.

One of those men was r e p o r t e d l y A b d i r a h m a a n Muhumed, 29, who told

Minnesota Public Radio through a series of Facebook messages in January that he was fighting alongside ISIL and that he wanted to “save” the global Muslim community.

Somali ClEriCS: iSil morE Evil than al-Shabaab and al-QaEda

Sheikh Nur Barud Gurhan, deputy chairman of the Somali Association of Islamic Scholars, said ISIL is tarnishing the Islamic faith and cautioned Somali youth against being tricked by the group’s propaganda.

“We do not see ISIL as [a group] fighting on behalf of the religion. [The fact that] they are butchers who cut up the flesh of human beings is sufficient to see they are evil,” he told Sabahi. “It is unfortunate that Somali youth are traveling to fight for such people.”

Gurhan said a lack of knowledge about Islam was the main reason young people are being convinced to fight for ISIL. He called on clerics to teach youth about the religion in a correct way and to take responsibility for saving those who have been misled.

“They have no idea where they are going and who the people are that they are going to join,” he said. “They are joining those men after they are brainwashed

through religious songs and incitement.”

Gurhan urged youth who are thinking about joining ISIL and those who have already joined to think again about the consequences of their actions.

“When you get on a plane and then call your parents from Iraq or Syria, you will shock them. That is not something that has any basis in Islam, so fear God and have mercy on [your parents],” he said. “You will have worshiped enough if you are obedient to them.”

Sheikh Abdirahman Ahmed Al-Ansari, head of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa in southern Somalia, described ISIL as more wicked than al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab.

“We even heard that these ISIL people destroyed the graves of God’s prophets and the companions of the prophet, so they are even more evil than the previous ones,” he told Sabahi. “I would say to the young Somali man who is joining those people, ‘Your country, people and religion need you. Do not be misled by the deception of the devil.’”

Sheikh Mohamed Ali Nur, imam of Masjid Tauba in Mogad ishu’s Hawlwadag district, said he was shocked when he heard some Somalis had joined ISIL extremists.

“Somalis were a l ready

suffering greatly because of the pain al-Shabaab has inflicted upon them,” Nur told Sabahi. “It is a sad matter that [in addition to that] some youth are now joining these merciless men.”

“We shall pray to God on their behalf, pray for them in mosques, [pray] for God to guide our young people to the correct path and keep them away from the ones who are brainwashing them,” he said.

invESting in awarEnESS CampaignS

In a conference that took place in Mogadishu in September 2013, Somali clerics united against al-Shabaab and denounced extremism by issuing a fatwa condemning the militant group.

Even though the fatwa has not been implemented fully, Gurhan of the Somali Association of Islamic Scholars said the conference was not in vain.

“Even though there is lack of money and ability, I believe that was a useful conference because we showed the Somali people within the country and abroad what al-Shabaab and extremism are and that they have nothing to do with religion,” he told Sabahi. “We are now planning to launch an extensive awareness campaign to educate the people on what the correct religion is.”

O m a r D a h i r S h e i k h

Abdirahman, director of the Centre for Moderation and Dialogue in Mogadishu, said the extremism that is spreading among Somali youth would have been nearly extinct if the agreements reached by at the conference were strengthened and implemented correctly.

“As a follow-up to the conference, I believe the people should be educated and the government should invest heavily in spreading [messages about the dangers of extremism],” Abdirahman told Sabahi. “If there is no extensive programme that is fully funded […] nothing can be done.”

Abdirahman called on the government to consult on this issue with clerics, intellectuals and the organisations that have committed to fighting extremism.

“People have to constantly be awakened through the media such as on TV and radio stations. I would also suggest publishing little books that warn against extremism to be distributed among the people,” he said. “In essence, this issue needs a lot of effort.”


By: Shukri mohAmEd

Page 5: Tusmo Times September 2014

Murtida BishaXigasho: Buuga Ha Suntin, Mohamed Duale

Kiisa diide waa kadeed Ku kale doone waa kadeed Kuli anaa leh waa kadeed

Saddex waa kadeed

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Ganacsiga / Business TusmoTimes.com | 5

Millions of Somalis will find it easier to receive money from relatives abroad after the US Senate approved the Money Remittances Improvement Act earlier this month. The Act that was signed by President Barack Obama on August 8 reduces the restrictions non-bank companies, such as money transfer firms, that provide international remittance services.

US legislators have said that the Act will particularly make it easier for Somalis in states such as Minnesota to send money to their families in the war-torn horn of Africa country that is struggling to rebuild.

Census data put the number of Americans of Somali origin in Minnesota at 32,000 in 2012.

D e m o c r a t i c P a r t y representative Keith Ellison

from Minnesota, who sponsored the Bill, said that the law would make the life of his constituencies easier, giving them much needed relief at sending cash back home.

“Remittances are a lifeline for the loved ones of many Minnesotans. This bill will simplify the process by which families and businesses send money home. I look forward to the President signing this bill into law,” said Ellison prior to the president assenting the Bill.

The law is meant to make it easier for migrant workers to send the much needed money back home while maintaining certain safeguards.

Stringent laws are meant to discourage money laundering and to avoid the funding of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda linked Al-Shabaab, which has been a

thorn in the flesh for Somalia, and neighboring countries Kenya and Uganda.

The civil society has been lobbying for laws to be relaxed, arguing that money sent home is often a lifeline for many families.

A study by Oxfam found that while the US government has to display prudence, very tight rules amount to playing Russian roulette with the lives of thousands who rely on relatives in the US to send money to buy food and medicine.

The study titled Keeping the Lifeline Open Remittances And Markets In Somalia found that in 2012 Somalis in the US sent $215 million to their friends and family in Africa, which is nearly the same amount that the fragile state received in donor funding from the US that year.

Keeping The Life Line Open“Many Somali famil ies

continue to rely on remittances to meet their most basic needs. With roughly a quarter-billion dollars of direct, community-level support at stake, all parties involved – Somali authorities, the US government, banks, and Money Transfer Operator (MTOs) – must ensure that members of the Somali diaspora in the United States can send their money to Somalia as long as they are willing and able to do so,” the report said.

Banks and other companies are however reluctant to relax rules due to tough penalties they stand to face if they are found to breach the laws that are meant to stop funds flowing to finance terrorist activities, drug and human trafficking.

Standard Chartered recently agreed to pay a $300 million fine for failing to report suspicious transactions linked to Iran while HSCBC was fined $1.2 billion in 2012 for a similar offence.

