up, you mighty moors


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Page 1: Up, you mighty moors


Page 2: Up, you mighty moors


WHAT IS A MOOR?..........................................................4










DOES NATIONALITY MATTER?....................................21




THE ROOT OF SUFI BELIEF…………………………...25



THE NATION OF ISLAM………………………………..37


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Page 4: Up, you mighty moors


All brothers and sisters who come under the teachings of the New

Moorish Nation must declare their nationality. This must be done along

with the oath and obligation of the member that "My Prayers, My

Sacrifices, My Life and My Death are all for Allah, the Sustainer of the

Worlds. No Partner has He and He has commanded me to be the first of

those who are Muslims".

What do we mean by Nationality and why is it important to declare

one's Nationality. In the first place, the very word Nationality comes

from the ancient Egyptian symbol NTR. This symbol is represented in

the three sides of the pyramid and represents God, the Divinities and

the Ancestors. The three when placed side by side represent the Naturu

and this to the ancients of Cush represented the three forces of creation.

From this ancient symbol, we get such words as Nationality, Nature,

Nativity, Natural and the like.So the very, word Nationality came to

mean the assembly of the Gods as to our forefathers of ancient Cush in

Northwest and Southwest Africa considered that this power of the

Naturu was responsible for all creation and in absence of knowledge-of

this creative power there could be no peaceful existence with the powers

of existence. So as you can see, the root of the word Nationality is divine

and the meaning from which the word Nationality comes is creative and

represents the root cause of existence.

We are not Negroes, Black folk or Colored people and these names do

not identify our existence. Such names do not refer to Nationality and

are but signs of our dead and unconscious state while we endure the


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pains of this captivity. All Nations have some land, some place that they

can call home. All Nations have ancestors whose history is in the name

and word of those ancestors. Where is Negro-land or Black-land?

Where is colored-land? These are not Nationalities but slave names

given to a people that lost their culture, their God, their Ancestors and

their religion. There are those who say that the Name Negro comes from

the Niger River. So be it. How many people do you know who are

named after a river. Rivers are named after a people and not the

reverse is true. When we search out the true history, we find that until

the latter half of the 15th century around 1440, the European called all

rivers of Africa the Nile. The people who dwelled around the Nile (Niger

River) were not called Negroes but were called Azar Negus and

Garamantians. Only after the founding of the Europeans fortresses on

the west coast of Africa do we find the-use of the name Negro as applied

to a people.

When the King of Spain sent Christopher Columbus and other ships to

explore the west coast of Africa, his prime reason of sending them was

to determine the power of the Moors in other parts of the world. The

European of Portugal was very familiar with the nation of Moors

because they had recently been delivered from the rule of the Moors

which lasted for 400 years in Portugal and 700 years in Spain. Although

these people were the direct ancestor of those who live now in American

cities and jurisdictions and call themselves by the name of Negroes,

black and colored, such names were not applied to the Moors until after

the African descent into slavery. There is no evidence that there was

ever a Negro nation prior to slavery.


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The word Black comes from the European word "blac" and this word

was used to describe something that is filthy, unclean, dead, foul, smelly,

of no account. Never did the European apply this word to the peoples of

Northwest or Southwest Africa for it is written in the history that the

ancient European saw the "Ethiopian" as being kindred to the Gods

themselves and the "Deng” as many of the Moors were called were so

highly regarded that to see one in'-person was felt to be a blessing from

the Creative God Himself. So how is it now that we are' referred to as

black? Because we in fact became what that name signifies when we lost

the true knowledge of ourselves our God, and our true religion.


Then from what source sprang this Holy and Divine name applied to

our ancient forefathers? What is the origin of the name Moor? In order

to understand the true origin of Moor it is necessary that you

understand that the ancients, those who were filled with the wisdom and

knowledge used three letter symbols to represent ideas especially when

those ideas pertain to Divine sources. I have explained to you in several

paragraphs of these pages how that the three sided figure (the triangle)

represented the (3) three prime sources of Creative Powers. We have

that same idea expressed in the origin of the name Moor. In ancient

Persia where multitudes of our forefathers settled under the name

Elamites the sacred symbol of all creation was a three letter symbol and

those three letters were MHR. The first letter “M” represented the

creative waters. These were the same creative waters that in ancient

Egypt were called Mu or Nu. The second symbol H represented the seed

stage of all creation and the archaic or ancient H resembled the number

six. The third symbol R represented creation manifest that is man erect


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as the vicegerent or deputy of the Creative God. The symbol R in

archaic or ancient writing resembled the number nine. From the order

of this Divine triad (three symbols) we get the Divine and sacred

numbers of almost every religion and those numbers are 369.Three the

beginning, six the seed and nine the final expression. This expression of

the creative power came to be the ancient Persian word for the Sun and

Love. There is no question that the ancients saw the sun as the center

and initiator of all creation and in some primitive societies, the sun was

actually worshipped as the earthly expression of God Himself. The

ancient Greeks, who were the wisest of the European nations and by

whom the basic doctrines of early European religion originated, made

Mu the 12th letter of their alphabet the number 12 being a symbol of

the resurrection as well as the twelve signs of the Zodiac. These are the

12 disciples of Jesus, Mithras and many of the early prophets.

Thus, it can be seen that the name Moor has a well defined link with the

creative powers and is a Divine symbol of Creative Expression. It

represents 360 degrees (a full circle) of creative energy and within that

name is hidden the very mystery of God. The national name Moor and

the history of that name tell us what we might expect from the nation of

people who bear that symbol as an expression of nationality. The

acceptance of such a high and sacred me that the whole of ancient

civilization applied to our ancient forefathers make it necessary that

each Imam, each officer, and each member strive to make his or herself

truly worthy of so great a calling. It demands that we who bear and

accept that creative name be ever conscious that name alone does not

make a Moor but creative action; harmonious action; brotherly action;

good deeds; right thought; well tempered minds; truthfulness; loyalty;


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compassion; kindness; and manliness. These are the qualities cultivated

by him that calls himself by the Name Moor. So great a people the

world has never known; So Divine a people the Gods have never

blessed. Therefore, strive towards perfection in those deeds that are

uplifting and seek not the confusion that is of that lower being, that

demonic self. Then shall we honor our fathers and mothers; then shall

we honor those who foresaw the trials that we have endured; then shall

we honor our God and most of all we will honor our true selves that

higher self which is the creative expression manifest.


Now it is my purpose to briefly outline the facts concerning the Religion

of El Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah. In

order to progress, we must above all know the truth for it is well said

that only the Divine Truth will make you free.

