u11a-0014 problems associated with declining national...

U11A-0014 Problems Associated with Declining National Oil Production James S. Jackson Portland State University Portland, OR [email protected] 1. Abstract Forecasts of peak oil production have focussed on the global impacts of declining production. Mean- while, national oil production has declined in 23 countries, leading to local problems that receive little comment outside of the effected regions. Two problems deserve wider recognition: declining state revenues and fuel substitution. Most oil producing countries with large reserves adopted licensing practices that provide significant revenues to the host governments, such that oil revenues generate from 40 to 80 percent of total gov- ernment funds. Typically these governments allocate a fraction of this revenue to their state oil com- panies, utilizing the remainder for other activities. As oil revenues decline with falling production, host governments face a dilemma: either to increase state oil company budgets in order to stem the decline, or to starve the state oil company while maintaining other government programs. The declining oil reve- nues in these states can significantly reduce the government‘s ability to address important national issues. Mexico, Indonesia, and Yemen illustrate this situation in its early phases. Fuel substitution occurs whenever one fuel proves less expensive than another. The substitution of coal for wood in the eighteenth century and oil for coal in the twentieth century are classic examples. China and India appear to be at peak oil production, while their economies generate increasing demand for energy. Both countries are substituting coal and natural gas for oil with attendant environmental impacts. Coal-to-liquids projects are proposed in both China and India, which will require significant water resources if they are executed. These examples suggest that forecasting the impact of peak oil at a regional level requires more than an assessment of proven-probable-possible reserves and a forecast of supply-demand scenarios. A range of government responses to declining oil income scenarios must also be considered, together with scenarios describing the range of environmental impacts. Forecasting the impact of national oil production declines is a multi-disciplinary activity requiring the skills of geologists, geophysicists, engineers, economists, and political scientists. Commodity fuel substitution may occur when one fuel becomes less expensive than another. This may occur when new sources of a fuel are discovered, driving its price down, or when supplies of a fuel are nearly exhausted, driving its price up. The use of charcoal in iron smelting greatly reduced the supply of wood, first in Britain and later in North America. In both cases, coal was substituted for charcoal (Rich et al 1977) in the 18th century. Coal was adopted in shipping in the 19th century, only to be replaced by oil in the 20th century (Yergin 1991). With increasing oil prices in recent years, a return to coal as a transportation fuel has been proposed. India and China possess substantial coal deposits (Figures 14 & 15). Neither country is able to meet increasing oil consumption with internal production (Figures 16 & 17). Coal-to-liquids projects have been proposed in both countries, including a new built pilot project at Shenzen. These projects appear to pose two environmental problems in addition to those due to coal mining. Coal can be converted to a liquid fuel through three processes. Each has a somewhat different fuel yield (Bartis et al 2008) : Fischer-Tropsch ~2.1 barrels per metric tonne of coal Methanol-to-Gasoline ~2.2 barrels per metric tonne of coal Direct Liquifaction 2.9 barrels per metric tonne of coal Water requirements in these processes are poorly constrained for industrial scale projects. Estimates range from 5 to 10 barrels of water for 1 barrel of liquid fuel. Assuming an average of 2.5 bbl fuel per tonne coal, a 1 million barrel per day coal-to-liquid fuel program woul use 146 million tonnes of coal and 28 to 56 million cubic feet of water per year. India consumed 238 million tonnes of coal in 2006 (IFP). Carbon dioxide emissions are estimated to be 0.9 metric tonnes per barrel of fuel. A 1 million barrel per day coal-to-liquids program would emit 328 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. In 2006 China emitted 6,018 metric tonnes of CO 2 while India emitted 1294 metric tonnes. Country political boundaries and hydrology were taken,with permission, from the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc (ESRI) Arcworld CD 1:3,000,000 scale. Chinese provincial political boundaries were taken from Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network's (CIESIN) (ftp://ftpserver.ciesin.org/pub/data/China/adm_bnd/CTSAR90.bnd90/) China Time Series Administrative Regions GIS Data: 1:1,000,000 % # # # # # # # # # % % % % $ $ $ % % $ # # # # # # # # # # % # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # $ # # % % $ $ $ $ # # # # % % # % $ à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Tarim Basin Ordos Basin Songliao Basin Sichuan Basin Bohai Bay Basin Junggar Basin East China Sea Shelf Basin Bayanhuxu-Eren Basin Qaidam Basin Hailar Basin Okinawa Trough Basin Turpan-Hami Basin Zhujiangkou (Pearle R. Mouth) Basin South Bijia Basin Quinshi-Linfen Basin Jianghan