Despite the restrictions and the lack of a formal financial system the country still has a functioning money transfer system, known as the Hawala.

E x p e r t s o n r e g i o n a l security say that ironically the administrative chaos has given birth to an efficient money transfer system.

“That is why a money transfer system that is more efficient and elaborate than the more formal systems like Western Union has been developed,” Atunga Atuti, the director of the East African School of Human Rights and who has done studies on regional

security in the horn of Africa told AFKInsider.

Atuti added that until the country is able to stand on its feet, remittance will continue to flow and anything that makes this easy is a welcomed since the state is at the moment not able to provide the basics.

“With the return of a semblance of organized central authority and lack of capacity to levy taxes as other governments do, remittances from Somali diaspora play an important role in addressing deficits in the provision of services for most households,” Atuti added.

“That is why sending a relative; son, daughter, uncle, auntie abroad for many Somali families is an important lifeline.”

Photo: StarTribune

Two siblings are on a quest to revive the entrepreneurial streak once associated with Somali communities abroad.

Asli and Yassin Ciyow want to dispel the image that young diaspora Somalis are often unemployed, involved in gangs, or linked to Islamist militants.

The duo, born to a Somali father and a French mother, are bringing together 32 aspiring young British-Somali entrepreneurs to share ideas at a convention in London on Sunday.

“It’s also about demonstrating to young Somalis the possibilities open to them in the world of start-ups” Asli Ciyow

The gathering will build on the “enterprising nature” of Somalis

and “showcase a new wave of young Somalis getting the start-up bug”, says Asli Ciyow, 27.

She began planning the Fiiri Bandhiga convention almost a year ago and came up with the

idea while she was organising a separate charity event to build water wells in Somalia.

“I noticed there were a number of keen young Somalis from the UK and across Europe who were offering their services and skills.

“It was at that moment I suggested to my brother, ‘Why don’t we actually put a select group of young people, from across the diaspora, and who are already running their businesses, in touch with each other?’”

Her younger brother was happy to help and they now aim to organise the convention once a year.

It is not just about networking and “exchanging skills”, Ms Ciyow says.

“It’s also about demonstrating

to young Somalis the possibilities open to them in the world of start-ups and getting the younger ones to start thinking early about their future.”

They intend to reach “many

second-generation Somalis” growing up in various Western countries by rotating the convention between cities in the UK, Europe and the US.

‘Fortune men’The UK was a natural choice

for the pairs’ inaugural event as it is home to the oldest and largest Somali community in Europe, numbering more than 100,000.

Somalis first came to the UK in the early 1900s, recruited as seamen and often known as “fortune men” in Somalia because of their ingenious ways of making a living.

Their successors were quick to set up businesses to meet the needs of the growing refugee populations fleeing the civil conflict that began in 1991.

So can young British Somalis pick up the entrepreneurial spirit historically associated with their culture?

L o n d o n - b a s e d S h u k r i Hashi, one of the 32 chosen entrepreneurs, thinks so and says her background has been “inspirational” to her becoming a designer of Somali-tinged bespoke wedding dresses.

“Young Somalis today are more likely than ever to cross those clan lines when it comes to doing business” Laura Hammond

Soas academicHer entry into the fashion

industry is a far cry from businesses traditionally the economic backbone of Somali diaspora societies - like the internet and telecommunications, the restaurant business and money transfer services.

“I had a hard time explaining it my family. They were perplexed as to why I didn’t stick to traditional graduate professions,” says Ms Hashi, who graduated in fashion design five years ago.

“But they are slowly coming round to the idea that you can make a good living out of any profession if you put time and dedication into it.”

She says she is looking forward to networking and working with other young people from the British-Somali community - something that has not always been a given because of Somalia’s clan system.

Laura Hammond, an expert on the Somali diaspora at the School of Oriental & African Studies (Soas), says this shows how far second-generation Somalis have come.

“Their parents directed their investments and remittances to close relatives but young Somalis today are more likely than ever to cross those clan lines when it comes to doing business.

“They are less concerned with clan identities, relying on their British and Somali identities for the best of both worlds.”

‘Reversing trends’So are young Somalis in the

UK “turning a corner”?Awoowe Hamza, a 25-year-old

community organiser in London, believes so.

He often discusses challenges faced by young Somalis in the diaspora on his own talk show which airs on a UK-based Somali channel. He also believes second-generation Somalis are “reversing” trends when it comes to low education attainment and unemployment.

“Collecting data on Somalis is always challenging but, from my observations, an increasingly high number of young Somalis graduate as distinguished alumni from Russell Group [of leading] universities and many are becoming role models in their respective fields including setting up their own businesses,” he says.

The UK Somali community recently faced a setback when news emerged of British Somali teenage twin sisters reportedly joining Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

But Mr Hamza says he prefers to look at the bigger picture.

“Young Somalis on the whole are well integrated into British society achieving a good balance between their British, Somali and Muslim identities.

“The majority of them are focussed on trying to both develop themselves professionally, as well as supporting their parents and other members of their family who are struggling.”

Having visible role models like Olympic gold-winning athlete Mo Farah, acclaimed novelist Nadifa Mohamed and London’s young poet laureate Warsan Shire has helped in the process of integration and “settling” the question of identity for young people, says Ms Hammond.

For their part, the Ciyow siblings say they hope that their business convention helps create the “next generation” of role models in the world of business.

“We have spent months picking our entrepreneurs as we wanted only to showcase the best,” says Ms Ciyow.

“The feedback has been positive so far and we can’t wait for our next stop next year in Minneapolis, the US.”

US Senate Gives Somalia Money Transfer A New Lifeline

Young diaspora Somalis rediscovering entrepreneurial roots

SouRce: afkiNSiDeR

By: aBDiRahim SaeeD, BBc

Page 6: Tusmo Times September 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Qoyska iyo Dhallinyarada / Family & Youth TusmoTimes.com | 6

Sheriff Rich Stanek oo ah madaxa amniga, badqabka iyo asluubta deegaanka Soomaalida ee Hennepin ee Magalaadda Minneapol is ayaa shalay taageero weydiistay jaaliyadda

Soomaaliyeed ee Minnesota, isagoo ka codsaday inay u codeeyaan doorashada bisha November.

Kulan lagu taageerayay Sheriff Stanek ayaa ka dhacay

hoolka shirarka ee maqaayadda Safaari, waxaana ka soo qeyb galay qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, iyagoo u ballan qaaday inay codkooda siinayaan.

