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  • Virat Kohli

    $ näù´ÉÉxÉÉÆ SÉ @ñʹÉxÉÉÆ SÉ MÉÖ°ü EòÉ\SÉxÉ ºÉÊzɦɨÉ *¤ÉÖÊrù ¦ÉÖiÉÆ ÊjɱÉÉäEäò¶É¨É iÉÆ xɨÉÉ欃 ¤ÉÞ½þɺ{ÉÊiɨÉ **

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    I bow down to Lord Jupiter;The Guru, the master of Devas and sages.

    The one with high intelligence and golden complexion;The lord who controls all three worlds.

    Prepared using Astro-vision LifeS ign So ware.Licensee:Astrovision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.

  • Name : Virat Kohli

    Sex : Male

    Date of Birth : 5 November, 1988 Saturday

    Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 10:28:00 AM Standard Time

    Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich

    Place of Birth : Delhi

    Longitude & La tude (Deg.Mins) : 77.13 East , 28.40 North

    Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 42 Min. 9Sec.

    Birth Star -Star Pada (Quarter) : U tarapha lg uniU tarapha lg uni - 2 - 2

    Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : KanyaKanya -- B udha B udha

    Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Dhanu - Guru

    Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Ekadasi, Krishnapaksha

    Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:36 AMStandard Time

    Sunset (Hrs.Mins) : 05:33 PM

    Dinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 10.57

    Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 27.22

    Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 21 Min.

    Astrological Day of Birth : Saturday

    Kalidina Sankhya : 1859005

    Dasa System : Vimsho ari, Years = 365.25Days

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Star Lord : Surya

    Ganam, Yoni, Animal : Manushya, Male, Camel

    Bird, Tree : Crow, Ficus Venosa

    Chandra Avastha : 4 / 12

    Chandra Vela : 10 / 36

    Chandra Kriya : 17 / 60

    Dagda Rasi : Dhanu,Meena

    Karanam : Balava

    Nithya Yoga : Vaidhrithi

    Rasi of Sun - Star Posi on : Tula - Swa

    Posi on of Angadityan : Feet

    Zodiac sign (Western System) : Scorpio

    Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 82:57:36 - Punarvasu

    Yogi Planet : Guru

    Duplicate Yogi : Budha

    Avayogi Star - Planet : Utaraphalguni- Surya

    Atma Karaka (Soul)-Karakamsa : Surya - Meena

    Amatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : Shukra

    Lagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : Tula

    Dhana Aruda (Pada) : Vrischika

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained bysubtrac ng the ayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.

    There are different basis for calcula ng ayanamsa. The method selected here is : Chitra Paksha= 23Deg. 42 Min. 8 Sec.



    J u p


    45 K e t



    V en



    G u l



    S a t L a g10




    12V en

    S a t


    L a g G u l4


    6K e t









    J u p


    Nirayana Longitude of Planets

    Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in RasiDeg:Min:Sec Star Pada

    Lagnam 248:44:27 Dhanu 08:44:27 Moola 3

    Chandra 150:19:47 Kanya 00:19:47 Utaraphalguni 2

    Surya 199:17:48 Tula 19:17:48 Swa 4

    Budha 184:06:00 Tula 04:06:00 Chitra 4

    Shukra 163:50:03 Kanya 13:50:03 Hasta 2

    Kuja 336:35:19 Meena 06:35:19 U arabhadra 1

    Guru 039:41:43 Vrishabha 09:41:43 Retro Kri ka 4

    Sani 245:36:13 Dhanu 05:36:13 Moola 2

    Rahu 317:05:32 Kumbha 17:05:32 Satabhisha 4

    Ketu 137:05:32 Simha 17:05:32 Purvaphalguni 2

    Maandi 207:37:53 Tula 27:37:53 Vishakha 3

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Ashtakavarga system is a predic ve method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of pointsbased upon planetary posi ons. Ashtakavarga means eigh old categoriza on. It depictseigh old strength of planets excluding the nodes of the Moon but including the ascendant. It isworked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the planetary strength.The strength of each planet and the power and intensity of their influence depends upon theloca on of other planets and the ascendant in rela on to it. Eight full points are assigned toeach planet. They can obtain strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plo ed on differentsigns in a chart, determine the possibility of a transi ng planet in inducing auspicious or othereffects during its sojourn in a par cular sign.

