
Updated 22 April 2015 Photo: WienTourismus/Christian Stemper Vienna in collaboration with Vienna Tourist Board Wien Tourismus / Christian Stemper WienTourismus/Christian Stemper WienTourismus/Christian Stemper Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria. Rich in examples of architecture including Baroque castles, gardens, and the Ringstrasse lined with parks, monuments and grand buildings. Art and culture are embedded in the soul of Vienna, with theater, opera, and fine arts on offer. Vienna is one of the few capitals of the world with its own vineyards and Viennese cafés have an extremely long and distinguished history that dates back centuries. Come and experience all that Vienna has to offer. Top 5 Schönbrunn Palace A visit to Vienna’s most famous palace is a must for art lovers. The imperia... The Prater & Giant Ferris ... The Vienna Prater is an amusement park for many, place of nostalgic dreams f... St. Stephen’s Cathedral The religious – and secretly also the geographical – center of Vienna is St.... Museums Quartier Vienna’s Museums Quartier (MQ) is one of the ten largest cultural districts ... Museum of Fine Arts Vienna... Emperor Franz Joseph constructed the Vienna Museum of Fine Arts for the impe...

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Vienna Tourist Guide


  • Updated 22 April 2015

    Photo: WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

    Viennain collaboration with Vienna Tourist Board

    Wien Tourismus / Christian Stemper

    WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

    WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

    Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria. Rich in examples of architecture includingBaroque castles, gardens, and the Ringstrasse lined with parks, monuments and grand buildings.

    Art and culture are embedded in the soul of Vienna, with theater, opera, and fine arts on offer.

    Vienna is one of the few capitals of the world with its own vineyards and Viennese cafs have anextremely long and distinguished history that dates back centuries. Come and experience all thatVienna has to offer.

    Top 5

    Schnbrunn PalaceA visit to Viennas most famous palaceis a must for art lovers. The imperia...

    The Prater & Giant Ferris ...The Vienna Prater is an amusementpark for many, place of nostalgicdreams f...St. Stephens CathedralThe religious and secretly also thegeographical center of Vienna is St....

    Museums QuartierViennas Museums Quartier (MQ) isone of the ten largest cultural districts...Museum of Fine Arts Vienna...Emperor Franz Joseph constructed theVienna Museum of Fine Arts for theimpe...

  • TOP 5

    Wien Tourismus / Christian Stemper

    Vienna is old, Vienna is new and so varied: from the magnicent Baroque buildings andgolden Art Nouveau tothe latest architecture. Vienna is a city of beauty and artnot just because of the many buildings from the imperialage there are the museums, collections and artworks ofworld-class renown. The city draws tourists with itsdynamic mix of an imperial-nostalgic air and anextremely creative cultural scene.Schnbrunn Palace

    A visit to Viennas mostfamous palace is a must forart lovers. The imperial familyinhabited 1,441 rooms atSchnbrunn you can stilladmire many of them today. In

    the Palace Gardens, architectural treasures await you, such as the Palm House and the Zoo, which has beennamed best zoo in Europe three times now. No wonder its the visitors who now stand in the former lion cageswhile the animals romp around in modern enclosures. TheBaroque building structures have been preserved withViennese Charm and nesse. This, the oldest zoo in theworld, which is especially successful at breeding elephantsand panda bears, was built in 1752 by the husband ofMaria Theresa, Emperor Franz I. More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Willfried Gredler-Oxenbauer

    Address: Schnbrunner Schlostrae 47, district 13, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4 (Schnbrunn)Opening hours: Daily from 8.30 am to 5 pmPhone: +43 1 8111 3 239Internet: www.schoenbrunn.atEmail: [email protected]

    The Prater & Giant Ferris WheelThe Vienna Prater is anamusement park for many,place of nostalgic dreams forsome, oasis of greenery foralmost everyone and thelocation of the Giant Ferris

    Wheel, one of Viennas most famous symbols. The Prater is open from March to October. But the world-famousGiant Ferris Wheel and a few other attractions are openyear-round. More information Vienna Tourist Board / Claudio AlessandriAddress: Prater, district 2, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2 (Praterstern)Opening hours: Giant Ferris Wheel: open daily from 10 am to 8 pm, Prater: open daily from March until October from 10 am to 1 amInternet:

    St. Stephens CathedralThe religious and secretlyalso the geographical centerof Vienna is St. Stephen'sCathedral. When thePummerin the largest bell inAustria rings on New Years

    Eve, it is even broadcast on TV. More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Stephansplatz 3, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U3 (Stephansplatz)Opening hours: Open daily from 7 am to 10 pmInternet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Museums QuartierViennas Museums Quartier(MQ) is one of the ten largestcultural districts in the world.At the edge of the Old City, inthe former imperial stables, itunites facilities highlighting

    dierent elds of art with restaurants, coeehouses and shops in an area of 60,000 square meters with acombination of Baroque buildings and modernarchitecture. This has created a colorful and diverse localscene against the backdrop of signicant museums andcollections. After viewing works by Schiele, drop by CafLeopold, which inspires with its own DJ line-up on severalevenings a week. In Caf.Restaurant HALLE, you can takea look at the furnishings from Viennas trendy bardesigners, Eichinger and Knechtl. The MQ invites you tostop by for a short break. The hustle and bustle on thelarge square can be best followed from here. Moreinformation on Vienna Tourist Board / Popp & HacknerAddress: Museumsplatz 1, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 ( Volkstheater or Museumsquartier), U3 (Volkstheater), Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)Internet:

    Museum of Fine Arts Vienna (KHM)Emperor Franz Josephconstructed the ViennaMuseum of Fine Arts for theimperial collections and withits treasures it now ranks asone of the most important

    museums in the world. Objects from ve centuries from ancient Egypt and ancient Greece to the end of the 18thcentury are evidence of the Habsburg emperors andarchdukes passion for collecting. Here you can admireextraordinary artworks by Rubens, Rembrandt, Raphael,Vermeer, Velzquez, Titian and Drer, to say nothing of the

    largest Bruegel collection in the world.Gustav Klimt, incollaboration with his brother Ernst and Franz Matsch,created a series of paintings housed in the magnicentstaircase at a height of twelve meters above themuseums lobby, embedded between the columns andarcades. A cafe can be found in the spectacular domedhall.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Maria-Theresien-Platz, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 (Volkstheater); Tram: D, 1, 2 (Volkstheater); Bus: 2A and 57AOpening hours: Tue Sun, from 10 am to 6 pm and Thu, from 10 am to 9 pmPhone: +43 1 5252 40Tickets: Adults: 14, Children and teens under 19: freeInternet: www.khm.atEmail: [email protected] Info: Admission till half an hour before closing time


    Wien Tourismus / Karl Thomas

    The attitude towards life that tourists look for nowadays isconveyed by the juxtaposition of the traditional, such asthe coee house and wine tavern that radiate Viennassense of appreciative serenity, and the cutting edge, suchas internationally renowned events, from the Life Ball tothe festival for electronic music. All of this provides anextraordinarily packed program of events the whole yearround, and makes the city one of the leading centers ofentertainment and culture in Europe.More information on

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Vienna FestivalFrom 14 May, the Vienna Festival will be showing ve weeks of contemporary stage art: 39 productions from 20countries, from drama to dance and opera, accompaniedby a series of concerts in the Vienna Konzerthaus.This year, the opening of the Vienna Festival takes place as part of the Summer Nights Concert by the ViennaPhilharmonic in Schnbrunn on 14 May. The free open-airconcert has delighted thousands of people year after yearand is broadcast around the world. Conducting this year isZubin Mehta, with pianist Rudolf Buchbinder as soloist.

    More information on hours: From 14.5. bis 21.6.2015: at dierent locationsInternet:

    Eurovision Song Contest 2015The decision has been made:The 60th Eurovision SongContest will be held in theVienna Stadthalle from 19 to23 May 2015. The twosemi-nals will take to the

    stage on Tuesday, 19 and Thursday, 21 May. The grand nal will be held on Saturday, 23 May 2015.Photo: ORF/Ali SchaerPublic Transport: Underground: U6 (Burggasse-Stadthalle/Urban Loritz-Platz), U3 (Schweglerstrae), Tram: 6, 9, 18, 49(Urban-Loritz-Platz), Bus: 48A (Urban-Loritz-Platz)Opening hours: 19th to 23rd of MayInternet: [email protected]

    Rock in ViennaViennas newest, 3-day rockfestival, with top actsincluding Metallica, Kiss andMuse on the Danube IslandBands on stage: MUSE,METALLICA & KISS, Incubus,

    Limp Bizkit, The Hives, Faith No More, Heaven Shall Burn, A Day To Remember, Within Temptation, Airbourne, Opeth,Testament, Body Count FT Ice-T, Broilers, Arcane Roots,Bonaparte, Gojira, Saint Vitus, Triggernger and manymore

    More information: Blue Moon EntertainmentAddress: Danube Isalnd, 1220 WienPublic Transport: Train: S1, S2, S3, S45 Handelskai, Subway: U1 Reichsbrcke U6 Handelskai, Tram: 31 Floridsdorfer Brcke, 33 FriedrichEngels Platz, Bus: 11A Handelskai, 23A Kagraner PlatzOpening hours: 4 - 6 June 2015Internet:

    Danube Island Festival 2015Europes biggest open-airevent attracts around threemillion visitors to ViennasDanube Island each year. Forthree days in june there will becabaret, great food, sports, a

    childrens program and, of course, numerous pop concerts.

