uddannelsesbazaren invitation 2015 - english

UddannelsesBazaren October 30 - November 1, 2015

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Page 1: UddannelsesBazaren invitation 2015 - English

UddannelsesBazarenOctober 30 - November 1, 2015

Page 2: UddannelsesBazaren invitation 2015 - English


the BazarThe UddannelsesBazar is an educational weekend for all volunteers in AFS doing their work in local chapters, the national organisation or internationally. This is a place to gather all ages, new and experienced volunteers. This year, we are happy to announce that Vincenzo Morlini, President of AFS International, will join us for the weekend.

The weekend consist of 3 hour-workshops with various subjects. Sign up and help us making this an unforgettable weekend!

We are looking forward to seeing you there! :-)

When: October 30 - November 1, 2015 Where: Langsøskolen in Silkeborg Sign Up: Deadline September 27, 2015 HERE!

Page 3: UddannelsesBazaren invitation 2015 - English

Nytænkning & IdegenereringFastholde frivillige i LF MotivationPut AFS på dit CVConflict resolutionPhotography Techniques Excel 1 (basic)Branding

Excel 2 (advanced)Unge nydanskere i AFSSamarbejdeDebriefingPresentation techniques Memo techniquesLes LanciersBranding

LokalforeningsdagBoost-shopSay YES to AFSIcebreakersMassageFordomme & Stereotyper Ung i Lokalforeningen

IKL (interkulturel læring)

Saturday afternoonSaturday morning

Sunday Saturday - all day NB 6 hours workshop!

!! Please notice that the orange workshops are in DANISH !!


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Dette er workshoppen, hvor du får lov til at lege mens du lærer! Med udgangspunkt i et koncept udviklet på Aalborg Universitet bliver du trænet i at tænke nyt og være kreativ. Vi gennemgår kort de bagvedliggende teorier og du vil derefter udføre flere øvelser, som giver dig et praktisk indblik i, hvordan du kan fortsætte med at træne din evne til at tænke nyt, når du kommer hjem igen.

På workshoppen kommer vi til at arbejde med velkendte AFS relaterede udfordringer, men finder helt nye vinkler på løsningerne. Du skal være opsat på at deltage aktivt og dette vil også sikre dig et stort udbytte af workshoppen. Desuden er det en sjov workshop, som du vil huske og kunne bruge i mange relationer i dit liv - både fagligt og personligt.

Nytænkning & Idegenerering

When: Saturday morningLanguage: DanishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 35

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Fastholde frivillige i LF

Workshoppen har fokus på hvordan I kan arbejde med at få flere frivillige, hvordan man rekrutterer nye og hvordan man sikrer at de frivillige man har, fortsat er motiverede for at være med.

Workshoppen vil have en høj grad af deltagerinvolvering - I vil komme til at arbejde med forskellige opgaver to og to og i grupper, men der vil være også være korte oplæg og staldtips til hvordan man kan gribe udfordringen an.

When: Saturday morningLanguage: DanishTarget: active in lokal chapters Pax limitations: none

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MotivationI denne workshop arbejder vi med et personligt udgangspunkt. Du bliver præsenteret for teori om motivation og via øvelser kobler vi viden om motivation til praktisk erfaring og indsigt, du kan bruge i dit eget liv. Vi undersøger hvad der motiverer, hvad der kan hæmme motivationen – og ser på, hvordan du som leder kan motivere andre.

Vi arbejder med personlig refleksion hver for sig samt diskuterer i små grupper og i fællesskab, så vi kan inspirere og dele med hinanden undervejs.

When: Saturday morningLanguage: DanishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Put AFS på dit CVHvordan får jeg alt mit frivillige arbejde ned på CV’et på en lækker måde? I denne workshop skal vi arbejde med, hvordan du skriver AFS på CV’et, formulerer de kompetencer, du har fået ved at være frivillig i AFS og hvordan du bedst muligt sælger dem til en fremtidig arbejdsgiver. Efter workshoppen skulle du meget nemt kun fortælle din bordherre/dame, hvad du har opnået ved at være frivillig i AFS eller hvilke ting du har lært gennem AFS, som gør at det er dig, de skal hyre som den nye studentermedhjælper.

I AFS har du selv indflydelse på hvilke kompetencer, du ønsker at udvikle og blive bedre til og kan være med til at udvikle de egenskaber, som passer til drømmejobbet. Vi vil arbejde med at sætte fokus på disse kompetencer og hvordan du skriver dem ned på CV’et.