    Details of Dasa Periods

    ( Years = 365.25 Days)

    Dasa balance at birth = Surya 4 Years, 4 Months, 6 Days

    Dasa Arambha Anthya

    Sun 05-11-1988 13-03-1993

    Moo 13-03-1993 14-03-2003

    Mar 14-03-2003 14-03-2010

    Rah 14-03-2010 13-03-2028

    Jup 13-03-2028 13-03-2044

    Sat 13-03-2044 14-03-2063

    Mer 14-03-2063 13-03-2080

    Ket 13-03-2080 01-03-2084

    The bo om line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.


    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Sarva Ashtakavarga Table

    Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

    MeshaMesha 5 2 4 4 3 4 3 25

    VrishabhaVrishabha 7 2 2 4 1 6 5 27

    MithunaMithuna 2 5 5 2 2 6 1 23

    KarkataKarkata 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 33

    S imhaS imha 4 4 3 6 4 4 4 29

    KanyaKanya 2 5 6 5 3 2 3 26

    TulaTula 3 5 7 4 4 6 4 33

    VrischikaVrischika 4 4 2 3 1 4 2 20

    D hanuD hanu 5 3 7 5 5 4 2 31

    MakaraMakara 3 4 4 5 1 6 2 25

    KumbhaKumbha 5 4 3 5 6 4 5 32

    MeenaMeena 4 6 6 4 5 5 3 33

    49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

    Sarva Ashtakavarga Chart

    1 332












    11 25

    12 32

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • The condi on of Jupiter in your birth chart is very important to analyze the result of Jupiter intransit. If Jupiter, the great benefic is placed well in birth chart, it is a posi ve indica on for yourwhole life. At the same me, in transit, the results can vary according to the rasi and the housewhich it placed. Jupiter generally supports the person to be more spiritual and to take anop mis c stand on every aspect of life.

    In your birth chart, Jupiter is in sixth house. This house is known as arisha bhava and this housedeals with debts, enemies, struggles, maternal rela ves, colleagues, daily life and pets. Jupiter isthe planet of expansion, wisdom, higher studies, spirituality and luck. Jupiter in the sixth housegives a spiritual a tude towards the ma ers of the sixth house. It highlights the need to bemore alert towards the sufferings of life. You may take a li le longer me to se le all theresponsibili es in life. You may like to study law. Jupiter may give more care in health. You maytake part in solving others issue. You may get interested in other dimensions. You may evenbecome a diplomat for the lower class. You may take more interest in animals.

    In your birth chart, jupiter is in the sign of Taurus ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of love,luxury and unions while Jupiter is a kind of teacher. Taurus is an earth sign. The Jupiterainenergy will make you more interested in financial ma ers. You may even make a career in that.You may teach others about business, arts, finance and luxury. You will use your knowledge tomake wealth. You will be loved by others because of your sweet nature. Jupiter and Venus areneutral towards each other. They are not happy and not feeling bad as well. Jupiter is spiritualityand Venus is worldly luxuries. You may use your knowledge to be happy for yourself.

    Analysis of Jupiter in your birth Chart

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Transit Chart



    Rah L a g4




    G u l



    V en


    J u p

    S a t

    K e t10

    11 Moo


    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Jupiter is the fi h planet in the solar system. It is not only the fi h planet , it is the largest planetas well. It stays in a sign for one year. This will give more stability and opportunity to se le downwith the ma ers of that house which Jupiter sits. This is will be a con nua on process. If Jupiteris in a par cular sign, one year the ma ers of that house will be the founda on for the nexthouse and you can foresee this and plan accordingly. Jupiter is the greatest benefic andul mate form of spirituality. Every transit will bring you to the awareness of the importance ofwisdom, spirituality and visions.

    Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present posi on of planets with those in thebirth-chart. The Jupiter have a great influence on your life. Some mes the effects may beopposing, nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to getan idea of the dynamics at work by studying the impact of each par cular transit aspect. Yourimmediate future, therefore, is a blend of the following predic ons.