    During a period of 600 hours, 2000 performers will present a program. There will be entertainment for all agesand all tastes, and, of course, a huge number of stands toensure that no one goes hungry.

    More info:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Photo: WienTourismus/Karl ThomasAddress: Danube Island, 1220 WienPublic Transport: Train: S1, S2, S3, S45 Handelskai, Subway: U1 Reichsbrcke U6 Handelskai, Tram: 31 Floridsdorfer Brcke, 33 FriedrichEngels Platz, Bus: 11A Handelskai, 23A Kagraner PlatzOpening hours: June 26 - 28Internet:

    Life Ball 2015Fighting AIDS & CelebratingLife The Life Ball is one of thebiggest AIDS charity events inthe world and aninternationally unique ball. TheLife Ball is an exuberant

    festivity with extraordinary performances that year after year celebrates life and makes a loud and soundingstatement in the ght against HIV and AIDS resoundingfar across the boundaries of Vienna and Austria. This waythe event sets an example of tolerance and sends thesignals of solidarity to society and the whole world.

    More info: WienTourismusAddress: Rathausplatz, 1010 WienPublic Transport: Underground: U2 RathausOpening hours: 16 May 2015Internet:

    Opera live on the SquareOpera and ballet can also befollowed outside the ViennaState Opera live on a videowall. From March to June andin September, fans enjoyrst-class performances on

    Karajan-Platz in the open air and for free.

    More info here: Wiener Staatsoper / Michael Phn

    Address: Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) Opernring 2, 1010 ViennaOpening hours: March - September 2015Internet:

    Genussfestival 2015At the beginning of May, theVienna Stadtpark will beturned into a place ofepicurean delights: The"Genussfestival" will be ashowcase for select culinary

    specialties from Austria.

    More info here: Stadtpark, Parkring, 1010 WienPublic Transport: Underground: U4 StadtparkOpening hours: 8 - 10 May 2015Internet:

    Donaukanaltreiben 2015This three-day music andculture festival will draw about30,000 guests to the DanubeCanal again in 29 - 31 May2015. The inner-city waterwayis a popular recreational area

    and an annual venue for numerous live concerts by Austrian indie bands.

    More info here: sterreich Werbung, Fotograf: Volker PreusserAddress: Danube Canal Promenade from the Spittelau to the Franzensbrcke, 1010 ViennaOpening hours: 29 - 31 May 2015Internet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Vienna Pride & Rainbow Parade 2015Vienna Pride and RainbowParade are the highlights ofthe gay and lesbian year inVienna. The "Pride Village" willbe constructed on City HallSquare this time around: a

    tent city in the middle of town, oering a mix of culture, show, food and information. The Rainbow Parade will makeits way around the entire ring road and sends out a signalagainst discrimination. After the nal meeting at the CityHall Square the party will go on in Viennas nightclubs intothe early morning hours.

    More info: Robert OsmarkAddress: Vienna Pride: City Hall Square (Rathausplatz) 1010 Wien / Rainbow Parade: University, Universittsring 1, 1010 WienOpening hours: Vienna Pride: 18 - 21 June 2015 / Rainbow Parade: 20 June 2015Internet: /

    Vienna Jazz FestivalThe Vienna Jazz Festival is axed point on the annualfestival circuit. It has beenoering more than theeponymous cool sound for along time. Visitors can also

    enjoy soul, funk, reggae and ethnic music all at top venues in Vienna.

    More info here: Various venuesOpening hours: 29 June - 8 August 2015Internet:

    Summer Night Concert the ViennaPhilharmonic

    On 14 May, the ViennaPhilharmonic, conductor ZubinMehta and pianist RudolfBuchbinder invite you to enjoymusical delights in the park ofSchnbrunn Palace.

    Admission is free!

    At the Summer Night Concert, the Vienna Philharmonic play open-air in the park of Schnbrunn Palace and to thefamiliar high standard. What is unusual is that they playthis concert, held each year since 2004, with freeadmission: it is a way for the famous ensemble to givearound 100,000 visitors and the global TV audience aspecial experience.

    More info: Schnbrunn Palace park, between Schnbrunn Palace and the Neptune Fountain.Public Transport: U4 Hietzing or Schnbrunn stationOpening hours: 14 May 2015, 8.15 pmInternet:

    Pop meets Opera: Matinee with PlacidoDomingo and Conchita Wurst

    Viennas famous opera houseinvites visitors to a veryspecial matine in line withthe Song Contest motto"Building Bridges" on Sunday,17 May, at 12.00 noon. Artists

    will build bridges between the various musical cultures both with their music and in talks. Pop meets opera.

    On stage will be opera stars such as Plcido Domingo andJuan Diego Flrez, the ensemble "The Philharmonics"(musicians of the State Opera orchestra/ViennaPhilharmonic), last years Song Contest winner Conchita

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Wurst and ESC candidates from various participatingcountries. Barbara Rett moderates.

    More info: Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) Opernring 2, 1010 WienOpening hours: 17 May 2015, 12.00 noon to 1.15 pmInternet:

    ModepalastFor the Modepalast eventfrom 8 to 10 May, theKnstlerhaus transforms intoa temporary boutique. Around100 Austrian and internationalexhibitors present fashion,

    jewelry and accessories.

    More than 10,000 visitors come to the Modepalast each year. This year, the popular sales exhibition is being held inthe Knstlerhaus on Karlsplatz from 8 to 10 May. TheModepalast oers jewelry, accessories and wearablefashion for all generations, ranging from street wear tourban couture and high fashion. Highly promising youngdesigners are represented there, as are established labels.All providers stand for individual design pieces of thehighest quality.

    There's a big focus on Green Fashion again this year. There is also a panel discussion and a show act on thistopic. Poland is the guest country this year. A shoe loungewill also be available in 2015 for the rst time.

    More info: hours: 8-10 May 2015: Fr 2.00 pm - 10.00 pm, Sa 11.00 am - 8.00 pm, Su 11.00 am - 6.00 pmInternet:

    Summer at the MuseumsQuartier ViennaMQW is the newest trendysummer hangout. In additionto enjoying art and culture,kick back in this relaxingspace oering boules (bocce)games, restaurants with

    outdoor seating, cool sounds, and stylish outdoor furniture.

    More info: Museumsplatz 1, 1070 WienOpening hours: May to September 2015Internet:

    Fte Impriale 2015Fte Impriale 2015 SummerBall at the Spanish RidingSchool The Motto dancingbeneath the stars in order toenable the Lipizzaners tocontinue dancing attains a

    very special distinction in the anniversary year of 2015.

    The tradition of hosting big social events in the Winter Riding School, which was designed 280 years ago byJosef Emanuel Fischer von Erlach, began already withempress Maria Theresia and her ladies tournaments.Since 2010, this ball tradition is being celebrated once ayear with the Fte Impriale. The net proceeds of the ballfund those research projects that are necessary to ensurethe preservation of the oldest cultural breed in Europe, theLipizzaner. Up to 3.000 guests come and dance everyyear at the Fte Impriale. In 2015, the 450th anniversaryof the Spanish Riding School will take centre stage.Address: Michaelerplatz 1, 1010 WienOpening hours: Fri. 26 Jun 2015Internet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • DO & SEE

    Wien Tourismus / Lois Lammerhuber

    Vienna has over 100 museums, great architecture in harmony between old and new design, 280 parks andgardens with over 400 species of roses during spring inVolksgarten.Secession

    Featuring a golden domedecorated with laurels, this ArtNouveau exhibition buildingwas constructed in 1897/98by Joseph Maria Olbriach, astudent of Otto Wagner, and is

    one of the most famous structures in Vienna. The Beethoven Frieze created by Gustav Klimt in 1902 is onpermanent display on the lower level. Rotating exhibitionsfeature contemporary art.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Claudio AlessandriAddress: Friedrichstrae 12, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz)Opening hours: Tue to Sun from 10 am to 6 pmPhone: +43 1 5875 307Internet: www.secession.atEmail: [email protected]

    Belvedere PalaceWith its magnicent gardens,this former residence ofPrince Eugen von Savoyen isone of the most beautifulBaroque ensembles in theworld and a UNESCO World

    Heritage Site. The Upper Belvedere houses the worlds largest collection of paintings by Klimt, including the ArtNouveau icons The Kiss and Judith. It also containsmasterpieces by Schiele, Kokoschka, Waldmller, Renoir,Monet and Van Gogh as well as important collections ofworks from the 19th and 20th centuries, the Baroque andthe Middle Ages. Top-quality special exhibitions are put onin the Lower Belvedere and Orangery. And the exquisiteBaroque garden between the two palaces oers anextraordinary view of Vienna.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Herta HurnausAddress: Prinz-Eugen-Strae 27, district 3, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 (Sdtirolerplatz); Tram: D (Schloss Belvedere), 18, O (Quartier Belvedere); Bus: 69A (Quartier Belvedere)Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 6 pmPhone: +43 1 7955 7134Internet: www.belvedere.atEmail: [email protected]

    Spanish Riding SchoolFounded in 1572, the SpanishRiding School has put onperformances in the BaroqueWinter Riding School since1735. These shows representthe highest form of equestrian

    art. The Spanish Riding School in Vienna is the only institution in the world at which the classic equestrian artof the High School has been preserved and practicedunchanged since the Renaissance. At the gala shows,visitors can enjoy unique presentations by the Lipizzanerhorses in the most beautiful riding hall in the world. The