Basin Ryukyu Island Shimajiri Basin Sothwestern Taiwan Basin Jiuquan-Minle Basin Beibu Gulf Basin Northwestern Taiwan Basin Northern South Yellow Sea Basin Dongting Basin Miyazaki Basin Northern Jiangsu-Southern South Yellow Sea Basin North Yellow Sea Basin Tsushima Basin Nanyang-Xiangfang Basin Sanshui Basin Tosa Bay Basin South Shuangfeng Basin Jinggu Basin North Shuangfeng Basin Bose Basin Erhai Basin Lunpola-Baingoin Basin Liupanshui coal-bearing region Sanjiang (Heilong-Songhua-Wusuli Rivers)-Muling R. coal-bearing region Panzhihua (Dukou)-Chuxiong coal-bearing region Enshi coal-bearing region Qilian coal-bearing region Ili coal-bearing region Hedong-weibei coal-bearing region Southern Sichuan-Northern Guizhou coal-bearing region Yanqi coal-bearing region Kumming-Kaiyuan coal-bearing region Helan Mountains coal-bearing region Yaan-Yingjing coal-bearing region Western Henan coal-bearing region Yanbian coal-bearing region Southwestern Shandong coal-bearing region Yongan-Xingning coal-bearing region Pingxiang-Leping coal-bearing region Tiefa-Fuxin coal-bearing region Beipiao coal-bearing region Zhangjiakou coal-bearing region Yilan-Yitong coal-bearing region Jingyuan-Jingtai coal-bearing region Xuzhou-Huaibei coal-bearing region Chenzhou-Zixing coal-bearing region Daqin Mts.-Wula Mts. coal bearing region Northern Yellow River coal-bearing region Dunhua-Fushun coal-bearing region Northern Tarim coal-bearing region Nanning coal-bearing region Lianyaun-Shaoyang coal-bearing region Pingzhuang coal-bearing region Longmen Mountains coal-bearing region Beijing coal-bearing region Eastern piedmont of Taihang Mts. coal-bearing region Datong-Ningwu coal-bearing region Huainan coal-bearing region Lianxing-Qujiang coal-bearing region Sothwestern Tarim coal-bearing region Wuqia (Ulugqat) coal-bearing region Changpo-Changchang coal-bearing region Changyang coal-bearing region Nothern Qaidam coal-bearing region Xuanhua-Yuxian coal-bearing region Helan Mountains coal-bearing region Tangshan coal-bearing region Beidacang coal-bearing region For digital files and more information on this and other products produced by the Eastern Energy Team, visit our web site at http://energy.er.usgs.gov/ BHUTAN AFGHANISTAN 90∞ INDIAN OCEAN PACIFIC OCEAN BANGLADESH PAKISTAN TAJIKISTAN UZBEKISTAN KYRGYSTAN DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA REPUBLIC OF KOREA TAIWAN JAPAN PHILLIPINES VIETNAM LAOS THAILAND BURMA NEPAL INDIA CHINA KAZAKHSTAN RUSSIA MONGOLIA 25∞ 30∞ 35∞ 40∞ 95∞ 100∞ 105∞ 110∞ 115∞ 120∞ 130∞ 125∞ 15∞ 20∞ 25∞ 30∞ 35∞ 40∞ 45∞ 50∞ 140∞ 135∞ 130∞ 125∞ 120∞ 115∞ 110∞ 105∞ 100∞ 95∞ 90∞ 45∞ 50∞ 85∞ 80∞ 75∞ 70∞ N E W S U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SHEET 1 OF 1 OPEN-FILE REPORT 00-047 # $ % References: Chinese Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, comp., 1992, Energy mineral resources map of China and adjacent seas: Information and Institute of Mineral Deposits of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China, Geological Publishing House,1 map sheet, scale 1:5,000,000. Ruiling, Li, Tianyu, Hu, and Jianping, Wei, comp., 1996, Coalfield prediction map of China: Surveying and Mapping Institute of Jilin Province, Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping, 9 map sheets, scale 1:2,500,000. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Scale 1:5,000,000 2000 COAL-BEARING REGIONS AND STRUCTURAL SEDIMENTARY BASINS OF CHINA AND ADJACENT SEAS Modified Digital Compilation by Steven M. Podwysocki and Vivian S. Lovern This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government (Mt/yr = Million metric tons per year) Major coal mine production à 3 - 5 Mt/yr à 5 - 10 Mt/yr à > 10 Mt/yr Coal Field by Rank Anthracite Coking bituminous coal Non-coking bituminous coal Lignite Figure 14. Coal Mining Districts of India Figure 15. Coal Mining Districts of China Figure 16. Oil Production and Consumption in India Figure 17. Oil Production and Consumption in China. 8. Discussion Declining national oil production reduces oil-generated revenue in oil producing countries. Some “petro states” receive over 70% of their government revenue from oil production. As revenues fall, political difficulties arise when either fuel subsidies are reduced or taxes are imposed on other sectors of the national economy. Falling revenues can reduce the national government’s ability to respond external stresses, such as those resulting from climate change. Falling revenues may also lead to the failure of a petro state government. States with more robust economies may respond to declining oil production by substituting gas, coal, or fuels manufactured from gas. In addition to the environmental impacts due to coal mining, these activities also increase demand on fresh water, and produce additional CO 2 emissions. If the results of science are to influence these processes, then the political and economic components of the policy process must be explicitly recognized. Acknowledgment I have benefited from discussions with Denny Tower, Bob Olson, Tom Arthur, John Grace, Chris Moore, Paul LaPointe, Ansel Johnson, Mike Cummings, and Michael Carnahan, none of whom are responsible for the views expressed here. Figure 9 used with permission of IHS-CERA. References Oil exploration and production in most countries is controlled government organizations, such as national oil companies or departments of energy. Pemex