All members of the Masjid must declare their belief in the Prophecy of

Muhammad and the doctrine of One God, Allah. In today's order of

established religion, those declarations are what make us Muslims or

one who submits to the Divine Will of Allah. Who is Allah? Above all,

Allah is the Creative Power, the Sustaining Power, and the Power of

mastery over the Day of Judgment. What is that Will of Allah that we

seek to command ourselves or to which we submit? It is the Will that

those natural tendencies associated with creation, those beastly qualities

that are necessary for a worldly existence be overcome by and separated

from Divine Life Principles of Creative Wisdom, Creative

Consciousness, and Creative Energy. Simply stated, Allah is that Power

that orders the chain of events that govern each of our lives.


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The Divine Name Allah is an ancient one. The Prophet Muhammad did

not invent the Name Allah. The Arabs did not first place the Name

Allah before the nations as the Supreme God. Allah was the God of the

South Arabian original Arabs thousands of years before the Prophet

Muhammad was born. In Ancient Cush, the Power of Creative Energy

was known as the fields of Alu. Among the Elamites, the Creative power

was called Ta Allah and when the European conquerors deciphered the

ancient writings’ throughout Southern Arabia, they found the Name

Allah throughout the land on monuments that predate the birth of the

Prophet Muhammad by thousands of years. The three lettered symbol

HLH, pronounced Allah, was used among the dark olive tribes of South

Arabia before and during the reign of Akil El Murar (Akil the Moor)

the MLK (Malik=King) of the southern tribes in the 4th century A.D.

prior to the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. These truths are a matter

of recorded history but it is not profitable or expedient for those in

power to provide you with these truths for we are ruled over because we

have not the knowledge of the past

By leave of Allah, the Divine Name can be traced beyond its use among

the dark peoples of South Arabia. And where do you think that we find

the earliest use of that Name? It is in Southwest Africa along the coastal

region that we first come in contact with the Name Allah. Among the

Yoruba people of Southwest Africa today, the chief God of Creation is

called Oloduduwa a name meaning God, the Highest Creative Power. It

was these same ancient Moors, these same dark olive Africans who built

a Holy City between the cities of Sus and Morocco in Northwest Africa.

That Holy City was built approximately 10,000 years ago and the name

of that Holy City was Meca. That same ancient city of Meca was visited


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and raided by Antam Gonsalvez, a Portuguese explorer around 1500

A.D. and at that time he took into capture some 15 Moors (Africans)

who were trapped there at that time. There is historical evidence that

the Meca of North west Africa was the first city to be called by the name

Meca and within the walls of that city was a stone said to have been sent

from heaven and the name of that stone was Kabat. There can he no

question of the fact that the Divine Name Allah predated the birth of the

Prophet Muhammad by thousands of years. Furthermore, the roots of

the codified religion of El Islam sprang from among the African peoples

and many of the laws and codes that are contained in the modern day

Islamic Religion were in wide use in the customs of African Tribes and

peoples. For instance, the ancient children of Ham, the Cush, and the

African peoples that dwelled in what is now called Ethiopia all had a

ban against the use of pork as food. Prayers were offered to the God at

specified times during the day and the order of the prayer resembled

the movements and postures that are used in the Islamic Religion of this

time. The practice of circumventing the Kaaba at the Holy City of

Mecca in Arabia was a religious rite used by African people and is

referred-to by modern day historians as being a remnant of a once

"Pagan" religion.

The Divine Name of Ta Allah used by both the ancient Elamites and the

Sumerians was born out of the combination of Ptah, the stoneworker

God of ancient Egypt, and Allah. The combining of two separate Gods

into one God was a common custom of ancient peoples who dwelled

near each other. When one nation was conquered by another, the name

of the God of the victorious nation was oft-times placed alongside of the

God of the conquered nation. There was Amon-- Ptah Tamin-Horus-


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Ra, Ptah-Osiris..all of these names being a combination of two Gods

that were melted into one God having a part of the histories and

ceremonies of each individual God. Thus was the name Christos

(Wisdom) of the Greeks combined with Jesus (the planet Mercury of the

ancient Romans) to form one expression of God in European theology

(Jesus Christ).

We are Muslims not because of an adoption of a religion given to us by

another people, but because the customs and beliefs that are

incorporated in the Religion of El Islam are the ways that were followed

by our ancient forefathers. We are Muslims because our very nature

calls us to be so if we are to progress and fulfill our obligation to our

God, Religion and self. To the members of this Masjid, Religion and

Truth are one idea that aids us in moving from ignorance of mental

death to the light of knowledge. Allah never said that our struggle

would be easy, but the work must be done, the sacrifice must be made,

the vows must be kept that Love, Truth Freedom and Justice prevail

upon the earth.

All members of the New Moorish Nation must declare their belief in the

Divine mission of the Prophet Muhammad. This declaration is to be

remembered by all who call themselves Muslims and who subscribe to

the five pillars of the religion of El Islam. The declaration in Arabic is

"La illaha ilala, wa Muhammad Rasul Allah" Translated the

declaration means There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His

Messenger. This first pillar of Islam is the very foundation of the

religion and all members of this Masjid must declare and respect with

rigor that saying that gives this religion its essence.


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What do we know of the Prophet Muhammad' First, we respect the

Prophet because above all else, he was a Prophet of Allah. Second,

respect is given to the Prophet because of the great works that he

performed in causing Al Qu'ran to be placed before all peoples

regardless of race, creed, or color. Third, we respect the Prophet

Muhammad because he was of our Nationality, our kindred and our


Now the present day attitude is that the Nationality and kindred of the

Prophet Muhammad makes no difference. And such a statement is true

if we first have correct knowledge of that Nationality. When Nationality

is established nationality, it makes no difference; for above all he was a

Prophet. But, it is necessary that we have the facts concerning the

Prophet Muhammad as other nations have those facts and have denied

that truth to you that will make for your freedom.

The Prophet Muhammad was born of the clan Hashirn and of the tribe

Mudar. There is some question as to the exact date and year of his birth

but most historians place the year around 570A.D. at the Holy City of

Mecca. The Arab historian Al jahiz states that the grandfather Abd-l-

Muttalib was an African and further that the sons of Abd-l-Muttalib

were also African. The historian Makkara says very sharply and to the

point that the Sons of Abd-4-Muttalib were very dark in complexion

and undoubtedly of African heritage. The Prophet's father, Abdullah

was one of the 13 sons of Abd-l-Muttalib and was married to Amina of

the Zurhites who later was to give birth to the Prophet. The Zurhites, or

Zurites, were relatives of the great triba of Kinda called Hawazin who

were remnants and offspring of the ancient African and ancient


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African-Arab (Original Arab) empires of Elam and Ethiopia. The

Zurhites were based at Taif in Arabia and that same Taif, at the time of

the Prophet's birth, the Taif was a colony of and was populated by the

dark skinned South Arabian and Abyssinian (African) Shortly after the

birth of the Prophet, his father is said to have gone on a trading

expedition to the north (towards Syria) and to have never returned. It is

believed that he was killed or died during this time. Shortly after the

death of Abdullah, Amina, the Prophets mother also is said to have died

thereby leaving the Prophet an orphan.

