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THE CREATIVE ENTREPRENEUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES FOR ARTISTS AND CREATIVE ENTREPRENEURS Provided by: CidaCo, The Creativity and Innovation Company Munro House, Leeds LS9 8AG E: [email protected] T: +44 (0) 113 373 1754 1

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Provided by:

CidaCo, The Creativity and Innovation CompanyMunro House, Leeds LS9 8AG

E: [email protected] T: +44 (0) 113 373 1754www.cidaco.org


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The Creative Entrepreneur

Creative Common Licence Open Access-Some Right Reserved

What you can do with our contentAs the publisher of this work, CidaCo wants to encourage the circulation of our work as widely as possible while retaining the copyright. We therefore have an open access policy which enables anyone to access our content online without charge.CidaCo publications are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- NoDerivs 2.0 England & Wales Licence . Users are welcome to download, save, perform or distribute this work electronically or in any other format, including in foreign language translation without written permission subject to the conditions set out in the Creative Commons licence. The main conditions are: • CidaCo and the author(s) are credited;

• The CidaCo website address (www.cida.org) is published together with a copy of this policy statement in a prominent position;

• The text is not altered and is used in full (the use of extracts under existing fair usage rights is not affected by this condition);

• The work is not resold or used for commercial purposes;

• A copy of the work or link to its use online is sent to us for our archive.

You are welcome to ask for permission to use this work for purposes other than those covered by the licence. CidaCo gratefully acknowledges the work of Creative Commons in inspiring our approach to copyright. To find out more go to www.creativecommons.org


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Who We Are.....................................................................................................................................3

Programme Building Blocks for Each Topic......................................................................................4

The Work of Art For aspirant and new creative practitioners and entrepreneurs......................................................5

Create-Innovate-Achieve For creative practitioners and entrepreneurs in business for three years or more..........................7

Grow Your Business For creative practitioners and entrepreneurs of five years or more................................................9

Creative Renewal For creative practitioners and entrepreneurs in business for over 15 years..................................11

Leadership and Management for Creative Organisations............................................................12

Mentoring for Established and Emerging Leaders……………………………………………………………………12

New Skills for Growing Creative Organisations.........................................................................13

Key Tutor Profiles........................................................................................................................... 15


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Who We Are

'CIDACo's work is outstanding' (Singapore Workforce Development Agency).

CidaCo is the trading name for Creative Industries Development Agency which was founded in 2000 by

Anamaria Wills, an award-winning leader and producer with over 30 years’ experience in some of the UK’s

leading cultural institutions. CidaCo collaborates with clients to develop creative and innovative solutions

to achieve sustainable growth. From our Yorkshire base and bolstered by a strategic alliance with Silicon

Valley innovation specialists EDG, we take a global approach to inspire our UK and international clients to

tackle challenges with new thinking and different perspectives. A unique mix of creativity, innovation and

entrepreneurialism is the backbone of our work with over 600 organisations in 34 countries and regions to

date including Brazil, Singapore, China, Zimbabwe, Europe and the Caribbean. Our clients cross both the

arts and business sectors and range from those with roots in Yorkshire like Phoenix Dance Theatre to

governments and global brands like Schweppes (South Africa). Visit www.cidaco.org for more information.


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The Work of Art For aspirant and new creative practitioners and entrepreneurs

Modules Topics No of Days

Module one: Building Blocks

Mission, Vision, Values

Understanding what you bring to your practice, what drives you and what characteristics you need to be successful as an independent arts practitioner

1 day

Module two: Introduction to Marketing

Key Principles of Marketing: An introduction to the principles of Marketing, where we lay the foundations for good thinking and planning, particularly focused on customer sensitivity and the building of those crucial relationships essential in 21st century marketing. The need to understand the fundamental principles remains essential before starting to apply any of the contemporary and new tools for reaching customers and achieving sales.

1 day

Module three: Introduction to Finance

Costing and Pricing; Managing Money; plus HMRC/ employment status

Costing and pricing are two of the most vexed questions facing creative entrepreneurs. This module gives you the tools to understand how these are calculated and set; and importantly how rigours of financial management can be seen as a useful tool rather than a tedious or intimidating discipline. Cash flow is like oxygen – without it, your business will die. Learn how to manage this vital tool for your survival and success

1 day

“CidaCo helped unlock aspects of business that I felt too intimidated by. With humour, wit, and friendly demeanour, they also provided the encouragement to carry on, to be the best we could be, and they genuinely wanted us all to succeed. They make business easy for creatives, and they unlock creativity for the business minded”


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The Work of Art For aspirant and new creative practitioners and entrepreneurs

Amy Evans, Owner of Tiger Tea Illustration

Module four: Introduction to Legal & IP Issues

You don’t have to be a lawyer to know how important legal issues are going to be to your creative business: you need to know what legal status will best suit your business, from sole trader to social enterprise, from limited company to limited liability partnership; as an owner/manager, you need to know what your legal responsibilities are, and/or those of your Board, even if they’re unpaid; and, critically, you need to have a working understanding of Intellectual Property Rights because they will affect your business and, potentially, your ability to earn

1 day

Module five:How to Develop Effective Projects

The market place for your work is both demanding and challenging. Competition is all around you and customers can be so fickle. The demand for new ideas is never-ending. And generating new ideas is what you are good at – you are a creative entrepreneur. But how do you make an effective business from those ideas? How do you know which ideas ‘have legs’? How do you finance the development? And what are the consequences of success? What does it mean for your business, and for you?

1 day

Module six:Writing Proposals / Who Do You Know / Final Catch-up and Action Plan

The competition for funding intensifies as money becomes more scarce. How do you make your proposals stand out? This section helps you apply the principles of writing successful proposals and takes a look at who you need to know – and be known by – to increase your opportunities for success

1 day

“This is a wonderful course tailored specifically for creative entrepreneurs like myself, who have a passion for creating great art. The quality of the sessions are outstanding and the support I have received from CidaCo has been invaluable to the development of my career both personally and for the new dance company I am currently establishing. I look forward to a sustainable future alongside them.”

Rachel Jean Birch, Choreographer/Dancer,

FRESH Event Co-ordinator, Newcastle


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Create-Innovate-AchieveFor creative practitioners and entrepreneurs in business for three years or more

Modules Topics No of Days

Module one: The Creative Entrepreneur

Attributes for Success:

The introductory module, ‘The Creative Entrepreneur’, uniquely designed by Cida Co to identify the ten key attributes of a successful creative entrepreneur, helps you to identify your own strengths and weaknesses as you run your organisation or freelance practice.

This leads into a review of your “business model” and a health check against your Mission, Vision and Values

1 day

Module two: Reaching Your Customer, Knowing Your Competition

As technology reduces the cost of effective marketing, focusing on niche markets and direct relationships, so this discipline becomes more accessible to individual micro businesses. For freelance and small businesses, exploitation of the new social media tools to maintain your presence, manage your reputation and engage your customers is no longer expensive but makes demands in terms of your time. Understanding how to maximise the opportunities while managing your investment of time and energy is critical.

1 day

Module three: Legal and Governance; Intellectual Property

An introduction to legal and governance issues associated with setting up a company, in terms of legal status, company registration etc. This Master class also introduces participants to the principles of Intellectual Property Rights. IPR is a fundamental issue which most creative entrepreneurs acknowledge but few have seriously attempted to get to grips with – with creative and media specialist Keith Arrowsmith, we will persuade our participants of the absolute necessity of engaging with this topic for their own potential benefit.

1 day

Module four: All Money Is Not the Same

Access to Finance is probably one of the most difficult challenges facing creative businesses. This module covers the 3Fs (Families, Friends and Fools), Understanding Equity and Debt Finance; public and private sector funding initiatives and how to access them

1 day


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Module five: Project Management

Making things happen – most creative businesses are creating new ideas, new processes, new products and services. This module shows how a systematic approach to project management, pulling together negotiating and managing the resources of time, money, people, locations and equipment, can help ensure the meeting of deadlines on time and on budget

1 day

Module six: Working with People

People are critical to every business. In a business start up, where the entrepreneur is the key influencer, success will be directly affected by the ability to recruit the right people who bring both technical competence and a willingness to commit to the vision for the business, and then to lead the team. This will be paramount to develop traction in the market.

1 day

“CidaCo's training and coaching gave us real insight into how to make our vision a reality. The business development tools they shared were simple yet eye-opening and we were able to apply them immediately in a period of major organisational transition and growth. We gained confidence to be imaginative in developing solutions that were right for us as a small cultural organisation with a unique mission. The principles we have learned are now embedded into our organisation's working practices.This Course is one of the best decisions I have ever made, it’s made a huge difference already.I am more than happy for you to quote me. I think it's amazing what skills and opportunity this course provides.”

