twinning projects as a tool of administrative reform

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  • 8/2/2019 Twinning Projects as a Tool of Administrative Reform


    Conditionality and domestic change: Twinning projects as a tool of

    administrative reform in Romania

    One of the major challenges facing the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

    (CEECs) in obtaining membership of the European Union (EU) has been the need to

    implement effectively the acquis communautaire. The process of transposing the

    80,000 pages of EU law into domestic legislation has all but been completed in the

    eight CEECs that joined the EU in 2004 (the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,

    Tatvia, Tithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia). The same is also largely true for

    the two 'laggards' in the enlargement process (Bulgaria and Romania) that joined the

    Union in 2007. Yet the effective implementation of the transposed legislation poses amajor challenge to the administrative structures of states joining the EU. Gross

    inefficiency and a severe lack of expertise have been some of the most damaging

    legacies of the old socialist order for their civil services. During the process of

    transition the credibility and effectiveness of public administrations across the region

    have also been seriously undermined by endemic levels of corruption and excessive


    For its part, the EU has watched the laborious process of administrative reform

    in the CEECs with profound concern for the potential implications of eastwards

    enlargement for the functioning of the single market and for the efforts of the existing

    Member States to deepen their co-operation in sensitive areas such as justice and

    home affairs (JHA). Legal approximation has been an important parameter of the

    EU's relations with the CEECs, as recognized by both the Europe agreements and the

    Copenhagen European Council in 1993. Since the publication of the Commission's

    White Paper on the integration of the CEECs into the single market in 1995

    (Commission, 1995), the question of public administration reform gained new

    impetus; and by the time the Agenda 2000 proposals were presented in 1997, the

    strengthening of the administrative capacity of applicant countries had become a key

    priority for the EU. As part of this drive, in May 1998 the Commission launched the

    twinning exercise, a new policy instrument through which civil servants from the

    Member States would be seconded to the applicant states with the task of speeding up

    the process of their legal convergence with the EU and the development of institutions

    for upholding and implementing the acquis.

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    This paper examines the operation of the twinning exercise in Romania,

    focusing in particular on the process of administrative reform in two key ministries:

    the Ministry of Interior, responsible for the implementation of large parts of the JHA

    acquis; and the Ministry of Development and Prognosis, responsible for the

    implementation of the EU's acquis in the field of regional policy. In doing so, it builds

    upon and extends the recent literature on the role of EU enlargement as a driving

    force for executive reform in central and eastern Europe (Goetz, 2001a). Conceptually

    the study of the twinning exercise in Romania is therefore linked to the

    Europeanisation literature. Taking into consideration the strong conditionalities

    underpinning the EU's enlargement process (e.g. extensive compliance with the EU

    acquis prior to membership), this paper departs from the conception of

    Europeanisation as an 'inward looking' process, confined only to existing EU Member

    States. Instead it furthers the argument that such a process can also be exported

    outside the geographical boundaries of the EU, particularly towards those countries

    aspiring to join. The paper then shifts its attention to the impact of twinning, as a

    mechanism of Europeanisation and a local extension of the EU's conditionality

    principle on domestic reform. In doing so, it looks at issues relating to the design of

    the exercise and, more importantly, at domestic factors mediating its reform potential.

    The paper is divided into four sections. Section I reviews the literature on

    Europeanisation and assesses its relevance to the recent EU enlargement process.

    Section II looks at the main features of the twinning exercise, whilst Section III builds

    on empirical evidence to provide an in-depth analysis of the operation of twinning

    projects in Romania. In Section IV, the paper concludes with an assessment of the

    role of the twinning exercise as a stimulus for administrative reform in the candidate

    countries; its role as an instrument for policing the conditionality principles associated

    with the recent enlargement process; and the domestic factors mediating the EU's

    Europeanising influence over its prospective Member States.

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    I. Europeanisation, conditionality and reform in the CEECs

    Over the last few years the growth of the Europeanization literature has been

    considerable (Featherstone and Radaelli, 2003; Cowles et al., 2001; Dyson, 2000;

    Radaelli, 2000; Borzei 1999; Heritier, 1998; Featherstone, 1998). Yet, with few recent

    exceptions (Agh, 1999; Goetz, 2001a; Grabbe, 2001a, 2003; Demetropoulou, 2001),

    much of the debate on Europeanisation has predominantly focused on the way in

    which existing Member States are being transformed by EU membership. The process

    of Europeanisation, in this respect, is seen as a constant two-way interaction between

    the 'national' and the 'European' (Cowles et. al, 2001), with Member States assuming

    the role of both contributors and products of European integration (Rometsch and

    Wessels, 1996). In other words, whilst EU Member States are the principal architects

    of the European polity, they are often unable to control the timing and shape in which

    the outcomes of this polity are transposed into the national setting (Cole, 2001; Meny,

    1996). Within this context, Ladrech defines Europeanisation as the process in which

    'EC political and economic dynamics become part of the organisational logic of

    national politics and policy making' (Ladrech, 1994, p. 69). Building on Ladrech,

    Radaelli has broadened the definition of Europeanisation to include:

    Processes of (a) construction, (b) diffusion, and (c) institutionalisation of

    formal and informai rules, procedures, policy paradigms, styles, 'ways of

    doing things', and shared beliefs and norms which are first defined and

    Consolidated in the making of EU public policy and politics and then

    integrated in the logic of domestic discourse, identities, political structures

    and public policies. (Radaelli, 2003, p. 30)

    It is on the basis of such a definition that this paper proceeds.

