u.s. army training and education modernization strategy

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  • 8/10/2019 U.S. Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy


  • 8/10/2019 U.S. Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy


    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page i



    From the Comm anding General4

    U.S Army Training and Doctr ine Command5


    Place Holder78


































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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page ii


    Training and educating Army leaders, Soldiers, and Civilians is the key to the Armys44

    future sucess. To be successful, the Army requires modernized, integrated, and45

    adaptive training and education capabilities to rapidly assessoutcomes and OE46

    conditions, developprograms and products, repl icatethe OE, and distr ibutetraining47

    and education at the point of need. The Army must anticipate change, adapt so that it48trains the way it fights, and do so faster than its adversaries to maintain training49

    overmatch. Additionally, the Army must leverage emerging technologies that can50

    transform the way it develops and delivers training and education to enable versatile,51

    agile, and adaptive Soldiers, leaders, units and Army Civilians.5253

    The Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (ATEMS) describes the ends,54

    ways, and means to modernize training and education (see graphic). Implementing the55

    strategy will achieve unity of effort across all training domains and environments in56

    order to better integrate, synchronize, and prioritize modernization activities and ensure57

    the most effective and timely development and delivery of Army training and education.58


    The strategy also provides the near-, mid-, and far-term objectives that support the61

    effective resourcing, transitioning, and anticipation of capabilities necessary to meet62

    current and future Army training and education needs. Stakeholders in the63

    implementation of the strategy include Army military and civilian leaders within HQDA,64

    the Army commands (ACOMs), Army Service Component Commands (ASCCs), Direct65

    Reporting Units (DRUs), Army National Guard (ARNG), U.S. Army Reserve (USAR),66

    and the Joint community. Existing training and education governance processes will67

    provide the framework for implementing the strategy.68


    Future Army training and education capabilities modernized andintegrated across all training domains and environments.


    Train ing Centers and Sch ools

    IMT / Fun ct ion al Training

    Professional Mi l i tary Ed .

    Dist r ibuted L earning (DL)

    Homes tation Train ing

    Train ing Whi le Deployed

    CTC Program Train ing

    Dist r ibuted Learning (DL)

    Professional Growth

    Counse l ing

    Dist r ibuted Learning (DL)



    Resourc es/Capabi l i t ies: Produc ts, Services, Faci l i t ies, & Equ ipm ent in DOTMLPF -P

    Operational Institutional








    Trainability Considerations


    Army Learning Model (ALM)Training Information Infrastructure (TII)

    Future Holistic Training EnvironmentLive/Synthetic (FHTE-LS)

    Synthetic Training Environment (STE)


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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page iii


    PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................... 170

    SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 171

    BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................. 172

    ASSUMPTIONS .............................................................................................................. 273

    STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................ 274



    MODERNIZATION VISION ............................................................................................. 477

    NEAR-TERM OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................ 578

    MID-TERM OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................... 679

    FAR-TERM OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................. 780

    TRAINABILITY CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................... 881

    IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGYENDS, WAYS, AND MEANS ................................... 882

    RISKS AND CHALLENGES .......................................................................................... 1183

    GOVERNANCE ............................................................................................................. 1284

    SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 1485


    ANNEX A: ANNOTATED REFERENCES ................................................................... A-187


    ENVIRONMENTLIVE/SYNTHETIC ................................................................... C-190

    ANNEX D: TRAINING INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE .................................... D-191

    ANNEX E: ARMY LEARNING MODEL ....................................................................... E-192

    ANNEX F: THE ARMY DISTRIBUTED LEARNING PROGRAM ................................. F-193


    ANNEX H: DOTMLPF-P MEANS ............................................................................... H-195

    GLOSSARY96ACRONYMS AND TERMS .............................................................................. Glossary-197

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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page 1


    The Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (ATEMS) describes how the99

    Army will modernize its training and education over time to generate and sustain100

    adaptable Soldiers, leaders, units, and Army Civilians. It identifies the ends, ways, and101

    means for implementation using established processes to integrate, synchronize, and102

    prioritize modernization activities. The ATEMS will provide direction to the Armys103training and education community in honing and maintaining the Armys competencies104

    in all learning environmentsclassrooms, home station, Combat Training Centers105

    (CTCs), deployed, and self-development. See Annex A for a list of annotated106

    references to the strategy.107



    Stakeholders include all military and Army Civilians, Army commands (ACOMs), Army110

    Service Component Commands (ASCCs), Direct Reporting Units (DRUs), Army111

    National Guard (ARNG), U.S. Army Reserve (USAR), Army Secretariat, the Army staff,112

    and the Joint community. The operational and institutional forces, including the113

    education, training, and force modernization communities, have vital roles and114

    responsibilities to fulfill in order to realize the desired strategic end state. This strategy115

    emphasizes the near-term (2014 to 2020), mid-term (2021-2030) and far-term (2031116

    and beyond) planning horizons. The ATEMS will be reviewed and updated biennially.117



    The Army is a learning organization. Training and education are at the core of Army120

    professionalism. However, the Army has not adequately modernized or fully integrated121

    current training and education capabilities and training support enablers into its122

    doctrine, policies, procedures, and tactics for warfighting. Training and education123

    modernization must be done across the learning environment to enable the most124effective and efficient learning experiences for Soldiers, leaders, units, and Army125

    Civilians in order to successfully execute Army missions.126


    The Army must learn from recent operations, refine training and education processes128

    and capabilities, and maintain Army readiness in the face of changing operational129

    environments (OE) and constrained resources. Army training and education capabilities130

    must be dynamic to support doctrine development and fully represent the OE to ensure131

    the Army trains as it fights. The Army will do this by identifying emerging requirements,132

    applying best practices in acquisition and sustainment, and seeking prioritized,133

    incremental improvements in existing capabilities. The Army will harness network134

    enabled capabilities to solve near-term capability gaps and invest in evolutionary and135

    revolutionary technologies to solve future capability gaps.136


    The ATEMS is only one element of Army modernization and is a subset of the overall138Army modernization effort that includes doctrine, organizations, training, materiel,139leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTMLPF-P). The three140high level Army strategies that drive the ATEMS include theArmy Training Strategy141

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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page 2

    The Army Vision Force 2025: The AllVolunteer Army will remain the most highlytrained and p rofessional land force in the wor ld. It is uniquely organized with thecapability and capacity to provide expeditionary, decisive landpower to the Joint Forceand ready to perform across the range of military operations to Prevent, Shape, andWin in support of Combatant Commanders to defendthe Nation and its interests athome and abroad, both today and against emerging threats.

