university of groningen kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone ... · abstract: phenylacetone...

University of Groningen Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone monooxygenase from Thermobifida fusca Torres Pazmiño, Daniel E.; Baas, Bert-Jan; Janssen, Dick B.; Fraaije, Marco W.; Gonzalo, Gonzalo de; Ottolina, Gianluca; Carrea, Giacomo Published in: Biochemistry DOI: 10.1021/bi702296k IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 2008 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Torres Pazmiño, D. E., Baas, B-J., Janssen, D. B., Fraaije, M. W., Gonzalo, G. D., Ottolina, G., & Carrea, G. (2008). Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone monooxygenase from Thermobifida fusca. Biochemistry, 47(13), 4082-4093. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 18-05-2021

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Page 1: University of Groningen Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone ... · ABSTRACT: Phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO) from Thermobifida fusca is a FAD-containing Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase

University of Groningen

Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone monooxygenase from Thermobifida fuscaTorres Pazmiño, Daniel E.; Baas, Bert-Jan; Janssen, Dick B.; Fraaije, Marco W.; Gonzalo,Gonzalo de; Ottolina, Gianluca; Carrea, GiacomoPublished in:Biochemistry


IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite fromit. Please check the document version below.

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Publication date:2008

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):Torres Pazmiño, D. E., Baas, B-J., Janssen, D. B., Fraaije, M. W., Gonzalo, G. D., Ottolina, G., & Carrea,G. (2008). Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone monooxygenase from Thermobifida fusca. Biochemistry,47(13), 4082-4093.

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Page 2: University of Groningen Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone ... · ABSTRACT: Phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO) from Thermobifida fusca is a FAD-containing Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase

Kinetic Mechanism of Phenylacetone Monooxygenase from Thermobifida fusca†

Daniel E. Torres Pazmiño, Bert-Jan Baas, Dick B. Janssen, and Marco W. Fraaije*

Laboratory of Biochemistry, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, UniVersity of Groningen,Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands

ReceiVed NoVember 20, 2007; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed January 17, 2008

ABSTRACT: Phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO) from Thermobifida fusca is a FAD-containing Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO). To elucidate the mechanism of conversion of phenylacetone by PAMO,we have performed a detailed steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetic analysis. In the catalytic cycle (kcat

) 3.1 s-1), rapid binding of NADPH (Kd ) 0.7 µM) is followed by a transfer of the 4(R)-hydride fromNADPH to the FAD cofactor (kred ) 12 s-1). The reduced PAMO is rapidly oxygenated by molecularoxygen (kox ) 870 mM-1 s-1), yielding a C4a-peroxyflavin. The peroxyflavin enzyme intermediate reactswith phenylacetone to form benzylacetate (k1 ) 73 s-1). This latter kinetic event leads to an enzymeintermediate which we could not unequivocally assign and may represent a Criegee intermediate or aC4a-hydroxyflavin form. The relatively slow decay (4.1 s-1) of this intermediate yields fully reoxidizedPAMO and limits the turnover rate. NADP+ release is relatively fast and represents the final step of thecatalytic cycle. This study shows that kinetic behavior of PAMO is significantly different when comparedwith that of sequence-related monooxygenases, e.g., cyclohexanone monooxygenase and liver microsomalflavin-containing monooxygenase. Inspection of the crystal structure of PAMO has revealed that residueR337, which is conserved in other BVMOs, is positioned close to the flavin cofactor. The analyzed R337Aand R337K mutant enzymes were still able to form and stabilize the C4a-peroxyflavin intermediate. Themutants were unable to convert either phenylacetone or benzyl methyl sulfide. This demonstrates thatR337 is crucially involved in assisting PAMO-mediated Baeyer-Villiger and sulfoxidation reactions.

During the past few decades, a number of microbialmonooxygenases have been described that are able toperform the insertion of an oxygen atom in (a)cyclic ketones,yielding the corresponding esters or lactones. Most of theseBaeyer-Villiger monooxygenases (BVMOs)1 are sequence-related and have been classified as type I BVMOs. Bio-chemical studies have shown that these monooxygenases arealso able to oxidize sulfur, nitrogen, and boron atoms (1).For the oxidation of organic substrates, type I BVMOsemploy FAD as a prosthetic group, NADPH as an electrondonor, and molecular oxygen as an oxidant. So far, the mostextensively studied BVMO is cyclohexanone monooxyge-nase (CHMO, EC from Acinetobacter sp.NCIMB 9871 (2–7). An initial kinetic study of this enzymewas performed in the early 1980s, followed by a moredetailed study in 2001 by Sheng and co-workers (8, 9). Onthe basis of these and other studies on BVMOs, it has becomeclear that the ability to catalyze a Baeyer-Villiger oxidationrelies on the formation and stabilization of a C4a-peroxy-flavin during the catalytic cycle. This strong oxidant isformed by NADPH-mediated reduction and subsequentoxygenation of the FAD cofactor. The C4a-peroxyflavin isproposed to perform a nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl

group of the substrate. This yields a Criegee adduct in whichthe substrate is covalently bound to the flavin cofactor.Spontaneous rearrangement of this flavin intermediate even-tually results in the formation of the Baeyer-Villiger productand a C4a-hydroxyflavin intermediate. Dehydration of thelatter flavin intermediate produces the oxidized flavin andcompletes the catalytic cycle.

For CHMO, it has been shown that the C4a-peroxyflavinintermediate can be formed and stabilized in the absence ofan organic substrate. Only in a relatively slow process doesthis reactive enzyme intermediate decay to form hydrogenperoxide (8). Thus, in the absence of a suitable substrate,BVMOs act as inefficient NADPH oxidases. Until recently,the mechanism by which BVMOs elicit formation of theC4a-peroxyflavin and are able to stabilize this labile inter-mediate has remained enigmatic as no structural informationfor CHMO or a related monooxygenase was available. By2005, however, phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO, EC1.14.13.92) from Thermobifida fusca had been discovered(10). The enzyme is sequence-related to several knownBVMOs, e.g., cyclohexanone monooxygenase (4) and ethion-amide monooxygenase (11). PAMO contains a tightly boundFAD as a cofactor and uses NADPH as an electron donor.The best substrate identified so far is phenylacetone whichundergoes a Baeyer-Villiger oxidation yielding benzylacetate.Also, other ketones and aldehydes are accepted by themonooxygenase. Moreover, it is able to catalyze (enantio-selective) sulfoxidations and N-oxidations (12). Features thatmake this BVMO particularly interesting for biotechnologicalapplications are its thermostability and tolerance toward high

† We thank CERC3 for funding. COST D25/0005/03 is gratefullyacknowledged.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: (31) 50-3634345. Fax: (31) 50-3634165. E-mail: [email protected].

1 Abbreviations: PAMO, phenylacetone monooxygenase; CHMO,cyclohexanone monooxygenase; BVMO, Baeyer-Villiger monooxyge-nase; FMO, flavin-containing monooxygenase.

