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  • 8/8/2019 UAS SOSLIT



    Literature is a creative and productive activity to create a work of literature which

    have aesthetic feeling and interpret social activity. Literature exists because of the

    creation of the author to show their feeling as a human who have idea, and using

    languages as the media to deliver the messages to the reader. Literature is a social

    phenomena that using human creativity. Literature born from the expression of authors

    that early deeply exists in their mind.

    A literature is created as a creative imagination from the person in different

    process between one to another person, especially for fiction. (Waluyo, 2002:68). This

    process is individual activity because it has different way of thinking, such as the method,

    creative process in express what the author have and the language in use. A literature as a

    product of art will never separate from the languages as a main media in literature itself.

    Art and human are have close relationship. Basically, literature begins from the problem

    in human life and their environment. More over, with their imagination, the authors only

    recast these problems into a literature.

    Literature is the reflection of life: its source is our life self as stated by

    William H. Hudson in introduction to The Study of Literature:

    Literature is the vital records of what men have seen in life, and what theyfelt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for

    all of us. It is thus fundamentally and expression of life through the medium of

    language (1965:10).

    Literature is also simply another way of the people to get experience about the

    world around them through their imagination because everything experienced and

    though in the real life. So, by reading literary works, we actually also read our real

    life, as stated by Edward H. Jones in Outlines of Literature:

    Literature is a simply another way we can experience in the world around us through

    our imagination (1968:1).

    In other hand, Literature is an expression of human life through the medium

    of language (Hudson, 1965:10). It is very effective to record all human activities as


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    well as their feeling in literary forms. Literature has the close relation with the society

    because it expresses life through the writers experience. Jones says in Outline of

    Literature that literature is simple another way we can experience the world through

    our imagination (1968:1).

    Andrea Hiratas Sang Pemimpi is clearly described about the colour of

    teenagers life in a land named Belitong. This is very interesting story because this

    story is based on true life. This novel tells us about how two brotherhoods face their

    daily activity with poverty and lack of happiness. Although they can not fulfil their

    willing and desire, they have a big dream to study abroad, in Paris, France. This novel

    is interesting to be analyzed because it has many teenagers life reality and this novel

    is easy to understand, the language even the plot. In making this novel, AndreaHirata, the author always using many figurative language to express his feeling

    systematically, directly and beautifully, so I am interesting to analyze this novel.


    B.1Term of Sociology

    Sociology is the study ofhumansocieties. It is a social science (with which it

    is informally synonymous) that uses various methods ofempirical investigation and

    critical analysis to develop and refine a body of knowledge and theory about human

    social activity, often with the goal of applying such knowledge to the pursuit of social

    welfare. Subject matter ranges from the micro level ofagency and interaction to the

    macro level of systems and social structures.

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    B.2 Sociology in Literature

    Sociology of literature is a branch of literary study that examines the

    relationships between literary works and their social contexts, including patterns of

    literacy, kinds of audience, modes of publication and dramatic presentation, and the

    social class positions of authors and readers.

    C. Research Method

    This research is aim to analyze educative values in Andre Hiratas Sang

    Pemimpi. The inductive method is applied in analyzing data. Shaw states that

    inductive method is from of reasoning from specific to the general. Induction method

    tries to establish a general truth from the observation of the specific facts. From a

    sufficient number of these facts or particulars, the inductive process of reasoning

    reaches principle or conclusion. (1972: 201)

    This methods attempts to collect some appropriate data concerning with the

    topic taken to support the discussion. Subsequently, the general conclusion is reached

    after interpreting the specific data.The data with the discussion is analyzed to get the clear description of the

    study of the novel. Also the library research is used to collect the data and theories. It

    is a way of collecting data and information from written sources n the library. The

    main data is the novel itself. To get more detail data, internet and some references

    related with the topic are used.


    The summary of Andre HiratasSang Pemimpi

    Sang Pemimpi, translated in English as a dreamer, was told about the life of three

    Senior high school students. The three main character was Ikal, Arai and Jimbron.


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    Ikal the author Arai is called as simpai keramat because he is the last member of

    his clan who still alive, and become Ikals brother and Jimbron is an orphan boy who

    obsessed to horse and stammer when enthusiastic about something.