    Jupiter is transi ng fourth house from your natal Moon.The fourth house signifies, home,family, mother, upbringing, emo ons, basic educa on, vehicles, and comforts, peace, luxuries,homeland and psyche. Since Jupiter is the planet of expansion, you can see the issues related tohome and peace ge ng an expansion. You will be busy with plans related to some real estatedeals. You will even try to relocate from home and homeland. You have to guard your wealth oryou may lose it. Its all because Jupiter is the planet of expansion and it can give you over-op mism. You shall think that things will end up in your favor at the end, but the universe mayhave some other plans for you. So you should make careful moves. The same focus should bethere when you deal with your rela ves as well. You will be very calcula ve, but always take asecond opinion before you execute your plans. You have to take care of your health as well.Please dont indulge in any verbal spat or ac on which is not your interest. If you are ge ng intoa role as a mediator, think twice whether you need to go for this risk. You may get falseaccusa ons. Be a en ve and obedient towards your rulers and parents. There can be somefamily func ons. More than public life, ll this Jupiter transit ends, you will be focused on familyma ers.

    While predic ng jupiter transit, Astakavarga has an important role to play. The sum ofastakavarga points contributed by all planet in each rasi are called Sarvashtakavarga.

    Jupiter is transi ng through Sagi arius.

    In Sarva Astakavarga chart, you have 28-32 points in this sign, which is a sa sfactory rate. Thiswill give you mixed results during this Jupiter transit. You will get enough opportuni es to makebe erment. You will progress and you have to work really hard. Try to see everything in aspiritual and prac cal way. Opportuni es during this transit will not be easy to find. Once youfind it, you will be able to make the best out of it. You can achieve more with dedicated moves.

    Jupiter Transit Predic ons

    Jupiter is fourth from Moon

  • Aspect is the technical term used in astrology . It means the influence of a planet on otherplanets and houses. All the planets aspects the seventh house from their posi on. If any planetis placed in the seventh house from any planet, then these planets are aspec ng each other.Planets including Mars, Jupiter and Saturn aspect more houses than the seventh house. Jupiteraspects the fi h, seventh and ninth houses. When Jupiter aspects any house from birth moon,it will magnify the opportuni es in those houses with the Jupiterian quali es.

    This house deals with in-laws, inheritances, loans, shared resources, finances, partnerships andjoint assets. This aspect will magnify all the features in this house. You may get financial aid.Think twice before you take any financial help or you may not be able to repay. You will findchances for new partnership. There can be some discussions related to joint assets. You mightfind some opportuni es with your inheritances. You will be busy, improving your health. Therecan be some projects with others in response. You may take a new insurance policy as well.

    The 10th house is known as Karma Bhava. Jupiter aspect to this house can give you new du esand responsibili es. You may move to a bigger workspace. There can be more socialrecogni on. You will be happy; your elders may support you. You will be more visible in thepublic domain. This house deals with the career, so the transit should influence yourresponsibili es in a very posi ve way. You may get rewarded for your work. You may have agood me with your parents as well.

    This house is known as the Vyaya Bhava. Jupiter aspect to this house can make you morespiritual. You may start learning spiritual and mys cal stuff. You will try to do some charity work.You will see things in a very philosophical way. You may try some therapy, medita on or yoga.You will meet people who work with hospitals and lonely places. This phase is very good formaking your mind strong. A er this transit, you will have new beginnings.

    Jupiter is transi ng through first house from your birth lagna. The first house deals with yourpersonality, wellbeing, beauty, and ambi ons. This Jupiter transit will bring you manyopportuni es to see you from a different perspec ve. You may put on weight. You will try toenhance your looks. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and op mism. This may make you tooop mis c and this will force you to take some imprac cal decisions. You should be sure thatwhatever decision you take is going to be beneficial for you. You might get some opportuni esto improve your professional and personal life.