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • morning session oers an insight into the years of trainingthat the riders and their Lipizzaners go through.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Lois LammerhuberAddress: Michaelerplatz 1, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 (Karlsplatz or Stephansplatz), U2, U4 (Karlsplatz), U3 (Herrengasse); Bus: 2A and 3A (Michaelerplatz); Tram: 1,2, D (Krntner Ring, Oper or Burgring), 62 (Krntner Ring)Opening hours: Mon to Sun from 9 am to 4 pm and Fri, when there is a performance from 9 am to 7 pmPhone: +43 1 5339 031Internet:

    Wien MuseumThis museum presents Viennas 2000-year history, from the Imperium Romanum to the residence of the Dukes ofBabenberg and the 640 years of Habsburg rule to thepresent. The history of the construction of St. Stephen'sCathedral, detailed city views and furnishings from theBiedermeier era as well as magnicent paintings fromartists such as Makart, Klimt and Schiele illustrate Viennascultural heritage. The Wien Museum also has an exceptional Klimt collection that includes the worlds largest collection of hisdrawings, comprising absolute masterpieces, sketchesand preliminary outlines dating from all stages of hiscreative life.More information on Karlsplatz, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz)Opening hours: Tue to Sun and public holidays from10 am to 6 pmPhone: +43 1 5058 747Tickets: Adults: 8, For visitors younger than 19 years: freeInternet: www.wienmuseum.atMore Info: Every rst Sunday of the month free entry for all visitors

    Leopold MuseumWith its 41 paintings and 188works on paper, the LeopoldMuseum in ViennasMuseumsQuartier has theworlds largest and mostsignicant collection of works

    by Egon Schiele. The comprehensive collection Vienna 1900 and Art Nouveau is another highlight of the LeopoldMuseum. The paintings by Schieles mentor and paternalfriend Gustav Klimt are especially noteworthy. A programof special exhibitions also presents large-scale shows ofwork by internationally famous artists. The oer is roundedo by a well-curated museum and a cafe with a patio thataords a view of the main courtyard of theMuseumsQuartier.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Museumsplatz 1, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 (Volkstheater or Museumsquartier); Tram: 1, 2, D (Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring)Opening hours: Daily except Tue from 10 am to 6pm, Thu from 10 am to 9 pm, closed on TuePhone: +43 1 5257 00Tickets: Adults: 12Internet: www.leopoldmuseum.orgEmail: [email protected] Info: June, July, August: Open daily!

    MAK - Austrian Museum of AppliedArts/Contemporary Art

    As the home of the WienerWerksttte archives, the MAKAustrian Museum of AppliedArts/Contemporary Art isunique in its ability torepresent the history and

    signicance of the Wiener Werksttte. The archive, which was donated to the MAK (Austrian Museum of AppliedArts) in 1955 by its last owner, Alfred Hofmann, comprisesabout 16,000 design drawings, including 5,500 from

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Josef Homann, about 20,000 fabric samples, posters,postcard designs, model books, photo albums andbusiness correspondence. One of the highlights of theMAKs collection is Gustav Klimts nine-part workingdrawings for the mosaic frieze (around 1910) in the diningroom of the Palais Stoclet in Brussels, which was designedby Josef Homann. After a restoration process that tookseveral years, this has again been on permanent display inthe MAK as of 2012. The Palais Stoclet, which isconsidered one of the Wiener Werkstttes most importantworks, was commissioned by Adolphe Stoclet and built inthe Avenue de Tervuren from 1906-1911. It most clearlysymbolizes the utopia of the Gesamtkunstwerk, one of themain concepts behind the Wiener Werksttte.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Lois LammerhuberAddress: Stubenring 5, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Stubentor), U4 (Landstrae); Tram: 2(Stubentor); Bus: 1A and 74AStubentorOpening hours: Tue from 10 am to 10 pm, Wed to Sun from 10 am to 6 pm, Mon closedPhone: +43 1 7113 60Tickets: Adults: 7,50 Internet: www.mak.atMore Info: Free Admission on Tuesdays from 6 pm to 10 pm

    Kunst Haus WienFriedensreich Hundertwassercreated the Kunst Haus Wienwith colorful tiles, tilted wallsand uneven oors. Colorfulsurfaces and irregular shapes,often overgrown with rampant

    green, are waiting for you. Multi-colored surfaces, irregular shapes, often overgrown with rampant green: This washow the painter not only added new momentum toViennas architecture but also established an exhibitioncenter that shows Hundertwassers works along withrotating exhibitions of exciting contemporary art. Theground oor also contains a cafe/restaurant and a shop.

    More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Untere Weigerberstrae 13, district 3, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U4 (Schwedenplatz), continue on tram 1 (direction: "Prater Hauptallee") to Radetzkyplatz or U3, U4(Landstrasse/Wien Mitte), continue on tram O (direction: "Praterstern") toRadetzkyplatzOpening hours: Daily from 10 am to 7 pmPhone: +43 1 7120 491Internet: www.kunsthauswien.comEmail: [email protected]

    AlbertinaThe Albertina, the Habsburgsenormous collection ofgraphic arts, houses works byDrer and Rubens along withmasterpieces by Schiele,Czanne, Klimt, Kokoschka,

    Picasso and Rauschenberg. The show Masterworks of Modernism: The Batliner Collection is especiallyrecommended. It illustrates the progression from Monetand Picasso to Gerhard Richter and Georg Baselitz andpresents highlights from the last 130 years of art history.The Albertina also has a collection of architectural worksand photos (including Helmut Newton and Lisette Modelamong others), which are on display in special exhibitions.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Lois LammerhuberAddress: Albertinaplatz 1, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2, D, 62, 65 (Staatsoper/Krntner Ring); Bus: 3A (Albertina)Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 6 pm, Wed from 10 am to 9 pmPhone: +43 1 5348 30Tickets: Adults: 11,90Internet: www.albertina.atEmail: [email protected]

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Mumok - Museum of Modern Art LudwigFoundation Vienna

    The basalt stone building letsvisitors experience art fromthe 20th century through tothe present day. The collectionis shown via changing exhibitsof everything from classic

    modern art to the essential artistic genres of the 1960s and 1970s (Pop Art, Fluxus, Nouveau Ralisme, MinimalArt, Conceptual Art and Viennese Actionism) right up tocurrent art pieces from the worlds of lm, photographyand video. Since 2011, a cinema has also been housed inthe 4,800 m building. It was designed by the artist HeimoZobernig and presents the many connections betweenthe visual arts and lm.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Museumsplatz 1, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 (Volkstheater), U2 (Museumsquartier); Bus: 48A and 2A; Tram: 49Opening hours: Mon from 2 am to 7 pm, Tue to Sun from 10 am to 7 pm,Thu from 10 am to 9 pmPhone: +43 1 5250 00Tickets: Normal: 10Internet: www.mumok.atEmail: [email protected]

    KunsthalleThe Kunsthalle displaysinternational contemporaryart. Located in theMuseumsQuartier and onKarlsplatz, it presentsexhibitions focused primarily

    on photography, video, lm, installation and new media. Themed exhibits convey developments and relationshipsfrom the modern era up to todays art scene. If you aretravelling to Vienna and are interested in art, a visit to theKunsthalle Wien should denitely be part of your plans.Kunsthalle Wien on Karlsplatz calls itself the exible and

    experimental outdoor exhibition site. The glass cube byAdolf Krischanitz presents art as if it were in a displaycase, allowing a completely unique form of presentation.The cafe with its huge terrace invites visitors to stay awhile after enjoying the art on display.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Philipp HorakAddress: Museumsplatz 1, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 ( Volkstheater or Museumsquartier), U3 (Volkstheater), Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 7 pm, Thu from 10 am to 9 pmPhone: +43 1 5218 90Tickets: Adults: 8Internet:

    Vienna Boys' ChoirThey thrill the concert-goingpublic around the world, aredescribed as Viennasyoungest ambassadors andmake music with world classmusicians. In Vienna, they

    regularly appear in the Chapel of the Imperial Palace and in their own new concert hall "MuTh, which was opened in2012 and is located in the Augarten, right near theirhome in the Palais Augarten. The hall is tted with all thelatest sophisticated equipment and has space for 380audience members. The hall is used as a rehearsal andperformance venue for the Vienna Boys' Choir and as acenter for music and theater for other children and youngpeople. Collaborations are planned with establishedfestivals, the Konzerthaus, the Vienna State Opera, Theateran der Wien and similar establishments.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Lukas BeckAddress: Obere Augartenstrae 1c, district 2, ViennaInternet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • House of the SeaSchools of yellow, red andblue sh, green mambas andsharks: over 10,000 animalsfrom every continent live inthe aquariums, terrariums andthe 20-meter-high tropical

    house with a waterfall, suspension bridge and mangrove landscape. The tropical house and Krokipark (crocodilepark) also include free-ying birds as well as monkeys andcrocodiles roaming freely. The terrarium houses poisonousand giant snakes, lizards, leaf-cutting ants and tarantulas.Another highlight since September 2013 is the150,000-liter tank for the hammerhead sharks on thetenth oor of the former anti-aircraft tower. And a cafe onthe 11th oor, which also opened at the same time,provides visitors with a breathtaking view of Vienna. TheHouse of the Sea is housed in one of Viennas sixmonumental anti-aircraft towers from the Second WorldWar.More information on Vienna Tourist BoardAddress: Fritz-Grnbaum-Platz 1 (Esterhzypark), district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Neubaugasse); Bus: 13A, 14A, 57A (Haus des Meeres)Opening hours: Daily from 9 am to 6 pm, Thu from 9 am to 9 pmPhone: +43 1 5871 417Tickets: Adults: 14,90Internet: [email protected] Info: Last entrance 30 minutes before closing time

