understanding jewish influence ii

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  • 8/8/2019 Understanding Jewish Influence II



    Understanding Jewish Influence II:

    Zionism and the Internal Dynamics of Judaism

    Kevin MacDonald

    The history of Zionism illustrates a dynamic within the Jewish community in which the most

    radical elements end up pulling the entire community in their direction. Zionism began among

    the most ethnocentric Eastern European Jews and had explicitly racialist and nationalist

    overtones. However, Zionism was viewed as dangerous among the wider Jewish community,especially the partially assimilated Jews in Western countries, because it opened Jews up to

    charges of disloyalty and because the Zionists open racialism and ethnocentric nationalism

    conflicted with the assimilationist strategy then dominant among Western Jews. Zionist activists

    eventually succeeded in making Zionism a mainstream Jewish movement, due in large part to the

    sheer force of numbers of the Eastern European vanguard. Over time, the more militant,expansionist Zionists (the Jabotinskyists, the Likud Party, fundamentalists, and West Bank

    settlers) have won the day and have continued to push for territorial expansion within Israel. This

    has led to conflicts with Palestinians and a widespread belief among Jews that Israel itself is

    threatened. The result has been a heightened group consciousness among Jews and ultimately

    support for Zionist extremism among the entire organized American Jewish community.

    In the first part of this series I discussed Jewish ethnocentrism as a central trait influencing the

    success of Jewish activism.1 In the contemporary world, the most important example of Jewish

    ethnocentrism and extremism is Zionism. In fact, Zionism is incredibly important. As of this

    writing, the United States has recently accomplished the destruction of the Iraqi regime, and it is

    common among influential Jews to advocate war between the United States and the entireMuslim world. In a recent issue ofCommentary (an influential journal published by the

    American Jewish Committee), editor Norman Podhoretz states, The regimes that richly deserve

    to be overthrown and replaced are not confined to the three singled-out members of the axis of

    evil [i.e., Iraq, Iran, and North Korea]. At a minimum, the axis should extend to Syria and

    Lebanon and Libya, as well as friends of America like the Saudi royal family and EgyptsHosni Mubarak, along with the Palestinian Authority, whether headed by Arafat or one of his

    henchmen.2 More than anything else, this is a list of countries that Israel doesnt like, and, as I

    discuss in the third part of this series, intensely committed Zionists with close links to Israel

    occupy prominent positions in the Bush administration, especially in the Department of Defense

    and on the staff of Vice President Dick Cheney. The long-term consequence of Zionism is thatthe U.S. is on the verge of attempting to completely transform the Arab/Muslim world to

    produce governments that accept Israel and whatever fate it decides for the Palestinians, and,

    quite possibly, to set the stage for further Israeli expansionism.

    Zionism is an example of an important principle in Jewish history: At all the turning points, it is

    the more ethnocentric elementsone might term them the radicalswho have determined thedirection of the Jewish community and eventually won the day.3 As recounted in the Books of

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    Ezra and Nehemiah, the Jews who returned to Israel after the Babylonian captivity energetically

    rid the community of those who had intermarried with the racially impure remnant left behind.

    Later, during the period of Greek dominance, there was a struggle between the pro-Greek

    assimilationists and the more committed Jews, who came to be known as Maccabeans.

    At that time there appeared in Israel a group of renegade Jews, who incited the people. Let usenter into a covenant with the Gentiles round about, they said, because disaster upon disaster

    has overtaken us since we segregated ourselves from them. The people thought this a good

    argument, and some of them in their enthusiasm went to the king and received authority to

    introduce non-Jewish laws and customs. They built a sports stadium in the gentile style in

    Jerusalem. They removed their marks of circumcision and repudiated the holy covenant. Theyintermarried with Gentiles, and abandoned themselves to evil ways.4

    The victory of the Maccabeans reestablished Jewish law and put an end to assimilation. The

    Book of Jubilees, written during this period, represents the epitome of ancient Jewish

    nationalism, in which God represents the national interests of the Jewish people in dominating all

    other peoples of the world:

    I am the God who created heaven and earth. I shall increase you, and multiply you exceedingly;

    and kings shall come from you and shall rule wherever the foot of the sons of man has trodden. I

    shall give to your seed all the earth which is under heaven, and they shall rule over all the nations

    according to their desire; and afterwards they shall draw the whole earth to themselves and shallinherit it forever.5

    A corollary of this is that throughout history in times of trouble there has been an upsurge in

    religious fundamentalism, mysticism, and messianism.6

    For example, during the 1930s in

    Germany liberal Reform Jews became more conscious of their Jewish identity, increased their

    attendance at synagogue, and returned to more traditional observance (including a reintroductionof Hebrew). Many of them became Zionists.7As I will discuss in the following, every crisis in

    Israel has resulted in an increase in Jewish identity and intense mobilization of support for Israel.

    Today the people who are being rooted out of the Jewish community are Jews living in the

    Diaspora who do not support the aims of the Likud Party in Israel. The overall argument here is

    that Zionism is an example of the trajectory of Jewish radicalism. The radical movement beginsamong the more committed segments of the Jewish community, then spreads and eventually

    becomes mainstream within the Jewish community; then the most extreme continue to push the

    envelope (e.g., the settlement movement on the West Bank), and other Jews eventually follow

    because the more extreme positions come to define the essence of Jewish identity. An important

    part of the dynamic is that Jewish radicalism tends to result in conflicts with non-Jews, with theresult that Jews feel threatened, become more group-oriented, and close ranks against the

    enemyan enemy seen as irrationally and incomprehensibly anti-Jewish. Jews who fail to go

    along with what is now a mainstream position are pushed out of the community, labeled self-

    hating Jews or worse, and relegated to impotence.

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    Table 1:

    Jewish Radicals Eventually Triumph within the

    Jewish Community: The Case of Zionism

    1. Zionism began among the more ethnocentric, committed segments of the Jewishcommunity (1880s).

    2. Then it spread and became mainstream within the Jewish community despite its riskiness.

    (1940s). Supporting Zionism comes to define what being Jewish is.

    3. Then the most extreme among the Zionists continued to push the envelope (e.g., the

    settlement movement on the West Bank; constant pressure on border areas in Israel).4. Jewish radicalism tends to result in conflicts with non-Jews (e.g., the settlement

    movement); violence (e.g., intifadas) and other expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment

    increase.5. Jews in general feel threatened and close ranks against what they see as yet another

    violent, incomprehensible manifestation of the eternally violent hatred of Jews. Thisreaction is the result of psychological mechanisms of ethnocentrism: Moral particularism,

    self-deception, and social identity.

