view philippine daily inquirer / thursday, december 9, 2010 / y-3: page 35

INQUIRER ENTERTAINMENT TELLING THE FI LIPINO STORY TO THE WORLD 3 THURSDA Y , DECEMBER9, 2010 Adolfo Alix Jr. Alvin Yapan  jua ngco,the festi val’ s main benefactor.)  Adol f’s secon d Cine malay a film, “Kad in,”scoredthe Geber  Awardat the JogjaNETP AC Fe st (Indo nesia) in 2009.He  wa s dec lar edone ofthe top20 entertainment personalitiesor “Nex t Gene ratio n Asia”by The Holly woodReporte r thisyear . Hislatest film,“Chass is,”was rece ntlyshown in Pusanand  V ancou ver andcompetedat the Mardel PlataFestin Arge ntina . We ll-kn own in the globa l cir- cuit, Adolf , whos e workshave alsoreceivedseveralawardsin loca l compe titio ns,points out: A filmmakershouldmake mov iesfor hi s people , notfor anyfestival.Nobody canpre- di ct thetaste offesti valpro- grammers ; peopl e canonly spe cul ate , butin theend,the moviewill speakfor itsel f.” He asse rts thatFilipinocine- mastand s outintheworld scen e because of its “uni que- ness and variety .”  Adol f wasamong the firs t batchof mains treampractiti on- erswhofoundthei r ownvoic e inthe dig ital rev olutio n ofthe lastfive years . A pleth ora of  voic es,”is hisdescript ion of the resulting scene. He expla ins:“Digita l tech nol- ogy democ ratiz ed the mediu m, fre edus from yearsof bei ng limited by theneeds of cap ital- is ts andtheconve nti onsof old - school filmmaking.”  Adol f is cauti ous,however , aboutdeclari ng thisupheavala “newwave” or Phili ppinecine- ma’ s thi rdGolde n Age , assome criti cs sugg est.“Only timecan  judge ,”he say s.“It’sjustthe be- ginn ing. ” He liken s the new techn ologyto a “wea pon”for the storyt eller. “We haveto forgeahead,like sold iers , to  winthe battl e.” He couns elsyoung filmmak- ers:“Know the medi um. Know our own cine ma. Conti nuebe- ing sens itiveto our count ry’s sensi bilit iesand truth s more thananythingelse.” Bayani San Dieg o Jr . The directorworkedas super visi ng pro- duce r of “T ambol ista, a Cinema OneOrigi- nal s (ABS -CB N) 2007 finali st.He iscur- rentl y worki ng on hisnext film,“Gayuma .”  Alvi n is convi ncedthat digi tal techn olo- gy has“democra tizedfilmmak ing. ” He ex- plain s: “It gavecreativeindivid ualsa venue to expr ess thei r ownartistryoutsidemain- strea m produ cers profi t concerns. How ever, hesays,it isstillimpo rtant to en- cou rag e thebig pro ducersto fun d fil msthat “donot fitthe usu alformu laand mol d.Chan g- ingaudiencetaste andsensibil ity willtake time.We nee d pro duc erswhocan mak e the se kin dsof fil msfor a sus tai nedperi odof tim e.”  Alvi n ackno wled gesa growi ng inter est in inde pend ent cine ma local ly , but can’tsay thatthis is anoth er so-ca lledgolden age.“I don ’t presume I can[lab el]thisrece nt phe - nomeno n…sinceI ampart ofit,” hestres s- es.“Thebestpeopl e todothisare thecrit- ics. This rec entsurg e ofoutput shouldbe mat che d by a commen sur ateamoun t ofen- thu sia smfromfilmcriti cs…anda massau- dience.” Mari nelR. Cruz  ADOLFOALIX JR.: “Kno w yourown cine ma.”  ALVIN YAPAN: “Weneed a massaudien ce.” “GAYUMA” “ADELA”      A      U      G      U      S      T      D      E      L      A      C      R      U      Z      J      I      M      G      U      I      A      O      P      U      N      Z      A      L      A      N  Y OUNGMANin a hur ry? That’s Adol- fo Adol f” Ali x Jr. In thebreathless pac e of a triathlete,the write r-di- rector-occasional produc- tion des igner crafte d 17 films in jus t fiv e yea rs. Heis notjustproli fic . His Cinemalaya-wi nning debut, “Don sol,”won JuryPrizesat theFort Laud erdal e (Unit ed State s) andAsian Marin e (Jap an) filmfestival s in 2006. Two yearslater , “Mani la,”a film he co-di recte d withanotherI N- QUIRER honor ee, RayaMartin,  wasscreene d in Cannes. (Cine mala ya is an annu al all- digital film festival/competi- tio n mou nte d bythe Cin e- mala ya Fou ndat ion withthe support of the Cultu ralCenter of the Phil ippin es, FilmDevel- opmen t Counc il of the Phil ip- pine s andEconolinkInvest- mentsInc.,headed by busi ness - manAntonio “T onyboy Co-  A L VIN YAP AN mad e hisfirst fil m afte r bei ng dar ed by fel low profes sorsat theUni-  ve rsi ty of thePhili ppi nes . “The chal le ngewas to produce a filmon our owninstea d of griping about thestate of Fil ipino mai nst ream cinema ,” says Alv in,who tea ches Filipi no Liter ature. The prod uct wasthe 17-minuter “Roly o,”which wontheBest ShortFilm award at the Cine malay a Phil ippin e Inde- pende nt FilmFestiv al andthe Uria n from the Manun uri ng Pel ikula ng Pilip ino (crit - icsgrou p) bot h in2007.The moviecom- pet edat thePar isFilmFest iva l in2008.  Alv in,als o a fic tio nis t, hadear lier wonthe Don Carlo s Pal ancaMemorialAwardfor Liter- ature(1997, 2002,2003), and NCC A Wri ter’s Prize(2005). Hiscollectio n of shor t stori es,“At Nabul ag angTagap agsa lays ay” wasincluded in NCCA ’s “UbodNew Autho rs Serie s.”His firs t nov el,“ AngSand aling mgaMata ,”won the 2006 Natio nalBook Awa rd for BestNovel.  Alvi n direc ted “Huli ng Pas ada,” whic h  wonBest Cinematogr aphyat the Cine - malay a 2008.His firs t solofull-len gthfilm, AngPangga gaha sa kay Fe, wonthe Spe- cia l Jur y Pri zeat Cinema lay a 2009.It isthe fir stFilipinofilmto wintheGolde n Award at the 2009Cairo Inter nati onalFilm Festi-  val (Egypt ). Itwas als o scr een edat the Chic ago IFF , the Osia n Cine fanin Indi a and the Bahamas IFF.

