volume 8 issue 40


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Last week some members of thepublic were beginning to expressconcern that the At Large resultswould not be available until aboutthree days after. But Lewis debunkssuch allegations, saying that whilethe At Large result would not beavailable on the same night with theconstituency results, by the followingmorning, the country should knowwhich party would form the nextgovernment.

“All the ballots – the district andthe At Large ballots will be countedat each polling station. The results ofeach polling station would be sent tothe returning officer in Grand Turk –the central location. But you knowhow small the islands are –everybody would know who wins (onthe same day). But it wouldn’t bemade official until after thetabulation is made by the returningofficer in Grand Turk at the centrallocation. He would make this official.

“If someone said they need arecount, it would be done in GrandTurk at the central location. All theballots for the At Largeconstituencies would be brought toGrand Turk the following morning.The returning officers for theconstituencies would not be able to

give the results for the At Large onthat night, so it would not be officialuntil it is giving by the returningofficer that is appointed for thatpurpose,” Lewis said.

Addressing the constituencyresults, Lewis said: “You will knowthe results because they are going tocall from the constituencies, and they(Election Office) would be able totabulate everybody’s votes, and itwould be made official by thereturning officer that we haveappointed.”

However, in response, Dr. RufusEwing, Leader for the ProgressiveNational Party (PNP), told The SUNthat his understanding was that boththe constituency and the At-Largeballots would be counted anddeclared on the same night, sayingthat anything to the contrary wouldbe opposed.

“My understanding is that all ofthe At-Large ballots and theconstituency ballots would becounted at the same time in theconstituency, and the results of bothwould be known on the night, but theAt Large results would not be finaluntil the following day, but youwould have a preliminary from thatnight. If there is anything to thecontrary, I will not be in support of itat all,” Ewing said.

For his part, Chairman for thePeoples Democratic Movement(PDM) Lynden Hall, said that theleadership of the PDM and theGovernor’s Office had been workingto arrive at an amicable conclusionand that talks were still taking place.

“The leadership has had dialoguewith the governor as it relates to theresults forthcoming, so obviouslythere is still some final details that thegovernor has promised to disclosedto us, so until we get thatinformation, I would be able tocomment on it. But it is understoodthat after elections on November the9th, we would get those results assoon as possible.

“You can imagine, we are asanxious as anyone, to get the resultssoon after the elections, but you mayaware, we are not in control of that. So,we can only rely on the governor’sanswers to those questions, and as soonas he can give us something definite,we can comment on it,”

Three parties – the ProgressiveNational Party (PNP), the PeoplesDemocratic Movement (PDM) and thePeople Progressive National Party(PPP) as well as a handful ofindependence are contesting theNovember 9 elections.

Meantime, Lewis said there will bea voter education programme for theTurks and Caicos general election.

“There is a new voting process forthis election with each voter receivingtwo ballot papers when they enter thepolling station on 09 November,” saidLewis.

“The first white ballot paper willlist all of the candidates for that singleelectoral district in which that voter isregistered. The voter should mark asingle X next to the candidate that theywant to win.

“The second green ballot paperwill list all of the All Island or ‘at large’candidates for the entire Turks andCaicos Islands. The voter should markan X next to a maximum of fivecandidates that they would like tobecome Assembly Members.

“To be clear, they can mark five orless than five candidates on the greenpaper, but if they mark six or more theywill spoil their ballot paper and theirvote for at large candidates will not becounted, unless that paper is destroyedby the presiding officer and a newballot paper completed correctly.”

There are ten electoral districtsacross the Turks and Caicos Islands:Grand Turk North (former West Roadand Overback); Grand Turk South(North and Back Salina and Salt Cay);South Caicos, East Caicos, Little andAmbergris Cay; Middle and NorthCaicos and Parrot Cay; Leeward,Providenciales, Pine Cay, Little and

Big Water Cays and East Cays,including Dellis Cay; The Bight,Providenciales; Cheshire Hall andRichmond Hill Providenciales; BlueHills, Providenciales; Five Cays,Providenciales; Wheeland and NorthWest and North Central Providencialesand West Caicos.

• A notice giving details of allpolling stations will be published afterthe final nomination of electoralcandidates’ on 25 Oct.

• Polling stations will be open from7am and 7pm on 9 Nov. No votersmaybe admitted to a polling stationafter 7pm.

• Photo ID must be taken to thepolling stations – TC Islander StatusCard, passport, NIB card or driver’slicence. If you do not have these takeyour birth certificate.

• Only persons registered at thatpolling station may vote there.

• Each voter will receive two ballotpapers, a white one for that electoraldistrict and green one for the AllIslands District (the at largecandidates).

• All candidates’ names will belisted alphabetically on both papers.Their party symbols will be beside theirnames. Any independent candidatewho does not have a party symbol willhave the letters ‘IND’ shown againsttheir name.

• All Ballot Papers will be markedby the Presiding Officer to show thatthey are genuine ballot papers.

• Presiding officers will showvoters how to make their votes on thepapers and how to fold their papers sothat no-one can see how they voted.

• There are two ballot boxes – onefor the white papers for the ElectoralDistrict candidates and one for thegreen All Island candidates.

Counting the votes:• The votes will be counted at each

polling station after it has closed. Therewill be a separate count for theElectoral District and the All Islandvotes.

• After the All Islands ballot papershave been counted at each pollingstation, the papers and the result will betransported to Grand Turk for the finalcalculation by the returning officerthere.

• The candidate who obtains themost votes in each electoral district iselected as a member of the House ofAssembly.

• The five candidates who obtainthe most votes on the All Islandsdistrict will similarly be elected asmembers of the House of Assembly.

• The official results for each ofthe districts and the All IslandDistrict will be published in theGazette.

Election results will be delayed -Cont’d



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A restricted document which hasbeen obtained by local media hasshown that the British Governmentand Interim Government are gravelyconcerned about Turks and CaicosIslands’ national debt.

The confidential report alsoshowed that the TCIG and BritishGovernment are being less thantransparent with residents of the Turksand Caicos Islands about the state ofthe country’s finances. In addition, thedocument clearly illustrates an elementof political gamesmanship on the partof the British Government, who seemsto be literally planning to toy with thenext elected government.

TCI Fiscal Framework Document,was sent to Tim Colley of the Foreignand Commonwealth office, IanMcKendry of the Department forInternational Development andOverseas Minister Mark Simmondsand MP Alan Duncan from RichardHolmwood of the FCO and SimonStevens from DFID.The major elements of the report areoutlined below:1. Agreement of a Fiscal FrameworkDocument, which among other thingssets out the long term debt ceiling. It issimilar to a Framework for FiscalResponsibility found in other OTs. TheTCI Document has legal force underthe new Public Financial Management(PFM) Law. Following the electionsthe new government may seek tonegotiate an amended FiscalFramework Document.2. The Framework Document needs tobe agreed before the start of theelection Purdah period on 15 OctoberThe new Constitution and the currentPFM law require the TCI Governmentto agree a Framework Document forfinancial management. A draft isattached at Annex A. Among otherthings this sets out the long term debtceiling agreed between the Secretary ofState and TCIG. This is important formanaging the UK’s long termcontingent liability.3. The Governor plans to sign theFramework Document into law earlynext week (w/b 1 Oct), providedMinisters are content with theapproach.4. The contents of the document buildon the longstanding FCO borrowingguidelines for OTs and the Frameworkfor Fiscal Responsibility (FFR), whichhas been agreed with the CaymanIslands and the Protocols for EffectiveFinancial Management (PEFM), whichhas been agreed with BVI. Theprovisions mirror these documents butwill have immediate legal force.5. The Framework Document coversthe following subject areas:i. Broad principles of good financialmanagement, including transparency,accountability risk management andmeasurement.ii. Standardised borrowing limits (FCOborrowing guidelines), which arespecified as needing to be compliedwith by a certain date. (a) Net debtmust be less than 80 per cent ofrevenue; (b) debt service must be lessthan 10 per cent of revenue; and (c)Liquid assets must be greater than 90days of expenditure.iii. Prepare a National Economic Plan.iv. Capital project procurement.v. Partnership with the UK, includingexchange of public finance informationwith the UK.6. Under the new Constitution the

elected government may choose, afterconsultation to bring forward a furtherFramework Document, which must beagreed by the Secretary of State.Putting in place a FrameworkDocument now therefore sets animportant benchmark. The standardsand thresholds for good financialmanagement will be clear and will notbe able to be superseded by a furtherFramework Document written by anew administration until the Secretaryof State gives approval. 7. The Framework Document proposedby the interim administration alsocontains transitional provisions to givetime for TCIG to comply with theFCO’s borrowing limits. These are setout in Annex D. While TCIG is inbreach the Secretary of State will needto approve TCIG’s fiscal plans eachyear before they can be assented to.This requirement is in addition to theprovisions set out in the PFMOrdinance and CFO Ordinance for theGovernor and CFO to retain control ofthe public finances. The ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO) Ordinancegives the CFO the power and authorityto ensure compliance with thisdocument.


8. It is not realistic for TCIG to complywith the FCO’s borrowing limits by theend of the fiscal year 2015/16 (i.e.March 2016). Outstanding publicsector debt is currently in excess ofUS$300m or more than 150 per cent ofrevenue . This includes the sum forwhich DFID holds a guarantee(currently US$179m) and also includesthe debt of Statutory Authorities andGovernment Companies (SAGCs),which currently stands at aroundUS$130m, but is expected to be aroundUS$120m by March 2016, the mostsignificant component of which is thehospital debt. These amounts areembedded in PFI contracts and sincethey are obligations to pay futurecontracted amounts they are regardedas debt under the FCO’s standardiseddebt definitions across OTs (this isconsistent with the UK’s own debtcalculation). They have not, however,featured hitherto in TCIG’s calculationof its own debt – with the whole annualpayments instead passing through theoperating account and so depressingthe reported annual balances. 9. The interim administration hasworked hard to examine whether thehospitals contract can be unwound orwhether the more expensive layers ofdebt can be refinanced. These effortshave thus far been unsuccessful. Weanticipate, however, given theunpopularity of the contract (whichwas signed by the previous PNP ledadministration), that a newadministration may choose to continuethis work – although we doubt it wouldresult in any significant savings.10. Notwithstanding the likelycontinued breach of the borrowinglimits when the DFID guaranteeexpires in March 2016, it is not yetpossible to say whether TCIG will beable to finance its outstandingborrowing at this point independentlyand on a sustainable basis - even if itcontinues to run budget surpluses.While we expect significant headwaywill have been made in the next threeyears, whether TCIG can refinanceitself independently and on asustainable basis will be contingent ona number of factors, including: i. The actual amount of debt

outstanding at that time;ii. the conduct of local politicians,including the TCIG’s track record ofsound financial management andgeneration of fiscal surpluses;iii. the state of the internationalfinancial sector at the time; iv. the outlook for the TCI economy;and,v. the degree of confidence in the UK’simplicit backing and financial controlsin TCI.11. We have spoken to Scotia Bankabout the likelihood of refinancing thedebt without our guarantee at thatpoint. They were unable to make anycommitments, due to the factors above,but agreed that a core government debtrefinancing need of around $100million might, prima facie, be feasible.


12. A decision is required as to whatcompliance target date to set.

Option i) Meet standard borrowinglimits by March 201613. Approving the FrameworkDocument in its current form couldhelp keep the pressure on any newadministration to continue to reducedebt. This date also aligns with DFID’sdebt guarantee expiry date and couldtherefore also offset debate locallyabout whether it is realistic for DFID towithdraw its debt guarantee by March2016. 14. However, while this alignmentmakes it superficially attractive it is notrealistically achievable and thereforeleaves the UK open to an accusation ofimposing an unrealistic burden. Thiscould serve to undermine thecredibility of the wider public financialmanagement framework that has beenestablished by the interimadministration.15. That said, we cannot yet fullyforesee TCIG’s financial circumstancesin March 2016 to determine withsufficient probability whether TCIGwill be able to refinance itselfindependently and sustainably at thattime. It may therefore be practical toharness the Framework Document as alever for giving reasonable concessionsduring negotiations on financialsupport at a later date.

16. If we were to do this there wouldbe a case for acknowledging privatelyin the UK government that: i. These compliance dates willneed to be renegotiated with a futurepolitical government, possibly at thesame time as negotiations on any futurefinancial support were to take place. ii. On the balance of risks itwould be better to avoid openingdebate locally on whether DFID’s debtguarantee expiry date will coincidewith TCIG being able to refinanceitself sustainably. In the interim maintaining this targetcould help put pressure on the newgovernment to manage financesprudently.

Option ii) Set dual compliancetargets for borrowing limits17. The Framework Documentcould include two compliance dates: aninterim one and a final one. The firsttarget would be for entire net publicsector debt to be 110 per cent by March2016 and the second for the entire netpublic sector debt (i.e. including thesizable hospital contract) 80 per cent by2018/19. These both remainchallenging targets and would serve tokeep the pressure on the new

administration as well as being usefulnegotiating levers at a later stage. Thefirst target requires around US$75m ofdebt to be paid off in the next 3 years.We anticipate that much of this couldbe achieved with forthcomingwindfalls from asset recoveries and taxwindfalls from new developments. Thesecond target would require a furtherUS$55m to be paid off between March2016 and March 2019.18. This could have the effect ofhighlighting that because of thehospital contract in particular, TCIGwould continue to be in breach of theborrowing limits (limits consistent withthose in place in other OTs), for nearlya decade. This honest reality may bepolitically very hard for TC Islandersto swallow. Being in breach of theguidelines means that the UK will playa significant role in TCIG’s financesduring that time. The mainconsequence of this is to place a higherconstraint on the level of capitalexpenditure than is desired locally, inwhat remains an emerging economy.This is a legacy from the previous PNPadministration.19. The intermediate target has been setkeeping in mind the aforementioneddiscussions with Scotia Bank(paragraph 12 above). The prospectivegain for TCIG of meeting theintermediate target could be improvedprospects for a return to independentand sustainable financing. When theintermediate target is met theTransitional Provisions in Annex D(e.g. that the UK must agree TCIG’sBudget) will continue to hold until theborrowing limits are met.

Option iii) Do nothing – negotiate aFiscal Framework Document fromscratch with an elected government.20. Firstly, negotiating a newFramework Document from scratchwith a political government without anexisting benchmark in place could bechallenging and would mean in theinterim that there would be no explicitdebt reduction target in place.21. Secondly, removing a compliancedate from the transitional provisions(Annex D) would effectively leaveTCIG with no target for complianceand undermine the borrowing limits bygiving them much reduced legal power.22. While the TCI AdvisoryCouncil has been supportive of theFramework Document, a newly electedgovernment may see it as a gesture ofgoodwill from the UK to allow them todevelop a Framework Document fromscratch. This could, however,unnecessarily risk good governance ofthe public finances.


23. We recommend option (ii). Thiswould on the balance of risks providea more realistic and achievable targetfor debt reduction. Furthermore, webelieve that adopting a dual targetwould reduce the risk of provokingdebate about how realistic it is forDFID to withdraw financial support inMarch 2016 as well as reduce the risksof providing fuel to local rhetoric aboutthe reasonableness of the tight fiscalpolicy put in place by the interimadministration, which could underminethe wider financial framework.

AGREED BY / DISSENTING VIEWS24. Agreed by – DFID, Governor.Ricchard Holmwood, EconomicAdvisor, FCOSimon Stevens, Programme Leader,DFID

Restricted Government document raisesconcerns about TCI national debt


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by Royal S. Robinson, MBE

It is just amazing that theBritish, in the guise of theInterim Administration, underthe Constitution who areresponsible for our nationalsecurity, both internal andexternal can be so lax incarrying out that responsibility.

Never during any period ofelected government have webeen so overrun by illegalimmigration and the influx ofdrugs into our country. It seemsthat these people are hell bent ondestroying every fiber that wouldmake us a country that we can beproud of and free to live andwork in. they have refused to install the radar systemfor a very long time.

It was just sitting there like the horse that lost hisshoes for the want of a tack. Now in the dying throesof their days at the direct helm, they are putting it outthere that the system is up and running perfectly, butby the amount of illegal boats that escape detection,something is definitely wrong!

We, as a people cannot turn a blind eye to what isgoing on. These people are allowing our populationto be expanded in such a haphazard manner that wedo not have a clue as to who are living amongst us.This is an enlargement of the franchise by deception.These people get here, disappear into the variouscommunities and we seem helpless in getting themback to the countries from which they came. This isnot good for us.

They are putting an inordinate strain on ourmeager resources, which will make it impossible forus to be able to address the crying needs of our people,because we have to be putting money towards peoplethat we definitely did not cater for. Then, after theyhave been here a while, you would have the HumanRights Commissioner, saying that we have to leavethem alone because we cannot break the variousInternational Conventions. Who is going to pay for allof this foolishness? No one but us, the people of theTurks and Caicos Islands will be adversely affectedby this laxity!