    6. In the U.S., this effect is accentuated because committed, more intensely ethnocentric

    Jews dominate Jewish activist groups.

    7. Jews who fail to go along with what is now a mainstream position are pushed out of thecommunity, labeled self-hating Jews or worse, and relegated to impotence.

    Origins of Zionism in Ethnic Conflict in Eastern Europe

    The origins of Zionism and other manifestations of the intense Jewish dynamism of the twentiethcentury lie in the Yiddish-speaking world of Eastern Europe in the early nineteenth century.

    Originally invited in by nobles as estate managers, toll farmers, bankers, and moneylenders, Jews

    in Poland expanded into commerce and then into artisanry, so that there came to be competition

    between Jews and non-Jewish butchers, bakers, blacksmiths, shoemakers, and tailors. This

    produced the typical resource-based anti-Jewish attitudes and behavior so common throughoutJewish history.8 Despite periodic restrictions and outbursts of hostility, Jews came to dominate

    the entire economy apart from agricultural labor and the nobility. Jews had an advantage in the

    competition in trade and artisanry because they were able to control the trade in raw materialsand sell at lower prices to coethnics.


    This increasing economic domination went along with a great increase in the population of Jews.Jews not only made up large percentages of urban populations, they increasingly migrated to

    small towns and rural areas. In short, Jews had overshot their economic niche: The economy was

    unable to support this burgeoning Jewish population in the sorts of positions that Jews had

    traditionally filled, with the result that a large percentage of the Jewish population became mired

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    in poverty. The result was a cauldron of ethnic hostility, with the government placing various

    restrictions on Jewish economic activity; rampant anti-Jewish attitudes; and increasing Jewish


    The main Jewish response to this situation was an upsurge of fundamentalist extremism that

    coalesced in the Hasidic movement and, later in the nineteenth century, into political radicalismand Zionism as solutions to Jewish problems. Jewish populations in Eastern Europe had the

    highest rate of natural increase of any European population in the nineteenth century, with a

    natural increase of 120,000 per year in the 1880s and an overall increase within the Russian

    Empire from one to six million in the course of the nineteenth century.10

    Anti-Semitism and the

    exploding Jewish population, combined with economic adversity, were of critical importance forproducing the sheer numbers of disaffected Jews who dreamed of deliverance in various

    messianic movementsthe ethnocentric mysticism of the Kabbala, Zionism, or the dream of a

    Marxist political revolution.

    Religious fanaticism and messianic expectations have been a typical Jewish response to hard

    times throughout history.


    For example, in the eighteenth-century Ottoman Empire there wasan unmistakable picture of grinding poverty, ignorance, and insecurity12 among Jews that, in

    the context of high levels of anti-Semitism, effectively prevented Jewish upward mobility. These

    phenomena were accompanied by the prevalence of mysticism and a high fertility rate among

    Jews, which doubtlessly exacerbated the problems.

    The Jewish population explosion in Eastern Europe in the context of poverty and politically

    imposed restrictions on Jews was responsible for the generally destabilizing effects of Jewish

    radicalism in Eastern Europe and Russia up to the revolution. These conditions also had spillover

    effects in Germany, where the negative attitudes toward the immigrant Ostjuden (Eastern Jews)

    and their foreign, clannish ways contributed to the anti-Semitism of the period.13

    In the United

    States, radical political beliefs held by a great many Jewish immigrants and their descendantspersisted even in the absence of difficult economic and political conditions and have had a

    decisive influence on U.S. political and cultural history into the present. The persistence of these

    beliefs influenced the general political sensibility of the Jewish community and has had a

    destabilizing effect on American society, ranging from the paranoia of the McCarthy era to thetriumph of the 1960s countercultural revolution.14 In the contemporary world, the descendants of

    these religious fundamentalists constitute the core of the settler movement and other

    manifestations of Zionist extremism in Israel.

    The hypothesis pursued here is that Jewish population dynamics beginning in the nineteenth

    century resulted in a feed-forward dynamic: Increasing success in economic competition led toincreased population. This in turn led to anti-Jewish reactions and eventually to Jewish

    overpopulation, poverty, anti-Jewish hostility, and religious fanaticism as a response to external

    threat. In this regard, Jewish populations are quite the opposite of European populations, in

    which there is a long history of curtailing reproduction in the face of perceived scarcity of


    This may be analyzed in terms of the individualism/collectivism dimension, whichprovides a general contrast between Jewish and European culture:16 Individualists curtail

    reproduction in response to adversity in order to better their own lives, whereas a group-oriented

    culture such as Judaism responds to adversity by strengthening group ties; forming groups with

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    charismatic leaders and a strong sense of ingroup and outgroup; adopting mystical, messianic

    ideologies; and increasing their fertilityall of which lead to greater conflict.

    There is an association between religious or ethnic fanaticism and fertility, and it is quite

    common for competing ethnic groups to increase their fertility in response to perceived external



    Ethnic activists respond to the perceived need to increase the numbers of their group inseveral ways, including exhorting coethnics to reproduce early and often, banning birth control

    and abortions, curtailing female employment in order to free women for the task of reproducing,

    and providing financial incentives. In the contemporary world, Jewish activists both within Israel

    and in the Diaspora have been strong advocates of increasing Jewish fertility, motivated by the

    threat of intermarriage in the Diaspora, the threat of wars with Israels neighbors, and as areaction to Jewish population losses stemming from the Holocaust. Pro-natalism has deep

    religious significance for Jews as a religious commandment.18 Within Israel, there is a

    nationwide obsession with fertility, as indicated by the highest rate of in-vitro fertilization

    clinics in the worldone for every 28,000 citizens. This is more than matched by the

    Palestinians. Originating in the same group-oriented, collectivist culture area as the Jews, the

    Palestinians have the highest birth rate in the world and have been strongly attracted tocharismatic leaders, messianic religious ideology, and desperate, suicidal solutions for their

    political problems.19

    For the Jews, the religious fundamentalism characteristic of Eastern Europe from around 18001940 has been a demographic wellspring for Judaism. Jewish populations in the West have

    tended to have low fertility. Beginning in the nineteenth century, Western Jewish populations

    would have stagnated or declined in the absence of the unending stream of immigrants from

    Jewish communities in the East.20

    But the point here is that this demographic wellspring created

    the stresses and strains within this very talented and energetic population that continue toreverberate in the modern world.

