vollyball and basketball lecture

your name VOLLEYBALL LECTURE & Basketball BY: Jocelyn M. Gallegos

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BY: Jocelyn M. Gallegos

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1. History of Volleyball

2. Facilities and Equipment

3. Rules and Regulations

4. Fundamental Skills in Volleyball

5. Positions of the Players

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Volleyball is a simple game which can be played by anyone, at any level; its worldwide popularity stems from the fact that it can be played almost anywhere —inside a sports hall or gymnasium, or outside, on grass or sand. All that is needed for a friendly game is a ball and a net or rope to knock the ball over.

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GAME CHARACTERISTICS Volleyball is a sport played by two teams on

a playing court divided by a net.

The object of the game is to send the ball

over the net in order to ground it on the

opponents court, and to prevent the same

effort by the opponent.

The team has three hits for returning the ball

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GAME CHARACTERISTICSThe ball is put in play with a service: Hit by

the server over the opponents’ playing court.

The rally continues until the ball is grounded

on the playing court of the opponent, goes

“out”, or a team fails to return it properly.

Each rally wins a point (Rally Point Scoring).

When the receiving teams wins a rally, it

gains a point and the right to serve, and its

players rotate one position clockwise

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HISTOTY OF VOLLEYBALLVolleyball was invented in 1895 by William J.

Morgan, who was physical education director of

the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. He

developed the game to provide an indoor game for

the winter months in which relatively large groups

of men could participate in a small gym. The

principal features of tennis were employed, but the

net was raised and the players struck the bladder

of a basketball with their hands in stead of


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Facilities and Equipment1. Court Dimension

–Sideline = 18m long

–Endline = 9m long

–Height space = atleast 7m

–Boundary Lines = 5mm in width

–Center line = 5mm in width

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Facilities and Equipment

–Zone line = 3m from center line


•Indoor = 2m

•Outdoor = 3m

•International Competition, 5m from the sidelines, 8m from the endlines

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Facilities and Equipment

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Facilities and EquipmentThe Net - Vertical Side bands = 1m

long, 5cm wide

Antennae - fastened on the outer edge

of vertical side band extending 80cm

above the top of the net

* Height – measured from the center of

the court

• •2.43m from the floor for men

• •2.24m from the floor for the women

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Facilities and Equipment


• Height = 2.55m

• Distance from the sideline between

0.05m to 1m

• Fixed to the playing surface

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Facilities and Equipment

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Facilities and Equipment

THE BALL - An inflated leather ball 65-67cm in circumference and weighing between 260 and 280 grams (9-10 ounces) is used.

It is some what smaller than a basketball and resembles a soccer ball or water polo ball size.

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Officials 1st Referee –Seated or standing on a stand located at the end

of the net

–Directs the match from start till end

–Has authority over all officials and members of the


–His decision is final. Authorized to over rule the

decision of other officials if they are mistaken

–Can replace officials

–Has the power to decide on any matter involving

the game including those not provided in the rules

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–Performs the toss with the team captains

–Controls the teams’ warming-up

–Authorizes to sanction misconducts or


–Decides upon the faults of the server and of

the positions of the serving team, including

the screen

–Decides upon the fault in playing the ball,

the faults above the net, and at its upper part

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Officials 2nd Referee or Umpire

–Stand outside the court near the post on the opposite side facing the referee

–Assistant of the 1st referee

–May replace the 1st referee if he cannot continue his work

–May signal faults outside his jurisdiction but may not insist on them to the 1st referee

–Controls the players in the warm-up area

–Authorizes interruptions, controls the duration, and rejects improper requests

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–He controls the number of time-outs and substitutions used by each team and reports the 2nd time out and the 5th and 6th substitutions to the 1st referee and the coach concerned

- Has the power to decide on any matter involving the game including those not provided in the rules

–Performs the toss with the team captains

–Signals the position faults of the receiving team

–Contact of the players with the net and the antenna

–The attack-hit or block faults of the back row players

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scorer–Seated at the scorers table on the opposite side of the court facing the 1st referee

–Keeps the score sheet according to the rules, cooperating the 2nd referee

–Uses a buzzer to give signal to referees on the basis of his responsibilities

–Records the starting line-up of each team from the ine-up sheet

–Records the point scored

–Controls the serving order

–Records the time out and players substitution

–Announces to the referees the end of the sets and the scoring of the 8th point

–Records the sanctions, warning, penalties

–Records the final results

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Linesmen or Line Judges –If there are 4-line judges, they stand in the free zone at 1 at 3m from each corner of the court

