v- j ocala evening stary jr - university of...

i > if- t > I d V- i 1- 3f < < < f a i J OCALA EVENING STARy 5 Jr i + to jj V- E J- A Volume 14 No 115 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY OCTOBER 12 1908 Fifty Cents a Month 5 a Year r > 7 t y WHEAT HEARTS i The Ideal Tropical Food I Does not heat the blood No danger from overeating Highly indorsed by the medi- cal ¬ profession foi infants and Invalids as well as the robust I Cooks in two minutes serve hot with sugar and cream Sold only by O KGrocery Clark Bros Proprietors- R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office Over Afnnroe Chambliss s Batik OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH t J E CHACE DENTAL SURGEON Rooms 9 10 and IT Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA- TGRJlS r CASH L F BLALOCK Dental SurgeonO- ffice Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 Office Hours8 to 12 a m 1 to 5p m s TERMS CASK Charles D Hulbert M D I Homeopathic Physician- and Surgeon Office Second Floor The Munroe and Chambliss Bank Building Ocala f Florida i1 Telephones Office 154 Residence 45 Office Hours If 912 a m 24 p m 730830 p m I t t I W C BLANCHARD I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished- on application- PO Box 46 Ocala F- laMARYEIBOIE Stenographer and TypewriterN- OTARY PUBLIC ROOM 7 MERCHANTS BLOCK Ocala Florida 1 rl I McIYER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All Work Doric by Licensed Em- balmers ¬ and Fully Guaranteed tM- t Fred at B- WEIflE r THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN We Have One of the Largest Most New and Complete Stocks of WATCHES RINGS PINS d EMBLEM PINS CHAINS FOBS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC ETC L JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS That Has Ever Been Shown In This City In Cut Glass Pine China Sterling and Plated Silverware Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etc we Do Not Acknowledge a Better Stock in This Section ALL KINDS OF W H F REPAIRING DONE SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE Fr UPHELD LAW AND ORDER- South Carolina Authorities Repelled- a Mob Which Tried to Take a Rapist from the Spartan burg Jail Spartanburg S C Oct 12In the heart of Spartanburg with Its 20000 population a mob of infuriated eiti hem at times numbering a thousand- or more fought yesterday and last night with the military and civil au- thorities ¬ for the possession of John Irby a negro who is alleged to have attempted to ravish Miss Lillie Dempsey earlier in the day while the young woman was on her way from Saxon Mill cillage three miles away- to the city Four persons were wounded one of them seriously and John Sparks a restaurant keeper was arrested and held without bail on the charge of shooting Sheriff Nichols who was slightly wounded in the exchange of shots between the mob and the au- thorities ¬ who were protecting the prisoner Several Persons Wounded Beginning about noon the crowd sullen and bent on vengeance on the negro roamed about the courthouse square approaching at times the very gates of the high wall enclosing the jail Late last night the situation be ¬ came alarming The crowd was aug ¬ mented by the 500 people from Green ¬ villeThere was some shooting In the street and the mob moved into the public square The first shot came from a window of the jail and it was followed by others from the same quarter An answering shot was tired from the crowd This broke a win ¬ dow of the jail and slightly wounded- the sheriff Sparks was accused of shooting and immediately taken into custody His attorneys offered 1000 bail but this was refused last night Just before nightfall the guard at the jail was augmented by the arri- val ¬ of the Morgan Rifles fifty strong from Clifton a suburban mill town and later by a company of state troops from Laurens The Hampton Guards forty strong- the local company of state troops had been at the jail since 1 oclock A hundred regulation army rifles pro ¬ truding from windows doors and porches ofthe building presented a formidable proposition for the con ¬ sideration of the mob leaders Whisky Supply Shut Off As this is a prohibition town the main source of supplying demand for liquors is through the office of the Southern Express Company and that establishment was closed early in the afternoon in so far as the delivery of whisky was concerned There were threats of dynamiting the jail and precautions were taken to have all known supplies of explosives guarded While the crime of the negro Irby was the chief cause of the mobs fury the presence in the jail of two other negroes against whom there have from time to time recently been threats of violence added to the to the excitement One of these ne- groes ¬ Clarence Agnew wrecked a passenger train on the main line of the Southern Railway two weeks ago near Duncan S C and the engineer- and fireman were killed Wanted TWO Murderers- It was expected that Agnew would- be tried at the last term of court but for some unexplained reason he was not tried The other negro Will For ter was twice convicted of the re- volting ¬ murder of John Young a white man last November Irbys arrest was effected shortly af ¬ ter the commission of his crime and close to the scene of his attack He was captured by mill operatives was taken before the young woman who immediately identified him and was then carried into the woods His captors were about to lynch him when mounted police arrived and wrested him from the crowd not however before the negro had been badly beaten The negro was taken- to the jail and almost immediately- the storming of the jail began Sher ¬ iff Nicholls swore in a number of deputies and the militia was ordered- out The mob tried to gain ingress- by means of stepladders but that too was ineffectual WOMAN INTERRUPTS POLITICAL SPEAKER- A well dressed woman interrupted- a political speaker recently by con ¬ tinually coughing If she had taken Foleys Honey and Tar it would have cured her cough quickly and expelled the cold from her system The genu ¬ ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains- no opiates and is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers EDISON MAY BUILD AN AIRSHIP Seattle Oct 12Thomas A Edi ¬ son is going to try to fly The wizard- of electricity whose scientific attain ¬ ments have made his name a house- hold ¬ word throughout the civilized world Is going to devote his time in the problem of conquering the air which he declares is far from being solved I TWELVE THOUSAND CHOLERA VICTIMS IN THE PHILIPPINES Washington D C Oct 12Chol ¬ era has claimed approximately twelve thousand victims in the Philippines- since January 1st according to a re ¬ port made to the public health ser- vice ¬ by Chief Quarantine Officer Mc Clintic at Manila Up to August 15 there had been 12316 cases and 7 830 deaths and since then the aver ¬ age number of deaths per week has been more than five hundred EXCELLENT HEALTH AOVICE I Mrs M M Davison of No 379 Gif ford Ave San Jose Cal says The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy for headache bilious ¬ ness and torpor of the liver and bowels- is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions There is more health for the digestive organs in a bottle of Eectric Bitters than in any other rem- edy ¬ I know of Sold under guarantee- at all drugstores 50c r i y A VERSATILE AND SUCCESSFUL AMERICAN ACTRESS- Miss Marie Doro who has made for herself a very enviable position in the dramatic field is a native of Kansas City Mo She is of striking and remark- ably appealing personality and to natural charm find will ollleness she adds histrionic skill and cleverness Last year she achieved a marked success in London in the title role of Clarice Her most noteworthy American success Stuart has been gained In The Morals of Marcus In private life she is Miss Marie I i DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED- By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf nes and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin- ing ¬ of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rum- bling ¬ sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result and unless the inflamma- tion ¬ can be taken out and this tube re ¬ stored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed con ¬ dition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cur > Send for circu- lars ¬ free FJ CHENEY C CO- Toledo O Sold by all Duggists 7C Take Halls family Pills for constipation SURVIVORS OF THE SIROCCO Newport News Va Oct nSix men are believed to have perished and two others were saved only after un- dergoing ¬ harrowing experiences while adrift at sea for five days on a bit of wreckage as the result of the British threemaster schooner Sirocco going to nieces on a reef in the West Indies ten days ago The two survivors Mate Joseph Laing and Cook G A Roberts were brought here on the British steamer Tiverton Capt Leisk from Galveston to London which put into this port yesterday for coal Captain Munroe and five other members of the Simc < os crew was last seen clinging- to a piece of the side of the vessel and they have been given up as lost LETTER TO DR J E CHACE Ocala Florida Dear Sir We make you and every property owner in Ocala this offer Paint half your job Devoe paint the other half whatever you like If I Devoe doesnt take less gallons and cost less money no pay Yours truly 69 F W DEVOE CO P SThe KnightMai Co sells our paint TIRED OF BLIND TIGERS Perry Taylor County Will Try the Open Saloon for Awhile Quitman Ga Oct 12Perry in I Taylor county Florida sixty miles south of Quitman has just issued li ¬ cense for the salt of whisky in sa loons Taylor county has always been I wet but on account of the high li- cense i whisky has not been sold there except in blind tigers j Recently an election was held for mayor and councilmen and a straight out wet ticket was elected The coun ¬ ty commissioners passed on several applications this week for permits to sell whisky and the action was favora ¬ bleIt is understood that three or four saloons will open as soon as they can l get in stocks This will cut off a large amount of the Jacksonville jug trade- in I this section as those