    House of MusicThe House of Music is amulti-media world ofexperience. Six oors inviteyou into the world of soundand noise phenomena.Experimentation is called for

    here: visitors paint sounds with their ngers and direct the

    Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The worlds most famousorchestra is presented here from the time that it wasfounded right up to the present day. The acoustic journeyranges from pre-natal hearing experiences to thedevelopment of the human ear and the rst musicalinstruments right through to the sounds of the Cosmos.Geniuses such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and JohannStrauss are presented with original music scores,programs, costumes and personal items. On the top oorof the Sound Museum, the Restaurant Huth oers neAustrian cuisine with a wonderful view over the rooftops ofVienna. The cafe-bar on the ground oor pampers withsnacks for in between meals.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Ronja SprangerAddress: Seilersttte 30, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 (Karlsplatz or Stephansplatz), U2, U4 (Karlsplatz), U3 (Stephansplatz); Tram: 2, D and J (Oper)Opening hours: Open daily from 10 am to 10 pmPhone: +43 1 5134 850Tickets: Adults: 12Internet: www.hausdermusik.atEmail: [email protected]

    Danube TowerThe Danube Tower oers anunforgettable view of ViennasDanube landscape, the OldCity and the Vienna Woodsfrom a height of up to 170meters. The two express

    elevators take visitors to the viewing terrace and the two revolving cafe/restaurants in just 35 seconds. The DanubeTower also attracts visitors with its breathtaking bungeejumping. The Danube Tower was built in 1964 for theVienna International Garden Festival, which is rememberedtoday in the Danube Park. Large meadows, extensivejogging paths, childrens play areas and owerbeds oer arelaxing space for visitors.More information on

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • /from-a-to-f/danube-towerPhoto: Vienna Tourist Board / Popp & HacknerAddress: Donauturmstrae 4, 22 district, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 Kaisermhlen (VIC)Opening hours: Mon to Sun from 10 am to midnight, last drive-up at 11:30 pmPhone: +43 1 2633 572Tickets: Adults: 7,40, Children: 5,20Internet: www.donauturm.atEmail: [email protected]

    The Imperial PalaceThe Imperial Palace was theresidence of the Habsburgemperor until 1918. From the13th century until just beforethe end of the monarchy, thearea was tted out in its

    imperial splendor in its present-day size. The original gothic building around todays Schweizerhof was extendedon a continuous basis, resulting in an expansive buildingcomplex formed of dierent sections, which contributes anessential character to the appearance of Vienna's OldCity. Europes largest imperial cultural complex todayhouses more than two dozen collections of internationalstanding, including the Austrian National Library(, Weltmuseum (world museum) and theImperial Treasury (, the Imperial SilverCollection, the Imperial Apartments and the Sisi Museum( as well as the Spanish RidingSchool ( information on Vienna Tourist Board / Lois LammerhuberAddress: Heldenplatz, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U3 (Stephansplatz), U3 (Herrengasse), U2, U3 (Volkstheater); Bus 48A (Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring),57A (Burgring); Tram: D, 1, 2 (Burgring)Opening hours: September to June from 9 am to 5.30 pm, July and August from 9 am to 6 pmPhone: +43 1 5337 570Tickets: Adults: 11,50, Children: 7,00

    Internet: www.hofburg-wien.atEmail: [email protected]

    St. Charles ChurchA striking sacred building witha large cupola, and the lastgreat work of Baroque cityarchitect Johann BernhardFischer von Erlach. St. CharlesChurch in the 4th district is a

    European Baroque masterpiece, with a symbolic design which documents the Habsburg claim to the entire empirewith its use of classical architectural elements.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Kreuzherrengasse 1, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz)Opening hours: Mon to Sat from 9 am to 1.30 pm and from 1 pm to 6 pm, Sun from 12 pm to 6 pmTickets: Adults: 8Internet: www.karlskirche.atEmail: [email protected]

    Central CemeteryThe second largest cemeteryin Europe is home to graves ofnumerous celebrities - fromAustria's Federal President toartists such as Beethoven,Strauss and Falco The

    multi-denominational cemetery represents a unique park landscape. The Funeral Museum, where you can learn lotsof interesting facts about the funeral ceremony in Viennathen and now, is also located at the Central Cemetery.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Ronja SprangerAddress: Simmeringer Hauptstrae 234, district 11, ViennaPublic Transport: Tram: 6, 71 (Zentralfriedhof)Opening hours: November to February from 8 am to 5 pm, March and

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • October from 7 am to 6 pm, April to September from 7am to 7 pmInternet:

    Museum of Natural HistoryTwo museum buildingsemerged from theconstruction of Vienna'sRingstrasse as monuments tothe imperial collections, theMuseum of Fine Arts and the

    Museum of Natural History. Embark on a journey through the breath-taking diversity of the natural world: frominsects to precious stones and minerals to yingdinosaurs, you will experience fascinating insights into thehistory of our planet at this museum near the ImperialPalace. Numerous stued specimens of extinct species orspecies under serious threat make this an invaluablecollection. From the rooftop, where guided tours areoered regularly, you have the best view over Vienna'sInner City and the Ringstrasse.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Maria-Theresien-Platz, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 (Volkstheater)Tram: 1, 2, 46, 49, 71; Bus: 48AOpening hours: Thu to Mon from 9 am to 6:30 pm, Wed from 9 am to 9 pm, closed on TuePhone: + 43 1 5217 70Tickets: Adults: 10, Children and youth under 19: freeInternet:

    Imperial TreasuryThe medieval part of theImperial Palace, theSchweizerhof, contains theunique treasures of theHabsburgs, including theAustrian imperial crown and

    the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire with the imperial crown. Further highlights include the treasure of

    the Order of the Golden Fleece and the collections of theinvaluable Burgundian treasures from the 15th century.Jewels belonging to the Habsburg empresses andarchduchesses and pieces of the original jewelry belongingto Empress Elisabeth can also be seen here. You can alsodiscover legendary treasures such as the Holy Lance ofthe 8th century, the largest cut emerald in the world andthe horn of the fantastical unicorn.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Lois LammerhuberAddress: Imperial Palace, Schweizerhof, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 (Volkstheater); Tram: D, 1, 2; Bus: 2A, 57AOpening hours: Daily except Tue from 9 am to 5.30 pmPhone: +43 1 5252 40Tickets: Adults: 12, Children and teens under 19: freeInternet: www.kaiserliche-schatzkammer.atEmail: [email protected] Info: Admission till half an hour before closing time

    Vienna State OperaThe Vienna State Opera is oneof the most distinguishedopera houses in the world. Itstages around 50 operas andnumerous ballets andpremieres on 300

    performance days from September to June. The splendid building on Ringstrasse was constructed between 1861and 1869 in accordance with plans by August Siccard vonSiccardsburg and Eduard van der Nll as the k.k.Hofoperntheater (Court Opera). You can take a tour tocatch a glimpse of what goes on backstage at themagnicent opera house. For one night of the year theVienna State Opera is transformed into a large dance oorfor the Vienna Opera Ball, Austrias largest gathering ofperformers, politicians and businesspeople from all overthe world.More information on

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Photo: Vienna Tourist Board / Christian StemperAddress: Opernring 2, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2, 62, D (Oper)Phone: +43 1 5144 422 50Internet:

    Concert HallsViennas classical concertrepertoire is dominated by twogreat concert halls: ViennaMusikverein and ViennaKonzerthaus. Millions of musicfans around the world

    consider the Musikverein to be one of the most traditional concert houses, playing host to artists of the very highestcaliber. From its Golden Hall, the annual New Year'sConcert of the Vienna Philharmonic is broadcast to theworld on television.

    Another focal point of cultural life is the Wiener Konzerthaus in the atmospheric Art Nouveau style. Itsmusical bandwidth encompasses not only the classicalrepertoire, but also ranges from the Middle Ages,Renaissance, Baroque to Jazz, World and the progressivetones of the present day.

