unit 6 judyth brown rlo history of tobacco

A History of Tobacco

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  • 1. Table of ContentsChoose a topic that interests you Native Roots The Tobacco Trade Laws and Regulations The Making of a Cigarette Lady Smokers A History of InfirmityHome

2. But An Indian Weed Tobaccos but an Indian weed, Grows green in the morn, cut down at eve; It shows our decay, We are but clay; Think of this when you smoke tobacco! Click the Speaker To Hear This Song Tobacco is a member of the nightshade family, genus Nicotiana There are more than 70 members of the tobacco family grownHome around the world. 3. Tobacco was an integral part of earlyNative American life. Click the name ofa tribe to learn about their tobaccolegends. Cherokee Crow ApsarokeApache Home 4. World Tobacco Top Tobacco Producing Nations China India Brazil United States Top Tobacco Consuming Nations Greece Slovinia BulgariaHome Czech Republic 5. The Tobacco Trade 1492- Europeans encounter tobacco usewhen Columbus crew find it in theCaribbean. 1527-Spaniards in the New World developa taste for smoking. Explorers reportfinding tobacco hard to give up. 16th century- tobacco use spreadthroughout Europe. 1612- First commercial cultivation in theAmericas. Home 6. Laws and Regulations 1604 King James I of England taxes tobacco 1608 King Louis XIV makes sale and distribution a state run monopoly. 1633 Turkey imposes the death penalty for smoking. 1683 Massachusetts passes the nations first no- smoking law. 1898 Tennessee Supreme Court upholds a total ban on cigarettes, ruling they are not legitimate articles of commerce, being wholly noxious and deleterious to health. Their use is Home always harmful. 7. 20th Century America 1901- All but 2 states have anti smokinglaws. Washington, Iowa, Tennessee andNorth Dakota outlaw the sale ofcigarettes. 1927: All smoking bans have beenrepealed. Kansas is the last state to dropits ban on cigarette sales. 1945: Three largest tobacco companies areconvicted of anti-trust violations.Home 8. What Goes Into a CigaretteAs result of litigation a list of 599 cigarette ingredients was released in 1994.A few of the ingredients other than tobacco are listed here: High fructose corn syrup, Sugar, Licorice, Menthol, Artificial chocolate /natural chocolate flavor Valerian root extract, Molasses and vanilla extracts, Cedarwood oil. Glycerol, Propylene glycol, Isovaleric acid, Hexanoic acidHome 3-methylpentanoic acid. For the entire list click here. 9. Lady Smokers The Baroness de Dudevant, the first woman to smoke in public. 1904: New York: A judge sends a woman to jail for 30 days for smoking in front of her children. Another woman is arrested for smoking in an automobile. "You cant do that on Fifth Avenue," the arresting officer says Home 10. A History of InfirmityThe Medical Effects of Tobacco use1761-The first report of adverse health effects amongtobacco users reported by John Hill1929- First published evidence of a link between lungcancer and tobacco use.1951- Richard Doll begins a 50 year study of Britishdoctors to learn the long term effects of smoking. Readthe 2004 final paper hereThe World Health Organization (WHO) estimates thattobacco caused 100 million deaths over the course ofthe 20th century. Home 11. The harmful effects of smoking come from thousands ofchemical compounds generated by burning and inhaled Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (such as benzpyrene), Formaldehyde Cadmium Nickel Arsenic Radioactive polonium-210Home 12. The Cost of Tobacco UseIn the United States: 400,000 people die of smoking related causes annually. 8.6 million people currently suffer from smoking related illnesses. Americans spend $96 million annually in smoking related health care costs. $97 billion in productivity is lost to smoking related illnesses annually. Home 13. Resources Peto, R., Lopez , A., Boreham, J., Thun, M., Heath, C., & Doll, R. (1994). Mortalityfrom smoking worldwide . oxford journals, Retrieved fromhttp://bmb.oxfordjournals.org/content/52/1/12.long Davey, M. (2010, January). The European Tobacco Trade from the 15th to the 17thCenturies. Retrieved from https://www.lib.umn.edu/bell/tradeproducts/tobacc http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/song-midis/Tobaccos_But_an_Indian_Weed.htm Doll, R., & Peto, R. (2004). Mortality in relation to smoking: 50 years observationson male british doctors. British Medical Journal, doi: 10.1136/bmj.38142.554479.AEWikipedia. (25, August 12). Tobacco. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco