unit1 making a difference

7/29/2019 Unit1 Making a Difference http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/unit1-making-a-difference 1/10  What are ‘rights’?  Should people have the right to do anything they want? Think about these questions: 1 Should you have the right to own a pet? If you had a pet, what responsibilities would you have? 2 Should you have the right to live in a clean environment? If so, what responsibilities would you have? Making a difference Now read the text on the next page and see if you were right. IN THIS UNIT... Rights & responsibilities Thinking about... UNICEF rights & responsibilities FAQs about UNICEF words for family relationships present tenses & stative verbs listening to short conversations making a decision writing an email  What does UNICEF do?  What do the letters stand for? Getting started Look at Articles 1 and 2 on your Know  Your Rights poster. Explain in your own words what they say. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS ! 5 Unit

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  What are ‘rights’?

  Should people have the right to do anything they want?

Think about these questions:

1  Should you have the right to own a pet?

If you had a pet, what responsibilities would you have?2  Should you have the right to live in a clean environment?

If so, what responsibilities would you have?

Making a difference

Now read the text on the next page and see if

you were right.

IN THIS UNIT... Rights & responsibilities

Thinking about... UNICEF

rights & responsibilities


words for family


present tenses &stative verbs

listening to short


making a decision

writing an email

 What does UNICEF do?

 What do the letters stand for?

Getting started

Look at Articles 1 and 2 on your Know

 Your Rights poster. Explain in your ownwords what they say.




1 Unit

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Explain in your own

words what UNICEF does.

What do you think is the

most important part of the

work UNICEF does?

What is UNICEF?

UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s

Fund. It is one of the largest organisations

in the world that works to help children.

The people who run UNICEF believe 

that all young people should:

 have enough food and clean water

 be able to go to school

 be able to see a doctor and get the

medicines they need when they are sick 

 grow up in a safe environment.

Unfortunately, lots of children around the

world don’t have enough to eat or drink. There

are millions of youngsters who aren’t getting a

good education and who don’t have access to

basic health care. Other children suffer becauseof wars or natural disasters.

UNICEF works in more than 150 countries to

protect these young people and to improve

their lives.

How does UNICEF help children?

Every year, governments, companies and

individuals donate money to UNICEF. It uses

these funds to provide food, medicines, clothes

and blankets for people in need. It builds schools

and hospitals, and supports other educational and

medical programmes for young people and their

parents. UNICEF also gives emergency help to

young people after disasters such as earthquakes

and floods.

Another major part of UNICEF’s work is to try to

persuade everyone to respect children’s rights.

UNICEF organises campaigns to teach people

about these rights and to show why they are so


When did UNICEF start?The United Nations set up the ‘United Nations

International Children’s Emergency Fund’ in 1946.

At that time, many countries were struggling to

recover from the Second World War. Disease and

food shortages threatened millions of people,

and children were particularly at risk. UNICEF

immediately began providing food, medicines and

vaccinations for children in Europe, China and the

Middle East.

In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the

United Nations. They shortened the organisation’s

name to the ‘United Nations Children’s Fund’,

but they decided to keep the ‘UNICEF’ acronym

because lots of people knew this name and were

familiar with the good work that the organisation

was doing.

What is the ‘Convention on the Rights of the

Child’?The Convention on the Rights of the Child is

an international law which the United Nations

brought in in 1989. The Convention includes a list

of rights which all the children in the world should

have (the right to basic health care, for example).

The Convention says that governments and

organisations that work with children have to try

to protect these rights for all children. It doesn’t

matter where they are from, what colour their skin

is, whether they are boys or girls, or what their

religion is.

UNICEF’s main goal is to protect and promote

the children’s rights that are included in this


These FAQs are from a

website about UNICEF.1 Unit


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Do you want to find out

more about UNICEF?

Go to www.unicef.org

Reading comprehension

  1 What does the first section of the text tell us

about UNICEF?

a Only young people can work for UNICEF.

b UNICEF wants all children to get an


c Most of the children UNICEF helps have

been hurt in a war or natural disaster.

  2 How does UNICEF raise the money to pay for

the work it does?

a It makes money from schools and

hospitals that it runs.

b It sells food and medicines to people who

don’t have any.

c Governments, groups and ordinary people

give money to UNICEF.

3 UNICEF was started

a before World War .

bduring World War .

c after World War .

  4 In 1953, the organisation decided to keep the

name UNICEF because

a lots of people had heard of UNICEF and

knew about what they did.

b they didn’t like the new name that the UN

wanted to give them.

c they thought it was important to have a

short name.

  5 The main aim of this text is to

ashow how UNICEF raises money.

b give people information about UNICEF.

c explain to children what their rights are.

  1 Explain in your own words the children’s

problems that UNICEF wants to solve.

  2 How does UNICEF help sick children?

  3 What kind of help might people need after a

natural disaster?

  4 When UNICEF first started, what type of workdid it do?

  5 What other ‘Frequently Asked Questions’

might you find on this website?

  6 Would you like to work for UNICEF?

Why/Why not?

  1 UNICEF believes that there are some things

that every child in the world should be able

to do.

2 UNICEF only works in countries affected by

wars or natural disasters.

3 UNICEF sometimes helps adults as well as


4 The UN set up UNICEF to help hungry and sick

children after a war.

Choose a, b or c. Answer the open questions.

 Look at the UNICEF logo on the opposite

page. What are the three main symbols in it?

  5 Before 1953, UNICEF mostly helped adults.

6 The name ‘UNICEF’ was first used in 1953.

7 The Convention on the Rights of the Child lists

children’s rights and says how they should be


8 Boys have more rights than girls in the

Convention on the Rights of the Child.



Write T for true or F for false.A 

For any tasks where the answers are not overprinted, please see the Teacher’s Guide.

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1 If you run something, you .

a manage it

b do it quickly

2 If you improve something, you .

a make it better

b make it worse

3 If you’ve got a lot of funds, you’ve got

a lot of .

a hobbiesb money

4 If there is a shortage of something, .

a there’s too much of it

b there isn’t enough of it

5 If something is permanent, it might last .

a for only a day

b for ever

1 Are you familiar in / with this writer’s books?

2 There were thousands of  / from people at the


3 I’m not very good at sports such for / as 

football and basketball.

4 We should do more to help children who are

in / at risk.

5 Can you make a list of  / with things we need to

get at the shops?

6 This organisation helps people in / at need all

around the world.

7 I use my computer for lots of things, as / for 

example: sending emails and surfing the web.

8 Everyone should have access with / to clean

drinking water.

  Which two words are types of natural



“Access” is in the reading text.

What does it mean?

an international ORGANISE

a good EDUCATE

an active IMAGINE

a simple EXPLAIN


useful INFORM

a life-saving OPERATE

a peaceful DEMONSTRATE

  1 individuals a answers

  2 medicine b bed

  3 blanket c people

  4 earthquake d flood

  5 FAQs e doctor





* The first two words are in the reading text. Can

you make sentences using the other words?

This is a wheelchair access sign.

1 Unit


Choose a or b. All the words

in bold are from the text.

Change the word in capitals into

a noun using the suffix –ation.















earthquake flood  

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Now complete each sentence with one of the

phrasal verbs (1-6). There is one extra phrasal

verb that you don’t need to use.

  1 bring up

2 get on

3 grow up

4 look after

5 set up

6 take after

a change from being a child into an adult as

you get older

  b take care of a person, animal or thing,

and make sure they are safe and have

everything they need

  c like somebody and be friendly with them

  d look or act like one of your older relatives

  e take care of a child until he/she is an adult

  f  start (a company, organisation, etc)

 Which two of these phrasal verbs are in the

reading text?


1 Maria is moving back to Spain because shewants to her children


  2 Can you my dog when I’m

on holiday?

  3 Katie says she is going to

her own business when she leaves school.

  4 I my uncle Charlie. We

both have blond hair and blue eyes.

5 I really well with Sarah.

We always have lots of fun when we’re


nuclear family extended family 

single parent pocket money 

guardian role model

only child sibling

  1 A(n) is someone who

is responsible for taking care of somebody

(especially a child) who can’t take care of


  2 A(n) is someone whotakes care of his/her child (or children)

without a husband, wife or partner.

3 A(n) includes parents,

children, uncles, aunts and grandparents.

  4 A(n) is the mother,

father, and child (or children).

  5 Your is your brother or


  6 A(n) hasn’t got any

brothers or sisters.

