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Introduction to Google Ads


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Introduction to Google Ads

(ADW101 version 4.0.0)

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The Author

Margaux Judge (Editor)

Margaux Judge has worked as an e-learning editor and instructional designer forover ten years, writing and editing a wide variety of courses, from technical topicsto soft skills. She has a Bachelor's degree in English and Textual Studies fromSyracuse University and a Master's degree in Television Writing from BostonUniversity.


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Table of Contents1. Overview of Search Engine Marketing................................................1

Understanding Search Engine Marketing (SEM)..............................................1Snapshot of SEM Industry........................................................................1Advantages of SEM over Other Marketing Methods.................................1

Introduction to SEM Terminology......................................................................2Definitions and Significance of Important Parameters..............................2

Exercise 1: Building SEM Vocabulary...............................................................3Organic vs. Paid Traffic.....................................................................................5Marketing Plan 101...........................................................................................5

Differentiate Your Services........................................................................54Ps of Marketing.......................................................................................5Target and Segment Your Audiences........................................................5Understand Your Customers' Pain Points..................................................5

Exercise 2: Online Marketing Plan....................................................................6

2. Introduction to Google Ads..................................................................9

Getting Started with Google Ads......................................................................9Step 1: Signing Up for Google Ads...........................................................9Step 2: Verify your account......................................................................10Step 3: Set Up Your First Campaign........................................................11Step 4: Set Your Billing Preference and Time Zone Information..............13

Navigating through Google Ads......................................................................15User Interface Elements..........................................................................15Campaigns Page.....................................................................................15Reports Page..........................................................................................16Tools........................................................................................................16Billing & Payments Tab (under the Tools button).....................................16Account Settings (under the Tools button)..............................................17

Exercise 3: Quiz..............................................................................................18Understanding Google Ads Account Structure...............................................21

Ads Account............................................................................................21Campaign Level......................................................................................21Ad Groups Level.....................................................................................22

Exercise 4: Account Setup: Part I ...................................................................23Access Management......................................................................................25Exercise 5: Access Management....................................................................26

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3. Working with Keywords......................................................................31

Building Keyword Strategy .............................................................................31Keyword Discovery and Keyword Research...................................................31

Keyword Discovery..................................................................................31Keyword Research .................................................................................32

Leveraging the Google Keyword Planner Tool................................................32Demo for the Google Keyword Planner..........................................................33Exercise 6: Keyword Brainstorming................................................................34Focusing and Targeting Keywords..................................................................37

Broad Match............................................................................................37Phrase Match..........................................................................................37Exact Match ...........................................................................................37Setting Up Negative Keywords................................................................37

Exercise 7: Keyword Match Type....................................................................39

4. Writing Ads in Google Ads.................................................................41

Writing Effective Ads in Google Ads...............................................................41Call to Action...........................................................................................41Value Proposition....................................................................................41

Review of Google's Guidelines ......................................................................42Understanding Google's Text-Ad Structure.....................................................43Exercise 8: Analyzing Ads...............................................................................45Exercise 9: Writing Effective Ads: Part I..........................................................47Exercise 10: Writing Effective Ads: Part II.......................................................48

5. Creating and Managing Your Ad Campaigns....................................51

Creating Ad Campaigns..................................................................................52Creating Ad Groups........................................................................................54Exercise 11: Practice Campaign.....................................................................55Managing Campaign Settings.........................................................................56

6. Google Ads Reporting and Account Performance...........................57

Reports...........................................................................................................57Generating Reports in Google Ads.................................................................57

The Report Editor....................................................................................58Exercise 12: Working with Reports.................................................................60

7. Integrating Google Analytics with Google Ads................................63

Tracking Online Marketing Campaigns through Google Analytics..................63Introduction to Ads Reports in Google Analytics............................................64

Overview of Report Structure..................................................................64Ads Campaigns Report...........................................................................64

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Table of Contents


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Overview of Search Engine Marketing1.

In this lesson, you will learn...