    These trends can be seen by describing the numerically dominant Hasidic population in early

    nineteenth-century Galicia, then a province of the Austro-Hungarian empire; similar phenomena

    occurred throughout the Yiddish-speaking, religiously fundamentalist culture area of Eastern

    Europe, most of which came to be governed by the Russian empire .21

    Beginning in the lateeighteenth century, there were increasing restrictions on Jewish economic activity, such as edicts

    preventing Jews from operating taverns, engaging in trade, and leasing mills. There were

    restrictions on where Jews could live, and ghettos were established in order to remove Jews from

    competition with non-Jews; taxes specific to Jews were imposed; there were government efforts

    to force Jewish assimilation, as by requiring the legal documents be in the German language.These laws, even though often little enforced, reflected the anti-Jewish animosity of wider

    society and undoubtedly increased Jewish insecurity. In any case, a large percentage of the

    Jewish population was impoverished and doubtless would have remained so even in the absence

    of anti-Jewish attitudes and legislation. Indeed, the emigration of well over three million Jews to

    Western Europe and the New World did little to ease the grinding poverty of a large majority ofthe Jewish population.

    It was in this atmosphere that Hasidism rose to dominance in Eastern Europe. The Hasidim

    passionately rejected all the assimilatory pressures coming from the government. They so

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    cherished the Yiddish language that well into the twentieth century the vast majority of Eastern

    European Jews could not speak the languages of the non-Jews living around them. 22 They turned

    to the Kabbala (the writings of Jewish mystics), superstition, and anti-rationalism, believing in

    magical remedies, amulets, exorcisms, demonic possession (dybbuks), ghosts, devils, andteasing, mischievous genies.23 Corresponding to this intense ingroup feeling were attitudes that

    non-Jews were less than human. As Mendel of Rymanw put it, A Gentile does not have aheart, although he has an organ that resembles a heart. 24 All nations exist only by virtue of the

    Jewish people: Erez Yisreal [the land of Israel] is the essence of the world and all vitality stems

    from it.25

    Similar attitudes are common among contemporary Jewish fundamentalists and thesettler movement in Israel.26

    The Hasidim had an attitude of absolute faith in the person of the zaddic, their rebbe, who was a

    charismatic figure seen by his followers literally as the personification of God in the world.

    Attraction to charismatic leaders is a fundamental feature of Jewish social organization

    apparent as much among religious fundamentalists as among Jewish political radicals or elite

    Jewish intellectuals.27

    The following account of a scene at a synagogue in Galicia in 1903

    describes the intense emotionality of the community and its total subordination to its leader:

    There were no benches, and several thousand Jews were standing closely packed together,

    swaying in prayer like the corn in the wind. When the rabbi appeared the service began.

    Everybody tried to get as close to him as possible. The rabbi led the prayers in a thin, weepingvoice. It seemed to arouse a sort of ecstasy in the listeners. They closed their eyes, violently

    swaying. The loud praying sounded like a gale. Anyone seeing these Jews in prayer would have

    concluded that they were the most religious people on earth.28

    At the end of the service, those closest to the rabbi were intensely eager to eat any food touched

    by him, and the fish bones were preserved by his followers as relics. Another account notes that

    devotees hoping to catch a spark from this holy fire run to receive him.


    The power of thezaddic extends so far that whatever God does, it is also within the capacity of the zaddic to


    An important role for the zaddic is to produce wealth for the Jews, and by taking it from the non-

    Jews. According to Hasidic doctrine, the non-Jews have the preponderance of good things, but

    It was the zaddic who was to reverse this situation. Indeed, R. Meir of Opatw never wearied of

    reiterating in his homilies that the zaddik must direct his prayer in a way that the abundance

    which he draws down from on high should not be squandered during its descent, and not

    wander away, that is, outside, to the Gentiles, but that it mainly reach the Jews, the holy

    people, with only a residue flowing to the Gentiles, who are the other side (Satans camp) .


    The zaddics sermons were filled with pleas for vengeance and hatred toward the non-Jews, who

    were seen as the source of their problems.

    These groups were highly authoritariananother fundamental feature of Jewish social


    Rabbis and other elite members of the community had extraordinary power over

    other Jews in traditional societiesliterally the power of life and death. Jews who informed the

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    authorities about the illegal activities of other Jews were liquidated on orders of secret rabbinical

    courts, with no opportunity to defend themselves. Jews accused of heretical religious views were

    beaten or murdered. Their books were burned or buried in cemeteries. When a heretic died, his

    body was beaten by a special burial committee, placed in a cart filled with dung, and depositedoutside the Jewish cemetery. In places where the authorities were lax, there were often pitched

    battles between different Jewish sects, often over trivial religious points such as what kind ofshoes a person should wear. In 1838 the governor of southwestern Russia issued a directive that

    the police keep tabs on synagogues because Very often something happens that leaves dead

    Jews in its wake.33

    Synagogues had jails near the entrance, and prisoners were physicallyabused by the congregation as they filed in for services.

    Not surprisingly, these groups had extraordinary solidarity; a government official observed, The

    Hasidim are bound to each other with heart and soul.34 This solidarity was based not only on the

    personality of the rebbe and the powerful social controls described above, but on the high levels

    of within-group generosity which alleviated to some extent their poverty. Needless to say,

    Hasidic solidarity was seen as threatening by outsiders: How much longer will we tolerate the

    Hasidic sect, which is united by such a strong bond and whose members help one another.


    Hasidism triumphed partly by its attraction to the Jewish masses and partly because of the power

    politics of the rebbes: Opposing rabbis were forced out, so by the early nineteenth century in

    Galicia, Poland, and the Ukraine, the vast majority of Jews were in Hasidic communities. Theirtriumph meant the failure of the Jewish Enlightenment (theHaskalah) in Eastern Europe. The

    Haskalah movement advocated greater assimilation with non-Jewish society, as by using

    vernacular languages, studying secular subjects, and not adopting distinguishing forms of dress,

    although in other ways their commitment to Judaism remained powerful. These relatively

    assimilated Jews were the relatively thin upper crust of wealthy merchants and others who werefree of the economic and social pressures that fueled Hasidism. They often cooperated with the

    authorities in attempts to force the Hasidim to assimilate out of fear that Hasidic behavior led toanti-Jewish attitudes.