    Chief of Staff, US Arm , FY 14 Strate ic Priorities

    (ATS),Army Leader Development Strategy(ALDS), andArmy Mission Command142Strategy(AMCS).143



    Future Army deployments will occur with less notification and shorter preparation146

    time, requiring units to conduct a greater amount of deployment training and147preparation at home station and while deployed.148

    The Army will face diminished funding for new system development and training149and education program implementation. Training solutions must have low150overhead requiring less external support, be simple to use, and easy to maintain.151They must be expeditionary in nature to support training at the point of need.152

    Army automated training management capabilities will enable leaders, training153managers, and analysts to make consistent, fact-based decisions on how best to154align and prioritize training and education resources to Army mission155requirements.156

    Army leaders and Soldiers will demand a training environment that is as complex157as the situations they have faced in combat and will not be satisfied with home-158station training (HST) that does not challenge them physically and intellectually.159



    The future strategic environment will be complex with no single adversary but rather162

    interconnected global threats created by a multitude of actors and environmental163

    conditions. Army forces will operate under conditions of uncertainty and chaos while164

    facing highly adaptive, innovative, and technology-savvy adversaries. Threats may165

    include regular and irregular forces, criminals, terrorists, and even hybrid mixtures.166

    These threats will interact with civilian populations, coalition partners, non-governmental167organizations and others in this complex environment.168


    Besides a broad range of readily available conventional weapons, state and non-state170

    actors will be able to select from an array of affordable technologies and adapt them to171

    create unexpected, lethal weapons. Social media and other emerging means of172

    communication will enable small groups to mobilize people and resources in ways that173

    can quickly constrain or disrupt military operations. The ease with which individuals can174

    communicate with each other, be it political, military, or social in nature, can lead to175

    flash-mobs and even full-scale riots or military operations. Capability gaps and threats176

    will emerge and disappear rapidly in this complex environment. The ability to train and177

    educate must remain agile to adapt to the Armys needs.178

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    The Army provides capabilities and capacities not available through other services in180

    order to provide decisive landpower to the joint force. To prepare for this, the Army181

    must be proficient in its core competencies. The Army must train the way it fights to182

    develop agile and adaptive leaders and versatile units. Combatant commanders will183

    use Army formations from the individual Soldier through Corps level. Army equipment184and systems (and training support enablers) must be scalable to different size185

    formations and retain the capacity to surge to meet mobilization needs. Equipment that186

    is energy efficient and easy to train on and use will greatly increase operational187

    versatility. The Army Operating Concept (AOC) describes the Armys core188

    competencies as:189

    Shape the security environment190

    Set the theater191

    Project power192

    Combined arms maneuver193

    Wide area security194

    LandCyber operations195

    Special Operations196


    While progress has been made to properly resource the Armys training and education198

    capabilities, significant risk still exists in the ability to modernize these capabilities. The199

    global and national fiscal environments continue to challenge the Army to be creative200

    and innovative in the way it trains and educates its force. The Army will make tough201

    decisions relating to structure, readiness, and training and education modernization.202Decisions made today will impact the nations military capability (and the supporting203

    training and education) for decades to come. Current fiscal limitations and the uncertain204

    nature of the future strategic environment call for a refinement and modernization of the205

    Armys capability to train and educate Soldiers, leaders, units, and Army Civilians to206

    ensure that they reach and maintain the highest levels of readiness. The ATEMS is207

    intended to guide training and education modernization efforts.208



    Optimize Human Performance: The Army must maintain a decisive edge in the211

    human dimension to prevail in complex environments. With a shrinking force212structure and growing demands on the individual Soldier, it is essential for the213

    Army to develop and sustain TL&E programs and systems that will optimize the214

    potential of every Soldier and civilian in the Total Army. The Army requires the215

    ability to provide rigorous training that not only fully replicates the physical216

    stresses of combat, but also represents the social and cultural aspects. This217

    includes all of the activities related to the creation of cohesive teams of Army218

    professionals who have the basic foundation of trust upon which to build a culture219

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    that practices mission command, adapting to ambiguous situations through the220

    decentralized execution of commanders intent. Successful human performance221

    optimization must involve simultaneous and integrated efforts focused at the222

    individual, team, and institutional level. We must adopt a new training paradigm223

    that emphasizes a mastery of the basics and incorporates complexity and the224

    human dimension into training.225

    Commander-Driven: Commanders have the authority and responsibility to train226

    their units to a high state of readiness. Commanders and leaders must227

    reassume their responsibilities to plan, prepare, execute, and assess training228

    after more than a decade of prescribed and delivered training during deployment229

    preparation. Commanders require training capabilities that are simple, scalable,230

    and composable/decomposable. Complex training capabilities must be delivered231

    through simple interfaces.232

    Learner-Centric: Understanding individual learner needs, interests, and abilities233

    to inspire, challenge, and enable Army learning is critical. A learner-centric234

    environment supported by an adaptive development and delivery infrastructure235

    will enable career-long learning. Leaders, Soldiers, and Army Civilians will be236

    more engaged and enthusiastic about learning if it is adjusted to their individual237

    learning needs and they understand the value of applying newly learned skills to238

    their duty assignment. The use of distributed technologies enhances this239

    learning capability by making content more individually tailored, accessible,240

    relevant, and engaging.241

    Models and Simulations-Enabled: Simulations and associated technology242

    continues to improve, due in part to the tremendous growth within the gaming243

    industry. Soldiers and leaders have gained confidence in using simulations and244

    games. The next training revolution will be empowered by the growth in realism245and ease of use of games, Soldier avatars, 3-D mapping, artificial intelligence,246

    and advanced simulations. Simulation-based capabilities will become the247

    foundation for creating realistic and relevant training environments. Live training,248

    while reduced in frequency and cost, will improve in complexity through249

    integration with simulations.250

    Globally Available and Low Overhead: Army training and education must be251

    expeditionary in nature. It must provide reach and access to products and252

    enablers, to include reasonable access to subject matter experts, at the point of253

    need, whether the transaction is across post, to a remote location within CONUS,254

    or a distant site overseas. Training and education must also be low overhead255requiring less external support and be simple to use and easy to maintain.256

    Globally available training and education capabilities with low overhead will257

    ensure learner access to the schoolhouse, other learners, and information258

    repositories so that Army Soldiers, leaders, units, and Civilians will be able to259

    train in a distributed fashion anytime, anywhere.260


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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page 5

    Training for the Future: Training must be "Better, cheaper, faster with lower

    overhead to best represent the Operational Environment (OE)Better fidelity, morerigor, less costs."

    Deputy Commanding General, Combined Arms CenterTraining, 2013


    The vision is a modernized, integrated, and adaptive training and education capability to263

    rapidly assess outcomes and OE conditions,develop programs and products,264

    repl icate the OE, and distr ibute training and education at the point of need.265

    Capabilities will leverage mobile and cloud computing and other relevant emerging266

    technologies that can transform the way we develop and access information and adapt267to the context, the user, and usage. Capabilities will not be limited by physical, domain,268

    or echelon boundaries but will provide persistent access to training and education that269

    enables the development of versatile, agile, and adaptive units and leaders anytime,270



    Rapidly assesstraining and education outcomes, Soldier and unit performance273

    data, and current OE conditions in order to adapt, refine, or influence the274

    development and delivery of training and education products or solutions.275

    Rapidly develop Army training and education programs, products, and training276

    support of major anticipated needs to provide relevant training and education to277Soldiers, leaders, units, and Army Civilians.278

    Rapidly repl icatea complex OE in training activities and events, to include Joint,279

    Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) enablers, in order to280

    provide a tough and realistic training environment.281

    Rapidly distr ibute Army training and education products to provide on-demand282

    training and education support at the point of need.283



    The near-term objective is to sustain Program Objective Memorandum (POM)286

    resourcing to enable modernization while operating in a projected resource-constrained287

    environment. This will be done through:288

    Implementing the ATEMS as a roadmap for modernization.289

    Seeking fundamental improvements in current training and education Programs290

    of Record (PORs) and transitioning these programs to sustainment level funding291

    while emerging capabilities are being identified and developed.292

    Implementing the Institutional Training Mission Management Tool (ITMMT) to293

    provide a traceable view between the resource requirements document (the294

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    Program of Instruction) and Army systems that plan and program training295


