vìi -u/aivt* br c inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92062100/1903-11-12/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · tried a...

I mittm W U J & e Vìi -U/AIVT* , Tableîs. ««* 1 3 racntfaa.* "' . . liife f^^BWrT' BR i" j0if . ' "«CiL*Î(w. ¿«S?•• I 4 . » i n O n e Bay Car«« Grip fa Two Days. on every box. 25c. TR«DC«MMms DESIGNS C OPYRIGHTS A C. Anyone sending a pkotoh and description nay quiokl? ascertain our opinion true whether au Invention la probably patentable; Communica- tions B ti'Mtly conildau tlitl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seenrine patents. Patents taken turouab Mnnn A Co. receive UMlri notice, without o wn lit to Scicîitific Americane A handsomely Illustrated weekly. MlUtlon of any scientific Journal, xenna, es a year I fonr months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & C o N e w York ¡¿.Branch Office, n F BU Washington.P.C. A DOCTOR POR A QUARTER. Duck and Quail Hunters. Half fare rotes to parties of three or uiore traveling together on one ticket via Nickel Plate Road to Mc- C'Kiib and Payne, Ohio and points between those stations also to South "Whitley Will Vale, Indiana, and intermediate poirts. Tickets on sale Nov. 9th to 30th inclusive, good to return till Dec. 3d '03. ^ 201 N. 30 V Sunday Excursion. Every-Sunday hereafter ai,d until further notice a rate of $1.00 forj the round trip from this station to I Jamestown will be given on train leaving here at 7 ¡35 a.m. and return ing at 10:13 p. m, See ticket agerit | for further particulars. O H PADUA* of PARK'S TEA wiU prevent nore diseases than any doctor can cure lor o a t Hundred Dollar». PARK'S TEA çureaÇanatl nation, which is the forerunner of all diseases. There uno medicine like it. It is pleasant to take* U n t Packages at aU dealers at as cents, write LÒRI(tee trial package. F RANK O. R EDDISH, h* ROY. N. Y.. U. S. A. ia PARK'S TEA. It will cure Constipation, Sick-headache, Bil- iousness, Drowsiness, Nervousness, Eczema, Sleeplessness. Nervous Exhaustion and allerup. tions of the Skin. It is a Blood Medicine. Large packages at all dealers 25c. Write for free trial package. F RANK O. R EDDISH, ROY, N. Y., V. S. A. t . WANTED—SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PER- SONS in, cogitate to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call op- on merchants and agents lor successful and { >rofitable line. Permanent engagement, Week y cash salary of f 18 and all graveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in caslteach week. Ex- perience not essential. Mention reference an<jL enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NAT I O N AL , 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. 39-111-6 A Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, ' causing pneumonia, was that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marlon, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She soys: ''The coughing and the straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies but to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened niy lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by Harvey & Maltbie. INickel Plate Excursions. ov. 3rd, 17th and 30th are the day&Jor the next excursions to the west Tmd ¡southwest via Nickel Plate. Write, wire, phone or call on A. C. Showatter, D. P. A., 807 State St. Erie, Pa,, for general in- formation . 3n3o "Removal of Nickel Plate Railroad <Tick- , et Office at Erie, Pa. I 1 • • , I The Nickel Plate Road has mov--f The Best Remedy For Croup ^SSSSÄS c I 1 ed its City Ticket Ofhce at Erie, Pa from its former location to 807 State Sti, \vh*re • very attention will be giyr-n to inquiries in .reference to rates, routes, etc., and anv inquiries addressed to A. C. Showaher, D.Pr Agt. will receive prompt attention. The office is located in the heart bf the business centre of Erie. A Good "Name. Cured oj Piles After 40 Years. Mr, C. Haney, of Geneva, P., had piles for forty years. and the dol- WANrFD—SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHAK- acter and good reputation in each state tone in this county required} to represent and aavertlae old eatabltahea wealthy business house of solid financial atanding. Salary I21.00 weekly, with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head officea. Horse and oarriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self-addreased envelope. Colonial, 333 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, One Minute Cough Cure FOP Cough*» Colds and Croups CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Haney, of Geneva, Q. i >iles tor forty years. DoctdW ars could do him no lasting good. De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him per- manently.-Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises sprains, lacerations, eczema, tet- ter, Bflji rhein", «nd all other »kin disea- ses. £ook for the name DeWitt in every package—all other«> are eheap, worthless counterfeits. Sold by all druggists. —Jfunters' Rates. To points on Nickel Plate Road in Western' Ohio and Indiana; tick' ets 00 sale Nov. 9 to 30 at one fare for round trip, good return limits, splendid train service including club m^als at 35c. to $1.00 also meals "a la carte'' in its dining cars. See A. C. Showalter, D.P.A. Erie, Pa., or see local agent. N-30 From personal expedience I testify that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are unequal- led as a liver pill. They arerightlynam- ed because they give strength and ener s y and do their work with ease.—W. T. aston, Boerne, Tex. Thousands of people are using these tiny, little pills in preference to ail others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure bil-. llousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick headache, constipation, etc. They do not purge and weaken, but cleanpe and strengthen^; Sold by Harvey & Maltbie. •i 'Colonist Tickets daily now untilN<5v.30th,the Nickel Plate Road will sell special one>way colonist tickets to points on Pacific Coast at rate of $42.50, and low rates to points in far West. Do not miss this splendid opportunity to go west at lowest possible cost. Get tickets and full information from local agent or write A. C. Showalt- ter, D P. A., Erie. Pa. —N-3P. Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which,relieved me. One day saw an ad. of your K ' ^ H c ' P'tterff-^md" determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon there- after was entirety cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have beea cured of Rheumatism, Neural- gia, Liver and Kidney troubles and Gen- eral Debility." This is what B. F. Bass or Freipont, N. C. writes. Only 50c. at Harvey & Maltbie's. (From the Atchison, Kan. Daily Globe) This is the season when the woman who | 1 knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neij<hl*orhood» One ot the most terrible thirds in the world istoj , be awakened in the middle of the night i by a whoop from one of the children.The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure ! to be lost in case of burglars. There u*ed to be an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and tolu, but son<e modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to | "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a short time. Give this | remedy as soon as the croopey cough ap- pears and it will prevent tin never fails and is take. For sale SÄsssssssss Tiae Kind You in use for ov» tie attack, and safe leasant iy Harvey & Maltbie. Have Always Bought, a n d w t . ^ J T ^ h"- 30 years, has bornTt^^^Hii All Counterfeits, Imitations and •' Just-as- yw *tott£ Experiments that trifle with and endanaJ?«^ *** % Infants and Children-Experience against What is CASTORI A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor on goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pi, contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other*" 4, ft Its age is its guarantee. Do substance, and allays Feverishness. arcottj Wor«» A Scientific Discovery. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the I^uMea, ask Dryglsl fbr • a f e . Always reliable. „.„.i CailCHEMTKK'S BNUUMH In •«! and « o l d metallic boxes, sealed with Uue ribbon. nkSBeelksr. Bcnix dugiroiu subaU- aauons and insllsktlowa. Buy of your DruggisL' or senl 4«. in stamps tot PsrtlruUrt. Teatl- •amatols and " Keller N>r I ^ mIIm , " in letfr, vrataraKall. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by all Druggists. CHIOHBSTEB CHEMICAL OO. M H l l a l l i s a I f a a n , P H I I X , P A . ImIIM IkU pspsr. RAILROAD The Great Trunk Line Between the East and the West. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Elegant Day Coaches from Sala- manca to New York, Cleveland, Chica- go and Cincinnati. Time table adopt- ed , June 14, 1903. Eastern Standard Time. East from Cattaraugus TRAIN 114. IO"26 Daily from Dunkirk, - Makes A ma connections frotu Buffalo at • IV!« Dayton for Salamanca. TRAIN 108. 4*16 Daily except Sunday, Local P |. accommodation from Buffalo to . 4VI. Salamanca. TRAIN 106. ' J ' . g g Daily exc. Sunday from Dunkirk. P M Atlantic Express. Through train .-uL. for New York and points East. West from Cattaraugus stomach that which it is unable to do for Itself, even when but slightly disordered or overloaded. Kodol Dispepsia Cure supplies the natural juices of digestion and does the work of the stomach, relax- ing the nervous tention, while the inflam- ed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di- ges.s what you eat and enables the stom- ach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, red Mood. Sold by all druggists. .. I » HI — ffomeseekers and Colonists Tickets, The Nickel Plate Road will sell Nov. 3 and 17, special round trip ar:d one way tickets to points all through the west at very low rates. Triweekly tourist car service. N-17 ^ HI 1 [ fUST WHAT YOU NEED. TRAIN 105. Daily. Local Accomodation from New York to Dunkirk, connecting for Buffalo at Dyt'n TRAIN 107. Daily except Sunday troth New York to Daytoii connect- ing for Buffalo. TRAIN 25. Daily. Makes connection at Dayton for Buffalo, connects at Dunkirk for the West. East Sunday, Train aro, 10:13 P- m - Dun-j kirk to Salamanca, connecting at Dayton with train from Buffalo to Jamestown 7-35 A.M. 1-35 P. M. 3-29 P.M Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. When you feel dull after eating. . When you have no appetite. When you have a baa taste in the mouth, When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel billious. They will itnprove 'your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach, and rngulate your liver ana bowels. Price 25 cents per box. For sale b" Harvey & Maltbie. Going WestT Get rates and full information from Mr. A. C. Showalter, D.P.A. Nickel Plate Roid, Erie, Pa., they have many low rates now in effect to points all thrpugh the west;Drc;p him a car' 4 now. N-30 Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible tor manv' a railway wreck and the. same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But sibce the advent of Dr. King's New DiscovCfy for Consumption, Ccmghsjind colds,-¿^en th'e worst eases caff Be cured, and hopfeless resignation is no longer necessity,' Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., lis One of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery, This great rem- edy is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Harvey & Maltbie, Druggists. Price 50c. and |i.oo. Trial bottles free. Low Rates to the West. The Nickel Plate Road selling daily now to Nov. 30th, special one ay lickets to points in far west and Pacific Coast at exceeding low tes. . Tri-weekly tourist car ser- vice. If you are goin^ west do not miss this opportunity. See local agent or drop a postal card to A. C. Showalter, D.P.A., Erie, Pa. N-30 Western Trips v either one way or round trip arrang-1 ed bv A. C. Showalter, D. P. A Nicker Plate Road at Erie, Pa. , at I lowest possible expense. A postal card stating your destination will | bring you full information. N-30 Stepped Against a Hot Stove. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when | getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which I burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothing to rtacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlaiii'ij Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and I asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resi-) dentof_Kell«, , Va;—PshrBalin Is an an- tiseptic liniment and especially, valuable I for burns, cuts, bruises and roreins^ For] saleby Harvey & Maltbie. u J t cures Diarrhma 11a Colic. It relieves Teethitfc Troubles, c u r e s C ^ ^ and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food r3* ,i " Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and' naE»!