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With holiday shopping in full force, it’s important to keep your stress levels down… Here are a few OUTS & INS to keep in mind this holiday season to make sure your holiday is In and not Out!

Boring Holiday Greet Cards //// E- Video CardsIf you can’t make it to all of your loved one’s homes this season, take time to record a personalized holiday greeting. Not only is it heartfelt and unique, it’s also cost effective. So whip out your laptop or Flip video and get to filming! Trust me your recipients will greatly appreciate it!

Traditional Holiday Party /// Themed Holiday Gatherings Tired of lame holiday parties? Me too. Add a theme this year!

Try this: Christmas in Mexico! Line your office or home with Feliz Navidad décor, grab a sombrero, add chips and salsa to the menu and spice your holiday party up a little this year!Other Ideas: Fugly Sweater Party and Pink Christmas. Let your imagination flow!

Store Specific Gift Cards //// Visa Gift CardIt’s simple, buying a gift card for a certain store limits the recipient’s shopping destinations. Let’s be honest, since, things can be a little tight during the holidays, the gift card might be used for the gift of gas instead of the gift of shoes!

Big Corporations //// Local BusinessesNot a big gift card giver? Research local businesses for your holiday shopping needs. (Shameless plug) has amazing jewelry and shoes for the fashion forward ladies in your life. Places like and are other great local places to shop. Typically, the prices are a bit higher, but you can find one-of-a-kind gifts that surely won’t be duplicated.

Expensive, Untouchable Tree Ornaments //// DIY Ornaments and Hand-me-downs It is no secret that the Christmas tree is what helps a home feel festive, so the ornaments act as the icing on the cake, if you will. Anyone can buy a tree, but it’s the ornaments that tell the story. Bypass the expensive Swarovski crystals and visit my Vlog “TheKiraClassic” on YouTube, to find a few holiday ornament DIY tutorials.

Wii ///// Super NintendoWith the games Super Mario World and Donky Kong 1 and 2 - I preface this by saying: Only try this with a person born in 1992 or earlier! Think of it this way, it’s like receiving a pair of Jordans from the 90’s versus the latest pair: a classic is a classic!

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Body Spray, Wash and Lotion Combo //// Scented CandleIf you have to go to Bath and Body Works this holiday, completely bypass the crazy, random sprays. It’s not creative and known as the universal gift whenever you’re not sure what to give. Moreover, the crazy random spray/ lotion basket will be re-gifted! Major fail! A scented candle with a nice decorative candleholder serves the same purpose and is a lot more useful.

Selfishness //// Giving SelflesslyWhen your intentions are good, great things will come back to you; so despite your holiday budget for this gift-giving season, give from the heart… The intended will definitely appreciate it.

Lifestyle | What’s Hot!

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Do you find the holidays a challenge to stay on track with your fitness and healthy lifestyle goals? Well, I’m here to help you survive the holidays with five healthy tips!

I know that you’re making your Christmas wish list, checking it twice, and drafting up your New Year’s resolutions. Are you on the naughty, nice, or neisty list? You can be the judge!

Tip #1Naughty: Do you weigh more now than you did last year?

Nice: Don’t be so hard on yourself. According to a recent Weight Watchers report, the average American gains seven to ten pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.

Neisty: Wear snug clothes to holiday parties and events. When you wear form-fitting clothes, you will think harder about food, knowing you’ll have to hold in your gut.

Tip #2Naughty: Do you look forward to the party punches, spiked eggnog and champagne toasts?

Nice tip: Don’t forget that beverages can be fattening too. Avoid drinking your calories by filling up on water. Drinking water keeps your metabolism up and fights off hunger cravings as well. In fact many people mistake thirst for hunger and end up eating. This results in more calories than your body needs and excess pounds.

Neisty: If you have to indulge, drink a diet soda or limit your intake of alcoholic and holiday beverages. Try having one or two small glasses instead of cup after cup.

Tip #3Naughty: Do you “season to taste”? Are you pumping your arteries with salt and pepper? And I’m not referring to the rap duo.

Nice tip: Even though the holiday season is a soulful time of the year with many flavorful foods, too much sodium can clog up your arteries and too much pepper can upset your liver. Instead of salt, use Mrs. Dash, Season Salt, or Lemon Pepper.

Neisty: If you must have salt, Editor in Chief of VANE Magazine, Veleecia Nicole advises, “Try to use a tiny bit less seasoning on certain things to cut down sodium.”

Tip #4Naughty: When it’s time to eat, are your eyes bigger than your stomach? Do you have portion sizes best sung by R&B group Dru Hill that dump like a truck, truck, truck?

Nice tip: Don’t be tempted to fill up your plate with simply rich, calorie-laden food. Instead, have a little of everything including and especially fruit and vegetables. This way, you’ll still get to indulge as well as receive valuable nutrients and vitamins.

Neisty: Be a food snob. Only go for your personal holiday favorites and skip the everyday dishes that you can whip up yourself. Make a date with your food, take your time, and enjoy it by chewing slowly and savoring each bite.

Tip #5Naughty: Did you make a New Year’s Resolution last year that you didn’t keep? Are you putting off bringing your sexy back until after the holidays? And are you thinking, “Since I’ve blown my diet with Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dressing and sweet

Lifestyle | Health

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potato pie, so with Christmas around the corner it’s a wrap”?

Nice tip: Health expert Rachel Joy Jones advises readers “Don’t eat the garbage. Plan ahead to be on a cleanse [during the holidays]. Let it truly be a time to enjoy family and friends, and not for gorging.”

Neisty: Create new, more active traditions. Go ice-skating or build a snowman. And if the weather is not permitting, like it’s not really cold or there is no snow, then challenge your family to fitness games. My favorites are Dance Central and Zumba video games that can both be played with the Wii and XBOX 360 game stations.

Above all the holiday season is a time to come together with family and friends to celebrate. And even with good intentions and great tips, it’s pretty hard not to eat to your heart’s desire! However, I challenge you to finish out the year strong and healthy!