    Aspects of Jupiter

    Jupiter aspects eighth house from your natal moon

    Jupiter aspects tenth house from your natal moon

    Jupiter aspects twel h house from your natal moon

    Jupiter is first from your birth Lagna

  • During this transit, Jupiter aspects the same house where it is placed in your natal chart. Thiswill make you over confident and over-op mis c. Please make sure that your plans are realis c.Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is considered as benefic. This will bring you moreopportuni es for long journeys, higher studies and learning spirituality. You will getopportuni es to travel long distance. You will read spirituality and philosophy related subjects.You may go for spiritual journeys. You will get interested in study and research. You may shareyour wisdom.

    This Jupiter transit will be a kind of tes ng me for you and you will confront with the harshreali es of life. You have to try a lot to overcome the harshness of those challenges. During thenext transit, you will see the results of the good seeds which you sowed in the past transit. Youwill see great results this me and will feel relaxed. This is a good me to enjoy and you can begrateful for the tough mes you had. They helped you to have a great transforma on.

    The en re zodiac wheel is a perfect circle of 360 degrees. It is divided into 12 signs and they are30 degrees long. These 30 degrees are divided into 8 parts, and it is called Kakshya. These 8por ons are supposed to be ruled by 7 planets and lagna. The division starts from the slowestplanet to the fastest. In this sequence Saturn comes first because it is the slowest among allplanets. Then comes Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon. A er that the kakhsya forLagna starts. Kakhsya concept is used mainly in transit to funnel down how the transit resultswould be. Each planet will gain strength in each kakshya. The strength is calculated according tothe point transit planet gains in the Bhinnashtakavarga for each planet.

    from : 05-Nov-2019 to : 23-Nov-2019

    Delays will be normal when Jupiter moves through the kakshya of Saturn. This is a me to take apause and do a retrospect. You may have a lot to learn from the past. Jupiter indicates higherwisdom, principles, money, magnifica on, and expansion, so all these ma ers will get testedduring this transit. You should try to start studying new skills, but you need to put a lot of effort.Financial issues can also come up. However, this is a good me to learn new things about life.That can give you more structuring to your life and perspec ve. Unexpected expenses can comeup, so you need to be prepared for that. There is nothing wrong in going through somecomplex situa ons because that will give us the perfect vision for life. This transit is going tomake you a prac cal man.

    from : 30-Mar-2020 to : 30-Jun-2020

    During this kakshya period, jupiter transits through Capricorn

    Jupiter transit through variouskakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through first kakshya

  • Delays can be very normal during this phase as Jupiter is not ge ng enough strength here. So,you are going to be in a hard transit, and you should be prepared for that. When Jupiter isweak, then that can bring concerns regarding finances and happiness. You have to be ahardworking man to get all these things. That should not make you unhappy as this is the needof the me. If you work hard now, then it can bring good results in the future. Unexpectedexpenses can come up, so either you find more projects to be financially stable or prac ce cost-cu ng. Both the planets Saturn and Jupiter one way or other way indicates prac cal lessons, soa er this transit, you will see yourself as a prac cal man.

    from : 23-Nov-2019 to : 10-Dec-2019

    The transit of Jupiter through own kakshya can make you super op mis c and that can makeyou an unrealis c man. Since Jupiter is the planet for expansion, magnifica on, and happiness,you will be in search of all these during this transit. You should follow the path of righteousnessin each and everything you do. This transit will give you opportuni es to learn and grow. Skilldevelopment programs can also come up. Long trips and pilgrimages also can come up.Travelling also can be a part of this phase. Projects with foreign collabora ons are also seenduring this transit. You can be very adventurous during this transit and it should not betranslated as rebelliousness. This is a good me to improve your rela onship with elderly malefigures.

    from : 10-Dec-2019 to : 26-Dec-2019

    This phase will be excep onal because you are high spirited. Jupiter is moving through thekakshya of Mars and receiving good energy here and that may make this transit very beneficial.During this phase, you will become a very ambi ous man. There may be new beginnings in thepersonal and social domain. You want to have new ventures, but donât start anything withoutexpert advice. There will be a lot of expecta ons of your friends and family. You need to controlyour energy level; otherwise, you can get cuts and bruises. So, take care while driving. You maybe expressing your views without any hesita on. That should not be the right idea during thisphase.