    Utilizing existing venues and processes such as the Force 2025 Maneuvers297

    (F25M) which include wargaming, exercises, experiments, and evaluations to298

    demonstrate or assess emerging capabilities to close high-risk training gaps299 identified through Army Capabilities Based Assessments (CBA), Capabilities300

    Needs Analysis (CNA), and other analytical processes.301

    Initiating a program of investment in training and education related Science and302

    Technology (S&T) experimentation to research and demonstrate emerging303


    Implementing the Army Learning Concept for Training and Education (ALC TE)305

    Implementing the Army Learning Model (ALM).306

    Fielding of the Integrated Training Environment (ITE).307

    Engaging industry through the research and development community, Training308

    and Education 2025 Industry Forums, and other activities to maximize potential309

    for identification and development of new or revolutionary technologies.310

    Exploring existing and emerging technologies to maximize delivery of training311

    and educational content and products such as mobile computing, devices, and312

    gaming capabilities.313

    Implementing trainability metrics into new systems development to reduce costs314

    and improve Soldiersability to safely and effectively train, maintain, and employ315

    the system. Trainability ensures that systems can be easily learned, operated316

    and sustained by users and operators without requiring frequent and costly317refresher training.318

    Developing ability to rapidly develop, update, and refine instructional modules to319

    meet Army learning requirements.320



    The mid-term objectives enable the transition from the Integrated Training Environment323

    (ITE) to the Synthetic Training Environment (STE) as an interim step in setting the324

    condition to create the Future Holistic Training EnvironmentLive/Synthetic (FHTE-LS)325

    in the Far-Term. The Force 2025 and Beyond (F2025B) initiative is a midpoint in this326

    time horizon. This will be done through:327 Integrating the ITE with the Training Information Infrastructure (TII) and ALM.328

    Merging virtual, constructive, gaming and augmented reality (VCG-AR) enablers329

    to create the Synthetic Training Environment (STE).330

    Achieving capabilities envisioned in the ALC TE to include enhanced distributed331

    and mobile learning and computing capabilities.332

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    Establishing one-world terrain for use in training, education, and operations.333

    Migrating training and education networks to the mission command (MC)334


    Maturing the S&T investments in future technologies that support development of336

    the STE and other training and education related initiatives. To support this337effort, the Army has established a prioritized list of future capability needs for338

    S&T focus. Annex B contains expanded details of training and education related339

    capability needs for the mid and far-term. Mid-term technology candidates for340

    S&T focus include:341

    Future Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic (FHTE-LS)342

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Operations and Training343

    Training Methods for Operational Dominance344


    The STEmerging VCG-AR enablerswill bring the best of the ITE and high fidelity346 CTC training environment and training enablers to any location any time. It will enable347

    commanders at home station to combine the eight (8) elements of the ITE with select348

    high payoff cost efficient components of the CTC high fidelity training environment.349

    And, set the conditions to create the FHTE-LS.350


    FAR-TERM (FY 31 and Beyond) OBJECTIVES352

    The far-term objectives are to focus S&T research on the Armys top priority training and353

    education related capability needs to discover affordable, leap-ahead technologies.354

    Research and investments in S&T are essential to maximize the Armys strengths and355

    ensure the Army maintains the ability to train better than its adversaries (training356

    overmatch). This will support development of the FHTE-LS and expand the Armys357capability to meet future Army training and education requirements. See Annex B for358

    the prioritized list of future capability needs for S&T focus in both the mid and far-terms.359

    Far-term objectives include:360

    Combining the live and STE to create the FHTE-LS, a single live/synthetic361

    training environment transparent to the training audience.362

    Maturing the S&T investments in training and education to support the FHTE-LS363

    and related initiatives. Far-term technology candidates for S&T focus include:364

    Holistic Training Enterprise365

    Adaptive Learning/Learner Centric Enterprise366

    Virtual Human367

    Adaptive Leader Development and Unit Training368


    The FHTE-LS will provide a training and education common operational picture (COP)370

    that allows commanders to train as they will fight and access information and data when371

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    and where needed. Live training, while reduced in frequency and cost, will leverage372

    synthetic enablers, such as simulations and games, into a single training event to373

    improve live training complexity while reducing the risks and resources associated with374

    a fully live training event. The FHTE-LS will enable commanders to plan, prepare,375

    execute, and assess training faster, more effectively, at lower cost, and with greater376

    realism and repetition.377378


    Trainability of systems must be considered across all training objectives and be fully380

    integrated across all training domains and environments. Modernized systems must be381

    easily learned, operated, and sustained by users without requiring frequent and costly382

    refresher training thus allowing commanders to train more complex collective training383

    tasks. Training that is planned for and integrated early into system design will reduce384

    training costs over non-system training aids, devices, simulators and simulations385

    (TADSS), allow more time for training unit and collective tasks, and significantly reduce386

    program life-cycle costs. This will contribute to greater individual and unit readiness387

    when the system is fielded.388


    Training considerations must be addressed from the beginning of the acquisition390

    process and incorporated into system development. Reduced equipment complexity391

    will improve the individuals ability to more safely and effectively train, maintain and392

    employ the system. Trainability is critical in new system development and should be393

    established as a key/mandatory element in Army systems development, Joint394

    Capabilities Integration Development System (JCIDS), and Business Capability395

    Lifecycle (BCL) Model processes in the near-term.396





    To achieve the visionthe ability to rapidly assess , develop , repl icatethe OE, and401

    distr ibute training and education at the point of needthe Army must modernize and402

    integrate future Army training and education capabilities across all training domains and403

    environments. Modernized training and education capabilities will enhance the ability of404

    Soldiers, leaders, and Army Civilians to master the individual attributes necessary for405

    the Army to be proficient in its core competencies. Units will be more versatile and406

    tailorable to support Army Force Generation. The future training environment will:407

    Leverage mobile and cloud computing and other relevant emerging technologies.408 Provide persistent access to training and education anytime, anywhere.409

    Combine training capabilities, systems, and processes and not be limited by410

    physical, domain, or echelon boundaries.411

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    Fully integrate training capabilities to simplify the science of training management412

    and enable leaders to focus on the art of planning, preparing, executing, and413

    assessing training.414

    Challenge commanders, leaders, and Soldiers through greater fidelity and415

    realism to synchronize the application of warfighting functions.416

    Provide commanders and leaders the ability to rapidly assess, replicate, and417

    adapt to all OEs to include JIIM enablers to train as the Army fights, understand418

    the OE, and develop agile leaders.419

    Deliver low-overhead and cost effective training and education support and420

    distributed learning (DL) products/content at the point and time of need.421

    Reduce the number of existing information systems, eliminate redundancy, and422

    create interoperability among databases.423

    Reduce the number of training environments, overhead and complexity involved424

    in training and education.425426


    The Army will create a modernized and integrated future training and education428

    capability enabled through the Synthetic Training Environment (STE), the Future429

    Holistic Training EnvironmentLive/Synthetic (FHTE-LS), the Training Information430

    Infrastructure (TII), and the Army Learning Model (ALM). Together they provide the key431

    enablers necessary to effectively train and educate the force.432


    The STEmerging VCG-AR enablerswill bring the best of the ITE and high fidelity434