“Muddo 30 sanadood ah ayaan la shaqeynayay hey’adaha ammaanka wadanka, una adeegayay dalka iyo dadka, sidaa daraadeed waxaan idinka codsanayaa codkiina” ayuu yiri Sheriff Stanek oo intaas ku daray.

“Sida caadiga ah waxaan la dagaallami doona dambiyada iyo qa la laasaha , an igoo bartilaameedsan doona hubka

sharci darrada ah, kooxaha qas-wadeyaasha ah iyo daroogada intaba, waxaana xoojin doonaa xiriirka ka dhexeeya hey’adaha ammaanka iyo jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed”

C u l i m a d a d e e g a a n k a Hennepin ee magaaladda Minneapolis ayaa iyaguna taagero u muujiyay Sheriif Stanek.

“Sheriff Stanek wuxuu nagu leeyahay abaal, sababtoo ah wuxuu noogu hiiliyay Warbixntii uu qoray, isagoo dowladda Mareykanka ka dhaadhiciyay inaysan bulshada Soomaaliyeed

halis ku aheyn ammaanka wadanka, sidaa daraadeed waa inaan u codeynaa” ayuu yiri Imaam Xasan Jaamici oo ka mid ahaa culimadii ka hadashay kulankaas.

Sheekh C/salaam Aadan ayaa isna Sheriff Stanek ku ammaanay doorkii uu ka qaatay in xabsiyada loo oggolaado in dumarku xijaabkooda la soo galaan, isla markaana aan la takoorin dumarka asturan ee maxaabiista ah.

Waxaa iyaguna kulanka ka hadlay, Sheekh C/raxmaan Sheekh Cumar, Sh. Axmed

Taajir, Daahir Mire, Imaan Sacad iyo Fartuun weli oo dhammaantood Sheriff Stanek ku ammaanay garabkii uu siiyay jaaliyadda SOomaaliyeed ee gobolka.

Ugu dambeyntii Ururka Somali Citizens league ee uu hoggaamiyo Jabriil Afyare iyo maqaayadda Safari oo inta badan ka qeyb qaadata howlaha horumarinta jaaliyadda ayaa abaalmarino guddoonsiiyay Sheriff Stanek iyo Cabdi Maxamed (Cabdi Dheere) oo ah madaxa wacyigalinta ee xaafiiska Sheriffka.

W a x a a a a n u w a d d a ogsoonahay in koonkaan ay nagula nool yihiin qoomiyadda fara badan kuwaas uu mid waliba uu leeyahay luqadiisa dhaqankiisa iyo hidahiisa, taasoo lagu qiimeeyo laguna garto. Haddaba inaga Jaalliyadeena Soomaliyeed waxaanu ka mid nahay qoomiyadaha ku nool dunidaan guudkeeda sare. Waxaana aanu isu qabnaa in aanu leenahay dhaqan gaar ah oo aanu ku tiirsanahay. Balse waxaan dhihi karaa muluug aan jirin ayaan marooqsanaynaa. Marka aad fiirisid oo aad u dhaba gashid halka uu salka ku hayo dhaqankeenu. Waxaan aan ka milicsanayaa mid aan aad ula yaabay oo aad moodid inuu yahay udub dhexaadka dhaqanka Soomaliyeed, kaas oo ah Cayda.

Caydu waa shay aad looga yaxyaxo lana dhaga taago marka ay qof afkiisa ka soo baxdo, wixii ag joogo waa ay daymoodaan waxa qofka afkiisa ka soobaxaya. Bal Soomalida waa ay isugu riyaaqaan qosolna waa ay ugu garbeeyaan. Balse kan dhahaya ma oga inuu haadaan ka sii dhacayo. Waxaa iswaydiin leh xageebay waxaanu nooga soo caaryeen. Bulshadu

asalkeeda waxay ka soo unkantaa qoys, qoskuna waa midka ay ka bilaabato ababinta dhaqanka , luqadda ,diinta iyo hidaha, iyadoo aanu ogsoonahay ayaa bulshadu aysan u dhuun daloolin halka dhaqanka budhiga u ah inuu yahay qoska.

Haddii aanu fiirino wacyiga maanta qoska magaalo dageenka ah ubadka ayaa waxaa lagu bilaabaa doqon, nacas nacas dhalay, nacaskiiyoow iyo kuwa aan rabin inaan ku qoro qormadaan oo aad looga yaxyaxo. Marka uu caruurta kale la cayaarayo ayuu waxuu isticmaala wixii guriga looga caayayey isagoo u arka in ay tahay caadi. Waxaa uu ku soo bartaa kuwo kale oo aabbe iyo hooyo dhareka looga dhigaayo markaas ayuu xaafada keenaa, deedna meeshii laga joojin lahaa ayaa loo qoslaa cunugu waxaa uu u arkaa inuu wax fiican sameeyey, malcaamada markii uu aadayo wuxuu ku lug darsadaa caruurta qayr kiisa inta ay ku jiraan tubtaas ayay sii wadaan caydii. Malcaamada marka lasoo gaaro ayaa baqdin laga baqayo macalinka ayaa la af gaabsadaa xiliga dugsigu xiliga uu dhamaado ayaa dhaqankii

halkii laga amba qaadaa.U soo gudub marxalada kale,

cunugu marka uu bilaabo dugsiga maadiga ah ayuu waxaa uu helaa fursaddo fara badan uu haldoor isku moodo dhaqankaas isga ah, marka uu sii weynaadana waxaa uu noqdaa majabihii oo jaama lootolay nin baalaqay buu noqday cidna ka cabsan, xishoodna daa warkiisa, sidaas bay caydu ula jaan qaadaa ubadka marka aad ka yaabtid qof halkaas ayuu ka soo xantoobsaday dhaqanka wareer san. Haddaba haddii aan nahay bulsho dan iyo mustaqbal ka ley carruurta aan ku korinayno wadankan qurbaha ah, waa in aan ku dadaal naa sidii aan carruurteena ugu hagi lahayn tarbiyad wanaagsan, tusaale ay ku daydaana aan anagu ugu noqon lahay. Ogow, mar walba carruurtu waxay wax ka bartaan, kana ficil qaataan habka aan u dhaqano maalin kasta, hadalada canaanta ah inta badan waxba kama faa’iidaan. Fadlan mar walba ficilkaaga iyo qaabka aad hoyga ugu dhaqantid ka fiirso, gaar ahaan marka ay ubadkaagu kaa ag dhow yihiin.