–Perform their functions by using a flag

–Signal if the ball is “in” or “out”

–Signal the touches of “out” balls by the team receiving the ball

–Signal when the ball touches the antenna,

–Signal the foot faults of the server

–Must repeat his signal upon request of the 1st referee

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Players –Team is composed of a maximum of 12 players

–Each team has the option to register among the their 12 players, one (1) specialized defensive player “libero”

–Those in the playing court assume the position as LF(left forward), CF (center forward), RF (right forward), LB(left back), CB (center back), RB (right back),

–Must know and abide the official volleyball rules

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Team Captain –Should be indicated in the roster and identified

inside the court. If not in the court, another player

will be designated as team captain, “game


–Represent the his team in the toss

–Authorized to speak to the referee while the ball

is out of play

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Coach –Conducts the play of his team from outside the playing court

–Selects starting line-ups, request substitutes, takes time-outs

–Contacting official is the 2nd referee

Assistant Coach –Sits on the team bench but has no right to intervene in the


–Should the coach have to leave the team, he may at the

request of the game captain with the authorization of the 1st

referee, assume the coach’s functions.

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Rules & regulation

Playing Format: •To score a point

–Successfully grounding the ball on the opponents court

–Opponent’s team commits a fault

–Opponent’s team commits a penalty

–Playing fault

•If two or more faults are committed successively, only the

first one is counted

•If two or more faults are committed by opponents

simultaneously, a double fault is called and the rally is


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Rules & regulation

Playing Format: •To win a set

–A set (except the deciding, 5th set) is won by the team which first scores 25 points with a minimum lead of two points. In the case of a 24-24 tie, play is continued until a two-point lead is achieved (26-24; 27-25; …).Opponent’s team commits a fault

•To win a match

–The match is won by the team that wins three sets.

–In the case of a 2-2 tie, the deciding set (the 5th) is played to 15 points with a minimum lead of 2 points.

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Rules & regulationPlaying Format: •Default and incomplete team

–If a team refuses to play after being summoned to do so, it is declared in default and forfeits the match with the result 0-3 for the match and 0-25 for each set.

–A team that, without justifiable reason, does not appear on the playing court on time is declared in default with the same result as above

–A team that is declared INCOMPLETE for the set or for the match, loses the set or the match. The opponent team is given the points, or the points and the sets, needed to win the set or the match. The incomplete team keeps its points and sets.

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Rules & regulationStructure of the play:•The Toss

–Before the match, the first referee carries out a toss to decide

upon the first service and the sides of the court in the first set.

–If a deciding set is to be played, a new toss will be carried


–The toss is taken in the presence of the two team captains.

–The winner of the toss chooses:

•EITHER the right to serve or to receive the service

•OR the side of the court.

•The loser takes the remaining choice.

–In the case of consecutive warm-ups, the team that has the

first service takes the first turn at the net.

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Rules & regulation

Structure of the play: •Warm-up Session

–Prior to the match, if the teams have

previously had a playing court at their disposal,

they are entitled to a 6-minute warm-up period

together at the net; if not, they may have 10


–If either captain requests separate

(consecutive) warm-ups at the net, the teams

may do so for 3 minutes each or 5 minutes each

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Rules & regulationStructure of the play: •Team Line up –There must always be six players per team in play.

–The team's starting line-up indicates the rotational order of the

players on the court. This order must be maintained throughout the


–Before the start of each set, the coach has to present the starting

line-up of his/her team on a line-up sheet. The sheet is submitted,

duly filled in and signed, to the second referee or the scorer.

–The players who are not in the starting line-up of a set are the

substitutes for that set.

–Once the line-up sheet has been delivered to the second referee or

scorer, no change in line-up may be authorized without a regular


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Rules & regulation

Structure of the play: •Team Line up

–Discrepancies between players’ position on court and on

the line-up sheet are dealt with as follows:

•when such a discrepancy is discovered before the start of

the set, players' positions must be rectified according to that

on the line-up sheet - there will be no sanction;

•when, before the start of the set, a player on court is found

not to be registered on the line-up sheet of that set, this

player must be changed to conform to the line-up sheet -

there will be no sanction

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Rules & regulationStructure of the play: •Positions –The positions of players are determined and controlled according to the positions of their feet contacting the ground as follows:

•each front-row player must have at least a part of his/her foot closer to the centre line than the feet of the corresponding back-row player;

•each right (left) side player must have at least a part of his/her foot closer to the right (left) sideline than the feet of the centreplayer in that row

–After the service hit, the players may move around and occupy any position on their court, and the free zone.