At this point, the history and life of the Prophet becomes confused:

However, it is certain that the North Arab powers, backed by the

Christian forces of Greek and Roman Empires, were at war with the

South Arabian tribes. These were not wars concerning religion but were

wars for the control of the Red Sea trading routes along the coasts of

Northwest and Southwest Arabia. These Omiyad powers made war

against the South Arabian tribes and had pushed all the way to the Holy

City of Mecca shortly after the birth of the Prophet.

When the Prophet was about 5 years old, his uncle Abu Talib sent him

to live with the Hawazin Tribe and it is reported by historians that the

Prophet was reared by a "Negro" by the name of Halima. It was

during this stay with Halima of the Hawazin tribe that Muhammad first

came to believe that Allah had endowed him with special gifts and that

those gifts were to be used for the uniting of the Religion of El Islam.

There is much confusion as to how the Prophet came to live with the

African Tribes of Kinda if we read the accounts of some present day

authors. One account says that the Prophet's mother, Amina, had no

milk in her breasts after the birth of the Prophet. So, as the "story"


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goes, one day there were a group of black slave women from the tribe of

Sad Hawazin going about the Holy City looking for babies to nurse.

According to the "story", Halima was among these 'servant women and

when she saw the Prophet, her teats became filled with milk' and so she

turned the blessed baby over to Halima to nurse.

How utterly ridiculous! Such a story defies imagination and the only

reason for such printed nonsense is to conceal and cover-up the real

truth regarding the Prophet and his ancestry. The fact is that Amina, as

stated, was a relative of the tribe of Sad Hawazin. Further, the Tribe

Mudar was an affiliate tribe of all of the tribes of South Arabia called

Kinda. Further, Abdullah, the father of the Prophet was African and

the African tribes were aligned with the Great Tribe Kinda. The chief

of the Tribes of Kinda was called the Marabout who was regarded as

the Saint and Missionary and the leader of his tribe. The Marabouts

were Moors from Ancient Persia and at the time of the birth of

Muhammad was one such Marabout called Musalama who preached

one God, Allah, forbade the eating of pork made the pilgrimage to

Mecca, and deemed himself a Prophet of Allah. Later in history during

the Muslim's conquest of Spain and Morocco, these Moors of the tribe

Sad Hawazin called themselves Sharif (descendants of the Prophet

Muhammad) and no one at that time and during that period questioned

whether or not such a claim wa S true. It is only in recent history

that we find historians attempting to disconnect Muhammad from the

dark olive complexion of nations and conceal the truth regarding the

life and mission of Muhammad. Also, at the time of the birth of the

Prophet, there was in Yemen in Southwest Arabia another worshipper

of the one God Allah. He was called Duhl Himar or the Donkey Rider.


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Himar toured the greater part of Southwest Arabia from the mouth of

the Red Sea to Oman near the Tigris River. He preached that there was

no God but Allah and that Allah had breathe into him the breath of

Wisdom and that that Wisdom from Allah was to be taken throughout

Arabia by another who was to come.


Other Muslims also were in long existence at the time of Muhammad’s

birth. From about 1800 B.C. the Hanifs (Orthodox, Original) had

dwelled in the deserts and mountains of Arabia. These dark olive Hanifs

belief was that they were the sons of Abraham (Ibrahim) and that

Ibrahim had resurrected the religion of the One God Allah. The Hanifs

forbade the eating of pork, stressed cleanliness in all religious activities,

and had an elaborate set of rules of conduct by which they were guided.

Thousands of these Muslims exist today under the name Hanafi

Muslims in South and Central Arabia and they are in possession of

some of the texts and instructions that predate the birth of the Prophet


The point here is that at the time of the birth of the Prophet, Mecca was

surrounded by those who were worshippers of the One God Allah and

that this Name of the Di vine God was well known among the dark

nations of people. So those who would say that the Religion of El Islam

is the Mohammadan religion or that the Prophet Muhammad brought

the Religion before the nations are either lacking in knowledge or trying

to conceal what the truth really is.


According to history, Muhammad as a young boy was filled with the

thought and idea that the One God Allah had called him to preach the


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gospel of Peace to all nations At the time of his youth, much of Arabia

had fallen under the sway of Greek and Roman ideas. These ideas had

entered into Arabia through Asia Minor and had made their way down

the coast of the Red Sea and infected the thinking of a large portion of

the Arabian people. Drunkenness was common. Prostitution was fast

becoming a way of livelihood for women. Labor suffered because men,

instead of facing the problems of the times, turned to Hashish and other

drugs. The killing of infants was a common occurance no merchant was

safe from the thief and robber. These are the conditions that faced

Muhammad and these are the problems of his day. At Mecca, there was

Hubal, the black ebony God and his 360 consorts, Hubal , born of a

virgin; Hubal and his 12 disciples; Hubal who was crucified to save

mankind; Hubal, the lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the

world; Hubal, who turned the water into wine and who died and was

raised on the third day; Hubal , born on December 25 at the winter

solstice. Yes, Hubal was there in all of his glory

The Prophet Muhammad began his fiery teaching when he was about

33 years of age. The aristocracy (high class people) at Mecca rejected

his teaching and warned his uncle Abu Talib that he had better quiet

Muhammad or Muhammad would be killed. But Muhammad

continued to preach and finally the long awaited conversions began to

occur. In order to fully understand the problems facing the Prophet

Muhammad, it is helpful to know something concerning the

background of the peoples that inhabited Arabia during his time. The

South Arab, Abyssinian and Ethiopian claimed that they were the

original inhabitants of Arabia tracing their inheritance from Joktan,

ancestor of Eber who was the ancestor of the Prophet Ibrahim


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(Abraham). They fur- claimed that Ala (God) had given them the land

of Arabia and that they were the Sons and daughters of the one Great

God Tribe of Jabez (Shabazz). They looked upon the North Arabian as

being intruders on their land and called them the MustaAriba or the

false Arab due to the fact that they were heavily mixed with Greek,

Roman, and Armenian stocks. In history, the North Arabian became to

be known as the Qays (Kais) while the South Arab was called Kalbs or

Kalbites. Moreover, the South Arab population consisted of primarily

agricultural labor while the North Arab was noted for commerce and

trade. To be a man of the soil was a shame to the North Arabian who

loved the freedom that commerce, trade, and nomadic labors gave.

