understanding leadership. defining leadership skill art compliance exchange process role power...

Understanding Leadership

Upload: roderick-maxwell

Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Understanding Leadership

Defining Leadership

Skill Art Compliance Exchange Process

Role Power Personality Charisma Combination

Defining Leadership

Defining Leadership

Dynamic process Constant changes Series of actions

Group interaction Two or more people Reciprocal actions

Defining Leadership Leader-Follower Roles Recognition Intent Interpersonal elements Task orientation

Situation Timing Event

Leadership: Meeting Goals

Leaders Facilitate group members Facilitate tasks Manage internal and external forces

Followers Apply skills Freely give of talents

Effective Followers

Are active partners Recognize and accept roles Use influence and counterinfluence

Share motivations with leaders

Are vital to group success

Effective Followers

Consciously use their skills and talents

Work cooperatively Take initiative Assume responsibility Serve the group Challenge self, others, the leader

Exemplary Followers

Respect boundaries Are creative thinkers Are service-oriented Are alert to others’ needs

Are willing to lead and follow

Appreciate others

Courageous Followers

Consciously make choices to… Assume responsibility Serve others Challenge appropriately Participate in transformation

Know when to leave

Leadership Skills: Conceptual

Leaders have the ability to… See the big picture Analyze Anticipate Use sound judgment Have long-range vision Engage in critical thinking

Handle ambiguity

Leadership Skills: Interpersonal Leaders have the ability to… Relate to others Empathize with others Understand group dynamics Facilitate cooperation Build trust Communicate well Respect others

Leadership Skills: Technical Leaders have the ability to… Accomplish tasks Be professionally competent Design and develop logistics Maintain safety, minimize risks

Complete office tasks Lead games, songs, activities

Impact of Demographics

Who we are affects our leadership Stereotypes

Fixed ideas about members of a group usually based on demographics

Sex, age, disability, race/ethnicity May conflict with one’s idea of ‘leader’

Awareness can help overcome influences of stereotypes

Leader Traits

Self-awareness Courage Creativity Drive/Determination


High expectations

Honesty Integrity PMA Others…

Leader Values

Leadership Levels

Administrative Managerial/Executive

Supervisory Middle management

Direct Face-to-face

Identification Methods

Types of Power

Coercive Connections Empowerment Expert Helplessness Indirect

Types of Power cont’d

Informational Legitimate Referent Reward Social status