The task force that was puttogether to assist in rounding upillegal persons has beendisbanded, and nothing done totake up that slack. Our bordersare just as porous as a sieve, andthere is absolutely nothingbeing done to change thedynamics of that situation. Wecannot screen these people andthat are a threat to our health,and a drain on our socialservices.

We are a touristdestination. We cannot afford tohave another outbreak ofdisease in our country. The staffof Environmental Health hasbeen cut drastically, there is no

proper surveillance unit, and so we are left exposedand vulnerable. These people do not give a hoot aboutus. As long as they can go freely on our beaches andsuck up our sunshine at our expense, then all is fineand dandy by them. This nonsense cannot be allowedto continue to happen.

Prize the blind man from Wheeland must be ableto see that these people have no respect for freedomof speech as they claim to have. Let us look at howthey have operated with respect to Radio Turks andCaicos, the one communications link that reaches thelength and breadth of this country.

There was a very popular show called “CrossTalk” hosted by Mrs. Cartwright-Robinson, withguests Herbert Been and Royal Robinson. From allthe reviews, this show was helpful and enlighteningto the people of this country. The topics discussedwere topical and very informative by all accounts.With two personalities such as Herbert and I, the fullgamut of politics and the relationship to our peoplehad to be discussed. But in order to put things incontext, of course we were both critical of the InterimAdministration to varying degrees.

Although the people were informed by thehealthy debate by persons on either side of thepolitical spectrum, these guys did not want any of that.In hindsight, it now seems as if they wanted an entitylike the PPP to get into the act. So what happen, theyconcocted some hairy fairy story and our show was

canned. So they said until some restructuring couldtake place. The shoe would be suspended. We sawwhat type of restructuring took place. Theadministration of the station was taken from astatutory body and placed under the arm of the CEO.

It is very interesting to now see that, having takenthe station under its wings, the Interim Administrationhas been flexing its muscles! For shows like“Expressions”, they want to know two weeks inadvance who the guests are and they want to havevetting privilege with respect to the questions to beasked. These people want to control every aspect ofour lives. They are getting into things that do notconcern them and they are making a botch job of it.

When I saw recently that they are seeking to hirestaff that the politicians would need, without the inputof the politicians, I have to say that these people areoverreaching in the dying moments of their glorydays. It might be right and proper that the financialallocation for such persons be made, but it is damnright out of their place to choose such a sensitivepolitically appointed person for the Minister ofPremier!

From listening to a comment by the host of theshow Expressions who seemed to have said that it notright for them to be delving into such detail, I nowunderstand that she was put on administrative leave.These people must think that we live in a police stateand they should dictate our every move.

This foolishness is coming from persons who saythey come from the mother country which is thecradle of democracy. I thought that our Constitution,as constrictive as it is in some areas, gave us thefreedom to express ourselves. Can someone tell mewhen that part was suspended? These people areoperating on a fly by night principle. Whatever theythink of in the dark of night, they want to try it on forsize in broad day light and expect us to just swallowit, hook, line and sinker. They are making it difficultfor us to exist here and one day the silver cord will bebroken and we will be free from this bondage.

Deal with what the Constitution says you areresponsible for. You are taking on your plate too muchand doing effectively nothing beneficial with it. Justremember, on day the greedy child will get choked!

Royal Robinson was a former Deputy Premier andMinister of Finance and Health in the ProgressiveNational Party (PNP) Administration.

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Ricardo Fulford Consultant Services onbehalf of his clients:

TROPICAL BAR is seeking employment forthe following:1) WaitressSalary is $5.00 per hours. Interestedcandidate may submit their applicationthrough [email protected] forfurther details.

ELITE GAMING & SECURITY is seekingemployment for the following:1) Multi-Lingual Hostess/ Waitressthat speaks the following:German, French, Spanish and EnglishInterested candidate may visit Elite Gaming& Security located at Down TownProvidenciales or email [email protected] for further detailspertaining to employment and terms andconditions.

GOT U COVERED LTD is seekingemployment for the following:1) Hostess/Waitress Salary is $5.00 per hours. Interestedcandidate may submit their applicationthrough [email protected] forfurther details.Interested candidate may also apply [email protected]. Good luck to allinterested applicants.

One of the Caribbean’s leadingtourism brands, Dolphin Cove, hasrevealed ambitious plans to openits fifth ‘swim with the dolphins’park in the Cooper Jack area ofProvidenciales.

If approved, it plans to open the$3million world class visitorattraction in Spring 2013.

Dolphin Cove Jamaica picked upthe top award as the Caribbean’sleading adventure excursion operatorat the World Travel Awards ceremonywhich was held in the Turks andCaicos.

The project has been granted abusiness licence by the Turks andCaicos Islands Government, but itstill required to complete all of thenecessary planning andenvironmental impact studies.

The company is in ongoingdiscussions with Department ofAgriculture’s Environmental andMaritime Affairs officials to ensurethat it complies with planning and thehighest welfare standards. Thecompany is seeking to lease CrownLand.

Dolphin Cove already operates tothe animal welfare standards requiredin the United States relating tomarine mammals in captivity. During12 successful years of operation,Dolphin Cove Jamaica has alsodemonstrated a strong contribution todolphin educational and conservationprogrammes. It is now seeking toextend this world class service andunforgettable experience ofinteracting with these amazingmarine mammals to the Turks and

Caicos Islands. Governor Ric Todd said this is

potentially a very excitingdevelopment for the Turks andCaicos Islands, and it is furtherconfirmation of what we alreadyknow – that the Turks and CaicosIslands is a very attractive place inwhich to do business.

Todd said the TCI economy is ingood shape, adding that GrossDomestic Product was over 4% lastyear, and was the envy of manynations around the world.

Todd said: “Although, clearlystill subject to a number ofpermissions, we believe that theDolphin Cove development wouldsignificantly complement the tourismoffer here in the Turks and CaicosIslands. Other recent investment

activity in the Turks and CaicosIslands includes: Fuel supply firmRubis investing $20m in theTerritory, the expansion of the worldclass Amanyara resort following theirleasing of additional Crown Land,Beaches conducted a $4mrefurbishment and maintenanceprogramme, an $8.4m investment bythe GU-Med medical school, $10mbeing invested in upgradingProvidenciales International Airport,a new $15m private aircraft facility isbeing built at the airport,Communications giant Digicelinvesting $8m in its infrastructurehere, a new $10m Chevroletdealership, the opening of the SantaMaria Gaming Parlour, Grand Turkand the opening of Cuban Crafters,Providenciales

Dolphin Cove to invest $3million intourist attraction at Cooper Jack Bay

The TCIG interim administration hasstated VAT will be revenue neutral,according to the Turks and CaicosIslands Independent Business Council.

A press statement issued by TCIBmember Keith Burant said: “That (thestatement that VAT will be revenueneutral) is not true as the CFO plans to

pay down the $260 million debt over 5years. However, that is another topic.Assuming VAT is tax neutral and thegovernment revenues will remainroughly constant with 2012 figures theimplementation of VAT will shift $40million of tax from the resort sector tothe residents of the TCI. When TCIGtalks about revenue stability this isreally a spin to mean tax the localresidents.”

Burant added: “ The civil servantsfrom Britain that are dictating currentfiscal policy have been told byWhitehall implement VAT so we canget out from underneath the DFIDloan guarantee. They just like BrianHogan, who implemented NHIP, donot care about the long termimplications to the residents of theTCI. They will have left the TCIleaving the residents to pay the bill for

their incompetence.” The TCIBC member said that if

VAT is implemented the resorts will beallowed to claim back all the VATinputs against their 11% VAT chargeon hotel bills.

“Currently the resorts cannot dothis. Consequently the TCIG willreceive about $40 million less inrevenue from the tourists visiting ourshores. There are approximately30,000 residents in the TCI. If youdivide $40million by 30,000 residentsthe cost is $1,333.33 for each man,woman and child residing in the TCI.This tax burden is the yearly cost ofVAT for each resident in the TCI. Afamily of four will pay $5,400.00more than they are currently paying.This is what the TCIG means byrevenue stabilization. It means taxingthe residents more.”

VAT will cost TCI families $5,400 annually

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Winkey’s Catering seeks

One SupervisorTo Work Mondays to Saturdays

Salary: $9 per hoursInterested persons please contact: 345-1247

Experienced educator Lee Ingramhas been appointed President of theTurks and Caicos IslandsCommunity College, beating outfour other competitors, includingthree locals for the position.

Ingham succeeded Rev. Dr.JuliaWilliams who served the institution formany years.

Originally from Grand Turk,Ingham, who began his tour of duty onSeptember 1, was officially introducedto the public during a news conferencehosted by Chairman of the Board ofGovernors for the Community College,Dr. Carlton Mills, on Thursday(October 4), at the Providencialescampus.

“My role basically is to develop theinstitution; to improve on what it is thatwe have already. We have limitedofferings, and given the fact that I havea little bit of experience in highereducation, I think I have some ideawhere is it that we want to go, and howis it that we should be able to get there.

“So my job, basically, is to developthe institution, to bring on qualityprogrammes, and to make sure thatwhat we are offering here is somethingthat is consistent with what is beingoffered in most colleges anduniversities, so that, in the meantimeour students can go away and havetheir credits from here transferred toother institutions,” Ingham said.

Having put the topography of thecommunity college’s operation intoperspective, Ingram blamed a lack offinance for the institution not havingthe required number of programmes so

as to widen the scope of academicdelivery.

“Perhaps one of the reasons wedon’t have as many programmes is thatthe resources are not there. I think thatif we are going to develop theinstitution we are going to need someserious financial input. And with thecoming of the new governing, Iunderstand that there might be somerestriction on it (funding for thecollege), but I believe we should focuson education,” Ingham said.

In the meantime, Ingram said thatthe community college was serving ispurpose to a certain level, since it wasalready enabling students to attendcolleges overseas by virtue of themtransferring their credits after finishingthere.

“What I see myself doing is tohave more collaborations with moreinstitutions; institutions that I know inthe United States and other institutionsin other countries as well…I think that

is the key right, given the fact that weare a community college we can onlygo so far,” he said.

In the meantime, Dr. Mills said thatbased on the quality of the AssociatedDegrees offered by the community,students received advanced placementsafter being accepted by UKuniversities, including University ofLeeds and University of Manchester.He said students were also gettingadvanced placements at some ofFlorida’s top universities such as FIUand Florida State University.

Dr. Mills also said that some of the

programmes offered at the communitycollege are credited by the Universityof the West Indies. He however, saidthat not many local students weretaking up places at the regionaluniversities, including the UWI andUTech.

Mills said that ways were beingdevised to make the TCI Communitybecome more financially stable, one ofwhich to compel persons applying forPermanent Residency Status (PRC) toundergo TCI studies at the College.

“One of our goals also is to makethe institution more financially stableand more financially self sufficient.One way in which we are doing this –and we are happy to have worked withthe ministry of Border Control andLabour - is to now, all persons – non-Belongers – applying for PRC willhave to do TCI studies. If you are goingto come and live among us, you mustknow about us.

“My only disappointment withthat, and we stress this, as boardmembers, it should also extended topersons on work permits, particularlyin our hospitality industry, whereindividual guests come in and askquestion about Turks and Caicos, andthose persons, especially in front officeand concierge need to know about theTurks and Caicos.

“But I am hoping that we introducethat shortly. We feel that this shouldhelp to bring some income to thecommunity college, and with thisincome, we would be able to decide onfulfilling some of the goals andobjectives community college,” Dr.Mills said.


FINANCE OFFICER(Providenciales)

Part time 30 hours a weekThe Red Cross is looking for a part time experiencedAdministration and Finance Officer who will beresponsible for ensuring the fluent financial andadministration management of the TCI Red Cross inrelation to the overall TCI Red Cross at a nationallevel, along with providing support to the Provooffice, it’s programmes and the overall managementof the financial systems.

Qualifications• Working knowledge of Microsoft Suite (Word,Excel)• Financial Software (Quick books)• Seven plus years of finance experience • Three plus years in basic administration

Experience in the Red Cross or anotherhumanitarian organization would be an asset.The successful candidate will also be sensitive todiversity, able to work cross-culturally and adhere tothe Red Cross principles throughout dailyresponsibilities as well as working with the mostvulnerable in the community. You will be required toprovide support and work in Disaster Response.

For the full job description and an application form,please contact our Provo office on [email protected] Deadline for applications is 20th October 2012. Belongers only need apply.

Lee Ingham is newCommunity College President


From left – Dr. Carlton Mills, Lee Ingham and Samuel Forbes, Principal for the Community College –Provo Campus

Page 9: Volume 8 Issue 40




Old Airport Road,Tel: 649-346-7875

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• Project Superintendent ($45,000per year)• Supervisor ($36,000 per year)• Carpenter ($27,000 per year)• Plumber ($6.00 p/h)• Green Keeper ($5.00 p/h)• Sales Person/Sales Clerk ($5.00p/h)• Cashier ($5.00 p/h)• Nail Technician ($5.00 p/h)• Hair Styling/Hair Dresser ($5.00p/h)



NEEDEDApplicant must be

caring, honest and reliable

Salary $5 per hourPlease contact:



Cleaner/Domestic WorkerSalary $5.00 per hour

Contact 241-6832

An eight-member observer team from theCommonwealth Parliamentary Association willvisit the Turks and Caicos Islands to monitor theNovember 9th elections that will return thecountry to self-rule.

The Election Observer Team members are: MrGasper Jn Baptiste, Deputy Chief Elections officer,St Lucia; Hon Joe Bossano MP, Minister forEnterprise Training and Employment, Gibraltar; MrThomas Doherty MP, UK Parliament; Mr JamesDuddridge MP, UK Parliament; Mr Sherlyn Hall,Deputy Permanent Secretary, ParliamentaryRegistration Department, The Bahamas; Mr KeithLowenfield, Assistant Chief Election Monitor,

Guyana; Rev. Lowenfield, Assistant Chief ElectionMonitor, Jamaica and Ms Juliette Penn, ElectionCommissioner, BVI.

The Election Observer Mission will be in theTurks and Caicos Islands from 6-12 Nov 2012 andpresent its report to the Governor before departure.

During a busy programme on polling day, Fri, 9Nov, the team will cover seventeen polling stationson Grand Turk, Providenciales, South Caicos, SaltCay, North and Middle Caicos.

The team has now been selected, in coordinationwith the Association of Caribbean ElectoralOrganisations (ACEO), and will include Membersfrom the UK Parliament and the Parliament of

Gibraltar together with observers from BVI, TheBahamas, Guyana, Jamaica and St Lucia.

“Applying the highest international standardshas been crucial to the reforms and changes that havebeen brought about over the last three years,” saidGovernor Todd. “It is a logical extension of thisprocess to make sure that we show the world that wecan meet and exceed the highest standard of conductthrough this election monitoring team’s judgement,conclusions and report.”

The monitoring team will be invited to meet theTurks and Caicos media on Wed, 7 Nov 2012.Further details of this will be confirmed in duecourse.

Commonwealth Observer Team tomonitor November 9th elections

Rochelle Thompson has beenappointed as Marketing Officerwithin the Investment Unit inProvidenciales as part of theGovernment’s commitment tomarket the Turks and Caicos Islandsand attracting investment bothinternal and external.

As Marketing Officer of theInvestment Unit, Thompson, whoassumed the role on September 3, 2012,will support the development and

success of the unit through actionoriented marketing activities toencourage continued growth of foreigninvestment into the country and throughthe promotion of Investment, Trade andbusiness policies.

This appointment comes on theheels of the announcement of the newInvestment Policy last week.

A Government press release stated:“We believe that that this position willserve the Turks and Caicos Islands well

domestically as well as internationallyas the Turks and Caicos Islands is openfor business. It has a great deal to offerand the Turks and Caicos Governmentis determined to do all in its power tosecure investment that develops theeconomy and provides sustainableprosperity for the people of theseislands.”

Thompson has worked in thefinancial services industry in the Turksand Caicos Islands for over 20 years.She has a strong background in Credit,Sales, Marketing Campaign Promotionsand Implementation, Compliance, Anti-money Laundering and RiskAssessments just to name a few.

Mrs. Thompson has a strong recordfor meeting business objectives anddelivering strategic results. In 2007 Mrs.Thompson became Branch Manager for

the Scotiabank branch in Grace Bay andafter serving 19 years with ScotiabankIn 2009 she assume the role as SeniorVice President with the InternationalBanking Group.

Rochelle ompson appointed Marketing Officer with TCIG’s Investment Unit

Rochelle Thompson

Page 10: Volume 8 Issue 40



InterIsland Aviation ServicesGroup is seeking:

TWO STORES CLERKMust have 5-10 years of experience In aviation stores inventory, purchasingand proof there of.Salary commensurate with experience.This positions require the following:• Excellent command of the English language – reading, writing andspeaking.• Good communication skills and team player• Detail oriented & organized individual• Ability to work shifts, early mornings, late nights, weekends and Holidays.• Clean police record • Able to work under pressure Belongers need only apply.