    These three friends having a close friendship relation starting from child until

    they was graduated in Manggar Senior High School, the first Senior High School ever

    Built in East Belitong. They go to school every morning and work as a slave in

    fishing port later. Someday, because of their addicted to watch movies, they try to

    watch a movie in cinema but their guru catch them. another story of this novel was

    Arais and Jimbron love stories, the discord of Jimbron to Ikal and Arai who will

    continue their study in Jakarta and finally makes them separated but meet again in

    France. They Life Separately from their Parents with Poverty background of life buthave a high dream. A dream when we saw from their background of life is only a


    It is very interesting story, because the story is about the daily activity and

    about friendship and love. Ikal has a dream to get scholarship in Paris, France. He

    tries to realise his dream by his own ability. In other hand, Arai, a parentless person,

    wants to be a successful person in the future. He loves his brother Arai and never let

    him down or always protects him by his own power. The third person is Jimbron, a

    big fat boy who likes horse very much. He knows everything about horse. One day,

    an Australian Horse comes to their island by boat. He is very glad and cannot sleep

    well because he wants to ride that horse!! An finally, the day come true. He can ride

    the horse by himself.

    This story full of motivation and has good plot. There is much suspense in this

    novel that makes this novel very interesting to read. Andrea Hirata is one of the

    authors who can bring the readers into his own imagination.


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    The main approach in this analysis of Andrea Hiratas Sang Pemimpi is

    sociological approach. Sociology is comes from the word socio or society means a

    group of person regarded as forming a single community and logy or logos means

    knowledge. Sociology is the knowledge related to a group of person or community.

    (Ekarini, 2003:2)

    The problems around literature and society have narrow characteristic and

    external. Literature is related to the certain situation or in certain economic, politic, or

    society. This research aim is to reveal how the society influences literature and

    literatures level in society. This sociological approach is used to certain philosopher.

    (Wallek and Warren, 2003:4)

    The approach of literature that consider many sector of society is called sociology of

    literature. (Jabrohim, 2001:169). At the first, this term is not has different meaning to

    Socio Literary, Social approach or social-cultural approach to literature. This sociological

    approach is including many approaches. Each approaches is based on the certain theory,

    but all of approaches has identify similarities, that is has interest to literary as socialinstitution, that created by a man of letters as a social individual.

    The relation between literature and society is reciprocal. Literature is not only

    the effect of social causes of social effect (1962: 126), because literature is reflection

    of social condition in certain society.

    According to the statement above, we can conclude that sociology of literature is

    a view that a literary work is a draw or picture of social phenomena. In literary work, this

    phenomenon is described as a discourse with creative process. (Observation, analysis,

    interpreted, reflection, imagination, evaluation etc).

    The aim of sociological research is to get a whole draw about the relation

    between man of letters, literary work and the society. (Jabrohim, 2001: 169). This view


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    was very important for our observation and appreciation to the literature it self. The

    sociology in literature seeks the interrelations among the personal worldview of the

    authors and the spirit of era. It is also connected by the social problems. According to

    Tom Burns, in his book Sociology of Literature and Drama, Literature is attempt to

    make sense of our lives; while sociology is an attempt to make sense of the ways to

    which we live our lives. (1973: 9)

    Based on that explanation about sociology of literature, we can conclude that

    sociological analysis of literature is purpose to describe the function and element that

    build up the literary work, viewed in social tendency of the literary work is created by,

    especially for educative values, such as (1) love values include (a) love to people in

    society (b) love to family, (2) tolerance value, (3) patience values (ability to control our

    self), and (4) The Spirit to get our desire.

    In this section, I would like to give the example of each educative in this novel:

    1. Love value

    I find this term in the novel when the main character named Ikal has close

    relationship with Arai, his brother from his grandfather. Ikal love Arai very much. Both

    of them love each other like. Arai always protects Ikal from danger. He always fulfills

    Ikals willing and always gives help when it needed. Ikal told to us about his feeling to


    Aku dan Arai ditakdirkan seperti sebatang jarum di atas meja dan magnetdi bawahnya. Sejak kecil kami melekat ke sana kemari. Aku semakindekat dengannya karena jarak antara aku dan abang pangkuanku,abangku langsung, sangat jauh. Arai adalah saudara sekaligus sahabatterbaik buatku. Dan meskipun kami seusia, ia lebih abang dari abang

    mana pun. Ia selalu melindungiku. Sikap itu tecermin dari hal-hal palingkecil. (p. 31).

