view philippine daily inquirer / thursday, december 9, 2010 / w-4: page 20

INQUIRER SPORTS TELLING THE FI LIPINO STORY TO THE WORLD 4 THURSDA Y , DECEMBER9, 2010  The Filipino’s time to shine sport s assoc iatio n) with12 goldmedals,fol- lowedby athle ticsand aqua ticswith nine each , billi ardsand boxin g witheight, tradi- tio nalboatraceand tae kwo ndowithsix,fenc- ingwith fiveand bowlin g withfour . Met ro Man ilaserv edas themainhub ofthe 23r d edi tionof theGame s.Othereven ts wer e hel d inBacol od,Cebu , LosBañosandCan- luban g in Lagu na, T agayt ay , Ange les Cityin Pa mpa ngaandthe Sub icBay Fre epo rt Zon e in Zambales. The Phili ppin es previ ouslyhosted the 1981 Gameswhereit place d thirdbehindIndonesi a andThai lan d andthe1991 edi tion , whi chthe Ind one sia nstoppedby a mere twogold medal s over the Filip inos. Unb eate n romp spa rksUST 4-p eat FORFOUR strai ght years , chan ts of “Viv a Santo T omas”reverber atedin the UAAPcommunit y as the Tige rs domin atedthe bas- ketball sce nefrom199 3 to 1996,an unpr ecede nted fea t at tha t time. USTstar tedthe runby sweep ingall14 match es of the 1993 seas on, autom atica lly hand ingthe Tige rs the crown . Thefollowing  year , the FinalFour forma t wasstarted. UST’stitle-clin chin g win in 1993 wasmade atthe exp ens e ofAdams onbefor e itfrust rat ed La Sallein the nextthree champ ions hip figh ts. The14-0team,coac hedby Ari c delRos ari o, starr ed Denni s Espin o, Bethu ne “Siot”Tan- quing cen,Rey Evang elist a, Rud olphBelmonte andPatrickFran, withalternate s Bal Davi d (poin t guard ), ChrisCantonjo s (cente r) and Edmun d Reye s (forward).  Alleigh t Ti ger s cli mbe d thepro ran ks,with T anqui ngce n evenbecominghead coachof Gineb ra andSan Migu el Beer. T o date,only Espin o is stillplaying(with Pow erad e) whil e Evang elista(B-Meg DerbyAce), Fran(Meral- co),Tanqu ingce n (SanMiguel) areassistant coaches. Pri orto 199 3,UST’slastsolo tit lecame in the1964- 65seaso n wh ilein 196 7-6 8,it shar ed the cham pions hipwith Unive rsityof theEastafterbothschoo lsrefus edto fie ld the irplayer s inthe sec ondhalfof Gam e 3. Ove ral l, USTandUE hav e 18 men ’sbaske t- ball tit leseach , nex t onl y to F arEaste rnUni-  versit y’s 19. Gre en Arc her s nai l ownfour- peat  A NEWcoac h her aldeda newera.  Y earsof heart ache s came to anendascoachFranz Pumar en trans forme d the La SalleGreen Arche rs fromperennia l bride s- maid s to fierce cham pions . It see medlikebegin ner ’sluckfor then fir st- timecoach Pumar en, a recen tly retir ed profe s- sio nalcage r wh o tookoveras La Sal lementor in1998. Butboast inga sol idprogr amand a ros ter stocke d withtalent, the Arch ers ruledthe UAAPmen’s baske tballtournamen t from 199 8 to 200 1 to sla y theghos tsof the irforge t- tablerunner-u p fini shes. La Sal lewon bac k-to-b acktitle s in1991 and 199 2,but soo n bec amethe lea gue ’sheart- breakkids afterfinishi ng as runne rs-u p six timesin sev enyears , thr eeof wh ichcamedur- ingUniversit y of SantoTomas own four- peat fro m 199 3 to 199 6. But the playe rs event uallybasked in glory, andimpressi vely , threeLa Sallestand- outs—MostValua ble Playe r DonAllado, point guar d DinoAldeguerand trigg ermanRenren Ritua lo—ma de it to the 1998MythicalFive. La Sallecappedits recor d cham pions hip runwithno les s tha n a 200 1 fin alsvict oryover fierce rivalAteneo,where Ritua lo againshone alongwith prize d guar d MikeCortez, Carlo Sharma and Will y Wilson.  