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Adolfo Alix Jr.

Alvin Yapan

juangco,the festival’s mainbenefactor.)

Adolf’s second Cinemalayafilm, “Kadin,”scoredthe Geber Awardat the JogjaNETPACFest (Indonesia) in 2009.He was declaredone ofthe top20entertainment personalitiesor“Next Generation Asia”by TheHollywoodReporter thisyear.Hislatest film,“Chassis,”wasrecentlyshown in Pusanand Vancouver andcompetedat theMardel PlataFestin Argentina.

Well-known in the global cir-cuit, Adolf, whose workshavealsoreceivedseveralawardsinlocal competitions,points out:“A filmmakershouldmakemoviesfor his people, notforanyfestival.Nobody canpre-dict thetaste offestivalpro-grammers; people canonly speculate, butin theend,the

moviewill speakfor itself.”He asserts thatFilipinocine-mastands outin theworldscene because of its “unique-ness and variety.”

Adolf wasamong the first

batchof mainstreampractition-erswhofoundtheir ownvoiceinthe digital revolution ofthelastfive years. “A plethora of voices,”is hisdescription of theresulting scene.

He explains:“Digital technol-ogy democratized the medium,freedus from yearsof being

limited by theneeds of capital-ists andtheconventionsof old-school filmmaking.”