    CTC training environment and training enablers to any location any time. It will enable435

    commanders at home station to combine the elements of the ITE with select high payoff436cost efficient components of the CTC high fidelity training environment and set the437

    conditions to create the FHTE-LS.438

    Integrating the ITE with the TII, and ALM.439

    Merging VCG-AR enablers to create the STE.440


    The FHTE-LScombines the STE and the finalized TII integration to provide a442

    distributed, integrated, and globally available network that seamlessly develops and443

    distributes training and education products. These products will effectively replicate OE444

    conditions while reducing the complexity of unit training management and readiness445 reporting. The live training environment will merge with the STE to create a single446

    live/synthetictraining environment that provides a training and education COP447

    available through Army MC systems. The FHTE-LS will connect installations and448

    training domains to effectively execute training, training development, and training449

    management from any location. This will allow commanders and leaders to focus on450

    the art of training and education versus the science of planning. See Annex C for a451

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    detailed discussion of the STE and FHTE-LS. The following describes how the FHTE-452

    LS supports the operations process.453

    During theplanningandpreparationphases, the installation will become a454

    docking station, providing connectivity to the tactical network and MC systems.455

    This allows seamless integration and interoperability among unit training records,456

    TADSS, institutional training resources, scenario databases, and resource457


    During the executionphase, live and synthetic capabilities will be fully integrated459

    across both selected system and non-system TADSS to provide an immersive460

    training environment. The complexity of the OE and JIIM enablers will be461

    replicated through semi-automated functions/forces and artificial intelligence.462

    During the assessmentphase, After Action Review (AAR) capabilities, Mission463

    Essential Task List (METL) assessment, readiness reporting, and retraining464

    requirements will be seamlessly integrated.465

    466The TIIincludes the hardware, software, communications, classrooms, and services467

    necessary to develop, store, retrieve, deliver, and manage training and education468

    information and content for use by individuals, units, and institutions worldwide. The TII469

    will reduce the number of existing training and education information systems, reduce or470

    eliminate redundancy of data among these systems, and create interoperability among471

    databases to ensure accurate information is available to users. It consists of two472

    components: the Army Training Information System (ATIS) and Points of Delivery473

    (POD). See Annex D for a detailed discussion of the TII.474


    The ALMwill help achieve the FHTE-LS by revolutionizing the Armys approach to476

    individual learning with a comprehensive change in how and where learning is477delivered. The ALM focuses on individual leader, Soldier and Army Civilian learning in478

    Initial Military Training (IMT), Professional Military Education (PME), and Functional479

    Courses in all Army learning proponents. The learning model enhances the rigor and480

    relevance of individual learning through routine assessment of Soldier competencies481

    that enable success across ULO. The ALM is supported by an adaptive development482

    and delivery infrastructure that enables a continuum of learning and sustained adaption.483

    The Army Distributed Learning Program (TADLP) will assist in delivery of Army training484

    and education products and content. See Annex E for a detailed discussion of the ALM.485486

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    Figure 1. The Future Holistic Training EnvironmentLive/Synthetic (FHTE-LS)489



    The available means to modernize Army training and education are the resources and492

    capabilities, such as products, services, facilities, and equipment, in each of the493

    DOTMLPF-P domains. However, limited resources will provide challenges to fully494

    modernize all training and education. To help mitigate these challenges, the Army must495

    focus on refining training and education processes, maintaining and improving existing496

    training programs, limiting new system starts, leveraging existing Commercial and497

    Government Off-the-Shelf (COTS and GOTS) solutions, reducing the number of training498

    environments to a single live/synthetic environment, and creating a learner-centric499

    learning environment. See Annex H for a list of DOTMLPF-P means.500501


    Funding challenges and program tradeoffs may impact implementation of the503

    modernization strategy and require adjustment of strategy timelines.504

    Future Holistic Training Environment - Live/Synthetic (FHTE-LS)






    Development Sustainment




    Near (FY14-20) Mid (FY21-30) Far (FY31+)


    VIRTUAL / Augmented Reality








    Evolve the ITE

    Force 2025

    Leverage S&T for

    Training & Education

    Time Horizon:

    Fundamental change to the way

    we train and educate the Army









    CVGSynthetic TrainingEnvironment (STE)

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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page 12

    The availability of advanced or leap ahead technologies to meet future T&E505

    requirements may be limited by the technologys maturity level to meet program506


    Ongoing development of FORCE 2025 and Beyond concepts and plans may508

    impact force structures and require adjustment of strategy timelines and509


    Synchronizing and integrating multiple programs of record (POR) objectives and511

    timelines will be challenging and require a comprehensive transition/bridging512

    strategy to ensure success.513

    Long-range investment plans and setting priorities across those plans with514

    defined decision points will help mitigate risk and enable the ability to achieve515

    objectives that may range across periods of 10-30 years.516



    The ATEMS will use existing training, education, and leader development governance519processes and forums to ensure program requirements are prioritized, integrated, and520

    synchronized with current and future training and education needs. The intent is to521

    develop defendable metrics that support the planning, programming, and execution of522

    program requirements and inform the Army Program Evaluation Group (PEG) and POM523

    on training and education investment decisions.524


    The Trainin g Suppor t System Enterp rise (TSS-E)governance process validates,526

    prioritizes, and resources Training Support System (TSS) enablers, ensuring the527

    training products, facilities, and services are in place to support approved unit,528

    institutional, and self development training strategies. The TSS programs include:529

    Sustainable Range Program (SRP), Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM)530

    Program, Soldier Training Support Program (STSP), Mission Command Training531

    Support Program (MCTSP), Combat Training Center Modernization (CTC Mod)532

    Program, and Training Information Infrastructure (TII) Program. The TSS-E leverages533

    the following governance processes:534

    Modernization Reviews (MOD Reviews) will validate projected training support535

    modernization requirements, funding strategies, and investment strategies.536

    HQDA G3/7 (DAMO-TRS), CAC-T TRADOC Capability Managers (TCMs) and537

    related product managers from PEO-Simulations, Training, and Instrumentation538

    (PEO-STRI) conduct this review.539

    Program Management Reviews (PMRs) receive requirements from the540

    Commands to enable training and education at home station, schools and541

    centers, and while deployed. HQDA G3/5/7 (DAMO-TRS), CAC-T TCMs, CAC-T542

    TSSE representatives, and ACOM/ASCC/DRU representatives conduct this543


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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page 13

    Training Support Working Groups (TSWGs) address issues from PMRs, resolve545

    issues, and forward unresolved issues through the Combined Councils of546

    Colonels (CoCs) to the Training General Officer Steering Committee (TGOSC)547

    for action.548

    The CoCs include the Institutional (including DL) Training CoC, Home549

    Station/Deployed Training CoC, Army Civilian Training CoC, and Joint550

    Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational, and Combat Training Center CoC.551

    The CoCs address TSWG issues and recommend approval of program funding,552

    POM submissions, and program recapitalization and modernization priorities.553

    CoCs decisions are reviewed by an integration forum, which, in coordination with554

    the DA G3/5/7 Director of Training (DOT), determine which issues are brought555

    before the TGOSC for approval and guidance.556

    The TGOSC synchronizes issue development with the POM and Budget557

    Estimate Submissions (BES). It identifies and resolves issues, determines558

    priorities, provides guidance, and makes decisions in support of Army training559

    and leader development.560


    The Army Learning Coord inat ion Counci l (ALCC)implements and governs the ALM.562

    The ALCC synchronizes products and courseware provided by the Army Training and563

    Doctrine Command (TRADOC) centers, schools, institutes, and colleges to ensure an564

    integrated and sequential program of career-long learning from IMT to Senior Level565