Sheriff Stanek oo taageero weydiistay jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Minneapolis

Caydu Ma Loolka Dhaqankaa?

Qore: FAArAX BluE, minneapolis

Qore: mAXAmEd gAAdAwEynE, minneapolis

Page 7: Tusmo Times September 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Cayaaraha / Maaweelo / Sports / Entertainment TusmoTimes.com | 7

Iyadoo xafiiska warfaafinta xir i i rka Soomaaliyeed ee

kubadacagta ay isagasoo daba

dhacayaan dhambaalo hambalyo xambaarsan oo ka imaanaya

madaxda kubada cagta caalamka

oo dhan ayaa guddoomiye ku xigeenka ururka kubada cagta bariga iyo Bartamaha Africa ee CECAFA Mr. Lawrence Mulindwa waxaa uu maanta dhambaal hambalyo ah soo garsiiyay guddoomiyaha kubada cagta dalka Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdi Qani Saciid Carab.

Mr. Mulindwa ayaa qoralkiisa taageero xoogan ugu muujiyay guddoomiyaha la doortay iyo gudigiisa fulinta, waxaana uu yiri. “ Walaalkey Cabdiqani Saciid Carab warka ku saabsan doorashadii laguu doortay xafiiska guddoonka kubada cagta dalka Soomaaliya wuxuu nagusoo gaaray si farxad leh guud

ahaan gobalka CECAFA gaar ahaana dalkeyga Uganda”ayuu qoraalkiisa ku yiri guddoomiye ku xigeenka CECAFA ahna guddoomiye sharafeedka kubada cagta dalka Uganda Lawrence Mulindwa.

“Sidaa daraadeed adiga iyo dhamaan bah-weynta kubada cagta Soomaaliya waxaan idin soo dirayaa hambalyo ku aadan qabashada doorasho dimoqoraadi ah oo si nabad ah ku dhacday taasoo laguugu dooray guddoomiyenimo”ayuu yhadalkiisa sii daba dhigay guddoomiye ku xigeenka CECAFA.

Guddoomiye ku xigeenka

CECAFA waa uu sii hadlay oo waxaa uu yiri “Khibradaada mudada fog ee aad u leedahay maamulka kubada cagta waxaa ay si aad u deg deg badan ugu faa’iideyn doontaa umada Soomaaliyeed waxaana ay horukac weyn gaarsiin doontaa kubada cagta Soomaaliya”.

Guddoomiye ku xigeenku waxaa uu sheegay in Soomaaliya ay karti ku leedahay kubada cagta, sidaa daraadedna si taa looga faa’iideysto wuxuu guddoomiyaha cusub ku booriyay in uu sameeyo istaraatiijiyad horumarineed oo dhanka kubada cagta ah si loo horumariyo awooda cayaareed ee Soomaaliya

ee tartamada gobalka iyo kuwa caalamiga ah.

“Gacan qabasho kasta oo suuragal ah ayuu xafiiskeygu la garab is taagi doonaa isku dayadaada ku aadan in Soomaaliya aad ka dhigto wadan ku weyn dhanka kubada cagta----waxaan kaa codsanayaa in aad sidoo kale hambalyo iga gaarsiiso xubnahaaga guddiga fulinta iyo guud ahaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed”ayuu guddoomiye ku xigeenka CECAFA Lawrence Mulindwa kusoo gaba-gabeeyay q o r a a l k i i s a h a m b a l y a d a xambaarsanaa ee lasoo gaarsiiyay xafiiska warfaafinta xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee kubada cagta.

Guddoonka CECFA oo hambalyo soo gaarsiiyay Gudoomiyaha cusub ee SFFXigasho: Somali Football Federation media department

The Dj ibout i Footba l l Federation and the country’s ministry of education have joined forces to develop football across the country through schools football promotion program after the two sides signed a historic cooperative deal here at the FDF headquarters in Djibouti on Saturday.

The three-year football in school development program was co-signed by the FDF President Souleiman Hassan Waberi and the director general of the ministry of education Mr. Abdallah Mohamed Hersi.

President Souleiman who talked to the CECAFA media after the historic agreement said that the youth football

development program will target boys and girls at schools between 9-17 years of age who will be undergoing long-term training sessions.

He said that in elementary schools they will target those between 9-11 years of age, while in intermediate and secondary schools 12-13 and 14-15 and as well as 16-17 year old teens will be targeted adding that both boys and girls will involve in the program.

“This program is all about accelerating the promotion of football in the country and in particularly to let the children at schools get access to football, because we understand the importance it has for the country

to get talented football players who at the same time have the knowledge so that they will be able to manage their future” president Souleiman Hassan Waberi told CECAFA Media.

He said that under the signed document the FDF will send experts to conduct football educational courses for school coaches in a bid to increase the level of football coaching at schools.

The president said that the agreement came into effect on Saturday 6th of September 2014 and will last for three years, adding that it will be renewable afterwards.

“The ministry and the FDF have been cooperating for the

past several years, but this is a complete three-year program which we hope will have a very positive impact on the progression of football in Djibouti” the director general of the ministry of education Abdallah Mohamed Hersi told CECAFA Media.

The creation of a long-term football in schools program was one of the pledges made by President Souleiman Hassan Waberi in his post election address on 10th of November 2012.

Djibouti expands football in schools development programBy: ShAFi’i mohyAddin ABokAr

On Friday, August 8, 2014, Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center (AAIC) hosted first annual year and Awards Banquet for entire team’s club. It was the first of its kind for the boys and community to attend.

P l a y e r s , p a r e n t s a n d community leader from twin cities packed the event. Coach Abdul thanks the administrators, coaches and volunteers have put into season are racking up. As they continue to dedicate their time and hard work.

“I couldn’t have ever imagined getting the support the parents and administrator; a year ago...I think it’s was July brother Sadiq come to me asked me if I want to coach a group a kid at the Masjid,

Alhamdulillah, today we’ve a large numbers of kids. The energy at the park was amazing and the recognition given all the teams, players, volunteers and coach was fully deserved,” Said Coach Abdul.

The guest speakers included City Council member Abdi

Warsame, Member of Somali parliament Ibrahim Ilka Case.

All teams, volunteers, City Council member Abdi Warsame and coaches received awards and certificate.

