vocabulary and learning... · web viewi can describe how metals are classified in the periodic...

Chapter 9: Elements of the Periodic Table Learning Target Vocabulary Word Definition Facts or Examples Symbol/Picture Lesson 1 I can explain how Mendeleev discovered the pattern that led to the periodic table. . . atomic mass the average _______ of all the__________ of that element isotopes different forms of the same element periodic table an arrangement of elements showing the ______________ pattern of their _____________ _______________left blanks for undiscovered __________that would fit the _________ I can identify the data about elements found in the periodic table… nucleus very _________of an atom proton _____________charg ed particles inside a nucleus Every atom of the same element has the same ___________of protons called the atomic _________ = how elements

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Chapter 9: Elements of the Periodic Table

Learning Target Vocabulary Word Definition Facts or Examples Symbol/PictureLesson 1

I can explain how

Mendeleev discovered the

pattern that led to the periodic table.

. .

atomic mass the average _______ of all the__________ of

that element

isotopes different forms of the same element

periodic table an arrangement of elements showing the ______________ pattern of their _____________

_______________left blanks for undiscovered __________that

would fit the _________

I can identify the data about

elements found in the periodic


nucleusvery _________of an


proton _____________charged particles inside a


Every atom of the same element has the same

___________of protons called the atomic _________ = how elements can be identified

neutrons particles in the nucleus with

__________ charge

________and neutrons have about the same atomic


electrons particles moving ___________ the nucleus with a

___________ charge

a neutral atom has the same number of ___________ and


chemical symbol

contain one or two letters

often an abbreviation of the elements name in English or


I can explain how the periodic table

is useful…

periods __________of the periodic table

contains a series of _______________elements

groups elements in a _________ in the periodic table

also known as ____________

elements in each group have ______________ characteristics

Lesson 2

I can summarize the properties of


metals elements that are good ____________ of

heat and ________________

shiny and______________make up the _________of the

elements in the periodic table (begin on ________ side

and extend across)

luster shiny and _______________

a ______________ property of metals

malleablea material that can be

_____________or ____________ into ________sheets or

other shapes

a _______________ property of metals

ductile a material that can be ___________out, or drawn into long ______________

a physical property of metals

thermal conductivity

the ability of an object to transfer


a physical property of metals

electrical conductivity

ability of an object to conduct electric ______________

a physical property of metals

reactivitythe _________ and

____________ at which an element combines,

or ___________ with other substances

some metals are very reactive

a _______________l property of metals

corrosion the _________________ of a metal due to a chemical reaction in

the __________________

a __________ property of metals

I can describe how metals are

classified in the periodic table…

alkali metals metals from Group ___

are the most _________ metals in the periodic table

never found as uncombined elements in __________

shiny and so _______can cut with a plastic knife

have low __________ and ___________ points

alkaline earth metals

metals from Group ___

are ________ and ____________ and melt

at _____________ temperatures than

alkali metals

very reactive (but not as much as ________metals)

never found ________________ in nature

transition metals

metals in Groups ___ to ______

_______ and shiny __________

______ melting points and densities

good conductors of __________and electric


very malleable


lanthanides elements with compounds containing


top _______of elements placed _____________ the

periodic table

used to make _________ light

actinides elements not found in nature but are made ___________________in


______________ row of elements placed below

periodic table

transuranium elements

made, or synthesized, when ____________

particles are forced to _____________ into one


elements that follow uranium on the periodic table

sometimes called ______________elements

elements with atomic numbers greater than ______

Lesson 3

I can summarize the properties of



lacks most of the properties of metals

in general, most nonmetals are

___________conductors of electric current and

heatsolid nonmetals tend

to be ________ and ______________

except for _____________ found on the right side of the

periodic table

have ______________densities than metals

many nonmetal are ______________ at room


I can describe the families of


Carbon FamilyGroup _____

only Carbonproteins, DNA and ______

contain Carbon

Nitrogen Family

Group _____

Nitrogen and ________________

Oxygen Family

Group _____

Oxygen, ___________, ______________

Halogen Family

Group __________________,

Chlorine, ________________ and


means “_______forming”

properties of _____________ are unknown because it is

extremely rare

Noble GasesGroup ______

do not ordinarily form _____________ because atoms of noble gases do not usually ______,

lose or _________

usually non-reactive


Hydrogen alone in upper _________ hand corner

metalloidshave some properties

of __________ and some properties of __________________

all are ____________ at room temperatures

__________, hard and somewhat reactive

most useful property is ability to conduct


Learning Targets

Lesson 1I can explain how Mendeleev discovered the pattern that led to the periodic table. . .

Mendeleev noticed a ____________ of properties in elements arranged by increasing atomic ___________________.

I can identify the data about elements found in the periodic table…

The periodic table includes each elements atomic _____________, _____________, name and atomic ________________.

I can explain how the periodic table is useful…

The properties of an element can be ________________ from its ________________ on the periodic table.

Lesson 2I can summarize the properties of metals…

The physical properties of metals include _____________, ________________, _______________, and ___________________.

I can describe how metals are classified in the periodic table…

Metals are classified as ____________metals, _____________________ metals, ______________ metals, metals in mixed groups, __________________, and ___________________.

Lesson 3I can summarize the properties of nonmetals…

In general, most nonmetals are poor _______________________. Solid nonmetals tend to be ___________and ______________.

I can describe the families of nonmetals…

The families containing nonmetals include the ____________ family, the _____________ family, the _______________ family, the _________________ family, the ______________ gases and ______________________.