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Rules & regulation

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Rules & regulation

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Rules & regulationStructure of the play:

•Positional Fault –The team commits a positional fault, if any player is not in

his/her correct position at the moment the ball is hit by the


–If the server commits a serving fault at the moment of the

service hit, the server's fault is counted before a positional fault.

–If the service becomes faulty after the service hit, it is the

positional fault that will be counted.

–A positional fault leads to the following consequences:

•the team is sanctioned with a point and service to the


•players' positions are rectified.

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Rules & regulation• Substitution of players:–A substitution is the act by which a player, enters the game to occupy the position of another player, who must leave the court at that moment.

–Substitution requires the referee's authorization.

•Limitations–Six substitutions is the maximum permitted per team per set. One or more players may be substituted at the same time.

–A player of the starting line-up, may leave the game, but only once in a set, and re-enter, but only once in a set, and only to his/her previous position in the line-up.

–A substitute player may enter the game in place of a player of the starting line-up, but only once per set, and he/she can only be substituted by the same starting player.

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Rules & regulationStructure of the play :•ROTATION–Rotational order is determined by the team's starting line-up, and controlled with the service order, and players' positions, throughout the set.

–When the receiving team has gained the right to serve, its players rotate one position clock-wise: the player in position 2 rotates to position 1 to serve, the player in position 1 rotates to position 6, etc.

•ROTATIONAL FAULT–A rotational fault is committed when the SERVICE is not made according to the rotational order. It leads to the following consequences:

•the team is sanctioned with a point and service to the opponent;

•the players' rotational order is rectified.

–Additionally, the scorer should determine the exact moment when the fault was committed and all points scored subsequently by the team at fault must be cancelled. The opponent's points remain valid.

–If that moment cannot be determined, no point(s) cancellation takes place, and a point and service to the opponent is the only sanction.

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Rules & regulation• Substitution of players:

•Exceptional–A player who cannot continue playing due to injury or illness, should be substituted legally. If this is not possible, the team is entitled to make an EXCEPTIONAL substitution

–An exceptional substitution means that any player who is not on the court at the time of the injury, his/her replacement player, may be substituted into the game for the injured player. The substituted injured player is not allowed to re-enter the match.

–An exceptional substitution cannot be counted in any case as a regular substitution.

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Rules & regulationSubstitution of players:•For Expulsion or Disqualification

–An EXPELLED or DISQUALIFIED player must be substituted immediately through a legal substitution. If this is not possible, the team is declared INCOMPLETE.


–A substitution is illegal, if it exceeds the limitations indicated

–When a team has made an illegal substitution and the play has been resumed the following procedure shall apply:

•the team is penalized with a point and service to the opponent,

•the substitution is rectified,

•the points scored by the team at fault since the fault was committed are cancelled. The opponent’s points remain valid.

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Rules & regulation• Playing Actions:•States of play

–Ball in play

•The ball is in play from the moment of the hit of the service authorized by the first referee

Ball out of play

•The ball is out of play at the moment of the fault which is whistled by the referee.

•The ball is also out of play in the absence of the fault before the moment of the whistle by the referee to begin the game

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Rules & regulation

Playing Actions: • •States of play –Ball “IN”

•The ball is “in” when it touches the floor at the playing court including the boundary lines

–Ball “OUT”

The ball is “out” when:

–The part of the ball which contacts the floor is completely outside the boundary lines.

–It touches an object outside the court, the ceiling, or a person out of play.

–It touches the antenna, ropes, posts, or outside the side bands.

–It crosses the vertical plane of the net totally or even partly outside the crossing space during service or into the opponent’s court.

–It crosses completely the lower space under the net.

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Rules & regulationPlaying Actions:•Playing the ball

Team hits - A team is entitled to a maximum of three hits in addition to blocking for returning the ball. If more are used, the team commits the fault of FOUR HITS.

•The hits of the team include not only intentional hits by the players, but also unintentional contacts with the ball as such as:

Consecutive Contacts - A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively

Simultaneous Contacts - Two or three players may touch the ball at the same moment

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Rules & regulation

»When two (three) teammates touch the ball simultaneously, it is counted as two (three) hits (with exception of blocking). If they reach for the ball , but only one of them touches it , one hit is counted. A Collision of players does not constitute a fault.