Interested applicants should apply to [email protected] or via fax to HRDepartment 649-946-4040.

No phone calls please. Qualified candidates will be contacted for aninterview.

The Turks and Caicos IslandsGovernment and its United Statescounterparts are hailing the officialopening of the United StatesConsular Agency in Grace Bay as afurther strengthening of thelongstanding alliance that bothcountries share.

The agency opened on Monday,October 1, and among the individualsin attendance were Governor Ric Toddand the Charge’ D’ Affaires (deputyambassador) at the US Embassy inNassau, Bahamas, John W.Dinkelman.

Governor Todd, speaking at theevent, said that the opening of theagency was a demonstration of theclose relationship between the US andthe Turks and Caicos Islands.

Explaining the role of a consularagency, Dinkelman said: “A consularagency’s purpose is to assist citizenswho find themselves in harm’s way.And what we have noticed over thepast few years is, as the number ofAmerican (visitors to the TCI)continues to grow, who come and visitthis beautiful country, unfortunately,many of them find themselves havebeen having problems, either havingaccidents, getting arrested and Heavenforbid, even dying, unfortunately herein paradise. And those people and their

families need assistance here on theground, right where the issue is. Andthat, of course, is why we have theagency here.”

Dinkelman said that the agency,which will have one staff member,was opened to assist Americansvisiting or living in the TCI in theevent that they run into problems,which would require such service. He

explained that non-nationals wishingto acquire visas would still be requiredto visit the United States Embassy inNassau, Bahamas.

“Because the laws of the UnitedStates require interview andprocessing face to face with an actualconsul. So the consular district of theTurks and Caicos still belongs to theAmerican Embassy in Nassau,” hesaid.

Governor Todd said that theopening of the office bore tremendoussignificance not only to the US butalso the people of the Turks andCaicos Islands.

“Buildings are symbols andpersonal spaces. What this buildingshows is the depth and the strength ofthe relationship between the TCI andthe United States of America. Theseislands are very open for tourists. Wewelcome visitors; we expect that nextyear, we have some seven hundredthousand American visitors here. Weexpect another seven hundredthousand at our cruise centre in GrandTurk.

It (opening of consular agency) isalso a symbol of the relationship thatwe have with the United States CoastGuard. The US Coast Guard is avaluable partner in our work to protectour own borders, and after this eventwe will visit the Radar Station, which

is an asset not just to the TCI inworking against illegal migration toprotecting our waters. It alsosomething we contribute to the widerregional effort, to make this region –these waters – safe for tourists, forvisitors and shipping,” Governor Toddsaid.

For his part, Rear AdmiralWilliam Baumgartner, Commanderfor the Seventh Coast Guard District(Southeast United States and theCaribbean basin), since the UnitedStates Coast Guard has been workingvery closely with the TCI, anyopportunity to forge closer alliancewould be welcomed.

“I am particularly glad that I couldcome here for the opening of theconsular agency. It does symbolize thetie, the connection the United Stateshas with the Turks and Caicos Islands,and it is also a good way for us toserve US citizens that are here,”Baumgarter said.

He said that the anti-drug/arms/human trafficking alliancecalled Operation Bahamas Turks andCaicos (OPBAT), which was made upof teams from the three countries hashad tremendous success.

“We have joint teams from thosethree countries. The United StatesCoast Guard provides helicopters, andright now we have a helicopter at anygiven time in Providenciales , we haveanother one in the Bahamas in AndrosIsland, and they work together withDrug Enforcement Administration andpolice teams, so that, if a drugsmuggler coming in the area, we canfollow them, target them and takethem down. It doesn’t make anydifference on whether they are comingby boat or aircraft, we are ready forthem and we can do that,”Baumgartner said.

In the meantime, PermanentSecretary in the Ministry of BorderControl and Labour, Clara Gardiner,said that the opening of the consularagency would make the process ofassisting Americans with problemslocally, smoother.

“There were persons who mighthave found themselves ill, might havedied, unfortunately, and who wouldhave needed to have some access toassist from the United StatesGovernment. So by having theconsular agency here would provideon-the-spot support for them. I don’tknow if you can say, it would removethe challenges, but what it would do iscreate a smoother workingrelationship in terms of processes,”Gardiner said.

US Embassy opens consularagency in Grace Bay

TCI Governor Damian Ric Todd (second left) and John Dinkelman, Charge’ D’ Affaires for the USembassy in Nassau, Bahamas cut the ribbon to signal the official opening of the consular agency inGrace Bay, Providenciales. Looking on at left is Commissioner of Police, Colin Farquar and at right

Rear Admiral William Baumgartner.

Page 11: Volume 8 Issue 40



1. Parcel No.20502/212, Ambergris & Fish Cay, Turks &Caicos Islands. This property Comprises of privateresidential land only. The property is an oceanfront lotlocated on the private island of Ambergris. RegisteredProprietors: Jarrod Scott Benton & Sarah Jane Benton.

2. Parcel No.60602/133, Providenciales, Turks & CaicosIslands. The property comprises of approximately 1 Acreof Land over looking the Providenciales InternationalAirport. Registered Proprietor: Gilbert Fitzroy Selver

3. Parcel No.60717/99, Cheshire Hall & Richmond Hill,Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands This is an Oceanview, lake front property with direct views of the southshore via Turtle Lake. This property is approximately 1acre and is situated approximately 40 feet above sealevel, with direct access to the Venetian Road andLeeward Highway. Registered Proprietor: Distinctive Properties Ltd.

4. Parcel No.60504/121, Blue Hills & Stamer Run,Providenciales. This property Comprises of two apartmentbuildings, a single storey building and a two storeybuilding with approximately 8 units in total. Registered

Proprietor: Wellington Walkin The auction will be held at 11:45 a.m. Friday 12th October2012 at the offices of Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd.,Temple Financial Centre, Leeward Highway,Providenciales. Conditions of sale may be obtained fromTemple Mortgage Corporation Ltd., The Temple FinancialCentre, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, telephone(649) 946-5293, fax (649) 946-5289.

Interested persons may bid by way of sealed tenderdelivered not later than 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 11,2012 addressed to Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd.,Temple Financial Centre, Leeward Highway,Providenciales clearly marked “ AUCTION BID-OCTOBER October 12TH 2012.” Should the bid meet thereserve price and constitute the highest offer, the propertywill be considered sold to the person making the bid. Notethat a 10% deposit is required immediately from thesuccessful bidder at the auction.

Note that Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd. accepts noresponsibility in respect of the receipt or otherwise ofsealed bids and prospective purchasers are encouragedto ensure safe delivery of sealed bids to Temple MortgageCorporation Ltd. in good time and further to attend at theauction to ensure that the bid is properly made.

Temple Mortgage Corporation Ltd., The Temple Financial Centre, Providenciales HEREBYGIVES NOTICE that it will cause to be sold by public auction the following properties pursuantto its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks &

Caicos Islands:

Trade Wind Industries, whichowns the Conch Farm, hasformally filed a multi-millionlaw suit against Governor RicTodd and the Turks and CaicosIslands Government.In court documents obtained

by The SUN, the Conch Farmowner is claiming damages inrespect of the TCIG’s wrongfulconduct in respect of thefollowing:-

a. Breaches of Leases dated 26November 1985 and 23 February1988 made between the TradeWinds and the Governor. Thebreaches complained of relate tothe construction, in breach of theterms of both leases, of twomarinas, namely Walkin Marinaand Leeward Marina on landadjacent to the land leased by theCrown to the Plaintiff. TradeWinds Industries quantifies thedamage it has suffered by reason ofthe aforementioned breaches as the

loss of value of its land: nomariculture establishment wouldhave chosen to locate itself by amarina with the risk of fuelpollution and continuing dredging.Further, the close proximity ofthese two marinas render theConch Farm an unattractiveinvestment possibility: the ConchFarm cannot quantify the risk ofpollution and damage fromdredging and therefore seeks apermanent injunction preventingdredging in the future and anindemnity from TCIG in the eventof pollution.

b. Breaches of the aforementionedleases, nuisance and/or negligencecaused or permitted by theGovernor and TCIG in permittingsilt and sediment from thedredging of Leeward to destroy theConch Farm’s entire stock of 4million conch. The grant ofpermission to dredge wasunlawful. Conch Farm relies on the

opinion of the Crown’s legaladvisor on 21 May 2008; therevocation of the Permission todredge by the Physical PlanningBoard; and the decision of theChief Justice on 20 August 2008whereby he quashed theunlawfully granted Permission.Conch Farm quantifies the damagecaused by the dredging unlawfullypermitted by the TCIG and theGovernor as $4,000,000.

c. Breach of the DevelopmentAgreement dated 28 May 2010, asamended in writing, made betweenthe Trade Winds and the Governorand TCIG whereby the they failedto issue a Development Order inthe terms of those contained in theDevelopment Agreement andfurther failed to honour theamendments to the DevelopmentAgreement dated 28 May 2010 assubsequently agreed by theDefendants, by GovernorWetherell and the Governor’s

Chief Economic Advisor, BrianTitley. The Plaintiff quantifies thedamage caused by the Defendants’breaches of the DevelopmentAgreement as amended at $80million. This is the Plaintiff’s lossof being deprived of the fish farmbusiness as agreed by theDefendants in the DevelopmentAgreement as amended.

d. Malicious falsehoods by theGovernor and/or on behalf of theTCIG made maliciously orrecklessly in statements publishedbetween about 21 and 24 August2012. As a result of the Governor’smalicious falsehoods published,inter alia, on and after 21 August2012, the Conch Farm’s financiersbelieved that they had been misledand withdrew their support for thefish farm business; the TCIG haveirretrievably damaged ConchFarm’s prospects to raise furtherfunds from another financier.Conch Farm quantifies its loss at$80 million as set out above.

Conch Farm formally files$100million law suit against TCIG


Page 12: Volume 8 Issue 40




(ACTIVATING, DESIGNING, SPLICING, ENGINEERING & TROUBLESHOOTING)Primary objectives of the Job Duties:Utilize Computer Aided Design software to design plant extension andsystem rebuilds/upgrade projects. Prepare cost estimates for minor andmajor plant extensions. Activate and trouble shoot nodes, trouble shootand correct internet system problems, splice and maintain the Fiber Opticsystem when necessary. Act as the company’s primary liaison withResidential, Commercial and Multi Dwelling Unit construction developers.

Roles and Responsibilities:• Understand and follow all company safety standard and practicesincluding but not limited to: vehicles safety, proper placement of trafficsigns and cones. Understand and follows accident reporting procedures.Understand and follows applicable Electric Safety Code rules andregulations• Have the ability to troubleshoot and maintain head-end equipment (fiberoptic lasers, fiber optic splitters, modulators and RF combination network).• Supervise and train field technicians• Have the ability to read and interpret, organize, update and maintaincomplete set(s) of system prints• Related to repairs to optimize system faults when necessary.• Utilize Signal Level Dsam-3600b meters w/voip/Web Browser and pathtrack field view• Must be willing and able to handle special projects• Perform all job functions with the appropriate safety measures

• Must be capable of carrying heavy equipment and climbing 32ft ladders• Must be able to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays• Have a valid driver’s license and the ability to operate large vehicles in asafe manner• Liaise with Express High speed internet-TCT to troubleshoot internetproblems• Inspect, test and repair cable and fiber equipment at WIV variouslocations.• Verify that repairs are made to the satisfaction of the customers’ andmeet company’s standards.• Determine the serviceability of residences deemed not serviceableaccording to the company’s billing database. Communicate the status ofserviceability to the customer service department.• Prepare costs estimates if construction is necessary to service aresidence or commercial establishment• Responsible for the coordination of design information exchange andtimeliness of construction activities between WIV and developers toensure construction projects are designed and completed within a timelymanner and within established cost guidelines.• Prepare bill of materials for supplies and materials required forconstruction related projects• Communicate with and assist field technicians with revisions to strandand design maps of existing cable facilities• Drive company vehicle and ensure vehicle is properly maintained• Perform other duties in keeping with the positionQualifications and requirements:Education: BSc in Electronics or equivalentExperience: Seven years experience related experience and /or training• Must have experience in general drafting and the ability to use tools,Instruments, and materials normally used in such activities.• Must have extensive knowledge of equipment characteristics, capabilitiesand limitations. Must have the ability to make sketched diagramsaccurately.

Contact: TCT Limited/Express High Speed InternetP.O. Box 679Providenciales

Turks and Caicos [email protected] or Fax: 649-946-4790 - No phone calls please

Caicos Television Holding Ltd

The last Turks and Caicos Islands’Advisory Council meeting tookplace in Grand Turk on WednesdayOctober 3rd, 2012.

It ended with His Excellency theGovernor officially thanking itsmembers – past and present – foreverything that they have done fortheir country and expert counsel tohim personally as leader of the InterimAdministration.

“I know that I speak also onbehalf of Governor Wetherall inthanking all the men and women ofthe Advisory Council for theirexemplary service which they havegiven with honour and dedication,”said Governor Ric Todd. “On behalfof the people of the Turks and CiacosIslands, I would like to simply say aheartfelt thank you.”

The Advisory Council wasinstituted in 2009 to “contribute to thegood governance and sustainabledevelopment of TCI and promote theprinciples of transparency andaccountability in public life”.

It has acted as a “cabinet” wherethe Governor could discuss issues inconfidence, take advice and gaugelocal opinion on key matters. Itincluded the TCIG Chief Executive,Attorney General, PermanentSecretary Finance, and up to sevenother ‘nominated members’ appointed

by the Governor, of whom at least fiveshall be Turks and Caicos Islanders.

“The most significant subject ofdiscussion today was the Turks andCaicos Fiscal Framework document,”added Governor Todd. “During myinauguration speech last year, I saidthat I had set three personal goals formy time here as Governor: to continueto make progress against themilestones, to increase Governmenttransparency and to support economicgrowth. It is only fitting, therefore,that the very last Advisory Councilmeeting tackles regulations whichensure continued delivery against allthree of these objectives.”

The Fiscal Framework aims tobuild on the longstanding UK Foreign& Commonwealth Office borrowingguidelines for its Overseas Territoriesand the Framework for FiscalResponsibility (FFR). It covers thefollowing subject areas:

• Broad principles of goodfinancial management, includingtransparency, accountability riskmanagement and measurement.

• Standardised borrowing limits(FCO borrowing guidelines), whichare specified as needing to be compliedwith by a certain date. (a) Net debtmust be less than 80 per cent ofrevenue; (b) debt service must be lessthan 10 per cent of revenue; and (c)

Liquid assets must be greater than 90days of expenditure.

• Prepare a National EconomicPlan.

• Capital project procurement.• Partnership with the UK,

including exchange of public financeinformation with the UK.

Under the new Constitution thenew elected government of the Turksand Caicos may choose, afterconsultation to bring forward a furtherFramework Document, which must beagreed by the UK Secretary of State.The standards and thresholds for goodfinancial management will be clearand will not be able to be supersededby a further Framework Documentwritten by a new administration untilthe Secretary of State gives hisapproval.

Present members of the Advisory

Council: Doreen Quelch-Missick,attorney and Human RightsCommissioner, Clayton Thomas, hotelexecutive; John Smith, CEO Turks andCaicos Airports Authority; PatrickBoyle, Chief Executive Officer, TCIGovernment; Huw Shepheard,Attorney General; Anya Williams,Ministry of Finance; Hugh McGarel-Groves CFO.

Prrevious Members of theAdvisory Council include: JosephConnolly, managing director ofPriceWaterhouseCoopers, Edith Cox,Chief Financial Officer of IGASupermarket, Theo Durham, civilengineer, Eugene Otueyne, DirectorTurks and Caicos IntegrityCommission, Carlton Mills,Academic, Teacher and former TCIMinister for Education and CEOs andCFOs.

Last Advisory Council meeting held



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Page 13: Volume 8 Issue 40






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is seeking


Must have 5 years experience in navigation facilities overairline routes and at airports as well as the take off. Must becompetent in airline communication and meteorology.Experience with monitoring, analyzing and/or calculatingvarious flight factors such as weather reports, runwayperformance and weight balance issues.Salary commensurate with experience.

Position require the following:Excellent command of the English language – reading,writing and speaking.Good communication skills and team playerDetail oriented & organized individualAbility to work shifts, early mornings, late nights, weekendsand Holidays.Clean police record Able to work under pressureBelongers need only apply.Interested person should apply to [email protected] or via faxto HR Department 649-946-4040.No phone calls please. Qualified candidates will be contactedfor interview.

The $890,000 contract promised in thisyear’s budget for a new salt waterreverse osmosis (SWRO) waterproduction plant on Grand Turk wassigned by His Excellency Governor RicTodd on Tuesday October 2nd, 2012.

The production capacity of the newSWRO plant alone will be 300,000gallons per day, more than the existing250,000 gallons currently produced onthe island each day. Water demand onGrand Turk is around 350,000 gallons perday.