These different attitudes and modes of livelihood so deeply fixed in

the minds and habits of both the North and South Arab that it was

difficult for them to live at peace with one another and that animosity

between the two remains even in this day and time.


The North and South Arab also differed as to culture patterns. The

South-Arab maintained a strong religious institution at the head of

which was the MLK (Malik) or King. There was no such King that

governed the North Arab and until recently in recorded history the

word King was used in Arabia by the Tribes of Kinda alone. The

basically nomadic life style of the .North Arabian was not conducive to

submission to a central governing authority. The South Arab had

extremely high respect for women and treated them as equals. History

records that among the South Arab there were Queens and heads of

governments and nations. The North Arab, under the influence of the

Babylonian rule and habits, secluded their women, veiled them and


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treated them as second class persons. Moreover, the inheritance rights

of the offspring were governed by the matriarchal (mother) line in

South Arabia and Africa while in North Arabia the father’s line of

ancestry was used.

Furthermore, the South Arab nations consisted of the remnant of

ancient Neolithic Southwest and Northwest African Nations who were

builders and workers in both metal and stone. The Original South

Arabian, who migrated from the land of Cush to the mouth of the Red

Sea from which he spread throughout Asia under the name Elamites

and Amu (Amorites), were builders of great stone works such as the

dam at Marib in Southwest Arabia. These same west Africans reentered

Africa under siege from the Assyrian and Babylonian forces crossing

back over into Africa at the time of King Menes who united Egypt.

There is no evidence that the North Arabian ever developed a stone

working culture comparable to that of the South Arabian.

THE PROPHECY OF MUHAMMAD (Peace and Blessings)

Surrounded by such different peoples whose cultures varied greatly,

Muhammad continued teach his doctrine. The first large body of people

that converted to his cause and to the cause of Allah was members of his

own clan, the Hashim. According to history, these were 84 souls who

believed in the message being delivered by the Prophet. Among the

early converts was one Jafar ibn Abi Talib a relative of the Prophet who

the leader of those 84 converts when the Prophet fled to Abyssinia from

the face and attack of the Quraish Tribe from North Arabia. Upon

reaching Abyssinia, it is recorded that Jafar was spokesman for those

who fled and set up a meeting with the Tubba (King) there in hopes of

finding a permanent refuge for the Prophet and the converts.


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Jafar ibn Abi Talib, who was undoubtedly African, stated to the Tubba

that his people had fallen to idol worship and every evil deed. Jafar

further stated that Allah had risen up from among them,"from among

us, whose ancestry we know", a Prophet to guide them to the straight

way. The Tubba, being under the influence of the Christian forces and

loyal to the cause of the Roman legion, was not converted and the

Prophet and his converts were forced to leave and return to Mecca.

There Muhammad made temporary peace with the Quraish but

that peace was to be short lived for the Quraish were determined to

assassinate Muhammad whenever the conditions permitted such a deed.

Muhammad finally was forced to flee Mecca in 622 A. D. and this is

known among Muslims as the flight or Hijrah. Muhammad fled to

Yathrib (Medinah) which at that time was inhabited by the Auws and

Kharaz Tribes, who were South Arabians and Africans who professed

the Jewish religion. These Tribes accepted the doctrine of Islam as

preached by Muhammad and played a great role in the spreading of the

Religion of El Islam throughout Arabia.


Upon the death of Muhammad, the ugly hate that existed between the

North and South Arab again surfaced. The South Arabian wanted Ali

to become the Caliph as Ali was cousin to the Prophet and the bloodline

of leadership would be kept. However, the Quraish or North Arab

claimed that Muhammad had said that only members of the Quraish

were worthy of the Caliphate. The two contenders met at Siffin near

Bagdad but no agreement was made. A large part of Ali's forces were

disgusted with Ali because they saw no reason for Ali to submit his right

to the Caliphate to challenge by the Quraish. This predominately


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African force felt that any qualified person had a right to the Caliphate

whether he be North or South Arab. When Ali persisted in placing his

right to be Caliph before a committee, this African force, in protest,

withdrew from the support of Ali and appointed a Caliph of there own

whose name was Ar Rasibi. From that time forth, they became known

as the Kharajites (Turkish Moors) and later became instrumental in

fighting against the Ommyad Quraish powers in North Africa . These

same forces gave birth to offspring who fought with Tarik Ibn Ziad who

conquered Spain in 711 A. D. These were the 12,000 warriors known as

Moors who conquered Spain with Tarik and estab1ished a rule that

lasted over 700 years.


The rule of Spain by the Moors which began in 711 A.D. ended in

November, 1492 when Abu Abdallah (Boabdil of European history)

surrendered Granada to the Christian forces. Those who escaped

swarmed into Africa where they established kingdoms at Morocco and

Mauretania. Those who did not escape were persecuted by the

Christian forces and made to adopt European names, customs and

religions. Thousands of these Moors were eventually transported to

America where they (we) were reduced to slavery and given new names

(Negro, black, colored etc. ). In 1774, the Continental Congress ended

all reference to the Moors as a nation of people and at that time the

word Negro became the official name of the once Moorish people.

Thus we have reviewed the early history of the Prophet Muhammad

and some of the history, however brief it must be, of the spread of the

Religion of El Islam. In accepting any religion, it is necessary to know


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something about the background of that religion if we are to speak

intelligently concerning it.

You have now been given the truth concerning the birth and early

history of the Prophet. There is no need to cover the life of the Prophet

further as the Holy Qu'ran and the various Hadiths are the great

sources of information concerning facts related to every stage of his

development. But there are certain facts about the Prophet that are not

being stated in most of the materials that are permitted to enter into

North America and therefore many Muslims are getting a very slanted

opinion of what the religion is all about. As Moors and keepers of the

true and proper knowledge, it is necessary that you be prepared to

know what the truth is that you may understand why we are in the

degraded position in which we find ourselves.