A fina l featthat, unqu estion ably, swee tened La Salle ’s phen omena l run. Stags’NCAA five-p eat HAL F a dec adeof domi- nance. San Sebas tianpractical ly own edthe ’90 s asthe Stags , boasti ng a nucleus of the count ry’stop amateur sta ndo uts , str ungup anun- prece dente d fiveconsecu- TheWar rio rswent int o thetitleserieslook- ingto naila thirdstraigh t champ ionsh ip, but the y wer e cle arl y notthe tea m the y wer e in the two previ ousseasons,losing chiefgunner  AllanCaidic to grad uatio n. Sti ll,Codi ñer a,who spl it time wit h UEand thenati onal tea m,had amp lesuppo rt inthe likesof colleg iatestandoutsBoysie Zama r ,  Ve rnieVillari as andTing Hojill a. But withAltamiran o leadi ng UP’sscoring char ge—h e fini shedwith 26 point s in the final game of theseas on wh erehe wonMVP hon- ors—t he Maroo ns simp ly outcla ssedthe Wa r- riors, 98-89 . Par as, Mags anoc,Joey Mend oza andJoeyGuan iohelpe d kee p theUP mac hin e hum min g atthe Ult ra(nowthePhil Spo rts  Are na)to lea d Sta te U to thecrown. Bac k the n,it wa s a hug e sto ry—it mad e the INQUIRER S frontpage andmerited an editor ial to boot —be cau seof theleng th oftime it too k beforethe Maroon s clinc hedthe premi er bas- ketbal l varsi ty crownin the count ry . To day , withUP stillunable to dupli catethe fea t, tha t vic toryrema insetch edin hoo p histo- ryas theday theFigh tin g Mar oon s wer e No.1. Grand-slam Beer menroll outbarre l  VER Y FEWpeopl e may hav e not ice d it,but San Migue l Beer’ s Gran d Slam in1989 wasactu all y setin motionin the previ ous  year. Theacidtestcamein theAll-F ili pin o, again st a Puref oodssquad thatwould make  winni ng the leagu e’s mostprestigio us troph y a par t of itstrad iti on.Stil l, theBeer mendefe at- ed the AlvinPatrim onio-l ed Hotdog s in six games. Th e Be ermen go t of f toa po orsta rtin th e Rein force d Confe rence , losin g its firs t two gam eswithimpor t Kei thSmartin tow. Butthe Beerme n broug ht in EnnisWhatleyas repla ce- men t andwenton to def eatAñejoRhumin thefina lsto sea l oneof thegrea tes t sea son s in PBA history .  Acesrecor d fou rthPBA gra ndslam  ALASKACOACHTimCone sum medup histeam ’s 199 6 vir tuo soact infive  words : “Spec ial peopl e achie ve speci al thing s.” John ny Abarr ientos , Jo-  jo Lastim osa,Bong Hawki ns,Jeffrey Caria so andPoc h Jui niocert ain ly pro vedin onesea- sonjusthow specia l the y wer e,leadi ngan  Ala skachar gethat sawtheteamwinthePBA ’s lastGrand Slamthus far .  Ala skaopen edup itstrip le cro wnby def eat- ing AlvinPatrim onio,Jerry Codiñ era andthe Puref oodsHotdogs in the All-F ilipi no. Its tough est chal lenge , thoug h, camein the Commi ssion er’sCup fina ls again st a vetera n Shellsquad coach ed by Per ry Ron quill o, who mat che d wit s wit h Con e ina sev en-gam e se- OF THE OF THE BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST FILIP INObasebalerscelebrate thei r victo ry in the2005 SEAGames. AP RENR ENRitualoon cloud nineafterthe La Salle Gree n Arche rs comp lete d thei r UAAPfour-p eat.      R      O      M      Y      H      O      M      I      L      L      A      D      A FrompageW3 THEPHILIPPINE S’ FIRST Jennif er Rosale s (left ) andDorothy Delasi n celeb ratewinning the Wo men’sWorldCup overpowerhous e SouthKorea in SouthAfrica. AFP