Biochemistry 2008, 47, 4082–40934082

10.1021/bi702296k CCC: $40.75 2008 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 03/06/2008

Page 3: University of Groningen Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone ... · ABSTRACT: Phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO) from Thermobifida fusca is a FAD-containing Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase

concentrations of organic solvents (13). Remarkably, the useof specific solvents can even increase the enantioselectivityof the enzyme (14). The elucidation of the crystal structureof PAMO, as yet representing the only available BVMOstructure, has revealed structural details of this monooxy-genase (15). The active site is located between two domains,an FAD binding domain and a NADPH binding domain. Onthe basis of the structure, it has been proposed that duringcatalysis the active site residue R337 adopts several confor-mations while domain rearrangements are also predicted toplay a role. The PAMO structure has triggered severalstructure-inspired enzyme redesign studies on PAMO andsequence-related BVMOs (16–19).

Now that the crystal structure of PAMO is available, it ispossible to identify residues that may assist in catalysis. Oneof these residues is R337, which is located near the boundFAD cofactor with its guanidinium side chain only 3.7 Åfrom the re face of the planar aromatic system of the cofactor(15) (Figure 1). Amino acid sequence alignment of (putative)type I BVMOs shows that this arginine is strictly conserved(20, 21). Replacement of the corresponding arginine in4-hydroxyacetophenone monooxygenase (HAPMO) fromPseudomonas fluorescens ACB resulted in the inactivationof the enzyme (22). It has been suggested that R337 inPAMO is involved in the stabilization of the negativelycharged C4a-peroxyflavin (15). In this paper, we report theinvestigation of the kinetic properties of PAMO with the goalof improving our understanding of BVMO-mediated cataly-sis. A detailed steady-state and pre-steady-state kineticanalysis of wild-type PAMO and two mutants, R337A andR337K, is presented.


Materials. (R)-NADPD was prepared using a NADP+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase from Thermoanaerobacterbrockii (23). On the basis of an A260/A340 ratio of 2.8, thepurity of the deuterated coenzyme was estimated to be>80%. All chemicals and enzymes were obtained fromACROS Organics, Jülich Fine Chemicals, Roche AppliedSciences, or Sigma-Aldrich. Oligonucleotide primers wereobtained from Sigma Genosys. DNA sequencing was con-ducted at GATC (Konstanz, Germany).

Site-Directed Mutagenesis. For mutagenesis, the previouslyconstructed plasmid pPAMO was used (10). The plasmidcontains the pamo gene (GenBank accession numberYP_289549) under control of the PBAD promoter. Mutantswere constructed using the QuickChange site-directed mu-tagenesis kit from Stratagene with pPAMO as the templatefollowing the recommendations of the manufacturer. R337was mutated to an alanine or lysine with primer 5′-TTCGGCACCAAGGCCCTCATCCTGGAA-3′ or 5′-TT-CGGCACCAAGAAACTCATCCTGGAA-3′andtheircomple-mentary primers, respectively. The mutated codons are shownin bold.

Growth of Bacterial Cells and Enzyme Purification. Wild-type His-tagged PAMO was expressed in Escherichia coliTOP10 cells and purified as described previously (10). BothPAMO mutants were also expressed in E. coli TOP10 cellsusing the same conditions that were used for wild-typePAMO but purified by means of the following procedure.E. coli TOP10 cells from a 500 mL culture were harvestedby centrifugation and resuspended in 20 mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5). After sonication, FAD was added to a finalconcentration of 50 µM and the ruptured cells were incubatedat 50 °C for 1 h and subsequently centrifuged. All furthersteps were carried out at 4 °C. The resulting supernatant wasapplied to a Q-Sepharose column (50 mL; AmershamBiosciences). The protein was eluted using a linear gradientincreasing from 0 to 1 M KCl [in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)].The mutant enzymes were further purified by means of size-exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 200 column(330 mL; Amersham Biosciences). The concentration ofwild-type PAMO was determined by measuring the absor-bance at 441 nm using an extinction coefficient of 12.4 mM-1

cm-1 (10). The extinction coefficients of both mutants weredetermined by comparing the flavin spectrum of the purifiedenzymes with the flavin spectrum obtained after unfoldingwith 0.1% SDS. This resulted in the extinction coefficientsfor PAMO R337A (ε441 ) 12.8 mM-1 cm-1) and PAMOR337K (ε440 ) 12.1 mM-1 cm-1).

Steady-State Kinetics. The activities of the purified en-zymes were determined spectrophotometrically by monitor-ing the decrease in the level of NADPH over time at 340nm (ε340 ) 6.22 mM-1 cm-1). The reaction mixture (1.0 mL)typically contained 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 100 µMNADPH, 1.0 mM phenylacetone, 1% (v/v) DMSO, and0.05–1 µM enzyme. The inhibition constant of NADP+

toward wild-type PAMO was determined by performingsteady-state kinetic experiments in the presence of 0–8 µMNADP+. These kinetic measurements were performed on aPerkin-Elmer Lambda Bio40 spectrophotometer. The steady-state kinetic parameters with oxygen were determined bymeasuring the oxygen depletion in a 1 mL stainless steelstirred vessel equipped with an optical MOPS-1 oxygensensor (Compte, Hannover, Germany) and fitting the obtaineddepletion curve with eq 1 by means of numerical integration(Micromath Scientist, version 2.0).




KM + [O2](1)

The relative flavin absorbance of wild-type PAMO andthe mutants during steady-state catalysis was determined bymonitoring the absorbance at 441 nm over time using anApplied Photophysics SX17MV stopped-flow apparatus. For

FIGURE 1: Representation of the active site of phenylacetonemonooxygenase. The FAD cofactor is shown in yellow sticks, whileseveral active side residues and water molecules are highlighted(in green sticks and red spheres, respectively). For R337, both sidechain orientations that are observed in the crystal structure areshown (PDB entry 1W4X). Hydrogen bonds around the flavin arerepresented by dashed lines. The figure was prepared using PyMol(

Kinetic Mechanism of PAMO Biochemistry, Vol. 47, No. 13, 2008 4083

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this, 8 µM enzyme was aerobically mixed with 800 µMNADPH, 2 mM phenylacetone, and 2% (v/v) DMSO ineither 50 mM PIPES buffer (pH 6–7) or 50 mM Tris-HClbuffer (pH 7–9). As a reference, the absorbance of fullyoxidized PAMO was set at 100%, while the absorbance ofanaerobically reduced PAMO was set at 0%.

Pre-Steady-State Kinetics. Both the reductive and oxidativehalf-reactions of PAMO and the mutants were analyzed usingthe stopped-flow apparatus. All experiments described belowwere performed at 25 °C in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5).Anaerobic conditions were achieved by flushing the systemand solutions with N2 and removing traces of oxygen uponaddition of 10 mM glucose and a catalytic amount of glucoseoxidase.

Reduction of PAMO by NADPH or (R)-NADPD wasassessed anaerobically at various concentrations of thenicotinamide coenzyme using a photodiode array detector.The obtained spectra were analyzed by means of numericalintegration methods using Pro-K (Applied PhotophysicsLtd.), yielding the observed rate constants. The binding andoxidation of NADPH or (R)-NADPD were assessed byfollowing the fluorescence (λex ) 340 nm, band pass filterWG 375 nm) over time under anaerobic conditions. Theobtained data could be fitted using eq 2.

