unit 12 about western manners by cao weizhong. definition good manners: behaving politely and...

Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong

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Page 1: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Unit 12

About Western Manners

By Cao Weizhong

Page 2: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly


good manners: behaving politely and


bad manners: behaving impolitely

and improperly .

Page 3: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

some examples of bad manners

A. It is bad manners to laugh at others when they are in trouble.

B. It is bad manners to cut lines.

C. It is bad manners not to give his seat to an old person or a lady.

D. It is bad manners to sit down when speaking to a lady or an old person.

E. It is bad manners to interrupt others when they are talking.

F. It is bad manners to talk too much himself.

G. It is bad manners to talk loudly or laugh loudly in public.

H. It is bad manners to speak with his mouth full of food when eating.

Page 4: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

good manners

good manners

Page 5: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

bad manners

Page 6: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

bad manners

Page 7: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

good manners

bad manners

Page 8: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

bad manners

Page 9: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

bad manners

Page 10: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

good manners

Page 11: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

bad manners

Page 12: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

good manners

Page 13: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Manners in the classroom are as

important as everywhere else.

Western manners differ only

slightly from good Chinese


Page 14: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Unit 12

About Western Manners

Page 15: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Structure and general idea

Greeting the Teacher

Coming Late

Talking in Class

western manners

Page 16: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Listen to the tape and try to

catch the main idea of the


Page 17: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

1. Open their books and look

through the article as soon

as possible.

2. Finish exercises.

Page 18: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Judge if the following statements true or false



( F)

( T)

( T)

( F)

(1). Western manners differ only slightly from good

Chinese manners.

(2). You can’t come in until the teacher allows you to come


(3). You can address your teacher by his first name.

(4). It is good manners to make an apology to the teacher if

you are unavoidably late.

(5). It is bad manners to be thoughtless of others at any

time and in any place.

(6). It is good manners to keep silent when the teacher

asks you a question.

Page 19: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Language points

Difficult sentences


Sentence patterns and


Page 20: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Greeting the Teacher

It is good manners to greet the teacher if you happen to catch the teacher’s eye as you enter.

It is bad manners to address the teacher by his first name.

Page 21: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

It is good manners to say “Sir” to a man teacher.

It is good manners to use her surname if your teacher is a woman.

Page 22: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Coming Late

It is bad manners to come late to class.

It is good manners to make an apology to the teacher if you are unavoidably late.

Page 23: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

Talking in ClassIt is bad manners to talk while anyone else is


It is good manners to wait till you have a chance to say something on the subject.

It is bad manners to interrupt the teacher’s lessons.

It is bad manners to be thoughtless of others at any time and in any place.

Page 24: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

It is bad manners to interrupt anyone when he is reciting and speaking.

It is bad manners to wave the hand in the air to attract the teacher’s attention.

It is bad manners to show an overeagerness to recite and show off your knowledge or cleverness.

It is bad manners to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question.

Page 25: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

1. If you are in a very large class, it may not be necessary

to greet the teacher on arriving, but it is always quite

proper if you happen to catch your teacher’s eye as

you enter. 译:在大班里,老师进来时,你可以不必向他问好。但是如果你进入教室时,刚巧被老师看到,那么向老师问好就相当有礼貌。

2. Western manners do not require you to stand up when

the teacher comes in or when you answer a question,

nor do you need to stand still at the door for a moment

when you come in. 译:西方礼仪不要求你在老师进门或回答问题时起立。当你进教室时,也不必站在门口静候老师的许可。

Page 26: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

3. Repeated lateness is a form of rudeness, as a latecomer takes away everyone’s attention from the lesson.

译:屡次迟到更是无理的表现,因为迟到者使每个人的注意力都分散了。4. Who has not been annoyed by having his attention

taken away from something interesting that he really wants to hear!


5. And it is especially rude to the teacher, making it very difficult for him to continue the lesson.


Page 27: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

1. differ from= be different from

eg. Chinese culture differs greatly from western culture.

2. happen to do something

eg. I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday.

3. catch somebody’s eye

eg. The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store.

4. require somebody to do something

5. address … by…

eg. It is not proper to address your boss by his first name.

Page 28: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

6. make an apology to somebody for something=apologize to somebody for something

eg. You must make an apology to your teacher for your rudeness.

7. something interesting (something/anything/nothing adjective)

8. attract/take away somebody’s attention

9. in the air

10. show off

eg. It is bad manners to show off your knowledge or cleverness.

11. in a loud/low voice

Page 29: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

1. It is adj/n. to do something

eg. It is important to learn English well.

It is good manners to give your seat to an old people.

2. neither/nor…

eg. He isn’t good at playing basketball, nor am I.

Tom has never been to Canada, nor has Harry.

3. have something done

eg. I’ll have my hair cut this afternoon.

Page 30: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly


1. Answer the following questions.

(1). How should you address your teacher?

(2). What should you do if you are unavoidably late?

(3). What should you do when the teacher asks you a question?

Page 31: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly

2. Fill in the following blanks according to the content of the reading material.

Western manners slightly from good Chinese manners. We should behave politely and properly to be good- mannered. Western manners do not you to stand up when the teacher comes in. You shouldn’t your teacher by his first name. It is bad manners to come late to class. If you are unavoidably late, you should make an to your teacher. It is bad manners to anyone when he is reciting and speaking. It is bad manners to the hand in the air to the teacher’s attention. It is bad manners to show an overeagerness to recite and your knowledge or cleverness. In a word, we should try to be students with good manners after learning the passage.


show off






Page 32: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly


1. Review the content of the reading material.

2. Finish the exercises from page 129 to page 132.

Page 33: Unit 12 About Western Manners By Cao Weizhong. Definition good manners: behaving politely and properly. bad manners: behaving impolitely and improperly