    Given the substance of the EU's relationship with non-Member States and the breadth

    of Radaelli's definition, it is to be expected that the processes of Europeanisation can

    be and have been exported. Nowhere else can this be seen more clearly than in the

    case of the CEECs seeking membership of the EU, all of which have been subjected

    to the same adaptational pressures of Europeanisation (institutional, cognitive and

    strategic) as Knill and Lehmkuhl (1999) have described in the case of the existing EU

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    Member States. In recent years, for example, there has been a wealth of evidence

    manifesting how the ever-accelerating pace of the EU's enlargement process has

    transformed governance in the applicant countries by reshaping the outlook of their

    executives, legislatures and judiciaries and recasting the balance of power between

    them (Demetropoulou, 2001; Goetz, 2001b; Grabbe, 2001b; Lippert et al., 2001).

    Instituional adaptation, however, has been only a part of the EU's impact on

    these 'candidate' countries. Changes in domestic opportunity structures and

    mechanisms of cognitive shifts can also be seen at work across the region. The

    CEECs' drive towards EU membership has never been a politically neutral exercise.

    The process of adjusting to the EU acquis opens up opportunities for some and

    threatens the entrenched interests of others, thus creating new groups of 'winners' and

    'losers' at the domestic level (Grabbe and Hughes, 1999; Miliard, 1999). The cognitive

    effects of the EU on the CEECs have also been immense since the early stages of the

    transition process. The 'return to Europe' slogan came to shape the identity and long-

    term strategy of the CEECs in the aftermath of the 1989 revolutions. In this process,

    the EU offered not only a blueprint for the political elites on the content of the needed

    reforms, but also an important legitimising force for 'selling' these reforms to the

    CEECs' electorate. The EU's role in this process is, indeed, similar to the southern

    European experience (Featherstone et al., 2001).

    The EU-imposed conditionalities underpinning the current enlargement

    process have been the main driving force behind the Europeanisation of the CEECs.

    The conditionality principle has been a central feature of the EU's strategy towards the

    region ever since the establishment of bilateral relations with the countries in the late

    1980s. In 1993 the EU's conditions for the deepening of its relations with the CEECs

    were codified in what became known as the 'Copenhagen criteria', notably the

    existence of stable democratic institutions, the functioning of a market economy and

    the ability to adopt the acquis communautaire. Compliance with these criteria has

    helped regulate the progress of the CEECs up the ladder of the EU's contractual

    relations and eventually determined the content of the Commission's 1997 avis on

    their eligibility for starting accession negotiations. Throughout this process, the huge

    power asymmetries between the EU and the central and east European applicants has

    allowed the former to remain firmly in control of both how these conditions were set,

    and the way in which they were (and continue to be) assessed. Conditionality

    remained strong even after the first wave of accession negotiations began in 1998.

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    With the content of the acquis remaining non-negotiable, and with the EU's expressed

    determination to allow minimal transitional periods for its full implementation, the

    scope for the accession applicants' ability to influence the terms of their accession to

    the EU has been extremely limited. Instead, the successful conclusion of the

    negotiations has remained conditional on their ability to comply with most of the

    acquis prior to their entry into the EU.

    The way in which the conditionalities associated with EU membership have

    affected the process of administrative reform in applicant countries is difficult to

    depict. Whilst the necessity for the modernisation of the applicants' administrations

    has been emphasised on numerous occasions, the EU has fallen short of prescribing a

    specific blueprint for reform in this field (Dimitrova, 2002; Olsen, 2003). As a result,

    despite the EU's insistence on the speedy and full implementation of the acquis by the

    new Member States, the choice of administrative tools through which this is to be

    achieved remained very much in the hands of the applicant countries themselves. In

    the absence of a single 'European' model of public administration - itself a reflection

    of the strength and resilience of national administrative traditions across existing

    Member States - the role of the twinning exercise, as an instrument of policing the

    EU's conditionality, is indeed a peculiar one.

    At one level, the dispatch of civil servants from the existing Member States to

    lead initiatives of administrative reform in the candidate countries can be seen as a

    relatively advanced form of policing conditionality 'on the ground' and of reducing

    information asymmetries between the EU and the candidate countries. Yet the

    contingencies associated with the twinning operations are significant. For a start, the

    exercise relies heavily on processes of policy learning where the ability of the

    despatched civil servants to develop good working relationships with local staff has a

    significant bearing on the full realisation of objectives. Moreover, the very design of

    the exercise strongly encourages the (national) diversity of advice provided to the

    candidate countries, suggesting instead a softer and more diffused form of monitoring

    conditionality. These, coupled with the absence of a clear EU prescription for

    administrative reform, present the accession applicants with much greater scope for

    developing their own, national-specific responses to the administrative challenges

    posed by EU membership. Against this background it would therefore be misleading

    to assume that the enlargement-driven Europeanisation process produces either

    predetermined or uniform outcomes across the accession applicants. Indeed the EU's

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    Europeanising effect on the CEECs cannot be fully unpacked without reference to the

    domestic factors that mediate its impact at the national level. This can be amply seen

    from the case study presented here of twinning operations in Romania.