Adolf is cautious,however,aboutdeclaring thisupheavala“newwave” or Philippinecine-

ma’s thirdGolden Age, assomecritics suggest.“Only timecan judge,”he says.“It’sjustthe be-ginning.” He likens the newtechnologyto a “weapon”forthe storyteller. “We havetoforgeahead,like soldiers, to winthe battle.”

He counselsyoung filmmak-

ers:“Know the medium. Knowour own cinema. Continuebe-ing sensitiveto our country’ssensibilitiesand truths morethananythingelse.” BayaniSan Diego Jr.

The directorworked as supervising pro-ducer of “Tambolista,” a Cinema OneOrigi-nals (ABS-CBN) 2007 finalist.He iscur-rently working on hisnext film,“Gayuma.”

Alvin is convincedthat digital technolo-gy has“democratizedfilmmaking.” He ex-plains: “It gavecreativeindividualsa venueto express their ownartistryoutsidemain-stream producers’ profit concerns.”

However, hesays,it isstillimportant to en-courage thebig producersto fund filmsthat“donot fitthe usualformulaand mold.Chang-ingaudiencetaste andsensibility willtaketime.We need producerswhocan make thesekindsof filmsfor a sustainedperiodof time.”

Alvin acknowledgesa growing interestin independent cinema locally, but can’tsay

thatthis is another so-calledgolden age.“Idon’t presume I can[label]thisrecent phe-nomenon…sinceI ampart ofit,” hestress-es.“Thebestpeople to dothisare thecrit-ics. This recentsurge ofoutput shouldbematched by a commensurateamount ofen-thusiasmfromfilmcritics…anda mass au-dience.” MarinelR. Cruz

ADOLFOALIX JR.:“Know yourown cinema.”

ALVIN YAPAN:“Weneed a massaudience.”





Y OUNGMANin ahurry? That’s Adol-fo “Adolf” Alix Jr. In

thebreathless pace of atriathlete, the writer-di-rector-occasional produc-tion designer crafted 17films in just five years.

Heis notjustprolific. HisCinemalaya-winning debut,“Donsol,”won JuryPrizesattheFort Lauderdale (UnitedStates) andAsian Marine(Japan) filmfestivals in 2006.Two yearslater, “Manila,”a filmhe co-directed withanotherI N-QUIRER honoree, RayaMartin, wasscreened in Cannes.

(Cinemalaya is an annual all-digital film festival/competi-tion mounted bythe Cine-malaya Foundation withthe

support of the CulturalCenterof the Philippines, FilmDevel-opment Council of the Philip-pines andEconolinkInvest-mentsInc.,headed by business-manAntonio “Tonyboy” Co-

A LVIN YAPAN made hisfirstfilm after being dared by fellow professorsat theUni-

versity of thePhilippines. “Thechallengewas to produce a filmonour own instead of griping aboutthe state of Filipino mainstreamcinema,” says Alvin,who teachesFilipino Literature.

The product wasthe 17-minuter“Rolyo,”which wontheBest ShortFilmaward at the Cinemalaya Philippine Inde-pendent FilmFestival andthe Urian fromthe Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino (crit-icsgroup) both in2007.The moviecom-petedat theParisFilmFestival in2008.

Alvin,also a fictionist, hadearlier wontheDonCarlos PalancaMemorialAwardfor Liter-ature(1997, 2002,2003),andNCCA Writer’sPrize(2005).Hiscollection of short stories,“AtNabulagangTagapagsalaysay”wasincludedin NCCA’s“UbodNew Authors Series.”His firstnovel,“AngSandaling mgaMata,”won the2006NationalBook AwardforBestNovel.

Alvin directed “Huling Pasada,” which wonBest Cinematographyat the Cine-

malaya 2008.His first solofull-lengthfilm,“AngPanggagahasa kay Fe,” wonthe Spe-cial Jury Prizeat Cinemalaya 2009.It isthefirstFilipinofilmto wintheGolden Awardat the 2009Cairo InternationalFilm Festi- val (Egypt). Itwas also screenedat theChicago IFF, the Osian Cinefanin India andthe Bahamas IFF.