^^ Thar Children's Panacea—The Mother'« Frfen^ GENUINE CASTORIA AlWitt,] Bears the Signature of ' 4M T h e Kind Y o u H a v e Always B o i i In U s e F or Over 3 0 Years. 1 TMI eaurraua c o s w m , TT aiuwaar araecr, NCWYOSSOITT. A excursion tickets Nov. 25 and 26 with good return limit at very low rates. Write A. C. Showalter, D. P.A., Erie, Pa. N-26 For sick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets; they will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie; Irritates the throat and racks The lungs. A remedy that will instantly relieve and quicW" cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Broni 1 tie J tis and Throat and Long troubles genatrall^ 0. Gray's BaLsam is absolutely gtu. cure these diseases. Used for years Spend Thanksgiving Day with the old folks at home. X ne I tls and Throatand Long troubles generally la Nickel niEfe^oad will-sell special I ^ ^ ^ «bsofuteiy guar- A Sunday Excursions After Nov. 1st, '03 the Nibkel Plate Road will discontinue the Sunday Excursion rate of $1,00 fori rftuud trip within 100 miles for each person in parties of five or more. 208N-15 To Core> Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Stanley g . Pterson, LeBoy, N. Y. Patronize Your Home Agents. Not neces ary to go from HOME to save railro/d fare. Rates via Erie R. R. are as low as made by any other line. See agents of Erie about that trip. -tmi Dickens' School Peta. When Charles Dickens was a boy at Wellington House academy it was the secret pride of the students there that they owned more white mice, red polls and linnets than any other set of boys within their ken. These were kept in hatboxes, draw- ers and even in the school desks. A box. 25c. I which lived in the corner of a Latin dictionary in Dickens' desk and Try the Nickel Plate. I could ¿raw Roman chariots, fire pa- If in doubt as to what road to use I P er muskets and scale pasteboard Ia Chicago and Rtlurn $13,00 from Erie, Pa., -via Nickel Plate Road; tickets on s&le Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. ist, good returning limits. Finest train service, dining cars serve club meals at 35c.-'to $i.oo, also meals "a la carte." Inquire of A. C..Showalter, D.P.A., Erie,Pa. Doesn't Respect Old Age. Its shameful when youth fails to' Show proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in the case of,, Dr;. King's New Life»Pills. They cut off maladies no mat- ter how severe and'Trrespective of old age Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill, 35c at Har- vey & Maltbie's drug stoiei on your next trip the Nickel Plate and you will make no mistake. We please the most fastideous. Write, wire, phone or call on A. C. Show- atter, D. P. A., 807 State St., Erie, Pa., about it. 3n3o WANTRD—FAITHFUI, PERSON TO TRA- VEL for well established house in a few coun- ties, calling on retail merchants and agents. I^>cal territory. Salary $20.00 per week with expenses additional, all payable in caBh each week. Honey for_ expenses advanced, Posi- adders, fell at last into an overfull inkpot and lost both its white coat and its life. Dickens nevertheless won a prize for his Latin, and a well thumbed and blotted'Horace wEigh he once presented to his coacH re- cently fetched a high price at an ex- hibition in England. K ! pokteal?^ »her guests ||Seag er ' " Art Barlo« Lrf ö state ¡¡prhctory. TheW. R-C b a t Nov." | | E ÄOLDICS T So services» ptccoont of t KttheF. N jnyyourmc ^J,Kiears tun Wilcox [k guest of hii Mrs. Emilin- L respited ( kntly. 1 |arch. Inter page ceirete HA' J- C - bonk of Fret p week. Mr. Heath ptofyh last .There will h it tbe M. m.it. All t WSSL Dated October! 7th, 100? o„ tl , rf H. PHICBRICK, ADBI„HIJ^ E - t, K. Park I' Mrs, Jet He Wednesi iHtndersor. ¡latter will with her | Me. The Grangi lugus Grat (day evtl M. Rockw* [Boston, N. the ftrae Mrs. Cathe ¡lome last we NOTICE TO CREDITOR t t o a n order of Hba ( . «' Cattaraugus Conni hereby jriven toall Mr»n.h«iin f estate of Johh PoulrWi NOTICE TO CRBDn-OMi »i ® Pursuant to an order of Hon c. 0 ! Surrogate of Cattaraugus County N t ia hereby given to all person, hsvint against the estate of Defionh Whitfotl. the town of East Otto, Cattaiaugm ceased, that they are required 6 nrtSi, with proper voucher! to R. H. Philbrictfc or of I he wiilof said deceased, it h U « ^ the town of East Otto, N. Y., , ( u or IxSffil first day of May, 1904. Dated Sept. 14th. 1903, g R. H. l'HILBRICK, Eutn^j COUNTY COÜRT—CATTARADÖÜI Coran Meltar B. Jones vs. Jennie'Tbntsi pcmahl and as Executrix of Ihe last Will«ndftÂSB IM of Hiram Jones, deceased. Wort Ji enee Powers, C. Mend Jones, Gei_ Verna Snyder, Wirt W. Jones, ud AlHe his wife. Ora Jone«, and Maud Jona, UM Charles T. Jones, and Dora Jones, h t t p ! » A: Jones, and Vine Jonesj his «ift, fit*! Jones, and Jones, his wife her Ma being unknown to this plaintiff, CUn V I _ on, Maurice E. Preiqch and Alfred H, Bdssd surviving partner» of the coM»rtii«ikii 2 George R. Haines, Maurice's. Prrisi ni Alfred H. Haines, Jennie A. Jones, nife u tk plaintiff. •. • - ; w 'fc - " By virtue of aninterlocutoiyjudgaieiitflia^MKre she Da granted-in the aben e «slittai action by BoaKK. S. Thr<tabcr, County A " Cheap Kates Via Nickel Plate Road. If you are contemplating a trip J drop A.C. t Showatter,D. P. A.Nick»l Plate, 807 State St., Erie, Pa. a card who will c^ll and make all ar- angements. This will insure com- birt and avoid annoyance. 3U30 W. R. CHASE Ticket Agent, Cattaraugus, ij, Y. ,F, H. GARFIELD, Division,Pass. Agt. • Japicstown, N. Y D. W. COOKE, Gen. Pass,Agt.; New York N Y . * A Runaway Bicycle - Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Qrner, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four y ears. Then Buck 1 en's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Harvey & Maltbie's drug store, . No Excess Fare it charged 011 any Nickel Plate Train, and they carry the finest coaches, Pullmans and dining cars serving club meals at 35c to $1.00, also meals A la carte-" Always low- est rates and best service. A. C. Showalter, Erie, Pa, For a Bad Cold. - If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflamma- tion of the throat and lungs. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie. Low Rates for Thanksgiving via Nickel Plate Road, for points within 150 miles from,place of. start' ing. Tickets on sale November 25 and 26, good to return till Nov. 30, '03, inclusive. See nedrest agent or address A. C Showslter,D.P.A. 807 State St., Erie, Pa. 2O7N-30 Mother Generally Whipped. . —. They are not exactly bad boys, tion permanent. Business successful and rush- +V, ACO . ITT , TJV -1 ' ing. Standard House,330 Dearborn St.,Chicago. J lne8e : lW0 m a Certain West Phlla- 5«n6 I delphia family, but they are invari- T T a « d ^ ' t s ' s ^ z ' t ' i i i ^ " i s i f s r i s f ? " 1 inte ™°- by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin f " , Cau f ed the few pauses in Ointment. Many very bad cases have hostilities. At any rate, they are been permanently cured by it. It is rather famous in their neighbor- equally efficient for itching piles . and a hood favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. T'ley are not food but medi- cine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. 25 cents, per package For,sale by Harvey & Maltbie. RE YOU BILIOUS? S i c K * F e v e r L r h , Dizzy-Headed, Constipated and full of dull aches and pains ? V Tafce J A Y N E ' t S SANATIVE PILLS Colds " I bad a terrible cold and could nardly breathe. I then tried Aver's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im- mediate relief." W. C. Layton. Sllell, 111. How wH ycu be tonight: ably. 'F'or i then a cm chitis <ur p at last c Cougfir%rwtrys downward. St0f> downward tend taking Ayer's Chi ny Pec- toral. Thrts sltts; Kc„ Jfc., $j.»> A) | 4 re|llltei V ¡IS' One day not long ago one of the neighbors, who is fond of contests of any sort, said, "Edwin, when you and your brother fight so much who generally whips ?" Edwin gave a little wriggle, as if in sympathy wfth memories" of re- cent occurrences, and said resign- edly: "Mother!"—Philadelphia Ledger. Now He Is a Wiser Dog. There was a dog; I knew him well: A lively dog was he; His tall was brown, his body black, As black as black could be. He saw a cat, a pink eyed cat, A cat with sharp toe naJla ' » - And grayish back anrl spotted legs And whitest of white tails. , He gave a bark, a nimble Jump And, like a streak of blue, , Shot through the air as at that cat The wrathful doggie flew. The cat it.spat; its back went up; Shrill rang its piercing walls. Tho fur it flew, the dog life howled, V nd deep the sharp toe naiis- | Judge oi Cattimi' Canity, and duly entered in the office of lit i clerk of said county on the 1st day of October, 1903.1, the undersigned referee,, will aell i' public Auction to the highest bidder at tbe Ui- office* of Nash, Oakes & Rumsey in the Tfflljt Jof Cattaraugus, County of Cattanagu. lt. T, On the 14th day of November; jj^'j at 11 o'clock, A. M„ the following premi*»«» ed by the parties hereto as tenants-lo<oaM| and directed by said judgment tc be iold,tawtt:. "All that tract or {¡arcel of land, situate latk Village of Cattaraugus, County of Cattura« an4 State of New York, distinguished, u baa a part of lot number 22; town 4, range 8, of the Holland Land Company's Surrey, bow follows: North by lands owned bj J< Plumb, 18 chains jo links, East by a lini to the highway at thè distance 0- IS chains JO links East therefrom 8 chains 72 Uniti,SoottW; a line parallel to tbe North bounds it tie» tance of 8 chains «5 links South therefrom,»«* by the centre of the hi ¡hway S chalni » containing 16 acre» of land. ALÌO «11 that » tain other tract or parcel of landdtuate « ¡ I Village, County and State aforeuid, and diati»- guished as being a part of lot nnmber u, tm 4, range 8, of the Hollani Laud Companj i»» vey, bounded North by.fcIffle parallel m» Ncrth bounds of »aid lot huihbertoandJeWl 52 links South therefrom «6 chains4oUiiWWj- hy the highway leading from Cattai«». Southerly to New Albion 7 15 ''""-"fli by a line parallel to the North boondi uj chains 9 links distant theretrom a7 cw«i links. East by a creek sometime» c a m ® "Little Valley Creek," oontainidg 13.« more or iess: Exctlm NO and reierri»( from the lauda noW included in tue Hark Cemetery, the lands conwjred W Melzar Tones; severally, to Sonata l'- Alexander Dawson, and Elleiy Tait. , Dated October 1st, 190J. N. M NASH. OAKÌS & ROMBBY, KBmQ Plaintiff's Attorneys, ; Cattaraugus,N.V. Indigestion CaùM»! Catarrh Of W » Stomach. |k two mont ^tester Pari Dday andV The Ladies lory Full Do. Jiss Annie yton over fc Comp tietfl thè Hlda and tore tile Coniult yoir doctor. If ba Mrs take It than do a» ba aar». If he tel f. ÎÏ5 - S to take it, than din't Ukolt HekSoIv Laave li with him. We »"MjìllSe W ' - ' ATKB LoV.il. la... T v Plowed through nose '— And scratched that canine's ey« Till.With a hpwl- the' dog- turned round And back nprnln ilia ftji And now he is a wiser dog, And cats he doth eschew; He'll never try again, I think, A pussy cat to chew. ' —Ernest McNeill! All Special Rates tr All special rates autliorkfecV for all occgsioiisapply from your station via Erie R. R. See your HOME agent before making arrangements. For many years It has been suppw-J Catarrh of the Stomach and dyspepsia, but tho truth fa » opposite; Indigestion «awes c»UrrtL w 1 peated attacks of W ' r t S S mucous membranes lining t h a j l o a ^ 1 exposes the nerves of'the«tomid,thM«r Ing the-glands to secete'muota i n ^ the Juices of natural digestion, iw [called Catarrh of tho Stqmacli. ^ •--vj spepsia H relieves all Infllmmation of membrines lining the « ^ fa nervei. and cures bad bream, ^^ asnaalof \ dyspepsia and all stomach troubi» Kodol Digests Make the « o ^ W J f t i t p » Bottles cnly. R^St^^SOW- - the trial alze. Prepared by E. O. 'r ggaa *' Lowest Rates to all east cr Wat tetto •tiy a< ® * Rates to all points ^ are al^avs tbe cheapest ¡ ¡ f ^ Nickel Plate., Write A tor, D. P. A., 807 State bt., Pa., tor particulars. « Shov^m •BÉÉ] ill ijHEYOl Ifçrfcley I Ch\ |«e R ^Expo toabijr fiîngtt •P.oor l»t.hoi

