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  • 7/26/2019 v6p216y1983


    urr ammsmts

    The Tynmny of the Horss

    utomobile That h

    Number 28

    I feel ambivalent about many artifacts

    of life. Take horns, for example. Thk

    most ancient of musicrd instruments

    evolved into the fantastic device which

    we cafl the French horn, the Germans

    call das Orchester blass horn, and the

    French have appropriately named fe cor

    dhai-monie. In any case, this instrument

    is a joy to hear. My friend Mel W ein-

    stock, now head of the School of Librar-

    ianship, University of New South Wales,

    Australia, first introduced me to the sub-

    tleties of the French horn. Thanks to

    him, I occasionally enjoy the recordings

    of Dennis Brain playing Mozart horn


    Up untif then the word horn was, for

    me, synonymous with sax. A great jazz

    saxophonist plays a cool or mean horn

    and the term is used more often these

    days than sax. Current Contents (CP)

    readers know how much I enjoy that

    most melodious of instruments created

    by the Belgian clarinet maker Adolphe

    Sax in 1838.1

    When we leave the realm of music and

    enter the hectic day-to-day world of

    modem technology, my feelings about

    horns change considerably. Unfortu-

    nately, once the horn became attached

    to a motor vehicle, such as the automo-

    bile or truck, it was transformed from an

    instrument of joy into an instrument of


    The idea of putting horns on moving

    vehicles predates the invention of the

    automobile. In fact, the first car to

    Julyll 1983

    have a horn did not even have a motor.

    It was an elaborate horseless carriage,

    built in the mid-seventeenth century in

    Nuremberg by a clockmaker named

    Hautzsch.z Although Hautzsch claimed

    his car was propeUed by clockwork,

    historian Edgar B. Schieldrop believes

    that it was actually powered by two

    workmen concealed under the hood

    pedaling, in the same way as boys do

    now in their toy cars.z This mysterious

    carriage drew crowds of onlookers

    wherever it went. When they threatened

    to impede its progress, an ornamental

    dragon head in front would squirt water

    on the busybodies, while the two angels

    at the sides raised bassoons to their lips

    and began to blow. The Swedish Crown

    Prince Karl Gustav purchased this vehi-

    cle and used it in his coronation proces-


    Two centuries later, with the advent

    of the fiit true automobiles, a variety of

    warning signals were adopted. This oc-

    curred not only because motorists want-

    ed the roads cleared but also, in some

    cases, because of pressure from various

    groups of citizens. In England, where

    road-going steam buses were used on a

    limited basis during the mid-nineteenth

    century, public outcry against the haz-

    ards they posed resulted in the passage in

    1865 of the Red Flag Act, or Locomo-

    tives on Highways Act. This law speci-

    fied that all motorized vehicles be pre-

    ceded by a man on foot carrying a flag

    during the day or a lantern at nights


    Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:6, p.216-222, 1983 Current Contents, #28, p.5-11, July 11, 1983

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    Some of the earliest proposals for reg-