Again, let me caution you that there are various sects of Muslims that

do not have this information concerning the Prophet. And you will come

in contact with those who will say that who and what the Prophet was

makes no difference. You are going to meet those among the foreign

element that will become angry at the fact that we have the truth and

are Unafraid to teach it.But these same factions will put forth a great

argument against you if you would deny that Jesus was a Jew or that

Moses Maimonides was a Jew. They will spend millions of dollars

coming to America and learning that Christopher Columbus was an

Italian. If it is important to the European that Columbus was an Italian,

that St. Patrick was Irish, that Pope John Paul is Polish, that Socrates

was Greek, that Caesar was Roman, that Hitler was German, that

Gandhi was Indian, that Sadat was Egyptian, that Abraham Lincoln


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was American; then why should it in turn be unimportant that

Muhammad ibn Abdullah was of African descent, that Sonni Ali the

great hero of the 15th century in West Africa was a Moor; that Ahmad

Baba (who authored over 1000 books on the subjects such as Shariah

Law, Mathematics, Chemistry, Science, Astrology and Astronomy) the

renown scholar and historian from Guinea in West Africa was a Moor;

that Ibn Sina (Avicenna) one of the world's greatest scientist was a

Moor; that Harun Al Rashid, 9th century Caliph at Bagdad was a

Moor; that Kiriba El who saved all of Arabia from Greek march

through Arabia in the 7th century B.C. was a Moor; that Yada El who

saved Arabia from the plunder and savagery of the Greek forces and

stopped them at Negrana in Southwest Arabia was a Moor; that Abū

Sulaymān Khālid ibn al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah al-Makhzūmī who

saved Arabia from the advance of the Roman legions in the seventh

century and stopped them at Yamamah in Southwest Arabia near the

Holy City of Mecca was a Moor; that Tarik ibn Zaid who saved the

Jews from persecution by the Christian forces in Spain in 711 A.D. was

a Moor, and that Abdul Mumin the first purely African to be

recognized as the Caliph of Islam by all Muslims throughout the earth

and leader of the Almohads in the 12th century A.D. was a Moor.


"We are what our forefathers were without doubt or contradiction' So

spoke the Honorable Nobie Drew Ali founder of the Moorish Science

Temple of America. So as all other nations of peoples are proud of their

heritage and make that heritage a part of the knowledge of every

following generation, we must be no less insistent that our true and

Divine heritage be known. And if any would claim that the Moorish


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part of us has been so diluted that no true Moor any longer exists, let

them explain to you how it is that the Europeans of Spain were under

African and Arab domination for over 700 years and yet there is no

denial that there are Europeans that are from Spain who are pure. Let

them also explain how it is that China was under the power of the

European forces for over 100 years, but no one denies that that are pure

Chinese. Let them explain how is that the Indians were under European

British domination for over 200 years, but no one denies that there are

pure Indians. Challenge ignorance with truth and truth will not fail.


The members of this New Moorish Nation are Sufi Muslims. First of all,

a Sufi is a Muslim and, as stated before, must declare belief and carry

out the requirements of all other Muslims. Sufism is not a different

religion but a different way of looking at religion in general. In order to

fully understand Sufism and its relation to our nation, we will now look

into the background and history of Sufism and its connection with

African peoples.

First of all, you will probably hear it stated that Sufism is an offshoot

from the Christian religion and that when the Christian Monks came

into contact with the peoples of Arabia, Sufism was born. Nothing could

be further from the truth. You will hear it stated that Sufi Muslims

practice the witchcrafts, voodoo, and juju It is true that Sufism seeks to

understand the causes and effects underlying existences, but it is not

true that Sufies are either witchdoctors or medicine men. Sufis are the

original Shamans and Marabouts of both Africa and Asia. and are the

creators of the foundations of ALL present day religions. Being Sufi

Muslims, there will be those among the so called orthodox sects that


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attempt to discredit the understanding that is contained in Sufism

especially the North Arabian and those of North America who are

under their teachings. Some Muslims do not like Sufi Muslims and

claim that they are a secret order outside teachings of the religion of El

Islam. The fact of the matter is that the Sufi a various times throughout

history have charged that the Islamic Religion is based upon Sufism and

that further the Prophet Muhammad was himself a Sufi.

There is no beginning or end to the doctrine of Sufism. The God of

every Sufi is called Al Hagg and to the Sufi Al Hagg is Allah Supreme,

the Absolute, the Reality The word Sufi can be traced to Northwest

Africa and its root (Suf) is a West African word meaning wool. The root

of Suf is still another Northwest and Southwest African word (Su)

meaning black or very dark. An example of this prefix is clearly

observed in the word “SUDAN” which means the land of the Blacks.

During the Neolithic period about 12,000 years ago, the ancient tribes of

Africa came into contact with the European nations who had settled

along the shores of the West African Coast near what is now Morocco

These ancient Africans drove the European back across the Sea into the

land which now called Spain.


Among the Africans who drove the European nations out of North

Africa and replace the European civilization with a more advance

civilization of their own were an African people among whom were men

of great knowledge and wisdom concerning the movements of the

heavens, the nature of earthly things, and how causes are relate to the

effects produced. These people were called Mbaraca. This word,

Mbaraca came to mean the voice of the speaking God. The largest


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portion of these Africar who settled in that North African territory,

because of the great knowledge that they possessed concerning the

nature of existences and the powers that came fort from that

knowledge, came to be referred, to as the Mbaraca and that word is the

r and beginning of the present name of that land located in Northwest

Africa called today Morocco. The Mbaraca were the first inhabitants of

Morocco and that name, Morocco. had its first use as referring to that

people, the Mbaraca.

Going back further into the word Mbaraca and its association with

African peoples we find that the origin of the word was first used for the

name of a rattle. This rattle used by the Northwest and Southwest

African contained a number of beads or stones and was made of a plant

called the gourd. The proper name of this rattle was the gourd rattle

and it was used and still is used by West African diviners under the

present name Opele. This rattle was the first Mbaraca and over the

spread of a number of years the user of this rattle also came to be called

after the name of the rattle. The gourd rattle or Opele, as it is now

called in the Ila Ife Divination System in use by the Yoruba People of

West Africa, was shown to have the power to fore-tell the future and to

have a good or evil influence upon nations and peoples at the will of the


Members of the Masjid must understand that in the very early stages of

history, the movement of peoples was fluent. Due to the changing

climatic conditions, and due to the constant conflict of the early West

African with the European nations and tribes from the north, African

peoples spread far to the east and founded many civilizations such as

the Elamite and Sumerian empires. Trade and commerce between West


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African and Southeast and Southwest Arabian and Abyssinian peoples

is a historical fact and many West African words found their way into

the languages of the Southwest dark and light olive population. Such

was the case with words such as Sufi, Elamite, and Imam which are but

variations of three West African religious divination system words Suf

(Wooly hair), Elimi (The high or great Spirit) and Emim (The Owner of

Spirits). So that it can be seen that the word used in the Religion of El

Islam in today’s time for the prayer leader (Imam) actually had its

foundation and formation among the Suf of West Africa who were the

Emim or owner of the Spirit.