Nichola McIntosh, Creative Director of hArt Factory, Middlesbrough


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Grow Your BusinessFor creative practitioners and entrepreneurs of ten years or more

Modules Topics No of Days

Module one: Where Am I Now and Where Do I Want to Be; Creative Jamming /Ideas Generation

Definitions of Success; Exploring Ideas: The ‘creative jamming’ part of the process, where everyone is encouraged to take risks and come up with ideas for addressing the key issues facing the group – no idea is ‘wrong’, building of prototypes, visualisation techniques, putting ideas to the test, are all encouraged

1 day

Module two:Introduction to Innovation Process I


Select the Best: How do you distinguish between an idea that is important and an idea that is ‘merely interesting’? What makes that difference? What gives you the foresight to know when to walk away from your favourite concept? Are you adding to existing value, creating new value, reducing or eliminating costs?

1 day

Module three: Innovation Process II

RIIS; Risk Assessment and Mitigation; The Pitch

Mobilise for Results: Who needs to be on the team to ensure the solution’s success? Consider the eco-system in which you work – look beyond the walls of your own organisation. What is your ‘unfair’ competitive advantage? What significant advantage does your solution offer over the competition? What results will be achieved from your solution – specifically, what are the quantifiable benefits to your customer and your organisation? What are the intangible benefits for all key stakeholders?

1 day


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Grow Your BusinessFor creative practitioners and entrepreneurs of ten years or more

Module four: Business modelling and strategy development

Strategic Planning: Participants are helped to review their business model in the light of their ever changing external environment. They acquire key tools for developing strategies to manage change in terms of organisational goals, culture, structure and relationships, both internal and external, that may arise from changing business models.

1 day

Module five: Collaborative Leadership

An examination of Leadership styles: becoming an effective role model, coach and mentor; Leadership and values: the power of personal example; Leadership and change

1 day

Module six: Action Planning: Sustaining and Managing Success

Keeping it all together : focus on client service: making your client teams even more effective; Business development: the prerequisites for successful cross-selling

1 day

“Just want to say thank you so much for the 6 sessions of the CIDA Creative Business Course. I think it is great that a course so relevant has been put on for small creative businesses like myself. All of the sessions were really relevant and interesting and I particularly enjoyed the first day and seeing the journey taken in my thinking and planning until the final afternoon. Seeing others on the course I really felt that you were able to give some very woolley ideas at the beginning definite clarity by the final session. I enjoyed the speed and the way you presented, it was clear without being patronising and you


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were able to pitch to all levels very successfully as well as generally caring about people’s business ideas. I look forward to taking forwards my plan.” Jenny Roberts, Adorn Hats

Creative RenewalFor creative practitioners and entrepreneurs in business for over 15 years

Creative Renewal

An intense 48 hour facilitated retreat, in very small groups (maximum 6 people), to enable experienced practitioners to look at where they are and where they want to be.

Guided by a highly experienced and sensitive facilitator, practitioner/entrepreneurs are given the chance to stand back and assess their own creativity, their work, their achievements and ambitions.

2 days – optional as residential


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Leadership and Management for Creative Organisations

Modules Topics No of DaysVision and Values

Building the team, sharing the vision

Setting the foundation of leadership, vision and values are the first responsibility of the leader. With these, s/he sets the culture of the organisation

The capacity to identify the necessary skills and behaviours in a successful team is essential alongside recruiting that team and securing their buy-in to the overall vision

1 day

Leading creatives, managing talent

Collaboration and innovation

Working with creative talent brings its own very particular challenges. Mixing them with colleagues who work in more traditional fields can give rise to other difficulties. Creating the context in which others can make the right decisions is a defining test for an effective leader

1 day

Managing change Creating continuous customer value and innovation brings challenges to an organisation as it requires a process of continuous change. Leaders are one of the three key drivers for change: as such, they need to be stewards of the development process, commit needed resources and support, authorise changes, and model new actions

1 day

Networks and negotiationsandStaying ahead

Creative organisations cannot exist as an island, divorced from the world around them. The leader needs to know how to manage relationships with governments, funders to customers and competitors, and to keep aware of changes in both the creative and the business environments

1 day

Mentoring for Established Creative Leaders

For Chief Executives and Senor Managers

One-to-one sessions giving an established leader the opportunity to think about their own practice, their leadership style(s) and their goals in safe space with a creative mentor highly experienced in working with senior executives. These sessions provide senior staff with a rare chance for exploration and reflection on their approach to achieving their own goals as well as those of the organisation.

Coaching and Mentoring for Emerging Creative Leaders

For aspirant and emerging leaders

One-to-one sessions for young and ambitious leaders, whether employed or working freelance, helping them to reflect in safe space on current achievements and to explore the opportunities and challenges for the future


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Stand-alone modules : New Skills for Growing Creative Organisations

Blue Sky Thinking or Essential Planning

A planning workshop, using highly visual, engaging and creative techniques which creative people enjoy, and which demystify the notion of strategic planning so that creatives are more willing to adopt them.