    More Info: Musikverein: Musikvereinsplatz 1, 1010 Wien / Vienna Konzerthaus: Lothringerstrae 20, 1030 WienOpening hours: Musikverein: Mo - Fr, 09:00 - 20:00 Sa, 09:00 - 13:00Phone: Musikverein: +43 1 505 81 90, Vienna Konzerthaus: +43 1 242 002Tickets: [email protected] / [email protected]: /

    Museum of Fine Arts Vienna (KHM)Emperor Franz Josephconstructed the ViennaMuseum of Fine Arts for theimperial collections and withits treasures it now ranks asone of the most important

    museums in the world. Objects from ve centuries from ancient Egypt and ancient Greece to the end of the 18thcentury are evidence of the Habsburg emperors andarchdukes passion for collecting. Here you can admireextraordinary artworks by Rubens, Rembrandt, Raphael,Vermeer, Velzquez, Titian and Drer, to say nothing of thelargest Bruegel collection in the world.Gustav Klimt, incollaboration with his brother Ernst and Franz Matsch,created a series of paintings housed in the magnicentstaircase at a height of twelve meters above themuseums lobby, embedded between the columns andarcades. A cafe can be found in the spectacular domedhall.More information on Maria-Theresien-Platz, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 (Volkstheater); Tram: D, 1, 2 (Volkstheater); Bus: 2A and 57AOpening hours: Tue Sat, from 10 am to 6 pm and Thu, from 10 am to 9pmPhone: +43 1 5252 40Tickets: Adults: 14, Children and teens under 19: freeInternet: www.khm.atEmail: [email protected] Info: Admission till half an hour before closing time

    Schnbrunn PalaceA visit to Viennas mostfamous palace is a must forart lovers. The imperial familyinhabited 1,441 rooms atSchnbrunn you can stilladmire many of them today. In

    the Palace Gardens, architectural treasures await you,

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • such as the Palm House and the Zoo, which has beennamed best zoo in Europe three times now. No wonder its the visitors who now stand in the former lion cageswhile the animals romp around in modern enclosures. TheBaroque building structures have been preserved withViennese Charm and nesse. This, the oldest zoo in theworld, which is especially successful at breeding elephantsand panda bears, was built in 1752 by the husband ofMaria Theresa, Emperor Franz I. More information on WienTourismus / Peter RigaudAddress: Schnbrunner Schlostrae 47, district 13, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4 (Schnbrunn)Opening hours: Daily from 8.30 am to 5 pmPhone: +43 1 8111 3 239Internet: www.schoenbrunn.atEmail: [email protected]


    Wien Tourismus / Karl Thomas

    The Viennese still like to celebrate the good old days on a daily basis - e.g. with a hearty Kaisersemmel or whenenjoying a Kaiserschmarrn dusted with powdered sugar.Viennese cuisine is the only type of cooking in the worldthat is named after a city. Vienna is also the onlymetropolis in the world that grows a signicant enoughamount of wine within city limits to warrant a mention.And the Viennese coee house is known around the globefor its informal pleasantness, as an oasis of"Gemtlichkeit".

    Palm HouseWhere Viennas imperialcharm meets the latest trends.The attractive Art Nouveaubuilding oers good cuisine,great cocktails and hasbecome an institution for

    locals and visitors alike.The terrace looks directly onto the Burggarten, and spaceson the sun terrace are in high demand when the weatheris good. Inside the former greenhouse, guests dine in realstyle amongst exotic plants and relax over a good glass ortwo of wine or a ne cocktail.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Burggarten 1, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 (Karlsplatz or Stephansplatz), U2 (Museumsquartier, Volkstheater or Karlsplatz), U3 (Stephansplatz,Volkstheater or Herrengasse), U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2, 71, D (Burgring);Bus: 2A (Albertinaplatz), 57A (Burgring)Opening hours: Wed to Thu from 11.30 am to 12 am, Fri and Sat from 10am to 1 am, Sun and holidays from 10 am to 11 pmPhone: +43 1 5331 033Internet: www.palmenhaus.atEmail: [email protected] Info: Until 28th February 2014: Mondays & Tuesdays closed

    FiglmllerViennas schnitzel mecca, withthe citys largest and thinnestschnitzels, serves guests atthree locations: you can neverget enough of schnitzels,especially these. More info WienTourismus/Robert OsmarkAddress: Wollzeile 5, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U3 (Stephansplatz), U1, U4 (Schwedenplatz)Opening hours: Daily from 11 am to 10:30 pm

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  • Phone: +43 1 5126 177Internet:

    Motto am FlussThe Motto am Fluss is on theDanube Canal, in theextravagantly designed boatmooring station Wien City.The restaurant and bar in asophisticated 1950s design

    and smart cafe with large sun deck have a magnetic eecton the clientele.More information on Marianne GreberAddress: Schwedenplatz 2, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U4 (Schwedenplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Schwedenplatz)Phone: +43 1 2525 510Internet: www.motto.atEmail: [email protected]

    Le LoftLe Loft on the 18th oor of ahigh-rise building by JeanNouvel is a hotel restaurantwith a breathtaking all-roundview and classic Frenchcuisine. More info Sotel Vienna StephansdomAddress: Praterstrae 1, district 2, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U4 (Schwedenplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Schwedenplatz)Opening hours: Open daily from 10am to 2 amPhone: +43 1 9061 60Internet: www.sotel.comEmail: [email protected]

    MochiThe hippest Japaneserestaurant in town openedwith Mochi in Praterstrae.Reserving your table weeks inadvance is now expected inthis modest restaurant with its

    magnicent bar and aming Robata grill.Photo: Sandra JedliczkaAddress: Praterstrasse 15, district 2, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 (Nestroyplatz or Schwedenplatz), U4 (Schwedenplatz)Opening hours: Open from Mo to Sat from 10:30 am to 10.00 pmPhone: +43 1 9251 380Internet: www.mochi.atEmail: [email protected]

    FabiosThe restaurant opened bylocal matador FabioGiacobello in the Old City istop of the gastronomic class.The Mediterranean specialtiesoered here in an

    atmosphere set by a stylish mahogany design ensure that guests are thoroughly satised.

    More info Tuchlauben 6, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 or U3 (Stephansplatz), U3 (Herrengasse)Opening hours: Open from Mo to Sat from 9 am to 1 pmPhone: +43 1 5322 222Internet: www.fabios.atEmail: [email protected]

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • MottoThis restaurant has been asuccessful hot spot on theViennese dining scene foryears. International stars liketo mingle here with thebeautiful people among the

    "Motto guests." The priority from an architectural point of view is on a cozy feel, even though the furnishings maystrike the visitor as being a little palatial and opulent. Themenu is also worth a look: The dishes are seasonallycreated and value is placed on the incorporation ofregional products. The food ranges from Viennesespecialties such as Schinkeneckerl through to Asianfusion cuisine.Motto creates a unique atmosphere with culinary delights which cannot be found in this combination anywhere elsebut in Vienna.More information on Marianne GreberAddress: Schnbrunner Strae 30, district 5, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4 (Pilgramgasse)Opening hours: Daily from 6 pm to 2 am, on Fri and Sat until 4 amPhone: +43 1 5870 672Internet: www.motto.atEmail: [email protected]

    Naschmarkt DeliVisitors to the Naschmarktcan enjoy its atmosphereparticularly well at the Deli onSaturdays. The Deli is apopular spot on the Viennascene. Its not only at

    lunchtime that theres plenty going on: it also attracts a large crowd in the evenings. Its the ideal spot for visitorsto take a break from their walk through the Naschmarktfor a quick bite, a cozy meal (generally Asian-inspired) orjust an espresso.More information on

    places/naschmarkt-deliPhoto: Peter RigaudAddress: Naschmarkt 421-436, district 4, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 (Karlsplatz), U4 (Karlsplatz or Kettenbrckengasse)Opening hours: From Mon to Sat from 7 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 5850 823Internet:

    ON MarketThe top-class Asian establishment enhances the area around the Naschmarkt both from a culinary and avisual point of view, and thats almost 24/7. It opens rstthing in the morning and in addition to an internationalbreakfast, it also oers an Asian version with inuencesfrom traditional Chinese medicine. Small snacks areoered, whatever the time of day or night. The authenticSouth Asian menus are the highlight.More information on Linke Wienzeile 36, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4 (Kettenbrckengasse)Opening hours: Daily from 7 am to 2 amPhone: +43 1 5811 250Internet:

    Glacis BeislThe Glacis Bistro is tuckedaway o the beaten track inthe MuseumsQuartier.Classics of Viennese cuisineare on the menu here. Straightup, without any frills. The

    garden is a particularly snug place for hot summer days and warm evenings.More information on David AunerAddress: Breitegasse 4, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 ( Volkstheater or Museumsquartier), U3 (Volkstheater), Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Opening hours: Daily from 11 am to 2 amPhone: +43 1 5265 660Internet: www.glacisbeisl.atEmail: [email protected]

    ShanghaiTanLanterns give theShanghaiTan an atmospherewhich is somewhatreminiscent of Chinese nightmarkets. Here visitors canfeast on delicious satay

    skewers, dim-sum, Asian salads and, of course, noodles and soups. The mix of the local scene and Asian cuisine inGumpendorfer Strae ensures that there are always plentyof visitors.

    More info ShanghaiTanAddress: Gumpendorfer Strae 9, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 (Museumsquartier); U4, U2, U1 (Karlsplatz)Opening hours: From Mon to Sat from 11:30 am to 3 pm and from 6 pmto 1 amPhone: +43 1 5854 988Internet: www.shanghaitan.atEmail: [email protected]

    LabstelleThe focus here is on regionaland local cuisine. It oerstraditional dishes that arepresented in a highly originalmanner. The atmosphere atLabstelle is also appealing: the

    garden is in a walkway between Lugeck and Wollzeile. The hanging gardens in place here also catch the visitors eye.

    More information on

    Photo: LabstelleAddress: Lugeck 6, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U4 (Schwedenplatz), U1, U3 (Stephansplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Schwedenplatz)Opening hours: From Mon to Fri from 11:30 am to 2 am and on Sat from 10 am to 2 amPhone: +43 1 2362 122Internet:

    TianTian shows how sophisticatedand diverse meat-free diningcan be. The food is cookedhere using unusual andhealthy ingredients. Thenatural theme is also reected

    in the interior design of the restaurant.