When: Saturday morningLanguage: DanishTarget: Active for 1 yearPax limitations: 30

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Conflict resolution

Both outside and within AFS we find ourselves running into conflicts – be it with our colleagues, family or in a larger scale with our government or institutions.

In this workshop we will look into basic conflict management and find inspiration on and tools for handling a situation where a conflict rises.

We will especially explore how to work on conflicts in collaboration with others, as there are always two or more sides to an issue.

When: Saturday morningLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Photography techniques

Do you have a photographer hidden inside of you or do you just love to take beautiful pictures? If so, you should join this workshop.

This workshop will walk you through the steps of how a photo is created. • We will look at the creative process from idea to a

finished and published photo. • We will have a general talk on how the camera

work and give you useful tips and tricks. • We will work with natural light and how to take

advantage of it. • We will look at a photo taken by the trainer and

walk through the editing process in order to create the best result.

When: Saturday morningLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Excel 1In volunteer work Excel can be used to manage long lists of participants. In school Excel can be used to solve your math problems and in many jobs knowledge about Excel is beneficial if not required. In short Excel is used to solve many different tasks in many different situations, thereby making it a powerful tool! However all this requires that you know how to use it. So in one of two workshops you get to improve your Excel capabilities. In both workshops the emphasis will be hands on “work”, as there will not be a lot of formal education. Instead you will be given exercises (tutorials) to complete, which means that you must bring a laptop with Excel installed.

In AFS, as well as in many other places, Excel is used to store huge lists of data. The first workshop will therefore focus on how to manage such big lists and how to make them well organized and structure. This is done by working with different formatting settings, such as using data filters, setting row and columns heights, freezing rows, wrapping text, and formatting cells to their content. You will also learn to create drop down menus for cells, and how coloring the border of important cells, can increase readability when a document is printed.

When: Saturday morningLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 30

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Excel 2

When: Saturday afternoonLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 30

In volunteer work Excel can be used to manage long lists of participants. In school Excel can be used to solve your math problems and in many jobs knowledge about Excel is beneficial if not required. In short Excel is used to solve many different tasks in many different situations, thereby making it a powerful tool! However all this requires that you know how to use it. So in one of two workshops you get to improve your Excel capabilities. In both workshops the emphasis will be hands on “work”, as there will not be a lot of formal education. Instead you will be given exercises (tutorials) to complete, which means that you must bring a laptop with Excel installed.

In the second workshop it is an advantage if you have worked a bit with excel before, as this workshop will dig a little deeper with some of the functions and tools available in excel. In this workshop you will learn about pivot tables and “IF” statements, which are used in excel functions such as “CountIF” and “SumIF”.

You do not need to do both workshops – choose the one that fits your Excel knowledge and needs!

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Kan du bruge din interkulturelle forståelse til at engagere nydanskere i vores (forenings)liv?

AFS bygger på interkulturel forståelse, hvilket både bliver skabt lokalt, nationalt og internationalt. Vores forening bliver skabt af frivillige og deltagere, men hvordan kan AFS Interkultur blive endnu bedre til at fremme den interkulturelle forståelse i Danmark, samt skabe en større integration og diversitet af kulturer i vores foreningsliv? Både lokalt og nationalt!

Konsulenter fra DUF (Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd) vil sætte scenen for workshoppen med et erfaringsoplæg for derefter at kaste deltagerne ud i konkrete øvelser, som udfordrer deltagerne til at kigge på værdier og omstillingsparathed internt i organisationen.

Unge nydanskere i AFS

When: Saturday afternoonLanguage: DanishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Vi samarbejder alle på kryds og tværs og i et utal af konstellationer – i vores fritid, på vores arbejde eller studie og med vores nære relationer. Hvad skal der til, for at et samarbejde fungerer – og hvordan kan vi gøre eksisterende samarbejder endnu bedre?

Via praktiske øvelser lærer du at blive bevidst om din personlige rolle, kommunikation og dine reaktionsmønstre i samarbejdet. Og at kunne genkende det i andre. Et godt grundlag for fremover at kunne afværge konflikter og navigere med større overskud i samarbejdssituationer. Noget der kommer både dig og de mennesker, du samarbejder med, til gode.


When: Saturday afternoonLanguage: DanishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 28

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DebriefingAs an active volunteer you will find that for the largest part of your time you are working with other people, be it in a large team or in pairs. Keeping that in mind you will also find yourself in the situation of being a leader!