    As noted above, one source of the inward unity and psychological fanaticism of Jewish

    communities was the hostility of the surrounding non-Jewish population. Jews in the RussianEmpire were hated by all the non-Jewish classes, who saw them as an exploitative class of petty

    traders, middlemen, innkeepers, store owners, estate agents, and money lenders. 36 Jews were

    viewed by the authorities and by much of the rest of population as a foreign, separate,

    exploitative, and distressingly prolific nation.37

    In 1881 these tensions boiled over into several

    anti-Jewish pogroms in a great many towns of southern and southwestern Russia. It was in thiscontext that the first large-scale stirrings of Zionism emerged.38 From 18811884, dozens of

    Zionist groups formed in the Russian Empire and Romania.

    Political radicalism emerged from the same intensely Jewish communities during this period and

    for much the same reasons.39

    Political radicalism often coexisted with messianic forms of

    Zionism as well as intense commitment to Jewish nationalism and religious and culturalseparatism, and many individuals held various and often rapidly changing combinations of these


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    The two streams of political radicalism and Zionism, each stemming from the teeming fanaticism

    of threatened Jewish populations in nineteenth-century Eastern Europe, continue to reverberate

    in the modern world. In both England and America the immigration of Eastern European Jews

    after 1880 had a transformative effect on the political attitudes of the Jewish community in thedirection of radical politics and Zionism, often combined with religious orthodoxy.41 The

    immigrant Eastern European Jews demographically swamped the previously existing Jewishcommunities in both countries, and the older community reacted to this influx with considerable

    trepidation because of the possibility of increased anti-Semitism. Attempts were made by the

    established Jewish communities to misrepresent the prevalence of radical political ideas andZionism among the immigrants.42

    The Zionist and radical solutions for Jewish problems differed, of course, with the radicals

    blaming the Jewish situation on the economic structure of society and attempting to appeal to

    non-Jews in an effort to completely restructure social and economic relationships. (Despite

    attempting to appeal to non-Jews, the vast majority of Jewish radicals had a very strong Jewish

    communal identity and often worked in an entirely Jewish milieu.43

    ) Among Zionists, on the

    other hand, it was common from very early on to see the Jewish situation as resulting fromirresoluble conflict between Jews and non-Jews. The early Zionist Moshe Leib Lilienblum

    emphasized that Jews were strangers who competed with local peoples: A stranger can be

    received into a family, but only as a guest. A guest who bothers, or competes with or displacesan authentic member of the household is promptly and angrily reminded of his status by the

    others, acting out of a sense of self-protection.44 Later, Theodor Herzl argued that a prime

    source of modern anti-Semitism was that Jews had come into direct economic competition with

    the non-Jewish middle classes. Anti-Semitism based on resource competition was rational: Herzl

    insisted that one could not expect a majority to let themselves be subjugated by formerlyscorned outsiders whom they had just released from the ghetto. I find the anti-Semites are

    fully within their rights.45 In Germany, Zionists analyzed anti-Semitism during the Weimar

    period as the inevitable and justifiable response of one people to attempts by another to make itshare in the formation of its destiny. It was an instinctive response independent of reason and

    will, and hence common to all peoples, the Jews included.46

    As was often the case during the period, Zionists had a much clearer understanding of their

    fellow Jews and the origins of anti-Jewish attitudes. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, a prominent Zionist

    and leader of the American Jewish Congress whose membership derived from Eastern Europe

    immigrants and their descendants, accused Western European Jews of deception by pretending to

    be patriotic citizens while really being Jewish nationalists: They wore the mask of the rulingnationality as of old in Spainthe mask of the ruling religion.47 Wise had a well-developed

    sense of dual loyalty, stating on one occasion I am not an American citizen of Jewish faith. I am

    a Jew. I am an American. I have been an American 63/64ths of my life, but I have been a Jew for

    4000 years.48

    Zionists in Western countries were also at the ethnocentric end of the Jewish population.Zionism was seen as a way of combating the assimilatory pressures of Western societies:

    Zionist ideologues and publicists argued that in the West assimilation was as much a threat to

    the survival of the Jewish people as persecution was in the East.49 Zionism openly accepted a

    national/ethnic conceptualization of Judaism that was quite independent of religious faith. As

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    Theodore Herzl stated, We are a peopleone people.50 The Zionist Arthur Hertzberg stated

    that the Jews in all ages were essentially a nation andall other factors profoundly important to

    the life of this people, even religion, were mainly instrumental values.51

    There were a number of

    Zionist racial scientists in the period from 18901940, including Elias Auerbach, Aron Sandler,Felix Theilhaber, and Ignaz Zollschan. Zionist racial scientists were motivated by a perceived

    need to end Jewish intermarriage and preserve Jewish racial purity.


    Only by creating a Jewishhomeland and leaving the assimilatory influences of the Diaspora could Jews preserve their

    unique racial heritage.

    For example, Auerbach advocated Zionism because it would return Jews back into the position

    they enjoyed before the nineteenth centurypolitically autonomous, culturally whole, andracially pure.53 Zollschan, whose book on the Jewish racial question went through five

    editions and was well known to both Jewish and non-Jewish anthropologists,54 praised Houston

    Stewart Chamberlain and advocated Zionism as the only way to retain Jewish racial purity from

    the threat of mixed marriages and assimilation.55

    Zollschans description of the phenotypic, and

    by implication genetic commonality of Jews around the world is striking. He notes that the same

    Jewish faces can be seen throughout the Jewish world among Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and OrientalJews. He also remarked on the same mix of body types, head shapes, skin, and hair and eye

    pigmentation in these widely separated groups.56

    For many Zionists, Jewish racialism went beyond merely asserting and shoring up the ethnicbasis of Judaism, to embrace the idea of racial superiority. Consistent with the anti-

    assimilationist thrust of Zionism, very few Zionists intermarried, and those who did, such as

    Martin Buber, found that their marriages were problematic within the wider Zionist


    In 1929 the Zionist leaders of the Berlin Jewish community condemned

    intermarriage as a threat to the racial purity of stock and asserted its belief that consanguinityof the flesh and solidarity of the soul were essential for developing a Jewish nation, as was the

    will to establish a closed brotherhood over against all other communities on earth.