    II. The Twinning Exercise: Institutional Design and Rationale

    The improvement in the applicant countries' administrative structures with a view to

    the imminent opening of accession negotiations with the EU was among the top

    priorities of the Commission's Agenda 2000 proposals. Under the heading 'institution

    building', the Commission first advanced the idea that 'programmes for the long-term

    secondment to applicant countries of experts from the administrations of the Member

    States must be drawn up for each applicant in the light of the needs identified,

    particularly in the opinions [avis]' (Commission, 1997a, p. 4). Funding for these

    initiatives was to be provided by the rebalanced Phare budget which since 1997 has

    pledged 30 per cent of its total funds to 'institution building' (Commission, 1997a).

    Following five months of preparatory work, the twinning exercise was officially

    launched by the Commission in May 1998 with the aim of assisting the accession

    applicants to establish a 'modern, efficient administration that is capable of applying

    the acquis communautaire to the same standards as the current Member States'

    (Commission, 1998b, Introduction)1.

    The wording of the 1998 twinning manual reflected the Commission's

    eagerness not to repeat some of the mistakes which have tarnished the reputation of

    other Phare-funded projects in the past: namely, the vagueness of objectives,

    difficulties in monitoring progress and evaluation, and the reliance on expensive

    short-term western consultancy with few concrete results (Mayhew, 1998; Bailey and

    de Propris, 2004). For these reasons the new initiative was not designed:

    to provide advice or achieve sectoral improvements. It is [instead] a sweeping

    operation in a specific field that must yieldguaranteed results. By the time

    twinning ends, the applicant country should have developed an efficient,

    1A slightly revised version of the twinning manual, altering some procedural aspects of the exercise,

    was published by the Commission in February 2000 (Commission, 2000a).

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    working organisation enabling it to fulfil its Community obligations.

    (Commission, 1998b, paragraph 1.2)

    To achieve this, twinning provides for the secondment of pre-accession advisers

    (PAAs) from the Members States' civil services to the applicant countries for a

    minimum of one year with the task of importing know-how on the implementation of

    the acquis to national and local administrations.

    The design, selection, implementation and monitoring of the twinning projects

    is based on a triangular partnership between the Commission (both its central services

    and its delegations), the EU Member States and the accession applicants with each

    partner having varying degrees of involvement in different stages of the process. The

    Commission plays a crucial role in the design of twinning projects. Central services in

    Brussels draw up 'the legal, financial and procedural framework' of the twinning

    exercises, whereas their specific priorities and targets are set in collaboration with the

    delegations in the applicant country (Commission, 2000a). The Commission's

    involvement in the process of selecting twining partners is more limited, focusing

    merely on a co-ordinating and advisory role. The selection of twinning partner (s) lies

    with the applicant countries themselves2, which are free to 'forge ties with the

    Member State(s) whose systems best suit its own culture, organisation and national

    interest' (Commission, 1998b). Nevertheless, the Commission has encouraged a

    'varied approach' to the selection of twinning partners in order 'to prevent the blanket

    duplication of a Member State's [administrative] system in an applicant country'

    (Commission, 1998b). In this sense, the creation of an 'administrative market' (from

    where the applicant countries could 'shop for' the most suitable solutions to their

    particular problems) has been one of the top priorities of the exercise. The precise

    means through which the objectives of the twinning exercise are to be achieved are

    decided through a period of consultation between the beneficiary authorities of the

    applicant country and the selected twinning partner3. In this process, the Commission

    acts as a facilitator, providing technical advice to the partners before the final

    twinning covenant is signed.

    2 Participation of consortia from more than one Member State in a twinning project is also possible.3

    Each twinning exercise has two 'project leaders': one from the applicant country and one from the EUMember State with the successful twinning bid. The role of two project leaders (both of whom are

    senior civil servants) is to oversee and support the activities of the PAAs.