Laba magaalo oo taariikh leh oo ku yaala bariga Africa Nairobi (Kenya) iyo Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) ayaa hada ah labada magaalo ee isugu soo

haray tartanka marti gelinta cayaaraha kubada Koleyga magaalooyinka ee Inter City 2015 sida war saxaafadeed uu maanta soo saaray uu ku sheegay guddoomiyaha guddiga

suuq geynta iyo warfaafinta ee ururka Inter City Engineer Bana Cabdalla Cali.

Guddoomiyaha guddiga suuq geynta iyo warfaafinta

ee ururka Inter City Engineer Bana Cabdalla Cali ayaa war saxaafadeedkiisa ku sheegay in sadex magaalo oo ay ka mid tahay Qaahira ay markii hore muujiyeen inay doonayaan marti

gelinta tartanka laakin ay hada isusoo hareen laba magaalo oo keliya oo kala ah Nairobi iyo Dar Es Salaam.

“Ka guddi Inter City ahaan waxaan ku dhawaaqi doonaa magaalada ku guuleysta marti gelinta tartanka bisha soo socota ee September insha Allah” ayuu war saxafadeedkiisa ku sheegay guddoomiyaha guddiga suuq geynta iyo warfaafinta ee ururka Inter City Engineer Bana Cabdalla Cali.

“Tartanka Intercity waxaa markii ugu horeysay la aas aasay sanadkii 1999-kii iyadoo xiligaa ay ka qeyb galeen magaalooyin aad u tira yar laakin sanad kasta magaalooyin hor leh ayaa kusoo biirayay ilaa iyo markii dambe aan ka gudubnay bariga Afrika oo ilaa iyo waqooyiga Afrika laga yimid taasina

waxaa ay ahayd siyaasadeena in aan heer qaaradeed gaarsiino runtiina waa ku guuleysanay isku daygaas”ayuu mar kale yiri guddoomiyaha guddiga suuq geynta iyo warfaafinta ee ururka Inter City Engineer Bana Cabdalla Cali.

Soomaaliya waxaa tartankan ugu horesay sanadkii 2010-kii ay oo ay ka qeyb gashay koox mataleysay magaalada caasimada ah ee Muqdisho, waxaana kadib soo raacay sanadihii xigay magaalooyinka Gaalkayo, Hargeysa iyo Garowe.

Sanadkan 2014-ka ayaa waxaa tartanka Soomaaliya uga qeyb galay laba Magaalo oo kala ah Garowe iyo Hargeysa, waxaana ay ahady sanadkii ugu horeeyay ee magaalo ka socota Soomaaliya ay kaalinta labaad gasho, waxaana magaaladaas oo ahayd

Garowe looga adkaaday cayaartii finalka oo ay la yeelatay Qaahira, balse taasi waxaa ay Soomaaliya u ahayd guul taariikhi ah oo aan horay u dhicin.

Soomaaliya iyo ka qeyb galkeeda InterCity 2015

Engineer Bana Cabdalla Cali waxaa uu war saxaafadeedkiisa ku sheegay in maadaama uu yahay muwaadin Soomaali ah uu sanadka dambe jecelyahay in Soomaaliya ay tartanka ku yeelato magaalooyin ka badan kuwa dalalka kale uga geyb geli doona.

“Sida aan ka bartay waqtiga, s a n a d i h i i i n a d h a a f a y , m a g a a l o o y i n b a d a n o o soomaaliyeed ayaa jeclaa inay tartanka ka qeyb galaan laakin diyaar garowga ayaa ku xumaa, balse hada waxaan rabaa in aan u sheego madaxda magaalooyinka

Soomaaliya inay xili hore diyaar garow sii sameeyaan, anigana Bana ahaan waxaan balan qaadayaa intii karaankeyga ah in aan ku caawiyo magaalo kasta oo Soomaaliyeed oo dooneysa inay ka qeyb gasho”ayuu war saxaafadeedkiisa maanta kusoo gabagabeeyay guddoomiyaha guddiga suuq geynta iyo warfaafinta ee ururka Inter City Engineer Bana Cabdalla Cali.

Magaalo kasta oo ku taala qaarada Afrika oo dooneysa inay tartankaas ka qeybgasho waxaa ay kala xiriiri karta Engineer Bana cinwaanada hoos ku qoran ee kala ala ah work mail: [email protected] ama cinwaankiisa gaar ahaaneed ee ah [email protected]

1st Annual AAIC Boys Awards

Nairobi iyo Dar Es Salaam oo u tartamaya marti gelinta Intercity 2015iyo Soomaaliya oo ka qeyb galkeeda la balaarinayo

By: A. BAyEr, minneapolis

Qore: ShAFi’i mohyAddin ABokAr

Ku XayEySiiSo wargEySKa

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Page 8: Tusmo Times September 2014


IN SoMALIA Between 2010-2012,

Somal ia exper ienced a famine that claimed 260,000 lives, of which half were children under the age of 5. In the aftermath of the famine, humanitarian organizations placed blame and responsibility on each other for failing to take action in a timely manner. Waiting for the famine declaration from the UN proved to be deadly, as chaos and disorder ensued in an attempt to provide relief. Mobilization and action on the ground simply came too late, and hindered efforts in many parts of Somalia.

Another c r i s i s i s quickly unfolding this year. On August 5th, the Somali federal government declared a famine in Gedo, Bakool, Hiiraan, Galgaduud, Bay, and Middle and Lower Shabelle (Hiiraan Online). Drought has gripped much of the country, leaving nearly three million Somalis at risk for food insecurity. In conflict areas 1.1 million people remain internally d i s p l a c e d . U N I C E F estimates that 200,000 children could die by the end of the year if no action is taken.

Food insecurity has

become a prominent issue through much of 2014. The seasonal Gu rains historically bring abundant rainfall to much of the country. However, this year’s Gu rains arrived nearly a month late in some places and were brief in duration. As a result, the Gu harvest is projected to be below average for the second harvest in a row. This has caused prices to skyrocket for basic crops, especially in southern Somalia. In the Bakool region, red sorghum spiked 68% between March-June 2014 and is up 142% compared to June 2013

(FEWSNET). The Global Acute Malnutrition Rate (GAM) has subsequently hit 18.9% in IDP camps in the Mogadishu area, well above the 15% emergency level. The situation is expected to persist until the Deyr rains arrive in October.

