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Vocabulary Worksheets by Rachel Spack Koch Intermediate level Azar Grammar Series: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd edition Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your classroom needs. Vocabulary Worksheets are available as Word documents or PDF files. Chapter 8—Connecting Ideas 1. Reading: Elephants 2. Vocabulary practice 3. Vocabulary practice 4. Reading: Pliny Describes Elephants 5. Vocabulary practice 6. Vocabulary practice 7. Vocabulary practice 8. Which word doesn’t belong? 9. Vocabulary review 10. Word search game Answer Key Word List

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Vocabulary Worksheets

by Rachel Spack Koch

Intermediate level

Azar Grammar Series: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd edition

Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the

grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable

syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for

each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your

classroom needs. Vocabulary Worksheets are available as Word documents or PDF


Chapter 8—Connecting Ideas

1. Reading: Elephants

2. Vocabulary practice

3. Vocabulary practice

4. Reading: Pliny Describes Elephants

5. Vocabulary practice

6. Vocabulary practice

7. Vocabulary practice

8. Which word doesn’t belong?

9. Vocabulary review

10. Word search game

Answer Key

Word List

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 1. Reading: Elephants

Read the questions and answers about elephants from a nature website. Then

answer the questions on the next page.


Is it true that elephants never forget anything?

Elephants do have remarkable memories. This helps

them to survive well in the wild. They can find food

and water during times of drought because they can

remember places to drink and to find food.

Elephants usually remember each other for their whole lifetime, even

though they may not see each other for many years.

Why do elephants have such large ears?

Elephants have their enormous ears so they can cool themselves. The ears

act as cooling devices, like two huge fans. When the animal flaps its ears,

the blood temperature goes down 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit).

Can elephants run?

Elephants are actually incapable of running, but they can walk

very fast. Researchers have recorded speeds of elephants

moving elephants at 18-20 miles (29-32 kilometers) per hour!

This is as fast as world-class Olympic hurdlers.

Are elephants afraid of mice?

At one time many people thought elephants were afraid of mice,

but this is not true. It’s a myth. In zoos, a mouse sometimes runs

around very near the tip of an elephant’s trunk, but the elephant

ignores it.

Is it true that the normal lifespan of an elephant is 100 years?

Although many people believe that elephants live for over 100 years, the

oldest elephant ever recorded died on February 26, 2003, at the age of 86.

He had lived in the Taipei Zoo in Taiwan.

The average lifespan of an elephant in the wild is about 50 years. When an

elephant in the wild dies of old age, it’s often because its last teeth have

worn out. It can’t eat any more, and dies of hunger. Well cared-for

elephants in zoos live longer. Their average lifespan can be close to 70 years.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 1, page 2

Circle T if the statement is true according to the reading. Circle F if the statement is


1. T / F Elephants have excellent memories.

2. T / F Elephants can find food and water even when the weather is

extremely dry.

3. T / F Elephants don’t forget other elephants.

4. T / F Elephants have huge ears.

5. T / F Elephants’ ears serve mostly so they can hear very, very well.

6. T / F Elephants can run very fast.

7. T / F Elephants are afraid of mice.

8. T / F Scientists have records of elephants that have lived to be 100 years


9. T / F Elephants in the wild live for about 60 years, on average.

10. T / F Although elephants in certain zoos are extremely well cared-for,

elephants in zoos never live as long as elephants in the wild. They

die younger.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 2. Vocabulary practice

Circle the letter of the correct meaning of the word or phrase in bold.

1. Ethan has remarkable abilities in music. He is only five years old, but he

is already famous as a violinist.

a. strange

b. unusual and excellent

c. inherited

2. All the trees are dying. There has been a drought for two years.

a. period of cold weather

b. period without care

c. period without rain

3. There are enormous areas of wilderness in northern Canada.

a. very big

b. very cold

c. very dry

4. The police can record the speed of a moving car with a radar device.

a. machine or tool that does a special job

b. automobile

c. computer

5. Penguins flap their wings, but they don’t fly.

a. move up and down

b. move in and out

c. move around

6. Newborn babies are incapable of walking.

a. have the ability

b. don’t have the ability

c. are tired

7. In many countries of the world, little children think that Santa Claus brings

them presents, but this is a myth.

a. fact

b. story that is untrue

c. history

8. Janet never answers the phone when she is studying. If it rings, she just

ignores it.

a. pays no attention to

b. turns it off

c. doesn’t know anything about

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 3. Vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from the word pool.





in the wild

in the world

life style






world class

worn out

1. My great-grandfather is 91 years old. He tells wonderful stories about

events that happened during his ___________________________.

2. Plants can’t ___________________________ without water and light.

3. A ___________________________ makes the air cooler.

4. We had to buy a new refrigerator because the one we had had for 25

years was ________________________.

5. An elephant has a long


6. In zoos, animals receive food and care from

zookeepers, but___________________________ animals have to find

their own food.

7. The ___________________________ age at retirement was 62.4

years in the United States in 2000.