Now leaders are no different from others besides the fact that they have to take responsibility of other people and their well being in a project.

In this workshop we will explore the importance of being able to empathise and at the same time lead a debriefing or an evaluation – skills that are also of value outside of AFS!

Developing leadership skills

When: Saturday afternoonLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Presentation techniques

Does your heart rate increase and are your palms getting sweaty just before you have to give a speech in front of a large audience?

How to get started? What if your mind freezes? And how to present the subject and content in a persuasive, entertaining and informative way?

This workshop will give you good tips and tricks that will enable you to give a confident presentation or speech whether it is at the family dinner, the oral exam or a presentation of known or unknown material.

Take the challenge and improve your presentation skills!

When: Saturday afternoonLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 30

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Memo techniquesThis workshop will help you to create structure and give an overview of you daily life, may it be at work, your studies or your volunteer work.

We are going to explore the concept of memory and how we may help our brain to become better at memorising things during the day. You will learn about mindmaps and other techniques for increasing the memory and soon you will be able to remember everything you have planed to remember.

The workshop will be a mix of presentations, dialogue and lots of exercises. 

The trainer is a professional mind coach named Mads Brøbech from Brughjernen (Use the brain, red.)

When: Saturday afternoonLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 30

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Les LanciersLes Lanciers came to Denmark in the middle of the 18th century and it became a very popular social dance across the country. It is nowadays widely used in high schools as a social dance for galas.

Les Lanciers is a very popular dance among the exchange students who spend a year in Denmark but due to many different variations of the dance it has been a challenge for the volunteers to find a common variation.

The national hosting commit has therefore decided to AFSify the dance in order to make sure that each volunteer will have the same style. This workshop is not just a break where you will have the change to dance but it is a workshop that will teach you the noble dance of Les Lanciers with the focus of being able to share and teach this fun tradition with others.

When: Saturday afternoonLanguage: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Hvad er AFS og hvordan sætter man lige ord på det, vi alle er en del af? Vi har brug for jeres erfaringer og oplevelser af, hvad det vil sige at være AFS´er. Kom med input til, hvordan vi bliver endnu bedre til at brande og formidle AFS - og ikke mindst det, som gør AFS unik. Det kommer til at handle om: • Det unikke ved AFS - hvordan skiller vi os ud? • Grundfortællingen om AFS - hvad står vi for, hvad laver vi og hvad bliver man

en del af? • AFS-oplevelsen - hvordan oplever de forskellige grupper, der er en del af

vores programmer, det særlige ved AFS. • Billeder og ord på AFS - hvordan vi understøtter vores budskaber visuelt og

sprogligt - ideer til hvordan vi rammer vores forskellige målgrupper?

Hvorfor skal du med på denne workshop? Alle inputs vil blive brugt i arbejdet med at markedsføre AFS og fortælle om de fantastiske oplevelser man får som AFS´er - som frivillig i AFS, som AFS udvekslingsstudent eller som værtsfamilie. Det er et kæmpe stykke arbejde og vil i sidste ende gøre dig og alle andre i stand til at sætte ord på det, vi alle går og laver og tænker.


When: Saturday morning and afternoonLanguage: DanishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Lokalforeningsdagen er for dig som er aktiv i din lokalforening og gerne vil blive klogere på hvordan andre gør samt møde nogle af alle de andre fra lokalforeningerne. Programmet for i år: • Besøg af Vincenzo Morlini (AFS præsident) • Evaluering

• Afskedslejr • Regionaluddannelse

• Ranum Efterskole v. Aalborg Lokalforening • Mini ophold for NH15 – hvem bytter med hvem? • Værtsfamilie rekruttering

• Matrix for SH16 og NH16 • Reserveringssystemer ifm. decentral placering • Task force – præsentation af værktøjskasse • Idéer til nye værktøjer (diskussion i plenum)

• Orientering IKL + World Cafe • Sommeraktiviteter for SH16-deltagere • Kick-off VF NH16. Præsentation af VF-rekrutteringsaktiviteter fra

Sekretariat og efterfølgende diskussion på regionsplan om muligheder for samarbejde, brug af værktøjer fra Taskforce mm


When: Sunday Language: DanishTarget: active in the local chapter Pax limitations: none

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Boost-shopIn this dialogue based workshop we will talk about self confidence. We will discuss when and where you loose confidence in yourself, why this happens and how we can overcome it. We will talk about fear. Furthermore we will focus on preparation, sparring and feedback.