At the root of the Sufi belief is the doctrine that everything existing has

within it a Spirit and that Spirit is one with the Absolute Spirit of God.

In the West African religions, there is no doubt that this belief is at the

foundation and was at the foundation long before it is said that Sufism

became an established form of religious doctrine. Sufism is

unquestionably in the image and likeness of the ancient African

religions. To the Animist, created beings are but extensions of the all

powerful creative force and that same attitude towards the construction

of the world and the existences thereof is one of the main tenants of the

Sufi belief.

The Sufi believes that man cannot come into Divine Unity with the

Supreme Being by intellectual activities (Exoteric) but must experience

that spirituality that comes only from within (Esoteric). God, to the

Sufi, can be reached only through spiritual disciplines and must be led

into the proper method of performing these disciplines by a leader

usually called a Sheik. The student (MURID) must follow the teachings


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of the Sheik if he is to be successful and reach that unity with the

Creator and experience the wisdom and bliss that can only be

experienced when one is one with that Absolute Creative force.

Although the European historians would have the dark olive nations of

people to believe that Sufism as well as the Islamic religion grew out of

the Christian religion, there is no actual basis for such a distortion. In

fact, when one studies the ancient religions, it is quite apparent that

Christianity grew out and was an offspring of far more older religions

and that most of the beliefs that are underlying the Christian religion

were ancient at the time that it is said that Christ was born.

For instance, if I were to give you these facts: That this divine being was

born of a virgin on or about December 25; That a divine person was

born in a cave or stable because there was no place for him in the inn;

That a divine person was rejected by those to whom he preached and

was later crucified whereupon he was raised from the dead on the third

day, no doubt the majority of the persons hearing such information

would say that I was giving them the story of Jesus as it is contained in

the Holy Bible. But, I have not referred to Jesus. The fact of the above

were parts of very ancient religions called Mithraism which was the

established belief of millions of ancient dark olive Persian nations over

5,000 years before it is said that Jesus was born.

I brought out the above in order to demonstrate to you some of the

fallacies and misleading remarks that are contained in the histories of

the present day.

Sufism did not grow out of the Christian religion but the reverse is true.

The belief in Angels, the Day of Judgment, the day of Atonement, the

establishment of a trained and highly organized priest or minister, the


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belief in demons and the offerings of food to the Gods, are all deep

seated characteristics of ancient northwest and Southwest African

religions. Wherever the African went he took with him 3 necessities: His

God, his Griot (historian) and his religious leader and it was extremely

difficult to have the African to change any of those three necessities. In

fact, available information shows that until very recent in history the

African was the changer and creator of other religions while changing

very little in the foundation of his own beliefs.

Believers in the Sufi schools of thought understand that nature and the

heavens are but the true histories of all that is created and that further

God is All and All is God. The existence of material creation is but an

expression of the Ever-present God reflected in and embodied in that

which we call matter. Man is Al Hagg’s most excellent creation for Man

is both Angel and Devil. In Man exists all of the natures of creation and

in order to understand that which is the Truth (Al Hagg) Man must

first study and know Self. Self discipline is the key that unlocks the door

that leads to that Truth which is God and without that key Man must

suffer and be bound by Justice. Labor is the outer- court (Suffix) that

leads to the door and if Man is to cross the threshold of light his labors

must be many and his motivations pure for purity is the first obligation

of the Sufi. Love is the possessor of the room (heart) and Man cannot

become one with God unless he is first one with Love.


Contained within the doctrine of Sufism are vast secrets and stores of

knowledge accumulated over thousands of years of diligent labor by the


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Sufs of Africa. It would not be a good idea for me to go into many of the

mysteries of Sufism in this writing and any instructions concerning the

rites and ceremonies of the Sufi will

be given to the Imams and Sheiks as each advances to a desired degree

of understanding.

I will not close this section of the writing without paying tribute to one

of our great Qubts (Wheels) of the Universe. May Allah bless the Divine

Name of the Master and founder of our New Moorish Nation Thawban

al Fayd ibn Ibrahim. Thawban al Fayd ibn Ibrahim (also called Dhu al

Nun al Misri translated as The Son of the Fish of Egypt) was born in the

ninth century A.D. in the Southern part of Egypt. At an early

age,Thawban became interested in developing himself in all the

knowledge of the religion of El Islam as his parents were Moors and

Muslims of the Sufi order and doctrine.

By the age of 12 years old, he had memorized Al Qu'ran and one day as

he was coming home from school, Thawban met with an Angel of Allah

who same to him in the form of a man. Thawban received instructions

in the meaning of the writings and secret texts carved in the walls and

tombs of Egypt and taught in the arts of reading the movement of the

heavens and the relation that such movement had upon the natures of

existences on earth. He wandered about Egypt reading the

hieroglyphics (sacred writings) and through self discipline was given the

power to understand the inner meaning of those texts.

By the age of 21 years, Thawban began to teach among his family and

friends and it became his deep desire to spread the knowledge that he

had received throughout the world and create the peace and harmony

that had been so absent in the land of Egypt during his boyhood. One


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day, Thawban called several of his Muslim friends together and stated

to them that Allah had given him the power to disappear. When his

friend expressed doubt that such a feat could be done, Thawban

immediately became invisible after repeating a formula that he said had

been taught to him by the Angel Gabriel. After that time, there was

little doubt among his students that indeed Allah had granted him and

blessed him with powers beyond the knowledge of man and his

following increased rapidly as word of this feat spread.

Thawban al Fayd ibn Ibrahim was a Sufi and being a Sufi was

concerned about the divisions that existed in the Religion of El Islam.

He began to preach against the many sects that were developing

contending that it was the purpose of Allah that the created existences

should strive to dwell together in peace and harmony and that Allah

had no love for temples, churches, mosques or synagogues unless true

and divine love should abide within and Thawban saw not this true and

Divine love among the several factions of man. Thawban taught that

Allah dwell only within and the Gods without are but demons of man' s

creation. The people became roused at his teachings for there were

many who professed the love of idols and statutes living around his

village at that time. So Thawban was forced to flee and take refuge in

the land of Tibesti where he lived among the Moors there. R. A.

Nicholson, one of the noted historians who did quite a bit of work

concerning the religion of El Islam and the Sufi doctrine in his book on

Sufism says that Thawban Abu al Fay ibn Ibrahim was lecturing at

Gizeh on the Sufi doctrine when he was. challenged by a group of

Muslims who did not believe what they had heard about the master.