If you have healthy tips on surviving the holidays, I’d love to hear from you. Visit Vane Magazine on Facebook and post your tips.

::Yaisa Mann, Health & Fitness Contributor::FB/TW @SwagherFitness

Lifestyle | Health

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Whether you’re attending the office party, girlfriend’s New Year’s Eve get-together, a charity dinner or visiting the family – your holiday makeup should embody the season. Give good face this season with the following tips:

Let's start with our skin...

Ditch your extremely matte foundation for an extra tinted moisturizer or beauty balm. Less coverage and the extra boost of moisture will make your skin look more radiant. You will also be less likely to leave your face behind when you’re hugging and spreading holiday cheer. Oh, and please do not forget the blush!


Think of brows as your holiday wreath; keep them updated and fresh not overly gaudy or big. The quickest way to look glamorous is to tint your eyebrows one shade lighter than your hair color. This age-old Hollywood beauty secret paired with an eyebrow pencil with hints of red will leave you stunning every time.


There will be drinks, food and hopefully a

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lot of kisses. This season opt for long lasting lip colors or turn any of your current matte lipsticks into long-wear lipsticks by sketching your entire lip in lip pencil before applying your lipstick. If you want extra smudge-proof insurance try a lip primer prior to application.


Eye shadow is overrated this season. Spice up your look with cool metallic liquid liner up top and a smoky kohl pencil in your lower waterline. Don’t forget to amp up your lashes with a few coats of mascara. Speaking of mascara, it’s ok to splurge on a really good one for the holidays.

Being glamorous for the holidays shouldn’t break the bank. We suggest starting small and taking advantage of holiday makeup sets. Whether you decide to tweak your eyebrow color, swipe on a vibrant lipstick or embrace natural looking skin, just make sure you do it well and give good face.

Lifestyle | CMUB

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(Inhale) ... (Exhale)

O.K., we can all relax now. The election is over (thank God). Two years of a knock-down, drag-out, but otherwise ordinarily dirty campaign has led us to the same trough we were drinking from before. Congress has not changed hands, nor has the White House. However, in a time when much change is needed, I hope, for the sake of the country, that the water in the trough will be cleaned.

Luckily there is, in my opinion, a glimmer of the now overused word “hope” for these next four years. Unlike President Obama’s first term, this one will not have a giant elephant-shaped cloud looming ominously over it. That cloud, of course, was re-election. President Obama is now free to lead the country without his hands tied behind his back, bearing the restraint of an obstructionist Congress. But, alas, therein lies the question: Will

the Republicans, who hold the House, therefore holding the power of the purse, play ball with America’s president?

It may seem strange to those reading this, and those who have not been under a rock for the past four years, but I do believe that the Republicans will no longer be the party of “No.” They understand what is at stake. Not only the future of the country, but their legacy as well. They do not want to go down in history as the Congress who let America dive further into the abyss when help was clearly within their means.

Moreover, President Obama seems to have been given a mandate from a majority of the American people, and the Tea Party has lost much of its momentum and vigor since 2010. This turn of events could not have come at a better time. When millions of Americans are out of work, and living

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Lifestyle | Evolution

below the poverty line, there can be no place in our government for gridlock and partisan bicker. However, to think of a Congress without it is to read a Jules Verne novel.

The first and most important thing on the horizon which must be tackled is the so-called “Fiscal Cliff.” At the beginning of 2013, provided we make it past doomsday on the 21st of December, there is a mechanism in place which will raise everyone’s taxes, including those in the middle class, and anyone who works. There will also be automatic cuts in military spending and entitlement programs. These automatic cuts and tax hikes come via the 2011 debt ceiling debates, which did nothing more than kick the proverbial can down the road. The Central Budget Office, which is a non-partisan federal agency, has stated if nothing is done to avert the Fiscal Cliff then there will be dire short term economic consequences which could lead unemployment back over 9% (we are currently at 7.9%)

So the question is what to do? In the long run, the Fiscal Cliff will be beneficial to our debt situation (by increasing revenue and slashing spending). However, we can avoid short term calamity by choosing common sense over fear, which would be a break in the congressional norm.

The common sense in which I speak of is also a belief held by President Obama and Congressional Democrats, and that is to raise taxes on only those individuals making over $250,000 a year and to close tax loopholes, which do nothing but give money away, while at the same time making necessary cuts and reforms to things we hold dear - health care, social security and other welfare programs, and the military.

In America, raising taxes is an often fear-mongered proposition, but I cannot stress this enough: raising taxes is not class warfare; it is common sense governance. When you have a large debt it is imperative to increase cash flow and to cut back on what money is leaving the coffers. The reason Uncle

Sam must go to those making over $250,000 with his hat in hand is because if he were to go to those struggling to survive the hat would be empty or the stomachs of those giving would be. Not to mention those Americans so blessed to be successful have been given the opportunity to be so not only because of their great ingenuity and business savvy, but also because of the American environment, American ideals, American infrastructure, and the American worker all which have allowed those very successful to accumulate vast amounts of wealth.

Of course, no one wants to pay more in taxes, just as no one wants to give up their entitlement programs. I mean who likes giving money and free stuff away? I don’t either. But if nothing is done to get our debt crisis in order – and I do mean crisis (over 16 TRILLION) – the America that will be passed to my generation will be one which more so mirrors Greece than the America of our parents’ generation.

Even if you do not believe it should be your duty to give back to the nation and community which bore you, you should at least have the desire to better yourself, and nobody wins in a debt- and default-ridden society. Not even the rich. It would benefit everyone if to whom much was given much could be expected.

I will leave Congressional Republicans with this small tidbit of advice: read your history books. Stagnation and stubbornness have brought down many an empire. The United States is the greatest force for good this world has ever seen, but do not think it cannot disappear into history like all great nations of the past. I hope you will lay down your pride, as there is a lovely dinner waiting at the table.

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Friends: how many of us have them? Some friends are like a second family but better, since you get to choose them. Our relationships with our counterparts can bring a new perspective on life and love. Even as adults, our friends have a profound influence on our lives.