Single-wavelength studies at 380 nm were used todetermine the rate of oxygenation of the reduced enzymes.For this, PAMO was anaerobically reduced using equimolaramounts of NADPH outside the stopped-flow apparatus inthe presence of 36 µM NADP+. The reoxidation of the C4a-peroxyflavin intermediate in the absence and presence ofphenylacetone was measured using a photodiode arraydetector. Reduced PAMO, prepared as described for thesingle-wavelength studies, was mixed with aerated buffercontaining various concentrations of phenylacetone (0–4mM). As for the solution containing reduced PAMO, 36 µMNADP+ was added to maintain a constant NADP+ concen-tration after mixing, thereby preventing possible release ofNADP+. The reoxidation of the C4a-peroxyflavin intermedi-ate at various pH values was carried out by mixing it witheither 50 mM PIPES (pH 6–7) or 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7–9)buffer containing 2 mM phenylacetone, 36 µM NADP+, and2% (v/v) DMSO. Analysis of the obtained spectra wasperformed as described above for the reduction of PAMOby the coenzyme.

The affinity for NADP+ (Kd,NADP+) was determined bymeasuring the change in the flavin absorbance spectrum upontitration of 66 µM PAMO with 0–514 µM NADP+.

Product Identification. To determine whether the PAMOmutants were able to convert phenylacetone or benzyl methylsulfide, the reaction was analyzed by means of gas chroma-tography. For product identification, reaction mixtures con-tained 2.5 mM substrate, 100 µM NADPH, 5 mM glucose6-phosphate, 2.5 units of glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge-nase, and 0.5 µM enzyme (13, 24).

Data Analysis. Stopped-flow fluorescence traces of thenicotinamide coenzyme binding and enzyme reduction werefitted using nonlinear regression analysis to a double-exponential equation, resulting in two different observed rates(kobs1 and kobs2) for different coenzyme concentrations.

F) ae-kobs1t + be-kobs2t + c (2)

The individual rate constants in Scheme 1 were obtainedby fitting eqs 3 and 4 (25) to the experimental kobs valuesusing nonlinear regression analysis (SigmaPlot version 10.0for Windows).

kobs ) koff + kon[NADPH] (3)

kobs2 ) krox +kred[NADPH]

[NADPH]+Kd,appin which

Kd,app )Kd,NADPH +kred


Fitting the absorbance traces of the oxygenation reactionto a single-exponential equation resulted in kobs values fordifferent oxygen concentrations. By fitting eq 5 to theexperimental kobs values, we obtained the individual rateconstant for oxygenation of the reduced enzyme (kox).

F) ae-kobs1t + c (5)

The experimental observed rates for the first reoxidationstep using phenylacetone as the substrate increased hyper-bolically with increasing substrate concentration and couldbe fitted with eq 6 using nonlinear regression analysis(SigmaPlot version 10.0 for Windows).

kobs )kBV[PA]


DeriVation of Steady-State Parameters from KineticConstants. Mathematica version 5.2 was used to derive rateequations from the kinetic scheme by the determinant method(see the Supporting Information for details). The kineticparameters kcat, KM,NADPH, KM,oxygen, and KM,PA can be calculatedaccording to the following equations.

kcat )kredkBVkckox[O2]

(kBVkc + kredkc + kredkBV)kox[O2]+ kredkBVkc(7a)


(kBVkc + kredkc + kredkBV)kox[O2]+ kredkBVkc




kBVkckox + kredkckox + kredkBVkox(7c)

KM,PA )kredkcKd,PAkox[O2]

(kBVkc + kredkc + kredkBV)kox[O2]+ kredkBVkc


These equations could be simplified by calculating thecatalytic efficiency of the enzyme for substrates NADPH andphenylacetone:









Additionally, the relative absorbance at 441 nm duringsteady state could be derived mathematically from the

Scheme 1: Reduction of PAMO by NADPH

4084 Biochemistry, Vol. 47, No. 13, 2008 Torres Pazmiño et al.

Page 5: University of Groningen Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone ... · ABSTRACT: Phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO) from Thermobifida fusca is a FAD-containing Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase

concentrations of the various enzyme species obtained bythe determinant method.

A441 )


(A1 +A2 +A3 +A4)[Etotal]


in which A1, A2, A3, and A4 represent the relative absorptionof each enzyme species.


Steady-State Kinetics. The steady-state kinetic parametersof wild-type PAMO were determined in aerated 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) at 25 °C. Using phenylacetone and NADPHas substrates, PAMO exhibited typical Michaelis-Mentenbehavior, yielding the catalytic (kcat) and Michaelis constants(KM) for both substrates. By measuring the depletion ofmolecular oxygen in a closed reaction vessel, we could alsoobtain the kinetic parameters of the enzyme toward this thirdsubstrate (Table 1). In a stopped-flow apparatus, the relativeabsorbance of the flavin cofactor (A441) during catalysis wasmonitored. In the presence of saturating concentrations ofNADPH, oxygen, and phenylacetone, this absorbance wasfound to be 68% of the fully oxidized flavin absorbanceduring steady-state catalysis. This indicates that most of theenzyme is present in an oxidized state.

The inhibitory effects of the products benzylacetate andNADP+ were also determined. Benzylacetate was found toshow no inhibition when used at concentrations of up to 5.0mM. On the other hand, the oxidized nicotinamide coenzyme(NADP+) caused strong competitive inhibition (KI,NADP+ )2.7 ( 1.0 µM). Similar results were previously found forCHMO, in which NADP+ also acted as a competitiveinhibitor and the oxygenated product ε-caprolactone did notaffect the activity of the enzyme (8). NADP+ is also acompetitive inhibitor of hydroxyacetophenone monooxyge-nase (HAPMO) from P. fluorescens ACB. For this enzyme,recent mass spectrometry measurements provided directproof that NADP+ remains bound during catalysis (26). Also,the crystal structure of PAMO has revealed that the enzymecontains a binding pocket which can accommodate NADPHor NADP+.

In the absence of phenylacetone, PAMO consumedNADPH at a rate (0.02 s-1) that was 150-fold lower than

the kcat. During this nonproductive form of catalysis, alsotermed the uncoupling reaction, only NADPH and molecularoxygen are consumed, thereby yielding NADP+ and hydro-gen peroxide.

To gain additional insight into the mechanism of reductionof flavin by NADPH, we performed additional steady-statekinetic studies using deuterated coenzyme (R)-NADPD.Compared to that with the nondeuterated coenzyme, theMichaelis constant was found to be hardly affected (Table1). On the other hand, kcat measurements showed thatdeuteration of the coenzyme resulted in a significant kineticisotope effect (KIE ) 3.4). This indicates that the (R)-hydrogen of NADPH is transferred as a hydride to the flavincofactor. Furthermore, it was found that the enzyme waspredominantly (80%) present in the oxidized state, comparedto 68% when using NADPH as the coenzyme. This furtherindicates that the overall rate of catalysis is largely deter-mined by the rate of hydride transfer upon replacement ofNADPH by (R)-NADPD as the coenzyme.