“The replacement of the outdatedplant on Grand Turk was clearly longoverdue,” said Governor Ric Todd. “Thisis why it was identified in the Budgetprocess this year as one of the keyinfrastructure projects for this financialyear, alongside the refurbishment ofroads and schools. It is almost miraculousthat the water engineers on Grand Turkthat they have been able to keep the plantthat they have operational for so long,”said Governor Ric Todd.

“I am also pleased to say that thesituation on Salt Cay has also stabilised.The plant there has been operatingsteadily now for some time. The samebudget process that identified the fundsto replace the plant on Grand Turk thisyear has also planned to replace the planton Slat Cay too. The situation there hasimproved considerably we have a soundplan for it to be remedied permanently asa priority next Spring.”

When the project is commissioned,some of the expected benefits willinclude: More efficient and modernizedoperating system; increased productioncapacity; improved level of servicethroughout Grand Turk; and increased

continuity of service throughout GrandTurk.

The two existing reverse osmosisplants on the Island will be full repairedand maintained to act as a back-up to thenew plant.

According to a Government pressrelease, Governor Todd’s signatureconfirms the contract between the Turksand Caicos Islands Government andMatrix – a division of Aqua Chem, Inc.,

of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Under thecontract terms, Matrix will design,supply, install and commission a new saltwater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plant forthe Water Undertaking of Public WorksDepartment, Grand Turk.

The project is a turnkey contract,with a completion time of 19 weeks fromthe date the first advance payment isissued on 12 Oct 2012. This will see theworks completed by the end of February

2013. The project will be managed by theWater Undertaking and ProjectManagement Division of the PublicWorks Department.

Additionally, the Governmentrecognises the need for a new permanentbuilding to house the existing and newSWRO plants to prevent deterioration ofthe units. This will be tendered separatelyand in addition to acquiring the new plantover the next few weeks.

Major contract signed for newwater plant in Grand Turk

LIME customer Shauna-Mae Hall walked away with awhopping $5,000 as the grand prize in that telecomscompany’s summer promotion which ended last week.

Customers became eligible to have been the runningfor the $5,000 grand prize by topping up $20 or more,paying their bills on time or in full, activating the Talk 24Plus plan or if they signing up for a new ADSL.

An elated Hall said that the winning was courtesy ofintense prayer that she offered to God, leading up to thepresentation, which took place at LIME’s corporate officelast week. Hall told reporters that she felt that she would bethe winner, explaining that when Rachel Harvey, LIME’sCommunications Officer called her and told her that shewas in the mix for the grand prize, her response was, “well,I am praying”. She explained further that at the time ofLIME’s call, she was on a fast.

“To God be the glory, great things He has done. I haveproven God before, and this is not the time to not proveGod. There is an open heaven, and when there is an openheaven, anything and everything can happen,” Hall said.

Asked what she would do with the cash, the elated Hallsaid: “Well, I have to give back to God what is rightfullyhis, and then we just go from there.”

In the meantime, Drexwell Seymour, Country Managerfor LIME, told the gathering that his company wouldcontinue to provide reliability and consistency in service.

“We will not take shortcuts to provide you with

substandard services nor would we devalue thetelecommunications market by engaging in a price war. Wewill provide you with the best value. We are currentlyupgrading our existing network to improve our voicequality, improve coverage and faster data. In addition, weare increasing our microwave link by 600 percent, whichin turn, would provide our customers with faster internetand data speed on both the fixed line and the mobileservices,” Seymour said.

He told the gathering that LIME would launch its 4Gnetwork before year-end.

Praying woman is LIME’s $5,000 winner

Country Manager for LIME, Drexwell Seymour (left) and Miss BodyBeautiful, Latoya Pinder (right), presents the winning cheque for $5,000 to

Shauna-Mae Hall, who won the Lime summer promotion.

Page 14: Volume 8 Issue 40

Page 14



COOKMAIN DUTIESPrepare food items of consistent quality in accordance withproduction requirements and quality standards whilemaintaining a safe sanitary work environment. Start prep workon food items needed for the menu of the day. Organize all of the various prep itemsneeded from different areas to ensure that all items are inplace and ready for service. Inform the Executive Chef of anyshortage of supplies that need restocking before itemscompletely run out.

REQUIREMENTSApplicants must have a minimum of three-year culinaryexperience working in a restaurant. Comprehend and followrecipes and cooking techniques. Must have thoroughknowledge and understanding of food service sanitationstandards. Thorough knowledge and understanding ofstandard kitchen equipment and its use. Applicants must bewilling to work varied shifts, split shifts, nights, weekends andholidays as required by management. Perform other dutiesas assigned, requested or deemed necessary bymanagement. Applicants will be required to work on a fulltime basis. Must be able to walk, stand or stoop for theduration of shift (at least 8 hours). Applicants must be able tounderstand/speak/read/write English proficiently. Applicantsmust be detail oriented, must be hardworking and a teamplayer. Work with minimal supervision.

Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby viaemail by October 22, 2012 at [email protected] or byfax 649-946-5191. Only persons selected for an interviewwill be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an


The Royal Turks and Caicos IslandsPolice Force Headquarters onProvidenciales has been relocated tothe former Provo Campus of theTurks and Caicos Islands CommunityCollege after months of planning.

The new location, which is just nextdoor from its old location Williams’Plaza,which is owned by Gordon“Soley” Williams, on Old Airport Road,is said to be more spacious and wouldbe able to host a number of units, whichup to last Friday, September 28, weresplintered across the island.

The moving process began at thelatter part of September, and it isexpected that by the end of this week, allthe departments on that island should bein one place. The SUN understands thatthe move would also affect the ChalkSound Police Station, as the entire upperfloor of the two-storey building has beenleft vacant.

Among the departments that wouldbe under one roof are at the new locationare: Office of the Commissioner,Deputy and Assistant Commissioner forOperations; Professional Integrity Unit;Criminal Investigations; FinancialCrimes Unit; Information Technology;Joint Intelligence Unit; Scene of crimes;fingerprint analysis; Tactical Unit;Traffic Department; 911; and PoliceRecords.

The move is seen both as anefficiency and cost-cutting measure forthe government. Earlier this year, anumber of other government agenciesacross the country were relocated toeither to government buildings orremoved to locations that couldaccommodate a number of offices,while at the same time lessen expenses.

Commissioner of Police ColinFarquar said that the new ProvidencialesHeadquarters would focus more onoperations of the overall force, while theheadquarters in the country’s capitalGrand Turk would be focused on humanresources and finance.

“The great thing about the (former)community college (building) – our newheadquarters – is that we will beconsolidating quite a few of those

departments together. We have movedthe different office spaces into onelocation. I think it would help with ourteam-building; it would make us a moreeffective and more efficient workingtogether.

“And from a managementperspective, it would make it so mucheasier when everybody is collocated,and when you collocate you couldreduce some rents, maybe you couldreduce some electricity costs, so it is justabout finding efficiencies. One of thedifficulties is having people on differentislands. It is quite a challenge, but we areadvancing a lot of what we are doingnow, and a lot of it has to do with team-building. It (new location) allows bettercommunication from each department,especially from senior management.

Open forum meetings, we would all beable to have those more often,”Commissioner Farquar said.

He added “We have more peopleover here (Provo). Our IT Departmentactually does more work inProvidenciales more than Grand Turk.So it just makes sense to have our ITProgramme here. We will not befocusing on one island than the other. Itis about maximizing our office space.Because of the space in the (old)community college (building), it wouldgive us a little more room for ourconference room. So now we would beable to have our senior managementteam meeting, the ones we used to haveonce every three months, where we flypeople in; now we will be able to havethem once a month.”

The commissioner said that thegovernment was looking at a five-yearlease for the new location.

“We are looking at a five-year leasethere. The government usually has athree-year lease, but with Chalk Sound,we entered into a five-year lease. Itabout having a long term strategy plan,but also, even after two years if youwanted to move it takes another year orso to finalize the lease and everything.So five years for the police is short termin a lot of ways,” Commissioner Farquarsaid.

He also indicated that before theend of October, the Grand Turk Divisionwould undergo similar changes.

Police Headquarters in Provo moveto old Community College building


New Police Headquarters

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HAB MANAGEMENT LTDHAB Management Limited is seeking a suitably qualified individuals to fill the

following opening:

WAITRESS/WAITERMAIN DUTIESApplicants will be required to greet and take food and beverages orders fromrestaurant guest, serve the orders and accommodate guest requests.Applicants will be required to serve guests’ promptly and according toestablished restaurant standards, policies and procedures.

REQUIREMENTSMust have a minimum of three years experience working in a restaurant. Musthave a strong working knowledge of dining room procedures, policies andEPOS System. Applicants must be a customer service advocate, maintaininga high level of customer service standards. Maintain a friendly, cheerful andcourteous demeanor at all times. Perform other duties as assigned, requestedor deemed necessary by management. Applicants must be willing to workvaried shifts, split shifts, nights, weekends and holidays as required bymanagement. Applicants will be required to work on a full time basis. Must beable to walk, stand or stoop for the duration of shift (at least 8 hours).Applicants must be able to understand/speak/read/write English proficiently. Allapplicants must be hardworking team players. Wages for this position iscommensurate with experience and training. Wages starts at $6.00 per hour.

Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email byOctober 22, 2012 at [email protected] or by fax 649-946-5191. Onlycandidates who meet the minimum requirements will be contacted by

email or telephone to schedule an interview.

Armed Robberyon Airport Road

Two masked men entered JC Walkin Restaurant and Bar located onthe Airport Road around 10:00pm on Providenciales, Thursday nightOctober 4th2012, where they struck customers and workers with ahandgun and demanded cash.

Frightened customers and workers were forced to hand over asmall some of cash in cash and a cell phone before the robbers escapedin a southerly direction.

Both robbers are described to be slim built, (5ft 4inches and 5ft8inches) and of dark complexion.

No shots were fired during this incident, however minor injurieswere sustained.

Anyone who may have heard or seen anything is asked to call thepolice at 911 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-8477. Tips can also be left inEnglish, French or Spanish at www.crimestoppers.tc or by becominga friend of Crimestoppers TCI on Facebook.__________________________________________________________

Man Sentenced to prisonfor raping old woman

A 35-year-old male plead guilty in the Supreme Court In Grand Turk,on October 4th 2012, and was sentenced to 7 years imprisonmentwith a recommendation for deportation after serving time for rapinga 71-year-old woman.

Olonieu Garcon an illegal Haitian national who has been livingon Providenciales since 2005 committed the offence during the earlymorning of Monday, 20 June 2011. He forced his way into the homeof the victim with a cutlass demanding money. Due to overwhelmingevidence heard by Chief Justice Goldberg, the plea was accepted.

Mrs. Angela Brooks and Inspector Irene Butterfield representedthe Crown.

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The controversial Leeward Marina in Providencialeswhich was once owned by Lord Michael Ashcrot haschanged its name to Blue Haven Marina and hasannounced a set of ambitious plans to open nextsummer despite legal efforts to block dredging in themarina.

Blue Marina’s website said the facility is “ideallylocated” in Providenciales in the Turks & Caicos Islands,and that Blue Haven Marina has just joined the IGYnetwork. Slated to open in the summer of 2013 to yachtsup to 180 feet and initially a max draft of 5.5, plans formaintenance dredging will bring its capacity back to theoriginal 12 feet projected by winter 2013. Located 575miles southeast of Miami, Blue Haven Marina is the idealgateway to the Caribbean.

The marina, an integral part of the Blue HavenMarina and Resort, is surrounded by nearly 20 acres ofwaterfront land on the exquisite northeast coast of theisland. Marina guests will have full access to the resort,including a hotel boasting a gym, private beach and aninfinity-edge swimming pool with lounge decks forentertainment. Also on property will be severalrestaurants, bars as well as an array of watersportactivities and day charters – both sail and sportfish.

Nearly complete, the marina has nearly 6,000 linearfeet of dockage and is constructed of 15-foot-wideconcrete floating docks. Conveniences such as on-sitecustoms and immigration services and a marinaoperations center will feature a lounge for captains andcrews, as well as showers, a chart room and a crew workroom. The offerings will be topped off by an exclusiveconcierge for marina customers ready to organizeactivities, excursions, rental vehicles, restaurantreservations and more. Top-notch provisioning with thecapability to bring almost anything to the island will bereadily available to megayacht crews and their guests.

The website added: “Boasting the third-largest coralbarrier reef system in the world, the islands are renownedfor the finest of tropical beaches. Turks & Caicos Islands’fine-sand alabaster Grace Bay Beach is consistently votedone of the world’s Top 10 beaches by Condé Nast

Traveler. Some of the best bottom fishing is in the TCIwaters, including access to many species of grouper andsnapper, among others. Blue Haven Marina is located onthe Northeastern tip of Providenciales, only minutes awayfrom Provo Golf Club, shopping, and more restaurantsand bars. Surrounding deserted islands are easilyaccessible from the marina.”

Bert Fowles, Vice President of marketing for IGYMarinas says, “The addition of Blue Haven marinaexpands the reach of the network to the northernCaribbean, creating the perfect route for our customersalong the way down from the northeast or coming fromFlorida down to the central and southern islands. Ourguests will soon have access to a magnificent facility,right on par with IGY standards of great service andamenities for captains and crew.”

Marina highlights include:• Hassle-free berthing in the Turks & Caicos Islands• 51 berths for yachts up to 180 feet, initially with a maxdraft of 5.5 feet• Maintenance dredging complete in winter 2013 for atotal depth of 12 feet• Blue Haven Resort amenities available to marina guests• Twenty minutes to international airport (75 mins fromMiami; 3-hr flight from NYC)• Official currency is US dollar; official language isEnglish• Marina concierge will cater to crews and guests withexclusive itineraries and planned activities• Highly secured marina docks to ensure privacy• Marina Operations Center featuring first-class crew andcaptains’ facilitiesBy joining the IGY Marinas network, Blue Haven Marinaguests may be privy to a host of benefits, including theIGY Anchor Club, the marina loyalty program wherecaptains and owners accumulate and redeem points fordockage. Other network-wide dockage programs includethe Caribbean Anchor Pass, where vessels can roam theIGY network for one upfront discounted price as well asthe HomePort Program, a semi-permanent option foryachts looking for longer term dockage.

Leeward Marina changes its name to Blue Haven Marina;

set to open in Summer 2013 The Rotary Club of Providencialesresumed its Third Grade DictionaryDistribution exercise with the doling out ofhundreds of the educational materials to anumber of schools across Providenciales.

Last week, the club visited severalschools on Providenciales with theintention of more of those exercises thisweek.

The media caught up with clubmembers at the Enid Capron PrimarySchool in Five Cays where their actionsonce again, this year, put on bright smileson the faces of dozens of third graders.

Carl Isaac, President for the RotaryClub of Providenciales said that thedonation exercise was in its third year, andeach year the effort of benevolence took ahigher tier, since the recipient schoolsanticipated the gifts. He said the dictionaryproject was started out in District 7020,which included all the southern Caribbeanislands within the Rotary family.

“This is our third year of doing it, sowe are very happy to continue the trend,because if it is one thing you can say aboutthis effort is that the schools are reallylooking towards us coming every year. Noschool has been singled out, is it all thirdgraders whether public or private. Thedictionaries are actually purchased froman organization that has close affiliationwith the Rotary Club of Providenciales ofProvidenciales and in the Caribbean aswell,” Isaac said.

According to Isaac, one of the mainsources of funding for the Rotary Club ofProvidenciales is its on-going Pot of GoldRaffle, which the grand prize is $10,000.The drawing for that event takes placeeach year at the Conch Festival.

Rotary doles outmore dictionaries

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Both the local authorities as well as theUnited States Coast Guard areoptimistic that the new Radar Stationin South Dock would, Providencialeswould effectively address the numberof illegal activities on our watersincluding illegal migration from whichthe country has been adverselyaffected.

United States Coast GuardCommander, Loui Parks, who is alsoDirector of Aviation Operations forOperation Bahamas Turks and Caicos(OPBAT) and Commissioner of PoliceColin Farquar were upbeat that the newsystem would allow the authorities tobetter able to increase detection as opposeto recent past.

According to Parks, whereas therewas not a system in place to monitor,especially the south of Providenciales –the busiest maritime area in the country –the new radar station would now ensurethat those problems are addressed.

“This new tool gives the governmentof the Turks and Caicos and all of itspartners, including the US Coast Guard,a great opportunity to take a look and havea persistent stare at vessel traffic in thearea. I think we can leverage this newtechnology, infuse it into existingpartnerships and work with the aviationcomponent of OPBAT, and use that toreally become more effective at fightingthe illegal migration challenge that wehave,” Commander Parks said.

For his part, Commissioner Farquarsaid that while illegal migration was a bigproblem in the TCI, drugs and firearmswere also a huge concern for the country,which he noted all seemed to have

emanated from the south, with theintention of heading north to the UnitedStates and Canada.