    from : 26-Dec-2019 to : 11-Jan-2020

    Jupiter is happy to move through the kakshya of the Sun because it is ge ng enough strength.The Sun indicates a lot of things like ego, power, and authority. This may be a beneficial transitand you will get good results. For that, you have to try hard. This is a good me to improve yourrela onship with elders, especially fatherly figures. You can get enough inputs for your personalgrowth. This is also a me to use your crea ve energies. Some projects from the governmentsector are also seen during this transit. You will be known as a skilled man during this transit.

    from : 11-Jan-2020 to : 28-Jan-2020

    Jupiter is moving through the kakshya of Venus. Jupiter is not receiving a great strength here,

    Jupiter is transi ng through second kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through third kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through fourth kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through fi h kakshya

  • so there can be some complexi es during this transit. Most of these challenges can come fromrela onships. These rela onships can be from personal as well as social domain. This is not agreat me for open socializa on. There are many hazards hidden in such interac ons as ayoung male you should be very cau ous. Try to stay away from making new contacts andcontracts. Even if you want to start, then take expert advice. You will try to improve your beautyand health. During this transit, your reproduc ve organs can get triggered so, you need to takecare of that.

    from : 28-Jan-2020 to : 15-Feb-2020

    During this phase, Jupiter is moving through the kakshya of Mercury. This transit can becomplex as Jupiter is not ge ng enough points in this kakshya. Mercury indicates studies,communica on, technology, media, and siblings. You will be focusing on these ma ers moreduring this transit. Since Jupiter is not ge ng enough strength, you should not be in a haste tomake any decisions. It is just because your analy cal capacity is very less during this transit. Instudies and projects, you may have to face some challenges. This may be a complex me foranything related to studies as well. Your communica on can be interpreted in the wrong way,so think twice before you speak. During this phase, your siblings may come with concerns andyou will bluntly deal with them. They may feel that you are an aggressive man.

    from : 15-Feb-2020 to : 05-Mar-2020from : 30-Jul-2020 to : 27-Oct-2020

    When Jupiter moves through the kakshya of the Moon, then your happiness can get affected.Jupiter is not ge ng enough strength in this kakshya. Moon is the mind, emo ons, motherlyfigures, comfort, peace and luxury. The first concern can be regarding mother or elderly femalefigures in the family. They expect a lot from you as a grown-up man. Your emo ons areheightened during this transit and that should not make you an aggressive male. Donât get intoany complex issues, because your happiness can get easily affected during this phase. Familymeetups can come up, but there will be arguments as well. There may be some real estatedeals, but they can be somewhat complex.

    from : 05-Mar-2020 to : 30-Mar-2020from : 30-Jun-2020 to : 30-Jul-2020

    from : 27-Oct-2020 to : 20-Nov-2020

    Jupiterâs transit through this kakshya is going to be very beneficial as Jupiter is ge ng enoughstrength here. Not only that Jupiter is your own ruler and that adds more posi vity. SinceJupiter is the planet for op mism, you yourself may feel op mis c for no reason. That can makeyou a lazy man. Take note of this and focus on your ac on. Being just op mis c cannot bringany goodness, but you need to physically and mentally act for your profits. Finances may not bethat bad, s ll you will have to be careful. Being a Sagi arius lagna, your second house of moneyis ruled by Saturn and that makes you a prac cal man. New opportuni es can come up fromforeign collabora ons. This is a good me to be a spiritual person. You will be interested in longtrips, spiritual and philosophical debates. Opportuni es for wri ng and edi ng also can comeup.

    Jupiter is transi ng through sixth kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through seventh kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through eighth kakshya

  • The current jupiter transit through Sagitarius is from 05th Nov 2019 to

    20 Nov 2020


    Note:Note:This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support wehave received so far. We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect ofany decision that may be taken on the basis of this report.

    W ith best wishes : W ith best wishes : Astro-V ision Futuretech P vt.Ltd.Astro-V ision Futuretech P vt.Ltd.F irst F loor, W hite Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032F irst F loor, W hite Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032


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    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report