is the state oil company of Mexico and it conducts both exploration and production throughout the country. Pemex is typical of state oil companies, in that revenues generated by oil production flow to the central government. In 2005 Pemex contributed 40% of the national government’s revenue. Cantarell is the largest field in Mexico, contributing 57% of Pemex’s revenue in 2005, and 24% of the national government’s revenue that year. Production at Cantarell has fallen each year since 2005 at a faster rate than forecast by Pemex (Figure 10). Each year Pemex receives a budget for exploration and production from the government (Figure 11). This is also the common practice at most national oil companies. Pemex proposes a capital budget to the national government as well as a long term capital expenditure plan. The national government allocates funds to Pemex based on a hierarchy of national funding priorities. Between 2002 and 2008 Pemex was given less funding than requested, resulting in less development and exploration well drilling. The rapid annual decline in production at Cantarell is in a part a result of these annual capital allocations to Pemex. Declining oil production in Mexico will likely continue, reducing revenues for the national government. New taxes on other economic sectors will have to be found to offset the declining revenue stream. Without these, the government will be less able to provide services. This situation is typical of “petro-states” that obtain much of their government revenue from oil and gas production after that production goes into decline. Figure 10. Cantarell Field Production. Figure 11. Pemex 2002 Capital Budget Forecast. Figure 12. Wholesale Kerosene Price, Oil Production and Consumption Indonesian oil production peaked in 1977 and began to decline in 1999 (Figure 12). As a member of OPEC during this period, Indonesia’s production was subject to the OPEC quota system. Indonesia’s oil consumption increased until it exceeded production in 2004, at which time Indonesia became an OPEC “observer member”. Kerosene is the mostly widely consumed refined product in Indonesia. It’s wholesale price is set by the national government. Between 1992 and 2002 the wholesale price of kerosene was only 10 percent of the world wholesale price. With declining crude production, the government doubled the wholesale price, touching off minor riots in 2002. In late 2005 the government raised the price kerosene again so that it was within ten percent of global wholesale price, this time provoking major riots throughout the country. Oil was discovered in Yemen in 1984. A pipeline was built to the Red Sea coast in 1987, leading to a rapid increase Yemeni oil production (Figure 13). Production peaked in 1999 and began to decline in 2003. In 2005 oil revenues contributed 76% of total government revenue (Central Bank of Yemen 2005 Annual Report). In 2007 oil revenues contributed 69%, and 75% in 2008 when oil prices exceeded $100/barrel. The Central Bank of Yemen recently reported a 75% fall in oil revenues through July, 2009. At present the national government subsidizes fuel consumption, which accounts for one-third of government expenses. Most water is obtained from wells, and an estimated 90% of diesel fuel is used by water well pumps. The World Bank forecasts oil revenue will fall to zero in 2017. Figure 13. Daily Oil Production in Yemen 1985 to 2009 Production Production Compiled by Sam Foucher (2006) http://www.theoildrum.com/uploads/28/PU200611_Fig3.png 2. Global Peak Oil Forecasts M. King Hubbert applied a logistic equation to forecast future Lower 48 US oil production while he was employed by Shell Oil Company. He subsequently revised his forecast while employed by the USGS. Figure 1 shows forecasts of US and world oil production presented by Hubbert to the US Congress in 1974. In subsequent years over two dozen forecasts of global oil production have been published (Figure 2). In most case Hubbert’s logistic analysis has been applied using different assumptions. Figure 1. Peak Oil Forecasts (Hubbert 1974) Figure 2. Recent Peak Oil Forecasts 1900 2000 2100 40 30 20 10 0 Produced Oil Proven Reserves Undiscovered Oil Annual Consumption Billions of Barrels per Year Hubbert’s method applies a technique used to forecast oil field production over the life of the field. It requires two assumptions: the volume to be produced and the initial production rate. To apply the technique to a country or the globe, four assumptions must be made (Figure 3). 1. The volume of oil produced in the past. 2. The volume of oil discovered but not yet produced. 3. The volume of oil to be discovered. 