    Education that fulfills the intent of the ALM and the Army Leader Development Strategy566

    (ALDS). The ALCC focuses on the impact of institutional training and education on567

    individual learning. In addition to setting process objectives and policy568

    recommendations, the ALCC monitors and reports the degree to which learning569

    outcomes are being met.570571

    TRADOC coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates these efforts through a three-tiered572

    ALCC process. TheALCC Principals are the three-star senior management forum co-573

    chaired by the TRADOC DCG and CG CAC for learning synchronization and ALM574

    implementation. This group directs the activities and focus of the ALCC Working Group575

    and approves critical issues for CG TRADOC decision or information. The Principals are576

    supported by an ALCC Working Group that is a Council of Colonels-level management577

    forum. The ALCC Working Group: establishes subordinate panel-oriented objectives578

    (as required) and synchronizes project execution; identifies and recommends579

    implementation and evaluation strategies for ALCC-approved initiatives; facilitates the580

    ALCC Principals agenda; and ensures integration of ALCC work.581


    The Army Leader Development Program (ALDP) Processidentifies leader583

    development related initiatives; produces the ALDP priority list to ensure consistency584

    between leader development program priorities and resourcing decisions. Many585

    education initiatives are reviewed by this forum.586


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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page 14

    The Structu re Mann ing Decisio n Review (SMDR)synchronizes and coordinates588

    DOTMLPF integration requirements between the training developers and capability589

    developers. The SMDR determines training and education requirements for the first590

    three years of the POM; validates training requirements, compares training591

    requirements with schoolhouse resource capabilities such as manpower, facilities,592

    equipment, and dollars, and reconciles differences into an affordable, acceptable, and593executable training program. Documenting modernization efforts facilitates validation of594

    a new requirement, triggers changes to resources, and results in improved integration of595

    new programs and relevant training.596


    The Arm y Force Generat ion (ARFORGEN) Training Sup port and Resourc ing598

    Processis designed to synchronize and de-conflict manning, equipping, and training599

    requirements of all units in transition from the train/ready period to the available force600



    The Training an d Educ ation Developm ent Enterprise (TED-E) integrates training603

    and education capability development at the Centers of Excellence (CoEs) and604

    proponent schools through an enterprise approach to policy and regulation updates,605

    and identification and justification of funding, personnel, and capabilities resources. The606

    TED-E ensures training and education products are adequately resourced, developed to607

    standard, and shared without redundancy. Products include: concepts, strategies,608

    courses, lesson plans, Programs of Instruction (POIs), Training Support Packages609

    (TSPs) and Individual Critical Tasks List (ICTL). The TED-E is anticipated to achieve610

    initial operating capability by late FY14 and achieve the same level of maturity as the611

    TSS-E no later than fall Fiscal Year (FY) 15.612


    The Army Qual i ty Assu rance Programis a supporting governance process that614identifies issues across the enterprise and provides recommendations on training,615

    education, and training support issues via accreditations of all Army learning institutions.616

    Department of the Army Accreditations result in improvement of programs for617

    enhancement of learning for Soldiers and Army Civilians across the entire enterprise618

    and across all components.619



    The U.S. Army is the worlds most decisive land force capable of operating and winning622

    in complex environments and on uncertain battlefields. It is organized with the623

    capability and capacity to provide expeditionary, decisive landpower to the Joint Force624

    to defendthe nation and its interests both at home and abroad. To remain the most625

    decisive land force in the world, the Army must be capable of developing and626

    maintaining the most highly trained and professional Soldiers, leaders, organizations,627

    units, and Army Civilians in the world. The challenge is to find ways to modernize and628

    deliver the most effective and efficient training and education to provide the Army with629

    greater capability while maximizing the use of critical resources. The ATEMS identifies630

    the ends, ways, and means for implementation of Army training and education631

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    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy (Final Draft) Page 15

    modernization and provides direction to the Armys training community to integrate,632

    synchronize, and prioritize modernization activities.633

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    Annex B Science and Technology Capability Needs

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy S&T Capability Needs B-1


    The rapid advancement of new and affordable technologies across the globe will create660

    vulnerabilities for todays Army. The Army will face declining training and education661

    budgets at home while its adversaries create periods of calculated operational662

    overmatch by leveraging opportunity and existing technology. Adversaries will be663

    adaptive, innovative, and technology-savvyadapting readily available and affordable664technologies to create unexpected and potentially lethal outcomes. The challenge to665

    the Army will be in finding ways to successfully modernize Army training and education666

    capabilities during a time of diminishing resources while still maintaining the most highly667

    trained and professional land force in the world.668


    Research and investments in science and technology (S&T) are essential to help670

    maximize the Armys strengths while offsetting its weaknesses in order to meet future671

    training and education challenges. Research must be focused on the top priority672

    training and education capability needs. To do this, the Army has established a673

    prioritized list of the most promising training and education related S&T technologies674

    that represent those candidates believed to support future training and education needs.675

    This list is focused on the mid and far-term timeframes and will help to inform S&T676

    efforts and influence resource decisions.677



    Mid-term technology candidates focus on three training-related capability needs: Future680

    Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic (FHTE-LS), Artificial Intelligence (AI) for681

    Operations and Training, and Training Methods for Operational Dominance. These682

    capability needs are aligned with the Chief of Staff of the Armys vision for Force 2025683

    and Beyond.684

    6851. Future Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic (FHTE-LS): This capability686

    combines the virtual, constructive, gaming (VC&G) and augmented reality (AR)687

    environments into a single synthetic training environment (STE) that is coupled to live688

    training and integrated with the Army Training Information Infrastructure (TII). This will689

    allow Commanders to fully plan, prepare, execute and assess training with one690

    capability. FHTE-LS will require less hardware, lower integration costs, provide greater691

    agility to maintain currency, have fewer hardware components and require significantly692

    less contractors; while still maintaining a medium level of fidelity for home station (HS),693

    Institutional Training, Operational (multi-echelon Mission Command Training) and Self-694

    Development (Army Learning Model and Mobile Distance Learning). Potential695

    technology candidates include:696

    Augmented Real i ty (AR)technologies that integrate with the live training697

    environment. AR enables realistic training by providing computer generated698

    entities which replicate enablers for tasks previously not allowed because of699

    safety or environmental concerns (e.g.: artillery, close air support or role players).700

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    Annex B Science and Technology Capability Needs

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy S&T Capability Needs B-2

    Terrain Generation Framework . Rapid Unified Generation of Urban Databases701

    (RUGUD) - a database generation capability supporting terrain representation702

    within the STE. It will significantly lower the cost, time and skill required to author703

    and produce fully functional, highly effective terrain generation.704

    Distr ibuted Simu lat ion Environments and Vir tual Worlds. These705

    technologies allow the Army to conduct collective training anywhere and anytime706

    in distributed simulations that model individual to Joint Task Force aggregate707

    modeling in a single, non-federated synthetic environment coupled with live708

    training on a single, global terrain database.709

    Human Interact ion Design with Synthet ic Environm ent to Faci l i tate710

    Effective Training . Technology to support on-demand, cloud-based framework711

    for automating synthetic environment production, from source to Soldier.712

    Objective system will quickly integrate future data sources and algorithms. We713

    will improve current data fusion techniques, automatically processing sensor714

    data, reducing manual labor.715


    2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Operations and Training: Enhances the immersive717

    training experience for dismounted soldiers in virtual and augmented reality718

    environments. Improved AI promotes realism in the synthetic environment; replicating719