    ulating the automobile in the US were,

    from the point of view of the motorist,

    equally impractical. One Massachusetts

    lawmaker proposed that all cars be

    equipped with a bell that would ring with

    each revolution of the wheefs. dAnother

    suggested that motorists shoot Roman

    candles ahead to forewarn drivers of ap-

    proaching horse-drawn vehicles. The

    Farmers Anti-Automobile Society of

    Pennsylvania demanded adequate war-

    ningbut added, If a horse is unwilling to

    pass an automobile, the driver should

    take the machme apart and conceal the

    parts in the bushes.d

    At the turn of the century, motorists

    could choose from a variety of signaling

    devices, including bells, whistles, and

    small, hand-squeezed bulb horns. In

    America, most chose bells. Despite the

    noise made by these devices, the auto-

    mobile was viewed as a quiet alternative

    to the horse and carriage. The clatter of

    horses hooves and the bouncing of met-

    al carnage wheels over cobblestones

    were great contributors to urban noise in

    those days. Autos, with their pneumatic

    tires riding over asphalt surfaces, were

    considered by some to be a panacea. In

    endorsing the auto, Scientific A mericdn

    pointed out,

    Specialists have many

    times expressed an opinion that the ner-

    vous disorders which exist in the city are

    aggravated, if not caused, in many cases

    by the citys great traffic.s

    Alas, as the number of autos began to

    increase after the turn of the century,

    cities, towns, and rural areas alike wit-

    nessed the rise of promiscuous bell-ring-

    ing. As early as 1900, a news item in the

    New York Tnbune described an acci-

    dent in which a nurse was struck and

    killed by an auto. According to the ac-

    count, the driver of the vehicle dld not

    slow down or steer out of the way, but

    considered his responsibility fully dis-

    charged by ringing the gong.d

    According to the motoring periodicals

    of the day, the proliferation of vehicles

    and the fact that so many of them used


    contrmutea to me Imelmooci 01 ac-

    cidents. As one columnist wrote, Auto-

    mobile bells.. might easily be taken, by

    their sound, to belong to cable or trolley

    cars, to bicycle [hot rods], even to

    bakers wagons, at greater or lesser dis-

    tances. b To counter the exasperating

    indifference of the public to a small

    bell, motorists needed a more dktinc-

    tive warning signal. Many writers sug-

    gested that the best alternative would be

    the bulb horn.6-B

    After the turn of the century, the bulb

    horn, which was already popular in

    France, gradually became standard in

    most American cities. Though it was

    first hailed as being more novel and

    penetrating7 than the bell, a predict-

    able thing happened. Any usefulness

    that the horn had was quickly negated by

    the fact that people in cities were con-

    stantly tooting at one another. In 1913,

    Charles Johnson, of Motor, complained,

    The dull, monotonous and utterly in-

    nocuous droning of the bulb horn has

    become such a continuous noise in many

    sections and cities that people pay no

    more attention to it than one does to the

    buzz of machinery in the building where

    he maybe located.g

    After 1910, motoring periodicals were

    once again calling for a more effective

    warning device. Particularly on country

    roads, it was argued, one needed a signal

    clearly audible at least an eighth of a

    mile ahead.lo Manufacturers were

    quick to oblige by developing a variety

    of powerful new warning signals. These

    included whistles, chimes, sirens, and

    horns which ran off of exhaust gases. 1I

    One of these was a one-mile signal

    called the Sireno. Its name comes, of

    course, from siren, originally the Greek

    term for the mythological creatures who

    lured mariners to destruction with song.

    Another custom horn was the Godirt, for

    which advertisements read, You press

    as you steer and your pathway is

    clear. I1

    Probably the most famous horn of the

    teens and 1920s was the Gabriel. This


  • 7/26/2019 v6p216y1983


    multitoned exhaust horn was publicized

    by the manufacturer as being both

    powerful and pleasing to the ear.

    Everybody lies its organ-like tone and

    cheerfully moves aside as it sends forth

    its warning .1I

    Some people, however, preferred the

    harsher and more abrupt tone of a de-

    vice called the Klaxon. This horn got its

    name from the Greek word



    ing to shriek.

    12 lt Consisted of an ele~-

    trically powered vibrating metal dia-

    phragm. According


    the manufactur-

    er, the Klaxon actually reduced annoy-

    ance. Whereas other horns had to be

    sounded continuously, one touch on

    the Klaxon was enough. With a Klaxon

    it was a rare thing to have to apply the

    brakes or slow down as there never

    seems any apparent reason to. More-

    over, the Klaxon was touted as the only

    horn which would instantly move cows

    and bullocks .11

    Although today air horns are still used

    on some trucks and diesel trains, it was

    the Klaxon-type, diaphragm horn which

    surnved and evolved into the modern-

    day automobile horn. In fact, in French

    the word klaxon has become the ge-

    neric term, meaning automobile horn,

    or hooter.