4. The production profile from beginning to final depletion. There is no significant dispute regarding (1), but there are disputes regarding (2-4). These lead to most of the differences among forecasts. Among forecasts there are also differences regarding the type of oil under study. Refinery engineers identify as “conventional oil” that having an API Gravity less than 18°. A lower API oil is considered “heavy” or “unconventional”. Some forecasts use an API of 18°, but the USGS uses an API of 15° in its assessments (Figure 4). Some forecasters do not distinguish conventional from “heavy” or “unconventional”, lumping tar sands with lighter oils. Refinery engineers prefer to work with higher API oils, which yield a higher percentage of gasoline and other high value products than do low API or unconventional oils. Proven reserves are subject to dispute by all global oil forecasters. In 1984 the price of oil collapsed by 50%. Members of OPEC responded by announcing new proven reserve estimates for their pro- ducing oil fields (Figure 5). These figures were not subject to an external audit, however, they were used to revise OPEC oil production quotas. Several analysts claim that Middle East proven reserves are over stated, and that a significant decline in production is imminent. Others claim the estimates are reliable. The treatment of these figures accounts a large portion of the forecast differences seen in Figure 2. Figure 5. Global Oil Proven Reserves. Figure 3. Components of an Oil Forecast Figure 4. Composition of Selected Crude Oils Figure 6. Undiscovered Oil Resources (USGS 2000) Figure 7. Three Oil Production Scenarios Most global oil production forecasts include undiscovered oil resources estimates made by the USGS, combining forecasts made for both US and non-US petroleum provinces (Figure 6). These estimates represent a range of possible future exploration outcomes, reflecting the uncertainty inherent in the exploration process. Some forecasts utilize the range of USGS estimate, thereby capturing some of the exploration uncertainty. Some also utilize more than one estimate of discovered, unproduced oil. Some forecasts choose a point within the USGS undiscovered oil estimate and a point within the range of discovered, unproduced oil to produce a single scenario that may be optimistic or pessimistic. Less attention has been paid to the shape of the global oil production curve during or following “peak oil”: many assume a symmetrical bell curve. The EIA has published scenarios that assume a different scenario (Figure 7). This topic deserves wider discussion outside of the economics literature. A minority of forecasts use production data from producing fields to forecast likely field production profiles. These studies use fore- casts of the 400 to 600 largest oil fields, which may account for 80 percent or more existing oil production. One such recent forecast (Figure 8) adds together the field forecasts to create a Fields in Production forecast (FIP), and then adds production forecasts for Fields Under Development (FUD), Fields Under Appraisal (FUA), and Fields Yet to Find (YTF). These forecasts are well constrained by past field production data, but they rely on forecasts of declining field production which are subject to interpretation. These forecasts use proprietary oil field data bases whose quality varies from country to country, and from field to field. Figure 8. CERA 2009 Oil Production Forecast http://www.cera.com/aspx/cda/client/report/report.aspx?KID=5&CID=10720 3. National Oil Production Forecasts The wide range of global oil production forecasts does has not inspired a unified response from the oil industry or the political realm. Global peak oil forecasts provide no basis for policy responses, as there is no global agency charged to influence either global production or consumption. Oil is produced locally, and decisions effecting oil production are governed by national policy. Over 20 countries have a declining oil production profile (Figure 9). Figure 9. Oil Production Profiles by Country 4. Mexico 5. Indonesia 6. National Oil Production: Yemen 7. Fuel Substitution: Coal to Liquids Projects in India and China Source: Wood et al 2004 Bartis, J. T., Camm, F, and S. Ortiz 2008 Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal: Prospects and Policy Issues. RAND (Santa Monica) 167 pp. BP 2004 Statistical Annual Review of World Energy 2004. British Petroleum LLC (London) CERA 2009 The Future of Global Oil Supply: Understanding the Building Blocks http://www.cera.com/aspx/cda/client/report/report.aspx?KID=5&CID=10720. Accessed 3 Dec 2009. Energy Information Agency (EIA) http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/contents.html Accessed 3 Dec 2009 IFP 2008 Coal in India: Current Status and Outlook. Institute Frances du Petrol (Malmaison) 4 pp. (http: www.ifp.fr) Hubbert, M. K. 1974 U. S. Energy Resources, A Review As Of 1972. Background paper, Committee on the Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Serial No. 93-40 U. S. Government Printing Office (Washington DC) Podwysocki, S. M. and Lovern, V. S. 2000 Coal-Bearing Regions and Structural Sedimentary Basins of China and Adjacent Seas USGS Open File Report 00-47.. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2000/of00-047/ Accessed 3 Dec 2004. Rich, E. E., Wilson, C. H., Postan, M. M. and P. Mathias 1977 The Cambridge Economic History of Europe: the Organization of Early Modern Europe, Vol 5. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) 685 pp. Schindler, K J. and Zittel, W. 2008 Crude Oil-The Supply Outlook. Ludwig-Bolkow- Systemtechnik GmbH (Ottobrun) 102 pp. USGS World Energy Assessment Team 2000 USGS World Petroleum Assessment 2000-Description and results. http://pubs.usgs.gov/dds/dds-060/. Assessed 3 Dec 2009 Wood, J. H. , Long, G. R., and Morehouse, D. F 2004 Long Term Oil Supply Scenarios http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/feature_articles/2004/ worldoilsupply/oilsupply04.html. Accessed 3 Dec 2009. Yergin, Daniel 1991 The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power. Simon and Schuster (New York) 884 pp.