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    The Commission has dedicated a large part of the twinning manual to the

    detailed description of the monitoring mechanisms of the twinning projects. Earlier

    accusations over the failure to monitor Phare operations in the CEECs effectively, as

    well as the experience gained from the distribution of the structural funds among the

    EU Member States, have clearly influenced the design of the twinning exercise. In

    keeping with their raised profile since the restructuring of the Commission's external

    services in 1998 (Commission 1998a, 2000b), the Commission's delegations to the

    applicant countries have been allocated a key role in monitoring the implementation

    of the twinning exercises. The delegations' powers were indeed extensive and

    included the right to conduct on-the-spot visits, responsibility for holding monthly

    meetings with the PAAs and the relevant local officials in the beneficiary authorities

    and the drafting of quarterly progress reports, as well as the completion of a final

    assessment on the implementation of the twinning project (Commission, 2000a, point

    6.3). The Commission's Steering Committee forms a second line of assessment. This

    is a body drawn from the relevant Commission departments and chaired by the

    Directorate-General for Enlargement. In addition to its role as allocator of funding for

    twinning projects, the Steering Committee also deals with the most controversial

    aspects of monitoring, holding powers to withdraw or suspend funding if the

    implementation of a project is considered unsatisfactory (Commission, 2000a, point 7.


    By the end of 2001, over 500 twinning projects with an overall budget of

    nearly 500 million had been launched across the ten applicant countries. During the

    same period, Romania had benefited from 66 projects (approximately 9 per cent of the

    total number launched), which have attracted funding of 63.1 million (corresponding

    to 13.3 per cent of the total twinning budget). Out of these 66 projects, 16 have been

    in the field of public finance and the internal market, 13 in the field of regional policy,

    12 in the JHA field, 10 in the field of agriculture and the remaining 25 divided

    between other policy areas. In terms of the country origin of the selected twinning

    partners, France has been the most popular choice of the Romanian authorities,

    featuring either as leader or partner in 23 projects. France is followed by Germany (15

    projects), Italy and the UK (11 projects each) and the Netherlands (9 projects).

    (Commission, 2002a).

    4In addition to these regular procedures, the twinning projects can also be scrutinised through ad hoc

    audits by the Commission, as well as by the annual report of the EU's Court of Auditors.

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    III. The Operation of the Twinning Exercise in Romania

    The analysis provided in this section draws on the experiences of Commission

    officials, PAAs and Romanian officials who have been engaged in twinning projects

    in the areas of regional policy and JHA5. In both policy areas, Romania's progress in

    complying with the EU acquis has been judged as problematic. In its 1997 avis on

    Romania's application for EU membership, the Commission concluded that the

    country's regional development policy remained 'basic and incomplete' and with no

    comprehensive framework 'incorporating policy, legislation and instruments'

    (Commission, 1997b, section 3). In the field of JHA, the Commission questioned

    Romania's administrative capacity to handle asylum and migration questions, while

    the country's border management systems were judged to be 'inefficient' (Commission

    1997b, section 4.2). Indeed, the slow progress of reform in these two key policy areas

    posed serious challenges for Romania's EU membership aspirations, particularly as it

    cast doubts on the country's ability to manage funds channelled through the EU's

    structural operations and, perhaps more importantly, its ability to protect effectively

    what could be the EU's external borders with countries such as Moldova, Ukraine,

    Serbia and the sensitive area of the Black Sea coastline.

    Since the launch of twinning in 1998, the sectoral distribution of projects in

    Romania has mirrored the importance attached by the Romanian government to the

    strengthening of its administrative capacity in the fields of regional policy and JHA.

    The prioritisation of both policy areas was also the result of strong pressure by the

    Commission which, from the outset, adopted a 'hands on' approach in focusing the

    attention of the Romanian government on areas where convergence with the acquis

    was lagging behind, and in suggesting specific sectors of the administration that could

    benefit from twinning operations. As a result, the fields of regional policy and JHA

    attracted 25 out of the total of 66 twinning projects launched in Romania in the period

    1998-2001. During the same period nine out of the ten JHA-related projects have been

    placed in institutions and authorities subordinated to the Ministry of Interior6. Two

    5The analysis draws on semi-structured interviews with 10 officials of the European Commission in

    Brussels and former officials of the European Commission Delegation in Bucharest. The interviews

    took place in Brussels between 23 -30 April 2008.6The twinning project entitled 'Fight against corruption' has operated under the authority of the

    Ministry of Justice.

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    more were at the planning stage in early 2002. By the same time, two projects had

    been completed: one in the area of border management and control (led by a German

    PAA); and one in the area of asylum (led by a Danish PAA). Out of the seven

    ongoing projects, three dealt with border management and control (two led by

    German PAAs and one by a Spanish PAA), two with asylum and migration (both led

    by Danish PAAs), and one with the fight against organised crime (led by a British

    PAA). By the end of 2001, the strengthening of Romania's administrative capacity in

    the area of regional policy had attracted ten twinning projects7.

    In 2001, a series of nine interrelated projects were launched under the

    authority of the newly created Ministry of Development and Prognosis (MDP)

    focusing on the implementation of Romania's national development plan (NDP).

    Eight PAAs (two each from France, Italy and Germany and one each from Greece and

    the UK) were dispatched to Romania's development regions, in order to assist the

    building of administrative capacity at a regional level, whilst a 'national' PAA (the

    same British PAA who led the 1998 project) was placed in the MDP to develop

    administrative capacity at the central level and co-ordinate the activities of the eight

    regional PAAs.