    Modem diaphragm horns

    are powered electrically. They typically

    consist of an electromagnet and contact

    breaker wired to a circuit. When the cir-

    cuit is completed by pressing the horn

    button, an electromagnet rapidly goes

    on and off, making a piston-like arma-

    ture move rapidly up and down. The pis-

    ton causes an attached diaphragm to vi-

    brate a column of air which in turn be-

    gins to vibrate a sound chamber. is In

    some models, thk consists of a coiled

    bugle device. In others it is a resona-

    tor plate. The sound chamber amplifies

    the sound produced by the diaphragm

    and augments it with a second, higher

    pitched tone. 14

    Horns are engineered this way to

    make them audible over background

    traffic noise. Although a powerful, low-

    frequency note can carry long dktances

    in the

    absence of interference noises,

    this type of sound can get lost under the

    low-frequency rumble of traffic. 11 A

    higher pitched tone penetrates better at

    greater distances on busy city streets and

    on the highway where there is a great

    deal of sound interference, For any

    given sound intensity, in fact, the most

    penetrating signal for a car moving at

    highway speed would be tuned to rough-

    ly 4,000 cycles per second. According to

    Automobile Facts, this high-pitched

    sound is so unpleasant to the ear that

    engineers have compromised and tuned

    most horns lower. 15Until the mid- 1960s

    many American cars were tuned to the

    musical notes E flat and C, a combina-

    tion deemed to be pleasing to the ear,

    Since then some manufacturers have

    moved up the scale to the notes F sharp

    and A sharp, lb

    Still, the compromise is not a perfect

    one. Levels of background noise have

    continued to increase, and automobile

    manufacturers at the same time have

    made efforts to soundproof their prod-

    ucts. The replacement of the old wood

    and cloth auto bodies with modem glass

    and steel significantly cut down on the

    amount of noise from the outside which

    can penetrate a cars interior, whether

    this is traffic noise or the sound of a

    horn. More recent attempts to assure a

    quiet ride have, in fact, been so success-

    ful that under certain conditions, even

    the sirens of emergency vehicles, which

    are far louder than conventional horns,

    cannot be heard. 17 This is particularly

    true if the driver you are signaling has

    the windows rolled up and the air condi-

    tioner or radio turned on. Interestingly,

    at high speeds, rolling down windows

    may not improve, and may even detract

    from, ones ability to hear a horn or siren

    since it greatly increases the background

    intenor noise level in the car. Another

    problem with horns at high speeds is that

    the car may catch up to the sound too

    fast. According to Popular Science,

    horn manufacturers are concerned that

    highway drivers may be overdriving


  • 7/26/2019 v6p216y1983


    their horns. At 65 m.p.h., they say, a

    signal may be heard only one to two car

    lengths ahead. is

    On the other hand, pedestrians and

    residents along urban thoroughfares



    problem hearing the sound of

    automobile horns. In my opinion, this is

    one of the most irritating types of noise.

    I have previously discussed the adverse

    effects of pervasive loud noise. la Noise

    can cause no only hearing loss, but car-

    diovascular stress and a host of other

    physiological and emotional problems. 19

    At various times in the history of the

    automobile, and in various places, peo-

    ple have attempted to curb the noise

    problem either by making it illegal to

    honk too much, too loud, or in particu-

    lar locations at certain times of the day.

    By 1912, a number of cities in America,

    among them Chicago, St. Louis, Los An-

    geles, Cincinnati, Seattle, and Dallas,

    had laws requiring motorized vehicles to

    have audible warning devices, on the

    one hand, but forblddhg the excessive

    use of these devices, on the other.g

    Some cities made it illegal to use loud

    electric horns within city limits.zo

    A law enacted in Pans during the

    1920s went somewhat further, by mak-

    ing it illegal to use a horn after midnight.

    The law stated that drivers must slack-

    en the pace of their vehicle everywhere

    needed, in particular at crossroads, so as

    to make it useless to use a horn. In

    1954, the ban was extended to daytime

    driving as well.zl

    Though many cities have antihom

    laws on the books, Memphis, Tennes-

    see, has one of the most successful

    records of enforcement. According to

    one story, this began around 1940. A

    newspaper edhor was ill and had to stay

    home from work for some time. Every

    evening the girl who lived across the

    street had a rendezvous with her boy-

    friend. He would sit in his car and honk

    until she came out. The editor, upon re-

    turning to work, prepared scathing edk

    torials about the unnecessary hom-

    blowing that was going on in the city. A

    wider publicity campaign foflowed, cou-

    pled with a vigorous policy of ticketing

    offenders. As a result, Memphis earned

    a reputation as the quietest citv. zz

    Other cities have not been so suc-

    cessful. In New York City, where anti-

    hom laws no less strict than those in

    Memphis have been on the books for

    years, enforcement has been sporadic,

    During the 1950s, New Yorks Commit-

    tee for a Quiet Chy decided that the

    citys highest priority should be to

    eliminate unnecessary horn-honking.

    The committee organized a publicity

    campaign which lasted three months.