    Soldier characteristics and behaviors allows for human-AI swapping. AI enables720

    intelligent tutoring for individual Soldier tasks and collective training feedback for unit721

    commanders. Potential technology candidates include:722

    Adapt ive Tutor ing System Arch i tecture. Artificially-intelligent agents for723

    automated authoring of intelligent tutoring systems and analysis of usability and724

    learning effect.725

    Large Scale Distr ibu ted Training . Integrated, technology-enabled learning726

    environment that bridges across platform scale and computational capacity (e.g.,727

    personal computer, mobile device, virtual worlds) to include social media for728

    sharing expertise/lessons learned. The purpose is to prototype a technology-729

    enabled, data-driven, learning environment for integrated training across multiple730


    Intel l igent Agents for Command Decis ion supp ort . To provide the732

    Commander unit and Soldier training performance data and assist in the733

    development, refinement and delivery of training and education products to train734

    their unit.735Intel l igent A gents fo r Construc t ive Training. Intelligent agents that possess a736

    number of technology-enabled characteristics which provide the capability to737

    represent combatant and non-combatant forces, indigenous populations, and738

    JIIM players across the integrated training environment (ITE) to replicate the739

    complexities of the operational environment (OE).740


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    Annex B Science and Technology Capability Needs

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy S&T Capability Needs B-3

    3. Training Methods for Operational Dominance: Measures and Methods for742

    Training for the Individual Soldier which directly uses the Intelligent Tutoring methods743

    and environments and helps the Army accomplish the Army Learning Model goals.744

    Specifically, the measures and methods will facilitate the Soldier achieving proficiency745

    faster; enable the Leaders/instructors to better utilize classroom, virtual, mobile,746

    computer based training technologies; and allow training developers to develop747adaptive tailored training within time and resource constraints. These measures and748

    methods will be fielded iteratively as changes to Army policy and procedures.749



    Far-term technology candidates focus on four training-related capability needs: Holistic752

    Training Enterprise, Adaptive Learning/Learner Centric Enterprise, Virtual Human, and753

    Adaptive Leader Development and Unit Training. These capability needs are for the754

    time period beyond 2025.755


    1. Holistic Training Enterprise that is fully embedded into the operational Mission757

    Command network:758

    The capability to rapidly develop and cond uct syn chron ized l ive training, up759

    to br igade level , in con di t ions th at repl icate the complexi t ies of the OE.760

    This includes a comprehensive (individual and collective), embedded, combined-761

    arms training capability that includes mission command and maneuver (mounted762

    and dismounted) tasks. An immersive virtual training capability that fully763

    represents the physical aspects of the OE. This immersive capability must764

    provide individual and multi-echelon low-overhead simulation(s) that enable a765

    small unit collaborative training experience using Synthetic enablers, and limited766

    mission planning and rehearsal capabilities in the OE.767

    St imulate miss ion command systems and sensors, realistically replicate768

    combined arms effects and capabilities, realistically replicate hybrid threat769

    capabilities and the capabilities of JIIM partners, be interoperable among air,770

    ground, and other Service training systems, and provide rapid and realistic771

    feedback to the individual, vehicle or equipment. Provide a network with the772

    capacity and infrastructure to support worldwide, secure, wireless delivery of773

    training and education products on platforms that range from fixed computers774

    and simulation centers to mobile platforms across all training environments and775



    2. An Adaptive Learning/Learner Centric Enterprise: An accessible, responsive,778and adaptive learning capability that is available worldwide at the point and time of779

    need. The learning capability must provide mobile access to learning content, on-780

    demand, at the point of need. Be designed with device agnostic architecture with781

    clearly defined protocols and standards that allows interoperability to support multiple782

    training and education products; agnostic so that the products can be played on multiple783

    types of devices and systems and facilitates content validation and assessment of784

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    Annex B Science and Technology Capability Needs

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy S&T Capability Needs B-4

    content and effectiveness. Enable Soldiers, Army Civilians, and their leaders the ability785

    to conduct accurate self-assessments to determine future training and education786

    requirements to improve knowledge, skills, behaviors, and abilities. Include technology-787

    delivered instruction that mimics a one-on-one expert tutor by adapting and tailoring788

    individualized learning to the learner's prior knowledge and learning style preferences789

    (i.e. an intelligent digital tutor).790791

    3. Virtual Human: Future training, leader development and education require virtual792

    human capabilities to represent combatant and non-combatant forces, indigenous793

    populations, and JIIM players across the ITE to replicate the complex OE. The virtual794

    humans must have a cognitive architecture capable of supporting a natural language795

    processing capability that enables virtual human entities to interact autonomously with,796

    humans, and other computer generated forces in the virtual, gaming and797

    distance/distributed learning environments. Have the ability to understand, reason and798

    make assumptions about the environments supporting virtual, gaming and799

    distance/distributed learning training applications. Populate large-scale simulations to800

    expand the range of on-demand, interactive training opportunities and reduce human801

    overhead support.802


    4. Adaptive Leader Development and Unit Training: Future training, leader804

    development and education requires responsive and adaptive training and education805

    infrastructure, development capabilities, and applications, that rapidly and effectively806

    infuse operational experience and knowledge into training and education in the schools,807

    home station, combat training centers, while deployed, and through self-development.808

    An adaptive training capability must provide advanced automated training development809

    tools, collaborative development capabilities, and shared information repositories to810

    rapidly and efficiently capture, incorporate, and disseminate relevant information811through effective learning means at the point of need. Soldiers must be able to learn812

    quicker and retain skills longer through neuroscience applications and by using the art813

    and science of learning.814



    The current path of S&T funding is unlikely to sustain the Armys current817

    competitive advantage. By 2025, the Army is at risk of adversary overmatch.818

    The availability of advanced or leap ahead S&T technologies to meet future819

    TL&E requirements may be limited by technology maturity levels.820

  • 8/10/2019 U.S. Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy


    Annex C Synthetic Training Environment/Future Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy STE/FHTE-LS C-1



    With the number of deployments expected to decrease, commander-driven home-823

    station training (HST) will be the focus for preparing units for future operations. Limited824

    training resources and training land availability has driven higher reliance on blended825

    training. Blended training combines live, virtual, constructive, and gaming to achieve826training objectives, but does it in a non-networked and resource intensive fashion. The827

    ability to merge training environments will simplify training and reduce overhead costs828

    while increasing training integration and capability allowing commanders and leaders to829

    focus on the art of training versus the science of planning training.830



    The Synthetic Training Environment (STE) will serve as the interim step in setting the833

    condition to create the Future Holistic Training EnvironmentLive/Synthetic (FHTE-834

    LS). The STE will merge virtual, constructive, gaming and augmented reality (VCG-AR)835

    enablers to create one synthetic environment. The STE will bring together the best of836

    the Integrated Training Environment (ITE) and high fidelity Combat Training Center837