  7 Parents often give their children

so that they can buy

things for themselves.

  8 A(n) is someone that

people admire and try to copy.



 bring up



Match the phrasal verbs (1-6)

with their meanings (a-f).

Fill each gap with an item from the list.


 grow up

look after 

 single parent 

extended family 

 nuclear family 


only child 

 pocket money 

 role model 

 set up

take after 

 get on

 set up




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We normally use stative verbs in the presentand rarely use them in the

present . When we do use them

in the tense, there is a changein meaning because we are describing a(n)

, not a(n) .

a habitual


b general truth

c giving


d temporary

action or


e arrangement

for the near


f  annoying or



  1 Clara is always

using my mobile!

  2 Mr Black is 

taking our home

economics class

this week.

  3 Whales are not fish.

  4 You then add the

milk and the


  5 I check my emails

every morning.

6 Sharon is coming 

to see us at the



 action continuous

 continuous simple state

Sally and her father are long-distance lorry drivers.

Sally’s father has been driving for thirty years, so he

is used to driving in all types of weather. Sally has

been driving for two years, so she is getting used

to driving in different weather conditions too.

We use be used to / get used to to show that

someone is starting to find that something is no

longer unusual or difficult. We use be used to / get

used to to show that something is not at all unusual

or difficult for someone.


 there is there are he is they are

a new student in our class.

a little shy. some

new teachers too. interesting to

talk to.


Ask and answer questions with a partner.

Ask what they do on Saturdays, what

they are doing on Sunday, what they are

used to doing, and what they are getting

used to doing.

We use and to

introduce people or things for the first time.

We use it is / she is / and

 to refer to people or things again.

f PC


Identify the tense of the verbs

(Present Simple or Present

Continuous). Then match sentences

1-6 to the functions (a-f).

I understand how you feel. You want to use the

car which belongs to Freda. I’m sure you realise 

that she hates to let other people use it. She’s

not being mean. Cars cost a lot of money. I know 

how expensive they are because I am thinking ofbuying one myself.

Fill each gap with one of the words from the

list to complete the statements.

For a full explanation of the grammar in this

unit, see the Grammar Appendix.

1 Unit


Read the paragraph below. Think about

whether each verb in bold describes a

state or an action.

Read the paragraph below, then underline

the correct option to complete the

statements that follow.

Fill each gap with an item from the list.

Complete each sentence with two of the

items from the list.




There is

There are

They are

there is there are

they are

 he is

He is



 action state

d PC









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  1 There’s a problem with my laptop which

is really annoying me.

There’s a problem with my laptop.

really annoying me.

  2 Jack is talking to Penny just now.

Jack is talking to Penny


  3 We clean the windows on Sundays.

We clean the windows


  4 Isn’t he aware of how much noise he makes?know how much noise he


  5 Jim will soon be used to speaking in French.

Jim is speaking in French.

  6 You seldom go to the cinema.

 You ever go to the cinema.


  1 This cake (taste)


  2 Jan (wash) her hair at

the moment.

  3 The twins (always / 

lose) their pens!

  4 We (seldom / visit) our


  5 I (clean) my room

once a week.

  6 Danny (become)

better and better at playing the guitar.

  1  think  

a We that Ian took your


  b She of looking for

another job.

  2  have 

a Craig a new bike.

  b The kids lunch at the


  3  weigh 

a Katie the sugar to see

if we’ve got enough to make a cake.

  b My dog ten kilos.

  4  see 

a I’m sure they that

you are right.

  b We Jean later today.

  5  taste 

a Jasmine her coffee to

see if it needs more sugar.

  b This ice cream quite


  6  be 

a Their son naughtythis morning!

  b They very kind


  1 “I really like Karen!” (I)

“ ” / “ ”

  2 “They’re not having fun.” (Sally )

“ ” / “ ”

  3 “He doesn’t know Graham.” (we)

“ ” / “ ”

  4 “We’re seeing Mark tomorrow.” (I)

“ ” / “ ”

  5 “You’re not helping much!” ( you)

“ ” / “ ”

  6 “They enjoy skiing.” (my  friends)

“ ” / “ ”




So do I. I do too.


 is thinking

* Remember that contractions (it’s, doesn’t, etc)

count as two words.