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W U J & e Vìi - U / A I V T *

, T a b l e î s . ««* 13 racntfaa.* "' . . l i i f e f ^ ^ B W r T '

BR i " j0if .'"«CiL*Î(w. ¿«S?••

I 4 . »

i n O n e B a y Car«« Grip fa T w o Days.

o n e v e r y box. 2 5 c .


C O P Y R I G H T S A C . Anyone sending a pkotoh and description nay quiokl? ascertain our opinion true whether au Invention la probably patentable; Communica-tions B ti'Mtly conildau tlitl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seenrine patents. Patents taken turouab Mnnn A Co. receive UMlri notice, without o w n lit to

Scicîitific Americane A handsomely Illustrated weekly. MlUtlon of any scientific Journal, xenna, es a year I fonr months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & C o N e w York ¡¿.Branch Office, n F BU Washington.P.C.

A D O C T O R P O R A Q U A R T E R .

Duck and Quail Hunters. Half fare rotes to p a r t i e s of th ree

or uiore t ravel ing toge ther on one t icket via Nickel P la te Road to Mc-C'Kiib and Payne, Ohio a n d poin ts between those stations also to Sou th "Whitley Will Vale, Ind iana , and in termedia te poir ts . T i cke t s on sale Nov . 9 t h to 3 0 t h inclusive, good to r e t u r n till Dec. 3d '03.

^ 2 0 1 N. 3 0


Sunday Excursion.

Every-Sunday hereaf ter ai,d until f u r the r notice a ra te of $1.00 f o r j the round t r ip from th is station to I Jamestown will be given on train leaving here at 7 ¡35 a .m. and re turn ing at 10:13 p. m, See ticket agerit | for fu r the r particulars.

O H P A D U A * of P A R K ' S T E A wiU prevent nore diseases than any doctor can cure lor o a t Hundred Dollar». P A R K ' S T E A çureaÇanatl nation, which is the forerunner of all diseases. There u n o medicine like it. It is pleasant to take* U n t Packages at aU dealers at as cents, write LÒRI (tee trial package. F R A N K O . R EDDISH,

h* ROY. N. Y.. U. S. A .

i a PARK'S TEA. It will cure Constipation, Sick-headache, Bil-

iousness, Drowsiness, Nervousness, Eczema, Sleeplessness. Nervous Exhaustion and allerup. tions of the Skin. It is a Blood Medicine. Large packages at all dealers 25c. Write for free trial package. F R A N K O. R E D D I S H ,

R O Y , N. Y., V. S. A.

t . WANTED—SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PER-SONS in, cogitate to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call op-on merchants and agents lor successful and {>rofitable line. Permanent engagement, Week y cash salary of f 18 and all graveling expenses

and hotel bills advanced in caslteach week. Ex-perience not essential. Mention reference an<jL enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NAT I O N A L , 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. 39-111-6

A Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a

cold, deep-seated on the lungs, ' causing pneumonia, was that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marlon, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She soys: ''The coughing and the straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies but to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened niy lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by Harvey & Maltbie.

INickel Plate Excursions. o v . 3 r d , 1 7 t h a n d 3 0 t h a r e t h e

day&Jor t h e nex t excurs ions to t h e west Tmd ¡southwest v ia Nicke l Plate . Wri te , wire, p h o n e or call on A . C. Showat te r , D. P . A . , 807 S t a t e S t . Er ie , Pa , , for gene ra l in-format ion . 3n3o

"Removal of Nickel Plate Railroad <Tick-, et Office at Erie, Pa. I 1 • • ,

I T h e Nickel P la te Road has m o v - - f The Best Remedy For Croup


c I 1

ed its City Ticket Ofhce a t Erie, Pa f rom its former location to 807 Sta te St i , \vh*re • v e r y a t tent ion will be giyr-n to inquir ies in .reference to rates, routes, etc. , and anv inquiries addressed to A. C. Showahe r , D.Pr A g t . will receive prompt at tention. T h e office is located in the heart bf the business cent re of Er ie .

A Good "Name.

Cured oj Piles After 40 Years. Mr, C. Haney, of Geneva, P . , had

piles for forty years. and the


WANrFD—SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHAK-acter and good reputation in each state tone in this county required} to represent and aavertlae old eatabltahea wealthy business house of solid financial atanding. • Salary I21.00 weekly, with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head officea. Horse and oarriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self-addreased envelope. Colonial, 333 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111,

O n e M i n u t e C o u g h C u r e FOP Cough*» C o l d s a n d C r o u p s

C H I C H E S T E R ' S E N G L I S H


Haney, of Geneva, Q.

i>iles tor forty years. DoctdW ars could do him no lasting good. De-

Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him per-manently.-Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises sprains, lacerations, eczema, tet-ter, Bflji rhein", «nd all other »kin disea-ses. £ook for the name DeWitt i n every package—all other«> are eheap, worthless counterfeits. Sold by all druggists.

—Jfunters' Rates. T o poin ts o n Nickel P l a t e Road

in Western ' Ohio and I n d i a n a ; t i c k ' e t s 00 sale Nov. 9 to 30 a t o n e fare for round t r ip , good r e tu rn l imits, splendid t ra in service inc lud ing c lub m^als at 35c. to $1.00 a lso meals " a la ca r t e ' ' in i ts dining cars . See A . C. Showal te r , D . P . A . E r i e , Pa . , or see local agen t . N-30

From personal expedience I testify that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are unequal-led as a liver pill. They are rightly nam-ed because they give strength and eners

y and do their work with ease.—W. T. aston, Boerne, Tex. Thousands of

people are using these tiny, little pills in preference to ail others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure bil-. llousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick headache, constipation, etc. They do not purge and weaken, but cleanpe and strengthen^; Sold by Harvey & Maltbie.

•i 'Colonist Tickets dai ly now unt i lN<5v.30th, the Nickel P la te Road will sell special one>way colonist t i cke ts to poin ts on Pacific Coast at r a te of $ 4 2 . 5 0 , and low ra tes to points i n fa r West . Do not miss th is splendid oppor tun i ty to go west at lowest possible cost. Get t ickets and full informat ion from local agent or write A. C. Showalt-ter , D P. A . , Er ie . Pa . — N - 3 P .

Not a Sick Day Since. " I was taken severely sick with kidney

trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which,relieved me. One day saw an ad. of your K ' ^ H c ' P'tterff-^md" determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon there-after was entirety cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have beea cured of Rheumatism, Neural-gia, Liver and Kidney troubles and Gen-eral Debility." This is what B. F. Bass or Freipont, N. C. writes. Only 50c. at Harvey & Maltbie's.