desiring wet I goods can get them much quicker from Perry IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad ¬ der or rheumatic trouble S1 brittle two months treatment Sold by druggists or by mail Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 292C Olive street St Louis Missouri I STEWART HAS BEEN RETIRED Washington Oct 1CoL Wm F Stewart has been retired from actin 9 service in the army as the result of i President Roosevelt approving the re port of the retiring board of army of- ficers which found Colonel Stewart incapacitated for active service be- cause of disability The order ivtir in gthe colonel was immediately giv- en ¬ ARE YOU ONLY HALF ALIVE People with kidney trouble are so weak and exhausted that they are only alf alive Foleys Kidney Rem ¬ edy makes healthy kidneys restores lost vitality and weak delicate people- are restored to health Refuse any but Foleys Sold by all dealers > f WRIGHTS LATEST RECORD Lemans France Oct 11In tests I of his airship made here yesterday j Wilbur Wright again raised the record J I for two man flights remaining in the air for one hour nine minutes and fortyfive seconds Wright establish- ed this record accompanied by an of ¬ ficial I WANT LAND i IF YOU HAVE SOME LAND IMP- ROVED OR UNIMPROVED THAT YOU WANT TO SELL CHEAP I WRITE ME STATING PRICE LO ¬ CATION AND AMOUNT OF ACRE ¬ AGE ADDRESS i A m F j BOX 517 OCALA FLA ACT AT ONCE OYSTERS I i I IN SEASON AT T- HEARCADE Ran Stewed or Any Old Style I C Js PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Fur ishrcd I Upon Request t29 South Third St l Ocala Fla Phone 30 VETERINARY HOSPITALC- ity horses boarded by the month or boarded and cared for if desired I Horses fed also by day or meal Horses and all domestic animals treated Thoroughly equipped for performing any operation Scientific horseshoeing don- eGUERRANT E P V S City Veterinarian- Day i Phone 1S0 Night Phone 195 n ICE i Best Quality Prompt Service I Lowest Price I Buy from the BLUE WAGONS OCAlA ICE AND PACKING CO i MEFFERT TAYLOR i Phone 34 PREFERS THE PEERLESS The Beerless Candidate Compares Him With the Fearless and the Cheerless Atlanta Oct 11 Eugene W Chafin national prohibitionist candidate for president delivered an address at the state fair yesterday which was heard hy a large crowd He said he had been making an average of five speeches a day for the last eighty- one days If I had had the other candidates traveling with me he said I would have put them all in the boneyard be ¬ fore now W S AVitham state chairman of the prohibition party in ¬ 1 troduced Mr Chafin I Mr Chafin said there were seven I candidates in the race and since he I had come to Georgia he had learned of the eighth a reference to the as- pirations ¬ I of Hon Sid Tapp He referr j ed to the socialist candidate as the I cheerless leader because he is in Taft has been called the I fearless leader People look on Mr Bryan as the peerless leader And I then there is the beerless leader and I thats me He declared the sale of liquor would never be stopped in this country until I the national government stopped the manufacture of it He thought every state in the south would have prohi- bition ¬ in the next two years He said a little clause in the Geor ¬ gia law limiting the amount of alcohol- to onehalf of one per cent would knock out the sale of near beer in Georgia He discussed prohibition question generally and was heard with much attention- Mr Chafin expressed his preference for Bryan over till other candidates- in the race He declared that Bryan was a stronger man and Taft a weak- er ¬ man than his party He said it was a very uncertain thing which of the two great parties would win- He had traveled all over the north and middle west he said and felt certain there were enough undecided voters in the states he had visited to settle tin election one way or anoth- er ¬ as soon as they made up their minds WHO KILLED ORA LEE Pretty Factory Girl Who Was to Have Been Married Sunday Found Dead Saturday Morning AVadsworth 0 Oct ItThe police authorities are endeavoring to unravel the mystery of the murder of Ora Lee 21 years old a handsome factory girl whose dead body was found Saturday morning on the toad between Wads worth and the hamlet of Custard Hook Guy Rasor the man whom Miss Lee was to have married yesterday mojai ing is detained by the sheriff pending developments Rasor denies all knowl ¬ edge of the tragedy and in support of his denial exhibits a marriage license procured at Wooster Saturday The body of tin young woman was found by Charles Rasor a cousin of Guy Rasor as he passed along the road in the early hours of the day Two bul- lets ¬ had entered the girls skull one piercing the forehead while the sec ¬ ond crashed through between the eye and nose Xo positive motive for the murder- yet has conic to light The band of farmers led by Marshal Bricker that hurried to the scene of the murder met Guy Rasor on the road walking toward Wads worth The police theory is that Miss Lee was killed while riding in a buggy with a male friend The principal clue that led to the detention of Guy Rasor is the fact that