Thawban said to them, " If I should command the furniture to move


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about in this room, it will obey me". Being skeptics of the powers of a

Sufi, the onlookers laughed and mocked at Thawban. Before the smiles

had left their faces, the challengers were shocked by the sight of the

tables and chairs as they began to move upon the command of Thawban

and by the power of the Absolute Mind Thawban suspended the

furniture in mid air where it remained until he ordered it to return to

the original position. This is only one of many feats that it is reported

that Thawban did.

Thawban ibn Ibrahim taught beneath the pyramids of Gizeh for about

40 years and during this period he codified and organized the Sufi

doctrine. He outlined the seven steps of Makamat and explained in

detail how the actions of Istinbat would lead to Marifah (estasy). His

students oft times prompted him to construct a Mosque in his name but

Thawban resisted telling them that Allah (Al Hagg-The Truth) had

created the whole earth to be one Masjid Ul Salaam (Mosque of Peace)

and that his students (Murids) should not refer to him as their teacher

out were to call themselves his children (Banu Zhu al Nun). This they

did and formed a brotherhood consisting of over 20,000 Sufis all of

whom referred to themselves as Moors.

Thawban ibn Ibrahim brought forth and resurrected the teachings of

the Great King Akhenaton of whom he taught was one of the greatest

leaders of the past. He taught from the teachings of Akhenaton about

Knowledge, Understanding, Misery, and the trials of Horus and Osiris.

These writings of Akhenaton had been stolen from Egypt during the

reign of Alexander the Great according to Thawban. And the European

had taken these sacred texts and applied the name of their God (Jesus)

to them in the place where that should read Horus. Part of the texts


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read,"We are the Children of one Father, provided for by his care, and

the breast of one Mother hath given thee suck. Another section of the

sacred texts read, " The gift of Understanding are the treasures of

God". Another section of the sacred texts read, “Know Thyself and

thou shalt know God who is Thy Father".

Shortly before the death of Thawban ibn Ibrahim, he sent a large

detachment of his followers to Spain to aid the Moors there who were

under attack from the Christian forces from the North. This

detachment went to Spain where they became based at Seville. Upon

arrival there, they became very influential due to the vast knowledge

that they possessed. They vanquished the Christian forces from Seville

and renamed Seville, Marrakush'(The land of the Cush). However, the

Arabs of Toledo, Ceuta, and Granada rejected the renaming of Seville

and banded together with the Christian forces of Leon . The Banu Duh

al Nun were crushed between the Arabs of Southern Spain and the

Christians to the North and had to take refuge in Fez in Morocco just

before the fall of Granada in 1491 In about 860 A.D., Thawban Abu al

Fay ibn Ibrahim took ill in the city of Gizeh in Egypt. Many hundreds

of his students rushed to Gizeh in order to be by the aster's side. Some

of the leading Sufis of his day, all of whom recognized Thaw- ban as the

Major Qubt (Axis) of the Universe came to pay their respects. Upon.

seeing so many Muslims gather, Thawban is reported to have

remarked,” Why have so many of you come here? Is it to see whether or

not death can overtake me? Nay, but death cannot overtake or me for I

but go away in this form. I must go now for does not the sun set

westward? And as the sun doth set in the westward sky and riseth once

again, so shall I and this shall ye see. My God hath appointed this rest


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for me but it shall last but a thousand years and I shall come again for

my children shall be in dire need of me. And I shall come to them and

teach them of truth and they shall know of me by the words that I shall

speak to them. For surely as the sun shall rise in the east, so shall I,

Thawban of the Fish, rise in the west and they shall hear me. From

Allah came I, and to Allah I return but remember the words that I

speak for after 1000 years shall I appear Westward in the land of Death

and there shall I began a great work". With the saying of those words

that were recorded by the Muslims, Scribes, and Griots from Northwest

and Southwest Africa, Thawban's final words were Allah Akbar (God is

Most Great). The tale among the Sufis of Northwest Africa is that a

bright ray of light surrounded the Master and the cot upon which he

laid became suspended in the air to the height of about 7 feet. And

through that light went. forth a shadow towards the heaven in a shaft of

pure light. And it is said that that light surrounded the dead body of the

Master for 7. hours and that during this time, no man could approach

that body. Thawban Abu al Fay ibn Ibrahim was buried at Gizeh in 860



On January 8, 1884, one thousand and twenty-four years after the

death and transformation of Master Thawban Abu al Fay ibn Ibrahim,

a son was born to the Drew family who resided in Salem, North

Carolina. As with the Prophet Muhammad and the life of Master

Thawban, the early life of Noble Drew Ali is shrouded in mystery. From

the travels and works of your Grand Imam while serving in the capacity

as National Grand Governor of the Moorish Science Temple of


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America, I was able to piece together some of the events in the life of

Drew Ali and his early teachings.

From word of mouth reports and research, I have been able to establish

that the Honorable Noble Drew Ali at an early age became concerned

about the problems facing the people of the west called Negroes, Black

folk, and Colored peoples. Noble Drew Ali had within his heart the idea

of raising our nation of so called blacks from the fallen state to a state of

knowledge about themselves, their God and their ancient religion.

As pushed by some mysterious force, Noble Drew Ali read and studied

all of the available history that he could (even though some have tried to

deny that Ali could read apparently attempting to copy from the life of

the Prophet Muhammad). From his studies and meditations, Drew Ali

became filled with the idea that he indeed was a Prophet of Allah and

that it was his duty to and he was sent forth for the purpose of raising

fallen humanity.

In 1913, with this goal in his heart, Noble Drew All founded the Ancient

Canaanite Temple at Newark, New Jersey. He taught that the so called

Negro is really the ancient Moor and that none of the names such as

Negro or Black applied to our Nation. He formed a small group of

former Negroes and this group of Canaanites was the forerunners of the

Moorish Science Temple of America. The first chartered Temple was

established with headquarters at Chicago, Illinois in about 1915.

The Honorable Noble Drew Ali, in search of his true self, had been

inducted into the Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons but soon found

that however diligent that he was in the Masonic Order, his soul was not

satisfied with knowledge for which a great price had to be paid. The

Order had one good effect in the life of the Prophet in that it opened his


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mind to the many different philosophies that lurked within the minds of

men. It introduced him to knowledge that was hidden from the

multitude; however, there was no spiritual fulfillment and soon Noble

Drew Ali found himself at odds with the Order. Ali determined that the

true religion of the so called Negro is the Religion of El Islam and that

the Christian Religion was given to the European for their own

salvation. He determined that our true and Divine Creed is the Creed of

Islam and that our Holy Book is Al Quran which is the Mother of the

Books. It is reported that the Honorable Noble Drew All traveled

extensively throughout the United States of America and that during his

life he attended one of the meetings of the Organization of African

Unity in Cuba. The exact dates that he is said to have attended these

meetings are unavailable.