    During this time the media publicized

    the fact that New York had antihom-

    honking ordinances, and police issued

    warnings to offending drivers. The proj-

    ect culminated in Q-Day, on March

    15, 1956. Q-Day was a success. Decibel

    readings at the busiest intersections

    dropped 75 percent. The committee

    concluded, Needless homblowing can

    be drastically reduced and could even-

    tually be virtually eliminated when an in-

    tensive educational campaign is com-

    bined with,, periodic enforcement .~

    This goal, however, proved elusive. In

    1973, the city took a new tack in its bat-

    tle for quiet. It planned to regulate the

    decibel output of the newly manufac-

    tured horns themselves. During 1974,

    however, this legislation was abandoned

    as the quieter horns it was calliig for

    could not be heard over the noise of traf-

    fic. Today, according to Mark Simon,

    Department of Environmental Protec-

    tion, Division of Noise Abatement, anti-

    honking laws remain on the books but

    citations are rarely issued unless some-

    one files a complaint against a delin-

    quent driver.zd

    There are still some places where it is

    not only legal but customary to honk to

    your hearts content. On a recent trip to

    China, my limousine driver used the

    horn once every five seconds or less for a

    half hour. Driven to distraction, I asked


  • 7/26/2019 v6p216y1983


    Km to stop for a short break. During our

    conversation I then bet him that he

    could not reach our destination without

    using the horn at least three times. Re-

    markably, he used the horn just twice.

    When I offered to pay the bet, he polite-

    ly refused. But he then explained that if

    he had hh a pedestrian or bicyclist he

    would have been held liable for not hav-

    ing used hk horn as a precaution. This

    policy appears to be totally counterpro-

    ductive. Drivers consistently overuse

    their horns, and the masses of people in

    the streets completely ignore them.

    As this anecdote illustrates, to the ex-

    tent that laws and social norms let them,

    drivers really can get addicted to unnec-

    essary use of the horn. As



    has stated, it is dtificult to over-

    come peoples tendency to use the horn

    as an instrument for the amplified ex-

    pression of social protest or gratuitous

    insult. ls

    Unfortunately, when some people get

    behind the steering wheel, they are sim-

    ply out of control. I recall a BBC film I

    once saw on television dramatizing the

    accident-prone driver. The opening

    scene shows a timid family man kissing

    his very gentle wife good-bye after

    breakfast, He gets into his car and within

    60 seconds his face gradually transforms,

    as in the classic film versions of


    J ek yl l M r . H yd e into an ogre, foam-

    ing at the mouth like a rabid dog and

    honking at everything in sight.

    Ive seen this behavior in some of my

    closest friends. An in-law of mine was

    transformed into a raging l ion when he

    got behind the steering wheel. The

    slightest infraction of his right-of-way

    on the street or highway turned him into

    a raving maniac. One time the vehicle in

    front of him did not move out of the in-

    tersection fast enough to suit his tem-

    perament. When leaning on his horn

    failed to get instant action, he got out of

    his car, went up to the auto at the traffic

    light, and pulled the driver out by the

    scruff of his neck. When the driver

    emerged he proved to be six feet four

    inches tall. In spite of that experience,

    my in-law continued to rant, rave, and

    honk at offending drivers.

    I checked Social Sciences

    Citation In-

    dex (SSCP )

    to determine if there had

    ever been an investigation of this meth-

    od of using the power of the auto to

    overcome frustration, In fact, hom-

    honking turns out to be one of the more

    studied aspects of driving behavior. In

    1968, two psychologists, Anthony N.

    Doob, University of Toronto, and Alan

    E. Gross, University of Wisconsin, ran

    an experiment to study the various fac-

    tors that inhibited and encouraged the

    expression of frustration in driving situa-

    tions. Participants in the experiment

    were asked to drive cars to a particular

    intersection, wait for the light to turn

    green, and then sit at the intersection for

    15 seconds or until the car behind them

    began to honk.zs Three different types

    of cars were used in the experiment: a

    shiny new Chrysler Imperial, a rusty old

    Ford station wagon, and a grimy Ram-

    bler. The study found that people were

    less likely to honk at the high-status

    Chrysler Imperial than at the older, less

    impressive cars. Eight y-four percent of

    drivers stuck behind the older cars

    honked. Forty-seven percent honked

    twice. Of the people forced to wait

    behind the Chrysler, only half honked

    once and less than 20 percent did so a

    second time. The same study also found

    that men were quicker to blow their

    horns than women.zs

    Women, as it turns out, are not only

    less inclined to honk than men, but also

    more likely to be honked at. A 1971

    study, performed by Kay K. Deaux, Pur-

    due University, replicated the Doob and

    Gross experiment but varied the sex of

    the frustrator as well as the status of

    the cars used to block intersections.

