uscentcom fyio joint sourced training requirement individual training · pdf...

USCENTCOM FYIO Joint Sourced Training Requirement Individual Training D. Code of Conduct Level B (USCENTCOM FY07 Personnel Recovery Requirements, DTG 181444Z OCT 06) 1. Hostage Introduction video 2. Hostage Survival Policy video 3. Hostage Communication video 4. Hostage Resistance to Exploitation video· 5. Hostage Effecting Release video 6. Level B Hostage Summary video II. GROUP TWO. The following training tasks are specific to the USCENTCOM AOR. Service members may accomplish this training individually through web-based classes or collectively through packaged briefings/training. Training completion must be documented in service member's service record prior to arrival at the training site. These briefings are more dynamic than Group One and may change more frequently. A. ROE/RUF (Briefing) 1. USCENTCOM Rules of Engagement 2. USCENTCOM Rules for the Use of Force 3. AOR Command ROE/Use of Force (Iraq/Afghanistan specific as appropriate) B. Intro to Iraqi/Afghan Phrases (Briefing) 1. Introduce Language Familiarity in Iraqi Arabic in accordance with (lAW) Basics of Iraqi Arabic. 2. Language (OIF): Familiarity in Arabic (Iraqi or Egyptian dialects). 3. Language (OEF): Familiarity in Afghan Persian (Dari) and Pashtu. C. Personnel Recovery (Briefing) 3. Personnel Recovery briefing and ISOPREP. D. USCENTCOM Uniform Wear and Appearance III. GROUP THREE. Service members are required to qualify with their deployment assigned weapon within 90 days of their deployment date. Weapon qualification should be conducted using the most realistic ranges available; known distance 25m alternate range should be avoided. Service members are required to qualify wearing the personal protective equipment (PPE) currently prescribed in the AOR (Le. Rapid Fielding Initiative (RFI) or service equivalent if it exists). Equipment worn during qualification will include (but not limited too) helmet; Individual Body Armor (IBA); Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert (ESAPI) (front, back, side); Deltoid Auxiliary Protective System (DAPS); neck, throat, and groin protectors; ballistic eye protection; Nomex gloves; and, ear plugs/hearing protection. First line supervisors should practice "weapons immersion" prior to deployment. In this environment, service members perform their daily duties while carrying their / USE ONbY Provided By USCENTCOM 07 MAY 09 3 of 48 CENTCOM 121

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USCENTCOM FYIO Joint Sourced Training Requirement Individual Training

D. Code of Conduct Level B (USCENTCOM FY07 Personnel Recovery Requirements, DTG 181444Z OCT 06)

1. Hostage Introduction video 2. Hostage Survival Policy video 3. Hostage Communication video 4. Hostage Resistance to Exploitation video· 5. Hostage Effecting Release video 6. Level B Hostage Summary video

II. GROUP TWO. The following training tasks are specific to the USCENTCOM AOR. Service members may accomplish this training individually through web-based classes or collectively through packaged briefings/training. Training completion must be documented in service member's service record prior to arrival at the training site. These briefings are more dynamic than Group One and may change more frequently.

A. ROE/RUF (Briefing) 1. USCENTCOM Rules of Engagement 2. USCENTCOM Rules for the Use of Force 3. AOR Command ROE/Use of Force (Iraq/Afghanistan specific as appropriate)

B. Intro to Iraqi/Afghan Phrases (Briefing) 1. Introduce Language Familiarity in Iraqi Arabic in accordance with (lAW) Basics of Iraqi Arabic. 2. Language (OIF): Familiarity in Arabic (Iraqi or Egyptian dialects). 3. Language (OEF): Familiarity in Afghan Persian (Dari) and Pashtu.