Too many creative entrepreneurs remain in a state of working in, rather than on, the business. This is in part because they enjoy the actual process of creative content production but also because so many are sole traders and micros, and therefore have difficulty setting aside thinking and planning time

The problem is short term decision making, lost opportunities and sometimes critical disasters which are not foreseen.

Using a technique known as STEP(TM), participants assess the future trends

1 day

Cloud, Sky or Confusion?


Cloud computing represents a huge business opportunity for most small to medium sized enterprises.

A programme designed to help creative business better understand what Cloud applications are, how they can improve their business and finally, helping creative entrepreneurs adopt the right applications for their business circumstance and market place.

The notion of ‘Enterprise 2.0’ aims to ensure businesses can assess what Cloud applications can best fit their business to bring fast business benefits such as cost reduction, relationship building, financial management and new market development

2 days


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Stand-alone modules : New Skills for Growing Creative Organisations

Innovation is Not An Option!

With restricted access to investment, a more competitive landscape and a world where technology and creative business trends are changing daily, most creative businesses are increasingly struggling to innovate at a fast enough pace.

A workshop programme that help creative enterprises generate more and better ideas, build increased ‘exceptional’ value in those ideas and then finally execute successful deployment for optimum financial return.

2 days

All Money is not the Same

With traditional routes of funding closing down, creative entrepreneurs are now having to explore unknown territory and develop new skills, new business models, to secure finance from a range of different and new providers A workshop looking at the different kinds of finance. Starting with bootstrapping and the three Fs (Family, Friends and Fools) and moving through debt finance, purchase order financing, business angels and equity investment through to some of the newest Govt backed funding opportunities including Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), Seedrs (crowd financing) and the Investment and Contract Readiness Fund, this workshop gives creative entrepreneurs a whole new look at securing finance for their business and proves the world does not end when the Arts Council cuts funding!

2 days

How To Make Friends and Acquire Brand Equity


Brand Equity, both personal, organisational and product, have never been so important in strengthening the marketing impact of businesses.A programme that help creative entrepreneurs and business owners improve their understanding of brand development, examine their intangible brand assets and then align these with consistent marketing messages via both on-line and off line communications tools. Multi-channel communications, digital platforms, cloud computing and self-publishing means that aligning one’s brand with one’s sales targets and key marketing messages is an increasingly complex task. Too often, random, amateur attempts at the use of social media or blogging can do more damage than good

2 days


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Stand-alone modules : New Skills for Growing Creative Organisations

(New Programmes Launched Autumn 2013)

Redefining Your Business Model

In a world of business model innovation exemplified by Apple, Skype and Grameen Bank amongst others, we need to challenge and transform our existing models and systematically invent, design and implement new ones. This workshop introduces you to the Osterwalder Business Model Canvas, now used the world over, to help you lead the redesign of your own organisation’s business model.

1 day

Developing Your Sales and Income Generation Strategies

Times are tough; money is tight and funding almost disappearing. Creative organizations should be selective and strategic about how they can realistically create additional income streams. Make sure your organisation’s culture doesn’t gets in the way of making sound business decisions and undertaking four critical tasks: Taking the type of risk that will grow the business. Relinquishing control of everything to allow the organization to

be agile and flexible. Becoming customer-focused. Pricing more aggressively to experience longevity and


1 day

How to Create a Great Brand for Your Organisation

Brands can be very powerful influencing tools, but only once they have been established – and it can take time to build up the necessary trust. When a customer has made up their mind it's often very hard to persuade them to think differently. There are two core elements to a strong brand – emotional value and practical value. Get these two right and your brand will quickly grow.

1 day

Jamming, Rehearsing, Performing – the Disciplines of Innovation

Creativity is the generation of new ideas; innovation is the exploitation of good ideas, and the disciplines of the creative process are integral to a systematised innovation process, CO*STAR, that transforms new ideas into effective new services/products. Learn to apply the CO*STAR process in your own organisation, creating ideas, selecting the best and making them a reality.