    Deaux found the sex of the driver to be

    the most important influence on honk-

    ing behavior. Only 52 percent of the

    male experimental drivers were tooted


  • 7/26/2019 v6p216y1983


    at compared to 71 percent of the fe-

    males. Deaux concluded from these

    findings that the damn female driver

    stereotype is accompanied by behav-

    ioral manifestations.zb

    In another variation of the Doob and

    Gross experiment, Robert A. Baron,

    Purdue University, attempted to mea-

    sure the effects of uncomfortably warm

    temperatures and a range of other stimu-

    fi on aggressive honking. On an unpleas-

    antly warm day, drivers were quicker to

    honk at the experimental vehicle. But

    this reaction could be slowed down if,

    immediately prior to being stuck in traf-

    fic, drivers experienced one of several

    staged distractions designed to evoke

    amusement, empathy, or mild sexual

    arousal. The detractions were provided

    by a young woman who crossed the in-

    tersection during the red light hobbling

    on crutches, wearing an outlandish, lm-

    morous clown mask, or dressed in an

    extremely brief and revealing outfit of a

    very unusual type. As Baron had pre-

    dicted, exposure to these stimuli length-

    ened the period of time subjects would

    wait before honking.zT

    Finally, Charles W. Turner, John F.

    Layton, and Lynn S. Simons, University

    of Utah, designed different versions of

    thk experiment, in which they measured

    the effect of such variables as victim

    visibility and aggressive bumper stick-

    ers, paired with rifles hung in the rear

    windows of the frustrators cars. In this

    experiment, subjects were far more like-

    ly to honk at the drivers of experimental

    cars if they could not see their faces or

    make eye contact. Aggressive bumper

    stickers and rifles encouraged honking

    among some,

    but not all, groups of


    It would be interesting, if it were

    possible, to learn what effect the entire

    removal of horns would have on acci-

    dent statistics. I have no documentation

    for th~, but I am confident that taking

    away peoples horns would reduce, rath-

    er than increase, accidents. It is not only

    annoying to have people constantly us-

    ing the horn when they should simply

    release the accelerator or gently apply

    the brakes, but it is no doubt dangerous

    as well. Honking a horn may induce

    panic, thus causing, rather than prevent-

    ing, accidents. And it certainly frightens


    Perhaps there are occasional freak ac-

    cidents which might have been avoided

    by a timely horn signal. And there are

    winding mountain roads where it is often

    obligatory to sound the horn, but one

    wonders if in most instances hem-honk-

    ing isnt a poor substitute for simply

    slowing down. In discussing the horn

    back in 1912, a motor columnist wrote,

    It is far better to depend upon your own

    abiMy to get out of the other mans way

    than upon his ability to get




    ,,10 This is an aphorism which

    some contemporary drivers would do

    well to remember.

    M y thanks to T er n F r eedman and

    K at hl een N el l Sch al ch for t hei r h el p i n

    t h ep r epar a t i on of t h i s essa y.

    o 9 8s 5


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    2. Scldekbop E B. The highway. London: Hutchinson, 1939. 24S p.

    3. Mxttetrccl M. History of the moror car. New York: Crown, 1970, 392p.

    4. Karolevftz R F. This WUJpioneer motonitg. Seattle: Superior, 1968. 192p.

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    9. Iolrnson C. The motor car wsming signal. M0f0r2M2):66, 1913.

    10. C&e L Horns and warning signah. Motor 18(4):11, 1912.

    11. Tamer E S. Make way for a gentleman. Punch 245:501, 1963.

    12, History of the auto horn. Automob. Topics 56(5) :Xkl, 1956.

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    14. Setdght L J K. Horn: an audible warning device. (Ward I, cd.) Anatomy of dre motor car.

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    15. How the voice of the auto changed from clang, to oorah, to beep, to...

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    17. EMrad K M & Sharp B H. A m prwsent horns, whittles and sirens necessary for communications?

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    20. Warning signals arc of various types: trend of the times among the horns.

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    21, Baron R A. The tyronny of notie, New York: St, Martins Press, 1970, 294p.

    22. Kavrder L. Noise: the new menace. New York: John Day, 1975, 206p.

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