(From the Atchison, Kan. Daily Globe) This is the season when the woman who |

1 knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neij<hl*orhood» One ot the most terrible thirds in the world is toj

, be awakened in the middle of the night i by a whoop from one of the children.The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure

! to be lost in case of burglars. There u*ed to be an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and tolu, but son<e modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to | "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a short time. Give this | remedy as soon as the croopey cough ap-pears and it will prevent tin never fails and is take. For sale


Tiae K i n d Y o u in use f o r ov»

tie attack, and safe leasant

iy Harvey & Maltbie.

H a v e A l w a y s B o u g h t , a n d w t . ^ J T ^ h" - 3 0 y e a r s , h a s b o r n T t ^ ^ ^ H i i

All Counterfeits, Imitations and •' Just-as- yw* to tt£ Experiments that trifle with and endanaJ?«^ *** % Infants and Children-Experience against

W h a t i s C A S T O R IA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor on goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pi, contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other*"4, ft

Its age is its guarantee. ™


substance, and allays Feverishness.

arcottj Wor«»

A Scientific Discovery. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the

I^uMea, ask Dryglsl fbr • a f e . Always reliable. • „ . „ . i CailCHEMTKK'S BNUUMH In • « ! and « o l d metallic boxes, sealed with Uue ribbon. n k S B e e l k s r . B c n i x d u g i r o i u subaU-aauons and insllsktlowa. Buy of your DruggisL' or senl 4«. in stamps tot P s r t l r u U r t . Teatl-•amatols and " Ke l l e r N>r ImIIm," in letfr, v r a t a r a K a l l . 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by all Druggists.

CHIOHBSTEB CHEMICAL OO. M H l l a l l i s a I f a a n , P H I I X , PA.

ImIIM IkU pspsr.

RAILROAD The Great Trunk Line Between the East

and the West. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Elegant Day Coaches from Sala-manca to New York, Cleveland, Chica-go and Cincinnati. Time table adopt-ed , June 14, 1903. Eastern Standard Time.

E a s t f r o m C a t t a r a u g u s TRAIN 114.

I O " 2 6 Daily from Dunkirk, - Makes A ma connections frotu Buffalo at

• IV!« Dayton for Salamanca. TRAIN 108.

4 * 1 6 Daily except Sunday, Local

P| . accommodation from Buffalo to . 4VI. Salamanca.

TRAIN 106. ' J ' . g g Daily exc. Sunday from Dunkirk.

PM Atlantic Express. Through train . -uL. for New York and points East.

W e s t f r o m C a t t a r a u g u s

stomach that which it is unable to do for Itself, even when but slightly disordered or overloaded. Kodol Dispepsia Cure supplies the natural juices of digestion and does the work of the stomach, relax-ing the nervous tention, while the inflam-ed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di-ges.s what you eat and enables t h e stom-ach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, red Mood. Sold by all druggists.

.. I » HI — ffomeseekers and Colonists Tickets,

T h e Nickel P la t e Road wil l sell Nov . 3 and 17, special r o u n d t r ip ar:d one w a y t icke ts to p o i n t s all t h r o u g h t h e west a t very low ra tes . T r i w e e k l y tour i s t car service. N-17


TRAIN 105. Daily. Local Accomodation from New York to Dunkirk, connecting for Buffalo at Dyt'n

TRAIN 107. Daily except Sunday troth New York to Daytoii connect-ing for Buffalo.

TRAIN 25. Daily. Makes • connection at Dayton for Buffalo, connects at Dunkirk for the West.

East Sunday, Train aro, 10:13 P- m- Dun-j kirk to Salamanca, connecting at Dayton with train from Buffalo to Jamestown

7 - 3 5 A.M.

1 - 3 5 P. M. 3 - 2 9 P . M

Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.

When you feel dull after eating. . When you have no appetite. When you have a baa taste in the

mouth, When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel billious. They will itnprove 'your appetite,

cleanse and invigorate your stomach, and rngulate your liver ana bowels. Price 25 cents per box. For sale b" Harvey & Maltbie.

Going WestT

G e t ra tes and ful l informat ion f r o m Mr. A . C . Showal te r , D . P . A . Nicke l P la te R o i d , Er ie , Pa . , they h a v e m a n y low ra tes now in effect t o points all t h r p u g h t h e west;Drc;p h i m a car'4 now. N-30

Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible tor manv' a

railway wreck and the. same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But sibce the advent of Dr. King's New DiscovCfy for Consumption, Ccmghsjind colds,-¿^en th'e worst eases caff Be cured, and hopfeless resignation is no longer necessity,' Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., lis One of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery, This great rem-edy is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Harvey & Maltbie, Druggists. Price 50c. and | i .oo . Trial bottles free.

Low Rates to the West. T h e Nickel P la te Road selling

dai ly now to Nov. 3 0 t h , special one ay l ickets to points in fa r west and

Pacific Coast at exceeding low tes. . Tr i -weekly tourist car ser-

vice. If you are go in^ west do not miss th is oppor tun i ty . See local agen t or drop a postal card to A. C. Showal te r , D . P . A . , Er ie , Pa . N-30

Western Trips v

either one way or round tr ip arrang-1 ed bv A. C. Showal ter , D. P. A N i c k e r Plate Road at Er ie , Pa. , at I lowest possible expense. A postal card s ta t ing your dest inat ion will | br ing you ful l information. N-30

Stepped Against a Hot Stove. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when |

getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which I burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothing to rtacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlaiii'ij Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and I asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resi-) dentof_Kell«, ,Va;—PshrBalin Is an an-tiseptic liniment and especially, valuable I for burns, cuts, bruises and roreins^ For] saleby Harvey & Maltbie.

u J t cures Diarrhma 11a Colic. It relieves Teethitfc Troubles, c u r e s C ^ ^ and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food r 3 * , i " Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and' n a E » ! ^ ^ Thar Children's Panacea—The Mother'« Frfen^

G E N U I N E C A S T O R I A A l W i t t , ]

Bears the Signature of '

4M T h e K i n d Y o u H a v e A l w a y s B o i i

I n U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s . 1 TMI eaurraua coswm, TT aiuwaar araecr, NCWYOSSOITT.


excursion t ickets Nov. 25 and 26 with good r e tu rn limit a t very low rates. W r i t e A . C. Showal ter , D. P . A . , Er ie , P a . N-26

For sick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets; they will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie;

Irritates the throat and racks The lungs. A remedy that will instantly relieve and quicW" cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Broni

1 tie J tis and Throat and Long troubles genatrall^ 0. Gray's BaLsam is absolutely gtu. cure these diseases. Used for years

Spend Thanksgiving Day

with the old fo lks at home. X ne I tls and Throatand Long troubles generally la Nicke l n i E f e ^ o a d wil l -sel l special I ^ ^ ^ «bsofuteiy guar-

A Sunday Excursions

Af te r Nov. 1st, '03 t h e Nibkel Pla te Road will discontinue t he Sunday Excurs ion ra te of $1,00 fori rftuud t r ip wi th in 100 miles for each person in part ies of five or more.