1 day

Trusts, Foundations and Social Investment

With the disappearance of much public sector funding, organisations are turning to trusts and foundations as new sources of support. They, in turn, are turning from grants to investment. Social investment is the provision and use of finance to generate social and financial returns. It can take a variety of forms, from the provision of loans to direct equity investment. Social returns are improved outcomes for society such as a reduction in re-offending or an improvement in public health. Financial returns imply that there must be some expectation on the part of the social investor that they will be able to get their money back in the future with a return

1 day

Strategy Tools for Management

This workshop introduces you to a common-sense, systematic approach to strategy development Strategy development is the process of collecting, interpreting, generating, and evaluating data and ideas to shape organizational sustainability and competitive advantages. To be successful means knowing how to use your talent and resources to best advantage, and it's very difficult to "win" if you don't have this game plan in place.

1 day


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Stand-alone modules : New Skills for Growing Creative Organisations

(New Programmes Launched Autumn 2013)

How to Create Your Personal Brand to Strengthen Your Organisation

A brand is not your logo or ID system. It's a gut feeling people have about you. When two or more people have the same feeling, you have a brand. People buy people and it’s your personal brand that tells them what they get when they buy into you – and that’s incredibly important in business today. But how good are you at communicating your personal brand to others?

1 day

Investment Readiness

Any organisation seeking investment needs to consolidate and professionalise its business practices, governance structures and management team. It also needs to undertake thorough financial modelling and detailed market research in order to produce credible business plans that will stand-up to investor scrutiny. This workshop provides a practical

guide and support for organisations preparing for investment.

1 day

Cloud, Apps and Collaborations

The major trends of continued digitisation throughout the sector, fragmentation of audiences, changing user behaviours, convergence and ‘disintermediation’ – or cutting out the middleman – have all contributed to the emergence of a digital landscape of increased complexity. These trends are disrupting established value chains while at the same time providing considerable potential for growth. Linked to potential funding opportunities via the Technology Strategy Board, this workshop makes technological literacy accessible and stimulating!

1 day


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Key Tutor Profiles

Anamaria WillsChief Executive, CidaCo

Martini TMA National Award for Outstanding Contribution to Theatrical Life for:

“Daring artistic innovation, internationally as well as in the community and its region; for providing a dance theatre for

Britain; and for setting an example in management of theatre”

Anamaria Wills is an award winning entrepreneur who specialises in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. She works extensively in organisational development, strategic planning, and marketing. She founded Cida Co in January 2000 and has since supported the development of hundreds of highly successful enterprises both in the UK and overseas. Internationally, she is currently working with transnational partnerships aimed at strengthening entrepreneurship and innovation in Europe and in Africa, and led on Cida Co’s major creative sector skills’ development programme for the Singapore Workforce Development Agency, described by them as a ‘world class piece of work’.

She has worked with the British Council for more than eleven years, partnering and supporting their work with entrepreneurs in Colombia, India, Albania, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Most recently, she has helped to devise and deliver their Creative Enterprise programme across Sub Saharan Africa, working in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania. She was recently been invited to participate as an Expert Independent Advisor to the Federal Government of Germany on the development of their Creative Industries sector.

She is a charismatic speaker and facilitator, and in high demand as a keynote speaker at conferences around the world including the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference, the European Culture Forum, the First Political Dialogue on Creative Industries in both Nigeria and Zimbabwe, and the 2013 Music Industry Conference in Trinidad. More recently, she has been speaking to packed houses in Europe and in Africa with her public lectures on Creativity and Innovation in Business.

“I will remember your lesson on the difference between creativity and innovation for the rest of my life - You are a complete inspiration”

Alison Taft, writer


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Keith EvansManaging Director, CidaCo

Keith Evans is a specialist in workforce development, business planning, export, financial management/investment, commercialisation and innovation process. He has mentored over 200 entrepreneurs and business leaders, helping them successfully exploit new product opportunities, develop new business models and increase productivity through new systems development.

He joined CidaCo in 2001 and has played a key role in the rapid growth and establishment of the organisation, coordinating the early business development areas of IT, Financial Planning, Project Management, Human Resources and New Business Development. He has worked in over 20 countries and has advised senior officials within the UK government and European Commission on knowledge transfer partnerships, service sector innovation and growth strategies for the creative economy.

He was a founding member of the European Interest Group for Creativity in Innovation’ (EICI) and the European Creative Business Network (ECBN). He has also worked with the European Commission in developing long term and sustainable strategies that support the attainment of the Lisbon Goals, through the growth and expansion of the wider European Creative and Cultural Industries Sector.

He is an effective and engaging public speaker, and has contributed significantly in Europe to the recognition of innovation as a key driver for economic prosperity in all sectors.

“I found Keith full of great insights in to how creative businesses work and I found that he had a rare gift for working with artists. His kind and patient examination in getting to the heart of major stumbling blocks was a complete eye opener to me.”

Gillian Tyler, illustrator