ReductiVe Half-Reaction. Flavoprotein oxidoreductases areenzymes that catalyze redox reactions, and their mechanismof action can be subdivided into two half-reactions, areductive half-reaction and an oxidative half-reaction. In thecase of type I BVMOs, the reduction of the FAD cofactorby NADPH is considered the reductive half-reaction. Todetermine individual rate constants for this half-reaction, thestopped-flow technique was used with PAMO. The anaerobicreduction of 8 µM wild-type PAMO by 50 µM NADPH wasmonitored over time using the stopped-flow apparatusequipped with a photodiode array detector. The collectedspectral scans could be fitted best with a two-step model (Aa Bf C). The typical oxidized flavin absorbance spectrumdisappeared over time during the first phase, which representsthe reversible reduction of the enzyme. This occurred withrate constants of 11.8 ( 0.1 s-1 (flavin reduction) and 1.4 (0.3 s-1 (flavin reoxidation). The second process (1.6 ( 0.3s-1) exhibited less pronounced spectral changes (Figure 2),and the difference spectrum of species B and C suggestsformation of a small amount of a peroxyflavin species. Wepropose that this reflects the slow reaction of reduced flavinwith small quantities of molecular oxygen that is still presentin the system (from the kox mentioned below, it was estimatedthat ∼1 µM O2 was still present in the system). The observedrates for the reduction and reoxidation of the flavin (A aB) were found to be independent of the concentration of thecoenzyme in the range of 25-100 µM NADPH. Addition-ally, no changes in the amplitude and spectral properties ofthe deconvoluted enzyme intermediates were observed. Thissuggests that the Kd,NADPH is well below 25 µM and that flavinreduction (kred) and reoxidation (krox) occur at rates of 11.8( 0.1 and 1.4 ( 0.3 s-1, respectively. No step prior toenzyme reduction was observed, indicating that the bindingof NADPH is fast (>500 s-1 in the presence of 25 µMNADPH) and/or has hardly any effect on the flavin absorp-tion spectrum. Furthermore, by performing these experimentsin the presence of phenylacetone (up to 1 mM), we observedthat the rate of reduction was not affected by the organicsubstrate.

To study the binding of NADPH to the enzyme, whichwas not resolved from flavin reduction using the stopped-flow absorbance measurements described above, we ex-ploited the fluorescence properties of NADPH. This made

Table 1: Steady-State Kinetic Parameters of Wild-Type PAMO

measured calculateda

NADPH as the Coenzyme

kcat (s-1) 3.1 ( 0.2 3.0KM,coenzyme (µM) 0.7 ( 0.1 0.1KM,PA (µM) 80 ( 6 30KM,oxygen (µM) 10 ( 4 3.4KI,NADP+ (µM) 2.7 ( 1.0 ndb

KI,BA (µM) >5000 ndb

A441 (%) 68 71

(R)-NADPD as the Coenzyme

kcat (s-1) 0.9 ( 0.2 1.5KM,coenzyme (µM) 0.4 ( 0.1 0.4A441 (%) 80 85

a Kinetic parameters were calculated using the determinant method(see the Supporting Information). b Not determined.

Kinetic Mechanism of PAMO Biochemistry, Vol. 47, No. 13, 2008 4085

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it possible to perform stopped-flow experiments at lowenzyme concentrations. Reducing 0.12 µM PAMO withvarious concentrations of NADPH (0.6–4 µM) under anaero-bic conditions resulted in fluorescence traces consisting oftwo phases which were completed within 2 s of mixing(Figure 3A). The observed rates for the fast phase increasedlinearly with increasing coenzyme concentrations and variedfrom 68 to 330 s-1 (Figure 3B). The high rates of the fastphase observed in the fluorescence traces, which are up to28-fold higher than the reduction rate described above,suggest that this fast process represents the binding ofNADPH to the enzyme, yielding the Eox-NADPH complex(Scheme 1) in which the fluorescence of the coenzyme isquenched. Linear fitting of these kobs values with eq 3 yieldedthe individual rate constants for the association (kon ) 74µM-1 s-1) and dissociation (koff ) 32 s-1) of NADPH (Table2). The values confirm the high affinity of PAMO forNADPH, as the calculated binding constant (Kd,NADPH) is 0.4( 0.2 µM. The observed rates for the second and slowerphase displayed a hyperbolic NADPH concentration depen-dence with rates ranging from 4 to 10 s-1. This indicatesthat the second process is most likely the oxidation ofNADPH to NADP+ coupled with reduction of the flavin.This is in agreement with a decrease in fluorescence. Fittingthe observed rates of the second phase with eq 4 yielded anapparent affinity (Kd,app) of 0.9 ( 0.2 µM and a maximumrate of 11.8 ( 0.9 s-1. This is in line with the Kd,NADPH beingbelow 1 µM, as calculated using the association anddissociation constants (see above).

Kinetic Isotope Effect on the ReductiVe Half-Reaction. Asmentioned above, the use of (R)-NADPD as the coenzymeresulted in a significant decrease in the overall catalytic rate.To measure the KIE on the rate of reduction, 8 µM PAMO

was anaerobically reduced by 50 µM (R)-NADPD using thestopped-flow instrument equipped with a photodiode arraydetector. This resulted in a relatively slow reduction of theenzyme. As described above for reduction with NADPH,the absorption data could be fitted best using a two-stepmodel in which the first step is reversible (see the SupportingInformation for details). This resulted in deconvolutedenzyme intermediates with the same spectral properties asthose shown in Figure 2B. Reduction and reoxidation of theFAD cofactor were found to occur at rates of 2.1 ( 0.1 and0.5 ( 0.1 s-1, respectively. The second process was againrelatively slow (<0.1 s-1) and was ascribed to the presenceof small amounts of O2 in the mixing chamber. The 6-folddecrease in the reduction rate using (R)-NADPD instead of

FIGURE 2: (A) Some selected flavin absorbance spectra observed during anaerobic reduction of 8 µM wild-type PAMO by 50 µM NADPH(50 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.5 and 25 °C). Of all 1600 recorded spectra, only spectra recorded at the indicated times are shown. (B) Spectraof the deconvoluted enzyme species. By means of numerical integration (Pro-K, Applied Photophysics Ltd.), the spectra were fitted usinga two-step kinetic model (A a B f C).

FIGURE 3: Kinetic analysis of the fluorescence traces obtained after anaerobic mixing of wild-type PAMO and NADPH (50 mM Tris-HClat pH 7.5 and 25 °C). (A) Observed fluorescence trace upon mixing 0.12 µM PAMO with 1.25 µM NADPH. The solid line shows the fitusing a double-exponential equation, yielding kobs1 and kobs2. (B) The black circles (b) and the solid line (—) show the observed rates (kobs1)of the first step at various NADPH concentrations and the corresponding linear fit, respectively (koff ) 32 ( 12 s-1; kon ) 74 ( 5 µM-1

s-1). The white circles (O) and the dashed line (---) show the observed rates of the second step (kobs2) at various NADPH concentrationsand the corresponding fit, respectively. The maximum rate (kred) was determined to be 11.8 ( 0.9 s-1.