2 0 8 N - 1 5

To Core> Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.

Stanley g . Pterson, LeBoy, N. Y.

Patronize Your Home Agents. Not neces a ry to go f rom H O M E

to save ra i l ro /d fare . Ra te s via Er ie R. R . a re as low as made by any o ther line. See a g e n t s of E r i e about t h a t t r ip .

— -tmi Dickens' School Peta.

When Charles Dickens was a boy a t Wellington House academy i t was the secret pr ide of t h e s tuden t s there t h a t they owned more whi te mice, red polls and l innets t h a n any o ther set of boys wi thin t he i r ken. These were kept in hatboxes, d raw-ers and even in t h e school desks. A

box. 25c. I which lived in the corner of a L a t i n dict ionary in Dickens ' desk and

Try the Nickel Plate. I could ¿raw Roman chariots , fire pa -If in doubt as to what road to use I P e r muskets and scale pas teboard


Chicago and Rtlurn $13,00 f rom Er ie , P a . , -via Nickel P la t e R o a d ; t ickets on s&le Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. i s t , good re turning l imits . F ines t t ra in service, d ining cars serve c lub meals a t 35c.- ' to $ i . o o , also meals " a la c a r t e . " I nqu i r e of A . C . .Showal te r , D . P . A . , E r i e , P a .

Doesn't Respect Old Age. Its shameful when youth fails to' Show

proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in the case of,, Dr;. King's New Life»Pills. They cut off maladies no mat-ter how severe and'Trrespective of old age Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill, 35c at Har-vey & Maltbie's drug stoiei

on your nex t t r ip the Nickel Pla te and you will make no mistake. W e please the most fastideous. Wri te , wire, phone or call on A. C. Show-at ter , D. P. A . , 807 S ta te S t . , Erie , Pa . , about i t . 3n3o

W A N T R D — F A I T H F U I , P E R S O N T O T R A -VEL for well established house in a few coun-ties, calling on retail merchants and agents. I >cal territory. Salary $20.00 per week with expenses additional, all payable in caBh each week. Honey for_ expenses advanced, Posi-

adders, fell a t las t in to an overful l inkpot and lost both i ts white coat and i ts life. Dickens nevertheless won a prize fo r his La t in , and a well thumbed and b lo t t ed 'Horace wEigh he once presented to his coacH re-cently fetched a high price a t an ex-hibit ion in England .

K ! p o k t e a l ? ^ »her guests ||Seager ' "

Art Barlo« Lrf ö state ¡¡prhctory.

TheW. R-C b a t Nov." | | E ÄOLDICS T

So services» ptccoont of t K t t h e F . N


^ J , K i e a r s tun Wilcox

[k guest of hii Mrs. Emilin-

L respited ( kntly. F»1

|arch. Inter page ceirete

HA' J- C-bonk of Fret p week.

Mr. Heath ptofyh last .There will h

it tbe M. m.it. All t


Dated October! 7th, 100? o„ t l , r f H . P H I C B R I C K , A D B I „ H I J ^ E -

t, K. Park

I ' Mrs, Jet He

Wednesi iHtndersor.

¡latter will with her |

Me. The Grangi lugus Grat (day evtl

M. Rockw* [Boston, N.

the ftrae Mrs. Cathe

¡lome last we

NOTICE TO CREDITOR ttoan order of Hba (

. «' Cattaraugus Conni hereby jriven toall Mr»n.h«iinf™ ™ estate of Johh PoulrWi

NOTICE TO CRBDn-OMi »i ® Pursuant to an order of Hon c. 0 ! Surrogate of Cattaraugus County N t ia hereby given to all person, hsvint against the estate of Defionh Whitfotl. the town of East Otto, Cattaiaugm ceased, that they are required 6 nrtSi, with proper voucher! to R. H. Philbrictfc or of I he wiilof said deceased, it h U « ^ the town of East Otto, N. Y., ,(u or IxSffil first day of May, 1904.

Dated Sept. 14th. 1903, g R. H. l'HILBRICK, Eutn j

COUNTY COÜRT—CATTARADÖÜI Coran Meltar B. Jones vs. Jennie'Tbntsi pcmahl and as Executrix of Ihe last Will«ndftÂSB

IM of Hiram Jones, deceased. Wort Ji enee Powers, C. Mend Jones, Gei_ Verna Snyder, Wirt W. Jones, ud AlHe his wife. Ora Jone«, and Maud Jona, UM Charles T. Jones, and Dora Jones, h t t p ! » A: Jones, and Vine Jonesj his «ift, fit*! Jones, and — Jones, his wife her Ma being unknown to this plaintiff, CUn V I _ on, Maurice E. Preiqch and Alfred H, Bdssd surviving partner» of the coM»rtii«ikii 2 George R. Haines, Maurice's. Prrisi ni Alfred H. Haines, Jennie A. Jones, nife u tk plaintiff. •. • - ; w 'fc-"

By virtue of aninterlocutoiyjudgaieiitflia^MKre she Da; granted-in the aben e «slittai action by B o a K K . . S. Thr<tabcr, County A "

Cheap Kates Via Nickel Plate Road.