along the road where the murder was committed are plainly- seen the tracks of a horse with one shop missing- An I examination of the stables at the Rasor home disclosed the fact that on of Rasors horses has a shoe missing from one of its front feet Rasor re- fuses any explanation concerning the feature of the case He declares he can prove an alibi Another police theory is that a rival for the affections of Miss Lee may have shot the girl on learning of her approaching marriage to Rasor I Miss Lee left Wadsworth Friday I night ostensibly to prepare for her wedding When the body was found I the hands were folded over the breast and the legs straightened out as if the I corpse had been carefully arranged after death The girls suit case was on the ground beside lu r Her hand- bag was still on her right wrist and in her left hand she clutched a handker- chief ¬ There was no evidence of a struggle A hundred yards from the body tracks in the dust indicated where a horse and buggy had been hitched to the fence Rasor is apparently is bowed with I grief He declared the last time he I saw his fiancee was Wednesday night when they went driving A CERTAIN CURE FOR CROUP Used for Ten Years Without a Failure- Mr W c Bott a Star City Ind hardware iiurcliant is enthusias- tic ¬ in his praise of Chamberlains Cough Renti dy His children nave all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years and though they much feared the croup his wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamber ¬ lains Cough R medy was in the house His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup but this remedy nev- er ¬ failed to effect a speedy cure He has recommended it to friends and I neighbors and all who have used it say that it is unequaled for croup and whooping cough For sale by all druggists SOME ONES HONOR AVENGED New York Oct lDtund face to face with rope and wire the bodies of a man and woman both expensive- ly dressed wer found yesterday floating in the waters of Jamaica Bay and the police are investigating whethr it is a case of murder or sui- itle A number of trinkets on the bodj may lead to the solving of the mystery The woman was a blonde of about thirty She had never known privation nor had the man who met death with her Their hands were soft and well cared for 1 l Y 1 z bid w s Apr a THE MORE YOU DOY t r for others the more you profit yourself < i Somehow satisfactory service to present customers < becomes known outside the banks patrons Thats fy > r why our list increases N Vv > P The Munroe Chambliss Bank I INCORPORATED- I v T T Monroe Pres Z C Chambless Y Pres A E Gerft Gas Ilr18RO- BINSON xr H President S H BLITCH Manager J C BOOZER Assl Maiifer J GEO J BLITCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL tcJ 1 BANKOC- ALA FLA > i- t l THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK < I Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women- of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful enter- prises ¬ i Ve solicit a share of your business < 1 1y D E McIVER GEORGE MacKAY I MdVER MacKAY I DEALERS I- NFURNITURE I AND l HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1- I I Furniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpels Mil I tings I Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and Bed Linen Pictures Portiere aed Lace Curtains j HARNESS SADDLES TRUNKS SJIT CASES AND SATCHELS BUILDING MATERIAL- OILS LIME SEWER AND FLUE PIPE LATH SHINGLES AND CEMEf i WAGONS CARRIAGES BUGGIES UNDERTAKERS GOODS- I CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS I CALL ON OR WRI TE US FOR PRICES Melver MacKay I OCALA FLORIDA 1 KNIGHT LANGL- eading Vehicle Dealers- of Central FloridaA- n T immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Carls r and Carriages carried at all times Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items carried by a firstclass house of this hind bought in qua lilies from the factories and always in stock at the very lowest prices- We can save you money on your purchases be Hey large or small Agents for most of the leading and best makes of wagons and bug- giesKIMIGHT LANGNo- rth Side oi Square OCALA FLORIDA t- I FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES- Western F- ti Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets t Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions We P EDWARDS Phone 108 City Market ROLLINS COLLEGEFLO- RIDAS + OLDEST COLLEGE ml I College Academy and Schools of Music Expression Fine Arts Do- mestic and Industrial Arts and Business i i Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now going up electric lights rff steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health conditions fine gym rt I nasium athletic field tennis court golf links baseball arid basketball J I teams champions of Florida this year Nearly a quarter of a million dol 1 lars endowment expenses are moderate scholarships available Christian Y i but undenominational stands for CHARACTER CULTURE CONDVert Next Session Begins October 7Fo r Catalogues Address the President r WM F BLACKMAN Ph D WINTER PARK FLA ° I 1- Ur D + a