C. Personnel Recovery (Briefing) 3. Personnel Recovery briefing and ISOPREP.

D. USCENTCOM Uniform Wear and Appearance

III. GROUP THREE. Service members are required to qualify with their deployment assigned weapon within 90 days of their deployment date. Weapon qualification should be conducted using the most realistic ranges available; known distance 25m alternate range should be avoided. Service members are required to qualify wearing the personal protective equipment (PPE) currently prescribed in the AOR (Le. Rapid Fielding Initiative (RFI) or service equivalent if it exists). Equipment worn during qualification will include (but not limited too) helmet; Individual Body Armor (IBA); Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert (ESAPI) (front, back, side); Deltoid Auxiliary Protective System (DAPS); neck, throat, and groin protectors; ballistic eye protection; Nomex gloves; and, ear plugs/hearing protection. First line supervisors should practice "weapons immersion" prior to deployment. In this environment, service members perform their daily duties while carrying their

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USCENTCOM FY10 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Individual Training

assigned weapon with blank ammunition. The objective is to ingrain safe weapon's handling and weapon clearing procedures in the member's daily routine.

A. Basic Marksmanship with weapon assigned for deployment 1. Zero a M16/M4 series rifle if assigned 2. Qualify on assigned weapon

a. Conduct Primary Marksmanship Instruction on assigned weapon b. Perform a function check c. Maintain weapon d. Load/Unload weapon e. Correct Malfunctions f. Engage Targets g. Conduct Weapon Clearing Procedures h. Perform Reflexive Fire/Close Quarter Marksmanship

B. Vehicle Rollover Training. Complete HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer (HEAT) training required within 18 months prior to deployment LAD (latest arrival date) and MRAP rollover/egress familiarity training with MRAP Egress Trainers (MET's) at deployment location.

IV. GROUP FOUR. Portions of the following tasks may be accomplished in a classroom environment, but must be followed up with practical application during field training that mimics the harsh, chaotic, and stressful conditions similar to what service members encounter in the AOR. Service members are required to conduct these tasl<s while wearing the protective equipment currently prescribed in the AOR. Equipment worn during training will include (but not limited to) helmet; Individual Body Armor (IBA); Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert (ESAPI) (front, back, side); Deltoid Auxiliary Protective System (DAPS); neck, throat, and groin protectors; ballistic eye protection; Nomex gloves; and, ear plugs/hearing protection.

A. Perform First Aid 1. First Aid-Basic Combat First Aid/Treatment. 2. Evaluate a casualty. 3. Clear an object stuck in the throat of a conscious casualty. 4. Perform first aid to prevent or control shock. 5. Care for a burn. 6. Perform first aid for an open abdominal wound. 7. Perform first aid for an open chest wound. 8. Perform first aid for bleeding of an extremity/severed extremity. 9. Perform first aid for a suspected fracture. 10. Perform first aid for an open head wound. 11. Prepare a casualty for transport and transport manually.


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USCENTCOM FY10 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Individual Training

12. Request medical evacuation using 9-:Line Air Medical procedures.

B. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) 1. Maintain Your Assigned Protective Mask . 2. Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological Agents 3. Decontaminate Yourself and Individual Equipment 4. Protect Yourself from NBC Injury/Contamination Using MOPP

C. Tactics 1. Troop Leading Procedures 2. Basic Tactical Training/Individual Movement Techniques (IMT) 3. Move Under Direct Fire 4. Move Over, Through, or Around Obstacles (Except Minefields) 5. React to Indirect Fire While Mounted and Dismounted 6. React to Direct Fire While Mounted and Dismounted 7. Urban Operations (Movement Over Urban Terrain - MOUT)· 8. Interior Guard Functions (Forward Operating Base - FOB) 9. Implement Defensive Procedures While Under Enemy Fire 10. Basic Radio Communications

a. SINGARS b .. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR)

11. Map Reading and Basic Land Navigation a. Determine the Grid Coordinates of a Point on a Military Map b. Measure Distance on a Map c. Convert Azimuths d. Locate an Unknown Point on a Map and on the Ground by Resection e. GPS Orientation and Utilization f. Use of Blue Force Tracker

12. Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) usage/planning and understanding of NLW capability sets.

D. Improvised Explosive Device - See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph A, "Individual lED-related tasks".


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Counter - Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Training

I. C-IED Training Requirements. All personnel deploying to the USCENTCOM AOR are required to complete the following C-IED training.