    Assertions of Zionist racialism continued into the National Socialist period, where they

    dovetailed with National Socialist attitudes. Joachim Prinz, a German Jew who later became the

    head of the American Jewish Congress, celebrated Hitlers ascent to power because it signaledthe end of the Enlightenment values, which had resulted in assimilation and mixed marriage

    among Jews:

    We want assimilation to be replaced by a new law: the declaration of belonging to the Jewish

    nation and the Jewish race. A state built upon the principle of the purity of nation and race can

    only be honoured and respected by a Jew who declares his belonging to his own kind. For onlyhe who honours his own breed and his own blood can have an attitude of honour towards the

    national will of other nations.59

    The common ground of the racial Zionists and their non-Jewish counterparts included the

    exclusion of Jews from the German Volksgemeinschaft.60

    Indeed, shortly after Hitler came to

    power, the Zionist Federation of Germany submitted a memorandum to the German governmentoutlining a solution to the Jewish question and containing the following remarkable statement.

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    The Federation declared that the Enlightenment view that Jews should be absorbed into the

    nation state

    discerned only the individual, the single human being freely suspended in space, without

    regarding the ties of blood and history or spiritual distinctiveness. Accordingly, the liberal state

    demanded of the Jews assimilation [via baptism and mixed marriage] into the non-Jewishenvironment. Thus it happened that innumerable persons of Jewish origin had the chance to

    occupy important positions and to come forward as representatives of German culture and

    German life, without having their belonging to Jewry become visible. Thus arose a state of

    affairs which in political discussion today is termed debasement of Germandom, or

    Jewification. Zionism has no illusions about the difficulty of the Jewish condition, whichconsists above all in an abnormal occupational pattern and in the fault of an intellectual and

    moral posture not rooted in ones own tradition.61

    Zionism As a Risky Strategy

    Zionism was a risky strategyto use Frank Salters term62

    because it led to charges of dualloyalty. The issue of dual loyalty has been a major concern throughout the history of Zionism.

    From the beginnings of Zionism, the vast majority of the movements energy and numbers, and

    eventually its leadership, stemmed from the Eastern European wellspring of Judaism.63

    In the

    early decades of the twentieth century, there was a deep conflict within the Jewish communitiesof Western Europe and the U.S., pitting the older Jewish communities originating in Western

    Europe (particularly Germany) against the new arrivals from Eastern Europe, who eventually

    overwhelmed them by force of numbers.64

    Thus, an important theme of the history of Jews in

    America, England, and Germany was the conflict between the older Jewish communities that

    were committed to some degree of cultural assimilation and the ideals of the Enlightenment,versus the Yiddish-speaking immigrants from Eastern Europe and their commitment to political

    radicalism, Zionism, and/or religious fundamentalism. The older Jewish communities wereconcerned that Zionism would lead to anti-Semitism due to charges of dual loyalty and because

    Jews would be perceived as a nation and an ethnic group rather than simply as a religion. In

    England, during the final stages before the issuance of the Balfour Declaration, Edwin Montagumade a long, emotional appeal to his colleagues [in the British cabinet]: how could he represent

    the British government during the forthcoming mission to India if the same government declared

    that his (Montagus) national home was on Turkish territory?65

    Similar concerns were expressed

    in the United States, but by 1937 most American Jews advocated a Jewish state, and the

    Columbus Platform of the Reform Judaism of 1937 officially accepted the idea of a Palestinianhomeland and shortly thereafter accepted the idea of political sovereignty for Jews in Israel.66

    In postWorld War I Germany, a major goal of Reform Judaism was to suppress Zionismbecause of its perceived effect of fanning the flames of anti-Semitism due to charges of Jewish


    In Mein Kampf, Hitler argued that Jews were an ethnic group and not simply a

    religion, which was confirmed by his discovery that among them was a great movement . . .which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the

    Zionists.68 Hitler went on to remark that although one might suppose that only a subset of Jews

    were Zionists and that Zionism was condemned by the great majority of Jews, the so-called

    liberal Jews did not reject Zionists as non-Jews, but only as Jews with an impractical, perhaps

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    even dangerous, way of publicly avowing their Jewishness. Intrinsically they remained

    unalterably of one piece.69

    Hitlers comments reflect the weak position of the Zionists of his day as a small minority of

    Jews, but they also show the reality of the worst fears of the German Reform movement during

    this period: that the publicly expressed ethnocentric nationalism of the Zionists would increaseanti-Semitism, because Jews would be perceived not as a religious group but as an

    ethnic/national entity with no ties to Germany. The existence of Zionism as well as of

    international Jewish organizations such as the Alliance Isralite Universelle (based in France)

    and continued Jewish cultural separatism were important sources of German anti-Semitism

    beginning in the late nineteenth century.

    In the Soviet Union, Stalin regarded Jews as politically unreliable after they expressed

    overwhelming enthusiasm for Israel and attempted to emigrate to Israel, especially since Israel

    was leaning toward the West in the Cold War.70

    During the fighting in 1948, Soviet Jews

    attempted to organize an army to fight in Israel, and there were a great many other

    manifestations of Soviet-Jewish solidarity with Israel, particularly in the wake of Jewishenthusiasm during Golda Meirs visit to the Soviet Union. Stalin perceived a psychological

    readiness on the part of the volunteers to be under the jurisdiction of two statesthe homeland

    of all the workers and the homeland of all the Jewssomething that was categorically

    impossible in his mind.71

    There is also some indication that Stalin, at the height of the ColdWar, suspected that Soviet Jews would not be loyal to the Soviet Union in a war with America

    because many of them had relatives in America.72

    In the U.S., the dual loyalty issue arose because there was a conflict between perceived

    American foreign policy interests that began with the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The U. S.

    State Department feared that a British protectorate in Palestine would damage commercial

    interests in the region and that in any case it was not in the interests of America to offend Turkeyor other Middle Eastern states.73 While President Woodrow Wilson sympathized with the State

    Department position, he was eventually persuaded by American Zionists, notably Louis

    Brandeis, to endorse the declaration; it was then quickly approved by the British.

    The dual loyalty issue was also raised in Britain, most especially after the Second World War,when the Labour government failed to support the creation of a Jewish state. Many British Jews

    gave generously to finance illegal activities in the British protectorate of Palestine, including the

    smuggling of arms and refugees and Jewish attacks on British forces.74

    British losses to Jewish

    terrorism during this period were not trivial: the bombing of the King David Hotel by future

    Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and his associates led to the deaths of eighty-three of theBritish administrative staff plus five members of the public. These activities led to widespread

    hostility toward Jews, and the Labour government pointedly refused to outlaw anti-Semitism

    during this period. During the late 1960s and 1970s, charges of dual loyalty appeared in the

    House of Commons among Labour MPs, one of whom commented that it is undeniable that

    many MPs have what I can only term a dual loyalty, which is to another nation and anothernations interests.75

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    Attitudes ranging from unenthusiastic ambivalence to outright hostility to the idea of a Zionist

    homeland on the part of presidents, the State Department, Congress, or the American public

    persisted right up until the establishment of Israel in 1948 and beyond. After World War II, there

    continued to be a perception in the State Department that American interests in the area wouldnot be served by a Jewish homeland, but should be directed at securing oil and military bases to

    oppose the Soviets. There was also concern that such a homeland would be a destabilizinginfluence for years to come because of Arab hostility.76 Trumans defense secretary, James

    Forrestal, was all but obsessed by the threat to [American interests] he discerned in Zionist

    ambitions. His concern was shared by the State Department and specifically by the Near EastDesk.77 In 1960 Senator J. William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations

    Committee, declared in response to attempts to coerce Egypt into agreeing to Israels use of the

    Suez Canal, in recent years we have seen the rise of organizations dedicated apparently not to

    America, but to foreign states and groups. The conduct of a foreign policy for America has been

    seriously compromised by this development.78

    Truman himself eventually caved in to Zionistpressure out of desire to ensure Jewish support in the 1948 election, and despite his own recently

    revealed personal misgivings about Jewish myopia in pursuit of their own interests.79

    Zionist Extremism Becomes Mainstream

    Since the Second World War, there has been a long evolution such that the American Jewishcommunity now fully supports the settler movement and other right-wing causes within Israel.

    Zionists made a great deal of progress during the Second World War. They engaged in loud

    diplomacy, organizing thousands of rallies, dinners with celebrity speakers (including

    prominent roles for sympathetic non-Jews), letter-writing campaigns, meetings, lobbying, threats

    against newspapers for publishing unfavorable items, insertion of propaganda as news items inthe press, and giving money to politicians and non-Jewish celebrities in return for their support. 80

    By 1944, thousands of non-Jewish associations would pass pro-Zionist resolutions, and both

    Republican and Democratic platforms included strong pro-Zionist planks, even though thecreation of a Jewish state was strongly opposed by the Departments of State and War.81

    A 1945 poll found that 80.5% of Jews favored a Jewish state, with only 10.5% opposed.82

    Thisshows that by the end of the Second World War, Zionism had become thoroughly mainstream

    within the U.S. Jewish community. The triumph of Zionism occurred well before consciousness

    of the Holocaust came to be seen as legitimizing Israel. (Michael Novick dates the promotion of

    the Holocaust to its present status as a cultural icon from the 1967 Six-Day War.83

    ) What had

    once been radical and viewed as dangerous had become not only accepted, but seen as central toJewish identity.

    Since the late 1980s, the American Jewish community has not been even-handed in its support ofIsraeli political factions, but has supported the more fanatical elements within Israel. While

    wealthy Israelis predominantly support the Labor Party, financial support for Likud and other

    right-wing parties comes from foreign sources, particularly wealthy U.S. Jews.84

    The support ofthese benefactors is endangered by any softening of Likud positions, with support then going to

    the settler movement. Organized U.S. Jews are chauvinistic and militaristic in their views. 85

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    Within Israel, there has been a transformation in the direction of the most radical, ethnocentric,

    and aggressive elements of the population. During the 1920s1940s, the followers of Vladimir

    Jabotinsky (the Revisionists) were the vanguard of Zionist aggressiveness and strident racial

    nationalism, but they were a minority within the Zionist movement as a whole. Revisionism hadseveral characteristics typical of influential nineteenth-century Jewish intellectual and political

    movementsfeatures shared also with other forms of traditional Judaism. Like Judaism itselfand the various hermeneutic theories typical of other Jewish twentieth-century intellectual

    movements, the philosophy of Revisionism was a closed system that offered a complete

    worldview creating a self-evident Jewish world.86

    Like the Hasidic movement and otherinfluential Jewish intellectual and political movements, Revisionism was united around a

    charismatic leader figure, in this case Jabotinsky, who was seen in god-like termsEveryone

    waited for him to speak, clung to him for support, and considered him the source of the one and

    only absolute truth.87

    There was a powerful sense of us versus them. Opponents were

    demonized: The style of communication . . . was coarse and venomous, aimed at moraldelegitimization of the opponent by denouncing him and even inciting the Jewish public

    against him.88

    Jabotinsky developed a form of racial nationalism similar to other Zionist racial theorists of the

    period (see above). He believed that Jews were shaped by their long history as a desert people

    and that establishment of Israel as a Jewish state would allow the natural genius of the Jewishrace to flourish. These natural and fundamental distinctions embedded in the race are

    impossible to eradicate, and are continually being nurtured by the differences in soil and


    The Revisionists advocated military force as a means of obtaining a Jewish state; they wanted a

    maximalist state that would include the entire Palestine Mandate, including the Trans-Jordan(which became the nation of Jordan in 1946).90 In the 1940s, its paramilitary wing, the Irgun,

    under the leadership of Menachem Begin, was responsible for much of the terrorist activitiesdirected against both Arabs and the British forces maintaining the Palestinian Mandate until

    1948, including the bombing of the King David Hotel and the massacre at Deir Yasin that was a

    major factor in terrorizing much of the Palestinian population into fleeing.91

    Over time, the Labor Party has dwindled in influence, and there has followed the rise and

    ascendancy of the Likud Party and ultra-nationalism represented by Begin, who came to power

    in 1977 and began the process of resurrecting Jabotinsky,92 by Yitzhak Shamir (commander of

    LEHI [the Stern Group], another pre-1948 terrorist group), and now by the government of Ariel

    Sharon, whose long record of aggressive brutality is described briefly below. Fundamentalistsand other ultranationalists were a relatively weak phenomenon in the 1960s, but have increased

    to around 25 percent in the late 1990s and are an integral part of Sharons government. In other

    words, the more radical Zionists have won out within Israel. (As Noam Chomsky notes, there has

    been a consensus on retaining sovereignty over the West Bank, so that the entire Israeli political

    spectrum must be seen as aggressively expansionist.93

    The differences are differences of degree.)