Table 2: Individual Kinetic Rate Constants and Dissociation ConstantsDescribing the Catalytic Cycle of Wild-Type PAMO and MutantsR337A and R337K

reductive half-reaction oxidative half-reaction

Wild-Type PAMO

kon (µM-1 s-1) 74 ( 5 kox (mM-1 s-1) 870 ( 35koff (s-1) 32 ( 12 KPA (µM) 730 ( 50Kd,NADPH (µM) 0.7 ( 0.3 k1 (s-1) 73 ( 1kred (s-1) 11.8 ( 0.1 k2 (s-1) 4.1 ( 0.1krox (s-1) 1.4 ( 0.3 kunc (s-1) 0.014Kd,NADP+ (µM) 3.3 ( 0.3

PAMO R337Akon (µM-1 s-1) 145 ( 30 kox (mM-1 s-1) 46 ( 2koff (s-1) 57 ( 20 kunc (s-1) 0.001kred (s-1) 0.12 ( 0.01

PAMO R337Kkon (µM-1 s-1) nda kox (mM-1 s-1) 51 ( 2koff (s-1) nda kunc (s-1) 0.002kred (s-1) 0.07 ( 0.01a Not determined.

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NADPH as the coenzyme confirms that PAMO preferablyaccepts the 4(R)-hydrogen of the coenzyme. A low kred isalso in agreement with the previously determined increasein A441 during steady-state turnover using (R)-NADPD, whichreflects the fact that a larger fraction of the enzyme is presentin the oxidized state during catalysis.

The change in (R)-NADPD fluorescence over time showedtraces similar to those obtained with NADPH. Anaerobicreduction of 0.12 µM PAMO by 0.9–3.0 µM (R)-NADPDrevealed again a decrease in fluorescence consisting of twophases (see the Supporting Information for details). As forthe reductive half-reaction with NADPH, the observed ratesfor the fast phase increased linearly with an increase incoenzyme concentration, resulting in similar rate constantsfor association (kon ) 47 µM-1 s-1) and dissociation (koff )35 s-1) of (R)-NADPD, yielding a Kd,NADPD of 0.7 µM. Theobtained rates for the relatively slow phase were found toincrease slightly with an increase in coenzyme concentration.In contrast to the experiments carried out with NADPH, noclear hyperbolic dependency was observed, although a trendis visible. This is in line with the fact that lowest measuredconcentration of (R)-NADPD (0.9 µM) was below thecalculated Kd,NADPD (0.7 µM). The maximum rate observedfor the second phase was 2.0 ( 0.1 s-1. This rate correspondsnicely with the reduction rate determined by monitoring thedecrease in flavin absorbance (2.1 ( 0.1 s-1; see above).

Binding of NADP+ to Oxidized PAMO. The steady-stateinhibition experiments with NADP+ mentioned earlierindicated that the release of the oxidized coenzyme is theultimate step in the catalytic cycle of PAMO as it acts as acompetitive inhibitor. To gain insight into the process ofNADP+ release, we monitored the reverse reaction, i.e., thebinding of the oxidized coenzyme to oxidized PAMO, bymeasuring spectral changes of the flavin upon titration of66 µM PAMO with 0–514 µM NADP+ (Figure 4A). Bindingof NADP+ results in a more resolved flavin spectrum whichexhibits more prominent absorbance shoulders next to themaximum at 441 nm. Such a spectral effect hints about amore hydrophobic microenvironment around the flavin andis in line with the bound nicotinamide ring shielding theflavin from water. The largest decrease in absorbance wasobserved at 387 and 480 nm. At 387 nm, the decrease inabsorption due to the formation of the Eox–NADP+ complex(∆A387) was 1830 M-1 cm-1. This value was used to calculatethe concentrations of the Eox–NADP+ complex and free

NADP+. By plotting the concentration of these two com-ponents against each other and fitting the data with eq 8 bymeans of linear regression, we determined the binding affinitytoward the oxidized coenzyme [Kd,NADP+ ) 3.3 ( 0.3 µM(Figure 4B)]. This value is similar to the inhibition constantof NADP+ (KI,NADP+ ) 2.7 ( 1.0 µM).

Kd )[Eox ·NADP+]

[Eox]free + [NADP+]free


Kinetic analysis of the binding of NADP+ by rapid mixingcould not be carried out, as the absorption changes occurredwithin the dead time of the stopped-flow apparatus (<2 ms)using 5 µM PAMO and 25 µM NADP+. This indicates thatbinding of NADP+ to the oxidized enzyme is a fast process(>500 s-1). In view of the binding constant, the rate ofNADP+ release also must be high (konKd,NADP+ > 66 s-1),when compared with the steady-state turnover rate (kcat )3.1 s-1).

OxidatiVe Half-Reaction. To monitor the reactions ofreduced PAMO with molecular oxygen, 36 µM reducedPAMO was rapidly mixed with aerated buffer containing36 µM NADP+. This resulted in the formation of a spectralintermediate within 10 ms which displays an absorptionmaximum at ∼380 nm (Figure 5A). Such spectral featuresare in line with formation of a C4a-peroxyflavin enzymeintermediate. As not enough data points could be acquiredusing the photodiode array detector for an accurate kineticanalysis, formation of the oxygenated enzyme intermediatewas subsequently monitored using single-wavelength absorp-tion measurements at 380 nm. The rate of C4a-peroxyflavinformation was measured using buffer containing 36 µMNADP+ and several oxygen concentrations (250, 750, and1250 µM). The observed rates, obtained by fitting theexponential absorption traces with eq 5, increased linearlywith increasing concentrations of molecular oxygen. Thepseudo-first-order rate constant describing the oxygenationof reduced PAMO (kox) was found to be 870 ( 35 mM-1

s-1 (Table 2). From this, it can be inferred that in aeratedbuffer (250 µM O2) the C4a-peroxyflavin intermediate isformed at a rate of 220 s-1, which is 70-fold higher than thekcat. This indicates that during steady-state catalysis oxygen-ation of the reduced enzyme is not a rate-limiting step. Inthe absence of a suitable substrate, the formed C4a-peroxyflavin slowly decayed, yielding oxidized PAMO with

FIGURE 4: (A) Flavin absorbance spectra of 66 µM PAMO upon titration with NADP+ (25 °C in 50 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.5). The concentrationof NADP+ was varied from 0 to 514 µM. The inset shows the difference spectra of PAMO upon titration with NADP+ using the spectrumof PAMO with no NADP+ as a reference. (B) NADP+ binding affinity for wild-type PAMO. The relationship between the concentra-tion of the formed PAMO–NADP+ complex and free NADP+ using different initial concentrations of NADP+ indicates a high bindingaffinity. Nonlinear regression of the ∆A387 data using the data from panel A indicated that wild-type PAMO has an apparent binding affinityfor NADP+ of 3.3 ( 0.3 µM, which is equal to the inhibition constant for NADP+ (KI,NADP+).

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a rate of 0.01 s-1. This rate is similar to the previouslyobtained uncoupling rate (kunc) and suggests that the rate ofNADPH consumption in the absence of a suitable substrateis mainly determined by the decay of the C4a-peroxyflavinintermediate.