“So, it is about focusing our effortsand be more concentrated on what weneed to do in certain areas, because it isno use putting in a marine division andhave a vessel out in the middle of theocean without any strategic plan aboutwhat they are going to do. So, this (radarstation) will allow us to do a little morestrategic planning on where we are goingto deploy our resources.

“If you have high risk areas or certainareas of the committee, then that is whereyou put more police and the same with

marine. If we know that a lot of vesselsare coming from the south east area, thenthat is where we can focus,”Commissioner Farquar said.

In the meantime, CommissionerFarquar told The SUN now that it isexpected that more suspicious activitieswould be detected within our waters, themarine police was prepared to make theappropriate responses.

“The requirement of the police is tobe the response of the radar. If the coastalradar identifies certain targets and need tobe checked, then that is the responsibilityof the police. But that has to be done inpartnership with immigration and

customs, because maybe it is just a vesselcoming in and just doesn’t want to clearits goods; so it is not necessarily anddrugs, crime and migrants, which is moreof a concern for the police, but on acustoms perspective it is revenue-generation for the government,”Commissioner Farquar pointed out.

He said in the case of vessels enteringthe country with goods but trying to evadecustoms, the police would still be requiredto respond.

“We still have to respond because atthe time they (radar operators) maycontact the vessel to stop or identify itself,and because it doesn’t, then the radaroperator wouldn’t know why they are notresponding, and so, that is why we needto respond. And if it appears to be moreof a customs situation, then we wouldinvite them along with us. But those arethe partnerships that we are still workingon developing,” Commissioner Farquarnoted.

Police, US Coast Guard upbeaton radar station installation

A number of TCI men are lately being forced topublicly declare that they are not infected withthe deadly HIV/AIDS virus, after mischievouspersons in the community are said to bespreading rumours to that effect.

The latest person is Donhue Bassett, whoclaimed that the rumours against him were more ofa sour grapes action than anything else. Accordingto him, the false accusations were being spread by aformer acquaintance.

“I don’t think someone should spread suchrumours around. If somebody don’t like you, thensomebody just don’t like you. It is best that youmove on and don’t spread rumours. A lot of people mayget turned down, everybody can’t be loved. So if arelationship was broken up and you get hurt, that doesn’tmean that you go and spread rumours around on people.

“So I just want people to know that everything is a go

here. I did my tests, and as you can see rightthere I am good, and I just want people toknow that. I have done about 10 of these testsalready, so there is nothing left for me to donow. You can imagine how someone withAIDS feels; so you can imagine howsomeone who doesn’t have it and is beingtargeted would feel, especially in a smallcommunity where everyone knows aperson…that aint right,” Bassett lamented.

From reports received, spreadingrumours that someone has the AIDS virus,which has been increasing, stemmed

primarily from broken relationships.Last week, owner of the popular Sweet T’s Chicken,

Keith Cielo, posted an advert in The SUN with hiscertificate of health, proving that he was not infected withthe disease, as he said was rumoured earlier.

Donhue Basset says he doesn’t have AIDS!

Donhue Basset

Page 18: Volume 8 Issue 40




InterHealth Canada (TCI) Ltd wishes to appoint a senior level healthcareprofessional to the post of Chief of Administrative Support. Reporting to the CEO,the post holder will be responsible for a variety of administrative support functionsincluding Human Resources, Purchasing, Health Records & Statistics, IM&T, BMEand some reception / Clerical staff.

The successful candidate will ideally have the following background and attributes:• Extensive experience in an acute care hospital at senior manager level.• Management of services within a clinical setting, either as a direct clinical manageror as a directorate manager.• A comprehensive understanding of health records and the international normsaround the management and security of such records.• Experience at manager level of purchasing processes although not necessarily ofmanagement of a purchasing department.• A solid understanding of the needs of human resource management• Experience in change management in dynamic environments • Ability to analyse complex information and write logical and lucid reports.• Numerate and literate, you will also be a competent user of the basic MicrosoftOffice software.

The post holder would preferably be educated to at least first degree (Bachelors)standard and a post graduate qualification would be an advantage. Experience willcount as much as formal qualification and a non-degree clinical qualification (i.e.RGN or similar) would be a suitable alternative to a first degree

Applications are invited from appropriately qualified and experienced candidates. Allapplications must be by e-mail and include a full curriculum vitae and cover letter.Hard copy applications will not be accepted.

Applications to [email protected] date12th October 2012.

Fearing that the increased illegalimportation of plants entering theTurks and Caicos Islands couldcarry diseases and pests, andtherefore further threatening ournative plants and agriculturalproducts, the Turks and CaicosIslands Government hasimmediately embarked on acampaign to seize and destroy allillegally-imported plants.

As a result, the Department ofAgriculture, in a statement, said thatagricultural products including fruits,vegetable and plant cuttings that areimported without a valid import permitfrom that entity, will be seized anddestroyed in accordance withinternationally accepted standards andpractices as part what it termed‘biosecurity security’.

According to the Ministry ofAgriculture, some of the pests anddiseases that it is trying to prevent fromentering our shores, such as the citrusgreening disease, were alreadyimpacting the productivity of theFlorida and Jamaican Citrus industries.The government said that the impactcaused by the diseases and pest can beextremely costly to control oreradicate, since they have the potentialto destroy plants at an alarming rate

and could wipe out entire agriculturalindustries.

“This follows the introduction ofstrict Sanitary and PhytosanitaryMeasures (SPS) at all ports of entry inthe TCI by the Department ofAgriculture in association with theCustoms Department. The measureshave been introduced to prevent theunintentional introduction of pests anddiseases by importers and airlinepassengers who return to the TCI withfruits, vegetables and plant cuttingsfrom their visits overseas.

“TCIG has no intention of stiflingone’s intention to partake in traditionalmeals and treats; however theDepartment of Agriculture must takeseriously potential threats posed by theintroduction of harmful plant pests anddiseases. The Caribbean Region,including some of our nearestneighbours Haiti, Jamaica andDominican Republic is grappling withthe invasion of many alien plant pests(Bacteria, Viruses, Insects,Gastropods) which is impacting theeconomic viability of their agriculturalsectors,” parts of the statement said.

The statement further indicatedthat as government embarked ondeveloping local agriculture, it wasimperative that controls are put inplace to mitigate the possible impactsof plant pests and diseases on the localeconomy.

“It may not be possible to see or

indentify vectors with the naked eyes;therefore the general public is beingadvised that anyone who wishes toimport agricultural articles (fruits,vegetables, plants etc.) must apply andobtain an import permit before theitems are shipped.

“An import permit is free of chargeand granted to an applicant after he/shesatisfies the conditions for importingagricultural materials into the Turksand Caicos Islands,” the statement

further noted.The government said that the

practice to seize and destroyagricultural products has beeninternationally applied since 1952under the International Plant ProtectionConvention (IPPC), InternationalSanitary and Phytosanitary Measure(ISPM), which has adopted andactively implemented by 176 countries,including North America and theWider Caribbean region.

Illegally-imported plantswill be seized and destroyed


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Primary Objective of the Job:The IP/VAS Manager will be responsible for the real-time management of all VAS andIP based networks which support the technical operations and services of Digicel TCI.They will assist in the design and implementation of all new Packet Core, ChargingSystem and IP based systems, ensuring adherence to Group IP network securitystandards and policies. They will provide first-line identification and resolution offaults, and ensure that all required documentation is maintained in a timely basis.

Main Duties & Responsibilities:• Responsible for the design, installation and support of all Packet Core and IP basedsystems to support the technical operations of the business.• Design IP Numbering an addressing schemes, Development, Configuration andImplementation of IP based systems• Perform dimensioning and capacity planning of IP network• Responsible for the operation and maintenance of all Packet Core systems whichinclude, Ericsson SGSN-MME, Ericsson Mobile Packet Backbone Network (MPBN).• Responsible for operation and maintenance of all VAS Ericsson Charging Systemsincluding Ericsson Charging Control Node (CCN), Service Data Point (SDP), AccountInformation and Refill (AIR)• Responsible for all IP based systems, which include Cisco network devices (Routersand Switches), SUN Solaris/Linux servers, Checkpoint Firewalls and Above SecurityIDS to ensure their high availability.• Responsible for the operation and maintenance of all IP based services, includingCheckpoint firewall policy management, IP traffic management utilising VLANs androuting protocols (MPLS, BGP, RIP, OSPF, EIGRP), also DNS, Microsoft Forefront2010 and NTP applications. • Perform all required software and hardware upgrades for above mentioned systemsand services• Provide on-call support for after hour outages & planned works, including creationand submission of required forms • Develop and schedule preventative and corrective maintenance policies andprocedures, such as regular backups, spares inventory, to ensure high availability of

all VAS and IP based systems.• Manage and Support Veraz I-Gate equipment. • Ensure that Digicel TCI continue to operate on secure local and wide area networkswith the implementation of VPN technologies and firewall policy management• Provide proactive support of WAN data and voice links (VSAT, leased lines) toprovide 100% availability of all IP services, including VoIP, ITP (SS7 over IP) andinternet, and to ensure continued connectivity to other Digicel locations and externalparties• Ensure adherence with IP Security Group (Jamaica) standards and policies as theyrelate to new and existing LAN and WAN network infrastructure, IP traffic, andnetwork configuration procedures• Ensure that network metrics are closely monitored and captured so as to provideproactive network management, as well as regular feedback on network performancein the form of reports to management • Provide IP Support to other departments and external parties as required

Academic qualifications and experience required for the job• 4-5 years’ experience in VAS administration and IP based network design,implementation and administration • CCNA and Microsoft MCSE certification and Solid hands on experience with Ciscodevices• In-depth knowledge of switching, routing, LAN and WAN technologies• Hands on experience with UNIX and/or Linux systems to support applications Splatand Solaris.• Design, implementation and operational knowledge of network security (VPN,firewall management, intrusion detection)• Minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Computer Sciences or equivalent field• Knowledge of Intelligent network setup and operation.• Knowledge of CAMEL and roaming configuration

Functional Skills:• Ability to work unsupervised and handle multiple priority assignments simultaneously• Good team player with excellent oral and written communication and interpersonalskills. • Excellent troubleshooting and analytical skills• Possess first rate organizational skills with the ability to effectively manageresponsibilities in a high pressure environment• Demonstrated ability to work in cross-functional teams• Ability to meet deadlines while paying attention to detail• High degree of initiative and creativity

Interested Applicants should forward their resumes to [email protected] September 30, 2012


The Human Rights Commission inits continued efforts to provide supportfor the Young Offenders havepartnered with Superintendent andStaff of HMP and have developed arelationship to ensure that the needs ofthe Young Offenders are being met.The HRC is pleased with therelationship forged to include theVisiting Committee and values thecontributions that are being made toensuring that the welfare of thechildren are being looked after.

It is clear that young persons incustody is a concern to Society,families and support groups and afocus of developing strategies toensure that whilst in custody we canwork together to enhance theexperiences and learning of theseyoung persons. The Ministry ofEnvironment and Home Affairstogether with Key stakeholders areactive in developing programmes thatcan support rehabilative and pro socialexperiences.

The Prison held a Family day forthe Juveniles in custody on the 15thSeptember. Ms Doreen QuelchMissick, Human Right Commissionerwas instrumental in linking in with the

Child Abuse Prevention andAwareness Association (CAPAA) tomake a day to remember for the youngpeople and their Families. Ms QuelchMissick together with Sail Provo, thePrison and Ms Cartwright Robinsonsponsored travel for Families. MrsQuelch-Missick, Sister Peggy Been,Family members and CAPAAprovided food and drink for the Boysand their Families. The prison would

also like to acknowledge theinvolvement of the Child AbusePrevention and Awareness Association(CAPAA), Namely Larissa Farrin andEuwonka Selver who have pledge theirorganization’s support for futureactivities with children in prison.Thanks to the Prison Staff A/ASPJennings and A/S Lewis and the prisoncooks who helped to prepare the food.

The day commenced with the

preparation of food and introduction ofGames. Some of the parents inattendance showed their teaching skillsand encouraged creative groupparticipation. The Parents had a goodopportunity to visit and share sometime with their children, the event wentextremely well and received positiveresponses from all of those whoattended.

Her Majesty’s Prison also takesthe Juveniles on a Monthly water Skillsession with ‘Smitty’ from Grand TurkDiving. These sessions are enjoyed bythe young persons and allow them togain responsibility and confidence inthe water. Key in measures to enhancethe routines of the Juveniles is makingactivities available. The Prison wasnever constructed or designed to holdyoung Offenders, therefore exploringactivities that allow young persons tointeract, have good behaviourrewarded and show that there is alwaysgood positive choices that can bemade. The Prison would like towarmly thank both Smitty and Chrisfrom Grand Turk diving for theircommunity spirit and theircommitment to helping our youngpersons.

Setting the direction of young personsdetained in Her Majesty’s Prison

Mrs. Quelch-Missick and CAPAA supplied ‘goody bags” that included snacks, items of clothing andtoiletries and board games. Attending to support the event were Mr Leo Selver and Ms Peggy Bean

from the Prison Visiting Committee. Ms Annette Joseph Director of Social Development.

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New Telephone Numbers ADVT.pdf 1 10/4/12 9:40 AM

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Mike Tyson's visa was cancelled justa day after it had been approved for atrip he had slated for New Zealand.He was set to perform his one-manshow there, but the decision to granthim a visa was overturned. Tuesday,Oct. 2 his promoter says he's notgiving up on this one quite yet.

Mike Tyson's visa cancellationcame after the Life Education Trustwithdrew its support for the visit.Tyson, who spent time in jail after a1992 rape conviction, was granted aspecial visa but the AssociateImmigration Minister Kate Wilkinsonoverturned the decision to allow himinto the country. The Life EducationTrust had endorsed his visit, but TheNew Zealand Herald shares the letterof support was written by a volunteerwho did not have the authority to dosuch a thing.

Max Markson, the promoterbehind the visit, says he's hoping toget the visa reissued. He shared, “Itwould be a tragedy if Mike Tysoncould not come to New Zealand to dohis show.” He adds, “We'll see if wecan get a visa issued again. They'veissued it once, hopefully it might beissued again.” Markson has

previously arranged New Zealandappearances by President Clinton andTony Blair, so he's got someexperience in making big appearanceshappen. Tickets to the event are stillon sale and platinum tickets are pricedat $395.

Mike Tyson was due to arrive inNew Zealand Nov. 15. Some say thathe has done his time and reformedhimself, so the conviction from 20years ago should not impact his abilityto get a visa. New Zealand bansanyone from obtaining a visa if theyhave served prison sentences of fiveyears or more. Tyson served threeyears of a six-year sentence for his1992 conviction. The visit by Tysonhas been in the New Zealand mediafor weeks, and Prime Minister JohnKey opposed granting the visa.

Prior to the news that Tyson's visawas cancelled, he mentioned he waslooking forward to the trip. He shared,“Fortunately, I am coming to NewZealand and there's nothing they cando about it and I'm so sorry, I'm sorrythey feel disappointed and I'm justliving my life.” So far Tyson hasn'tcommented publicly on the visacancellation.

Tyson’s visacancelled for New

Zealand trip

Chris Brown has confronted widespeculation about the status of hisrelationship with Rihanna by dumpinggirlfriend Karrueche Tran.

That's one way to, uh, clarify what'sbeen happening with Brown and RiRi, asmonths and months of increased timespent together — and finally a reportedmakeout session in New York on Monday— have had fans and the industrybuzzing.

"I have decided to be single to focuson my career," Brown said in a statementvia his publicist (CNN noted his thoughtscame unsolicited).

"I love Karrueche very much, but Idon't want to see her hurt over my

friendship with Rihanna. I'd rather besingle, allowing us to both be happy in ourlives."

That Brown would categorizehimself and Rihanna as friends issomething of a corroboration. When shesat down with Oprah in August, Rihannaconfessed she still loved Breezy, but saidthey were only pals thanks to hisrelationship with Karrueche.

That's no longer an issue."Bye baby," Tran, a model, said

simply in a Wednesdaytweet. Following Monday's kissing incident,

which allegedly went down at Manhattannightclub Griffin, Brown and Rihannaattended a Jay-Z concert Tuesday at Brooklyn's just-openedBarclays Center.

Fan photographs of the outing sawBrown wrapping his arm aroundRihanna's chair, not touching in thepictures but certainly not far apart.

Brown is still on probation from his

2009 assault of the "Umbrella" singer, anincident that left her face considerablybruised, ended their public romance andcontinues to inspire criticism of bothyoung stars over their enduringfriendship.