    The connections between Jabotinsky and the current Israeli government are more than

    coincidental: Just before Israels election in February 2001, Sharon was interviewed seated

    symbolically and ostentatiously beneath a large photo of Vladimir Jabotinsky, spiritual father of

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    militant Zionism and Sharons Likud party. Jabotinsky called for a Jewish state extending from

    the Nile to the Euphrates. He advocated constant attacks to smash the weak Arab states into

    fragments, dominated by Israel. In fact, just what Sharon tried to do in Lebanon. Hardly a good

    omen for the Mideasts future.94

    Sharon has been implicated in a long string of acts of relentless brutality toward Arabs,including massacring an Arab village in the 1950s; the pacification of the Gaza Strip in the

    1970s (involving large-scale bulldozing of homes and deportation of Palestinians); the invasion

    of Lebanon, which involved thousands of civilian deaths and the massacre of hundreds of

    Palestinian refugees; and the brutal Israeli response to the recent Palestinian intifada.95


    Kahan Commission, an Israeli board formed to investigate the Lebanese incident, concluded thatSharon was indirectly responsible for the massacre, and it went on to say that Sharon bears

    personal responsibility.

    The intention of the Sharon government is to make life so miserable for the Palestinians that they

    will voluntarily leave, or, failing that, to simply expel them. Ran HaCohen, an Israeli academic,

    sums up the situation as of June 2002:

    Step by step, Palestinians have been dispossessed and surrounded by settlements, military camps,

    by-pass roads and checkpoints, squeezed into sealed-off enclaves. Palestinian towns are besieged

    by tanks and armed vehicles blocking all access roads. West Bank villages too are surrounded by

    road blocks, preventing the movement of vehicles in and out: three successive mounds of rubbleand earth, approximately 6 feet high, with 100 metre gaps between them. All residents wishing to

    move in and out of the villageold or young, sick or well, pregnant or nothave to climb over

    the slippery mounds. At present, this policy seems to have been perfected to an extent that it can

    be further institutionalised by long-term bureaucracy: a permit system, considerably worse than

    the pass laws imposed on blacks in Apartheid South Africa.96

    Little has changed since this assessment. Recently this state of affairs is being formalized by the

    construction of a series of security walls that not only fence in the Palestinians but also result in

    the effective seizure of land, especially around Jerusalem.97

    The wall encircles and isolates

    Palestinian villages and divides properties and farmland in ways that make them inaccessible to

    their owners.98

    The current state of affairs would have been absolutely predictable simply by paying attention to

    the pronouncements and behavior of a critical subset of Israeli leaders over the last fifty years.

    Again, they have been the most radical within the Israeli political spectrum. The clear message is

    that an important faction of the Israeli political spectrum has had a long-term policy of

    expanding the state at the expense of the Palestinians, dating from the beginnings of the state ofIsrael. Expansionism was well entrenched in the Labor Party, centered around David Ben-

    Gurion, and has been even more central to the Likud coalition under the leadership of Menachem

    Begin and, more recently, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon. The result is that the

    Palestinians have been left with little hope of obtaining a meaningful state, despite the current

    road map to peace efforts. The next step may well be expulsion, already advocated by many onthe right in Israel, although the strategy of oppression is in fact causing some Palestinians to

    leave voluntarily.99 Voluntary emigration has long been viewed as a solution by some, including

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    Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (on the more liberal end of the Israeli political spectrum), who

    urged that Israel createconditions which would attract natural and voluntary migration of the

    refugees from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to Jordan.100

    Transfer, whether voluntary or involuntary, has long been a fixture of Zionist thought going

    back to Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, and Ben-Gurion.


    Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary in 1937:the compulsory transfer of the Arabs from the valleys of the projected Jewish state . . . we have

    to stick to this conclusion the same way we grabbed the Balfour Declaration, more than that, the

    same way we grabbed at Zionism itself.102

    A prominent recent proponent of expulsion is

    Rehavam Zeevi, a close associate of Sharon and Israels Minister of Tourism as well as a

    member of the powerful Security Cabinet until his assassination in October, 2001. Zeevidescribed Palestinians as lice and advocated the expulsion of Palestinians from Israeli-

    controlled areas. Zeevi said Palestinians were living illegally in Israel and We should get rid of

    the ones who are not Israeli citizens the same way you get rid of lice. We have to stop this cancer

    from spreading within us. There are many examples, beginning no later than the mid-1980s, of

    leading Israeli politicians referring to the occupied territories on the West Bank as Judea and



    The point is that movements that start out on the extreme of the Jewish political spectrum

    eventually end up driving the entire process, so that in the end not only American Jews but pro-

    Israeli non-Jewish politicians end up mouthing the rhetoric that was formerly reserved forextremists within the Jewish community. In 2003, at a time when there are well over one

    hundred Israeli settlements on the West Bank and Gaza filled with fanatic fundamentalists and

    armed zealots intent on eradicating the Palestinians, it is revealing that Moshe Sharett, Israeli

    prime minister in the 1950s, worried that the border settlements were composed of well-armed

    ex-soldiersextremists who were intent on expanding the borders of Israel. Immediately afterthe armistice agreement of 1948 Israeli zealots, sometimes within the army and sometimes in the

    nascent settler movement, began a long string of provocations of Israels neighbors.


    Anoperation of the Israeli army (under the leadership of Ariel Sharon) that demolished homes and

    killed civilians at Qibya in 1953 was part of a broader plan: The stronger the tensions in the

    region, the more demoralized the Arab populations and destabilized the Arab regimes, thestronger the pressures for the transfer of the concentrations of Palestinian refugees from places

    near the border away into the interior of the Arab worldand the better it was for the

    preparation of the next war.105 At times the army engaged in provocative actions without Prime

    Minister Sharetts knowledge,106

    as when David Ben-Gurion, Israels first prime minister, led a

    raid in 1955 which resulted in a massacre of Arabs in Gaza. When confronted with his actions byan American Jew, Ben-Gurion stood up. He looked like an angry prophet out of the Bible and

    got red in the face. He shouted, I am not going to let anybody, American Jews or anyone else,

    tell me what I have to do to provide for the security of my people.107

    The war to occupy the West Bank did not take place until 1967, but Sharett describes plans by

    the Israeli army to occupy the West Bank dating from 1953. Throughout the period from 19481967 some of the major and persistent accusations by the Israeli right were that the Labor-

    dominated governments had accepted the partition of Palestine and had not attempted to

    eradicate Palestinian boundaries during the 1948 war.108 The annexation of East Jerusalem and

    the settlement of the West Bank began immediately after the 1967 warexactly what would be