The enzymatic Baeyer-Villiger oxidation has been sug-gested to occur by the nucleophilic attack of the C4a-peroxyflavin on organic substrates, yielding the so-calledCriegee adduct. Thereafter, a rearrangement occurs, resultingin the formation of an ester/lactone product and the C4a-hydroxyflavin intermediate. Dehydration of the C4a-hy-droxyflavin intermediate regenerates the oxidized flavin. Toexamine the spectral properties of the reaction intermediatesand the rates at which they are formed, 36 µM anaerobicNADPH-reduced PAMO was mixed with aerated buffercontaining phenylacetone (0.5–4 mM) as a substrate in thepresence of 36 µM NADP+ (Figure 5). Analysis of theobtained spectral scans revealed that the data could be fittedbest with an irreversible three-step model (A f B f C fD). The spectral scans also showed that during the first stepthere is rapid formation of an enzyme species with isosbesticpoints at 340 and 420 nm and an absorption maximum at380 nm. This step represents the oxygenation of the reducedflavin, and the corresponding rate is equal to the rate of theoxygenation of reduced PAMO in the absence of phenylac-etone (870 mM-1 s-1; see above). The formed peroxyflavinenzyme species is subsequently converted to the oxidizedenzyme in two sequential steps. The observed rate of thiskinetic event step increases hyperbolically with an increasein phenylacetone concentration. Fitting the experimental kobs

values with eq 6 reveals that this step occurs irreversibly ata rate (k1) of 73 ( 1 s-1 and shows a half-saturation constant(KPA) of 730 ( 50 µM. The last step is independent of thephenylacetone concentration and occurs at a constant rateof 4.1 ( 0.1 s-1 (k2). This rate is similar to the catalytic rateof the enzyme (kcat ) 3.1 s-1) and is most likely rate-limiting.The spectral properties of the final enzyme species resemblethose of oxidized PAMO with bound NADP+ (cf. Figure4A), indicating that the final and relatively slow kinetic event(C f D) does not involve the release of the oxidizedcoenzyme as it still remains bound to the enzyme. This is inagreement with the kinetic data on NADP+ binding reportedabove.

The oxidative half-reaction was also performed at variouspH values (pH 6-9), in the presence of molecular oxygenand 1 mM phenylacetone. At all pH values that weremeasured, the obtained spectral data could be fitted best using

the same three-step model (A f B f C f D). Thedeconvoluted spectra of A (reduced flavin), B (peroxyflavin),and D (oxidized flavin) were shown not to be dependent onpH. This indicates that the pKa of the peroxyflavin in PAMOfalls outside the measured pH regime. Also, the rates of alltransitions were hardly affected by pH. Only at pH 6–7 wasthe rate of decomposition of intermediate C found to decreasesignificantly (up to 4-fold). This is in line with the pHoptimum for the activity of PAMO (>80% activity at pH7–9) (10). Interestingly, the spectral characteristics ofintermediate C were found to be highly dependent on pH(see Discussion). At low pH, the absorbance spectrum ofthe observed intermediate resembles that of a C4a-hydroxy-flavin intermediate (27, 28), while at high pH, it resemblesthat of the fully oxidized enzyme with bound NADP+ (Figure6). In addition, the pH dependence of the absorption at 441nm of this intermediate showed a pKa of 7.3 (Figure 6, inset).These data suggest that at lower pH values the “C4a-hydroxy-FAD species” is relatively stable and accumulatesduring catalysis. A similar situation has been reported foreukaryotic flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMO), wherea kinetic analysis has shown that dehydration of the C4a-hydroxyflavin intermediate is rate-limiting (29). Monitoringthe A441 of PAMO during steady-state turnover at differentpH values revealed a trend that was similar to the trend in

FIGURE 5: (A) Spectra of the reaction of NADPH-reduced wild-type PAMO and aerated buffer containing 1 mM phenylacetone (finalconcentration in the cell). The spectra shown were recorded at the indicated times. (B) Spectra of the deconvoluted enzyme species. Bymeans of numerical integration (Pro-K, Applied Photophysics Ltd.), the spectra were derived using a three-step kinetic model (A f B fC f D), in which the first step corresponds to oxygenation of the reduced enzyme (110 s-1, fixed), the second step represents thephenylacetone-dependent reoxidation of the enzyme (45 s-1), and the third step presumably represents a conformational step (4.1 s-1).

FIGURE 6: Spectra of the deconvoluted enzyme species observedduring reoxidation of wild-type PAMO at various pH values. Aspreviously shown in Figure 5B, the bold solid lines represent thespectra of the flavin C4a-peroxide intermediate and the reoxidizedflavin with bound NADP+, respectively. Some selected spectra ofdeconvoluted enzyme species C that were obtained at different pHvalues (pH 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0) are shown as thin lines. Theabsorbance of this intermediate increased with an increase in pH,showing a pKa of 7.3 (inset).

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the relative absorbance of intermediate C; the A441 duringsteady-state turnover was found to increase with an increasein pH. At pH 7.0, the absorption was found to be 43% ofthat of the fully oxidized enzyme, while at pH 8.5, this was79%. These results are in line with the accumulation ofintermediate C during catalysis, indicating that its decom-position is rate-limiting.

Mutants R337A and R337K. To elucidate the role of R337in catalysis, we also investigated the kinetic properties ofmutants R337A and R337K. The flavin absorption spectraof both mutants are somewhat different from that of wild-type PAMO with maxima at 370 and 441 nm for R337Aand at 372 and 440 nm for R337K (Figure 7). In addition,mutant R337A shows a more pronounced shoulder at 460nm. These results confirm that R337 is located near theisoalloxazine ring of the bound flavin cofactor, as suggestedby the crystal structure of PAMO (15). Intriguingly, thespectral changes upon replacement of the arginine with analanine closely resemble those changes induced upon bindingof NADP+ to wild-type PAMO, suggesting a more hydro-phobic microenvironment around the flavin cofactor (Figure7, inset).

Both R337 PAMO mutants showed a maximum NADPHconsumption rate of 0.01 s-1 in aerated buffer in the presenceof 10 mM phenylacetone. This rate is more than 300-foldlower than the catalytic rate of wild-type PAMO and also5-fold lower than the uncoupling rate of wild-type PAMO.In the absence of phenylacetone, similar rates were obtained.Product analysis by means of gas chromatography revealedthat no benzylacetate is formed using these PAMO mutants.When using benzylmethyl sulfide as a substrate, also noproduct formation was observed. This indicates that bothmutants are unable to carry out Baeyer-Villiger oxidationsor sulfoxidations. In contrast to that of wild-type PAMO,the A441 values of both mutants during steady state were verylow (<1% of that of the fully oxidized enzyme), pointing tothe accumulation of a reduced enzyme species.

Pre-steady-state kinetic studies of the reductive half-reaction of the R337A enzyme showed that this mutant hasa relatively low reduction rate (Table 2). A similar low rateof flavin reduction was found for mutant R337K. NADPH

fluorescence measurements showed that the R337A mutanthas a similar affinity towards the nicotinamide coenzymewhen compared with the wild-type enzyme with similarassociation and dissociation constants. These results showthat replacement of the arginine at position 337 results in adrastic decrease of the reduction rate while the binding ofNADPH is not affected.

