tv drama representation

TV Drama Representation Abbie Shuttleworth

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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TV Drama Representation

Abbie Shuttleworth

Page 2: Tv drama representation

The class in Downton Abbey is represented as upper class due to the costumes and props used. For example if you look at the picture they all appear to be smartly dresses in high class clothing. The setting of Downton Abbey is also represents them as upper class as it is setting in a old historical building. The angle of the camera appears to be slightly looking up (high angle) which could be interpreted that they are important of a upper class. DowntonAbbey characters are seen as high class as they have servants and maids.


The class in EastEnders is represented as lower and middle class from the use of mise en scene. For example if you look at Nancy (blonde character on left) her costume shows that she isn’t very upper class as she dresses ‘chavy’ with her trainers and oversized football shorts.

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In EastEnders Johnny Carter is represented as shy and a ‘mummy’s boy’. This is because he is a homosexual. The use of costume makes me seem more shy, he dresses fairly smart to some of the other characters that are heterosexuals. For example if you look at the character Dexter he seems to have more of a tough

appearance. Johnny is represented as powerless that he is gay, he couldn’t stand up to his parents.


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Disability is represented in the TV drama as to be quite powerful. In the image you can see that the character Tariq in the wheelchair is powerful due to his body language and that

he is breaking a fight up. In most TV drama’s people in wheelchairs are seem to be represented as shy and powerless.


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Regional identity

The Only Way is Essex is represented as being fake due to the fake hair, tans and boobs. This media makes us believe that everyone in Essex looks like this. It follows the Mulvey theory that the women are created to look like that to be looked at. Essex is represented in this way as the use of mise en scene. For example if you look at the picture on the right, all the women have lots of makeup on and are supposed to be represented as glamorous, they all have fake tan on and have their cleavage out.

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In EastEnders old people are represented as vulnerable. For example Dot Branningpreviously got tricked and her house got robbed. She was targeted as old people are represented as not being able to look after themselves. In the picture we can tell that the character looks scared. Also that she has a small/skinny figure shows that she is seen as scared.

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Ethnicity is represented through out Eastenders. For example the weddings all seem to be ethnical. The first image shows Syed’s wedding which was a traditional Asian wedding. The second image shows a typical traditional wedding for British people, we can tell this through the use of costume, the colour white is used. The third image shows the wedding of a ‘Chav’ they are represented like this as their costume is tracksuits however they still follow the traditional colours of white.

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In EastEnders women are represented in different ways. For example Shirley Carter is not seen of a typical female character, she appears to be very butch. However in other TV drama’s such as The Only Way is Essex the women are all represented as heavy makeup wearing with high heels.