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    expected on the assumption that this was a war of conquest. Menachem Begin, who accelerated

    the settlement process when he assumed power in 1977, noted, In June 1967, we again had a

    choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that [Egyptian

    President] Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decidedto attack him.109

    Given the tendency for Jewish radicals to carry the day, it is worth describing the most radicalZionist fringe as it exists now. It is common among radical Zionists to project a much larger

    Israel that reflects Gods covenant with Abraham. Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism,

    maintained that the area of the Jewish state stretches: From the Brook of Egypt to the


    This reflects Gods covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15: 1820 and Joshua 1 3

    4: To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the riverEuphrates, the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites,

    the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. The flexibility of

    the ultimate aims of Zionism can also be seen by Ben-Gurions comment in 1936 that

    The acceptance of partition [of the Palestinian Mandate] does not commit us to renounce

    Transjordan [i.e., the modern state of Jordan]; one does not demand from anybody to give up hisvision. We shall accept a state in the boundaries fixed today. But the boundaries of Zionist

    aspirations are the concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit


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    Ben-Gurions vision of the boundaries of Zionist aspirations included southern Lebanon,

    southern Syria, all of Jordan, and the Sinai.112 (After conquering the Sinai in 1956, Ben-Gurion

    announced to the Knesset that Our army did not infringe on Egyptian territory. Our

    operations were restricted to the Sinai Peninsula alone.113

    Or consider Golda Meirs statementthat the borders of Israel are where Jews live, not where there is a line on the map.114

    These views are common among the more extreme Zionists todayespecially the

    fundamentalists and the settler movementnotably Gush Emunimwho now set the tone in

    Israel. A prominent rabbi associated with these movements stated: We must live in this land

    even at the price of war. Moreover, even if there is peace, we must instigate wars of liberation in

    order to conquer [the land].115

    Indeed, in the opinion of Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky,It is not unreasonable to assume that Gush Emunim, if it possessed the power and control,

    would use nuclear weapons in warfare to attempt to achieve its purpose.116 This image of a

    Greater Israel is also much on the minds of activists in the Muslim world. For example, in a

    1998 interview Osama bin Laden stated,

    [W]e know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces [in SaudiArabia] and that is to support the Jewish and Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the

    Great Israel. Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in

    Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab

    Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel.117

    To recap: A century ago Zionism was a minority movement within Diaspora Judaism, with the

    dominant assimilationist Jews in the West opposing it at least partly because Zionism raised the

    old dual loyalty issue, which has been a potent source of anti-Semitism throughout the ages. The

    vast majority of Jews eventually became Zionists, to the point that now not only are Diaspora

    Jews Zionists, they are indispensable supporters of the most fanatic elements within Israel.

    Within Israel, the radicals have also won the day, and the state has evolved to the point where theinfluence of moderates in the tradition of Moshe Sharett is a distant memory. The fanatics keep

    pushing the envelope, forcing other Jews to either go along with their agenda or to simply cease

    being part of the Jewish community. Not long ago it was common to talk to American Jews who

    would say they support Israel but deplore the settlements. Now such talk among Jews is ananachronism, because support for Israel demands support for the settlements. The only refuge for

    such talk is the increasingly isolated Jewish critics of Israel, such as Israel Shamir118 and, to a

    much lesser extent, Michael Lerners Tikkun.119The trajectory of Zionism has soared from its

    being a minority within a minority to its dominating the U.S. Congress, the executive branch,

    and the entire U.S. foreign policy apparatus.

    And because the Israeli occupation and large-scale settlement of the West Bank unleashed a

    wave of terrorist-style violence against Israel, Jews perceive Israel as under threat. As with any

    committed group, Jewish commitment increases in times of perceived threat to the community.

    The typical response of Diaspora Jews to the recent violence has not been to renounce Jewish

    identity but to strongly support the Sharon government and rationalize its actions. This has beentypical of Jewish history in general. For example, during the 1967 and 1973 wars there were

    huge upsurges of support for Israel and strengthened Jewish identity among American Jews:

    Arthur Hertzberg, a prominent Zionist, wrote that the immediate reaction of American Jewry to

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    the crisis was far more intense and widespread than anyone could have foreseen. Many Jews

    would never have believed that grave danger to Israel could dominate their thoughts and

    emotions to the exclusion of everything else.120

    The same thing is happening now. The typical

    response to Israels current situation is for Jews to identify even more strongly with Israel and toexclude Jews who criticize Israel or support Palestinian claims in any way.

    This rallying around the flag in times of crisis fits well with the psychology of ethnocentrism:

    When under attack, groups become more unified and more conscious of boundaries, and have a

    greater tendency to form negative stereotypes of the outgroup. This has happened throughout

    Jewish history.121

    Several commentators have noted the void on the Jewish left as the conflict with the Palestinians

    has escalated under the Sharon government. As noted above, surveys in the 1980s routinely

    found that half of U.S. Jews opposed settlements on the West Bank and favored a Palestinian

    state.1 22

    Such sentiments have declined precipitously in the current climate:

    At a progressive synagogue on Manhattans Upper West Side, Rabbi Rolando Matalo was tornbetween his longtime support for Palestinian human rights and his support for an Israel under

    siege. There is a definite void on the left, said Matalo. Many American Jewish leaders say

    Israels current state of emergencyand growing signs of anti-Semitism around the world

    have unified the faithful here in a way not seen since the 1967 and 1973 wars. These feelings

    shift back and forth, but right now theyre tilting toward tribalism.123

    Note that the author of this article, Josh Getlin, portrays Israel as being under siege, even

    though Israel is the occupying power and has killed far more Palestinians than the Palestinians

    have killed Israelis.

    I dont recall a time in modern history when Jews have felt so vulnerable, said Rabbi MartinHier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. This week, the centerwill be mailing out 600,000 call to action brochures that say Israel is fighting for her life and

    urge American Jews to contact government leaders and media organizations worldwide.

    Rabbi Mark Diamond, executive vice president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California,

    said debate over the West Bank invasion and the attack on the Palestinian Jenin refugee camp is

    overshadowed by a strong sense that Israel needs us, that the world Jewry needs us, that this isour wake-up call. He said he has been overwhelmed in recent weeks by numerous calls from

    members of synagogues asking what they can do to help or where they can send a check. I

    have American friends who might have been moderate before on the issue of negotiating peace,