The ability of both mutants to react with molecular oxygenafter reduction by NADPH was also investigated. MixingNADPH-reduced R337A PAMO with aerated buffer resultedin a rapid increase in absorption at 380 nm, which wasobserved for wild-type PAMO. By fitting the absorptiontraces with a single-exponential equation (eq 5), we obtainedrates that increased linearly with an increase in O2 concentra-tion, resulting in a pseudo-first-order rate constant describingthe oxygenation process. This indicates that R337 is notessential for the formation of the C4a-peroxyflavin interme-diate. However, the oxygenation rate (kox,R337A) was foundto be 20-fold lower than that of the wild type, suggestingthat R337 plays an important role in the formation of theC4a-peroxyflavin intermediate. Again, similar results werefound for mutant R337K. This shows that a lysine does notreplace the functionality of the conserved R337. Decay ofthe peroxyflavin occurred at a rate of 0.001 s-1 for R337Aand at a rate of 0.002 s-1 for R337K. These rates are inagreement with the observed rates of NADPH consumptionunder steady-state conditions.


Recent studies have shown that many bacterial and fungalgenomes contain one or more BVMO genes (21, 30). Thiscontrasts with the number of biochemically characterizedBVMOs. BVMOs are often involved in degradation routesof aromatic or aliphatic ketones, while in some cases, theycatalyze a crucial step in biosynthesis of a secondarymetabolite. Biochemical studies on BVMOs have beenlimited by their limited availability, poor stability, and/orreluctance toward purification. For this reason, only CHMOhas been studied in detail with respect to its catalytic andkinetic properties (8, 9, 31, 32). Unfortunately, it has provento be impossible to obtain crystals of CHMO, prohibitinginsight into the structural details of this BVMO. Recently,PAMO was identified by a genome database mining effort.The enzyme originates from a thermophilic bacterium, whichexplains the (thermo)stability of this enzyme, and it can bewell expressed in E. coli (10). These features have triggereda number of biocatalytic studies that have shown that PAMOrepresents an interesting enzyme with respect to its potentialuse in synthetic chemistry (12–14, 33). Elucidation of thecrystal structure of PAMO has provided valuable structuralinsight as it represents the only available BVMO structure(15). The identification of residues that form the active sitecavity has enabled enzyme engineering studies that resultedin the design of several PAMO mutants that displaysignificantly altered substrate specificities (16, 19). Byperforming steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetic studies,we have now elucidated the kinetic mechanism of PAMO.The next paragraphs highlight the observed features of theindividual kinetic steps (Figure 8).

Reduction of the FlaVin Cofactor. Our study shows thatPAMO binds the reduced NADPH coenzyme with high

FIGURE 7: Flavin spectra of 17 µM wild-type PAMO (solid line),mutant R337A (dotted line), and mutant R337K (dashed line). Thespectra were recorded in 50 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.5 and 25 °C.The inset shows the difference spectra of both arginine mutantsusing wild-type PAMO as a reference.

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affinity (Kd,NADPH ) 0.7 µM), after which reversible reductionof the bound flavin cofactor takes place (kred ) 11.8 s-1; krox

) 1.4 s-1). By using deuterated NADPH, it was establishedthat for reduction of PAMO, the nicotinamide (R)-hydrogenis transferred as a hydride from NADPH. Although such aspecific hydride transfer was previously shown to occur insequence-related FMOs (34), thus far no evidence was foundthat BVMOs reduce their cofactor by an enantioselectivehydride transfer. This illustrates that binding and positioningof NADPH in PAMO are very specific, with the nicotinamide(R)-hydrogen in the proximity of the flavin cofactor. Incontrast to several other flavin-containing monooxygenases,e.g., p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase (35), binding of phe-nylacetone is not required for effective reduction of the flavincofactor by NADPH. This could indicate that binding ofsubstrate occurs after reduction which is in line with thesubstrate concentration-dependent rate of oxygenation. Re-placing the strictly conserved R337 with an alanine or lysineresidue drastically reduces the rate of flavin reduction, whilethe affinity for NADPH is not altered. This indicates thatR337 is involved in, for example, proper alignment of thereduced nicotinamide moiety with respect to the isoalloxazinepart of the flavin cofactor and/or may modulate the redoxproperties of the flavin cofactor.

Oxygenation of the Reduced FlaVin Cofactor (peroxyflaVinformation). BVMOs owe their oxygenating activity to thefact that they can generate and stabilize the reactive C4a-peroxyflavin intermediate. As shown previously for CHMO

and liver microsomal FMO (9, 36), we have also found thatPAMO is able to form and stabilize such a flavin intermediateusing the stopped-flow technique. The formation of the C4a-peroxyflavin intermediate (species 4 in Figure 8) uponoxygenation of reduced PAMO is a relatively fast process(kox ) 870 mM-1 s-1). However, it is worth noting that thisrate is still considerably lower when compared with the rateof oxygenation of reduced CHMO, a closely related BVMO,which is oxygenated at a rate of g5000 mM-1 s-1 at 4 °C(9). With CHMO, it was observed that upon oxygenationinitially a peroxyflavin form which exhibits an absorbancemaximum at 366 nm is formed. Only in a relatively slowprocess (3.3 s-1) was a species formed that absorbs most at383 nm. It was concluded that the 366 nm species reflectsthe C4a-peroxyflavin species which can be protonated toform the C4a-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate. With PAMO,such a biphasic process is not seen: the peroxyflavin form isformed in a monophasic process and displays an absorptionmaximum at 380 nm. This suggests that in this case the C4a-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate is directly formed upon thereaction with molecular oxygen. This would imply that thepKa of the peroxyflavin in PAMO is well above pH 7.5.

In the absence of substrate, the peroxy form of PAMOonly slowly decays (0.01 s-1) to form oxidized PAMO andhydrogen peroxide and thereby acts as an NADPH oxidase.The R337 mutants were also shown to be able to form theperoxyflavin, albeit with a decreased (∼17-fold) oxygenationrate. Moreover, the mutants were able to stabilize this

FIGURE 8: Proposed catalytic cycle for PAMO. The numbers in bold indicate the different observed flavin intermediates. The catalytic cyclestarts with oxidized PAMO (1), which after binding NADPH (2) is reduced, yielding NADP+ (3). The reduced enzyme is then oxygenatedby molecular oxygen, resulting in the flavin C4a-peroxide intermediate (4). Binding of phenylacetone (5) leads to conversion into benzylacetate. During the oxidation reaction, an enzyme intermediate is observed which may represent a Criegee intermediate (6a, route A) or aC4a-hydroxyflavin intermediate (6b, route B). A slow decay of the unassigned enzyme intermediate yields oxidized PAMO complexedwith NADP+. Release of NADP+ completes the catalytic cycle. The individual rate constants and binding affinities appear beside thearrows.

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oxygenated enzyme intermediate even better as only arelatively slow decay (0.001–0.002 s-1) was observed. Whileit has been suggested that R337 would facilitate peroxyflavinformation and stabilization (15), this study shows that thisactive site residue is clearly not an absolute requirement forthis. It appears that R337 is required to promote formationof a productive substrate-C4a-peroxyflavin complex. Asimilar role of an active site arginine in a flavoproteinmonooxygenase has recently been reported (37). Elucidationof the crystal structure of 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-mo-nooxygenase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 revealed thatan arginine (R100) is involved in positioning the aromaticsubstrate, while it also is predicted to interact with the peroxymoiety of the C4a-hydroperoxyflavin. Whether R337 inPAMO is also involved in proper positioning of the reactants(including the bound NADP+), formation of the Criegeeadduct, and/or triggering of a conformational change, remainsto be established. An interesting observation is the strikingresemblance between the flavin spectrum of mutant R337Aand that of wild-type PAMO with bound NADP+. It suggeststhat upon binding of NADP+, the conserved arginine movesaway from the flavin, perhaps due to positive chargerepulsion, creating an environment around the flavin thatresembles that of mutant R337A. In line with this, alternatepositions of the side chain of R337 have been observed inthe crystal structure of PAMO (15).