    More information on Jrgen HammerschmidAddress: Himmelpfortgasse 23, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4 (Stadtpark); Tram: 2 (Weihburggasse)Opening hours: From Tue to Sat 11:30 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 8904 665Internet: www.tian-vienna.comEmail: [email protected]

    AugustinerkellerIn the heart of Vienna, rightbeneath the Albertina, bepampered with traditionalViennese cuisine, deliciousAustrian wines and drinkingmusic. Guests can enjoy the

    unique atmosphere both in the historic vaults or the stylish wine cellar.More information on AugustinerkellerAddress: Augustinerstrae 1, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Oper -

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  • Opernring)Opening hours: Daily from 11 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 5331 026Internet: [email protected]

    Gergely'sThis restaurant is located inone of the citys trendiestdistricts: guests are enticed bythe cozy atmosphere, moderncrystal chandeliers, an ancientvault and Angus steaks

    cooked on lava stone, accompanied by well-kept cask beers and one of Viennas most beautiful gardens.

    More information on GergelysAddress: Schlossgasse 21, district 5, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4 (Pilgramgasse)Opening hours: From Tue to Sat from von 6 pm to 1 amPhone: +43 1 5440 767Internet: www.gergelys.atEmail: [email protected]

    Plachuttas Gasthaus zur OperThis restaurant is the latestestablishment of the Plachuttaboiled beef (Tafelspitz)dynasty, although the focushere is on Wiener Schnitzel.Inside the inn, 100-year-old

    wood paneling provides a cozy atmosphere, while a gardenattracts guests in the summer.

    More information on Plachuttas Gasthaus zur OperAddress: Walschgasse 5-7, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Oper -Opernring)

    Opening hours: Daily from 11 am to 1 amPhone: +43 1 5122 251Internet: www.plachutta-oper.atEmail: [email protected]

    Gasthaus WolfThis beisl is as typical asthey come, with excellentViennese cuisine and anattractive bar out front. In thedining area, old Resopal tablesand green paneling create a

    cozy atmosphere.

    More info Lukas HebenstreitAddress: Groe Neugasse 20/Rienlgasse 17, 1040 WienPublic Transport: Tram 62, 1 MayerhofgasseOpening hours: From Mon to Sat from 5 pm to 1 amPhone: +43 1 58 11 544Internet: www.gasthauswolf.atEmail: [email protected]

    KussmaulIn the heart of ViennasBiedermeier district ofSpittelberg, one of the citysmost innovativeestablishments opened itsdoors in the summer of 2014.

    The "Kussmaul" is the rst restaurant to be owned and operated by chef Mario Bernatovic, who previously cookedat some of the nest addresses in Vienna.

    More info Thomas SchauerAddress: Spittelberggasse 12, 1070 WienPublic Transport: Subway: U3 VolkstheaterOpening hours: Restaurant Mon - Sat, 11am - 2pm, Caf-Ptisserie Mon - Fri 9am - 11pm, Caf-Ptisserie Sat - Sun, 9am - 6pm

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  • Phone: +431 587 762 85Internet:

    Restaurant Konstantin FilippouThe exceptional chef opts formodern quality cooking with apersonal style in his ownrestaurant named after him indowntown Vienna. Theambience is kept deliberately


    More info Wasserbauer.ccAddress: Dominikanerbastei 17, 1010 WienPublic Transport: Subway: U1, U4 SchwedenplatzOpening hours: Mon - Fri, 12am - 3pm Mon - Fri, 6:30pm - 12pmPhone: +43 1 512 22 29Internet:

    Zum Gschupftn FerdlThe wine tavern as it is known,is a piece of Viennese culture.So a new establishment in theheart of the city in no way tsthe classic image of theheuriger: Zum Gschupftn

    Ferdl gives the wine tavern a course of live cell therapy. The faade and counter have a pixelated appearance andembroidered design that evokes the aesthetics ofcomputer games of the 1980s. Even Pacman can befound here. A surprising feature in the back room is astone pine parlor painted completely in white, which wasdesigned by the artist Filius de Lacroix.

    Only organic food is served at the "Gschupftn Ferdl" and theres even a certicate to prove it. There are hot dishesfrom Austrian cuisine and always a meat-free alternative.However, the centerpiece is the snack buet - with a rangeof Brettljause options. Here as well, only food from

    rst-class producers is oered. And as bets a heuriger,there is naturally a ne selection of Austrian wines.

    More info Mark GlassnerAddress: Windmhlgasse 20, 1060 WienPublic Transport: Subway: U3 NeubaugasseOpening hours: Mon - Sat, 4pm - 2amPhone: +43 1 966 30 66Internet: [email protected]

    Petz im GuhausThe celebrity chef ChristianPetz is now interpretingViennese cuisine at his ownrestaurant, Petz im Gusshaus,an unpretentiousestablishment where he

    serves one of the best bistro menus in the city.

    More info Herbert LehmannAddress: Guhausstrae 23, 1040 WienPublic Transport: Subway: U1, Taubstummengasse; Tram: 1, 62 PaulanergasseOpening hours: Tue - Sat, 11.30am - 12pmPhone: +43 1 504 47 50Internet: www.gusshaus.atEmail: [email protected]

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22


    Wien Tourismus / Karl Thomas

    The Viennese coee house has been an oasis of gemtlichkeit for ages. Since 2011, the traditionalViennese coee house culture has even been part of theintangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. Traditional cafesentice visitors with a wide variety of coee drinks,international newspapers and pastry creations. Modernrepresentatives of the genre enrich the tradition withstylish air.Caf Landtmann beim Burgtheater

    When Franz Landtmannopened this Viennese cafe in1873 he was founding acoee house institution. Thisplace has hosted SigmundFreud, Marlene Dietrich, Romy

    Schneider, Paul McCartney and Hillary Clinton, among others.Photo: Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Universittsring 4 , district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Tram: 1, D (Rathausplatz/Burgtheater)Opening hours: Daily from 07:30 am to 12 amPhone: +43 124 100 112Internet: www.landtmann.atEmail: [email protected]

    Caf SperlFounded in 1880 the Sperl isa classic in Viennesecoeehouse culture. Aninterior just like one from the19th century, pool tables anda large selection of

    newspapers will whisk you away into n-de-sicle Vienna.

    More info Vienna Tourist BoardAddress: Gumpendorfer Strasse 11, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 (Museumsquartier); U4, U2, U1 (Karlsplatz)Opening hours: From Mon to Sat from 7 am to 11 pm, Sun from 11am to 8 pmPhone: +43 1 5864 158Internet: www.cafesperl.atMore Info: In July and August: closed on Sundays!

    Caf HawelkaThe popularity and image ofthis cafe as an artistic venueoriginate from the post-warperiod. A large number ofliterary gures were regularshere. The atmosphere

    between the thick layers of posters on the walls, the telephone booth and the worn upholstered benches isunique and worth experiencing.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Dorotheergasse 6, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U4 (Stephansplatz)Opening hours: From Mon to Sat from 8 am to 1 am, Sun & holidays from 10 am to 1 amPhone: +43 1 5128 230Internet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Caf SacherVisitors here can enjoy a realViennese coee houseatmosphere with a piece ofthe legendary Sachertorte anda cup of coee. The fantasticwinter garden with a view of

    the Vienna State Opera transforms into a terrace in summer.Photo: Vienna Tourist Board / Robert OsmarkAddress: Philharmonikerstrasse 4, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2, 62, D (Oper)Opening hours: Daily from 8 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 514 560Internet:

    Caf CentralIts large portico was lavishlyrestored in 1986 - and can befound just 100 meters ontowards the university andVotive Church. The cafe has along tradition. The atmosphere

    in Caf Central today is business-like, plain and well maintained. Business people from the surrounding banksare the main guests during the week.Photo: Vienna Tourist Board / Christian HusarAddress: Herrengasse / Strauchgasse, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Herrengasse)Opening hours: From Mon to Sat from 07:30 am to 10 pm, Sun & holidays from 10 am to 10 pmPhone: +43 1 5333 763 24Internet: [email protected]

    GriensteidlFormer literary cafeGriensteidl, which reopened ina new building on the samesite in 1990, is located righton the Imperial Palace-Kohlmarkt-Graben-Stephansplatz

    tourist track, i.e. on Michaelerplatz. It is the ideal spot for visitors to Vienna to stretch their tired legs and rechargetheir batteries over a coee. The atmosphere in the oldGriensteidl is particularly legendary: there was barely a nde sicle writer, actor, critic, architect or musician who didnot come here. Almost all of the most signicant pioneersof Viennese modernism gathered around the small marbletable here: Hermann Bahr, Arthur Schnitzler, Hugo vonHofmannsthal, Karl Kraus, Hugo Wolf, Fritz Kreisler, ArnoldSchnberg and many others.Photo: Vienna Tourist Board / Christian StemperAddress: Michaelerplatz 2, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Herrengasse)Opening hours: Daily from 8 am from 11:30 pmPhone: +43 1 5352 692 0Internet:

    Caf MuseumThe Caf Museum was ameeting point for the bignames from the turn of thecentury (Gustav Klimt, EgonSchiele, Oskar Kokoschka,Otto Wagner, etc.), having

    opened in 1899 close to the Naschmarkt and the Secession. The original very modest and down-to-earthcreation by Adolf Loos, who subsequently became aregular, was in stark contrast with the historical opulenceof the time and earned the venue its nickname CafNihilismus (Cafe Nihilism). The interior decoration wasreplaced in 1931 by Josef Zotti, one of the mostsuccessful pupils of Josef Homann and sadly almostforgotten today. After closing and modication work, thecafe was renovated in Zottis style and reopened in 2010

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • in its new original splendor.