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Page 1: V- J OCALA EVENING STARy Jr - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00971/0372.pdffamily remedy for headache bilious ¬ ness and torpor of the liver and bowels-is

i >if-


Id V-


1-3f <






to jjV-

E J-


Volume 14 No 115 OCALA FLORIDA MONDAY OCTOBER 12 1908 Fifty Cents a Month 5 a Year r>


t y


The Ideal Tropical FoodI

Does not heat the bloodNo danger from overeating

Highly indorsed by the medi-


profession foi infants andInvalids as well as the robustI

Cooks in two minutes servehot with sugar and cream

Sold only by

O KGroceryClark Bros Proprietors-


Office Over Afnnroe Chamblisss Batik




Rooms 9 10 and ITSecond Floor Holder Block




L F BLALOCKDental SurgeonO-

ffice Over Commercial BankPhone 211

Office Hours8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p ms TERMS CASK

Charles D Hulbert M D

I Homeopathic Physician-and Surgeon

Office Second Floor The Munroe andChambliss Bank Building Ocala

f Floridai1 Telephones Office 154 Residence 45

Office HoursIf912 a m 24 p m 730830 p m

It t




Plans furnished-on application-

PO Box 46 Ocala F-


Stenographer andTypewriterN-



Ocala Florida





FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers-


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All Work Doric by Licensed Em-balmers


and Fully Guaranteed

tM-t Fred at B-



We Have One of the LargestMost New and Complete Stocks ofWATCHES RINGS PINS




That Has Ever Been Shown In ThisCity

In Cut Glass Pine China Sterlingand Plated Silverware SouvenirPostal Cards Clocks Etc weDo Not Acknowledge a BetterStock in This Section







South Carolina Authorities Repelled-

a Mob Which Tried to Take aRapist from the Spartan

burg Jail

Spartanburg S C Oct 12In theheart of Spartanburg with Its 20000population a mob of infuriated eitihem at times numbering a thousand-or more fought yesterday and lastnight with the military and civil au-thorities


for the possession of JohnIrby a negro who is alleged to haveattempted to ravish Miss LillieDempsey earlier in the day while theyoung woman was on her way fromSaxon Mill cillage three miles away-to the city

Four persons were wounded one ofthem seriously and John Sparks arestaurant keeper was arrested andheld without bail on the charge ofshooting Sheriff Nichols who wasslightly wounded in the exchange ofshots between the mob and the au-thorities


who were protecting theprisoner

Several Persons WoundedBeginning about noon the crowd

sullen and bent on vengeance on thenegro roamed about the courthousesquare approaching at times the verygates of the high wall enclosing thejail Late last night the situation be ¬

came alarming The crowd was aug ¬

mented by the 500 people from Green ¬

villeThere was some shooting In thestreet and the mob moved into thepublic square The first shot camefrom a window of the jail and it wasfollowed by others from the samequarter An answering shot was tiredfrom the crowd This broke a win ¬

dow of the jail and slightly wounded-the sheriff Sparks was accused ofshooting and immediately taken intocustody His attorneys offered 1000bail but this was refused last night

Just before nightfall the guard atthe jail was augmented by the arri-val


of the Morgan Rifles fifty strongfrom Clifton a suburban mill townand later by a company of state troopsfrom Laurens