We will focus on ourselves - so be prepared to share personal experiences with the other participants. The goal is to learn more about ourselves so we will become more comfortable and confident in any situation and thereby perform better!

When: Sunday Language: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Say YES to AFS

When: Sunday Language: EnglishTarget: everyone Pax limitations: 20

How do you get a yes? Something most of us face each day at work, in school, in our relationship or when persuading friends to help us move.

This workshop will help you to get a YES and gives you the techniques behind a YES. Getting a YES can be useful in many situations, both private and as an AFS volunteer. As a volunteer we often have to get a YES from host families, participants, etc. The workshop will use your experiences on challenges in AFS work when needing a YES and give you the tools to spread the word, tell our story, get new members and make AFS thrive.

The workshop will use the following to help you to get a YES. • The perfect pitch • The Art of Storytelling: Learning by doing • How to get a yes – a numbers’ game?  • Oh no – She said NO – How not to take a no personal?So learn how to get a YES at work or home and how this may inspire others to say YES to AFS

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IcebreakersInclusion is a very important part of any volunteer community and one of the best and easiest ways to connect people is to play games. Playing games can break the ice, loosen up tongues and create a great sense of unity in a group of strangers.

In this workshop we will discuss the importance of inclusion and how games are often a perfect tool for the job. We will help you match the right activity to the right group and try to get you into the mindset of an inclusive volunteer.

We are going to learn all that and more through observing, discussing and of course playing heaps of games!

Inclusion through teambuilding and energizers

When: Sunday Language: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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MassageDo you want to escape reality for a couple of hours? And do you need to relax? Did you dance so crazily Saturday night that your whole body aches on Sunday?

If you answered yes to one of the previous questions, you need to participate in the massage workshop!

You’ll get an introduction to massage, different techniques and last but not least try your skills on others as well as yourself.

When: Sunday Language: EnglishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 30

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“Alle sydamerikanere er larmende”, “Alle sønderjyder er nogle bonderøve” og “Alle med en universitetsuddannelse er nogle snobber”.

Er du selv blevet puttet i en boks, du ikke synes du hører til i eller måske lagt mærke til, at de fordomme du havde om en anden, viste sig at være helt forkert? Hvor kommer fordommene om stereotyperne fra, hvad kan vi bruge dem til og kan vi gøre noget ved det?

I AFS prøver vi at komme fordommene til livs, for at forstå hinanden og verden bedre. Hvilken indflydelse har denne kategorisering i vores hverdag og er det en god eller dårlig ting? Kan vi bekæmpe fordommene eller kan vi rent faktisk  bruge dem til noget? Vi vil undersøge disse spørgsmål i workshoppen og blive klogere på os selv, hinanden og alle vores fordomme.

Fordomme & Stereotyper

When: Sunday Language: DanishTarget: everyonePax limitations: 25

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Har du lyst til at møde en masse spændende mennesker fra hele verden? Kan du godt lide at tage ansvar og gøre en forskel? Er du på udkig efter nogle fede oplevelser? Og vil du gerne gøre en forskel i din lokalforening? ... men ved du ikke helt, hvordan du skal komme i gang? Så er dette lige det, du har brug for!

I løbet af workshoppen vil vi tale om de forskellige opgaver, som lokalforeningerne varetager, hvilke muligheder der er og hvordan du kan påvirke, hvad der skal ske i din lokalforening. Der er jo tusindevis af muligheder, så det handler om at være kreativ!

De overordnede emner på workshoppen bliver: • Lokalforeningsarbejde • Interview og hjemmebesøg • Arrangementer i lokalforeningen • Vidensdeling • (evt andet som I vælger at fokusere på….)

Du vil møde mange andre unge frivillige som du kan dele dine spændende ideer med eller få inspiration fra andre unge til, hvad du lige skal gøre for, at få din lokalforening op på næste niveau. AFS bygger på frivillige og vi har brug for alle både unge og gamle i det lokale for at skabe et stærkt AFS.

Ung i Lokalforeningen

When: Sunday Language: DanishTarget: young active in the local chapter Pax limitations: none

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Arbejder du med værtsfamilier og udvekslingsstudenter i en lokalforening? På denne workshop går vi i dybden med, hvordan interkulturel forståelse kan inddrages i arbejdet med værtsfamilier og udvekslingsstudenter.