I want you to look at your five closest friends, and then look at their relationships or lack of. Do your friends tend to have a lot of love drama? Are they never satisfied with their partner? Do you hear the phrases “men are all dogs” or “he gotta pay to play” or “marriage is overrated” as often as “where are we going to eat”? If so, that could be a reason why you are single.

We tend to hang around people who share the same ideas and beliefs. The phrase “like attracts like” is very true. You may not say. “there are no good men”, but if you are agreeing with your friends or secretly thinking the same thing, you might be setting yourself to be single right along with your girls. Our thoughts and beliefs dictate a lot of what we do in our lives. Even if you’re reading this saying, “I don’t embody that mind frame,” chances are your negative single friends give you a hassle for being so optimistic and love-happy.

Let’s say you do find love. Do you think your love-hater friends are going to be supportive and understanding? At the first sign of a small problem in your relationship, they will take it to crush the notion of it being happy and balanced. It’s not because they hate you; but you having a loving relationship will make them have to face themselves and ask “why can’t I find that?” Most

people hate turning the mirror on themselves.

If you have friends that fit this description, let them know about their negative behavior and try to help them find a more positive approach to love. If they don’t want to change but you are ready to attract a more uplifting attitude about love and relationships keep this in mind, kings and queens don’t hang with peasants!

Birds of a FeatherContributed by Nikki True

Lifestyle | Relationships

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Jamal Wiggins takes a quick trip to one of Oklahoma City’s favorite seafood restaurants

The Aesthetics

I never knew why the restaurant was called “The Shack” but I quickly received my answer the second I pulled into the parking lot. It looked exactly like a shack. I had heard that the food was pretty good from a few of my close colleagues, but I didn’t think there was a way that a place that appeared so basic on the outside could produce some good food. Once I entered my opinion quickly changed.

The place was decorated with very nice LED flat screen TV’s, wooden floors, and wooden countertops. It actually reminded me of many of the food establishments in New York City: on the outside the restaurants didn’t seem like much but when once you entered, you were surprised and amazed by the décor and size. The Shack ‘s outer appearance hid the gems that laid inside.

The Service

The place was very clean and the wait staff was very helpful. The bar area was U-shaped and reminded me of some of the bars that I would frequently visit in Washington, D.C. off U Street. (No Pun Intended) I’m not much of a drinker, but I could imagine myself sitting at the bar watching a sporting event while discussing The Oklahoma Sooners defensive nightmares.

The Menu

The restaurant has a New Orleans-themed menu and offers various seafood options. Since I was assigned to review here, I decided to deviate from my usual choice of pasta and ordered a cup of seafood gumbo, crab cake, and a side of dirty rice. Nothing says Louisiana more than gumbo. Being that I have been to New Orleans quite a few times, I thought that I was quite knowledgeable on what

good gumbo should taste like. The gumbo was spicy just like I expected. In fact, it almost burned my throat because I just wasn’t prepared. They serve their gumbo with the rice and broth separated. It was an equal mix of shrimp and Andouille sausage, but I still think they could have added a little bit more of both into the bowl. Overall, I enjoyed the gumbo.

The next item to be delivered to my table was the crab cakes and dirty rice. To compare the crab cakes to the ones I have eaten in the northeast would be unfair but I will say this: these crab cakes were the next best thing. The crust was flaky and the beautiful pinkish red crab meat was exposed once you broke through the crust. The waitress offered me a side of their shrimp cocktail sauce that I declined initially but later requested. That cocktail sauce added a beautiful touch and a subtle kick that I really enjoyed. I actually enjoyed it so much that I didn’t even touch my dirty rice until I was done with my crab cakes. The dirty was a mixture of brown rice, chicken, and a few other ingredients. I didn’t finish the rice because I was already full from my other menu selections.

The Verdict

Overall, I would recommend this place to my friends. The ambiance is cool and laid back. The waitresses were not overly dressed which gave me an idea of a very relaxed atmosphere. I could see myself catching a few games on the numerous TVs and enjoying some Louisiana cuisine without ever getting on I-10. Next time I will be sure to try the Cajun pasta.

Lifestyle | Food

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Happy Holidays from our newest contributor, Chef Chaya Pennington! She’s prepared some yummy, creative treats for those lovely holiday parties you’re planning!

Upgrade your holiday party today with desert and beverage recipes below!

Pumpkin Cheesecake


Crust2 ½ Cup of ground graham crackers½ cup of soften butter (unsalted)¼ cup sugar½ tsp cinnamon½ cup ground pecans or walnuts (optional)

Fill ing2- 8 oz packages of cream cheese 2 large eggs + 2 large egg yolks¾ cup brown sugar (light or dark)¼ tsp each ground cloves, cinnamon, ginger & nutmeg1 cup of pumpkin puree (canned or fresh roasted) / Sweet potato can be substituted if preferred

Grand Marnier Whipped Cream 1 pint Heavy whipping cream½ cup powdered sugar½ tsp vanilla2 tbsp Grand Marnier


Set out ingredients and allow to come to room temperature.

Preheat oven to 350, place pan with water to bottom rack to create moisture in oven.

Mix crust ingredients and press firmly into 8” spring-form pan. Put in freezer while you mix cheesecake batter.

With electric mixer beat cream cheese until light and fluffy. Gradually add sugar and spices and continue to mix for 2

minutes or until creamy. Add eggs one at a time mixing until well blended, scrapping down the sides of the bowl between each addition. Fold in pumpkin until just mixed.

Scrape batter into crust, set spring form pan on a cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Turn oven to 325 and cook for an additional 10 minutes. Turn oven off and prop oven door open for 10 minutes then refrigerate for 3 hours or until cooled throughout. Top with Grand Marnier Whipped Cream


Mix all ingredients into a chilled bowl, beat on high speed until soft peak are formed.

Pour over cooled cheesecake and smooth over entire surface. Chill until time to serve. Use warmed knife to run along sides of spring form pan for clean release. Unmold. Garnish with sprinkle of cinnamon and mint sprig!