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U11A-0014 Problems Associated with Declining National Oil ProductionJames S. Jackson

Portland State University Portland, [email protected]

1. AbstractForecasts of peak oil production have focussed on the global impacts of declining production. Mean-while, national oil production has declined in 23 countries, leading to local problems that receive littlecomment outside of the effected regions. Two problems deserve wider recognition: declining staterevenues and fuel substitution.

Most oil producing countries with large reserves adopted licensing practices that provide significantrevenues to the host governments, such that oil revenues generate from 40 to 80 percent of total gov-ernment funds. Typically these governments allocate a fraction of this revenue to their state oil com-panies, utilizing the remainder for other activities. As oil revenues decline with falling production, hostgovernments face a dilemma: either to increase state oil company budgets in order to stem the decline,or to starve the state oil company while maintaining other government programs. The declining oil reve-nues in these states can significantly reduce the government‘s ability to address important nationalissues. Mexico, Indonesia, and Yemen illustrate this situation in its early phases.

Fuel substitution occurs whenever one fuel proves less expensive than another. The substitution ofcoal for wood in the eighteenth century and oil for coal in the twentieth century are classic examples.China and India appear to be at peak oil production, while their economies generate increasing demandfor energy. Both countries are substituting coal and natural gas for oil with attendant environmentalimpacts. Coal-to-liquids projects are proposed in both China and India, which will require significantwater resources if they are executed.

These examples suggest that forecasting the impact of peak oil at a regional level requires more than anassessment of proven-probable-possible reserves and a forecast of supply-demand scenarios. A rangeof government responses to declining oil income scenarios must also be considered, together withscenarios describing the range of environmental impacts. Forecasting the impact of national oilproduction declines is a multi-disciplinary activity requiring the skills of geologists, geophysicists,engineers, economists, and political scientists.

Commodity fuel substitution may occur when one fuel becomes less expensive than another. Thismay occur when new sources of a fuel are discovered, driving its price down, or when supplies ofa fuel are nearly exhausted, driving its price up. The use of charcoal in iron smelting greatlyreduced the supply of wood, first in Britain and later in North America. In both cases, coal wassubstituted for charcoal (Rich et al 1977) in the 18th century. Coal was adopted in shipping in the19th century, only to be replaced by oil in the 20th century (Yergin 1991). With increasing oil pricesin recent years, a return to coal as a transportation fuel has been proposed.

India and China possess substantial coal deposits (Figures 14 & 15). Neither country is able to meetincreasing oil consumption with internal production (Figures 16 & 17). Coal-to-liquids projects havebeen proposed in both countries, including a new built pilot project at Shenzen. These projectsappear to pose two environmental problems in addition to those due to coal mining.

Coal can be converted to a liquid fuel through three processes. Each has a somewhat differentfuel yield (Bartis et al 2008) :

Fischer-Tropsch ~2.1 barrels per metric tonne of coal

Methanol-to-Gasoline ~2.2 barrels per metric tonne of coal

Direct Liquifaction 2.9 barrels per metric tonne of coal

Water requirements in these processes are poorly constrained for industrial scale projects.Estimates range from 5 to 10 barrels of water for 1 barrel of liquid fuel. Assuming an averageof 2.5 bbl fuel per tonne coal, a 1 million barrel per day coal-to-liquid fuel program woul use146 million tonnes of coal and 28 to 56 million cubic feet of water per year. India consumed 238million tonnes of coal in 2006 (IFP).