Vi kommer på workshoppen til at arbejde med: • Hvordan vi forstår kultur og forskelligheder inden for forskellige

kulturgrupper. • Kulturtilpasning. Hvad sker der i løbet af et udvekslingsophold,

hvordan tilpasser deltagerne og værtsfamilierne sig til hinandens kulturer.

• Konflikthåndtering i kulturmøder. Vi præsenterer en god konfliktløsningsmodel, der kan bruges når der opstår konflikter mellem udvekslingsstudenter og værtsfamilier. Vi arbejder også med kommunikationsformer i forskellige kulturer, da det kan have stor betydning for, hvordan værtsfamilier og deltagere går til konflikter.

Vores erfaringer viser, at mere fokus på forståelse af kultur, gavner både værtsfamilier, lokalforeninger og udvekslingsstudenter.

IKLInterkulturel forståelse i arbejdet m.

værtsfamilier & udvekslingsstudenter

When: ALL of Saturday Language: DanishTarget: everyonePax limitations: none

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Which workshops to choose?

Are you in doubt about what workshop to choose or do you need more information about the workshop?

Look for the language specifications to make sure you can participate. If you are able to speak and understand Danish you are welcome to join one of the Danish workshops as well.

If you need more help you are welcome to write us at [email protected]. We will try to assist you in the best way possible.

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Langsøskolen Hejrevej 25

8600 Silkeborg

Danhostel SilkeborgÅhavevej 55

8600 Silkeborg

UddannelsesBazaren takes place at a school.

Participants younger than 30 years will be accommodated at the school in classrooms with 25-30 other volunteers. This is where most of the participants stay and where you want to stay to gain the full experience of a weekend. You will be able to request an air mattress when signing up but you have to bring your own sleeping bag.

Participants older than 30 years can choose to stay at the school. We will have special 30+-sleeping rooms were there won’t be more than 10 people sleeping. You will be able to request an air mattress when signing up but you have to bring your own sleeping bag.

You can also choose to stay in 4-people hostel room nearby but there are a limited number of rooms and we will give them away to those who need it the most.


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Participation fee

AFS Denmark is paying 2 participant fees for each country but you must coordinate with your national AFS organisation to know if you are entitled for the free participation.

The fee for participation in the UddannelsesBazar is 50 Euros. Please make a bank transfer to our Euro account with the following remark:

UDBZ “Your Name; Your Country Code” Our banking information is as follows: SWIFT/BIC: DABA DKKK IBAN: DK813 000 330 667 4986

Make sure that you pay for your domestic bank transfer costs. AFS Interkultur will cover the Danish bank costs. The payment must be transferred to our account before September 27. You may pay as a group, but should inform us by email before doing so.

The fee will cover food, trainings and domestic travel in Denmark. More details on domestic travel will come by email.

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TravelYou are responsible for and must pay for all transportation to and from Denmark. This also means that you have to make sure that you have a visa if needed.

If you are planning to fly to Copenhagen there will be arranged transportation to and from the school. You have to be able to be at Copenhagen Central Station (Hovedbanegården) no later than 5 pm on October 30, 2015 where the bus will pick you up.

If you are planning to fly to another destination you may use this travel planner to find a domestic travel to and from the school. This may also help you if you are arriving earlier and need to get to the Copenhagen Central Station.

The camp will end around 3:30 pm and you will be at Copenhagen Central Station around 7 pm or 8 pm November 1, 2015. So do not book a flight where you have to leave earlier. No matter what! Do not buy any tickets before you have got a confirmation mail from us saying that you are signed up!

You will have to pay for the domestic tickets yourself and get a refund at the camp.

Please write an email if you have any questions or need help regarding travel at [email protected]

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Need an extra night in Denmark?

It may be easier for you to arrive a day before the camp or leave a day later in order to be able to get cheaper tickets or just be able to catch a flight. You may also want to visit Copenhagen.

We try to help you by asking everyone when signing up if they would like to host someone for a night but we can not guarantee that it is possible.

We therefore recommend that you post a request on the Uddannelsesbazar’s facebook page in order to tell everyone that you need help.

We will post on the facebook page if someone have said yes to hosting and you may then yourself make the arrangements.

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Application!Read all the workshop descriptions and choose which ones you would like to sign up for

Sign up HERE!

Remember - it is first serve first come. There are only a limited number of workshops in English and they are not exclusively for international participants.

Application deadline is September 27, 2015If you have any questions, please write us an email at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you

Best regards The UddannelsesBazar Prep Team

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