»When two opponents touch the ball simultaneously over the net and ball remains in play, the team receiving the ball is entitled to another three hits. If such a ball goes “out”, it is the fault of the team on the opposite side.

Assisted Hit - Within the playing area, players are not permitted to take support from a teammate or any structure/object in order to reach the ball

»However, a player who is about to commit a fault (touch the net or cross the center line) may be stopped or held back by a teammate

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Rules & regulation

Playing Actions:•Playing the ballCharacteristics of the Hit

•The ball may touch any part of the body

•The ball must be hit, not caught and/or thrown. It can rebound in any direction

•The ball may touch various part of the body, provided that the contacts take place simultaneously.

Exception:• •At blocking, consecutive contact may be made by or by one more

blocker(s) provided that the contact occurs during one action.

• •At the first hit of the team, the ball may contact various parts of the body consecutively provided that the contacts occur during one action.

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Rules & regulation• Playing Actions:•Playing the ball

–Faults in playing the ball

Four Hits –A team hits the ball four times before returning it

Assisted Hit –A player takes support from a teammate or any structure/object within the playing area in order to reach the ball

Catch –A player does not hit the ball, and the ball is caught and/or thrown.

Double Contact –The player hits the ball twice in succession or the ball contacts various parts of his/her body in succession

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Rules & regulationPlaying Actions:•Ball in the net–Ball Crossing the Net - The ball sent to the opponent’s court must go over the net within the crossing spaced. The crossing space is the part of the vertical plane of the limited space as follows:

–Below, by the top of the net

–At the sides, by the antennae and their imaginary extension

–Above, by the ceiling

•The ball has crossed the net plane to the opponent’s free zone totally or played back within the team hits provided that:

–The opponent’s court is not touched by the player

–The ball when played back crosses the net plane again outside the crossing space on the same side of the court

–The opponent team may not prevent such action

•The ball is “OUT” when it crosses completely the lower space under the net

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Rules & regulation

• Playing Actions:

Ball in the net

A ball driven into the net may be

recovered within the limits of the three

team hits, except the service.

If the ball rips the mesh of the net or tears

it down, rally is cancelled and replayed

except service

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Rules & regulation

Service, Attack hits, & Blocking: First Service in a set –the first service in a set as well as that of the deciding set is executed by the team determined by the toss.

–The other sets will be started with the service team that did not serve first in the previous set

Service order –After the first service in a set, the player to serve is determined as follows:

- When the serving team wins a rally, the player (or his/her substitute) who served before, serves again

- When receiving team wins a rally, it gains the right to serve and rotates before actually serving. The player who moves from front–right position to the back-right position will serve.

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Rules & regulationService, Attack hits, & Blocking: Authorization of the service –the first referee authorizes the service after having checked that the two teams are ready to play and that the server is in possession of the ball.

Execution of the service –The ball shall be hit with one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released from the hand(s).

–Only one toss or release of the ball is allowed. Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is permitted.

–At the moment of the service hit or take-off for a jump service, the server must not touch the court (the end line included) or the floor outside the service zone.

–After the hit, he/she may step or land outside the service zone, or inside the court.

–The server must hit the ball within 8 seconds after the first referee whistles for service.

–A service executed before the referee's whistle is cancelled and repeated

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Rules & regulationService, Attack hits, & Blocking:

Screening - The players of the serving team must not prevent their opponent, through

individual or collective screening, from seeing the server or the flight path of the ball.

Individual Screen - A player of the serving team makes an individual screen by waving arms, jumping or moving sideways, during the execution of the service, or by standing grouped to hide the flight path of the ball.

Collective Screen - A group of players of the serving team makes a screen or by standing grouped to hide the flight path of the ball.

Serving faults –The following faults lead to a change of service even if the opponent is out of position. The server:

•violates the service order,

•does not execute the service properly.

–After the ball has been correctly hit, the service becomes a fault (unless a player is out of position) if the ball:

•touches a player of the serving team or fails to cross the vertical plane of the net completely through the crossing space;

•touches the net

•goes "out“

•Passes over an individual or collective screen

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Rules & regulationService, Attack hits, & Blocking:Serving faults and Positioning –If the server makes a fault at the

moment of the service hit (improper execution, wrong rotational order, etc.) and the opponent is out of position, it is the serving fault which is sanctioned.