A. Individual lED-related Tasks 1. Identify visual indicators of an lED. 2. React to a suspected lED. 3. React to an lED or Vehicle Borne lED (VBIED). 4. React to a suspected VBIED. 5. Employ man-pack and vehicular;.mounted electronic warfare devices. 6. Apply force escalation measures. 7. Prepare for lED threats prior to movement (NCOs). 8. Plan for lED threats (commanders, staff officers). 9. Nine Line UXO reporting

B. Collective C-IED related Tasks. 1. Prepare for ground-emplaced lED-defeat operations. 2. Conduct C-IED reconnaissance and route clearance. 3. React to possible ground-emplaced lED. 4. Prepare for a suspected VBIED or suicide bomber attack.

C. Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks. 1. Conduct operations to defeat the lED' system and to defeat the lED device (Critical elements are predict, prevent, detect, neutralize, and mitigate effects). 2. Establish an lED defeat task force, cell, or board in every headquarters to adapt C-IED Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) in a time-sensitive manner as enemy TTPs change. 3. Integrate C-IED enablers into all operations. Assets include:'

a. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) units. b. Combined Explosive Exploitation Cells. c. Weapons Intelligence Teams. d. Counter-lED Targeting Program cells. e. Electronic Warfare and Electronic Counter Measures coordination cells. f. Route Clearance Teams. g. High Risk Search Teams. h. Military Working Dogs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

I. Training Requirement. A-01

A. Unit Type. Engineering Detachments.

B. Individual training. 1. 100% of personnel trained. 2. One individual per detachment trained with M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW); exception is Fire Fighter teams. 3. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FYi 0 is approved.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel licensed on HMMWV or appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non-Lethal Weapons.

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. 1. Fire Fighter teams shall be capable of providing crash rescue services in support of rotary

wing and fixed wing aircraft as well as structural fire fighting. 2. Non-Lethal Weapons employment and a capability sets usage training.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs


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USCENTCOM FY09 JointSourced Training Requirement Unit Training

II. Training Requirement. A-02

A. Unit Type. Engineering Units (battalion and company-sized).

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel licensed on HMMWV or appropriate MRAP for duty location ..

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squadl section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. 1. Capable of constructing, rehabilitating, repairing, maintaining, arid modifying landing strips, airfields, Command Posts, Main Supply Routes, supply installations, building structures, and bridges. 2. On a limited basis, reconstruct railroads, sewage and water facilities. 3. Construct/clear obstacles. 4. Handing of Enemy Prisoners of War and equipment (squad-level training).


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

5. Non-Lethal Weapons employment and capability sets usage training. 6. Escalation of Force procedures.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. POCo Annotated on URFs


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USCENTCOM FY09 JointSourced Training Requirement Unit Training

III. Training Requirement. A-03

A. Unit Type. Tactical exploitation teams.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 100% of personnel HMMWV licensed ..

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training.· Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using AN CD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved ..

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad! section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. 1. Understanding of NLW employment and capability sets usage. 2. Escalation of Force procedures

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. Each team will attend a mandatory 20-day training class in the greater Baltimore, MDarea. Training location is Hanover, MD. Contact training location for scheduling training and OCONUS departure, lodging, and reporting information. Attire is business casual. For training


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

portion of deployment, rental car is authorized and neither government lodging nor meals are available or directed. 2. Each team member must hold a current top-secret clearance and be indoctrinated for access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI). 3. Counter intelligence (CI) polygraph must be completed and recorded prior to deployment. Polygraph is not required to attend technical training course. 4. Orders must state excess baggage up to four bags and variations authorized. 5. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POGs. Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

IV. T'raining Requirement. A-04

A. Unit Type. Military Police Battalion Headquarters.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 100% of personnel licensed on HMMWV; with 30% on appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. , 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process training including the use of NLW training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training (companies). 1. Staff Planning. 2. Staff Operations. 2. Trained in implementation of operations security (OPSEC) measures. 3. Trained in Law of War violation reporting procedures. 4. Vulnerability assessments of critical facilities. 5. Staff supervision of detainees 6. Staff supervision of Police Training Missions (PPT).