    (CTC) training environment and training enablers to any location any time. It will enable838

    commanders at home station to combine the elements of the ITE with select high payoff839

    cost efficient components of the CTC high fidelity training environment.840



    The FHTE-LS will be an evolution from the current ITE and will be formed from the843

    merging of STE and the Live training environments. When fielded, the FHTE-LS will844

    integrate training technology, programs, and processes from across the Army into a845

    seamless whole to support individual and collective training in the institutional and846

    operational Army. As envisioned, it provides the ability to rapidly assess the OE;847determine training and education outcomes; develop training and education programs,848

    products, and support; replicate the OE; and distributes Army training and education at849

    the learning point of need. The FHTE-LS improves upon the interim STE and combines850

    it with the Training Information Infrastructure (TII) to provide a world-wide, distributed,851

    integrated, and cloud-based architecture that enables seamless development and852

    distribution of training and education products. The FHTE-LS will reduce the complexity853

    of unit training management allowing commanders and leaders the ability to seamlessly854

    plan, prepare, execute and assess training to achieve levels of training realism never855

    before achieved at home station.856


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    Annex C Synthetic Training Environment/Future Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy STE/FHTE-LS C-2


    Figure C-1. The Future Holistic Training Environment Live/Synthetic860


    The FHTE-LS when fully implemented will support operations and training management862

    processes, offer opportunities to manage training resources, save the Army money,863save leaders time, and support unit and leader readiness. Live/Synthetic training will864

    leverage simulations and gaming into a single HST event to improve live training quality865

    while reducing the risks and resources associated with previous fully live training866

    events. The end result is a training environment that:867

    Is commander and leader driven868

    Is learner centric869

    Is integrated and adaptive870

    Leverages S&T, COTS and GOTS871

    Reduces hardware requirements872

    Reduces contract support873

    Provides good-enough fidelity to train to standard874

    Uses a Common Graphical User Interface (GUI)875



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    Annex C Synthetic Training Environment/Future Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy STE/FHTE-LS C-3


    The primary risk in implementing a leap ahead is the competing demand to879

    maintain current home station training capability supported by the ITE while880

    transitioning to the STE. The ITE is expensive and there is a potential risk that881

    the Army will lose some near-term training capabilities as funding is reprioritized882

    to transition to the STE and operationalize the FHTE-LS in the mid and long-883


    Synchronizing the collapse of ITE program of record (POR) into the STE POR885

    and eventual FHTE-LS POR is a challenge and will require a comprehensive886

    transition/bridging strategy to ensure success.887



    Identify critical programs that are currently part of the ITE and ensure they890

    maintain training relevancy.891

    Begin STE Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDTE) efforts.892

    Develop the S&T strategy to achieve STE objectives.893

    Establish the infrastructure required for STE.894



    Transition legacy ITE POR into sustainment and eventual divestment.897

    Establish STE full operational capability (FOC).898

    Begin FHTE-LS RDTE efforts.899

    Develop the S&T strategy to achieve FHTE-LS objectives.900

    Establish the infrastructure required for FHTE-LS.901


    FAR-TERM OBJECTIVES (FY 31 and beyond)903

    Establish FHTE-LS FOC.904

    Execute FHTE-LS life-cycle management.905

    Continue to product-improve FHTE-LS.906

    Execute S&T strategy to achieve next future-training environment.907


    ROAD MAP909

    The following road maps lay out the modernization plan to transition from the ITE to910

    STE during the near and mid-term and from the STE to the FHTE-LS during the mid911

    and far-term planning horizons. It includes anticipated timelines, expected divestment912

    and decision points, and plans for procurement and sustainment. Given the period of913

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    Annex C Synthetic Training Environment/Future Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy STE/FHTE-LS C-4

    time under consideration, it is likely that the dates shown may change significantly914

    based on funding decisions and technological challenges.915


    Figure C-2. ITE, STE, and FHTE-LS Capabilities Development Road Map917


    Figure C-3. Live Systems Capabilities Development Road Map919

    FY 14-20 FY 21-30 FY 31 & Beyond

    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

    ITE, STE, and FHTE-LS Integration

    LVC IA V1


    LVC IA

    V3 & V4TMRR/EMD






    LVC IA V2


    STE (IA & NextGen C&V



    CapabilityDrops 2, 3, 4

    FHTE(STE withLive/TII)


    S S







    I F




    IOC / FOC

    New Start

    Transition IPT


    Decision Point


    S&T Insertion

    Changes inProcurement


    SustainmentInventory exists/but not sustained

    Preliminary Work


    Blend: Procurement/SustainmentNon Materiel Solution

    FY 14-20 FY 21-30 FY 31 & Beyond

    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

    Live Systems Integration













    A-TESS Inc 2

    A-TESS Inc 3

    A-TESS Inc 1



    C I F











    T-IS CTCs

    T-IS DigitizedRanges
















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    Annex C Synthetic Training Environment/Future Holistic Training Environment-Live/Synthetic

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy STE/FHTE-LS C-5


    Figure C-4. Virtual Systems Capabilities Development Road Map921


    Figure C-5. Constructive Systems Capabilities Development Road Map923

    FY 14-20 FY 21-30 FY 31 & Beyond

    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

    Virtual Systems Integration






    B C I FGround






    GFT II






    S2 VT II


    S2 VT







    FY 14-20 FY 21-30 FY 31 & Beyond14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

    Constructive Systems Integration

    SE Core







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    Annex D Training Information Infrastructure

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy TII D-1


    The TII program serves as the management integrator of training information925

    technology programs and systems, which include the Army Training Information System926

    (ATIS) and Points of Delivery (POD). TII includes the hardware, software,927

    communications, classrooms, and services necessary to develop, store, retrieve,928

    deliver, and manage training information and content for use by individuals,929organizations, units, and institutions worldwide. The intent of the TII is to provide Army930

    commanders, Soldiers, and Army Civilians with a capability to quickly access reliable931

    information that supports training development, management, and delivery across all932

    training domains.933


    The delivery of training and education products is often challenged by users ability to935

    find and access content, restrictive net policies, obsolete or non-intuitive delivery936

    platforms, and outdated development and revision processes. The TII through ATIS937

    and POD provides rigorous, relevant, and tailored distributed training and education to938

    Soldiers, leaders, and Army Civilians at the point of need from a responsive and939

    accessible delivery capability. The end result is a TII that better enables the Army to940

    train as it will fight.941


    The establishment of the TII program under the Training Support System Enterprise943

    (TSS-E) ensures that governance processes are in place to identify, validate, prioritize,944

    and resource capabilities across the Enterprise. TII management also helps ensure the945

    most effective and efficient use of limited resources.946947


    Figure D-1. Army Training Information Infrastructure (TII)950

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    Annex D Training Information Infrastructure

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy TII D-2

    ATIS951ATIS is the component of TII that provides centralized access to authoritative training952and education information and data. ATIS is currently transforming to better serve the953training and education community as a program of record. As such, it will be better954postured to eliminate redundancies and ensure common standards and interfaces955

    among systems.956957

    When fully established, ATIS will provide a common operating picture (COP) of the958training environment through integrated, interoperable training development,959management, scheduling, and content and training resource management capabilities.960These capabilities will enable Commanders, leaders, Soldiers, and civilians to better961understand, visualize, describe, direct, lead, and assess training requirements so they962can more effectively plan, prepare, execute, and assess training.963



    ATIS has established a plan to converge all existing training and education information966

    systems into five enterprise capabilities described below. ATIS will sustain each967capability with scheduled upgrades on a roughly three year basis and ongoing periodic968reviews to ensure that fielded capabilities continue to meet the needs of the Army or if a969systemic overall or modernization effort is required.970

    Training Enterprise Scheduling Capability (TESC): Provides installation971leaders, training managers, trainers, and instructors the ability to manage training972and education resources, including transportation, classrooms, ranges, supplies,973and mandated legal and social individual, organizational, and unit training in a974single integrated set of applications.975