Gingerbread MartiniCrushed gingersnaps

1 oz ginger liqueur (DeKuyper or Hiriam Walker)1 oz vanilla-citrus liqueur (Tuaca)

1 ½ coffee-flavored rum (Brinley Gold)1 tablespoon honey

2 teaspoons whipping cream 1 cup ice cubes

Rim chilled martini glass with ginger liqueur then dip in crushed gingersnaps and store in freezer. Mix remaining

ingredients in cocktail shaker and shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Strain into chilled glass

Lifestyle | Food

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This New Year’s Eve, basic little black dresses are about as fabulous as watching paint dry. On a night so momentous, you need a glamorous ‘fit that can rule a red carpet. Be out-and-out elegant and take-no-prisoners stunning. That means dresses and accessories that will leave no head unturned and your foes in awe. (Insert evil grin here.)

While comfort is turnkey, so is a head-turner when searching for the perfect NYE dress. Men do a double take when they see an unexpected color. They cop a double-feel when they rub up against an unexpected texture. If for nothing more, do it for yourself! Be Bold. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone.

Take a moment to check out these show stopping New Year’s Eve trends:

Sparkle in Sequin

Timeless and holding their own with little to no accessories, sequin dresses exude style and glamour,

reflecting light and dazzling onlookers with their eye-catching detail. A sequin dress is a classic and fail-safe way to bring the glitz of Hollywood to your outfit, in a feminine and fun way.

Beauty in Bodycon

Bodycon, which is short for body conscious, is a tight-fitting, figure-hugging garment that clings to your curves. The bodycon dress exudes confidence and power - and everyone loves a woman who is happy in her own skin! The trend is a refreshing change as we often see woman trying to hide their figures. This trend allows women of all shapes and sizes to embrace their curves.

A Cut Above the Rest

The fashion trend that seems to be everywhere these days? Cut-out dresses! Whether they are asymmetrical or backless, they all reveal skin in a peek-a-boo fashion, often with geometric flare. Appreciated by stars for its sexy, yet modern silhouette, this slice-and-

Transcendcontributed by Ariel Shanae

NYE 2013: Ari’s Quick Style Guide to the Perfect Dress............................................

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dice style has become a dress code to adopt.

Eye Catching Hues

Instantly demand attention! Bold color is a trend that is sure to stay. Don’t be shy about embracing bright shades of orange, blue, green, and even hot pink during the winter months. Color-block like your life depends on it!

Dazzle in Prints

It looks like bold designs will be around for a while, and it’s not a surprise. Bold prints, for instance, can add a certain chic-ness and whimsy to your repertoire, add texture and depth to plain fabrics, serve as an inexpensive way to spice up your wardrobe and help you show the quirkier side of your style. Use whatever you like: animal prints, polka dots, or tribal designs vs. plaid to take your outfit a notch-up from simple to sassy.

Ruffle Your Feathers

From softly cascading ruffles to frills or layers at the sleeve or waist (to accentuate your hips), you’ll bring out your girlie best in ruffles.

Classic in Black & White

Last but not least, let’s face it - you can’t go wrong with traditional black and white! This trend is timeless and sophisticated, whether used in the most basic form of color blocking or styled in a bold print. Black & White will never steer you wrong for New Year’s Eve.

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Don’t forget to vote for our Thunder players for the All-Start 2013 Game in Houston, TX!

Vote before January 14, 2013!! Visit for more details and voting! Watch the NBA All-Star Game, Live on February 17, 2013 at 7:00

p.m. CT on TNT!

The 2012-2013 NBA season started with a huge surprise for the fans of the Oklahoma City Thunder. Sixth Man of the Year and Olympic gold medalist James Harden was traded to the Houston Rockets just days before the season started.

One of the integral parts of the reigning Western Conference was no longer a part of what was the most exciting young group of players in the NBA. Harden, a fan favorite, was traded along with Cole Aldrich, Daequan Cook and forward Lazar Hayward. In return, the Thunder received Kevin Martin and Jeremy Lamb, two first-round picks and a second-round pick.

Talks had surfaced all summer long about a possible extension for Harden, but the two sides could not come to an agreement. Thunder GM Sam Presti decided it was best to part ways while an offer from the Houston Rockets was on the table. James Harden expressed he needed more time to decide on the deal that was presented but wasn’t given the opportunity to even “sleep on it”.

The Thunder were looking to add present talent, save money and add pieces (draft picks) for the future. Martin brings that present talent, a proven all-star and scorer in the NBA with his best season coming in 2010-11 when he averaged 23.5ppg. Jeremy Lamb, a rookie was freshmen starter on the University of Connecticut team that won a national championship in 2011 and averaged 18.0ppg as a sophomore.

The Rockets wanted a young all-star and proven

playmaker along with free-agent Jeremy Lin to add to their young nucleus. Harden brought playmaking, scoring, and experience having played in the finals along with a gold medal with Team USA this summer in London at the 2012 Olympics.

It is yet to be seen if the Thunder made the best move by letting a young talented player like James Harden go. Realistically only Kobe Bryant and DeWayne Wade can be mentioned ahead of Harden as far as the top NBA shooting guards go.

My personal opinion is that we as fans deserved at least one more year to see if the trio of Harden, Westbrook and Durant could follow their Finals appearance with a Finals championship. It might have been a distraction all year, but players play with distractions; that’s why they are paid millions to do so.


RebootA Revamped Thunder take Loud City

contributed by Mishawn Dubose

Entertainment | Sports

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Right: James HardenLeft: Kevin Martin

Below: Jeremy Lamb

Entertainment | Sports

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Jeremy Jackson sat somberly in the courtroom as the judge announced his sister’s sentence. Mekia, Jackson’s oldest sister, was being sentenced to ten years for a trafficking violation. As the officers proceeded to take her to the holding area, Jackson made one final request. He asked to walk with Mekia to the door where she would change into her prison clothes. The judge and the officers complied and allowed Jackson to accompany her. As they walked to the door, he held Mekia’s hand in his and began to sing.