Oxidation of Phenylacetone by the PeroxyflaVin Intermedi-ate. The reaction of the peroxyflavin intermediate withphenylacetone is a relatively fast and substrate-dependentprocess (KPA ) 730 µM; k1 ) 73 s-1), while a kinetic eventfollowing this oxygenation reaction is relatively slow (k2 )4.1 s-1) and limits the rate of catalysis. The spectral featuresof the enzyme intermediate that is formed upon oxygenationof phenylacetone are unusual. The exact nature of thisintermediate could not be verified and awaits future study.However, the kinetic and spectral data suggest that theintermediate represents an oxygenated flavin intermediate.In fact, two possible scenarios for the observed intermediateare given in Figure 8: route A, in which a Criegeeintermediate is formed, and route B, in which a hydroxyflavinintermediate is formed.

As formation of the unidentified enzyme intermediate isobserved upon mixing reduced PAMO with substrate andoxygen, a likely candidate for this intermediate is a Criegeeintermediate (route A, intermediate 6a in Figure 8). Suchan intermediate is predicted to be formed in any Baeyer-Villiger reaction but has never been observed experimentally.The kinetic data would suggest that the slow decay of thisintermediate (k2 ) 4.1 s-1), with concomitant product release,would determine the rate of catalysis. It was found that thespectral properties of the intermediate are strongly pH-dependent (pKa of 7.3). Changing the pH, however, did notaffect the rates of the observed events during the oxidativehalf-reaction, nor did it change the spectral features of theinitially observed C4a-peroxyflavin enzyme intermediate. AtpH 7.5, the unassigned intermediate spectrum resembles thatof a mixture of an oxidized flavin and an oxygenated flavinspecies, while at high pH, the spectrum resembles that offully oxidized flavin. These spectral features argue againsta Criegee intermediate as it is unlikely that the Criegeeintermediate would exhibit a flavin spectrum that is almostindistinguishable from that of oxidized flavin.

An alternative and, in our view, more likely interpretationof the data is indicated as route B in which the observedintermediate mainly represents a C4a-hydroxyflavin PAMOspecies at low pH (Figure 8). We propose that the pH-dependent spectral behavior reflects the protonation state ofa residue in the active site of PAMO which is located closeto the hydroxyl moiety of the C4a-hydroxyflavin form (6bin Figure 8). At low pH, the C4a-hydroxyflavin is stabilizedto a great extent, yielding a spectrum which is similar tothat of the C4a-hydroperoxyflavin. At high pH, the depro-tonated active site residue destabilizes the C4a-hydroxyflavinintermediate, yielding oxidized PAMO in such a conforma-tion that the formed water molecule is sequestered in theactive site. Only a slow and pH-independent conformationalchange (k2 ) 4.1 s-1) will result in formation of oxidizedPAMO which is able to release the NADP+ coenzyme. Sucha conformational change would be in line with slight changesobserved between the spectrum of the enzyme intermediateat high pH and the flavin spectrum of oxidized PAMO(Figure 6).

The rate constants derived from this kinetic study indicatethat the decay of the unassigned enzyme intermediate (k2)sets a limit for the kcat value. NADP+ binding measurementsrevealed that release of the oxidized coenzyme is a fastprocess (koff,NADP+ > 66 s-1). Comparison of the determinedsteady-state kinetic parameters with the calculated steady-state kinetic parameters (see the Supporting Information) alsoshows a good correlation (Table 1). Previous studies withPAMO have shown that for a wide variety of organicsubstrates, similar kcat values (2.0–3.6 s-1) are measured (13).This suggests that the kinetic event associated with k2 is notrelated to the chemical nature of the substrate or product.For the sequence-related liver microsomal FMO, it has beenreported that the catalytic activity was determined by theslow decomposition of the C4a-hydroxyflavin intermediate,which is formed after the oxygenation of the organicsubstrate. In fact, also for this sequence-related monooxy-genase, the decay of the peroxyflavin was found to occur intwo phases (27). Also for CHMO, the oxidative half-reactionhas been found to involve several phases. In this study, weshow that reoxidation of PAMO occurs in two sequentialsteps, eventually yielding the oxidized enzyme complexedwith NADP+. The latter observation is in line with the highaffinity of the enzyme for NADP+ under the conditions inwhich the experiments were carried out.

Steady-state kinetic analysis of PAMO revealed thatNADP+ acts as a competitive inhibitor. This indicates thatthe oxidized nicotinamide coenzyme stays bound throughoutthe catalytic cycle. Such a tight enzyme-coenzyme interac-tion has also been observed for other sequence-related flavin-dependent monooxygenases (FMOs) and BVMOs (8, 26, 29).This suggests that the oxidized coenzyme may play a rolein formation of one or more enzyme intermediates. In fact,it has been shown for PAMO that the bound coenzyme isrequired for enantioselective oxygenations. This suggests thatthe bound NADP+ is involved in the proper positioning ofthe flavin cofactor and/or organic substrate (38, 39). Bystudying the binding of NADP+ to CHMO, Sheng and co-workers (9) showed that a conformational change occurringprior to NADP+ release is the rate-limiting step. However,for PAMO, we do not observe any kinetic behavior thatwould hint about a conformational change during coenzyme

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binding or release. This again shows that the kineticmechanism of PAMO clearly differs from CHMO while bothenzymes show a significant level of sequence identity (40%).

In this study, we have shown that the catalytic rate ofPAMO is limited by a kinetic event occurring in thepenultimate step of the oxidative half-reaction. The observedspectral and kinetic data suggest that it reflects a conforma-tional change in which the direct environment of the flavincofactor is affected. Such a mechanism, which involvesalternating conformations, resembles recurrent mechanisticfeatures observed for other flavin-dependent monooxygenases(40). For aromatic hydroxylases and two-component mo-nooxygenases, conformational dynamic events have beenshown to be involved in the catalytic mechanism. It mayreflect the way such enzymes have been able to combineseveral chemical reactions (flavin reduction, oxygenation ofthe flavin, oxygenation of an organic substrate, and dehydra-tion of the flavin) in one or two active sites. A conformationalchange during the catalytic cycle of PAMO was alsopreviously predicted on the basis of its crystal structure (15).In addition, we have identified the role of a crucial activesite residue, which is essential for the catalytic activity ofPAMO, R337. This arginine, which is conserved in all othertype I BVMOs, is required not only for proper reductionand oxygenation of the flavin cofactor but also for thereaction of the C4a-peroxyflavin intermediate with organicsubstrates.


Data for the reductive half-reaction using NADPD andcomputation of the steady-state kinetic parameters using thedeterminant method (41). This material is available free ofcharge via the Internet at


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Page 13: University of Groningen Kinetic mechanism of phenylacetone ... · ABSTRACT: Phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO) from Thermobifida fusca is a FAD-containing Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase

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