    Army Training Development Capability (ATDC): Provides training developers976

    and training managers the ability to develop and coordinate training and977education information, including training packages, training events, courses, and978exercises in support of the training development enterprise.979

    Army Learning Content Management Capability (ALCMC): Provides trainers980and instructors a single application to deliver training and education information,981including educational and professional instruction, to students anytime,982anywhere; provides users centralized access to training and education necessary983to conduct training missions.984

    Army Training Management Capability (ATMC): Provides individual and985collective training managers improved ability to manage training and education986

    information, including military individual and collective training that supports987mission tasks; provides users centralized access to unit training management988and their individual training records.989

    Training Resource Management Capability (TRMC): Provides leaders,990training managers, training developers, trainers, and instructors improved ability991to manage training and education resources.992



  • 8/10/2019 U.S. Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy


    Annex D Training Information Infrastructure

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy TII D-3


    The Materiel Development Decision (MDD) directed ATIS to enter the Material Solution996

    Analysis (MSA) phase to conduct an Analysis of Alternatives (AOA). The MDD decision997

    by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology998

    validated the longstanding requirement for the capabilities ATIS will provide. ATIS will999

    face challenges as it moves toward implementation. Some of those challenges are1000

    described below:1001


    Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) complexities:Accurately understanding all the1003

    existing candidate systems in order to adequately determine which systems need1004

    to be maintained or divested to be part of the objective system future.1005

    Managing the scope of ATIS: DoD and DA ongoing efforts to comply with1006

    appropriate statutes make it difficult to define the scope and number of systems1007

    that will be part of ATIS.1008

    1009 ROAD MAP1010

    The following road map provides the modernization plan for ATIS capability1011

    development as currently envisioned by the TCM ATIS. It includes anticipated1012

    timelines, decision points, and procurement and sustainment intervals. The timeline will1013

    change over time as detailed analysis and funding decisions dictate.1014



    Figure D-2. ATIS Capabilities Development Road Map1017

    FY 14-20 FY 21-30 FY 31 & Beyond

    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

    Army Training Information System (ATIS)(Dates/Phasing subject to AoA study outcomes)



    IOC / FOC

    New Start

    Transition IPT


    Decision Point


    S&T Insertion

    Changes inProcurement



    Inventory exists/but not sustained

    Preliminary Work


    Blend: Procurement/Sustainment

    Non Materiel Solution




    ATIS Capability



    Training EnterpriseScheduling Capability


    Army TrainingManagement

    Capability (ATMC)


    Army Learning ContentManagement Capability



    Army TrainingDevelopment Capability



    Training ResourceManagement Capability



    I F

    I F

    I F

    I F








    s s s s





    s s s s s s

    s s s s s s

    s s s s s

    s s s s s

    s s s

    s s s s s

    TESC Procure/Sustain

    ATMC Procure/Sustain

    ALCMC Procure/Sustain

    ATDC Procure/Sustain

    TRMC Procure/Sustain


  • 8/10/2019 U.S. Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy


    Annex D Training Information Infrastructure

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy TII D-4


    PODs are the component of the TII Program that includes classrooms and facilities1019

    used to access content and conduct training and education at the point of need. While1020

    current facilities support instructor presentation systems and learners with desktops and1021

    laptops, the POD program recognizes the need to transition to accommodate mobile1022

    devices. The POD program managers seek to ensure there are sufficient numbers and1023types of PODs with adequate sustainment and support to accomplish the training and1024

    education support mission. The TII Program charter lists four types of classrooms:1025

    Classroom XXI (CRXXI): Fixed institutional and collective classrooms primarily1026

    located at TRADOC CoEs that support resident, distributed, and face-to-face1027

    instruction, collaboration and gaming capabilities.1028

    Digital Training Facilities (DTFs): Fixed classrooms located at Active1029

    Component installations and U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) sites that support1030

    resident, distributed and face-to-face instruction along with collaboration and1031

    gaming capabilities.1032

    Distributed Learning Classrooms (DLCs): Fixed and mobile Army National1033

    Guard (ARNG) classrooms primarily located within CONUS at armories and1034

    Regional Training Institutes, although they may also support NG training1035

    OCONUS. Mobile DLCs (mDLC) are replacing fixed DLCs to provide an1036

    enhanced capability.1037

    Deployed Digital Training Campuses (DDTCs): Ruggedized mobile suites that1038

    support deploying and deployed battalion-sized organizations. They provide1039

    reach back to home station and institutional assets and are pre-loaded with1040

    select gaming technology.1041

    1042While not under the TII Program, other institution-level, fixed classrooms and facilities1043

    provide similar capabilities including the TRADOC-funded Enterprise Classroom1044

    Program (which includes the Mission Command Art & Sciences Program, Institutional1045

    Training Technology Program, and the Basic Combat Training/One-Station Unit1046

    Training Program). There are an unknown number of additional classrooms and1047

    training facilities that are independently resourced at Army installations.1048


    The POD Plan will provide the framework to integrate and synchronize the ends, ways,1050

    and means required to deliver training and education to Soldiers, leaders, and Army1051

    Civilians at the point of need, whether in the operational, institutional, or self-1052

    development domain. The focus of the plan will be on learners who will be a highly1053

    mobile force equipped with secure and persistent access to information, and computing1054

    power anywhere at any time. It is envisioned that they will access, evaluate, and use1055

    training and education from a variety of sources and leverage technology to improve1056

    their effectiveness and that of their teams while executing the Armys missions. This1057

    plan may morph over time with any POD equity from the Army Learning Concept for1058

    Training and Education 2018-2030 and The Force in 2025.1059

  • 8/10/2019 U.S. Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy


    Annex D Training Information Infrastructure

    Army Training and Education Modernization Strategy TII D-5


    The current portfolio of PODs provides comprehensive means for delivering training and1061

    education content to Soldiers, leaders, and civilians at the point of need. However, it is1062

    anticipated that in the near-, mid-, and far-term planning horizons, POD stakeholders1063

    will encounter the following risks and challenges:1064

    Changing the mix and type of PODs. Classrooms and schoolhouses will1065

    remain as critical enablers for the delivery of instruction; however, the numbers of1066

    fixed PODs will decrease over time as mobile devices are increasingly utilized.1067

    Ubiquitous mobile devices, together with wireless networks, will facilitate,1068

    support, enhance, and extend the reach of teaching and learning. Also, Soldier1069

    and civilian learners expectations of having training wherever and whenever they1070

    happen to be will further drive increased delivery of learning content via mobile1071


    Establishing a centralized management model to determine installation,1073

    classroom, mobile device, and infrastructure requirements. Such a model1074

    must be based on the training and education requirements at the point of need,1075

    capacity, demand, and usage for each installation and institution. Developing the1076

    factors to support this model will be problematic due to:1077

    - Difficulty in identifying classroom assets and requirements. CRXXIs, DTFs,1078

    DLCs, mDLCs, and DDTCs do not account for all types of classrooms used1079

    for training and education. Other types of classrooms are a significant1080

    means of content delivery. However, lack of visibility regarding their1081

    numbers and capabilities puts at risk the accurate determination of capacity1082

    at the point of need.1083


    The necessity to modify Programs of Instruction as installations and1084institutions transition from fixed PODs to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)1085

    and government-issued mobile devices.1086

    Developing new IT infrastructure policies and investment solutions. The IT1087

    infrastructure must enable persistent access to learning content in support of the1088