“The rain will soon let up if you just keep your head up. Just keep holding on. Ghetto child, stay strong. Sunshine, smile for me sunshine. The sun will keep shining if you just hold on,” read the lyrics of Jackson’s song entitled Sunshine, which he sang to his sister the day of her sentencing.

“The rain will soon let up if you just keep your head up.”

Jackson, an Oklahoma City R&B singer, songwriter and producer, uses music not only to ease other people’s pain but to pay the bills as well. With two songs playing on radio stations overseas, several music students under his wing and a growing number of music supporters in Oklahoma City and the surrounding area, he is setting the stage for a successful career in the music industry.

Music became Jackson’s outlet the day his sister was incarcerated. He and the rest of his family weren’t aware that this day would be their last day with Mekia. They thought they had a few more weeks before she’d be taken, he says. Jackson’s family and his sister were shocked and were all having a hard time at that moment. That is when Jackson got the idea to sing before they took her away.

“I really didn’t know what to say to her or how to encourage her,” Jackson says. “That song is verbatim what I said.”

Sunshine is Jackson’s favorite song on of his new album, Life Stories, which released May 11 of this year.

“That’s my favorite song, because it was written for her,” he explains. “That’s the Monday song and if you are having a bad day, that’s the song to listen to.”

The music on “Life Stories” was inspired by Jackson’s own personal experiences and lessons he has learned along the way. There is some pain on there as well as happiness, he explains. The song “Apologize” explains a relationship gone bad, he says. One person is apologizing for hurting the other while admitting they both made mistakes and that they should have let go a long time ago. The song is about moving on. “Who, What, When, Where” is another sad song about being cheated on and catching the person in the act.

“All the music relates to me and my real life to some degree,” he says. “It is inspired by life and every aspect of it, the joys and pains; experiences, both good and bad; love; people and God.”

Jackson is a self-taught musician in every sense. He started playing piano when he was 13 years old. Although his mother and grandmother were musicians, they didn’t have the patience to teach him, he explains. His brother and sister were much older than him, which left Jackson a lot of time on his own to work on his music.

Jackson was determined to learn the piano. He started playing in the dark as a way to memorize the keys. He would spend eight or nine hours a day practicing.

Entertainment | Music

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Despite his mother’s warning that he was going to hurt his eyes straining them in the dark, Jackson would play into the wee hours of the morning until his mom fell asleep.

“I just had a sound in my head and had the patience to make it come from the piano,” Jackson says.

Growing up in Duncan, Oklahoma, Jackson says he was surrounded by music because of his family. His brother, whom he says was his biggest musical influence, played the organ.

“Every kid wants to be like their big brother,” he says. “In my eyes, he was the best in the neighborhood and in town, and he was who I wanted to impress the most.”

Jackson’s grandmother was also a musician. She sang in their church choir for more than 30 years and played the piano as well. Jackson sang in the same choir until his grandmother kicked him out when he was about eight or nine. Back then, Jackson says he didn’t like to sing and all the people staring. So he refused to do it.

At 13, he had a change of heart and joined a singing group with three other boys as a background singer. The group did a lot of shows around Duncan, as well as in Oklahoma City, Dallas, Wichita Falls and across the tri-state area. Jackson and one other member in the group would also put on dance performances after the group sang.

“My opinion of music changed when I started dancing,” Jackson says. “When I got comfortable with myself that’s when I got comfortable performing and singing in front of people.”

The group lasted several years and then stopped shortly before Jackson graduated high school. As much as Jackson loved music, he says he never quite aspired to go into music as a career. After high school, he attended Langston University where he majored in Early Childhood Education. His plan was to go into family therapy.

Even though he did not study music in college, Jackson says music was an integral part of his life regardless.

“At Langston, I kind of stumbled into it,” he says. “I auditioned for the choir and the rest of it was history.”

After graduating from Langston in 2005, Jackson knew that he at least owed it to himself to do an album. He soon started a band named Ice Water. The group was a six piece band and he was the lead vocalist. The group performed throughout Oklahoma City and the surrounding area. The summer of 2007, Jackson vividly remembers packing out Bricktown with people eager to hear his music.

“It opened another world for me and at that point, I knew this – music – is it,” he says. “It was the greatest summer of my life.”

Ice Water recorded a couple of songs as a group but never finished an entire album. Jackson knew he needed to finish an album on his own. From 2007 to 2012, he spent his time doing just that. Finally, May 11, 2012 he was able to reap the rewards of his hard work with the release of his first album.

Jackson describes his music as a mix of R&B, Neo Soul and Contemporary Jazz. If he had to pick a category, he says his music would fall under Urban Adult Contemporary. He lists Marvin Gaye, Donnie Hathaway, Frankie Beverly and Maze, Al Green, Dave Hollister, Charlie Wilson, Jodeci, Boyz II Men as his own musical influences.

Music has allowed Jackson to play in venues across the state including the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame, Oklahoma City University, the First National Bank building concert hall, Stage Center and Club Pure. It has also taken him to the 49th Annual Grammy Awards in 2007 and the Super Bowl in 2004.

In the future, Jackson says he sees himself managing artist development. He wants to advise and mentor artists while still doing his own music. In early 2013, he will be releasing a new album called “Love Revolution”.

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So far he has written about five songs for the album.

The album’s title, “Love Revolution”, is based on the idea that there are so many issues that people face today and the world is in need of a love revolution. Jackson will be talking about four types of love on the album: family love, brotherly love, passionate love and unconditional love.

This time around, Jackson says he has more direction with his music than he did with the first album.

“I am using more of a universal approach,” he says. “Music is a very powerful vehicle and I understand now more what music can do.”

Jackson aspires not only to inspire people with music but also through philanthropy. Six months ago, he founded “Moment of Truth: What Men Think and What Women Mean,” a group for men and women to come together and discuss their views on life. The group targets adults ages 25 to 45.