Deteriorating health conditions have been exacerbated by food insecurity. Over 4,000 cases of measles were reported between January-June 2014, with a majority of the cases being children under five (UNOCHA). Banadir, Puntland, and Lower Juba have been

particularly affected by the outbreak. Malnutrition makes children susceptible to contagious diseases like measles, increasing risk for severe illness or death. The UN Central Emergency Relief Fund announced in July that $1.4 million will be used to vaccinate 520,000 children under five in the regions affected by the outbreak.

The complex situation in Somalia requires immediate action. People are already suffering and cannot afford to wait any longer. ARAHA has been aware and attentive to the situation since the

beginning of 2014. As one of the few organizations present in Somal ia , our off ices can act immediately when there’s an emergency. More than 500 families received food baskets. Emergency food and non-food items will be distributed during August to areas of southern Somalia. Your continued support is much needed and appreciated during this difficult time.

Source: ARAHA

Please make your donations to

ARAHA(American Relief Agency of Horn of Africa)

www.araha.org(763) 270.5351


HARO(Humanitarian African Relief Organization)

www.harousa.org(612) 315.5691

Page 9: Tusmo Times September 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Community Calendar / Shaqooyinka / Employment TusmoTimes.com | 9

-Phone bills-New and used phones-Cell phone cases-We sell new and used PC computers-Wireless internet accessories-Computer repair/pc computers


(inside Old Karmel Mall)

karmel wireleSS

DAY RAMADAN JUNE FAJR SUNRISE DHUHR ASR MAGHRIB ISHAFriday 14 11/7 3:47 5:37 1:19 5:26 9:00 10:51Sat 15 12/7 3:49 5:38 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:50Sun 16 13/7 3:50 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:49Mon 17 14/7 3:52 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:58 10:47Tue 18 15/7 3:53 5:40 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:46Wed 19 16/7 3:55 5:41 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:45Thu 20 17/7 3:56 5:42 1:20 5:26 8:56 10:44Friday 21 18/7 3:58 5:43 1:20 5:25 8:55 10:42Sat 22 19/7 3:59 5:44 1:20 5:25 8:54 10:41Sun 23 20/7 4:01 5:45 1:20 5:25 8:53 10:39Mon 24 21/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Tue 25 22/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Wed 26 23/7 4:04 5:47 1:20 5:24 8:51 10:36Thu 27 24/7 4:07 5:49 1:20 5:24 8:49 10:33Friday 28 25/7 4:09 5:50 1:20 5:23 8:48 10:31Sat 29 26/7 4:11 5:51 1:20 5:23 8:47 10:30Sun 30 27/7 4:12 5:52 1:20 5:23 8:46 10:28


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Page 10: Tusmo Times September 2014

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SayfSm is a culturally and linguistically appropriate African agency

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fffrrreeeeee hhhiiivvv ssscccrrreeeeeennniiinnnggg ttteeesssttt fffooorrr pppeeerrrsssooonnnsss iiinnn ttthhheee aaafffrrriiicccaaannn cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy

Ma ogtahay inay tallaalladu ka caawiyaan carruurta iyo dhalinta caafimaad-qabka. Caafimaad qabkuna wuxuu ka caawinayaa inay ku sii jiraan dugsiga! Ardayda caafimaadka qabta ayaa leh fejignaan iyo ka qaybgal waxbarasho fasal oo fiican.

Hubi inay carruurtaadu u diyaar yihiin xannaanada ilmaha ama dugsiga. Laga bilaabo Sebtember 1, 2014, waxa jiri doona shuruudaha cusub ee tallaalka looguna talagalay dugsiga iyo xanaanada ilmaha.

waa maxay shuruudaha cusub ee tallaalku?

Cagaarshow B - Loogu talagalay carruurta ka weyn da’da 2 bilood ee ka qoran ama la qorayo xannaanada ilmaha ama barnaamij carruurnimada hore ah. Cagaarshow A -Loogu

talagalay carruurta ka weyn da’da 12 bilood ee ka qoran ama la qorayo xannaanada i lmaha ama barnaamij carruurnimada hore ah. Tdap – Loogu talagalay

ardayda soo galeysa fasallada 7aad. Ardayda dhigata

fasallada 8aadillaa 12aad ayaa ah inay tusaan caddayn haddii u dugsigu weyddiisto. Tani waxay beddeleysaa shuruudda tallaalka Td. Q o o r g o o y a h a

(meningococcal) – Loogu talagalay ardayda soo galeysa fasallada 7aad. Ardayda dhigata fasallada 8aadillaa 12aad ayaa ah inay tusaan caddayn haddii u dugsigu weyddiisto.

Maxaa ah inay ku kacaan waalidiintu? Dib ugu fiirso taariikhda

tallaalka ilmahaaga. Si aad u hesho nuqullada diiwaanka tallaalka ilmahaaga, la hadal rugtaada caafimaad ama wac Xiriirinta Macluumadka T a l l a a l k a M i n n e s o t a (Minnesota Immunization Information Connection) (MIIC) taleefanka 651-201-5503 ama 1-800-657-3970. I s k u

b a r b a r d h i g d i i n w a a n k a ilmahaaga iyo shuruudaha cusub ee tallaalka. Ma qaateen tallaalada Tdap iyo Meningococcal? Ballanqabsohaddii u

ilmahaagu u baahan yahay

tallaallo intaa ka badan. H a y s o n u q u l a h

diiwaanka ilmahaaga. Waxa laga yaaabaa in lagaa codsado inaad dhiibto caddaynta tallaalaka kahor intaan la qorin.

maxaa tallaallo kale ah oo badbaadinayaa carruurtayda?

Waxa jira tallaallo kale oo cudurrada khatarta ah ka hortaga oo waliba loogu talinayo carruurtaada iyo tobnaad jirayaasha. Tallaalka Rotavirus ee

loogu talagalay dhallaanka. Tallaalka hargabka ee

loogu talagalay cid kasta oo ah 6 bilood ama ka weyn. Ta l l aa lka Human

papillomavirus (HPV), oo ka hortaga HPV, oo ah fayras u horseedi kara noocaa kansarka qaarkood. Tallaalka HPV ayaa ah ka hortagga kansarka oo taxanaha iraabta tallaalka ayaa ah in la bilaabo 11-12 sano.

ma ka welwelsan tahay qiimaha?

Tallaallo lacag la’aan ah ama qiime jaban ayaa laga

yaaba in la helo. Kala hadal dhakhtarkaaga ama rugtaaada caafimaad inuu ilmahaagu u qalmo iyo in kale.