    The MDP and the Ministry of Interior that oversee the implementation of most

    twinning projects in the fields of regional development and JHA are institutions with

    a contrasting history and rather different outlooks. The MDP was one of the 'new'

    ministries created by the government of Adrian Nastase in January 2001, through the

    merger of three previously independent authorities: National Agency for Regional

    Development (NARD), the Economic Co-ordination Council (both previously under

    the Prime Minister's office) and the National Co-ordination Council. De-spite its

    youth and relative lack of political clout within the Romanian cabinet, the MDP's

    policy remit - to drive an agenda of political and administrative decentralisation - has

    potentially been a political minefield. The legal framework for Romania's regional

    development policy was agreed in July 1998 (Law 151/1998) by the government of

    Radu Vasile. Amongst others, Law 151/1998 divided Romania into eight

    development regions corresponding to the EU's NUTS II level. In each development

    region a Regional Development Board (RDB) was established as a strategic decision-

    making body for the programming and implementation of the Regional Development

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    Plan (RDP) in its respective region. At the national level, a National Board for

    Regional Development (NBRD) was created as the main decision-making body on

    regional development matters, overseeing the activities of the RDBs and responsible

    for the preparation of Romania's NDP.

    At the time the MDP was created in early 2001, Law 151/1998 remained

    largely an 'empty shell'. The process of putting flesh on to Romania's regional

    development policy brought the minister and the senior leadership of the MDP into a

    trajectory of conflict with members of the cabinet who either feared the political

    implications of such a decentralisation process or struggled to preserve the

    administrative competences of their own ministries. At the regional level too, the

    implementation of Law 151/98 came up against a culture of non co-operation between

    thejudets (Romanian counties, corresponding to the EU's NUTS III level) and a lack

    of initiative that mirrored decades of regional subservience towards the central

    administration. Internally the MDP was not best equipped to pursue such an ambitious

    agenda. In terms of its staffing levels, the Ministry was severely under-resourced,

    with its 170 staff (half of whom dealt with regional development issues) struggling to

    keep up with the workload. Training practices within the Ministry were also poor,

    leaving only a handful of people who could claim some expert knowledge of the

    complexities surrounding the implementation of the EU's structural operations. Levels

    of expertise at the regional level were even poorer. Given its short life and a history of

    frequent internal re-structuring that had plagued its constituent parts, and particularly

    the NARD8, the Ministry lacked well-established working practices and clear career

    structures. In addition, many within the Ministry complained that the organisation

    suffered from excessive politicisation that resulted in frequent changes of personnel

    and blockages in the decision-making process.

    The Ministry of Interior, on the other hand, has had a longer and rather

    different history. Under communism, the Ministry was a key instrument of oppression

    for the Ceausescu regime, overseeing both the police and the secret services,

    including the infamous Securitate, and was feared by Romanian citizens. Since 1989,

    senior positions in the Ministry have been largely purged of elements of the old order

    and much effort has been put into improving the Ministry's public image. However,

    the internal structures of the Ministry have remained relatively stable, its competences

    8In May 2000, the NARD underwent an extensive restructuring process following its merger with the

    National Agency for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the National Development Agency.

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    have changed little since the pre-1989 period9, and its standing in the Romanian

    Cabinet has never been seriously undermined. In terms of its staffing policies, the

    Ministry is unique, employing almost exclusively non-civilian personnel even for its

    central administrative functions. The policy of recruitment from the military

    (including Romania's large number of conscripts) and from police ranks has helped it

    achieve exceptionally good levels of staffing when compared with other corners of the

    Romanian public administration. The Ministry has, for example, sustained a large and

    very active Directorate of European Integration with 50 staff (10 of whom were the

    Ministry's only civilian personnel), and has been one of the few ministries able to

    despatch officials to the Romanian Mission to the EU and to Romanian embassies in

    major European capitals. The prevailing military culture within the Ministry has also

    provided a shield against the extreme politicisation experienced in other ministries.

    Whilst incidents of party-political appointments (and dismissals) have not disappeared

    completely, the Ministry has retained a more stable career structure than other

    ministries with many of its directors and even secretaries of state surviving

    governmental changes.

    In terms of policy reform, the Ministry of Interior has been a late starter. In the

    area of border control, for instance, the Commission's 1997, 1998 and 1999 regular

    reports identified Romania as one of the main transit points of illegal immigration into

    Europe and were very critical of the country's ability to guard effectively its borders

    with Ukraine and Moldova and its Black Sea coastline, particularly the port of

    Constanta. For years Romania had relied on a fragmented and hugely inefficient

    system of border control, which was staffed by inexperienced and badly trained

    conscripts. This system survived with very little change until the late 1990s. In the

    areas of asylum and immigration too, the Commission's regular reports made

    reference to an outdated and confusing legal framework (dating, in some cases, back

    to the late 1960s), which was largely incompatible with the EU's JHA acquis. Since

    2000, however, the pace of reform in both areas has increased substantially owing

    primarily to accession negotiations with the EU and the pursuit of NATO membership

    for which modernisation of security and military forces was a precondition. Hence, as

    part of a five-year reform strategy (2000-05), the Ministry of Interior has moved

    decisively towards the creation of a single professional border police service with

    9In 1991, the management of the prison system was transferred from the Ministry of Interior to the

    Ministry of Justice.