1. Fundamental concepts of online marketing.2. The significance and importance of search engine marketing.3. Common terminology.4. About organic versus paid traffic.

Understanding Search Engine Marketing (SEM)1.1

Snapshot of SEM Industry

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising started gaining momentum in 1998; at that time, itwas difficult for experts to predict if the PPC medium would succeed or not.

According to researchers, SEM accounts for a large percentage of all advertisingdollars spent.

Google alone has around 67 percent market share in the SEM industry.

Advantages of SEM over Other Marketing Methods

Relevance: This is a highly targeted approach toward marketing. Your ad is displayedto only those people who are searching for products/services that you want to market.

Conversion vs. Exposure: Advertisers have to pay only when a prospect clicks ontheir ads, and there is no charge for displaying your ad on a search engine. Thus,the emphasis is on conversion and not exposure.

Control:Ability to measure conversions and cost per conversion, manage dailybudget, and measure ad performance allows more control over your marketingefforts.

Simplicity: Do-it-yourself model allows small businesses to start marketingcampaigns without the huge overhead cost associated with traditional marketingcampaigns.

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Overview of Search Engine Marketing


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Introduction to SEM Terminology1.2

Definitions and Significance of Important Parameters


Pay-per-click is a pricing model an advertiser gets chargedeach time a prospect clicks on the advertiser's ad.


Cost-per-click is the amount you'll actually pay for a clickon your ad.


Your actual ad content (i.e., four lines of text in Google Ads).Creative

Search engine results page.SERP

Number of times your ad has been displayed by a searchengine; represents visibility.


Click-through rate = clicks divided by impressions; measureof relevancy.


The position of a keyword-targeted ad on SERP.Ad Rank

Quality Score is a measure of relevancy. There are severaltypes of Quality Scores (e.g., for ad, for keyword).

Quality Score

Google's partner network (websites, blogs, etc.) where aGoogle Ads ad can be displayed based on content themesrather than specific keywords.

Google ContentNetwork

How many times someone clicked on your ad to visit yoursite.


Average amount you paid per click on your ad.Avg. CPC

Maximum amount you are willing to pay when someoneclicks on your ad.


Average position of your ad on the SERP. Varies dependingon your ad performance.

Avg. Pos.

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Building SEM VocabularyExercise 115 to 20 minutes

Match each parameter below with its definition.


Google Ads ad that you wrote.CPC

Average amount spent on bringing visitors to your landing page.Impression

Number of times someone clicked the ad.Avg. CPC

Single instance of SERP that contains your ad.Clicks

Amount of money you agreed to pay per click.CTR

Money you spend on clicks.Creative

Clicks divided by impressions.Cost

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Exercise Solution

1. CPC - amount of money you agreed to pay per click.2. Impression - single instance of SERP that contains your ad.3. Avg. CPC - average amount spent on bringing visitors to your landing page.4. Clicks - number of times someone clicked the ad.5. CTR - clicks divided by impressions X 100.6. Cost - money you spend on clicks.7. Creative - Google Ads ad that you wrote.

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Organic vs. Paid Traffic1.3

Search engines rely on complex ranking algorithms to decide the search result rankof any website. This process is dynamic and rankings are continuously updated.

Search engines also use "spiders" or "web crawlers" to gather information aboutyour site and bring it back to be analyzed by a powerful central engine.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to a diverse set of activities that you canperform to increase the number of desirable visitors who come to your website viasearch engines, which is also referred to as organic medium.

In contrast to organic medium, a paid medium is one in which you are paying tobring visitors to your website.

Marketing Plan 1011.4

Below we'll discuss points you should consider before you start your online marketingcampaign.

Differentiate Your Services

Identify what makes your products/services unique.

4Ps of Marketing

1. Product/Services: functionality, brand, etc.2. Price: discount, bundling. etc.3. Promotions: call to action, compelling reasons to buy your products.4. Place: distribution, where do you want to market.