    This paragraph shows us about the close relationship between Ikal and Arai. Both

    of them love each other. Another example of love values in this novel:


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    Kami tersentuh.Kami menghampiri Jimbron dan memeluknya.Jimbron yang berhatilunak dan putih.Dulu,dengan penuh semangat,ia memesan dua celengan kuda agar

    dibelikan mualim di Jakarta,dan sempat kami tertawakan ketika celengan kuda itu

    datang,Ditabungnya upah bekerja keras paling tidak selama dua tahun.Diisinya kedua

    celengan itu dengan rata.Tak sepatah kata pun ia sempat ia ucapkan maksudnya.Kinidiberikannya masing-masing untuk kami.Itulah pengorbanan Jimbron untuk

    kami.Kami berjanji akan menuliskan namanya di tanah,di gedung,di pohon,di

    jalan,kemana pun kamisampai. (p. 147)

    This is the example of true love. Jimbron who has saving his money in several yearshas given his money to his friends who he loved. This is jimbrons sacrifice to them

    and truly inspired us as an ordinary man.

    2. Tolerance value

    Like in other literary works, Sang Pemimpi is has a value about tolerance in daily


    Jimbron adalah seseorang yang membuat kami takjub dengan tiga macamkeheranan. Pertama, kami heran karena kalau mengaji, ia selalu diantarseorang pendeta. Sebetulnya, beliau adalah seorang pastor karena beliauseorang Katolik, tapi kami memanggilnya Pendeta Geovanny. rupanyasetelah sebatang kara seperti Arai, ia menjadi anak asuh sang pendeta.Namun, itu kecil sekali dan aku tak boleh timbul sebelum jeriken itupenuh. Aku megap-megap dengan bibir membiru dan mata mau

    meloncat. Arai lebih parah. Karena terlambat salat subuh, ia disuruhberlari mengelilingi masjid sambil memikul gulungan kasur. Kamiterpingkal-pingkal melihatnyaberlari seperti orang kebakaran rumah. pendeta berdarah Italia itu taksedikit pun bermaksudmengonversi keyakinan Jimbron. Beliau malah tak pernah telat jikamengantarkan Jimbron mengaji ke masjid. (p. 60)

    Mr. Geovany has different religion to his adopted son but he loves hisadopted son. This is the fact that the tolerance values have an importantrole to this story.

    3. Patience values (ability to control our self).

    We can find this value in several events in this novel, such as in this paragraph:

    Maka menerima hukuman apa pun dari Pak Mustar Jimbron ikhlas saja.Disuruh

    berakting,ya dia berakting sebaik mungkin.tak ada alasan untuk main-main.Disuruh

    membersihkan WC yang lubangnya dibanjiri bakteri ekoli,ia juga senang-senang


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    saja.Semuanya ia jalani dengan sepenuh jiwa sebab hukuman itu baginya merupakanbagian dari mata rantai nasib yang dianugerahkan sang Maha Pencipta di langit


    dan memang telah tercatat dalam buku-Nya. (p. 106)

    Jimbron is the character who has high patience. He accepts the punishment from Mr.

    Mustar patiently.

    4. The Spirit to get our desire.

    Pada saat itulah aku, Arai, dan Jimbron mengkristalisasikan harapanagung kami dalam satu statement yang sangat ambisius: cita-cita kamiadalah kami ingin sekolah ke Prancis! Ingin menginjakkan kaki di altarsuci almamater Sorbonne, ingin menjelajah Eropa sampai ke Afrika.Harapan ini selanjutnya menghantui kami setiap hari. Begitu tinggi cita-cita kami. Mengingat keadaan kami yang amat terbatas, sebenarnya

    lebih tepat citacita itu disebut impian saja. Tapi di depan tokoh karismatikseperti Pak Balia, semuanya seakan mungkin. (p.70)

    Ical, Arai and Jimbron was very excited to realize their dream and willing.

    They want to discover Europe to Africa and they begin to build their

    dream into to reality.


    Literary work always has a close relation to the society. For instance is

    Andrea Hiratas Sang Pemimpi. This novel is full of inspiration for people who read

    this story. He tries to persuade the readers to create greatest thing by their own ability.

    This novel is one of the best seller novels that inspiring many people. Moreover, the

    education values in this novel are good to be thought to our young generation in order

    to adapt these values. The life element such as love, sacrifice, patience, friendship and

    loyalty were colouring this story.

    The sociological approach has applied in analyzing this novel, especially for

    the relation between Literature to Society and on the contrary. The values in this

    novel are a fact that a literary work can influencing the society and the society can


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    influencing the literary works itself. In fact, Andrea Hirata can show us the relation

    between literary work and Society from his works.
