unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park? linda 06.5

Unit 9 Have you ever bee n to an amusement park? Lind a 06.5

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Unit 9

Have you ever been to

an amusement park?

Unit 9

Have you ever been to

an amusement park?




roller coaster

It’s so much fun in Wenzhou Amusement Park.

Jiangxin Island

an island on board

by boat

What other places have you been?

Yandang Mountain

Dongtou Island Nanxi River

A: Have you ever been to another province of China?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Where have you been?

B: I’ve been to ….

A: When did you go?

B: I went there last year.

Make a conversation.

traveled to

Have you ever been to another country?

Disneyland a theme park

The theme is Disney movies and Disney characters.

Mickey Mouse Donald Duck

Disney characters

What can you do in Disneyland?Para 2

1. We can ride a __________________.

2. _____________________________.

3. ____________________________.

4. ____________________________.

We can watch Disney movies

We can eat in Disney restaurants

We can buy Disney gifts.

roller coaster

Disney Cruise

What can we do on board?

1. We can _____________________.

2. ____________________________.

3. ___________________________.

4. ___________________________.

sleep and eat on board

We can shop

We can go to Disney parties

We can eat dinner with Mickey Mouse

Para 3

Write your unforgettable place that you have ever been .


Good bye!