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MIKEECojuangco- Jaworski carries thePhilippineflagshortly afterclearingthefinalbarrierandcompletinga perfectridethat clinched forherthegoldmedalinequestrian’s jumpingcompetitionat theBusanAsian GamesinSouthKorea.Thegold shesnatchedonthefinaldayof theGamessent thenational delegationhome onthe wingsof  victory.

 The Filipino’s time to shinesports association)with12 goldmedals,fol-lowedby athleticsand aquaticswith nineeach, billiardsand boxingwitheight, tradi-tionalboatraceand taekwondowithsix,fenc-ingwith fiveand bowlingwithfour.MetroManilaservedas themainhubofthe

23rd editionof theGames.Othereventswereheld inBacolod,Cebu, LosBañosandCan-lubang inLaguna,Tagaytay, AngelesCityinPampangaandtheSubicBay FreeportZone inZambales.ThePhilippinespreviouslyhostedthe1981

Gameswhereit placed thirdbehindIndonesiaandThailandandthe1991edition,whichtheIndonesianstoppedbyamere twogoldmedals overtheFilipinos.

Unbeaten rompsparksUST4-peatFORFOUR straightyears,chants of “VivaSantoTomas”reverberatedin theUAAPcommunity as theTigersdominatedthe bas-

ketball scenefrom1993 to1996,an unprecedentedfeat at that time.

USTstartedthe runby sweepingall14matchesof the1993season,automatically handingthe Tigers thecrown. Thefollowing year, theFinalFourformatwasstarted.

UST’stitle-clinchingwinin1993wasmadeatthe expense ofAdamsonbefore itfrustratedLaSallein thenextthree championshipfights.The14-0team,coachedbyAric delRosario,

starredDennis Espino, Bethune“Siot”Tan-quingcen,ReyEvangelista,RudolphBelmonteandPatrickFran,withalternatesBalDavid(point guard),ChrisCantonjos (center)andEdmundReyes (forward). Alleight Tigers climbed thepro ranks,with

Tanquingcenevenbecominghead coachof GinebraandSanMiguelBeer. Todate,only Espino is stillplaying(withPowerade)whileEvangelista(B-MegDerbyAce), Fran(Meral-

co),Tanquingcen (SanMiguel)areassistantcoaches.Priorto 1993,UST’slastsolo titlecamein

the1964-65seasonwhilein 1967-68,itshared thechampionshipwith Universityof theEastafterbothschoolsrefusedto fieldtheirplayers inthe secondhalfof Game3.Overall,USTandUE have18men’sbasket-

ball titleseach, next only toFarEasternUni- versity’s19.

GreenArchers nail ownfour-peat ANEWcoachheraldedanewera. Yearsof heartaches came

toanendascoachFranzPumarentransformed theLaSalleGreenArchersfromperennial brides-maids to fierce champions.

It seemedlikebeginner’sluckfor then first-

timecoachPumaren,a recentlyretiredprofes-sionalcagerwho tookoveras LaSallementorin1998.Butboastinga solidprogramanda roster

stockedwithtalent, theArchersruledtheUAAPmen’sbasketballtournament from1998 to2001 toslay theghostsof theirforget-tablerunner-up finishes.LaSallewon back-to-backtitles in1991and

1992,but soonbecamethe league’sheart-breakkids afterfinishingasrunners-up sixtimesin sevenyears, threeof whichcamedur-ingUniversity ofSantoTomas’ ownfour-peatfrom1993 to1996.But theplayerseventuallybaskedinglory,

andimpressively, threeLa Sallestand-outs—MostValuablePlayer DonAllado,pointguardDinoAldeguerand triggermanRenrenRitualo—madeit to the1998MythicalFive.LaSallecappedits record championship

runwithno less than a2001 finalsvictoryoverfierce rivalAteneo,whereRitualoagainshonealongwithprizedguardMikeCortez,CarloSharmaandWillyWilson. A final featthat, unquestionably, sweetened

LaSalle’s phenomenal run.