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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit TI-aining

7. Staff coordination with the Host Nation. 8. MP Intelligence Operations 9. MP Law and Order I Investigations 10 Non-Lethal Weapons employment and capability sets usage.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised E><plosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. poes. Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

v. Training Reguirement. A-05

A. Unit Type. Military Police Combat Support Company (customs duties).

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel licensed on HMMWV and appropriate MRAP for duty location ..

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. 1. Customs and Border Clearance Agent (CBCA) certification. 2. MP PTT Mission Training (see FORSCOM Training Plan). 3. Geneva Convention / Human Rights 4. Detainee Operations. 5. Implementation of operations security (OPSEC) measures. 6. Use of non-lethal weapons. . 7. Combat Support PTT Missions.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

8. Combat Support Company Missions 9. Non-Lethal Weapons employment and capability sets usage.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. None required.

K. POGs. Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Tl';aining

VI. Training Requirement. A-OS

A. Unit Type. Military Police Guard Company ..

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel HMMWV licensed and appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. . 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. Department of the Army Mobile Training Team (MTT) Detainee Operations at mobilization (MOB) site. Training includes: use of riot control agents, 15 Pax trained on BATSIDIMS systems, the wide range of NLWtraining including non-lethal capability set (NLCS), 12 gauge rubber bullets and bean bags, sting ball grenades, FN 303 less than lethal launcher and the X26 TASER.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IEDrelated Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

VII. Training Requirement. A-07

A. Unit Type. Military Police Combat Support Company (In Lieu Of).

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel HMMWV licensed and appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training . . Must be trained.on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD .. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FYi 0 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. 1. FORSCOM Detainee Operations Training. 2. Non-Lethal Weapons spectrum employment and capability sets usage.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

VIII. Training Requirement. A-OS

A. Unit Type. Military Police Law & Order Detachments and Confinement Detachments.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 100% of personnel HMMWV licensed and appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. 1 Handcuffing. 2. Use of non-lethal munitions .. 3. Geneva Convention I Human Rights training. 4. Escalation rules for the use of force. 5. Non-Lethal Weapons employment and capability sets usage.

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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. Additional Individual Training:(Tasks below are taken primarily from U.S. Army Military Police Training Publications and U.S. Army soldiers manual, Common Task (SMCT).

a. 301-371-1000 Report Intelligence Information. b. 191-376-4105 Operate a Traffic Control Point (TCP). c.191-376-4106 Operate a Roadblock and Checkpoint. d. STP 19-95B1-SM Subject Area 10. Military Police (MP) Forms tasks. e. STP 19-95B1-SM Subject Area 14. Military Police (MP) Law Enforcement tasks. f. 191-377-5207 Process Offenders. g. 191-379-4202 Supervise the Establishment of a Roadblock/Checkpoint. h. 191-379-4203 Supervise the Establishment of a Traffic Control Point. i. STP 19-95B24-SM-TG Subject Area 6. Military Police Forms tasks. j. 191-379-4402 Plan Roadblocks and Checkpoints. k. 191-379-4409 Plan the Establishment of a Traffic Control Point. I. 191-377-5214 Determine Elements of Proof for a Crime. m. 191-379-4416 Develop a Military Police Platoon Traffic Control Plan. n. STP 19-95B24-SM-TG Subject Area 8, Military Police Law Enforcement tasks.

2. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POC.Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

IX. Training Requirement. A-09

A. Unit Type. Patrol Explosives Detector Dog (PEDD), Patrol Narcotics Detector Dog (PNDD), Explosive Detector Dog, Patrol Dog, Specialized Search Dog, Combat Tracker Dog, Mine Detector Dog.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 100% of personnel licensed on HMMWV and appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to jnclude Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11 ~5820-890-1 0-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 00% of handlers trained (to include Military Working Dog (WMD) first aid.