Carbon dioxide emissions are estimated to be 0.9 metric tonnes per barrel of fuel. A 1 millionbarrel per day coal-to-liquids program would emit 328 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.In 2006 China emitted 6,018 metric tonnes of CO2 while India emitted 1294 metric tonnes.

Country political boundaries and hydrology were taken,with permission, from the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc(ESRI) Arcworld CD 1:3,000,000 scale.Chinese provincial political boundaries were taken from Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network's (CIESIN)(ftp://ftpserver.ciesin.org/pub/data/China/adm_bnd/CTSAR90.bnd90/)China Time Series Administrative Regions GIS Data: 1:1,000,000




# #









$ $$





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# #































## $




















































Tarim Basin

Ordos Basin

Songliao Basin

Sichuan Basin

Bohai Bay Basin

Junggar Basin

East China Sea Shelf Basin

Bayanhuxu-Eren Basin

Qaidam Basin

Hailar Basin

OkinawaTrough Basin

Turpan-Hami Basin

Zhujiangkou (Pearle R. Mouth) Basin

South Bijia Basin


Jianghan Basin

Ryukyu IslandShimajiri Basin

SothwesternTaiwan Basin

Jiuquan-Minle Basin

Beibu Gulf Basin

NorthwesternTaiwan Basin

Northern SouthYellow Sea Basin

Dongting Basin

Miyazaki BasinNorthern Jiangsu-SouthernSouth Yellow Sea Basin

North YellowSea Basin

Tsushima Basin


Sanshui Basin

Tosa Bay Basin

South Shuangfeng Basin

Jinggu Basin

North Shuangfeng Basin

Bose Basin

Erhai Basin


Liupanshuicoal-bearing region

Sanjiang (Heilong-Songhua-WusuliRivers)-Muling R. coal-bearing region

Panzhihua (Dukou)-Chuxiongcoal-bearing region

Enshicoal-bearing region

Qilian coal-bearing region

Ili coal-bearing region

Hedong-weibeicoal-bearing region

Southern Sichuan-NorthernGuizhou coal-bearing region

Yanqi coal-bearing region

Kumming-Kaiyuancoal-bearing region

Helan Mountainscoal-bearing region

Yaan-Yingjingcoal-bearing region

Western Henancoal-bearing region

Yanbiancoal-bearing region

Southwestern Shandongcoal-bearing region

Yongan-Xingningcoal-bearing region

Pingxiang-Lepingcoal-bearing region

Tiefa-Fuxincoal-bearing region

Beipiaocoal-bearing region

Zhangjiakoucoal-bearing region

Yilan-Yitongcoal-bearing region

Jingyuan-Jingtaicoal-bearing region

Xuzhou-Huaibeicoal-bearing region

Chenzhou-Zixingcoal-bearing region

Daqin Mts.-Wula Mts.coal bearing region

Northern Yellow Rivercoal-bearing region

Dunhua-Fushuncoal-bearing region

Northern Tarimcoal-bearing region

Nanningcoal-bearing region

Lianyaun-Shaoyangcoal-bearing region

Pingzhuangcoal-bearing region

Longmen Mountainscoal-bearing region

Beijingcoal-bearing region

Eastern piedmont of TaihangMts. coal-bearing region

Datong-Ningwucoal-bearing region

Huainancoal-bearing region

Lianxing-Qujiangcoal-bearing region

Sothwestern Tarimcoal-bearing region

Wuqia (Ulugqat)coal-bearing region

Changpo-Changchangcoal-bearing region

Changyangcoal-bearing region

Nothern Qaidamcoal-bearing region

Xuanhua-Yuxiancoal-bearing region

Helan Mountainscoal-bearing region

Tangshancoal-bearing region

Beidacangcoal-bearing region

For digital files and more information on this and other products produced by the Eastern Energy Team, visit our web site at http://energy.er.usgs.gov/



























95∞ 100∞ 105∞ 110∞ 115∞ 120∞ 130∞125∞






















Chinese Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, comp., 1992, Energy mineral resourcesmap of China and adjacent seas: Information and Institute of Mineral Deposits of ChineseAcademy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China, Geological Publishing House,1 mapsheet, scale 1:5,000,000.

Ruiling, Li, Tianyu, Hu, and Jianping, Wei, comp., 1996, Coalfield prediction map of China:Surveying and Mapping Institute of Jilin Province, Publishing House of Surveying andMapping, 9 map sheets, scale 1:2,500,000.