8. The goal of the charity is to eliminate

___________________________ all over the world.

9. The best hotel in the city is a five-star hotel. You can

say that it is a___________________________


10.When the _______________________ of a pencil

breaks off, you can’t write with the pencil.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 4. Reading: Pliny Describes Elephants

Two thousand years ago, people in present-day Europe knew very little about

elephants. Read the passage about elephants, closely based on the one written in the

first century A.D. by Pliny the Elder in Natural History, Book 8. Then answer the

questions on the next page.

Pliny Describes Elephants

The elephant's lifespan is three

hundred years. They travel in

herds, are afraid of mice, and

courteously salute men in

whatever way they can. They once

lived in both in Africa and India,

but now only live in India.

Persian and Indian soldiers build wooden towers on the back of elephants

and fight from there.

They possess the quality of mercy. If by chance they see a man

wandering in the desert, they offer to lead him to familiar paths. If by

chance they fight in battle, they want to take care of the wounded soldiers,

so they take the exhausted ones and the injured ones back into their own


The elephant is the closest of all animals to humans in intelligence. It

understands the language of its own country, so it can understand and obey

orders. Elephants are wise and just, remember their duties, enjoy affection,

and respect the intelligence of men. They know that their

tusks are valuable, so when a tusk falls off, they bury it.

Elephants are gentle, and do no harm unless someone

provokes them. Male elephants are used in battle,

carrying castles full of armed soldiers on their backs. The

slightest squeal of a wild boar can frighten them. They

hate mice and refuse to eat food that a mouse has

touched. The main natural enemy of elephants is the

terrifying dragon.

Fact: An elephant has one trunk and two tusks, one tusk on each side of its trunk.

They live in groups called herds.

Definition: A dragon is a large imaginary animal that has wings and a long tail and

can breathe out fire.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

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Worksheet 4, page 2

Answer the questions according to the reading. Circle a. or b.

1. What can you say about this passage?

a. The information is up-to-date and accurate.

b. The passage was written 2000 years ago.

2. According to this passage, how long do elephants live?

a. About 300 years. b. About 100 years.

3. The author believes which idea?

a. Elephants come from India, but are spreading throughout India and Africa.

b. Elephants used to live in Africa and India, but now they live only in India.

4. Which statement seems to be true?

a. The author believes that elephants have human qualities. b. The author doesn’t like elephants.

5. The author makes certain statements about elephants. Circle the ones that you think are scientifically true.

a. Elephants travel in herds. b. Elephants courteously salute men.

c. Elephants want to take care of wounded soldiers.

d. Elephants are wise and just.

e. Elephants know that tusks are valuable. f. Elephants have tusks.

g. Elephants’ natural enemy is the dragon.

6. The author is describing elephants in a certain activity. What is this activity?

a. farming

b. war

7. The author says that elephants are afraid of some things. Circle the things that

elephants are afraid of, according to the author.

a. mice

b. wild boars c. dragons

d. people

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 5. Vocabulary practice

Choose the correct completion.

1. There are twenty people in the (herd / group) of tourists.

2. The (class / herd) of elephants moved quickly across the ground.

3. Someone who is very kind and who forgives others has the quality of

(intelligence / mercy).

4. When a person walks around without a destination and doesn’t know or

care where he is going, we say that he is (wandering / thinking).

5. If something is (familiar / similar) to you, it is something that you know

and feel comfortable with.

6. There are many (paths / battles) in a war.

7. A person who has received an injury, whose body has been hurt in some

way is (wounded / wise).

8. Children should (lead / obey) their parents.

9. A judge in court should be (just / afraid).

10. Your responsibilities are your (duties / enemies).

11. When you are extremely tired, you are (injured / exhausted).

12. A feeling of love, or of liking and caring, is (affection / intelligence).

13. A soft touch is a (courteous / gentle) touch.

14. If someone answers politely, they answer (quickly / courteously).

15. When you hurt someone, you do them (battle / harm).

16. The child gave a (squeal / crash) of delight and happiness.

17. Don’t make him angry. Don’t (provoke / salute) him.

18. Soldiers (salute / frighten) the general.

19. The opposite of accept is (obey / refuse).

20. Dogs sometimes (provoke / bury) their bones in the ground.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 6. Vocabulary practice

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the word pool.











1. A high building is sometimes called a

_______________________. There’s a famous old one

in Pisa, Italy.

2. In movies about the old western part of the United

States, we often see a _________________________ of horses.

3. The army hospital treats _________________________ soldiers.

4. You need to be more patient. Patience is a good ________________.

5. When you go shopping at the mall, hold your little boy’s hand so that

he doesn’t _________________________ away and get lost.

6. You have to _________________________ the traffic laws even

though you are in a hurry.

7. A mother duck will _________________________

her baby ducks, and they will follow her wherever

she goes.

8. The average _________________________ of a person is much

longer than it used to be. People are living longer now than previously.

9. If you give a child everything she or he wants, you are doing more

_________________________ than good. You are spoiling the child.

10. Many people came to seek the advice of

the________________________ old guru.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 7. Vocabulary practice

Circle the letter of the sentence that has the same meaning as the first sentence.