I. Other collective training. All MWDs will attend pre-deployment training at Yuma Proving Grounds (YPG), AZ.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. All personnel must deploy with a full compliment of law enforcement web gear applicable to their service, assigned weapon, dog handler gear (2 sets), dog food (30 day supply), feed pans, water bucket, shipping crate, special medication (30 day supply), and dogs' training records and medical records. 2. MWD teams will deploy with issued 9 odor scent kit. 3. MWD handlers will deploy with MWD medical records and MWD training records. 3. MWD handlers assigned to PEDD/PNDD/EDD missions will deploy with US government issued passport and be prepared to support POTUS/VPOTUS/FLOTUS/SOS missions.

4. All personnel conducting PSD, PSDD and PNDD missions will be required to deploy with enough civilian clothing to operate up to two weeks at a time. Clothing items at a minimum will include Dockers-style pants, polo shirts, and dress shirts with tie, sports coat, and suit (or female equivalent for female PSD members). 5. Personnel deploying to Eskan Village must have VISA, Passport, country clearance, and MODA letter prior to deploying. Allow 90 days for VISA and Passport process. 6. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. poe. Annotated on URFs.

UN elLA SS IFIED / ~Y~..w:-i"-l+::.tI4-h+~r-H-\"H Provided By USCENTCOM

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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

x. Training Requirement. A-10

A. Unit Type. Personal Security Detachment.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 100% of personnel licensed on HMMWV and appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be tra.ined on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-serVed weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with

Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. Non-Lethal Weapons spectrum employment and capability sets usage.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. All personnel must be trained in a Program of Instruction at the 3-week US Army Military Police School at Fort Leonard Wood as approved by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. 2. All Personnel must have at least a Secret Security Clearance.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

3. Personnel will be conducting protective service operations in urban and tactical environments. All personnel conducting PSD, PSDD and PNDD missions will be required to deploy with enough civilian clothing to operate up to two weeks at a time. Clothing items at a minimum will include Dockers-style pants, polo shirts, and dress shirts with tie, sports coat, and suit (or female equivalent for female PSD members). 4. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. poe. Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XI. Training Requirement. A-11

A. Unit Type. C-23 General Aviation Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of ground support personnel licensed on HMMWV and appropriate MRAP for duty location.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment.

E. Communications training. None required.

F. Crew-served weapons training. None required.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. None required ..

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XII. Training Requirement. A-12

A. Unit Type. Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Medical Battalion.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location). 2. Unit will perform operations utilizing civilian non-tactical vehicles ranging in size from a sedan to a Suburban-sized vehicle. Unit is required to have properly trained and licensed personnel to operate these types of vehicles. The unit commander shall determine the number of personnel to be trained, based on mission requirements. Unit personnel expected to utilize Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) vehicles will be required to obtain a TMP license from the local TMP office at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Personnel doing so are required to have a US state driver's license in their possession before taking the TMP licensing test.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment.

E. Communications training. None required

F. Crew-served weapons training. None required.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of Non-Lethal Weapons) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. None required.

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XIII. Training Requirement. A-13

A. Unit Type. Area Support Medical Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location). 2. Unit will perform operations utilizing civilian non-tactical vehicles ranging in size from a sedan to a Suburban-sized vehicle. Unit is required to have properly trained and licensed personnel to operate these types of vehicles. The unit commander shall determine the number of personnel to be trained, based on missionJequirements. Unit personnel expected to utilize Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) vehicles will be required to obtain a TMP license from the local TMP office at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Personnel doing so are required to have a US state driver's license in their possession before taking the TMP licensing test.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment.

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 andPRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. None required.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of Non-Lethal Weapons) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. None required.

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XIV. Training Requirement. A-14

A. Unit Type. Combat Stress Control Detachment and Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location).

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment.

E. Communications training. None required ..

F. Crew-served weapons training. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of Non-Lethal Weapons) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. None required ..

I. Other collective training .. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XV. Training Requirement. A-15

A. Unit Type. Air Ambulance Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location). 2. 30% must have a civilian driver's license ..

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment.

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. None required.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of Non-Lethal Weapons) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. None required.