Chris Brown dumps girlfriend for'friendship' with Rihanna

Hotel Risk Assessment &Business Continuity Specialist

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Rihanna and Brown parted ways after a violent confrontation in 2009 that left Rihanna bruised andbattered


Page 29: Volume 8 Issue 40



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• Growth in Jamaica stunted by crime• Court reserves judgement in matter

involving Jamaica Prime MinisterREAD MORE ON PAGE 32


ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - Theinternal strife within the NationalDemocratic Congress (NDC) continueto result in political casualties as sevenmembers of the ruling party, includingGeneral Secretary Peter David andtrade unionist Chester Humphrey, wereexpelled at yesterday’s (September 30)annual convention in the eastern parishof St Andrew’s.

The other high-ranking memberswho the convention votedoverwhelmingly to expel were, formercabinet ministers Joseph Gilbert, KarlHood, Arley Gill, Glynnis Roberts, anddisciplinary committee memberSiddiqui Sylvester.

Former Government MinisterPhinsley St Louis reportedly moved amotion for the party delegates to expelthe seven members, who are all knownsupporters of David.

David, who had been generalsecretary for more than a decade, had

announced early in September that hewould not be seeking reelection to theNDC executive. The former tourismminister, who resigned in April, is aparliamentary backbencher andmember of parliament (MP) for thetown of St. George.

The expulsions were the highlightof a dramatic gathering of the partyfaithful as acting party chairman,Stanford Simon, was also thrown outof the convention, after executivemember Vincent Roberts moved amotion calling for his expulsion.

Former environment ministerRoberts was the most recent minister inthe Tillman Thomas cabinet to resignfrom her position, following paths setby Hood the former foreign affairsminister and David.

Gilbert was fired for writing toAmerican investors promising them acasino license without cabinet’s

approval while Gill was sacked in theaftermath of David’s resignation.

When Roberts resigned onSeptember 20 she told a meeting of herconstituents that she has neverquestioned the Prime Minister’scharacter, “only his leadershipchoices’’.

However, Prime Minister Thomas,who is also leader of the NDC, has saidthat problems besetting the governmentand party have nothing to do with hisleadership.

In an interview on September 26with the Government InformationService, blamed the troubles on analleged power struggle and “an attemptto take over the party’’.

The situation has “nothing to dowith leadership,’’ he insisted. Had therebeen a team that was “cohesive andfocused,’’ the government would havedone much better in the four years it

has been in office, the prime ministeradded.

According to thegrenadabroadcast.com website, theexpulsions were a response bysupporters of Thomas to an offensivelaunched by David to capture controlof the executive of the party.

The officers elected to the NDC’sexecutive yesterday include EducationMinister Franka Bernardine, who is thenew Chairman.

“It’s a new day for us in NDC,’’Bernardine said at a rally that followeda morning closed-door session thatincluded the election of officers.

Former NDC general secretary andbusinessman Kent Joseph is the newDeputy Chairman.

St Louis is one of two trusteeswhile Information Minister Glen Noelhas replaced Gill as Public RelationsOfficer.

High-ranking members ofGrenada ruling party expelled

PORT-AU-PRINCE - Haiti imposed a ban on plastic andfoam food containers as well as black polyethylene bags onMonday, amid concern that the country's poorest consumerswould not be able to afford the substitutes.

The ban is the first in a series of government measuresaiming to help the environment of the poorest country inthe hemisphere. A broader prohibition on plastic andpetroleum-based products in the Caribbean country couldbe combined with the eventual local production ofbiodegradable alternatives.

Clogged canals and roadside drains, as well asmountains of trash at street corners made up mostly ofdiscarded plastic products, have been part of the landscapein the Haitian capital for the last decade.

"Look at the number of containers that arrive in thiscountry, with their negative effects," Jean Vilmond Hilaire,Haiti's Environment Minister, told Reuters in an interview."If we launch a local industry that can manufacture thesecontainers with our own agricultural waste, that would bebest."

The ban follows a global trend that has seen a numberof major cities impose plastic bag restrictions, as well assome poor countries like Rwanda and Bangladesh.

But switching to potentially more expensive bio-degradable bags and containers might further inflameconsumers. Protests in recent weeks throughout the countryof 10 million, including one on September 30 in the capital,have blasted the government for high prices.

The first batch of eco-friendly containers arrived inHaiti two weeks ago, imported from the United States, andHilaire keeps a small stack of them next to his desk. "Theseare made from agricultural waste," he said, holding up alight brown, hinged clamshell food container.

Although the ban went into effect Oct 1, Hilaire saidthere will be a three-month grace period. A feasibility study,

funded by the government of France, will be conducted overthe next month to examine the possibility of locallyproducing biodegradable food containers.

The announcement of the new policy in August createdconfusion over what kinds of plastic bags would be banned.Fears that small, clear plastic bags used to distributedrinking water — the most widespread method ofpurchasing drinking water on the street — triggeredprotests.

The ban forbids use of black polyethylene bags, whichare made from recycled materials and are popular with streetmarket vendors and their consumers.

Slightly more expensive opaque white plastic bags,stamped with red smiley faces and imported from China,are not being banned.

A few blocks away from Hilaire's Port-au-Prince office,Suzette Gay, 56, spooned rice and meat onto a plastic foamplate for a waiting customer. "I heard they were going tomake us change because these plates don't break down," shesaid.

Gay pays about 30 gourds, or 75 U.S. cents for apackage of 25 polystyrene plates. If the governmentprovides her with environmentally friendly plates at no extracost, she said she'll switch. Otherwise, she said, "I'm notchanging."

Stephen Italien, 24, who lives in the La Differencesection of the Cite Soleil slum in the capital, said a nearbycanal is constantly clogged with polystyrene and plasticcontainers and bags despite regular community-drivenclean-up efforts.

"Every time it rains, more garbage floods in," saidItalien who supports the plastics ban. "We hope that peoplerespect it, and that the measure stays, because that is whatbothers us the most."

Haiti plastics ban gets mixedreaction from cost-conscious poor

Spain remainsCuba’s largest

European source of foreign direct

investmentHAVANA, Cuba – Business peoplefrom Cuba and Spain are meeting inHavana today to assess new businessprojects that could increase investmentflows between the two Spanish-speakingnations.

Official sources report that, in 2011,Spain was among the main trading partnersof Cuba, after Venezuela and China.

Madrid officials have established Spainas the first European investor in Cuba, withmore than US $1.5 billion dollars receivedannually and indications that number couldgrow in the near future.

Despite the current economic andsocial turmoil in Spain, organisers of the18th Business Cooperation Committeebetween the two countries remain optimisticthat entrepreneurs from Cuba and Spain willfind new mutual business opportunities for2012-2013.

According to the program for the day,representatives of both delegations will givelectures about the updating of the Cubaneconomic model and the prospects for theSpanish economy in the current crisis.

José Antonio Vicente, director of theZaragoza Fair, will provide details of theBiotechnology Fair to be held in Spainfrom October 9th through the 11th thisyear and explain the sector priorities forthe Iberian nation.


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PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad – Farfrom succeeding in containing thelawsuit filed by Jamaican ShaniqueMyrie, the Barbados Government nowfaces the possibility of an expansion ofthe suit which may extend to otherCARICOM member states in addition toJamaica.

In spite of Barbados’ objections, theCaribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has notonly granted the Jamaica governmentleave to join in Myrie’s suit, but hasextended the option for other interestedregional states to get involved as well.

The grouping and individual

member states have until the end ofOctober to indicate their interest.

The CCJ’s decision was handeddown last Thursday, a week after hearingan application from the Jamaicagovernment to become a party in thecase.

Shanique Myrie claims that she wasindecently assaulted and verbally abusedby Immigration officers at Barbados’Grantley Adams International Airportand wrongfully refused entry into thecountry on March 14, 2011.

Kingston wanted to get involved inthe case on the grounds that it had an

interest in ensuring respect for the rightsand benefits of its citizens and otherCARICOM nationals under the RevisedTreaty Of Chaguaramas.

According to a statement issued bythe court on Thursday: “The CCJgranted the government of Jamaica leaveto intervene in the proceedings ofShanique Myrie vs The Government ofBarbados and directed the Registrar ofthe CCJ to serve on Jamaica copies of alldocuments that had been served on theparties.

“The CCJ also directed its Registrarto distribute copies of the

abovementioned documentation to theCaribbean Community and otherCARICOM member states and grantedthe community and member states leaveto notify the court by 31 October 2012whether they wish to advance argumentsto the Court on the matter filed by MsMyrie.”

Jamaica had initially declined toinitiate proceedings against the BarbadosGovernment following Myrie’s claims ofinhumane and discriminatory treatment,saying that she could bring a claim in itsstead in accordance with the agreementestablishing the CCJ.

CARICOM members may joinJamaica in Myrie suit vs Barbados

KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Constitutional Courthas reserved judgment in a case where attorneysrepresenting Prime Minister Portia Simpson Millersay she should be granted immunity from testifyingin the matter regarding the financial contributionmade by a Dutch company to the ruling People’sNational party (PNP) in 2007.

Both the prosecution and defence lawyers endedtheir arguments on Monday and the Court hasindicated it would issue its judgement at a laterstage.

The lawyers for Prime Minister SimpsonMiller raised the issue of immunity last week afterthe Dutch authorities sought to have her give astatement in the matter relating to the donations made by the oil lifting firm,Trafigura Beheer.

Simpson Miller’s attorneys are stoutly opposed to the request by the Dutchauthorities for her to give a statement about the US$300, 000 given to the PNPby Trafigura in 2007 during the political campaign.

PNP Chairman Robert Pickersgill, Energy Minister Phillip Paulwell, formerparliamentarian Colin Campbell and businessman Norton Hinds are the otherpersons challenging the application.

However, the prosecution argued that there are no constitutional rights tobe breached since the five officials are not suspects.

Trafigura had an oil-lifting contract with the Jamaican government at thetime the donation was made and the issue came to light when then OppositionLeader Bruce Golding accused Trafigura of illegally making the donation.

Campbell, who was the PNP’s general secretary, resigned after he wasimplicated in the transaction.

Court reserves judgement in matterinvolving Jamaica Prime Minister

Jamaica Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller

Growth in Jamaicastunted by crime

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Crime in Jamaica is viewed as the mainimpediment to the country’s economic and social prosperity, andMinister of National Security Peter Bunting says that the governmentis placing focus on prevention and control measures as it works tocurtail the problem.

"We just completed a National Security Policy and one of thethings it identified was that crime, violence and corruption were themain obstacles to rapid growth and development in Jamaica,"Bunting told members of the Montego Bay Chamber of Commerceand Industry at a meeting held in the resort city last week.

"Statistics have shown that our per capita GDP (gross domesticproduct) would be conservatively three times what it is now and moreaggressively ten times what it is now, if we didn’t have this high levelof crime," the minister stated.

According to Bunting, the prevention measures will focus oncommunity intervention through the work of the Citizens Security andJustice Programme (CSJP), among other initiatives.

In terms of control, the minister said, "We are doing a number ofthings. The police force is in transition, which is being accelerated. Itis more professional, more community-based, shifting an emphasisfrom a national security emphasis to a citizen security emphasis…realising that it’s the only way that we are going to have sustainedsuccess."

Bunting urged all Jamaicans to support the police and the relatedgroups and agencies to put a dent in crime, especially in St James,which has the highest murder rate of all parishes. He stated that theaim was to reduce crime to first-world levels.

"We want to go to 12 per 100, 000," he said.The National Security Policy, which forms part of the

administration’s strategic policy response to crime and violence, setsout the new priorities, policies and strategies for the period 2012 to2017.

Key imperatives include: more aggressive use of the Proceeds ofCrime Act (POCA); focus on key players and their facilitators in illicitactivities, such as money laundering; addressing "dysfunctionalelements" in the judicial system; accelerating reform of the JamaicaConstabulary Force (JCF); adopting a strong, coherent anti-gangstrategy; and rehabilitating communities deemed “at risk”, throughregeneration and employment creation programmes.


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• Huge marijuana field found onChicago’s South Side

• Filipinos face 12 years in prisonfor online libel under new law


US Republican candidate MittRomney won the first of threetelevised debates with PresidentBarack Obama, polls and analystssay.After the 90-minute duel centring

on taxes, the deficit and healthcare,polls gave Mr Romney a 46-67%margin with Mr Obama trailing with22-25%.Commentators said Mr Romney

appeared in command while MrObama was hesitant. Mr Obama has led national polls

and surveys in the swing states thatwill decide the 6 November election.President Obama appeared

hesitant, occasionally askingmoderator Jim Lehrer, of US publictelevision network PBS, for time tofinish his points.The two candidates attacked each

other's economic plans, with MrObama describing his rival'sapproach as "top-down economics"and a retread of Bush-era policies."If you think by closing [tax]

loopholes and deductions for thewell-to-do, somehow you will not endup picking up the tab, then GovernorRomney's plan may work for you," hesaid."But I think math, common sense,

and our history shows us that's not arecipe for job growth."Mr Romney derided Mr Obama's

policies as "trickle-downgovernment"."The president has a view very

similar to the one he had when he ranfor office four years ago, thatspending more, taxing more,regulating more - if you will, trickle-down government - would work," MrRomney said."That's not the right answer for

America."Mr Romney pledged not to

reduce taxes for wealthy Americans,and said Mr Obama hadmisrepresented Mr Romney's taxplans on the campaign trail.Both camps rushed to defend the

respective performances."The average person at home saw

a president who you could trust,"Obama adviser David Plouffe toldreporters. "That's what the American

people are looking for."But senior Romney aide Eric

Fehrnstrom said the president hadspoken "only in platitudes"."If this were a boxing match, it

would have been called by thereferee," he said.Commentators largely agreed that

Mitt Romney had performed better.New York Times columnist and

Nobel laureate Paul Krugman said,Mr Obama "did a terrible job in thedebate, and Romney did well". "But in the end, this isn't or

shouldn't be about theatre criticism, itshould be about substance," MrKrugman said defending Mr Obama'sstatements whilst charging that"much of what Romney said waseither outright false or so misleadingas to be the moral equivalent of a lie".ABC News quoted one of its

consultants and Democratic strategistDonna Brazile as saying: "MittRomney did a lot of good... was alittle more aggressive than thepresident."Washington Post conservative

columnist George Will said MrRomney's performance had "stopped[his slump in the polls] in its tracks".A CNN/ORC International poll of

430 people who watched the debateshowed 67% thought Romney won,compared with 25% for Obama.A CBS News poll found a 46%

support for Mr Romney, 22% for MrObama and 32% saying it was a tie.And a Google survey gave Mr

Romney a 47.8% advantage against25.4% for Mr Obama.The University of Denver debate

was the first in a series of threepresidential forums and one vice-presidential encounter this month. Running-mates Joe Biden and

Paul Ryan will meet in Danville,Kentucky on 11 October, before thesecond presidential debate on 16October.

Polls show Romney won TV debate with Obama

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama wave to the audienceduring the first presidential debate at the University of Denver, Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012, in Denver.


Jobless rate tumbles tonear four-year low

U.S. unemployment rate dropped to a near four-year low of 7.8 percent inSeptember, a potential boost to President Barack Obama's re-election bid.The Labor Department said on Friday the unemployment rate, a key

focus in the race for the White House, dropped by 0.3 percentage point to itslowest point since January 2009 as employers added 114,000 workers to theirpayrolls.The drop in the unemployment rate reflected an even bigger surge in new

jobs captured by a survey of households and came even as Americansreturned to the labor force to resume the hunt for work. The workforce hadshrank in the prior two months.Payrolls for July and August were revised to show 86,000 more jobs

created than previous reported, mostly to reflect increases in governmentemployment.The jobless rate is now where it was when Obama took office in January

2009. Household employment increased 873,000, the most since June 1983,according to the household survey. The bulk of the gains were part-time jobs."There is something in these numbers for everyone. The rise in the

participation rate shows somewhat of a real improvement in the labormarket," said Omer Esiner, chief market analyst at Commonwealth ForeignExchange in Washington.Persistently poor labor market conditions led the Federal Reserve in

September to announce a plan to buy $40 billion worth of mortgage-backedsecurities each month until it sees a sustained turnaround in employment.

Britain said it would seek to extraditeIslamist cleric Abu Hamza al-Masrito the United States as soon aspossible after the one-eyed radicalpreacher failed in a last-ditch legalattempt to avoid deportation onFriday.Washington accuses the

Egyptian-born 54-year-old ofsupporting al Qaeda, aiding akidnapping in Yemen and plotting toopen a U.S. training camp formilitants.Abu Hamza, who has a metal

hook for a hand, also achievednotoriety for praising the September11, 2001 attacks on the United States.Judges at the High Court in

London dismissed his request to delaythe proceedings in order to allow himundergo more medical tests that hislawyers said would prove he was unfitto be extradited, clearing the way foran immediate handover."Extradition may proceed

immediately," said Judge JohnThomas. Four other suspects havealso lost their appeals againstextradition to the U.S.