Lambert Conformal Conic Projection

Scale 1:5,000,000



Modified Digital Compilation bySteven M. Podwysocki and Vivian S. Lovern

This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity withU.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. Any use of trade, product, orfirm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsementby the U.S. Government

(Mt/yr = Million metric tons per year)

Major coal mine productionà 3 - 5 Mt/yrà 5 - 10 Mt/yrà > 10 Mt/yr

Coal Field by Rank


Coking bituminous coal

Non-coking bituminous coal

LigniteFigure 14. Coal Mining Districtsof India

Figure 15. Coal Mining Districts of China

Figure 16. Oil Production and Consumptionin India

Figure 17. Oil Production and Consumptionin China.

8. Discussion

Declining national oil production reduces oil-generated revenue in oil producing countries.Some “petro states” receive over 70% of their government revenue from oil production. Asrevenues fall, political difficulties arise when either fuel subsidies are reduced or taxes areimposed on other sectors of the national economy. Falling revenues can reduce the nationalgovernment’s ability to respond external stresses, such as those resulting from climate change.Falling revenues may also lead to the failure of a petro state government. States with morerobust economies may respond to declining oil production by substituting gas, coal, or fuelsmanufactured from gas. In addition to the environmental impacts due to coal mining, theseactivities also increase demand on fresh water, and produce additional CO2 emissions. If theresults of science are to influence these processes, then the political and economic componentsof the policy process must be explicitly recognized.

AcknowledgmentI have benefited from discussions with Denny Tower, Bob Olson, Tom Arthur, John Grace, ChrisMoore, Paul LaPointe, Ansel Johnson, Mike Cummings, and Michael Carnahan, none of whomare responsible for the views expressed here. Figure 9 used with permission of IHS-CERA.


Oil exploration and production in most countries is controlled government organizations, such as nationaloil companies or departments of energy. Pemex is the state oil company of Mexico and it conducts bothexploration and production throughout the country. Pemex is typical of state oil companies, in that revenuesgenerated by oil production flow to the central government. In 2005 Pemex contributed 40% of the nationalgovernment’s revenue. Cantarell is the largest field in Mexico, contributing 57% of Pemex’s revenue in 2005,and 24% of the national government’s revenue that year. Production at Cantarell has fallen each year since2005 at a faster rate than forecast by Pemex (Figure 10).

Each year Pemex receives a budget for exploration and production from the government (Figure 11). This isalso the common practice at most national oil companies. Pemex proposes a capital budget to the nationalgovernment as well as a long term capital expenditure plan. The national government allocates funds toPemex based on a hierarchy of national funding priorities. Between 2002 and 2008 Pemex was given lessfunding than requested, resulting in less development and exploration well drilling. The rapid annual declinein production at Cantarell is in a part a result of these annual capital allocations to Pemex.

Declining oil production in Mexico will likely continue, reducing revenues for the national government. Newtaxes on other economic sectors will have to be found to offset the declining revenue stream. Without these,the government will be less able to provide services. This situation is typical of “petro-states” that obtainmuch of their government revenue from oil and gas production after that production goes into decline.

Figure 10. Cantarell Field Production. Figure 11. Pemex 2002 Capital Budget Forecast.

Figure 12. Wholesale Kerosene Price, Oil Production and Consumption

Indonesian oil production peaked in 1977 and began to decline in 1999 (Figure 12). As a member of OPECduring this period, Indonesia’s production was subject to the OPEC quota system. Indonesia’s oilconsumption increased until it exceeded production in 2004, at which time Indonesia became an OPEC“observer member”. Kerosene is the mostly widely consumed refined product in Indonesia. It’s wholesaleprice is set by the national government. Between 1992 and 2002 the wholesale price of kerosene wasonly 10 percent of the world wholesale price. With declining crude production, the government doubledthe wholesale price, touching off minor riots in 2002. In late 2005 the government raised the price keroseneagain so that it was within ten percent of global wholesale price, this time provoking major riots throughoutthe country.

Oil was discovered in Yemen in 1984. A pipeline was built to the Red Sea coast in 1987, leading to a rapidincrease Yemeni oil production (Figure 13). Production peaked in 1999 and began to decline in 2003. In2005 oil revenues contributed 76% of total government revenue (Central Bank of Yemen 2005 AnnualReport). In 2007 oil revenues contributed 69%, and 75% in 2008 when oil prices exceeded $100/barrel.The Central Bank of Yemen recently reported a 75% fall in oil revenues through July, 2009. At present thenational government subsidizes fuel consumption, which accounts for one-third of government expenses.Most water is obtained from wells, and an estimated 90% of diesel fuel is used by water well pumps. TheWorld Bank forecasts oil revenue will fall to zero in 2017.