I. Other collective training. Flight crews will participate in formal evaluation procedures lAW the Army Training and Evaluation Program at one of the Combat Training Centers.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XVI. Training Requirement. A-16

A. Unit Type. Combat Support Hospital.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location). 2. Unit will perform operations utilizing civilian non-tactical vehicles ranging in size from a sedan to a Suburban-sized vehicle. Unit is required to have properly trained and licensed personnel to operate these types of vehicles. The unit commander shall determine the number of personnel to be trained, based on mission requirements. Unit personnel expected to utilize Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) vehicles will be required to obtain a TMP license from the local TMP office at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Personnel doing so are required to have a US state driver's license in their possession before taking the TMP licensing test.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment.

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. . 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. None required.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process including the use of Non-Lethal Weapons) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. ·1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. None required.

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.

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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XVII. Training Requirement. A-17

A. Unit Type. Dental Service Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV licensed. 2. Unit will perform operations utilizing civilian non-ta'?tical vehicles ranging in size from a sedan to a Suburban-sized vehicle. Unit is required to have properly'trained and licensed personnel to operate these types of vehicles. The unit commander shall determine the number of personnel to be trained, based on mission requirements. Unit personnel expected to utilize Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) vehicles will be required to obtain a TMP license from the local TMP office at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Personnel doing so are required to have a US state driver's license in their possession before taking the TMP licensing test.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment.

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. ' 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. None required.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of Non-Lethal Weapons) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. None required.

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XVIII. Training Requirement. A-18

A. Unit Type. Direct Support Supply Co.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location). 2. 100% of personnel require a civilian driver's license to drive non-tactical vehicles.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks. 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with·

Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use on NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XIX. Training Requirement. A-19

A. Unit Type. Signal TACSAT Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location).

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with

Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. Personnel will operate five ANITSC-93 and three AN/TSC-85. The 235th SIG CO provides one soldier for each of the s'atellite terminals for accountability and maintenance. Personnel will receive training on satellite equipment from at Fort Gordon, GA prior to deployment. 2. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks". '


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirenlent Unit Training

xx. Training Requirement. A-20

A. Unit Type. Light-Medium Truck Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 100% of personnel must possess a civilian driver's license and military license on applicable organic vehicles. Vehicles to be licensed on include the M915A 1 through M915A4 tractor with the M872 trailer, M998 HMMWV and M1025 HMMWV; 30% of personnel licensed on MRAP as appropriate to deployment location). 2. Maintenance personnel must be licensed on the M984 HEMMT wrecker. 3. HQ and Supply personnel must be licensed on the LMTV.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primal)' and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with

Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

I. Other collective training. 1. As part of a convoy, actions on enemy contact for direct fire, indirect fire, and Improvised

Explosive Devices; MEDEVAC actions, vehicle recovery operations, and close quarters marksmanship training.

2. Non-Lethal Weapons employment and Escalation of Force capability sets usage.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. Special Individual Training. Personnel must be trained for on-call fire procedures and MEDEVAC procedures. 2. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C,.IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XXI. Training Requirement. A-21

A. Unit Type. Headquarters and Headquarters Company Terminal Battalion.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location).

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.

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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XXII. Training Reguirement. A-22

A. Unit Type. Cargo Transfer Company.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 100% of personnel working vessel operations and yards must be licensed on the following basic equipment:

a. HMMWV. b. 5-ton truck. c. HEMTT. d. FMTV. e. 30% of personnel MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location).

2. The unit commander shall determine the number of personnel licensed on the following material handling equipment as requirements dictate:

a. KALMAR/ RTCH. b. 40-ton crane. c. 10K forklift. d. 15K forklift. e. 20K forklift.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1 .. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with

Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. Non-Lethal Weapons employment and the Escalation of Force capability sets.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. A minimum of four personnel must be proficient in operating the Worldwide Port System (WPS). 2. A minimum of two personnel must be proficient in running the Integrated Computerized Operating Deployment System (ICODES). 3. A minimum of two personnel must be proficient in viewing JOPES data. 4. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.

lJN<C'LAssmIED / .. ~ • 1fT'

Provided By USCENTCOM 07 MAY 09

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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XXIII. Training Requirement. A-23

