unit 9. is our climate changing?

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Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. Ancient proverb. Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?. 기후 변화 ( Climate Change )  기후변화란 일반적으로 지구공전궤도 , 화산활동 , 지각활동 등의 자연적인 요인과 온실가스와 에어러솔 농도 증가에 따른 인위적인 요인에 의해 기후계가 점차 변화하는 것 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Unit 3. Going to Extremes: Sports and Obsession

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?1

Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.Ancient proverb

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (Climate Change)

, ,

: , ,

(Aerosol) : .,, ,,2- (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile gas; ),

2Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (Global Warming)

. .

3Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (Greenhouse Effect)

, .


4Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (a "runaway" greenhouse effect)

(positive feedback) .

5Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (Positive Effect)

6 Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (Negative Effect)

7 CO2 Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?(Gaia Theory)

, 1978 .

, .

8Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (Geologic Time Scale)

. . .


9Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?10

Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) : )

- 1988(WMO) (UNEP) , , .

- (Working Group) IPCC (5~6 )

11Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?12

WMO(World Meteorological Organization): UNEP(the United Nations Environment Program): Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?IPCC IPCC 3 (Working Group , .

1(Working Group 1: WG1)- , 2(Working Group2: WG2)- , 3(Working Group3: WG3)- ,

13Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? : http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/publications_and_data_reports.htm#1

14Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?1

1990 8 1 100 0.3~0.6 10~25 , 1.7 .

15Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?2

1995 WMO 2 2100 0.8~3.5 15~95 .

16Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing? (1997 3 )38 08 12 90 5.2%

7%, 8% /

2001 3 ( 28%)

03 , 04 -> 2005 2

: 9, 1.8%(2000 ) ->

17Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?3

20011 3 , 21 1 .

18Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?4

2007 2 4 1.8~4.0 , , , .

19Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?5


20Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?1get used to A : A had better : ~ what we humans do : ()a near certainty : certainty : , 21Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?1/2atmosphere : , carbon dioxide : ; carbon fiber : breathe out = exhale inhale(breathe in)fossil fuels : coal : gasoline : (petrol)absorb : food : ppm : parts per million

22Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?2/2steadily : warming : powerful : ; apowerfulargument: powerful proof that humans, not nature, are causing climate change : that. = .

23Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?3it will be windier : . itwetter : drier : ; dry : , A rather than B : B A A B .on average : not necessarily : () ~ Learnedmenarenotnecessarilywise. .

24Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?4for decades to come : keep + + from + ~ingcut : (reduce)to a minimum : adapt to A : A

25Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?5The Greenhouse Gases : release : contribute to A : A methane : nitrous oxide : matter : It doesn't matter. .warm : , let A through : A block : bottom line : ,

26Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?6for decades to come : keep + + from + ~ingcut : (reduce)to a minimum : adapt to A : A

27Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?Some Predictions and Results of Climate Change1/2land mass : , of : ~(~)Incheon is within 1 hour of Seoul. .equator : The farther north you go, the warmer and drier it will become. : .harsh :

28Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?Some Predictions and Results of Climate Change2/2temperate : , inhabitants : Punjab : (); 100 = around 37.8what if + + : ?What ifsomeone has already used my credit card? ?120 or 130 = around 48.9 ~ 54.4

29Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?Changes in the Qori Kalis Glacier, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru, are shown between 1978 (top) and 2002. The glacier retreat during this time was 1,100 meters.


Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?READING TWO

Climate Change: Making Informed Decisions

31Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?1informed : debate : about whether our planet is heating up and whose fault it is : deliver : ; deliver a speech : cause : ; cause and effect : argue : issue : 32Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?1

?33Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?1about whether our planet is heating up and whose fault it is :

about whether whose .34Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?2carbon dioxide : study : daily actions : come to : ~ do make a difference : IPCC : discuss : critical : affect A : A 35Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?220 1988 IPCC

1) 2) 3) 36Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?3the limits recommended by the Protocol : (CO), (CH), (NO), (PFC), (HFC), (SF6) 6 5.2% .retained : hired, that is, : , go through : heating and cooling cycle : ( )

37Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?3 ( , )

- 38Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?3They present evidence (that) they say proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle.39Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?3They present evidence (that) they say proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle. They present evidence. . They say the evidence proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle. .40Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?3 They present evidence that they say proves that the Earth is going through a normal heating and cooling cycle. .41Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?4Who = Whomreach A : A educated : () scientific claims : scare : ~ they : things(); by making things bigger and more dangerous than they really are : 42Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?5$2 million = 23 support : of; discredit the idea of global warming : watchdog : , The Royal Society : academy : accuse A of B : A B confuse : () 43Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?4~5 ? IPCC the governments and companies that disagree with it- it : a link between humans and climate change

44Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?4~5


- - ExxonMobil : the Union of Concerned Scientists The Royal Society

45Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?4it is important to think about the people who make scientific claims and what their purposes may be.- about A and B- what their purposes may be : about what .

46Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?5 of; discredit the idea of global warming :

accuse A of B : A B If it is not downright true, I will accuse you of perjury. .47Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?6good judgement : interpret : 48Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?6

, , 49Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?a few simple suggestions for the United States been mentioned by Noam Chomsky

1) accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court () and the World Court( )2) sign and carry forward the Kyoto protocols3) let the UN take the lead in international crises4) rely on diplomatic and economic measures rather than military ones in confronting terror 50Unit 9. Is Our Climate Changing?5) keep to the traditional interpretation of the UN Charter

6) give up the Security Council() veto and have "a decent respect for the opinion of mankind," as the Declaration of Independence advises, even if power centers disagree

7) cut back sharply on military spending and sharply increase social spending.51521. International Panel on Climate Change2. Limits for gas emissions3. To get attention and money for research4. To support groups that discredit the idea of global warming5. They think Exxonmobile tries to confuse with incorrect and dishonest information.P. 172532. fossil fules8. atmosphere3. limited9. energetic4. link10. carbon dioxide5. escaped11. adapt6. sign12. reduce7. evidence13. climateP. 174-554http://firebird.tistory.com/169 P. 176551. A: Sea levels may/might/could rise from seven inches to two feet.2. It may/might/could be warm and comfortable.3. They may/might/could be.4. They may/might/could stop rising in 100 years.5. Will coastal areas flood?6. Are some places going to be colder?7. They may/might/could get up to Category 5 .P. 177561. International Panel on Climate Change2. Limits for gas emissions3. To get attention and money for research4. To support groups that discredit the idea of global warming5. They think Exxonmobile tries to confuse with incorrect and dishonest information.P. 178