Figure 13. Daily Oil Production in Yemen 1985 to 2009

Production Production

Compiled by Sam Foucher (2006) http://www.theoildrum.com/uploads/28/PU200611_Fig3.png

2. Global Peak Oil Forecasts

M. King Hubbert applied a logistic equation to forecast future Lower 48 US oil production while he wasemployed by Shell Oil Company. He subsequently revised his forecast while employed by the USGS.Figure 1 shows forecasts of US and world oil production presented by Hubbert to the US Congress in1974. In subsequent years over two dozen forecasts of global oil production have been published(Figure 2). In most case Hubbert’s logistic analysis has been applied using different assumptions.

Figure 1. Peak Oil Forecasts (Hubbert 1974) Figure 2. Recent Peak Oil Forecasts

1900 2000 2100






Produced Oil

Proven Reserves


Annual Consumption









Hubbert’s method applies a technique used to forecast oil field production over the life of the field.It requires two assumptions: the volume to be produced and the initial production rate. To apply thetechnique to a country or the globe, four assumptions must be made (Figure 3).

1. The volume of oil produced in the past.

2. The volume of oil discovered but notyet produced.

3. The volume of oil to be discovered.

4. The production profile from beginning tofinal depletion.

There is no significant dispute regarding(1), but there are disputes regarding (2-4).These lead to most of the differencesamong forecasts.

Among forecasts there are alsodifferences regarding the type ofoil under study. Refinery engineersidentify as “conventional oil” thathaving an API Gravity less than18°. A lower API oil is considered“heavy” or “unconventional”.Some forecasts use an API of 18°,but the USGS uses an API of 15° inits assessments (Figure 4). Someforecasters do not distinguishconventional from “heavy” or“unconventional”, lumping tarsands with lighter oils. Refineryengineers prefer to work with higherAPI oils, which yield a higherpercentage of gasoline and otherhigh value products than do low APIor unconventional oils.

Proven reserves are subject to disputeby all global oil forecasters. In 1984 theprice of oil collapsed by 50%. Membersof OPEC responded by announcing newproven reserve estimates for their pro-ducing oil fields (Figure 5). Thesefigures were not subject to an externalaudit, however, they were used torevise OPEC oil production quotas.Several analysts claim that Middle Eastproven reserves are over stated, andthat a significant decline in productionis imminent. Others claim the estimatesare reliable. The treatment of these figuresaccounts a large portion of the forecastdifferences seen in Figure 2.

Figure 5. Global Oil Proven Reserves.

Figure 3. Components of an Oil Forecast

Figure 4. Composition of Selected Crude Oils

Figure 6. Undiscovered Oil Resources (USGS 2000) Figure 7. Three Oil Production Scenarios

Most global oil production forecasts include undiscovered oil resources estimates made by the USGS,combining forecasts made for both US and non-US petroleum provinces (Figure 6). These estimatesrepresent a range of possible future exploration outcomes, reflecting the uncertainty inherent in theexploration process. Some forecasts utilize the range of USGS estimate, thereby capturing some of theexploration uncertainty. Some also utilize more than one estimate of discovered, unproduced oil. Someforecasts choose a point within the USGS undiscovered oil estimate and a point within the range ofdiscovered, unproduced oil to produce a single scenario that may be optimistic or pessimistic.

Less attention has been paid to the shape of the global oil production curve during or following “peakoil”: many assume a symmetrical bell curve. The EIA has published scenarios that assume a differentscenario (Figure 7). This topic deserves wider discussion outside of the economics literature.

A minority of forecasts use production datafrom producing fields to forecast likely fieldproduction profiles. These studies use fore-casts of the 400 to 600 largest oil fields, whichmay account for 80 percent or more existingoil production. One such recent forecast(Figure 8) adds together the field forecasts tocreate a Fields in Production forecast (FIP),and then adds production forecasts for FieldsUnder Development (FUD), Fields UnderAppraisal (FUA), and Fields Yet to Find (YTF).

These forecasts are well constrained by pastfield production data, but they rely on forecastsof declining field production which are subject tointerpretation. These forecasts use proprietaryoil field data bases whose quality varies fromcountry to country, and from field to field.

Figure 8. CERA 2009 Oil Production Forecasthttp://www.cera.com/aspx/cda/client/report/report.aspx?KID=5&CID=10720

3. National Oil Production Forecasts

The wide range of globaloil production forecastsdoes has not inspired aunified response fromthe oil industry or thepolitical realm. Globalpeak oil forecastsprovide no basis forpolicy responses, asthere is no global agencycharged to influenceeither global productionor consumption. Oil isproduced locally, anddecisions effectingoil production aregoverned by nationalpolicy. Over 20 countrieshave a declining oilproduction profile(Figure 9).

Figure 9. Oil Production Profiles by Country

4. Mexico

5. Indonesia

6. National Oil Production: Yemen

7. Fuel Substitution: Coal to Liquids Projects in India and China

Source: Wood et al 2004

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