Stags’NCAA five-peatHALFa decadeof domi-nance.SanSebastianpractically 

ownedthe ’90s astheStags, boastinganucleusof thecountry’stop amateurstandouts, strungupanun-precedented fiveconsecu-

tiveNCAAchampionshipcrowns.TheStags steamrolledtheirwaytothe

men’sbasketball pinnaclefrom 1993to 1997 withRomelAdducul,the 6-foot-6center ascornerstoneof apowerfullineupwhowenton

tobagtheMost ValuablePlayerplumthrice.SanSebastian,indeed,madetherest ofthefieldseemlikeminnowswith a rosterthatalsofeatured6-foot-5AramisCalpitoand6-4 Brix-terEncarnacionpatrollingthe shaded laneandwily guardsUlyssesTanigueandJasperOcampomanningthebackcourt. And likea sweet championship fairytale,

theStagsevenmarked theirhistoricfifth title witha perfect season.

With still11 holdoversin thefold, theStagsstreakedto13straightvictories to completeanunbeatenseasonandrecordthe firstfive-peatin thecountry’soldest collegiateleague.TheStags cruisedpast theSanBedaRed

Lions,84-72,in the1997Finals. Adducul,unstoppableunderneath, defied

thehelp-defense thrown againsthimand

Tanigue,barely 5-foot-8,struck fromthe out-sideto trigger a13-pointavalanchethatburied thestunnedLions, 62-48, forgood.

 VictoriousMaroonspaintthe town redBENJIEPARAS,RonnieMagsanocand EricAltami-ranocouldn’thave graspedthekindof history they  wereforgingone Octoberafternoonin 1986.UniversityofthePhilip-

pines, thecountry’s premieracademicinstitutionwhoseforay intocollegebasketball hadbeen filledwithheartache,wassuddenly stoodat thecuspofhoopglory. Against theUniversityof theEast’s vaunted

machine,led byKingWarrior JerryCodiñera,theFightingMaroonshadremovedonehur-dleto thechampionship.UPwonthe firstgameofthe seriesandmovedtowithina vic-tory ofits firstUAAPcrownin 46years.

TheWarriorswent into thetitleserieslook-ingto naila thirdstraight championship,buttheywere clearly notthe teamtheywere inthetwopreviousseasons,losingchiefgunner AllanCaidictograduation.

Still,Codiñera,whosplit timewithUEandthenational team,hadamplesupport inthelikesof collegiatestandoutsBoysieZamar, VernieVillariasandTingHojilla.

ButwithAltamirano leadingUP’sscoringcharge—he finishedwith26points in thefinalgameof theseasonwherehewonMVPhon-ors—theMaroons simplyoutclassedtheWar-riors, 98-89. Paras,Magsanoc,JoeyMendozaandJoeyGuaniohelpedkeep theUPmachinehummingattheUltra(nowthePhilSports Arena)to leadStateU tothecrown.

Back then,it was ahuge story—itmade theINQUIRER ’S frontpageandmeritedaneditorial

toboot—becauseof thelengthoftime it took beforetheMaroons clinchedthe premierbas-ketball varsity crownin thecountry.Today,withUP stillunabletoduplicatethe

feat, that victoryremainsetchedin hoophisto-ryas thedaytheFightingMaroonswereNo.1.