The Hampton Guards forty strong-the local company of state troops hadbeen at the jail since 1 oclock Ahundred regulation army rifles pro ¬

truding from windows doors andporches ofthe building presented aformidable proposition for the con ¬

sideration of the mob leadersWhisky Supply Shut Off

As this is a prohibition town themain source of supplying demand forliquors is through the office of theSouthern Express Company and thatestablishment was closed early in theafternoon in so far as the delivery ofwhisky was concerned There werethreats of dynamiting the jail andprecautions were taken to have allknown supplies of explosives guarded

While the crime of the negro Irbywas the chief cause of the mobs furythe presence in the jail of two othernegroes against whom there havefrom time to time recently beenthreats of violence added to the tothe excitement One of these ne-groes


Clarence Agnew wrecked apassenger train on the main line ofthe Southern Railway two weeks agonear Duncan S C and the engineer-and fireman were killed

Wanted TWO Murderers-It was expected that Agnew would-

be tried at the last term of court butfor some unexplained reason he wasnot tried The other negro Will Forter was twice convicted of the re-


murder of John Young awhite man last November

Irbys arrest was effected shortly af ¬

ter the commission of his crime andclose to the scene of his attack Hewas captured by mill operatives wastaken before the young woman whoimmediately identified him and wasthen carried into the woods

His captors were about to lynchhim when mounted police arrived andwrested him from the crowd nothowever before the negro had beenbadly beaten The negro was taken-to the jail and almost immediately-the storming of the jail began Sher ¬

iff Nicholls swore in a number ofdeputies and the militia was ordered-out The mob tried to gain ingress-by means of stepladders but that toowas ineffectual


A well dressed woman interrupted-a political speaker recently by con ¬

tinually coughing If she had takenFoleys Honey and Tar it would havecured her cough quickly and expelledthe cold from her system The genu ¬

ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains-no opiates and is in a yellow packageRefuse substitutes Sold by all dealers


Seattle Oct 12Thomas A Edi ¬

son is going to try to fly The wizard-of electricity whose scientific attain ¬

ments have made his name a house-hold


word throughout the civilizedworld Is going to devote his time inthe problem of conquering the airwhich he declares is far from beingsolved I


Washington D C Oct 12Chol ¬

era has claimed approximately twelvethousand victims in the Philippines-since January 1st according to a re ¬

port made to the public health ser-vice


by Chief Quarantine Officer McClintic at Manila Up to August 15there had been 12316 cases and 7830 deaths and since then the aver ¬

age number of deaths per week hasbeen more than five hundred


Mrs M M Davison of No 379 Gifford Ave San Jose Cal says Theworth of Electric Bitters as a generalfamily remedy for headache bilious ¬

ness and torpor of the liver and bowels-is so pronounced that I am promptedto say a word in its favor for thebenefit of those seeking relief fromsuch afflictions There is more healthfor the digestive organs in a bottle ofEectric Bitters than in any other rem-edy


I know of Sold under guarantee-at all drugstores 50c




Miss Marie Doro who has made for herself a very enviable position in thedramatic field is a native of Kansas City Mo She is of striking and remark-ably appealing personality and to natural charm find will ollleness she addshistrionic skill and cleverness Last year she achieved a marked success inLondon in the title role of Clarice Her most noteworthy American success

Stuarthas been gained In The Morals of Marcus In private life she is Miss Marie I


DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED-By local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of the earThere is only one way to cure deafnes and that is by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by aninflamed condition of the mucous lin-ing


of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube is inflamed you have a rum-bling


sound or imperfect hearing andwhen it is entirely closed Deafness isthe result and unless the inflamma-tion


can be taken out and this tube re ¬

stored to its normal condition hearingwill be destroyed forever nine casesout of ten are caused by Catarrhwhich is nothing but an inflamed con ¬

dition of the mucous surfacesWe will give One Hundred Dollars

for any case of Deafness caused byCatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cur> Send for circu-lars



Toledo OSold by all Duggists 7C Take

Halls family Pills for constipation


Newport News Va Oct nSixmen are believed to have perished andtwo others were saved only after un-dergoing


harrowing experiences whileadrift at sea for five days on a bit ofwreckage as the result of the Britishthreemaster schooner Sirocco going tonieces on a reef in the West Indies tendays ago The two survivors MateJoseph Laing and Cook G A Robertswere brought here on the Britishsteamer Tiverton Capt Leisk fromGalveston to London which put intothis port yesterday for coal CaptainMunroe and five other members of theSimc < os crew was last seen clinging-to a piece of the side of the vessel andthey have been given up as lost