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    increased funds for new equipment and training. Moreover, new laws on migration

    and asylum were introduced in 2001, aligning Romania's legislation with the EU's

    acquis. Over time, co-ordination between key JHA-related actors (such as the border

    police and the National Refugee Office) has been significantly improved.

    For most PAAs running twinning projects in the two Ministries, the

    adjustment to the working practices of Romania's public administration involved a

    steep learning curve. Surprisingly, at no point prior to their despatch to the applicant

    countries did PAAs receive specific training on the local culture and practices of their

    host administration. Most of the PAAs' training was exhausted in a two-day visit to

    the Commission's central services in Brussels where the main operational and

    budgetary procedures of the exercise were explained to them. As a result of such

    incomplete training, most PAAs in Romaniafaced a long and often difficult period of

    adjustment to their new working environment. AII of them were faced with an

    administration suffering from a severe lack of resources, low levels of expertise and

    very poor cross-departmental co-ordination. Internally, the iron discipline and rigidly

    hierarchical structure of the administration stifled innovation and deterred junior staff

    from taking initiatives. Pay was also very poor. With the average salary of a civil

    servant well below 100 per month, the administration was constantly losing well-

    qualified staff to the private sector where both pay and working conditions were


    Against this background, the arrival of highly paid foreign officials was

    received with mixed emotions by local Romanian staff. For some, the very high salary

    received by the PAAs was a point of resentment, whilst others remained fearful that

    twinning projects would generate an increased workload and upset bureaucratic

    inertia. The language barrier was also a factor constraining the PAAs' communication

    with their Romanian colleagues. Yet, for a number of local officials, particularly those

    of a younger age and a more dynamic disposition, the technocratic profile and reform

    agenda of the PAAs had significant appeal. In both ministries many of the young and

    well-qualified staff have been frustrated by the slow progress of reform, with a

    number of them seeing their promotion chances stifled by 'dinosaur-like' senior

    officials operating on the basis of political patronage and personal friendships. Indeed

    many of the younger and more reformist elements in the two ministries soon formed

    close working partnerships with the PAAs, most of whom spoke highly of the

    commitment and work ethic shown by these individuals.

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    Yet the close working relationship between the PAAs and their immediate

    associates alone could not guarantee the implementation of all of the objectives of the

    twinning projects. Ultimately this relied heavily on the efficiency of the central

    bureaucracy of the relevant Ministry and the reform commitment of its political

    leadership. This is equally true for both projects implemented within the ministries'

    immediate structures and those taking place in institutions falling under their wider

    competences (e.g. National Refugee Office and regional development agencies).

    Under conditions of institutional fluidity and weak decision-making structures, the

    PAAs ability to establish trust and good personal relations with key individuals within

    a ministry's hierarchy has been a key determinant in the full implementation of each

    twinning project. Of crucial importance in this respect has been the working

    partnership between the PAAs and a number of directors and secretaries of state

    within each ministry, particularly those heading directorates relevant to the project's

    policy focus as well as those holding the European integration portfolio. Most PAAs,

    for instance, depended on the relevant directors, either in their capacity as project

    leaders on the Romanian side or as senior officials with the authority to allocate the

    administrative resources needed for the implementation of projects. At a more senior

    level, secretaries of state have played a crucial role in 'filtering' access to the Minister

    (with whom PAAs have generally had little or no direct contact) and providing

    political impetus for the implementation of politically and economically costly

    reforms initiated by the twinning projects.

    Most PAAs in the Ministry of Interior enjoyed a close working relationship

    with both the Head of the European Integration Directorate and the Secretary of State

    for European Integration10

    . Both officials seemed to have taken a keen interest in

    supporting the twinning projects in the Ministry and their efforts in this direction were

    highly regarded by most PAAs. The commitment and organisational skill of the two

    officials, along with the more general commitment of the Ministry's political

    leadership to reform in the field of JHA (as part of Romanian's aspirations for both

    EU and NATO membership) may go a long way towards explaining the relative

    success - at least in terms of project implementation - of most twinning projects in the

    Ministry of Interior.

    10Those PAAs who led twinning projects in the areas of asylum and immigration also reported a close

    working partnership with their project leader and the Director of the National Refugee Office.

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    The situation in the Ministry of Development and Prognosis (MDP) was rather

    more mixed. For the 1998 National Agency for Regional Development (NARD)

    project, the PAA had a good partnership with his Romanian project leader (and head

    of NARD's Training Directorate), but the PAAs proposals for the introduction of new

    training and human resources practices in the agency were never actually

    implemented. Among the factors that might have contributed to this failure was the

    eventual incorporation of the NARD into the MDP, and the scepticism shown by the

    political leadership of the latter to pursue the recommendations of a project that was

    associated with the previous government. For the 2001 twinning project in the central

    services of the MDP, the PAA enjoyed a close partnership with his project leader (the

    Director for Regional Programmes in the ministry). The successful implementation of

    the 2001 project, however, depended on a number of variables, not least on the level

    of co-operation between the 'regional' PAAs and their respective project leaders (i.e.