“The goal is to empower people,” Jackson explains. “Our core values are to equip and empower people to grow in every area of their lives.”

The group has a free, monthly mixer the second Friday of each month in different venues around Oklahoma City. The mixers are designed to put faces with names and to help people come out of their shells, Jackson explains. The group has games, icebreakers and giveaways of books on health, relationships and life and other prizes as well. The next mixer will be held at the Purple Martini on the second Friday in December. The group also hosts at least one or two community service

programs a month where resources for food pantries, dental and other services are handed out.

“My favorite part about the group is to see people grow because of it,” he says. “A lot of people don’t do people or are locked up in a shell in their own little world, but this group encourages people to live life.”

Jackson started a chapter of The Moment of Truth in Dallas. He also plans to create three more chapters in the next two months. In 10 years, he expects to be functioning in all 50 states.

Philanthropy and mentoring are two things that will always be a part of his life, he adds. In addition to leading Moment of Truth, Jackson currently works as a vocal coach for several students.

“I love people and bringing clarity to their lives and giving answers,” Jackson says. “I get a kick out of it!”

Jackson’s long-term goal is to keep mentoring people and to keep making music. “Life Stories” can be downloaded at Rhapsody, iTunes, Google Music or Amazon.

“My goal is to provide the soundtrack to someone’s dream coming alive and to use God’s given talent and ability to touch people’s hearts all over the world.”

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Entertainment | Music

Oklahoma City’s own Duo will be making his return to the hip hop battling arena. Saturday, December 8th, the seventh installment of School of Thought will take place at Kamp’s Bar and Lounge in Oklahoma City. Coordinated by Ronnie Harris, the event will include beat battles, emcee battles and dance battles. Duo will be battling Texas’ Blaze One for the main event.

“I’m just trying to put Oklahoma City on the map,” Duo says. “I want to rap for the city, the country and the world.”

While Duo and Blaze know a little about each other’s music, they don’t know each other directly, Duo says. School of Thought will be Duo’s first battle in years.

“This is going to be sick!” Harris says. “Hands down one of the illest battles to go down in School of Thought history.”

Duo explains that while many people can battle, they cannot make a career out of it. Battling can be kind of like a pop-up ad in that it gets old, he says. Everybody can’t take time to sit down and write a song because it takes work. Hip hop is about making yourself a personality and making yourself a brand name, he says.

“I stopped battling for a while to start focusing on life,” he says. “Because doing the same thing and expecting something new is insanity.”

The battle between Blaze One and Duo is expected to be the highlight of the night with Blaze One as the reigning School of Thought battle champ and Duo, an OKC rap legend.

“It carries so much weight because Blaze One is top tier in this league and Duo is legendary,” Harris says. “Duo’s name is synonymous with OKC hip hop and if you deny that, you are lying to yourself.”

Duo was born in Ardmore, Oklahoma and grew up in Oklahoma City. He started writing down his thoughts when he was about 10 and started battling while in high school. It wasn’t until after high school that he decided music is something he could do as a career.

“I am not just a battling emcee but a wordsmith,” Duo says. “I am more focused on the music period.”

He saw a flier about an all-Native hip hop group called Culture Shock Camp. He decided to check out a show and the next year he was on stage with them. Through battling, Duo was able to build a relationship within OKC’s hip hop scene and with the Culture Shock Camp. He started going on tour with the group to festivals, reservations and touring concerts around the state.

“The man is a legend and myth in here in Oklahoma,” Harris says.

Duo is currently working on his next mixtape, Dark Knight. His new music talks about the state of the world, he says. It is based on the things he has seen and been through and talks about the human psyche. Although he is still working on the sound, the mixtape is a blend of hip hop, electric and alternative music.

“I am going to put my thoughts on paper,” Duo says. “If you’re human you should be able to relate because my music is kind of like a conversation.”

The School of Thought 7 will start at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door.

“This is an event that you will not want to miss,” Duo says. “Take a chance and take a break from the monotony of what you always do.”

::Stephanie Taylor, Local Artist Contributor::

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Entertainment | Travel

You’re moving to Dallas; Congratulations!

As the closest, largest metropolitan hub to Oklahoma City, this is a great move. You might have joined that trek southward on I-35 for the Red River Rivalry game to watch Longhorn fans cry, or perhaps you’ve made a quick jaunt down to take advantage of the outstanding shopping and eating that the city offers. All of these are great, but Dallas is so much more. If that’s all you’ve done, here’s an invitation to explore the great city further.

When I first moved to Dallas nearly two years ago, I didn’t think I’d come to enjoy the city as much as I do now. I never thought that I’d live in this city, being from Houston. However, life often takes unexpected turns, so when I was offered a job in Dallas, I said yes. I “knew” Dallas. But most think they know Dallas; they have no idea. Here are some ways to get to know and grow in Dallas.

Get involved and Give Back

Moving to a new city is hard. There’s no way getting around it. The best way to get through it, however, is to get involved.I had always heard of an organization called the Urban League, but never took the time to explore it. That changed when I moved to Dallas and found myself with some free time but nothing to fill it with.

As a young professional, I felt an obligation to learn about the community I was to live in and to make it a better place. I found my home in The Urban League of Greater Dallas Young Professionals. Through this organization I met likeminded young professionals interested in making a positive impact in the city. I threw myself into volunteering and made some of my best friends while doing it. There’s a place for you in this organization to use the skills and talents you have to contribute to an

organization that does so much for so many. Across the city there are dynamic young people who want to continue making Dallas a great place to live, work and play.

Go outside

Dallas is growing into a city that values not only its buildings but its great outdoors.

There’s more to Dallas than the Galleria and Northpark malls. This isn’t to rage against the commercialism that often seems to plague the city and citizens themselves; but simply an invitation to meet a different side of Dallas.

One of the best ways is through intramural sports. There are many recreational leagues to join; I recommend Big D Sports and Entertainment. For two years I played kickball (yes, the same game you played as a kid but way more intense) with a group of people who became my closest friends in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Every Wednesday or Thursday, we’d meet at a field and play our hearts out against other adults. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost; but through the course of several seasons we built a community and stayed in shape - and yes, had a few drinks.