Britain's Home Office (interiorministry) said in a statement after thejudgment: "We welcome the Court'sdecision and are working to extraditethese men as quickly as possible."A crowd of about 100 people

protested outside the court, shouting"Free Abu Hamza" and holdingbanners reading "Stop extraditions"and "democracy = hypocrisy."Abu Hamza, who could be sent to

an ultra-secure "Supermax" prisonwith a sentence of more than 100years, has argued that he facesinhumane treatment in the UnitedStates.The cleric was once a preacher at

a North London mosque but waslater convicted in Britain of incitingmurder and racial hatred.The decision caps a long legal

battle, which saw him launch a freshappeal at the High Court last weekafter the European Court of HumanRights rejected an earlier bid to avoidbeing sent to the United States.Abu Hamza was jailed for seven

years in Britain and has been fightingextradition since 2004.

Britain to extradite radicalIslamist cleric to U.S.

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After days of turmoil over reports ofloose seats on its planes, AmericanAirlines announced that it has discoveredand fixed the mechanical problem thatgrounded several aircraft.

The airline, whose parent company

filed for bankruptcy last year, fieldedthree to six reports of loose seats on itsBoeing 757 jets over the last week. Theairline said it is still reviewing repair datato get a final count.

On Wednesday the airline

announced that it had completed theinspection and repairs on 48 Boeing757 jets, all of which are back inservice.

The problem, the airline said,involved a clamp used to lock the seatsinto the tracks attached to the floor ofthe cabin.

Because of ongoing labor turmoil,the airline was quick to defend themechanics and U.S.-based contractorswho have worked on the planes.

"While American Airlinesemployees and third-party contractorshave worked on the 757 aircraft involved,we have the utmost confidence in ourhighly skilled maintenance andengineering teams as well as our contractmaintenance providers," said airlinespokeswoman Andrea Huguely.

Meanwhile, the airline and the AlliedPilots Assn., the union representing its

10,000 pilots, announced this week plansto relaunch contract negotiations that hadstalled in the last week.

Tensions between pilots and theairline have been high since a bankruptcycourt judge allowed American Airlinesearlier this month to toss out its contractwith the pilots.

Over the last two weeks, hundreds ofAmerican Airlines flights have beendelayed or canceled and the airline hasblamed it on pilots who have requestedmaintenance work shortly before takeoff.

When the airline threatened to file alegal injunction to halt what the airlinedescribed as slow-down tactics, theAllied Pilots Assn. canceled furthercontract talks.

But on Tuesday, after the loose-seatproblems made national headlines, thepilots association agreed to resumetalks with the airline.

American Airlines saysloose seat problems are fixed

Chicago police have located amassive marijuana field on the SouthSide, with an estimated street valueof $7 million to $10 million.

Officers say they discovered afield of pot that spans the equivalentof two football fields at 107th Streetand Stony Island.

The field is near the HarborsideInternational Golf Center.

The field was discoveredyesterday around noon by a pilotEdward Graney, who was flying aCook County Sheriff policehelicopter.

It is located about 100 yards awayfrom street, but was hidden by wildflowers. Police also found evidence ofa camp, with a tarp, sleeping bag andeven some orange soda and Cheetos,which suggests somebody may havebeen guarding the field.

Graney, who was flying overhead

after a training exercise, said hespotted “five rows of plants, straightline configuration. It didn’t looknormal for wild growth.”

Lt. Michael Ryle, of the ChicagoPolice Narcotics Unit, said of thediscovery: “This would be one of thebiggest in recent years.”

Police Supt. Garry McCarthy saidthe operators of the field likely wouldhave sold the pot and used the cash tobuy weapons, which fuels violentcrime.

Police have not made any arrestsbut are using DNA testing and otherinvestigative strategies to try to findthe person who had been watchingover the pot farm.

The Department of Streets andSanitation cut down the plants onWednesday morning, and the city’sBomb and Arson Unit will be incharge of destroying them.

Huge marijuana field found on Chicago’s South Side


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Honda recalls 820,000 Civic sedansand Pilot sport-utility vehicles

Honda said it will expand a March headlight recall to include 820,000 model-year 2002-2003 Civic sedans and model-year 2004-2005 Pilot sport-utilityvehicles in the United States.

Honda dealers will inspect and, if necessary, replace components of theheadlight wiring system.

The automaker said a problem with the wiring of the headlight switch couldcause the low-beam headlights to not work. The loss of headlights could limita driver's ability to see the road and potential hazards and increases the risk ofa crash. However, Honda said no crashes or injuries have been reported inconnection with the problem.

In March, Honda recalled 550,000 CR-V small SUVs from the 2002through 2004 model years and Pilots from 2003 because of the same problem.

This was the second large expansion of a Honda recall this week.On Monday, Honda said it would expand a recall of Acura TL sedans to

include 572,000 model-year 2003-2007 Accord V6 vehicles in the UnitedStates.

But the automaker said the Accord recall, to fix leaking power steeringhoses that could cause fires, will be delayed into next year because theautomaker doesn't have enough parts to fix the problem. The updated powersteering hoses won't be available until early 2013.

Honda is sending out a notice to Accord owners telling them of the problemand describing the symptoms. Drivers who think their cars are affected shouldtake them into the dealership for an "interim" repair, the automaker said. Themost commonly reported symptom is a smell from the seeping fluid.

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Filipinos who libel others onFacebook, Twitter or elsewhereonline could be jailed for up to 12years under a law that went intoeffect Wednesday in the Philippines.

The new law against cyber-crimeincludes a disputed provision thatimposes much steeper penalties forcommitting libel on the Internet thanoffline. It allows police to shut downwebsites and do some monitoring ofemail and online activity without awarrant.

Fears of an increasinggovernment grip on online speech setoff a firestorm this week amongFilipinos, who have been dubbedsome of the most avid users of socialmedia in the world. Rights groupswarn that existing libel laws arealready vague enough for criticism ofthe government to be deemedcriminal.

“The Philippines was considereda regional leader in Internetfreedom,” said Sanja Kelly of theinternational rights group FreedomHouse. “This law puts it closer tomore authoritarian states.” Evenclicking "like" on an offendingFacebook post could be construed as

libel under the broadly written law,the rights group warned.

Internet freedom groups,journalists and bloggers in thePhilippines blacked out theirwebsites Wednesday in protest,calling the new law anunconstitutional trampling of freespeech rights. Some took to thestreets to protest. Several petitionshave already been filed with theSupreme Court challenging the law.

“Libel has been decriminalized inother civilized jurisdictions. Ourlegislature, instead, will throw usback to the Dark Ages by imposing ahigher penalty for libel,” Ateneo deManila University constitutionalistJoaquin Bernas wrote Monday in thePhilippine Daily Inquirer.

Bernas and other criticscompared the new penalties to theimposition of martial law underformer President Ferdinand Marcos.“So this is how 1972 felt like,”Manila journalist Jojo Pasion Maligsaid on Twitter. “The only differentthing is 'Gangnam Style' playing inthe background.”

Several government websiteswent down Wednesday, apparentlyunder attack by hackers.

Presidential spokesman EdwinLacierda sought to tamp down thefuror over the new law, tellingreporters at a televised newsconference that “people are spreadingthe fear of this law, but people shouldalso remember the power of theconstitution, the rights that itguarantees.”

Yet Justice Secretary Leila M. deLima said Monday that herdepartment had recommended that thelaw be sheared of the disputed rulescracking down on cyber-defamation,cyber-threats and Internet libel.

The first day the law was ineffect, some politicians whosupported it were already saying itshould be amended. Its author, Sen.Edgardo Angara, said he would revisitthe higher penalties imposed underthe law for online libel, though heargued there needed to be somepenalty for such speech.

Is cyberspace “a zone of impunitythat you can now begin to lambastemaliciously your enemies withoutfear of any sanction at all?" Angaraasked ABS-CBN News when askedto respond to the criticism.

Filipinos face 12 years in prisonfor online libel under new law

Libya forces preparefor sweep of

pro-Gadhafi townTRIPOLI, Libya — Libyan militias operating alongside the defense ministryreadied their forces Tuesday to advance on a town that remains a bastion ofsupport for the ousted regime of Moammar Gadhafi, stoking fears of animpending battle that has already sent dozens of families fleeing.

Bani Walid is one of the last major pockets of support for the formerregime, and disarming its militants is one of the most daunting tasks facingthe government. Militias in the town of about 100,000 people are heavilyarmed with rocket-propelled grenades, automatic weapons and artillery leftover from last year's eight-month civil war.

During the war, many blamed the town's fighters for the worst of thesniper attacks, shelling, rape and other violence during the bloody siege ofthe coastal city of Misrata. Calls for revenge again peaked after the death lastweek of a well-known 22-year-old former rebel fighter after ill treatment atthe hands of militiamen from Bani Walid.

Omran Shaaban had been hailed as the first fighter to find Gadhafi hidingin a drainage ditch last October, leading to the dictator's capture and killing.Seen as a hero to many, Shaaban's death raised the prospect of more score-settling. The same day of his death, the newly elected National Congressauthorized the police and army to use force if necessary to apprehend thosewho abducted Shaaban and three of his companions in July near Bani Walid.

The government had brokered Shaaban's release and he was transferredto a hospital in France where he died of his wounds. He had been paralyzedfrom the waist down and relatives say his chest had been slashed with razorsduring his 55 days in captivity.

At least four residents of Misrata are still being held by the town'smilitias, according to local activists.

Militia commander Faraj al-Swehli said dozens of families have fled BaniWalid in anticipation of an offensive. On Tuesday three fighters from Misratawere wounded in clashes during a surveillance operation near the town,according to witnesses.

Al-Swehli ordered his Tripoli-based militia, originally from Misrata, tojoin others who have surrounded parts of the town. They are operatingtogether in a loose coalition of the country's largest militias known as LibyaShield, which is relied on by the defense ministry. Shaaban was a part of thegroup before his death.

The government has given Bani Walid's leaders until this coming Fridayto handover suspects linked to the torture of Shaaban.

Libya Shield fighters put out a statement Tuesday saying they will notenter Bani Walid without orders from the military chief of staff Gen. YoussefMangoush. However, even without government orders the militias begansurrounding parts of the town last week.

The Libyan government remains weak and has been unable to rein inarmed militias in a country awash with weapons. Earlier this month, ademonstration at the U.S. Consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi turnedviolent, killing four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador.

Misrata activist Ahmed al-Madany said he heard the local Bani Walidradio station say that its fighters will defend the town to the last man.

"I doubt they will turn the suspects in," he said.A resident inside Bani Walid, who wished to remain anonymous for fear

of reprisal, said militias inside have set-up checkpoints to secure the area.

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Google-owned Motorolawithdraws patent lawsuit

against Apple

Facebook now has more than onebillion people using it every month, thecompany has said.

The passing of the milestone wasannounced by founder MarkZuckerberg on US television onThursday.

The company said that thosebillion users were to date responsiblefor 1.13 trillion "likes", 219 billionphotos and 17 billion location check-ins.

The site, which was launched in2004, is now looking towards emergingmarkets to build its user base further.

"If you're reading this: thank youfor giving me and my little team thehonor of serving you," Mr Zuckerbergwrote in a status update.

"Helping a billion people connectis amazing, humbling and by far thething I am most proud of in my life."

Statistics released to coincide withthe announcement revealed there werenow 600 million users accessing thesite via a mobile device - up 48 millionfrom 552 million in June this year.

Since its early beginnings atHarvard University, Facebook usershave befriended each other 140.3billion times.

Sustained growth is seen as crucialif Facebook is to maintain its value -the company has seen its share pricedrop to about $22 (£17) from a startingprice of $38.

Investors will expect the companyto look at ways to make more from theusers it already has as well as seekingto attract new users in areas of theworld where it does not yet dominate.

"For Facebook the main challengeis not just to grow in terms of numbers,but more importantly to deepen andenrich engagements," said Eden Zoller,principal analyst at tech research firmOvum.

TV chat show Although the service is by far the

world's biggest social network, thereare key areas, such as China andRussia, where local competitors stillremain the online networking tool ofchoice.

Last month, Mr Zuckerberg visitedMoscow, where he made his first TVchat show appearance, as well as ahighly publicised meeting with thePrime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev.

It was a public-relations exercisedesigned to unsettle VKontakte - anetwork that boasts in excess of 300

million members, compared withFacebook's seven million, in thecountry.

In the same trip, Mr Zuckerbergmade a "surprise" visit to one of thecompany's arranged hack-a-thons tomeet local developers.

Other trips include to China, wherethe company said it was busy"watching and learning" from otherinternet firms.

Google, which launched in Chinain 2005, faced fierce criticism when itagreed to allow censorship of searchresults. It later changed its stance, andnow directs all of its traffic through itsHong Kong-based site.

Success for Facebook in Chinawould mean unseating RenRen (morethan 30 million users) and possibly theTwitter-like service Sina Weibo (morethan 300 million users).

'Every phone' In Africa, Facebook has targeted

the use of basic phones - known widelyas "feature phones" - which are unableto display the full-featured site, butinstead can use specially createdvariations of the network.

Specifically, a project calledFacebook for Every Phone, which was

launched following the company'sacquisition of feature-phone specialistsSnaptu, is central to its growth strategyin the region.

"Facebook is doing very well inAfrica," said Erik Hersman, a Kenyan-based blogger.

"You even see people using it in therural areas - often people will ask for aphone with Facebook on it, notcaring/knowing about the internet at all."

There are considerable monetisationopportunities too. The continent has, at apace far outstripping the west, adoptedmobile payment systems in hugenumbers - more than 15 million inKenya alone.

In developed markets, one path tobetter engagement with users could bethrough new features that make use ofFacebook's vast quantities of personaldata about each of its members.

In recent weeks, Facebook has beenlooking to monitor the real-world effectsof advertising on the platform.

These efforts are key if the companyis to convince businesses that investingin the platform is not a waste of money- recent admissions over "fake" usersand have dented the site's credibility.

Facebook surpasses one billionusers as it tempts new markets

SAN FRANCISCO: Apple narrowedthe gap with Samsung smartphones inthe precious US market in the monthsbefore the release of the hot-sellingiPhone 5 model, industry trackercomScore reported on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Apple and Android-powered smartphones continued todominate the US market, where bothplatforms increased shares evidently atthe expense of BlackBerry handsetsmade by Canada-based Research InMotion.

Samsung remained the topsmartphone in the United States withan unchanged 25.7 per cent of themarket at the end of August whileApple's portion grew to 17.1 per centas compared to 15 per cent in May,according to comScore.

Motorola and LG both lost just shyof a percent of market share to finishAugust with 11.2 per cent and 18.2 percent of the US market respectively.

The number of smartphone ownersin the United States grew six percent

to 116.5 million in the three-monthperiod that ended with the start ofSeptember.

Google-backed Android softwareremained the most popular smartphoneplatform with its share of the marketgrowing 1.7 per cent to 52.6 per cent.Apple's bite grew 2.4 per cent to 34.3per cent, according to comScore.

Apple's portion of the US marketis expected to get even bigger giventhe record-breaking pace of sales ofthe latest-generation iPhone 5 modelreleased last month.

Apple and Android gains in thequarter came at the expense ofBlackBerry handsets made by Canada-based Research In Motion andsmartphones powered by Microsoft orSymbian software, according tocomScore figures.

RIM's share of the US market slid3.1 per cent to 8.3 per cent whileMicrosoft and Symbian shed .4 percent each to drop to 3.6 and .7 pe rcentrespectively.

Apple gaining onSamsung in US

smartphone market

Mortgage rates hitrecord low again

NEW YORK -- Mortgage rates fell to a new record low after theFederal Reserve's decision to buy billions in home loans continued toease costs for home owners and buyers.

The average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage fell to an all-time low of3.36%, according to a weekly survey by mortgage finance backerFreddie Mac. The rate dropped from 3.40% the previous week.

The fixed-rate 15-year mortgage also hit a new record low of 2.69%from 2.73% a week earlier.

Rates have been falling to news lows since the Fed announced lastmonth that it would buy $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities eachmonth. The central bank hopes that keeping interest rates low throughthis policy, known as quantitative easing, will fuel home buying, whichwill lead to more spending, and eventually more hiring.

Economists are betting that low mortgage rates would give homebuyers the confidence to pay more for homes. Already, home priceshave rebounded to the same level they were nine years ago.

There's also been a pick-up in sales of existing homes, a leap in newhome sales prices , and an increase in home construction, all of whichhave invigorated the housing market.

Economists surveyed by CNNMoney said they are encouraged bythe reports and believe that the nation's housing market has finallyturned a corner.

Of the 14 economists who answered questions about home pricesin the survey, nine believed that prices have already turned higher orwill make that turn later this year. Only three months ago, half of theeconomists surveyed by CNNMoney believed a turnaround in priceswould not take place until 2013 or later.


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NEW YORK - Americans areexpected to spend more during what'straditionally the busiest shoppingseason of the year, but they're notexactly ready to shop 'til they droplike they have been in the past twoyears.

The National Retail Federation,the nation's largest retail trade group,said it expects sales during the winterholiday shopping period inNovember and December to rise 4.1percent this year. That's more than apercentage point lower than thegrowth in each of the past two years,and the smallest increase since 2009when sales were up just 0.3 percent.