U abaabul ilmahaaga sannad dugsiyeed guuleysi leh. U hubso inay heleen tallaalada loo baahan yahay oo kala hadal dhakhtarkaaga ama rugtaada caafimaad arrimaha ku saabsan wixii kale ee aad ku kici karto inaad u ilaaliso caafimaadooda oo ay dhigtaan dugsiga. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, oo ay ka mid tahay shax muujinaysa tallaallada ay tahay goorta inuu ilmahaagu qaato iyo tilmaamaha ku

saabsan sida loo raadsado ka dhaafitaanka shuruudaha tallaalka, fadlan booqo http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/immunize/kidsreadyso.pdf

Carruur Caafimaad-qabtaa Waa Carruur Maskax Caafimaad-Qabta!

Wasaaradda caafimaadka ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa abaal marin guddoonsiisay sadax qof oo soomaali ah, taas oo ay ku mutaysteen wax ka qabashada caafimaadka iyo wacyi galinta bulshada.

Shir ay is kugu yimadeen guddi ka kooban wasaarada iyo xubno ka tirsan jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed oo bishiiba mar la qabto, laguna magaacabo ka talinta caafimaadka bulshada

soomaal iyeed ayaa lagu gudoonsiiyay sadaxdan qof oo kala ahaa Alaha U Naxariistee Abdiraxmaan Adam, Dr Cismaan Axmed Xaraare Iyo Siyad Said

SaalaxMarxuum Cabdiraxmaan

Aadam oo Geer iyooday dhammaadkii bishii ramadaan ayaa ahaa shaqsi u dhaqdhaqaaqi jiray arrimaha caafimaadka Iyo waxbrashada wuxuuna ka mid ahaa gudigan, waxayna ku tilmaameen inuu ahaa shaqsi qiimo ugu fadhiyay gobolka iyo bulshada ku nool.

Cabdiraxmaan Waxaa u g u d o o m a y A b a a l m a r i n t a

saaxiibkii Saciid Garaad oo mudo sagaal sano ah ay ka wada shaqeenayeen Waaxda Waxbarashada Minneapolis.

Dr. Cismaan waxuu ahaa

Dhaqaa t i i r t i i soomaa l iya wuxuuna hada madax ka yahay hayada East Health Project isagoo si iskaa wax u qabso ah ugu shaqeeya dad ka Soomaaliyeed wuxuu fariistaa xarun ku taal Magaalada Minneapolis, wuxuuna bulshada inta badan siiyaa talooyin muhiim ah, kuwaas oo ku aadan horumarinta caafimaadkooda, gaar ahaan sida daawooyinka loo isticmaalo, la socoshada iyo cabirka dhiigga, nafaqada iyo cuntooyinka.

Sida ay HOL u sheegtay Sara Cute oo ka tirsan waaxda caafimaadka ee gobolka wuxuu Siyaad Saalax qeyb muhiim ah ka qaataa tayaynta caafimaadka b u l s h a d a S o o m a a l i y e e ee Minneso ta , wuxuuna barnaamijyo muhiim u ah bulshada ku gudbiyaa aaladda warbaahinta, sida Hiiraan Online, Somali Channel iyo Somali TV oo laga daawayo magaalooyinka mataanaha ah.

Asli Ashkir oo ka mid ah dadka u ololeeya arrimaha caafimaadka ee gobolka ayaa qirtay in sadaxdan shaqsi ay u aqlmaan abaal marinta, ayna tahay arrin lagu farxo in la dadka nuucan oo kale ah ee bulshada u adeega in loo mahadceliyo lana aqoonsado.

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Caafimaadka / Health TusmoTimes.com | 10

Waaxda Caafimaadka Gobolka Minnesota oo Aqoonsaday Saddex Ruux oo Soomaali ahQore: FAArAX BluE, minneapolis


Page 11: Tusmo Times September 2014

A group of Muslims in Minnesota is using art to fight misconceptions about Muslim-Americans and to punctuate

positive contributions of the state’s Muslim community.

The I s lamic Resource Group (IRG), which provides educational training about Islam and Muslim Americans, created “Tracks in the Snow: The Minnesota Muslim Experience since 1880,” a traveling exhibit showcasing the history and diversity of Minnesota Muslims.

The Walker Art Center is now showing the free exhibit, which features 25 portraits and stories of Minnesota Muslims from diverse cultures and ethnic backgrounds: African-American, Hispanic-American, Palestinian-American, Japanese-American, Indian-American, Afghan-American, Somali-American and others.

A reception was held Saturday at the center to mark the opening of the show, which will be on display through Aug. 8.

Addressing a crowd of about 60 people at the reception, Jean Nackers, a member of the IRG, said: “The traveling exhibit is designed to expose Minnesotans to the untold narratives of Minnesota Muslims, a deep-rooted and growing part of the state’s community. Contrary to popular belief, Minnesota Muslims come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds like the broader Muslim-American population.”

She added: “This exhibit provides a unique perspective about a community that is little known and widely misunderstood

due to popular misinformation and misconceptions.”

Black-and-white portraits encircle the center’s Medtronic Gallery, featuring, among others, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (African-American), US Bank Vice President Ziad Amra (Palestinian-American) and Minneapolis Police Department o f f i c e r A b d i w a h i d A l i (Somali-American).

“Art is really a powerful catalyst for teaching us about the world,” said Monica Nassif, trustee of the Walker Art Center. “It’s also a powerful catalyst for learning more about each other, and I think this is a wonderful way to do this.”

The Walker Art Center is featuring 25 portraits, but the entire art project contains 40 portraits and stories that can be found at IRG’s website and are available in books and DVDs.

The exhibition was also displayed at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the state Capitol earlier this year.

E X C E r p t S f r o m partiCipantS

Abdulwahid Qalinle, Somali-born and an adjunct Islamic law professor at the University of Minnesota, arrived in the United States about 15 years ago.

During his first years in Minnesota, Qalinle served as

an eligibility officer in the state Department of Human Services. While working there, Qalinle attended the U of M’s law school,

graduating in 2004.Qalinle has been teaching

Is lamic law since 2004. Addressing his experience with the Muslim community and their attitudes toward U.S. law, he told the Muslim Experience in

Minnesota project:Muslims who are here are

subject to the American law. We came here, for instance in my story, as a willing and grateful refugee who is, who understands and is grateful for the opportunities provided by this great country. And I am

committed to upholding and abiding the laws of this country. And I have been doing that so far. And I am committed to that, and for me the laws of the United States and the constitution of the United States is the law that I chose to live under. And so are all the Muslims who are here.

