video steganography ppt

STEGANOGRAPHY 1. Vijay S. Kakade. 2. Sanjeevani S. Ingle. 3. Kavita V. Sonavale. Presented by:

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Carrier file : any type of video filePopularity of sending & receiving files over network.It is concerned with embedding information in an innocuous cover media in a secure and robust manner.


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STEGANOGRAPHY1. Vijay S. Kakade.2. Sanjeevani S. Ingle.3. Kavita V. Sonavale.Presented by:

Stegosaurus: a covered lizard(but not a type of cryptography)What is Steganography?

Greek Words:STEGANOS CoveredGRAPHIE WritingSteganography is the art andscience of writing hidden messagesin such a way that no one apartfrom the intended recipient knowsof the existence of the message.

This can be achieved by concealingthe existence of information withinseemingly harmless carriers orcover

Carrier: text, image, video, audio,etc.

Types of Steganography

Classification is based on type of cover medium used.

Audio Steganography

Carrier file : any type of audio file

Recipient decodes information by using easily.

Data hiding process consists of following two steps

i. Identification of redundant bits in a cover-file

ii. To embed the secret information in the cover file

Video Steganography

Carrier file : any type of video filePopularity of sending & receiving files over network.It is concerned with embedding information in an innocuouscover media in a secure and robust manner.

Use of Steganography

Secure data transmission over the network

Offer deniable storage of information

To store information on desired locationbanking informationsome military secrets

Used to implement watermarking

Provides a secure yet simple interface for hiding information


Existing System

Existing System of Audio

i. Phase coding

ii. Parity coding

DisadvantagesSelection of audio formats is restricted to onemessage length is restricted to 500 charactersLack in good user interfaceConsume much time to encode and decodeUser needs to understand better to know the operations

Existing System continued..

Existing System Of video

Embed hidden messages in multimedia objects

DisadvantagesLack of good user interface.Non-provision of choosing the key.More encode-decode time consumption.Unavailability of programs for particular operating system.

Problem Statement


Digital media can be transmitted conveniently over thenetwork.

For hiding secret information in audio and video thereexists a large variety of steganography techniques someare more complex than others and all of them haverespective strong and weak points.

So we prepare this application, to make the informationhiding simpler and user friendly.

Scope of Project

Scope of the project is implementation of steganographytools for hiding information includes any type of informationfile within another file

Provide better security when transmitting or transferring thedata or messages from one end to another

Provide confidentiality and data integrity which requires toprotect against unauthorized access and use

Proposed System

Least Significant bit (LSB) ModificationMethod

Modifications are made to the least significant bits of thecarrier files individual pixels

Example of LSB substitution

(00100111 11101001 11001000)

(00100111 11001000 11101001)

(11001000 00100111 11101001)

Letter 'A' is represented in ASCII format as the binary string10000011

(00100111 11101000 11001000)

(00100110 11001000 11101000)

(11001001 00100111 11101001)Advantages9

Proposed system of Audio

Least Significant Bit (LSB) coding method is the simplestway to embed secret information in a digital audio file byreplacing the least significant bit of audio file with a binarymessage.

Advantages over existing system.

Proposed system of Video

Hiding data in the video image, retrieving the hidden datafrom the video using LSB modification method

Advantage over Existing system

LSB coding method is a very high watermark channel bit rateand a low computational complexity10

SAMPLE OUTPUT11Steganography- Select Text file and Audio file

SAMPLE OUTPUT12Steganography- Select Text file and Video file

Design DetailsBasic Architecture