    Directors of the Regional Development Boards), as well as on the ability and

    willingness of the political leadership in the MDP to implement the required reforms.

    In addition to project-specific problems and the difficulties of adjusting to the

    local administrative culture, virtually all PAAs struggled to keep up with the

    administrative requirements imposed on them by the very design of the twinning

    exercise. Since the collapse of the Santer Commission in 1999, the monitoring

    procedures on the budget of the EU's foreign assistance programmes were

    significantly tightened up. The new rules made the preparatory stages of the twinning

    exercise laborious and lengthy. Both Romanian officials and PAAs, for example,

    complained that the intervening period between the selection of a twinning partner

    and the actual start of a project often exceeded 12 months. But even when a project

    was under way, the over-bureaucratisation of the exercise had a major impact on the

    workload of the PAAs, many of whom complained that a disproportionate amount of

    their time was devoted to administration rather than to the actual realisation of the

    project's objectives. The rigidity and complexity of the twinning manual (the rule

    book of the twinning exercises) made it difficult for the PAAs to arrange training

    sessions and short-term visits by experts to Romania, while even the most trivial

    change in the project's budget could become the subject of lengthy consultations

    between the PAAs and the Commission's central services.

    Added to their concerns over the bureaucratization of their projects, many

    PAAs felt that the design of the twinning exercise left them in a somewhat grey area:

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    stuck between their home administrations, their Romanian hosts and the

    Commission's services (both in Brussels and in the Delegation in Bucharest).

    Confronted with this unclear structure, many PAAs complained that their loyalties

    were divided, not knowing for whom they really worked and to whom they should

    turn for support. As a result, the pattern of support networks established by PAAs to

    facilitate the objectives of their projects remained diverse. In all cases the PAAs'

    contact with the Commission's central services in Brussels was limited. Instead,

    following their despatch to Romania, the Commission's Delegation in Bucharest

    became their main point of contact. At a personal level, many PAAs found their

    monthly meetings at the Delegation useful. Yet professionally, PAAs in both the

    MDP and the Ministry of Interior found the Delegation rather ineffective and slow to

    react to their requests. These problems might have been directly related to the fact that

    in both policy areas (JHA and regional policy) the delegation had been adversely

    affected by the departure of well-respected officials who had developed good working

    relations with both ministries. On a more general level, however, these difficulties

    reflected the upheaval caused by the significant expansion of the Delegations'

    responsibilities following the reform of the Commission's external services in 1998

    which was, nevertheless, not accompanied by an adequate increase of resources (both

    human and financial) which would have allowed them to cope effectively with their

    expanded workload.

    The support PAAs received from their home administrations varied, and was

    heavily dependent on the commitment by the project leader from the Member State

    administration to the work carried out by the PAA. In certain cases, the criticism of

    home administrations was strong, but there were occasions where their limited

    support was, in part, compensated for by the efforts of the Embassy in Bucharest to

    provide support for projects. In other cases, however, PAAs reported a close working

    relationship with their colleagues back home. Overall, the views of the PAAs in the

    two ministries do not provide a clear template for a global assessment of the

    commitment of Member States' administrations to the twinning exercise along

    national or sectoral lines. Indeed the emerging picture is a rather patchy one,

    determined largely by bureaucratic considerations 'on the ground', i.e. the ability of

    individual departments in the Member States' public administrations to commit the

    necessary resources (financial, human, time) to support the PAAs' activities.

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    An overall assessment of the impact of twinning projects in the two ministries

    is indeed difficult, and depends to a large extent on the yardstick with which one

    chooses to measure their success. Broadly speaking, PAAs who led twinning projects

    in the Ministry of Interior experienced a smoother collaboration with their local

    colleagues (and greater progress of reform) in implementing their projects than those

    PAAs working in the MDP. A number of factors may have contributed to this: the

    relatively stable internal structures of the Ministry of Interior; the reform commitment

    of sorne key officials in its ranks; and the prioritisation by the Romanian government

    of JHA-related reforms as part of the country's quest for EU and NATO membership.

    Yet, the final assessment of a project's success in changing administrative

    structures and practices was also inevitably shaped by individual perceptions and

    expectations. Many PAAs, particularly those who were working in Central and

    Eastern Europe for the first time, arrived in Romania with high hopes of their ability

    to act as reform agents - an optimism that was also reflected in the ambitious targets

    set by their projects. Along the way, however, and faced by the painfully slow reform

    reflexes of the Romanian administration, many of them grew increasingly frustrated

    with their inability to initiate change 'on the ground' and began to challenge the

    purpose of the whole exercise. Other PAAs, however, particularly those who had

    previous experience of assistance programmes in the CEECs, took a more sober view

    of their role, recognising the limited capabilities of the Romanian administration to

    meet their full reform agenda. In general, the most influential twinning projects have

    been those led by PAAs who were able to reconcile themselves with the modest

    surroundings in which they had to work and try to utilise their expertise in ways that

    could be absorbed and maintained by Romania's evolving and unpredictable public

    administration. The limitations under which the twinning exercise has had to operate

    across Central and Eastern Europe have not escaped the Commission. Some of its

    officials privately recognise that even an achievement rate of 10-15 per cent of the

    projects' stated objectives should be considered a success11

    The sustainability of the reform generated by twinning projects is indeed

    another crucial factor in assessing the exercise's overall success. The relative failure

    of the 1998 project in the NARD is a good example of how institutional fluidity and