Tamim Saidi, an Afghani-born pharmacist, spent his teenage years in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He arrived in the United States in 1990 and has lived in Minnesota ever since.

Saidi, who earned his doctor of pharmacy degree from the University of Minnesota, works as a consultant. He lives in Maple Grove with his mother, wife and three children. Speaking of his experience in Minnesota, Saidi told the Muslim Experience in Minnesota project:

I think that I’ve been blessed in many, many ways. I was able to go to school, I was able to meet … a lot of good people who

did not look at me like a Muslim foreigner, a lot of people who looked at me like as I’m regular person. They offered me jobs, and internships, and volunteer activities; and they showed me the way, how to apply to scholarships and how to apply to colleges … I think that life has

been good. I was able to finish college, I was able to get a job as a professional, I was able to invite my parents to come over. I was able to have our children here go to school, and buy a house, and buy a car — what people call the American dream.

US Bank Vice President Ziad Amra is a Palestinian-American who was born in Shakopee and raised in Chaska. He attended William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul and later earned an MBA from the University of Minnesota.

Amra has been working for the bank more than a decade. Speaking of the challenges that Muslims face in the United States, Amra told the Muslim Experience in Minnesota project:

I feel that a lot of my being plugged in to the Muslim community has changed actually and it’s more in terms of the challenges faced by the Muslim community here, and in some

ways that started in 2001. In many ways that is how I feel plugged in with the Muslim community, because it seems a community that’s under assault by the larger forces in society. It needs people to stand up for it. It needs people to work for its benefit within the context of our government

here and our political process, and being involved, and being involved with your neighbors, and your PTA, and your school, and everything.

baSiC information outlinEd

Side notes explaining basic facts about Islam and Muslims accompany the exhibit: Islam is the religion. Muslims are the followers of Islam. “Allah” is an Arabic word for “God.” “Muslims also believe in the messengers of God including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jesus and Muhammad.”

T h e w o r l d ’ s M u s l i m population is 1.6 billion, making Islam the second-largest religion after Christianity, according to a report by the Pew Research.

Muslims make up 150,000 of Minnesota’s more than 5 million people. About 18 percent of the state’s Muslims are immigrants; 17 percent are

multi-generational, 45 percent are first generation Americans and 4 percent are Arabs.

The Minnesota Muslim Experience project was funded in part by the Minnesota Historical Society.

Vol. 1 Ed. 9 | September 2014 Dhaqan / Waxbarashada | Education / Culture TusmoTimes.com | 11

Walker Art Center exhibit showcases history, diversity of Minnesota MuslimsBy : iBrAhim hirSi, minnpost

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa

Tusmo Times

Somali certainly isn’t a language that many Westerners would learn and compared to learning e.g. a European language, learning Somali comes with challenges of its own. These have to do with a number of different factors which I will

explain here in detail.I believe that there are two

different ways of learning a language. One way is listening and imitating while the other is based on understanding underlying structures l ike grammar, spelling rules and idioms and applying that

knowledge when speaking the language. While the former usually results in an ability to communicate quickly, the latter is probably more useful when aiming at attaining very good proficiency in both written and spoken language.

Western education systems tend to encourage the latter approach which is partly due to the fact that the languages taught in these systems are generally well-standardised in their written form and it is much easier to create a formal curriculum around such an approach.

However, there is also a personal preference for one of the two approaches which is where it first got tricky for me. With Somali being an only partially standardised language and the Somali culture relying on oral tradition much more than the written one, the approach of listening and imitating is much more suited. Unfortunately, my personal preference as a physicist with a very analytical mind is the

approach which requires more structure. This meant that I faced a twofold challenge which I want to explain further.

The Somalis and the Somali Language

Due to numerous factors, Somalis tend to not be very good with spelling words in one consistent way and have a rather weak grasp of their language’s grammar. This is again partly a result of oral tradition being much more important than the written one. Slight variance in pronunciation is usually not an issue in communication and common even with fully s t a n d a r d i s e d l a n g u a g e s . However, when spelling of the written language varies heavily and grammar is in flux to a degree where even word separation may be varied, the beginner is quickly lost. Without a working assumption of what the gist of a sentence may be, it is extremely challenging to work out the exact meaning. Furthermore, it becomes nearly impossible to

consult dictionaries even if they are available.

A n o t h e r f a c t o r , t h a t contributes to heavy variance in spelling and grammar, is the fact that many Somalis never received schooling in their native language. To have completed even just secondary education in the Somali education system would put a person in their 40s by now which means that being a people with high birth rates, the majority of Diaspora Somalis today are unschooled in their native language. This then also results in a lack of understanding of the native language’s grammar which largely leaves the language learner to his own devices when trying to acquire the skill of forming his own sentences.

Media for Learning SomaliAs someone who likes using

books and other media when learning language, I immediately started looking for such media. However, it turned out a challenge to find those. The only Somali language course which I

consider easily accessible (e.g. at Amazon), is Martin Orwin’s Colloquial Somali. However, while I started learning the language using this book, I found it rather confusing and still don’t quite believe in its structure. I have no doubts that Martin Orwin is a talented linguist but his approach just didn’t work for me.

The second textbook I found was Catherine Griefenow-Mewis’ Lehrbuch des Somali which was published in German and is therefore of little use to many learners. As a native German speaker, I preferred her book over Orwin’s because it is less focused on a specific regional dialect and its structure made more sense to me. If you do speak German, I would recommend this book to you. It can be ordered directly from the publisherRüdiger Köppe Verlag.

Another publisher which offers useful material but no proper textbooks, is Dunwoody Press. They probably have the best Somali-English dictionary

(which also includes an English-Somali dictionary) and the most complete Somali reference grammar book I have come across so far.

I have made the effort of collecting what I have found over the years on a website. Some of the information there might be a bit outdated, but I think it is still a useful collection.

What I Dream of in The FutureI was very happy when Burji

Arts recently launched the Somali dictionary app for both iPhone and Android. I think a dictionary that was developed with linguists on board was long overdue. What I would love to see as a next step (or even contribute to) is an interactive web or app based language course which teaches more than just vocabulary and also introduces the user to the Somali grammar in both an exciting and effective fashion. This would probably be a major project but it is always good to dream big.

Yaa Ku Baray? – A German Learning SomaliBy: ChriStiAn lErrAhn

Page 12: Tusmo Times September 2014

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