Another great way to get to know Dallas is by hitting up one of the many outdoor adventures available at one of the city’s green spaces. One of the latest additions to the heart of Dallas is the Klyde Warren Park. This park is sure to become the heart of the city. The park atop the highway is a great place to relax with friends, take advantage of the Reading and Games Courtyard or learn how to play bocce. There’s a dog park where you can take your best friend and so much more. With the great weather Dallas enjoys, there will be few days when you can’t take advantage of this gift to the city.

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Get outside your comfort zone

Don’t listen to people who tell you that the only places in Dallas worth living or being are X or Y. Before I moved to Dallas, a concerned friend asked me where I was planning on living. I wasn’t sure but told him a few neighborhoods. He nodded and approved the choices, then told me not to cross the river after dark. I laughed off his word of caution but was surprised when I moved to Dallas and met many people who never left their bubbles.

For those who complain they’re bored, I’d say stop being boring. Uptown has a great bar scene, but right on the other side of 75, is Knox/Henderson that boasts some of the best, unpretentious

drink spots in Dallas. Highland Park boasts great restaurants, but so does the Bishop Arts’ District which brings even more life to Oak Cliff. I could run down the list of off-the- beaten path activities across the city.

Dallas is a dynamic city as any native will tell you. It takes awhile to meet true friends, but exploring the city and the different opportunities it offers is the best way to acclimate to your new life.

The only downside to this plan is that you’ll learn and love the city and once you do that, it will be hard to say goodbye.

Websites for activities/groups

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Feature | HFTH

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Stumped on picking out that phenomenal, impressionable gift for your loved one? VANE has JUST the remedy for your holiday shopping woes. When VANE first came into existence, one of the primary focuses was to expose the greatness that lies within the borders of Oklahoma. We want our readers to have the chance to explore some of the local shops, restaurants and businesses Oklahoma City has to offer – instead of opting for the chain department stores. Now that families will be returning back to their respective places, we want to show what Oklahoma City has to offer!

We’ve hand-picked four local businesses (in no specific order) that are sure to enhance the colorful presents under the tree and stocking stuffers! Don’t say we never did you a favor… Enjoy!

DNA Galleries

DNA Galleries is an urban-contemporary art gallery located in the Plaza District of Oklahoma City. This hot spot prides itself in bringing awareness to the

local art scene in Oklahoma City. Stop by every second Friday of the month and see a local artist

opening from 7-11pm.

Location: 1705 B NW 16th, OKC, OK 73106Hours: Mon-Saturday 12-7pm

Great Deals:

Thunder Koozies- $5 Watch your favorite NBA team, and keep your

beverage cold at the same time!

DNA Galleries T-Shirts- $25-32 Grab a locally printed t-shirt from DNA Galleries, and

rep where you’re from!

Thunder Buttons- $1 eachHandmade buttons that are perfect for the biggest

Thunder fan – Just a $1 steal… or a slam dunk in this case!

Oklahoma Magnets- $3 each, or 2 for $5

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Each magnet has a vintage pic of an oklahoma landmark

Hook Line & Sinker- $18-$20Handmade jewelry made locally from vintage fishing lures. Jewelry pieces include key chains, necklaces and earrings.

Collected Thread

Collected Thread is a beautiful boutique having all handmade pieces whose purpose is to help support local, handmade crafts, clothing, design and art.

Location: 1705 A NW 16th, OKC, OK 73106Hours: Tues-Saturday 11-7pm

Great Deals:

Collected Thread Ornaments- $4-$14 Handmade by the staff at Collected Thread, these ornaments are sure to make your Christmas tree stand out from your neighbors! Recently, added a homemade cinnamon ornament to make your

faux tree smell just like Christmas Cinnamon.

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Wednesday Greeting Cards- $16.50Why tell your loved ones Happy Holidays with a text or a Facebook message when you can send them a holiday postcard. Add a personal touch

this Christmas by sending holiday cards made in Oklahoma.

Phoenix Botanical lip balm- $5.50

Made in England, this great stocking stuffer will make sure the only thing they’ll be cracking is a


Pistachio Jewelry- $10Made by local artist Dana Scott from Norman, OK

are a great stocking stuffer for that significant lady in your life.

Samantha Lamb Post Cards $1 each or $7 for 10All Photographs from the postcards are straight

from her farm in Oklahoma.

Wallets Lite- $26 Canvas Wallets all different colors

Sydney Hale candles- $23.50Candles are made from soy, and come in a wide array of untraditional scents like tobacco and

sandlewood, the perfect gift for the guy who wants their bachelor pad to smell like a man… In a good


Other items include: Letter Press Cards, Flasks, Headbands, Baby t-shirts, Necklaces and more!


Located in downtown Oklahoma City, Shop Good is a clothing and accessories store with the sole purpose of providing Oklahoma City with fair trade products that are all connected to a local or international community development project. What a way to give back!

Location: 3 NW 9th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Hours: Mon-Saturday 11-9pm

Great Deals:

Mariposa Coffee- $13Based out of Norman and all coffee roasted in

Norman, part of the proceeds go to a different non profit company every year. 12 oz $13, 1lb $15.95

PACT Socks- Varies Look stylish from head to toe with this affordable

stocking stuffer. Get these colorful socks for men and women at SHOP GOOD. Each of PACTs’

products are fair trade, organic, and are inspired by a different non-profit every year.

Portland General Store- $14-$22SHOP GOOD provides some manly grooming

items that are fairly inexpensive made by Portland General Store. Some of the grooming products

include hand cream, soap, aftershave, and shaving cream. Product prices run $14-$22 per item or you can get the Cigar Box sample set $47. A portion of

the sales will go to Positive Tomorrows, central Oklahoma’s only elementary school serving

homeless children.

Tonics- tobacco and smoky fig, shaving cream, after shave all handmade and mixed by the individual

who actually mixed the product!