If you are contempla t ing a t r i p J d rop A.C. t Showat te r ,D. P. A.Nick»l

Pla te , 807 State S t . , Er ie , Pa . a card w h o will c^ll and make all ar-angements . T h i s will insure com-birt and avoid annoyance. 3U30

W. R. CHASE Ticket Agent, Cattaraugus, i j , Y.

,F, H. GARFIELD, Division,Pass. Agt. • Japicstown, N. Y

D. W. COOKE, Gen. Pass,Agt.; New York N Y

. *

A Runaway Bicycle - Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg

of J. B. Qrner, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four y ears. Then Buck1en's Arnica Salve cured. I t 's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Harvey & Maltbie's drug store,

. No Excess Fare

i t charged 011 a n y Nickel P l a t e T r a i n , and t hey ca r ry the finest coaches, P u l l m a n s and dining ca r s se rv ing c lub meals at 35c to $1.00, also meals A la c a r t e - " Always low-est r a tes and best service. A . C. Showal te r , Er ie , Pa ,

For a Bad Cold. - If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflamma-tion of the throat and lungs. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie.

Low Rates for Thanksgiving via Nicke l Pla te Road, for points within 150 miles from,place of. s t a r t ' ing. T icke t s on sale November 25 and 26, good to r e tu rn till Nov. 30, '03, inclusive. See nedrest agent or address A. C S h o w s l t e r , D . P . A . 8 0 7 S t a t e St . , Er ie , Pa. 2 O 7 N - 3 0

Mother Generally Whipped. . — . They are no t exactly bad boys, tion permanent. Business successful and rush- +V,ACO . ITT , TJV-1 '

ing. Standard House,330 Dearborn St.,Chicago. J l n e 8 e : l W 0 m a Certain West Phl la-5«n6 I delphia family, b u t they are invari-

T T a ™ «

d ^ ' t s ' s ^ z ' t ' i i i ^ " i s i f s r i s f ? " 1 i n t e ™ ° -by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin f " , C a u f e d t h e f e w pauses in Ointment. Many very bad cases have hostilities. At any ra te , they are been permanently cured by it. It is r a the r famous in the i r neighbor-equally efficient for itching piles . and a hood favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie.

Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. T'ley are not food but medi-cine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. 25 cents, per package For,sale by Harvey & Maltbie.


F e v e r L r h , Dizzy-Headed, Constipated and full of dull aches and pains ?

V Tafce J A Y N E ' t S S A N A T I V E P I L L S

Colds " I bad a terrible cold and could

nardly breathe. I then tried Aver's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im-mediate relief."

W. C. Layton. Sllell, 111.

H o w w H y c u be tonight: ably. 'F'or i then a cm chitis <ur p at last c C o u g f i r % r w t r y s downward. St0f> downward tend taking Ayer's Chi ny Pec-toral.

Thrts sltts; Kc„ Jfc., $j.»> A)| 4 re | l l l t e i



One day n o t long ago one of t h e neighbors, who is fond of contests of any sort , said, "Edwin , when you and your b ro ther fight so m u c h who generally whips ?"

Edwin gave a l i t t le wriggle, as if in sympathy wf th memories" of re-cent occurrences, and said resign-edly:

"Mother !"—Phi lade lph ia Ledger .

Now He Is a Wiser Dog. There was a dog; I knew him well:

A lively dog was he; His tall was brown, his body black,

As black as black could be. He saw a cat, a pink eyed cat,

A cat with sharp toe naJla ' » -And grayish back anrl spotted legs

And whitest of white tails. , He gave a bark, a nimble Jump

And, like a streak of blue, , Shot through the air as at that cat

The wrathful doggie flew.

The cat it.spat; its back went up; Shrill rang its piercing walls.

Tho fur it flew, the dog life howled, V n d deep the sharp toe naiis-

| Judge oi Cattimi' Canity, and duly entered in the office of lit i clerk of said county on the 1st day of October, 1903.1, the undersigned referee,, will aell i' public Auction to the highest bidder at tbe Ui-office* of Nash, Oakes & Rumsey in the Tfflljt

Jof Cattaraugus, County of Cattanagu. lt. T, On the 14th day of November; jj^'j

at 11 o'clock, A. M„ the following premi*»«» ed by the parties hereto as tenants-lo<oaM| and directed by said judgment tc be iold,tawtt:.

"All that tract or {¡arcel of land, situate latk Village of Cattaraugus, County of Cattura« an4 State of New York, distinguished, u baa a part of lot number 22; town 4, range 8, of the Holland Land Company's Surrey, bow follows: North by lands owned bj J< Plumb, 18 chains jo links, East by a lini to the highway at thè distance 0- IS chains JO links East therefrom 8 chains 72 Uniti,SoottW; a line parallel to tbe North bounds it tie» tance of 8 chains «5 links South therefrom,»«* by the centre of the hi ¡hway S chalni » containing 16 acre» of land. ALÌO «11 that » tain other tract or parcel of landdtuate « ¡ I Village, County and State aforeuid, and diati»-guished as being a part of lot nnmber u, tm 4, range 8, of the Hollani Laud Companj i»» vey, bounded North by.fcIffle parallel m» Ncrth bounds of »aid lot huihber toand JeWl 52 links South therefrom «6 chains4oUiiWWj-hy the highway leading from Cattai«». Southerly to New Albion 7 15 ''""-"fli by a line parallel to the North boondi u j chains 9 links distant theretrom a7 cw«i links. East by a creek sometime» c a m ® "Little Valley Creek," oontainidg 13.« more or iess: Exctlm NO and reierri»( from the lauda noW included in tue Hark Cemetery, the lands conwjred W Melzar Tones; severally, to Sonata l'-Alexander Dawson, and Elleiy Tait. ,

Dated October 1st, 190J. N. M NASH. OAKÌS & ROMBBY, K B m Q

Plaintiff's Attorneys, ; Cattaraugus,N.V.

Indigestion CaùM»! C a t a r r h O f W »

S t o m a c h .

| k two mont tester Pari Dday andV

The Ladies lory Full Do.

Jiss Annie yton over i

fc Compatì


thè Hlda and tore tile

Coniult yoir doctor. If ba Mrs take It than do a» ba aar». If he tel f. ÎÏ5 - S to take it, than din't Ukolt HekSoIv Laave li with him. We »"MjìllSe W'-' A T K B LoV.il. la...


v Plowed through — nose '—

And scratched that canine's ey« Till.With a hpwl- the' dog- turned round

And back nprnln ilia ftji And now he is a wiser dog,

And cats he doth eschew; He'll never try again, I think, A pussy cat to chew. '

—Ernest McNeill!

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