Ocala FloridaDear Sir We make you and every

property owner in Ocala this offerPaint half your job Devoe paint

the other half whatever you like IfI

Devoe doesnt take less gallons andcost less money no pay

Yours truly69 F W DEVOE COP SThe KnightMai Co sells

our paint


Perry Taylor County Will Try theOpen Saloon for Awhile

Quitman Ga Oct 12Perry in I

Taylor county Florida sixty milessouth of Quitman has just issued li ¬

cense for the salt of whisky in saloons Taylor county has always been I

wet but on account of the high li-


whisky has not been sold thereexcept in blind tigers j

Recently an election was held formayor and councilmen and a straightout wet ticket was elected The coun ¬

ty commissioners passed on severalapplications this week for permits tosell whisky and the action was favora ¬

bleIt is understood that three or foursaloons will open as soon as they can


get in stocks This will cut off a largeamount of the Jacksonville jug trade-in


this section as those desiring wet I

goods can get them much quickerfrom Perry

IF YOU KNEWThe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney blad ¬

der or rheumatic trouble S1 brittle twomonths treatment Sold by druggistsor by mail Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 292C Olive street StLouis Missouri I


Washington Oct 1CoL Wm FStewart has been retired from actin9service in the army as the result of i

President Roosevelt approving the report of the retiring board of army of-

ficers which found Colonel Stewartincapacitated for active service be-

cause of disability The order ivtirin gthe colonel was immediately giv-en



People with kidney trouble are soweak and exhausted that they areonly alf alive Foleys Kidney Rem ¬

edy makes healthy kidneys restoreslost vitality and weak delicate people-are restored to health Refuse anybut Foleys Sold by all dealers

> f


Lemans France Oct 11In tests I

of his airship made here yesterday j

Wilbur Wright again raised the record JI for two man flights remaining in theair for one hour nine minutes andfortyfive seconds Wright establish-ed this record accompanied by an of¬














IN SEASON AT T-HEARCADERan Stewed or Any Old Style I

C Js PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications Fur ishrcdI

Upon Request

t29 South Third St lOcala Fla Phone 30



ity horses boarded by the monthor boarded and cared for if desired I

Horses fed also by day or meal

Horses and all domestic animalstreated Thoroughly equipped forperforming any operation

Scientific horseshoeing don-


City Veterinarian-


Phone 1S0 Night Phone 195n

ICEi Best Quality

Prompt ServiceI Lowest PriceI Buy from the




The Beerless Candidate Compares Him

With the Fearless and theCheerless

Atlanta Oct 11 Eugene W Chafinnational prohibitionist candidate forpresident delivered an address at thestate fair yesterday which was heardhy a large crowd He said he hadbeen making an average of fivespeeches a day for the last eighty-one days

If I had had the other candidatestraveling with me he said I wouldhave put them all in the boneyard be ¬

fore now W S AVitham statechairman of the prohibition party in ¬

1 troduced Mr ChafinI Mr Chafin said there were sevenI candidates in the race and since heI had come to Georgia he had learnedof the eighth a reference to the as-pirations


of Hon Sid Tapp He referrj ed to the socialist candidate as the I

cheerless leader because he is inTaft has been called the I

fearless leader People look on MrBryan as the peerless leader And


then there is the beerless leader and I

thats meHe declared the sale of liquor would

never be stopped in this country until I

the national government stopped themanufacture of it He thought everystate in the south would have prohi-bition


in the next two yearsHe said a little clause in the Geor ¬

gia law limiting the amount of alcohol-to onehalf of one per cent wouldknock out the sale of near beer inGeorgia He discussed prohibitionquestion generally and was heardwith much attention-

Mr Chafin expressed his preferencefor Bryan over till other candidates-in the race He declared that Bryanwas a stronger man and Taft a weak-er


man than his party He said it wasa very uncertain thing which of thetwo great parties would win-