Krotchet Kids Bow Ties- $24Lincoln Crocheted Bow Ties. These inexpensive bow ties are only $24 and run in various colors,

and are adjustable to fit most neck sizes. The bow ties are crocheted by hand by women in Uganda,

who through Krotchet Kids learn various business training, and earn fair wages. Look inside for the

woman who made that specific bow tie!

Toddland Men’s Wallets- $24 Who says your wallet can’t be fashionable too?

Switch out that old wallet from high school, and purchase a wallet from SHOP GOOD.

Ornaments- VariesMade by refugee women in Oklahoma

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Dwelling Spaces OKC is a young and unique gift shop located in downtown Oklahoma City, filled with locally inspired gifts. From crazy stuffed animals, to coffee mugs and even Flaming Lips hot sauce, you’re sure to find a gift for anyone

Location: 25 NW 9th Street OKC, OK 73102Hours: Mon-Saturday 10:30-9pm Sunday


Ornaments- Varies Skull- a-homa designed by artist Denny Schmickle is sure to give your tree some

attitude (Black X-mas bulb with state of OK in bones shape) Indian Head (Red)

Cuddle Monsters-$20-$40 For kids and kids at heart. Handmade in

Tulsa, Ashley Carver uses felt made from post recycled plastic bottles, and safety hazard eyes,

which makes them a safe gift for children. Now you can really Go Green for the holidays!

Robots- $22 These vintage looking robots make the perfect

gift for an office. Wind them up and watch them go!

Bohemian RomanceHandmade jewelry- $20-$40

From Norman, Oklahoma. All made from taken-apart clocks

Gleeful Peacock- $18, Jewelry

Woody Guthrie- Varies Items about famous folk singer in Oklahoma

Flaming Lips Hot-Sauce- $8 This sweet and spicy hot sauce will add flavor

to any meal. Ingredients include pineapple, habanero, and lime juice.

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InTheCityVANE is a magazine for the Socialite!Here are a few opportunities for you to get social in the Edmond, Oklahoma City,and Norman areas. Check out these Restaurants & Bars... And, don’t forget totell ‘em VANE sent ya!


Republic Gastro pubTypically serves beer and wine, alongside its high end

food menu, with a UK twist.

Signature Dishes: Fish and Chips, and Republic Burger- Caramelized onion-apple wood smoked bacon relish, blue, arugula, and fried egg, served on a pretzel bun

Drinks: Over 100 unique beers drawn from custom taps, close to 250 hand selected bottles from around the world

Hours of Operation:Sunday through Wednesday - 11:00am to 12:00amThursday through Saturday -11:00am to 1:00am

5830 N. Classen Boulevardat Classen CurveOKC, OK 73118

Phone: 405-286-4577Fax: 405-286-4585

Oklahoma CityNonna's Purple Bar

Upscale bar located in Bricktown, known for their cocktails, and great Italian food, and baked goods.

Signature Dishes: Nonna’s Favorite-Served a giant signature meatball seasoned with Nonna’s secret blend of herbs and spices ~ served over spaghetti with Nonna’s marinara and creamy homemade alfredo

Signature Drinks: The Carlson- A cocktail made with vodka, onion, pickled garlic, and a slice of bacon served over crushed ice.

Happy Hour: Half priced apps, 3:30-6:30Live Entertainment- Every Friday and Saturday night

Red PianoUpscale bar located downtown: known

for diverse drinks

Signature Dish: Calamari

Happy Hour: 4:30-6:30pm on domestics 7-9pm Half Priced apps

Tuesday: Martini specialsWednesday: Margarita specialsLive music: Tuesday- Saturday

Hours of Operation: Hours are from 11:00am to 12:00am, Monday thru Sunday.

The Red Piano is at the corner of Park Avenue and Broadway.

Social | Out & About

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Café 501Known for their fresh baked goods,

lunch menu, and wines

Signature Dish: Fresh Produce, Salads, and Coyote sandwich onion and cheese chibatta bread chipotle mayonase chicken grilled jalepeneous, maple glazed salmon, and brick oven pizzas

Signature Drink: Extensive wine list, strawberry lemonade martini, Mimosas during breakfast and brunch

Culinary drinks: Muy-Thai – Gin, muddled cucumber, ginger simple syrup, and lemon grass.

Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Friday: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PMSaturday: 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Sunday Brunch: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Lottinvilles American Restaurant/Bar,

“meat and potatoes with a twist”

Signature Dish: Rotisserie chicken marinated with olive oil, lemon, and rosemary.

Signature Drink: Pineapple martini, pineapple vodka made in house

5 dollar margaritas5 dollar Absolut club special drink

Happy hour: 3-6pm Everyday with complimentary black bean nachos

Hours of Operation: Mon - Thu: 11am to 9pmFri - Sat: 11am to 10pm

Sunday Brunch: 10:30am to 2pmSunday: 5pm to 9pm

801 Signal Ridge Drive Edmond, OK

The Garage American style bar catered to the College Student

Signature Dish: Burgers

Signature Drink: Moscow Mule cocktail- Stoli vodka, fresh squeezed lime, and ginger beer served in a copper mug

Happy Hour 3-7pm with $2.75 domestics Thursday: Bingo night

Friday: Ladies Night with $1 domestics

Hours of Operation: Sun - Mon: 11 a.m. - 12 midnight.

Tue - Sat: 11 a.m. - 2 a.m

307 E. Main, Norman, OK 73069 (405) 701-7035


Seven47 Signature Dish 17 entrees under $10

Signature Drink Frozen Screwdriver, Frozen Redbull Vodka

Happy Hour 5-7 Monday-Friday with $2 domestic beers

Monday: Happy hour all nightParties: Throw one party each month

Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat 5pm-2am

Kitchen open is until 10pm Monday-Thursday 11pm Friday-Saturday

Sunday Brunch/Lunch 10am-3pm

747 Asp AvenueNorman, OK 73069

Social | Out & About

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Social | Behind The Scene

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