    11 The Commission has undertaken an informal, internal assessment of all twinning projects launched

    in 1998 (Commission, 2002b). Little can be gleaned from the assessment since, as Commissionofficials acknowledge, the exercise lacked either a coherent methodological approach or detailed


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    excessive politicisation in the Romanian administration could jeopardize the

    implementation and sustainability of the proposed reforms. The longer-term

    consequences of the twinning operations on Romania's 'administrative culture' are

    also difficult to assess. PAAs and Romanian officials alike have argued that, even

    though the practical reforms introduced as a result of twinning projects have not

    always been extensive, the exposure of local staff to the expertise and experience of

    PAAs was producing strong pressures for rationalisation of administrative proactices

    and would, in the long run, pose a serious challenge to the Romanian way of 'doing

    things'. This, however, is by no means a fore-gone conclusion. Evidence from old

    EU Member States themselves has revealed remarkable resilience by national public

    administrations in resisting European pressures and keeping their 'national character'

    intact (Heritier, 1998). In the Romanian case, as indeed in the cases of most southern

    European members of the EU, the ability of the public administration to resist the

    rationalising effects of both actual and potential EU membership may be further

    amplified by the fact that its reform has been an area of heated party political


    IV. Conclusion

    The study of the twinning exercise provides a useful insight into the dynamics of

    administrative change in central and eastern Europe and the EU's role in shaping this

    process. As the drive towards EU accession has accelerated over the last few years, all

    applicant countries have struggled to cope with the demands placed on their public

    administrations by the enlargement process. Responding to the demands of the EU,

    and meeting the obligations contained in the 31 chapters of the accession negotiations,

    have stretched the resources of the applicants' administrations to their limits and have

    demanded from them previously unthinkable levels of efficiency and inter-

    departmental co-ordination. Added to these pressures, the EU's determination to

    ensure the applicants' full compliance with the acquis prior to their entry into the club

    has introduced a new sense of urgency and vigour into the process of administrative

    reform across the region. Against this background, this paper argues that a conception

    of Europeanisation as a process confined exclusively to the existing EU Member

    States is misleading. Instead, the relevance of Europeanisation as a framework of

    understanding domestic change stretches beyond the geographical borders of the EU,

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    providing a valuable resource in understanding the complex and unpredictable process

    of post-communist transition in central and eastern Europe.

    Yet, both the precise nature and outcome of the enlargement-driven

    Europeanisation of the accession applicants remain unclear. Evidence from the

    implementation of twinning projects in Romaniaillustrates a number of contingencies

    associated with initiatives of administrative reform. Some of these contingencies were

    naturally related to the very design of the exercise, which favoured the creation of an

    'administrative market' whereby the applicant countries were encouraged to select

    twinning partners with diverse administrative histories and cultures. Others referred to

    the institutional fluidity and politicisation characterising the Romanian administration,

    as well as to the outiook and reform commitment of the ministries that hosted

    twinning projects. Individual agency has also been a crucial feature of this process. In

    an unpredictable and often overwhelming working environment, the PAAs' ability to

    foster good working relations with their immediate associates and with key officials

    within the ministerial hierarchy has been an important ingredient for ensuring project

    implementation. A great deal of ingenuity on the part of the PAAs was also required

    in negotiating the over-bureaucratized rules of the twinning exercise and in

    maintaining the fine balance of the three-party partnership between the partner

    administrations and the Commission on which the implementation of each twinning

    project depended.

    This paper has demonstrated how the interplay between these contingencies

    produced different reform dynamics in the two ministries studied. The Ministry of

    Interior exploited far more the reform potential of the twinning exercise than the

    Ministry of Development and Prognosis In this sense, Europeanisation seems to have

    had a diverse impact on different corners of the Romanian administration. The diverse

    and non-linear nature of Europeanisation has also been highlighted by a number of

    recent cross-national studies that revealed significant discrepancies in the extent and

    pattern of administrative reforms in the accession applicants (Goetz, 2001a). Some of

    these discrepancies can be explained by the relatively 'soft' EU conditionalities in the

    field of reform. Whilst much pressure has been put on the applicant countries to

    improve their administrative capacity in the light of accession, the EU has fallen well

    short of prescribing specific blueprints for reform in this field, despite the fact that the

    fluidity surrounding the post-communist administrations in Central and Eastern

    Europe offered fertile ground for the opposite. The EU's inability to act decisively in

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