Fill each gap with the correct form of 

the stative verb given (Present Simple or


Use the words in brackets to complete

the sentences in the correct present tense.

Complete the second sentence so

that it means the same as the first.

Use 1-3 words.*

Write two short responses to each

statement, using the word in brackets.

E  G


 is washing

 are always losing

 seldom visit 


 is becoming


 are having

 is weighing



 are seeing

 is tasting


 is being


 at the


Doesn’t he

 getting used to


Neither is Sally.

Neither do we.

So am I.

Neither are you.

So do my friends.

Sally isn’t either.

We don’t either.

I am too.

You aren’t either.

My friends do too.

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a b c

b c

5:00 7:00 7:30

a b c

a b c

a b c


a b

a b c

a b c


1 Where did the man go at the weekend?

2 What did the woman buy?

3 What is the weather like today?

4 Where is the woman’s bag? 8 What will Tina do this evening?

7 How did the man travel?

6 What is the woman going to wear?

5 What time is it?

Part 11 Can you tell me your first name?

2 What’s your surname?

How do you spell it?

3 How would you describe the area you live in?4 Do you like learning English? Why (not)?

5 Do you think that knowing English will be

useful for you in the future?

Part 3 General discussion1 How do people feel during an earthquake?

2 Which would be more frightening: a flood or

an earthquake? Why?

3 How important do you think organisations

like UNICEF are in emergencies?



Part 2There has been a very big earthquake in

another country. The government of that

country has asked for help. Talk together

about the things people who live there will

need, and decide on the most important things

to send.

Here is a picture with some ideas to help you.

1 Unit


Tick a, b or c.

✓ ✓


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 You want to tell your English friend, Anne, that

your youth club is organising a fund-raising event

to raise money for UNICEF. Write an email to send

to Anne. In your email, you should

tell her when and where the event is taking


say that people can bring second-hand toys

or buy them there

invite Anne to come to the event.

Write 35-45 words.


1 What are you going

to write?

  2 Who are you going

to write to?

  3 What do you want

to tell her about?

  4 What can she bring

with her?

  5 What can she buy


Sample email

hope money bring

condition event morning

Dear Anne,

Our youth club is organising a fund-raising

(1) to raise (2)

for UNICEF. It will be in Central Square at

ten o'clock next Saturday (3) .

 Anyone can (4) toys that are in

good (5) , or buy toys there.

I (6) you can come.

Talk to you soon.


  1 raise2 donate

3 condition

4 second-hand

a used, old  b state

  c collect

  d give


 You want to tell your English friend, Ben, that

your school is organising a fund-raising event to

raise money for UNICEF. Write an email to send

to Ben. In your email, you shouldtell him when and where the event is

taking place

say that people can bring second-hand

books or buy them there

invite Ben to come to the event.

Write 35-45 words.

  1  In writing topics like these, the plan

is given to you (the 3 bullet points).

Follow the plan, and include all the


  2  Even though this is an email to a friend,

you should write full sentences.

  3   You can use the useful language in the

Writing Appendix to help you.

 You are Ben. Answer the email. In your email, you


thank the writer for his/her email

say that you will come to the event

explain that you will bring some books and

you hope to buy some, too.

Write 35-45 words.


Extra topic


Complete the email with the words in the list.


Read the sample TOPIC below and answer

the questions.










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What did you learn in Unit 1?

1 What does UNICEF do?

2 What’s the difference between rights and


3 Can you give two meanings for the verb


4 How do you change explain into a noun?

5 What’s the difference between bring up 

and grow up?

6 Which is bigger: a nuclear family or an

extended family ?

7 Could we use the present continuous in

this sentence? Why/Why not?

This computer belongs to me.

8 Can you explain the difference between

be used to and get used to?

9 How are stative verbs different from

other verbs?

10 Give two examples of fund-raisingevents.

11 Can you spell your friend’s surname in


12 How do you say siblings in your first


Now that I’ve finished Unit 1, 


answer questions on a text

about UNICEF.

use the Present Simple and

the Present Continuous


understand short


work with a partner to

make a decision.

write a short email in

English to a friend.

If you have ticked boxes in

the 2nd or 3rd columns, ask

your teacher for advice.

1 Unit


Tick the appropriate box.

Looking back