Target and Segment Your Audiences

First identify your audience on a global scale and then decide if you want to focuson a particular segment.

Understand Your Customers' Pain Points

Think in terms of your customers' pain points and how your product/services isgoing to solve your customers' problems (e.g., instead of saying "'rapid weight lossprogram" in your marketing message it will be more effective if you say "Get inshape for your wedding in a week").

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Online Marketing PlanExercise 215 to 30 minutes

Take a moment to think about your business. List the differentiating factors, targetaudiences, and selling points unique to your business.

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Conclusion1.5In this lesson, you have learned:

1. Fundamental concepts of online marketing.2. The significance and importance of search engine marketing.3. Common terminology.4. About organic versus paid traffic.

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Creating and Managing Your AdCampaigns


In this lesson, you will learn...

1. How to create ad campaigns.2. How to create Ad Groups.3. How to manage your campaign settings.

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Creating and Managing Your Ad Campaigns


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Creating Ad Campaigns5.1

At this point, we have worked with all the elements within Google Ads and createdthe essential building blocks of an Ads campaign. Now we will cover how you putthem all together in your Ads account.

Step 1: If this is your first campaign, then you can click Create your first campaignbutton to start building your campaign.

If this is not your first campaign in your Google Ads account, then first navigate tothe Campaigns page. Click on the + button as shown in the following screenshot,and then select New campaign:

Step 2: You can choose your campaign settings (name for your new campaign,audience language, location, network settings, bidding and budget options, etc.) asshown in the following example:

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Creating and Managing Your Ad Campaigns


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Select a campaign type from the options shown:

Follow the prompts for the campaign you selected. You will need to provide thefollowing basic information to create your campaign:

1. Provide a name for your campaign (e.g., Promote Services).2. Select the language your ad will be written in and the locations where you want

your ads to appear (location of potential customers).3. Select where you want your ad to appear. For this course, we want to select

Google's search results. You have an option to select devices on which youwant your ad to appear. For this course, use the default setting (i.e., Ads willshow on all available devices by default).

4. Enter the amount you're willing to spend on average each day for this adcampaign. Your budget will help determine how many times your ad can beshown each day.

5. Click the Create Campaign button at the bottom of the page.

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Creating and Managing Your Ad Campaigns


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Creating Ad Groups5.2

You can use ad groups to organize your marketing initiatives.

Here is how you will create an ad groups with a campaign. Once you complete allthe steps listed in the previous section, you will be taken to the following screen:

You will need to provide the following basic information to create your ad group:

1. Enter your landing page.2. Provide a name for your ad group (e.g., Promote LED TVs).3. Enter the amount for your default bid. This is the maximum amount you're

willing to pay each time a user clicks your ad.4. Provide the list of keywords for this particular ad group.5. Click the Create Ad Group button at the bottom of the page.

You are all set. Your ads should begin showing on Google shortly. To view yourads as they would appear on a regular Google search results page without accruingextra impressions in your account, you can use Ad Preview and Diagnosis on theTools tab.

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Creating and Managing Your Ad Campaigns


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Practice CampaignExercise 1115 to 20 minutes

Create ad campaigns for the catering company and the bike store discussed in theprevious chapter. If you were also thinking about your own business needs, pleasedevelop a draft campaign for your business, as well.

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Creating and Managing Your Ad Campaigns


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Managing Campaign Settings5.3

To edit, pause, remove, or resume a campaign:

1. Navigate to the Campaigns page.2. Next to the campaign name, click the status icon and select the new status for

that campaign (Enabled, Paused, or Removed).3. To change the status of multiple campaigns, select the check boxes next to the

campaigns you want to update. From the Change status drop-down menu,select the new status.

Note: If you have only one campaign in your account, you may pause or enable it,but not remove it.

Conclusion5.4In this lesson, you have learned:

1. How to create your first ad campaigns.2. How to create Ad Groups.3. How to manage your campaign settings.

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Creating and Managing Your Ad Campaigns


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