–Instead, if the execution of the service has been correct, but the service subsequently becomes faulty (goes out, goes over a screen, etc.), the positional fault has taken place first and is sanctioned.

•Attack-Hit –All actions which direct the ball towards the opponent,

with the exception of service and block, are considered as attack hits.

–During an attack hit, tipping is permitted only if the ball is cleanly hit, and not caught or thrown.

–An attack hit is completed at the moment the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or is touched by an opponent.

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The only essential equipment in

basketball is the basketball and the

court: a flat, rectangular surface with

baskets at opposite ends.

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Basketball Court

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Basketball Court

For the international games is 28 by 15 meters (approx. 92 by 49 ft.)

>The National Basketball Association (NBA) is 94 by 50 feet (29 by 15 m). Most courts are made of wood.

A steel basket with net and backboard hang over each end of the court. At almost all levels of competition, the top of the rim is exactly 10 feet (3.05 m) above the court and 4 feet (1.2 m) inside the baseline.

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• A backboard is a piece

of basketball equipment. It is a

raised vertical board with a basket

attached. It is made of a flat, rigid

piece of material, often plexi glass. It

is usually rectangular as used

in NBA, NCAA and international


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• Size of a basketball backboard

Width: 6 feet (72 inches)

Height: 3.5 feet (42 inches)

Size of a basketball rim

The diameter of the rim is 18”

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The net shall be made by a white

cord shall be:

1. Suspended from the ring

2. Manufactured so they check the ball

momentarily as it pass through the


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3. No less than 400 mm. and no more

450 in length

4.Manufactured with 12 loops to

attach it to the ring.

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5. The upper section of the net shall

be semi-rigid to prevent:

The net from rebounding up through

over the ring, creating possible


The ball from becoming trapped in

the net or rebounding back out of the


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CIRCUMFERENCE – between 75

and 78 cm. (29.5 and 30.25 inches)

WEIGHT – 600 and 650 grams. (20

and 22 oz).

AIR PRESSURE – around 8 lbs.

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The ball is round and the outer casing

should be either Leather, Rubber or

other suitable Synthetic materials

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CLOTHINGPlayers each team should wear the

same outfits which must not clash

with the opposing team and wear a

numbered shirt and no two players

in the same team should wear the

same number.

Players are numbered between 4

and 15.

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Loose-fitting shorts for mobility, and sleeveless vests are the standard attire.

Basketball shoes should be rubber-soled and with protected ankle supports, although these are not necessary.

Most important of all, make sure your clothing is comfortable. It is important to wear towelledsocks; and it is not a bad idea to buy a pair of shoes a little too big to enable you to wear two pairs of socks which will reduce the risk of blistering.

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This is a clock that runs whenever the ball is in play, and stops whenever the ball goes out of bounds or when a fool is committed.Goal Tending .

Game Clock Operation — Last Minutes of Play/Field Goal. The clock stops after a successful field goal.

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Game Clock

Shows how much time remains in the game.Give-and-go: A fundamental offensive play in which a player passes to a teammate, then cuts to the basket and receive a quasi-immediate return pass for an open layup or dunk.

Tracks remaining game time. Regulation play in the NBA is divided into 12 minute quarters (10 minutes in the WNBA. College games are split into 20 minute halvesGive and Go.

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> is a large board for publicly

displaying the score in a game or

match. Most levels of sport from high

school and above use at least one

scoreboard for keeping score,

measuring time, and displaying


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4.. Skilled


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OF PLAYER1. POINT GUARD – This player is typically the

best dribbler and passer on the team. The point guard is sometimes called the floor general, which indicates the key role that the point guard plays.

2. Shooting guard - The shooting guard, also called the two guard, is typically a team's best outside shooter on the team. This player flanks the point guard and moves around the court to try to create some space to take a shot that is uncontested by the opposition.

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OF PLAYER• 3. Small forward - The small forward is

typically a better outside shooter than a power forward and is usually smaller than a power forward.

• 4. Power forward - The power forward is usually near the basket and moves from one side of the basket to the other to try to get free from the opposition player that is guarding him. Power forwards also are skilled rebounders.

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5.Center - is the tallest player on the

team. The center's role is to establish

a position near the basket to allow

him/herself an easy jump shot. On

defense, the center attempts to block

shots and grab rebounds.

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