He had traveled all over the northand middle west he said and feltcertain there were enough undecidedvoters in the states he had visited tosettle tin election one way or anoth-er


as soon as they made up theirminds


Pretty Factory Girl Who Was to HaveBeen Married Sunday Found

Dead Saturday MorningAVadsworth 0 Oct ItThe police

authorities are endeavoring to unravelthe mystery of the murder of Ora Lee21 years old a handsome factory girlwhose dead body was found Saturdaymorning on the toad between Wadsworth and the hamlet of CustardHook

Guy Rasor the man whom Miss Leewas to have married yesterday mojaiing is detained by the sheriff pendingdevelopments Rasor denies all knowl ¬

edge of the tragedy and in support ofhis denial exhibits a marriage licenseprocured at Wooster Saturday Thebody of tin young woman was foundby Charles Rasor a cousin of GuyRasor as he passed along the road inthe early hours of the day Two bul-lets


had entered the girls skull onepiercing the forehead while the sec ¬

ond crashed through between the eyeand nose

Xo positive motive for the murder-yet has conic to light The band offarmers led by Marshal Bricker thathurried to the scene of the murdermet Guy Rasor on the road walkingtoward Wads worth

The police theory is that Miss Leewas killed while riding in a buggywith a male friend The principal cluethat led to the detention of Guy Rasoris the fact that along the road wherethe murder was committed are plainly-seen the tracks of a horse with oneshop missing-


examination of the stables at theRasor home disclosed the fact that onof Rasors horses has a shoe missingfrom one of its front feet Rasor re-fuses any explanation concerning thefeature of the case He declares hecan prove an alibi

Another police theory is that a rivalfor the affections of Miss Lee mayhave shot the girl on learning of herapproaching marriage to Rasor I

Miss Lee left Wadsworth Friday I

night ostensibly to prepare for herwedding When the body was found I

the hands were folded over the breastand the legs straightened out as if the I

corpse had been carefully arrangedafter death The girls suit case wason the ground beside lu r Her hand-bag was still on her right wrist and inher left hand she clutched a handker-chief


There was no evidence of astruggle A hundred yards from thebody tracks in the dust indicatedwhere a horse and buggy had beenhitched to the fence

Rasor is apparently is bowed withIgrief He declared the last time he I

saw his fiancee was Wednesday nightwhen they went driving


Used for Ten Years Without a Failure-Mr W c Bott a Star City

Ind hardware iiurcliant is enthusias-tic


in his praise of ChamberlainsCough Renti dy His children nave allbeen subject to croup and he has usedthis remedy for the past ten years andthough they much feared the crouphis wife and he always felt safe uponretiring when a bottle of Chamber ¬

lains Cough R medy was in the houseHis oldest child was subject to severeattacks of croup but this remedy nev-er


failed to effect a speedy cure Hehas recommended it to friends and I

neighbors and all who have used itsay that it is unequaled for croup andwhooping cough For sale by alldruggists


New York Oct lDtund face toface with rope and wire the bodiesof a man and woman both expensive-ly dressed wer found yesterdayfloating in the waters of JamaicaBay and the police are investigatingwhethr it is a case of murder or sui-

itle A number of trinkets on thebodj may lead to the solving of themystery The woman was a blondeof about thirty She had neverknown privation nor had the manwho met death with her Their handswere soft and well cared for


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The Munroe Chambliss BankI




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ALA FLA > i-




Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women-of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory

We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the menand women who have built and are still building successful enter-prises

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Ve solicit a share of your business <









I Furniture Stoves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpels MilI tings I Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and Bed

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eading Vehicle Dealers-of Central FloridaA-



immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Carlsr

and Carriages carried at all timesHarness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items

carried by a firstclass house of this hind bought in qualilies from the factories and always in stock at the verylowest prices-

We can save you money on your purchases be Heylarge or small

Agents for most of the leading and best makes ofwagons and bug-








Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets t

Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

We P EDWARDSPhone 108 City Market




I College Academy and Schools of Music Expression Fine Arts Do-mestic and Industrial Arts and Business i i

Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now going up electric lights rffsteam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health conditions fine gym rt

I nasium athletic field tennis court golf links baseball arid basketball J I

teams champions of Florida this year Nearly a quarter of a million dol 1

lars endowment expenses are moderate scholarships available Christian Y ibut undenominational stands for

CHARACTER CULTURE CONDVertNext Session Begins October 7Fo r Catalogues Address the President r





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