A. Unit Type. Logistical Support Element (LSE)

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location). 2. Unit will perform operations utilizing both civilian non-tacticalvehicles ranging in size from a sedan to a Suburban-sized vehicle. Unit is required to have a number of properly trained and licensed personnel to operate these types of'vehicles. Unit personnel expected to utilize Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) vehicles will be required to obtain a TMP license from the local TMP office at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Personnel doing so are required to have a valid US state driver's license in their possession before taking the TMP licensing test. 3. Units will perform operations utilizing both civilian non-tactical vehicles ranging in size from a sedan to a Suburban-sized vehicle. Unit is required to have a number of properly trained and licensed personnel to operate these types of vehicles. Unit personnel expected to utilize Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) vehicles will be required to obtain a TMP license from the local TMP office at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Personnel doing so are required to have a valid US state driver's license in their possession before taking the TMP licensing test.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process Including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XIV. Training Requirement. A-24

A. Unit Type. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Detachments.

8. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 100% of EOD personnel HMMWV/MRAP-JERRV trained and licensed. 30% of dedicated support personnel HMMWV licensed. 2. The unit will be expected to perform operations utilizing civilian non-tactical vehicles ranging in size from a sedan to a Suburban-sized vehicle. Therefore, all personnel must have a civilian driver license. 3. 30% of personnel must be trained to operate M-923 series 5,..ton vehicles or service equivalent (e.g. MTVR for Marines). 4. 30% of personnel MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location).

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. Operate Blue Force Tracker. 8. Operate VSAT SATCOM set. 9. PRC-117 and" PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

A. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 100% of personnel.


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

J. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. 1. EOD Global Anti-Terrorism and Operational Readiness (GATOR) Training conducted at Redstone Arsenal, AL or service equivalent. . 2. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks".

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XV. Training Requirement. A-25

A. Unit Type. Generic training for units not specified in the previous training requirements (A01-A24).

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 1. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location). 2. 100% of personnel require a civilian driver's license.

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11.,5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-:served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad/section or 10% of personnel (whichever is greater).

I. Other collective training. None required.

J. Specialized training and other requirements. Unit-level C-IED training as applicable. See Counter Improvised Explosive Device Training paragraph B, "Collective C-IED related Tasks" and paragraph C, "Brigade Combat Team and Higher C-IED related Battle Staff Tasks."


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USCENTCOM FY09 J oint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

K. POCo Annotated on URFs.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

XVI. Training Requirement. A-26

A. Unit Type. Military Police Confinement Detachments.

B. Individual training. 100% of personnel trained.

C. Driver's training. 70% of personnel Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) vehicle licensed. 30% of personnel HMMWV or MRAP licensed (as appropriate to deployment location).

D. Convoy live-fire/operations training. Required prior to entry into hostile or uncertain environment. Training to include Escalation of Force procedures and the employment of Non­Lethal Weapons (NLW).

E. Communications training. Must be trained on the following communications tasks: 1. SINCGARS training lAW TM 11-5820-890-10-6. 2. Operate secure SINCGARS single channel (SC). 3. Operate secure SINCGARS, frequency hopping (FH). 4. Load COMSEC/FH Data/Sync Time using ANCD. 5. Perform hot start net opening. 6. Obtain SOl information. 7. PRC-117 and PRC-148 (MBITR) Operations.

F. Crew-served weapons training. 1. 100% of personnel receive crew-served weapon familiarization training. 2. All primary and alternate gunners qualified on assigned weapons in accordance with Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) manual (Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-38). Use latest approved version FY09 until FY10 is approved.

G. Troop leading procedures and military decision-making process (including the use of NLW) training. Required for officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

H. Combat lifesaver training. 1 per squad.

I. Other collective training. 1. Handling of Prisoner of War (PW)/detainees. 2. Escort of detainees. 3. Handcuffing. 4. Use of non-lethal munitions. 5. Geneva Convention / Human Rights training. 6. Escalation rules for the use of force. 7. Non-Lethal Weapons employment and capability sets usage.


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USCENTCOM FY09 Joint Sourced Training Requirement Unit Training

J. Specialized training and other requirements. U.S. Army soldiers manual, Common Task (SMCT) ,301-371-1000 Report Intelligence.lhformation.

K. Annotated on URFs.


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