At least one source stated to me that Noble Drew Ali went to the Holy

City of Mecca and that upon his return from Mecca, he visited both

Egypt and Morocco. I was not able to verify those travels; However,

since it is apparent from the early writings and letters authored by Ali

and sent forth to the membership (copies of which are presently in the

possession of Brother Love El who resides in Michigan)confirms his

total commitment to all of the requirements of the Religion of El Islam,

it would be very difficult to believe that a Muslim of his reputation and

statute did not visit Mecca.

The Honorable Noble Drew Ali resurrected to ancient teachings of King

Akhenaton as did our Master Thawban Abu al Fay ibn Ibrahim. He

brought forth the Fez, turban, and the Divine Books that pertain to the

Religion of El Islam. The ancient teachings of King Akhenaton were

compiled and recorded by the Honorable Noble Drew Ali


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under the name The Holy Qu'ran of the Moorish Science Temple of

America. These teachings are the same as those that were used by the

ancients of Egypt before they were pilfered by the European and

recorded under the title The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus. Prior to their

publication in the Aquarian Gospel, those same teachings appeared

among the books studied by the Order of the Knights of the Rose Cross

or Rosicrucian’s and are presently published by that order under

various titles.

Ali met with much difficulty in establishing the Moorish Science Temple

of America. During that era, the N.A.A.C.P. had recently been founded

and they resisted and condemned the teachings of Ali. Ali had powerful

political enemies, especially in Chicago, Illinois and these enemies were

constantly trying to cause confusion in the temple. Then there were the

reverends, preachers, and ministers who saw Ali as a threat to their

livelihood and set about to obstruct Ali at his every turn. One such

enemy was Sheik Green El who, while Ali was away on business, moved

the Prophet's belongings from his office on Wabash Avenue in Chicago,

was rumored to have had had the current Grand Sheik at that time

murdered, and proclaimed himself the leader of the Moorish Science

Temple. However, that leadership was short lived as upon the return of

Ali, Sheik Green El and seven of those members who assisted him in the

taking over of the movement were found floating in Lake Michigan and

the leadership of the Prophet was re-established. Ali was detained by

the police concerning those deaths but was not convicted of any


Ali died in Chicago, Illinois on July 20, 1929. His cause of death was

listed as respiratory failure.


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Immediately upon the death of Ali, a struggle began for the control of

the Moorish Science Temple leadership. One faction was in Detroit lead

by (according to Louis Lomax in his book on (Black Nationalism) one

W.D. Fard who claimed to be the reincarnation of Drew Ali. Also a

member of the Detroit Temple at that time was Elijah Poole El (The

Honorable Elijah Muhammad). In Chicago, Illinois two factions sprang

forth one of them claiming to represent the re-incarnated Prophet Ali

and the other rejecting the doctrine of reincarnation and setting up a

temple aligned with the temple at Michigan. Monies accumulated by Ali

for the uplifting of fallen humanity disappeared from the banks.

Property belonging to the Moorish Science Temple was sold and the

transaction hidden from the membership. Writing of Ali were destroyed

and other writing put forth as being that of Ali. Evil stories began to

circulate about Ali. One such temple preached that Ali did not confirm

to the religion of El Islam; that Ali ate pork and drank wine and this

pork eating by Ali was the reason that he brought forth the oil, teas, and

compounds for the purification of the system. In the celebration of

Ali’s birthday, this very same temple which was known as Temple #1

located at 957 East 75th Street in Chicago, Illinois served wine, whiskey,

beer, and malt liquor while the menu consisted of ham hocks and

greens, pork chops, green peas with bacon, and sliced ham all in

celebration of a Master Muslims birthday.

But Ali had, in his supreme wisdom, predicted that these injustices and

misleading of the membership would occur. Many times, it is reported,

he said that those to whom he spoke did not understand the message

that he came to deliver. In many of his speeches, he referred to the


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membership as his children as did Master Thawban. It was claimed that

like Master Thawban, Ali was secretly initiated into the Illuminati or

those who possess supreme light. None of these claims were verified by

The Honorable Noble Drew Ali himself. Ali came forth at a time that

Master Thawban predicted that one would come forth. Ali often told

the membership that he came for the unborn and that the knowledge

that he taught would be understood not by them but by those who were

yet unborn and it is they who would recognize and establish his works.

All Islamic organizations that are teaching today among the so called

black man are either directly or indirectly an offshoot of the Moorish

Science Temple of America. The Nation of Islam; The Final Call being

from the Nation of Islam; The World Community of Al Islam being an

offshoot from the Nation of Islam that was founded by both Master

W.O. Fard Muhammad and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad both of

whom were Moors of the Moorish Science Temple of America in

Detroit, Michigan. Temple.

In conclusion, I say that all members and officers of the New Moorish

Nation should seek to understand what duties and obligations that we

have set before us. All members of the Masjid must make a commitment

to bring about the Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice that was

the goal of every Muslim leader that has come before us. You should be

clean in your thoughts and habits, respect those to whom respect is due,

remember the vows that you have taken and seek to understand what is

right and good. .and then do it. A True Moor is first true to Allah his

God; second, he is true to him/her Higher Self and all peoples of this



Page 39: Up, you mighty moors

We are the children of one Father, provided for by his care, and the

breast of one Mother has given us all suck. So we must be bound by

affection that Peace and Brotherhood shall dwell in our Fathers house.

Moors are not noted for the gerry curl of the hair but the contents of the

head which the hair covers. Not by marching, singing or violence will

the Moors be delivered from the iron hand of oppression, but by

intelligent conversation and the powers of reason, consecration to the

GOOD and the Mentalism of rapid thought . Not by the outer garments

that are upon your backs shall you be recognized but by the Spirit that

is wrapped within them. I give you a mystery: Your body is but as the

circle and the Supreme God Allah is that Point within the circle. Then

let your concentration be towards that center point. Let you mind he

towards that point within. Draw in the senses from external desires for

the world belongs to those who seek it not. And lastly, be considerate

and courteous to each and every man . Even your enemy will be at

peace with one who shines forth the true light of God. Be constant in

your devotions and let no man turn you away from truth. Read, study,

and learn and put all evil or vengeful thought far away from you. That

is the way to the victory that you seek and it is the way of God..