The projections are an importantindicator for retailers that depend onthe last two months of the year for upto 40 percent of their annual sales.But the estimates also offer valuableinsight for economists who closelywatch consumer spending, whichaccounts for up to 70 percent ofeconomic activity.

The holiday shopping season isone gauge of not only the shoppinghabits, but also the mindset of theaverage American during what hasturned out to be a slow and uneveneconomic recovery. Right now,people are feeling better about risinghome prices and a rebounding stockmarket, but job growth is still weakand prices for everything from food

to gas are higher. "In all the years, this is the most

challenging year doing a forecast,"said Matthew Shay, president andCEO of the National RetailFederation, based in Washington,

D.C. "There are so manyuncertainties."

It's Americans' worries about theeconomic uncertainty that led theNational Retail Federation to predictslower growth during the winter

holiday shopping season than theincrease of 5.6 percent and 5.5 percentin 2010 and 2011, respectively.

Still, the forecast is higher thanthe average growth of 3.5 percent forNovember and December over thepast 10 years. And it continues agrowth trend that began after holidaysales fell 4.4 percent in 2008 duringthe middle of the recession. (Thefederation for the first time is countingonline sales and sales from the autoparts and accessories business. It hasrevised every year's holiday figuresfrom 2000 to reflect the change.)

Holiday sales seen rising4.1 percent in 2012

WASHINGTON: Google subsidiary Motorola Mobilityhas dropped a complaint of patent infringement againstApple without explanation.

In a brief filing with the International TradeCommission on Monday, Motorola Mobility said it wasdropping without prejudice a complaint that Apple hadinfringed on seven Motorola patents.

Apple did not return telephone calls seeking commentand Google said only: "As we have said many timesbefore, we will continue to vigorously defend ourpartners".

Google and Apple have been locked in an internationalpatent war since 2010, as Apple has sought to limit thegrowth of Google's Android system. The fight hasembroiled Samsung , HTC and others that use Android.

Reuters reported in August that the two companieswere in settlement talks. Google said in its filing, however,that "there are no agreements between Motorola andApple, written or oral, express or implied, concerning thesubject matter of this investigation."

The complaint can be re-submitted. Florian Mueller,who was first to report the withdrawal on his blog, said hebelieved that Google withdrew the complaint to prevent itfrom being consolidated with an earlier case, thus slowingthat case down.

In that case, an ITC judge had said in a preliminaryruling that Apple infringed on a patent for eliminatingnoise and other interference during voice and datatransmissions. A final decision is due next April.

"Maybe they ... wanted to maintain their chances of atleast getting some win against Apple in the US in 2013,"Muller said in an email interview.

The biggest victory in the smartphone patent war sofar belongs to Apple. On August 24, a jury in a Californiafederal court ordered Samsung to pay $1.05 billion indamages after finding that Samsung had copied criticalfeatures of the iPhone and iPad.

Samsung was the top-selling mobile-phone maker inthe second quarter of 2012, with Apple in third place,according to data from Gartner.

Google-owned Motorola withdrawspatent lawsuit against Apple

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In an effort to recruit more referees toofficiate in the ever expanding footballleagues and programmes, the TCIFAgraduated 20 candidates whosuccessfully completed their RefereesCourse and examinations lastweekend.

With over twenty leagues andcompetitions running throughout theyear as well as internationalcompetitions, the TCIFA said it has puta lot of time and effort into developingits Refereeing Department. Regularmeetings and training sessions haveimproved the performance of currentreferees, but the association said it iskeen to attract newcomers.

The FA said that the course wasvery successful in finding individualswho are keen to take on theresponsibility of officiating matches atyouth and senior level.

Ninety percent of the group passedtheir Laws of the Game exams withflying colours, as of the lot, only twocandidates narrowly missed out. Thereal test however came on early

Sunday morning at the soon to bequalified referees had to go through

two vigorous fitness tests. The first challenge was the Sprint

test as candidates had to complete sixforty meter sprints in a time under 6.5seconds with only a forty second restperiod in between. Every candidatepassed this test which now meant thatthat they had reached the level ofAssistant Referee, however the finaland most daunting task was to come.

In order to become a fullyqualified referee, each candidatewould have to complete a stamina test,which basically consisted of runningten laps in a given time. For each lap,each person would have two make two150m sprints within 35 seconds,without stopping. The candidates gavetheir best and 50% of the group wasable to pass this test with several othersjust falling short of the requiredstandard.

Technical Director Matthew Greenwas pleased with effort. “It is great tosee such enthusiasm to become areferee, a position which is often athankless task. The exam results were

promising and those that just missedout on the fitness test will be moreprepared when they get a chance to re-take it later this month.”

TCIFA president Chris Bryan wasequally full of praise. Hecomplemented the group on theirperformance “You have all done agreat job and you should be very proudof your achievements. The standardswe have set are not easy to reach, butyou have all put in a lot of hard workto reach this level. Congratulations, toall of you that have qualified as eithera referee or an assistant referee.”

In closing Green added, there weremany stand-out performances duringthe course, “Gaya Smith achieved thehighest score in the exam and I wasimpressed with Gianni Ascani andHerby Magny as well as the youngboys Cole Nickson and Gabriel Diotte.We also had a large number of femalesparticipating from our youthprogrammes.

Sarah Cenary, Jenny Fluerenviland Shinaydine Pluviose did a greatjob in passing the course, but thehighlight for me was Kadine Delphin’sperformance during the fitness tests,she led from the front the whole timeand encouraged her team mates tokeep up with her. She also put in ablistering final lap and her times werefaster than most of the men. If thisgroup of referee’s stick together, theycan reach a very high level and it is nottoo farfetched to suggest that theycould one day officiate in World Cupgames”.

Newly Qualified Referees:Gabriel Diotte, Cole Nickson,

Herby Magny, Gianni Ascani,Shinaydine Pluviose, Kadine Delphin,Jenny Fluerenvil and Sarah Cenary.

Newly qualified AssistantReferees:

Presume Sevens, Yarileny De LaCruz, Yarielca De La Cruz, BriandieBrooks, Terry Lubin, JP Pelis, GayaSmith and Ruth Francois.

FA graduates more referees

Action from the Referees course

TCI Cricket Associationlaunches youth cricket

programmeThe Turks and Caicos Islands Cricket Assocaition ProvidencialesYouth CricketProgramme will resumed on September 15, and should run for 12 weeks,ending December 2012, according to the Turks and Caicos Islands CricketAssociation.

The venue for the development training is the Downtown Ball Park, andis held every Saturday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 11a.m.

.The Cricket Association said that the programme is opened to children(boys and girls) between the ages of 6 to 18 years sold. Children will be taughthow to play the sport of cricket, this includes batting, bowling, fielding,catching, and the rules of the game, fun games, discipline, scoring andumpiring.

The coaching exercise is being done by Sean Khan, Youth DevelopmentOfficer with the TCICA. He is being assisted by other members of the CricketAssociation body.

Interested parents are ask to contact 230-0010.



With over twenty leagues and competitionsrunning throughout the year as well as

international competitions, the TCIFA said ithas put a lot of time and effort into

developing its Refereeing Department.


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LOS ANGELES – Kobe Bryant wonthree NBA championships on LosAngeles Lakers teams with ShaquilleO’Neal. The 2003-04 Lakers also had atalent-heavy roster that included Bryant,O’Neal, Karl Malone and Gary Payton,even though they lost in the NBA Finals.And Bryant’s last two titles came withPau Gasol and Andrew Bynum by hisside.

Yet, Bryant now looks around at hiscurrent teammates – a star-filled groupthat includes Gasol, Dwight Howardand Steve Nash – and calls this season'sLakers his most talented supporting castever. "On its face, it’s the best talent I’vebeen around," Bryant said. "Whetherthat translates into winning achampionship remains to be seen. Butjust on paper you’re talking DefensivePlayer of the Years, MVPs, All-Stars.You’re talking about a myriad of things.Guys who are at the top of their position

at one point or another. It’s pretty dope." One thing is for certain: After

acquiring Howard and Nash in theoffseason, these Lakers won't lack forattention. More than 300 mediamembers attended the opening of theLakers' camp, overwhelming the airconditioning at the team's practicefacility. Excited Lakers fans peered overa fence in the morning prior to the startof media day hoping to get a glimpse ofanyone in gold and purple.

"For me, my expectations are toprepare to play, to improve, perform andbuild a team," Nash said. "When you’reconcentrating on that, you don’t focuson what other people’s expectations are.You set your own standard. You set yourown expectations. You try to live up tothose every day."

Howard's only NBA Finals trip wasa loss to the Lakers in 2009, and hisrecovery from back surgery could

determine with L.A. is able to make atitle run with him. Lakers coach MikeBrown said Howard is in great shapeand has been playing one-on-one withassistant coaches Darvin Ham andChuck Person. Brown, however, wasuncertain as to when Howard would becleared to scrimmage. The Lakers beginpractice Tuesday with Howard expectedto participate in a fashion dictated byhow his body feels, Brown said.

"I want him to take his time. But atthe same time, I’m not a doctor. It’s upto the training staff," Brown said.

Gasol said he will start at center inHoward’s absence while Jordan Hill isexpected to start at power forward.Antawn Jamison will likely come off thebench. Howard, however, didn't rule outplaying opening night.

"It’s a goal, but I’m not rushing it,"Howard said. "Everybody wants me toplay on opening night. But we are not

going to rush it." Another big question hanging over

Howard: Can he play well with Bryant? Bryant and Howard say they are on

the same page and will do what isneeded to succeed. Bryant is still theLakers' top option offensively, butHoward will certainly want his touchesin the post.

"It’s my team," Bryant said. "But Iwant to make sure that Dwight knowsthat when I retire this is going to be his.I want to teach him everything I possiblyknow so this organization can ride as ifI never left."

Kobe calls Lakers hismost talented team ever

Kobe Bryant

Europe produced a stunning final-daycomeback to win the Ryder Cup at a shell-shocked Medinah.

The United States required only four-and-a-half points from the 12 on offer, butthe Europeans secured eight and a half toclinch a historic 14½-13½ win.

Martin Kaymer sank a five-foot putt onthe 18th green to get his team to the 14 pointsneeded to retain the trophy.

Then a Tiger Woods bogey on the finalgreen of the final match gifted Jose MariaOlazabal's side overall victory.

The victorious European captain said:"To the 12 men of Europe, what you did outthere was outstanding. All men die but notall men live and you made me feel aliveagain this week.

"I don't know how heaven feels, but itmust be close to this."

The win matches the record recovery ofBen Crenshaw's US team in Boston in 1999and is the best from a European side in theRyder Cup.

It was a fitting tribute to the late SeveBallesteros, the man who did so much toreinvigorate the competition and whosetrademark navy blue and white the side woreon the final day in Chicago.

"Seve will always be present with thisteam," said fellow Spaniard Olazabal.

"He was a big factor for this event, forthe European side. Last night, when we werehaving a meeting, I think the boysunderstood that believing was the mostimportant thing. And I think they did."

Kaymer held his nerve in the

penultimate singles match to beat SteveStricker, having been given some simpleguidance from Olazabal.

He said: "Jose Maria told me: 'We needyour point. I don't care how you do it, justdeliver.' But I like those, it wasstraightforward. That is the way weGermans are. Fortunately, I could handle itand I made the last putt."

The German's putt was the high pointof an afternoon of scarcely believable dramawhere Europe first clawed back theirovernight deficit of four points and thenmatched their opponents point for nerve-shredding point.

Blows were traded down the stretch,one side grabbing the initiative before theother snatched it back, until it came down tothe last two matches on the final two holes.

Both were all-square, with overall scorelocked at 13-13.

When Steve Stricker three-putted on the17th, Kaymer had a one-hole lead. TheGerman then made a brilliant approach froma bunker on 18, rolling home the pivotal puttas Stricker crumbled under the pressure.

It was left to Italian Molinari to sealoverall victory, when he halved his matchwith Woods. US captain David Loveadmitted defeat was hard to take andcompared it to the loss Europe suffered atBrookline in 1999. "We know what it feelslike now," he said. "It's a little bit shocking.We were playing so well."

The Ryder Cup returns from 26 to 28September 2014 at Gleneagles.

Europe beat USA after recordcomeback at Ryder Cup



Quarterback Michael Vickblew $29 million in 4 Years

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Michael Vick, the former AtlantaFalcons quarterback who landed in jailon dog-fighting charges, hasreportedly spent over $29 million sincefiling for bankruptcy in 2008, TMZreports. He's now the QB for thePhiladelphia Eagles.

The math is pretty simple According to court documents, the

Philadelphia Eagles quarterback —paid out a total of $29.6 million — ofthat, $10.9 went to taxes, $9.2 mil wentto creditors, $2.7 went to lawyers andaccountants, and the rest is for variousthings, including child support andliving expenses.

During the four-year period, Vickhad income of about $31 million fromhis Eagles salary, endorsements andbusiness ventures, TMZ said, citing thedocuments.

The former Atlanta Falcon still has$1.5 million left, TMZ reported.

But that's only momentary. Vicksigned a 6 year, $100 million contractin 2011 with the Eagles, $40 million ofwhich is guaranteed.

“That was the hope of the creditorsthat it would work out this way,”Joseph Luzinski, the trustee overseeing

Vick’s bankruptcy plan, toldBloomberg BusinessWeek in atelephone interview. “And short ofthere being some dramatic change --there’s no lockout, no injuries -- and noother issues, it should be a workableformat to clean up his past financialcommitments.”

This clean up process began whenMichael Vick walked out of federal

prison on July 20, 2009 after serving19 months of a 23-month sentence ona dogfighting conviction.

Vick, who played with the Falconsfrom 2001 to 2006, was the NFL’s top-paid player with a 10-year, $130million contract in Atlanta beforeparticipating in a dogfighting ring inwhich dogs that lost fights weredrowned, hanged, shot or electrocuted.

In April 2007, he took part in thekilling of eight animals, one of whichwas slammed repeatedly on theground, his criminal indictment said.

Public relations consultants toldNPR at the time of his release that

reassembling a tattered public image isbasically a three-step process: Showgenuine remorse, avoid becomingoverexposed, and demonstrate thatyou've changed your ways.

The 32-year- old signed with theEagles in August 2009 and in 2010was named the NFL’s ComebackPlayer of the Year after taking over asthe starter and accounting for 30touchdowns in 12 games, BloombergBusinessWeek reported.

Vick finished second to TomBrady of the New England Patriots inNFL Most Valuable Player voting.

Quarterback Michael Vick blew$29 million in 4 Years

Michael Vick Michael Schumacher toretire from Formula 1 at

end of seasonMichael Schumacher has announced thathe will retire from Formula 1 at the end ofthe season.

McLaren's Lewis Hamilton is toreplace the seven-time world champion atMercedes from next year.

Schumacher was linked with a moveto Sauber for 2013 but has decided to endan F1 career that began in 1991.

"Although I am still able to competewith the best drivers, at some point it isgood to say goodbye," said the 43-year-old German.

"During the past month, I was notsure if I still had the motivation andenergy which is necessary to go on. It isnot my style to do something that I'm not100% for.

"With today's decision, I feel releasedfrom those doubts. In the end, myambition to fight for victories and the pleasure of driving is nourished bycompetitiveness."

Schumacher won 91 races in 19 seasons, helping to revive Ferrari'sfortunes after he joined them in 1996.

He won his first title with Benetton in 1994 and repeated the feat thefollowing year, before leaving for Ferrari. He claimed five straight titlesbetween 2000 and 2004, before retiring for a first time in 2006.

After three years away from the sport, he made a comeback with Mercedesin 2010. However, he has managed just one podium finish in three seasons, atValencia in June.

"We did not achieve our goals to develop a world championship-fightingcar, but it is also very clear that I can still be very happy about my overallachievements in the whole time of my career," added Schumacher.

"In the past six years, I have learned a lot about myself. For example, thatyou can open yourself without losing focus, that losing can be both moredifficult and more instructive than winning.

"Sometimes I lost this in the earlier years, though you appreciate what youare able to do and that you are able to live your convictions and I was able todo so."

Speculation that Schumacher would retire at the end of the season firstsurfaced at the start of September, when Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestonetold BBC Sport that the German was quitting the sport.

Schumacher would not be drawn on what he plans to do after the seasonends, saying his focus is on the remaining races. "There are six races to go,that's what comes next," he said. "Whatever comes afterwards, we'll see.

"I have options - and you know some of the options - but we will decidewhen the time is there."

Mercedes team principal Ross Brawn has already suggested there maybea position for Schumacher with the German manufacturer.

"We would like him to stay involved with Mercedes," Brawn told BBCSport last week.

"There is a lot of things he can contribute - perhaps on the racing car sidebut certainly on the road car side - and I think that is something he would enjoya great deal."

Michael Schumacher

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