    More info Vienna Tourist BoardAddress: Operngasse 7, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Oper -Opernring)Opening hours: Daily from 8 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 2410 062 0Internet: www.cafemuseum.atEmail: [email protected]

    Caf DrechslerCaf Drechsler at theNaschmarkt is a perfectexample of the combination oftradition and a modern stylishambience. The venue, whichrst opened its doors in 1919,

    was carefully renovated by renowned British architect Sir Terence Conran and since 2007 has presented itself to itsguests as a traditional Viennese coee house in a 21stcentury style. DJs play here several times during theweek instead of the more typical piano players.More information on David AunerAddress: Linke Wienzeile 22, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz), U2 (Museumsquartier)Opening hours: From Mon to Thu from 8 am to 12 am, Fri & Sat from 8 am to 2 am, Sun from 8 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 5812 044Internet: www.cafedrechsler.atEmail: [email protected]

    Akrap EspressobarThe stylish Akrap Espressobar in Knigsklostergasse has its coee roasted in Milan, and customers can have theend product served in a wide variety of choices, includingas a strong triple shot.

    Address: Knigsklostergasse 7, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U4, U2 (Karlsplatz), U2 (Museumsquartier)Opening hours: From Mon to Fri from 9 am to 6:30 pm, Sat 11 am to 6 pmPhone: +43 1 3523 523Internet: www.akrap.atEmail: [email protected]

    People On CaffeinePeople On Caeine has set itself up at a highly unusual location in a part of a church in the 8th district. It doesntjust sell coee from an espresso machine under thebeautiful vaults, its also highly trendy in making it fresh inthe form of lter coee.Address: Schlsselgasse 21, district 8, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 (Schottentor or Rathaus), Tram: 5, 43,44 (Lange Gasse), 43, 44 (Landesgerichtsstrae)Opening hours: From Mon to Fri from 8 am to 5 pm

    Demel K.u.K HofzuckerbckereiIn the center of all the luxuryof the Old City in the rstdistrict, visitors can nd apiece of old Vienna: founded in1786, court confectioner k.u.k.Hofzuckerbckerei Demel

    demonstrates the high art of confectionery with its sweet temptations and thrilling window displays.Photo: Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Kohlmarkt 14, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U3 (Stephansplatz), U3 (Herrengasse)Opening hours: Daily from 9 am to 7 pmPhone: +43 1 5351 717 0Internet: www.demel.atEmail: [email protected]

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Caf LeopoldCaf Leopold is more than justa coee house: in the center ofViennas MuseumsQuartier,Caf Leopold oers an urbanattitude towards life. Duringthe day the visitors to the

    MuseumsQuartier can enjoy a coee here or some nouvelle Viennese cuisine.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Karl ThomasAddress: Museumsplatz 1, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 ( Volkstheater or Museumsquartier), U3 (Volkstheater), Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)Opening hours: From Sun to Wed from 10 am to 2 am, from Thu to Sat from 10 am to 4 amPhone: +43 1 5236 732Internet: [email protected]

    PhilBoth a cafe and a store - thetwo central components of"phil" in Gumpendorfer Straeare hard to separate. This isbecause the store sells aselection of books, DVDs and

    vinyl which alternates constantly in its innovatively renovated 140-square-meter space. The cozy retrofurniture is just perfect for sitting back and viewing thelists of products for sale printed in menu format over anespresso and a bite to eat.More information on David AunerAddress: Gumpendorfer Strae 10-12, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 ( Volkstheater or Museumsquartier), U3 (Volkstheater), Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)Opening hours: Mon from 5 pm to 1 am, from Tue to Sun from 9 am to 1 amPhone: +43 1 5810 489

    Internet: www.phil.infoEmail: [email protected]

    Das MbelDas Mbel is not just a shop,but also a coee house. Youcan take a cup of coee orglass of wine right into thesales room and sit on theunusual pieces of furniture on

    display here.More information on das mbelAddress: Burggasse 10, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 (Volkstheater); Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 5249 497Internet: www.dasmoebel.atEmail: [email protected]

    Caf EuropaThe caf "Europa" is one ofthe most popular "homesaway from home" in theseventh district. At theEuropa-Lager DJs and allkinds of art activities await


    More info Vienna Tourist Board / Bryan DuyAddress: Zollergasse 8, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 ( Neubaugasse); Tram: 49 (Neubaugasse/Westbahnstrae)Opening hours: Daily from 9 am to 5 amPhone: +43 1 5263 383Internet: www.europa-lager.atEmail: [email protected]

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Caf HofburgSituated in the ImperialPalace, where the SisiMuseum, Imperial Apartmentsand Spanish Riding Schoolseduce visitors with theirimperial dreams. The imperial

    splendor of old Austria comes to life here over coee and cake.

    More info Vienna Tourist Board / Christian StemperAddress: Hofburg, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Herrengasse); Tram: 1, 2, 46, 49, D (Dr. Karl Renner Ring)Opening hours: Daily from 10 am to 6 pmPhone: +43 1 2410 040 0Internet: [email protected]

    Caf MozartThere has been a cafe heresince 1794 opposite theAlbertina, close to the ImperialPalace museums and next tothe Opera. The traditional cafehas combined culture with an

    enjoyment of coee through to today.

    More info Vienna Tourist BoardAddress: Albertinaplatz 2, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Oper -Opernring)Opening hours: Daily from 8 am to 12 amPhone: +43 1 2410 020 0Internet: [email protected]

    KaffeefabrikKaeefabrik in Favoritenstrae in the 4th district is a somewhat alternative coee house concept which is along way from the image of marble tables, Thonet chairsand waiters dressed in black tail-coats. The store, whichhas a small improvised set-up, sells its own roasts from allover the world and makes espressos and other coees togo.Address: Favoritenstrae 4-6, district 4, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1 (Taubstummengasse)Opening hours: From Mon to Fri from 8 am to 6 pm, Sat from 11 am to 5pmInternet:


    Wien Tourismus / Bryan Duy

    Top quality dancing and chilling Viennas electronic music scene is, after all, famous around the world.Such acreative musical ambience is an ideal breeding ground forthe latest musical creations: clubs such as Flex, Fluc, Rhizand Pratersauna play electronic music by homegrownmusicians who are also causing a sensation on theinternational scene. The musical styles have never beenthis diverse. Viennas many dance temples are the bestvenues for non-stop partying.

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Volksgarten Club DiscoThis disco in Vienna citycenter is located in the middleof a beautiful garden. TheVolksgarten Club Disco has along history and has remaineda hot spot of Vienna's party

    culture for decades, despite the fast-paced nature of club culture and has also been one of the citys most attractivelocations and central points for decades. The musicconsists of house, disco and party hits.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Bryan DuyAddress: Burgring 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 (Museumsquartier); U2, U3 (Volkstheater); Tram: 1, 2, D (Burgring)Phone: +43 1 5324 241Internet:

    Fluc & Fluc WanneClub Fluc is located right nextto Praterstern railway station,very close to the Giant FerrisWheel. The apparentlytemporary architecturalsurroundings are perfect for a

    drink at the bar as well as for dancing. One level below, guests will nd Fluc_Wanne, a former pedestrian subway,where DJs and bands ensure that they enjoy a good night.The music on oer ranges from experimental electronic

    tracks and techno to garage and industrial to indie rock.More information on David AunerAddress: Praterstern 5, district 2, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2 (Praterstern)Internet:

    PratersaunaThe 1960s architecture with apool in the garden is theperfect backdrop for neelectronic music and longparties. Dierent music isplayed on several oors inside

    the Pratersauna. People can also dance right next to the former saunas plunge pool. The music ranges fromminimal techno to electronic live acts. In summer, theparties spill out into the garden and onto the terrace.More information on PratersaunaAddress: Waldsteingartenstrae 135, district 2, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 (Messe Prater)Internet:

    FlexThe Flex started the scene onthe Danube Canal: the clubhas a punk past and hostsbands such as Arcade Fire,Stereo MCs and Attwenger,and DJs such as Je Mills and

    DJ DSL. Since 1990, the Flex has stood for the best soundof the city. While the original focus was on rock, thesedays a wide variety of genres are allowed to shine at thevenue.More information on

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Photo: David AunerAddress: Donaukanal - Augartenbrcke, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U4 (Schottenring)Internet:

    Rote BarOnce the curtain falls atViennas Volkstheater thenight life starts in the Rote Baron the upper oor. Very closeto the Museum of NaturalHistory, the Museum of Fine

    Arts and the MuseumsQuartier, the scene starts under classical chandeliers in one of the citys most excitinglocations. There is relaxed music playing the wholeevening - with concerts, club nights, readings andexhibitions also taking place at sporadic times. A separatesmall entrance on the left next to the main entrance to thetheater leads into the grand hall with red curtains and anew red bar counter which made the search for a nameeasy...More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Neustiftgasse 1, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2, U3 ( Volkstheater) ; Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)Internet:

    WUKLocated in the 9th district, theWUK combines 130 culturaland social initiatives inside thebrick walls of a formerlocomotive factory. Therehave been exhibitions, theater

    performances, bizarre productions and pop concerts here for 30 years. Bands such as Iron & Wine ll the hall, andacts like Shantel & Bucovina Club Orchestra have longbeen regulars here.More information on

    htlife/live-locations/wukPhoto: Vienna Tourist Board / Bryan DuyAddress: Whringer Strae 59, district 9, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U6 (Whringerstrae/Volksoper); Tram: 5; 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 (Spitalgasse/Whringerstrae)Internet:

    Albertina PassageThe dinner club near theVienna State Opera is anexciting combination oftop-quality dining, a classicAmerican bar and a club withlive music in a futuristic

    setting. The dishes are a mix of international and Viennesecuisine. Guests can also dance to their hearts delightlater in the evening when DJs take over the musicprogram in the Albertina Passage. The futuristic curvedcocktail bar and stage and walls are particularlyeye-catching.More information on Shne und Partner / Severin WurnigAddress: Passage Opernring/Operngasse, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Oper -Opernring)Internet:

    Lutz - Der ClubThis club on Mariahilfer Straeis a spot for sophisticatedrevelers. The basement of thisturn-of-the-century buildingprovides approximately 300square meters of an exquisite

    club atmosphere including a dance oor. Its noble architecture and classic design make Lutz Der Club anurban spot and the ideal supplement to the dinner bar inthe building mezzanine.More information on

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Vienna Tourist Board / Hertha HurnausAddress: Mariahilfer Strae 3, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Neubaugasse)Internet:

    PlatzhirschA young and sophisticated crowd parties at the "Platzhirsch, located centrally close to the Opera. R&B,techno and disco are played here every weekend in thisexact order. The club mainly attracts students, who lovePlatzhirsch not only for its music, but also because its justa fun place where you can meet other people. The club isin the heart of Vienna, not far from the Opera and veryclose to other places for going out.More information on Opernring 11, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 2 (Oper -Opernring)Internet:

    Red RoomA stylish club with a cocktail bar in the basement of well-known restaurant Comida in Vienna's Ringstrasse.This bar has everything the heart desires: mirror features,lots and lots of red velvet and a very long bar. The musicon oer is high-quality soul, R&B and similar music from1968 to the present day, and there is a selection of drinksand cocktails to satisfy every desire. This has also beennoticed on the Vienna scene, and it may well be thatHubertus von Hohenlohe can be found on the decks here,or at least in the extensive bar...More information on Stubenring 20, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Stubentor), U3, U4 (Landstrae Wien-Mitte); Tram: 2 (Stubentor - Parkring)Internet:

    Grelle ForelleThe Grelle Forelle has twooors oering a soundbetween house, techno andminimal. Bookings here dontfeature mainstream artists,but famous gures from the

    underground scene instead. The international DJs regularlyplay to a full house on Fridays and Saturdays. With anarea of 1,000 square meters, the Grelle Forelle has plentyof space for dancing. Highlights include the sound systemdesigned especially for the club and the lighting conceptby the Viennese visual artist collective Neon Golden.More information on WienTourismus/Susanne KapellerAddress: Spittelauer Lnde 12, district 9, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4, U6 (Spittelau)Internet:

    U4Hardly any other discotheque in the country can bathe in the glow of so many names of international repute like theU4: Prince, Sade, Grace Jones, Nirvana and Johnny Depphave all paid a visit; it was a living room for Falco and theVienna scene. In the meantime, the fourth generation ofguests is provided with a party atmosphere on two oorsas well as the necessary drinks. The theme changes everyevening and brings bliss to suit every taste to theestablishment on U-Bahn line 4: from classic funky disco,to ocial rock, to tting reviews of the last decades.More information on Schnbrunner Strae 222, district 12, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U4 (Meidling Hauptstrae)Internet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • RoxyThe Roxy is one of the mainplaces to go for soulful house,disco and hiphop in Viennaand has a colorful history.Musical trends change justlike the guests do. Today the

    Roxy is the meeting place for lovers of funky grooves which rarely make their way into the charts but whichcreate an excellent atmosphere and are also appreciatedby the scene.More information on David AunerAddress: Operngasse 24, district 4, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 1, 62 (Resselgasse)Internet:

    The LoftSituated directly on Vienna'sGrtel, near U6 stationThaliastrae, the locationoers everything that makesgoing out fun. On the groundoor is a small cafe, in which

    exhibitions and mini-concerts are held. On the rst oor is a large bar with cozy seating areas, perfect for having achat and listening to music at a comfortable volume.There is a fantastic KV2 system in the basement, whichplays all types of music and always gets the dance oorbubbling.More information on WienTourismus/David AunerAddress: Lerchenfelder Grtel 37, district 16, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U6 (Thaliastrae); Tram: 5 (Kaiserstrae/Lerchenfelder Strae), 46 (Thaliastrae)Internet:

    Sass Music ClubBarely any other clubs are inas central a location as theSass. Located at Karlsplatz 1,the club is near 3 subwaylines and is right at the centerof Viennas transport hub.

    International and national guests ensure that the crowd has a good time here every week from Thursday toSaturday.More information on David AunerAddress: Karlsplatz 1, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz); Tram: 2, 62, D (Wien Oper/Krtner Ring)Internet:

    Tanzcafe JenseitsTanzcaf Jenseits is theperfect spot for anyonelooking for a particularlybizarre night out. Almostnobody leaves this wild dancecafe before daybreak, as it has

    as alternative an appeal as its name (which means the other world) suggests. This applies just as much to theguests as to the surroundings. The DJs play trashy musicand guarantee musical entertainment with a mix of funk,soul, hits and pop.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Nelkengasse 3, district 6, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3 (Neubaugasse)Opening hours: From Tue to Sat from 9 pm to 4 amInternet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • RhizElectronic music has beenplayed here for over 10 years.The club is located in thearches of the former City Railon the Vienna Grtel. Concertstake place here on a regular

    basis playing advanced electronic music and experimentalrock.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Hertha HurnausAddress: Lerchenfelder Grtel, Stadtbahnbgen 37-38, district 8, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U6 (Alser Strae); Tram: 43 (Alser Strae)Internet:

    DonauThe Donau is unique in Vienna for several reasons: guests can listen to electronic dance music from some of thecapitals hottest underground DJs seven days a week, withrelatively cheap drinks and excellent cocktails. It oersdiverse genres: all forms of techno are played, includingminimal, house and dubstep. However, nding the bar isnot so easy: the Donau is hidden away behind a grey metaldoor in a side street between Mariahilferstrae and theMuseumsQuartier. But anyone who does nd it wontbelieve their eyes or ears once inside.More information on Karl Schweighofer Gasse 10, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U2 ( Volkstheater or Museumsquartier), U3 (Volkstheater), Tram: 49 (Volkstheater)Internet:

    Chaya FueraIts the diversity of the musicthat provides the specialappeal of this new club in the7th district. The ownersintention is to give theirguests a musical surprise. In

    the club itself the walls are part of the musical entertainment with 20 projectors showing visuals frominternational artists. This way the otherwise sober yet cozyclub has a resplendent new look every evening. The barserves cocktails specially created for Chaya Fuera. Themix of guests is as colorful as the music.More information on Chaya FueraAddress: Kandlgasse 19-21, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Tram: 5, 49 (Kaiserstrae/Westbahnstrae)Internet:


    Wien Tourismus / Peter Rigaud

    An original souvenir for friends at home or a pretty memento for yourself: shopping is part of the pleasure of aVienna vacation. An overview of the citys most attractiveshopping areas, including a few secret tips.

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • Krntner StraeThe route along KrntnerStrae from the Vienna StateOpera to Stephansplatzcontains one famous fashionchain after the other. Worth alook: Ste department store

    with its luxury designers and fabulous panoramic elevator. Peek & Cloppenburg is almost next door and is anotherarchitectural highlight. The Swarovski store oers aparticularly special shopping experience, with crystaltrends from the areas of fashion, jewelry, accessories aswell as decoration, crystalline gures and optical precisioninstruments presented in glamorous surroundings.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Krntner Strae, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U3 (Stephansplatz), U1, U2, U4 (Karlsplatz)

    Kohlmarkt & Goldenes QuartierThe luxury shopping areaKohlmarkt oers agshipstores for all brands fromArmani to Versace, with a lotof jewelry stores also presenthere. There has been even

    more luxury on oer since the fall of 2012 - in the neighboring Goldenes Quartier or Golden Quarter, onTuchlauben and Am Hof: the new Golden Quarterprovides a shopping area of around 11,500 square meterswith stores including Louis Vuitton, Armani, Prada and MiuMiu.More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Lois LammerhuberAddress: Tuchlauben, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U3 (Stephansplatz)

    Mariahilfer StraeThis traditional shoppingstreet for the Viennese startsclose to the Ringstrasse andgoes to the Westbahnhofrailway station. In betweenthey will also nd the

    department store Gerngross, large branches of the European clothing chains such as H&M, C&A and Peek &Cloppenburg. There are plenty of small stores in the sidestreets which oer some great products.

    More information on Vienna Tourist Board / Bryan DuyAddress: Mariahilfer Strae, district 7, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U3, U6 (Westbahnhof), U3 (Zieglergasse or Neubaugasse), U2 (Museumsquartier)

    Ringstrassen-GalerienIn Vienna city center, too,shoppers looking for ashopping center have plentyof opportunity to indulge theirpleasure in the elegant andspacious environment of

    Ringstrassen-Galerien, located right on Vienna's Ringstrasse, just 100 meters from the Opera.Photo: Vienna Tourist Board / Peter RigaudAddress: Krntner Ring 11-13, district 1, ViennaPublic Transport: Underground: U1, U3 (Stephansplatz)Opening hours: From Mon to Fri from 10 am to 7 pm, Sat from 10 am to 6 pmInternet:

    Destination: ViennaPublishing date: 2015-04-22

  • NaschmarktThe Vienna Naschmarkt onthe plateau above th