Grand-slamBeermenroll outbarrel VERYFEWpeoplemay havenoticed it,butSanMiguel Beer’s GrandSlamin1989wasactually setinmotionin theprevious year.

TheBeermenruledtheOpenConferencebut failed

toproveit couldwinwithout animport, asitsglutof talentedyoungstarsneededadifferenttype ofveteran leadership than theoneAbetGuidabenprovided. Afterfinishing fourthin theAll-Filipinoin

1988,the Beermenmadetheirmove,tradingGuidabenfor controversial butall-aroundbigmanMonFernandez.Andthe6-foot-4bean-poleprovedhisworth immediately byhelpingtheSanMiguelwinthe 1988ReinforcedCon-ference.When thecurtainswereliftedoffthe1989

season, theBeermen lookedsharp,deep andpoised todominate.WithFernandezwerethe likesof Samboy 

Lim,HectorCalma, ElmerReyes,YvesDig-nadice,AlvinTengand FranzPumaren.CoachNormanBlack hadinhisdisposal a collectionof talentveryfew teamscouldmatch.TheBeermendefeatedShell intheOpen

Conference, silencingthe tandemofBenjieParasandRonnieMagsanocin a 4-1trashing.

Theacidtestcamein theAll-Filipino,against aPurefoodssquad thatwouldmake winning theleague’smostprestigious trophy apart of itstradition.Still, theBeermendefeat-ed theAlvinPatrimonio-ledHotdogs insixgames.TheBeermengot off toa poorstartin the

ReinforcedConference, losing its first twogameswithimport KeithSmartin tow.ButtheBeermenbrought inEnnisWhatleyas replace-mentandwenton todefeatAñejoRhuminthefinalsto seal oneof thegreatest seasons inPBAhistory.

 Acesrecord fourthPBA grandslam ALASKACOACHTimConesummeduphisteam’s1996 virtuosoact infive words: “Specialpeople

achievespecial things.”JohnnyAbarrientos, Jo-

 jo Lastimosa,BongHawkins,JeffreyCariaso

andPoch Juiniocertainlyprovedin onesea-sonjusthowspecial theywere,leadingan AlaskachargethatsawtheteamwinthePBA’slastGrandSlamthus far. Alaskaopenedup itstriplecrownby defeat-

ingAlvinPatrimonio,JerryCodiñeraandthePurefoodsHotdogs in theAll-Filipino.Its toughestchallenge, though, camein the

Commissioner’sCup finalsagainst a veteranShellsquadcoachedbyPerryRonquillo,whomatchedwitswithCone ina seven-gamese-riesthat wentthe distanceandfeaturedverbal joustsbetweenbothcamps.In theend,Cone, wholikenedAlaska to “sharks,”defeatedRon-quillo’s“dolphins” for thetitle.Shell, whose import KennyRedfieldgua-

ranteedavictory,wasledby BenjieParasand VicPablo. Alaska,meanwhile,was ledbySeanCham-

bers,whoplayed in theCommissioner’sCupdespite theheight handicapafterDerek Hamiltonwastestedpositive fordrugs.Whenthe GovernorsCup rolled around,

 Alaskacouldvirtuallysmell theGrandSlam, withChambersreturning fora tour ofduty. Alaskasimplycontinuedits winningwaysasothersquadsneededa coupleof gamesto jell withtheirimports.

TheMilkmen’sfinalhurdlewasGordon’sGin,buttheBoarsdidnotoffermuchofafight.Alaskawon thefirst threegamesbeforeeasingon thegaspedalthenext two.InGameSix,though,it wasalloverasthe

amazingAlaska Acesfinallysealed theirownspecial season.







FILIPINObaseballerscelebrate their victory in the2005 SEAGames. AP RENRENRitualoon cloud nineafterthe La Salle Green Archers completed their UAAPfour-peat.

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THEPHILIPPINES’ FIRST Jennifer Rosales (left) andDorothy Delasin celebratewinning the Women’sWorldCup overpowerhouse SouthKorea in SouthAfrica. AFP