1. Carl and Ruth love each other.

a. Carl loves Ruth, and he loves other people, too.

b. Ruth loves Carl, and she loves other people, too.

c. Carl loves Ruth, and Ruth loves Carl.

2. Tonight we salute our leader, Sandra Smith! Welcome her now, ladies and


a. We are showing our appreciation for our leader.

b. We are going to bury our leader.

c. We are afraid of our leader.

3. The young man courteously stood up to greet me.

a. The young man was fast.

b. The young man was polite.

c. The young man was slow.

4. It was a battle to persuade the mayor, but we won!

a. It was impossible to persuade the mayor.

b. We fought successfully.

c. It was easy to persuade the mayor.

5. There has been a drought here for three years.

a. The land has been dry for three years.

b. The land has been wet for three years.

c. For the past three years, we have had both droughts and floods.

6. Speak to children in a gentle voice.

a. Speak with strength.

b. Speak loud.

c. Speak softly.

7. Don’t provoke that dog. He could bite us.

a. Don’t touch the dog.

b. Don’t do anything to make the dog angry.

c. Don’t move at all.

8. There’s an old saying: A man’s home is his castle. But,

isn’t a woman’s home her castle, too?

a. A man should be a king in his own home, and a woman

should be a queen in hers.

b. A man needs a big house, and a woman does, too.

c. Every king needs a queen.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 8. Which word doesn’t belong?

Check the word or phrase that does not belong in the group.

1. O remarkable O usual O unusual O excellent

2. O small O large O huge O enormous

3. O device O machine O tool O drought

4. O myth O fact O truth O reality

5. O strong O hurt O injured O wounded

6. O harm O damage O injury O safety

7. O wise O smart O stupid O intelligent

8. O gentle O soft O nice O rough

9. O wooden O plastic O castle O metal

10. O refuse O accept O reject O say no to

11. O tip O end O point O middle

12. O mouse O dragon O cat O elephant

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Worksheet 9. Vocabulary review

Complete each sentences with the correct word from the word pool.













1. An elephant has a trunk. Male adult elephants – and some female ones –

have one _________________________ on each side of it.

2. Elephants are intelligent, and they are often _______________________

and nice.

3. Elephants are _______________________ of speaking a language as

humans do, although they communicate with each other by elephant


4. Lying on the beach for a long time can do more ____________________

than good. It’s bad for your skin, even though it feels good and makes you

look healthy.

5. In the olden days, _______________________ soldiers carried bows

and arrows. Today they carry guns.

6. We wish you a _______________________ full of happiness!

Congratulations, Dave and Sue, on your wedding!

7. The motorcycle rider _______________________ the

accident because he was wearing a helmet on his head.

8. I bought a beautiful _______________________ bowl at

the art fair. It was made by a local artist.

9. A worker bee has a _______________________ of

only about a year, but the queen bee’s is much

longer -- up to five years.

10. When someone says, “That’s just the ____________________

of the iceberg,” it means that you know only a very small part

of a problem. You know a little bit, but most of the problem

is under water. Like the iceberg, it’s dangerous because it’s

there, and you can’t see it.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

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Worksheet 10. Word search game

This puzzle uses 7 nouns from Chapter 8. A word can be horizontal (across), vertical

(up and down), or diagonal (on a slope). Find the words and circle them.

The clues under the puzzle will help you. The gray shading shows the first letter of

a word.


1. Home of the king and queen

2. An imaginary animal

3. Opposite of friend

4. A group of elephants or horses

5. The singular of mice

6. A story that is not true

7. The long nose of the elephant

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Page 1 of 3

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Answer Key

Worksheet 1

1. T

2. T 3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F 7. F

8. F

9. F 10. F

Worksheet 2

1. b

2. c 3. a

4. a

5. a 6. b

7. b

8. a

Worksheet 3

1. lifetime

2. survive

3. fan 4. worn out

5. trunk

6. in the wild 7. average

8. hunger

9. world class

10. tip

Worksheet 4

1. b

2. a

3. b 4. a

5. a, f

6. b 7. a, b, c

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Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

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Worksheet 5

1. herd group

2. class herd

3. intelligence mercy

4. wandering thinking

5. familiar similar

6. paths battles

7. wounded wise

8. lead obey

9. just afraid

10. duties enemies

11. injured exhausted

12. affection intelligence

13. courteous gentle

14. quickly courteously

15. battle harm

16. squeal crash

17. provoke salute

18. salute frighten

19. obey refuse

20. provoke bury

Worksheet 6

1. tower

2. herd

3. wounded

4. quality

5. wander

6. obey

7. lead

8. lifespan

9. harm

10. wise

Worksheet 7

1. c

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. a

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Worksheet 8

1. usual

2. small

3. drought

4. myth

5. strong

6. safety

7. stupid

8. rough

9. castle

10. accept

11. middle

12. dragon

Worksheet 9

1. tusk

2. gentle

3. incapable

4. harm

5. armed

6. lifetime

7. survived

8. wooden

9. lifespan

10. tip

Worksheet 10

1. castle

2. dragon

3. enemy

4. herd

5. mouse

6. myth

7. trunk

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 8: Connecting Ideas

Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use

Word List




























































wild (n)



world class

worn out
