volume ii: chapter 2

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  • 8/4/2019 Volume II: Chapter 2



    Volume II: Chapter 2

    When the image of dreams turned to reality

    You know my grandmother say itsbad luck to keep sighing all the time?Ruka said glancing

    towards Yurie who seem to have doubled her eye bags.

    Whats wrong, dont tell me your devil little brothers did something to you again? She


    Upon hearing Ruka mentioning her little twin brothers, a sinister smile crept into her

    face, those two brats didnt get me this time. I swear even if this is the end of the world, I will

    become the victor and those two will kneel before me like some scared kitten about to be dump

    in a boiling pot. Recalling how she almost didnt get some sleep due to the spider that Naoki

    and Naozumi left under the covers of her bed while she was about to sleep, she only realized that

    something was creepily crawling on her leg when she turned up her blanket and saw a large

    spider on top of her knee. And it was without a doubt that those two schemed once again. After

    which she retaliated by pretending to be a ghost after both of them got trap in the storage room

    which she intentionally did it to scare them off.

    Ruka hit Yuries head to snap her off on her sinister mode, Cut it out you evil sister!

    You creeping me out.

    Okay- I got it.

    Seriously, you dont look good today, whats worrying you now? Ruka asked again

    with a concern look on her friends face.

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    Once again Yurie sighed, Ijust realize that if I dont make a decision now, Id be feeling

    guilty forever.

    You confuse me, something happened at home?

    I saw mother doing some extra job at night and she was secretly doing it while

    everyones sleeping, she was looking so pale she fainted, luckily I was there and thats when I

    learned that were not doing very wellwith money matters.

    Thats terrible! Is your mother alright now?

    Yeah, I asked her to take some rest and I did finish what she started but Im just as

    hopeless as the next peanut. Feeling sorry for herselfafter pealing ten potatoes she immediately

    fell asleep but Ruka patted her head like some helpless kitten.

    But I have something that will finish this problem once and for all. Suddenly her

    depressed mode changed quickly to super positive mode, Ruka almost thought that she was

    sparkling with that sudden optimism.

    Oh, yeah, what is it? Ruka asked with a curious look on her face.

    This may be my last hope, Ruka, if I do this then- mother wont have to do some extra

    work at night just to help our finances afloat. Then she doesnt have to worry about me or the

    twin anymore.

    Yuri-chan, what are you plotting now? Ruka sounded doubtful over the plans that

    Yurie was concocting in her head.

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    As they entered inside the school, they roomed her outdoor shoes and placed it on their


    Do you remember that beautiful woman that I was telling you about? Yurie said after

    placing her outdoor shoes inside her locker.

    Are you talking about that lawyer? guessed Ruka.

    Yes. Im going to accept her proposal today. Yurie and Ruka started heading towards

    their classroom.

    Are you sure about that? You believe what shes telling you, about your real family,

    does your mother knows about this? Ruka asked concernly, sometimes Yuries decision at time

    can be all rushed and she on the other hand always ended up on the wrong side of the track.

    I need to do this now more than ever, Im resolved now and looking at my familys

    issue, theres no way that mother can support the three of us while shes been feeling weak all

    the time. I feel helpless knowing I cant help her that much.and now that I do, all of them

    wont be suffering. Yurie beamed a smile at her friend. And as soon as they entered the

    classroom Takano Sensei arrived to start off her class. Yurie felt that what shes about to do is

    nothing compared to the benefits that she and the rest of her family will receive. Whatever

    happens after that is all up to her and to her mysterious future.

    That evening at the dance studio after classes, once again Yurie was left behind to pick

    up some thrashes left behind by the other dancers, she went to her locker and took her dialed the

    number in the calling card.

    *Sensei =means teacher in Japanese

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    Hello, this is Erika Fujiyama speaking. Said Erika on the other line, Erika at that time

    was signing a contract that her assistant brought that evening.

    Hi, this is Yurie, we need to talk, can you meet me tonight same place the last time we

    met? Yurie asked.

    Yes, I can see you tonight. Is it okay if we meet at around eight oclock? Erika asked


    No problem. Eight oclock it is See you there.

    Yurie quickly fixed the studio and wiped it clean the floor after she herself had used it, she

    cannot join the rest of her classmate during their practice because of the unpaid fee that until now

    she hasnt paid yet the dues, so she could only watch from the sidelines while the rest of ther

    classmates did all the movements. Kotoko offered to teach her all the movements taught by their

    instructor for that particular lesson; so Kotoko has to stay at least an hour after the regular class

    to teach her all the movements. Even though during the regular classes she is still required to

    wear her dance outfit, she sat in one corner and tried so hard to memorize what their teacher

    taught on that particular day.

    After she finished her work at the studio, Yurie quickly got dressed up and went to her

    favorite ice cream parlor to meet with Erika.

    Yurie sat on her favorite table and while waiting took out on her bag the folder that

    contain the forms, thinking of how will her mother would react if she ever finds out that she had

    signed the papers. Yurie let out another sigh, although she has some questions in mind like how

    does her real grandfather looked like, the images of the person whom Erika was talking about

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    doesnt come to clear in her mind. And what about her real parents, how do they look like,

    especially her real mother, is she beautiful? Is she tall? Is my father handsome? Do I possess any

    of their features especially their eyes? Who do I look more; do I look like my father or my

    mother? So many questions left all unanswered, and she could only dig in to the truth about her

    past through Erika and her grandfather.

    Yurie let out a heavy sigh and it so happen that when she looked up, Erika was already

    there standing near and there is no mistaking how she cant get the fact how beautiful this

    woman is standing next to her, Yurie feels inferior about her own looks comparing to the beauty

    of Erika as if shes like a living Barbie doll.

    You seem to be in deep thoughts Yurie sama? Erika smiled down at her.

    Yurie jumped up in surprise, and felt completely embarrassed, her face turned red in

    shame, *Sumimasen, I couldnt stop myself from thinking about our meeting today. She

    bowed her head and shyly looked at the Miss Erika who smiled at her and said, I hope

    whatevers in your mind would be something good.

    Yurie quickly looked up and saw rather a smiling face of Erika that made her really

    embarrassed, Ah, oh, I didnt mean to give that impression. Turning red all over her face,

    Erika said, Of course I know that. Dont worry. Let us sit down before people starts


    Erika was the one who ordered much to Yuries embarrassment, and although she

    insisted on paying but Erika wont hear of it, Yurie was itching to start the whole conversation

    about the transfer paper. Erika was very friendly and trying to put her at ease, and when finally

    all trivialities were over. Erika set aside the coffee she was drinking and looked straight at her.

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    I am thinking that this meeting has something to do with my proposal last time? Am I


    Yurie finally brought out the envelope with all forms in it. Erika took it but before she

    opened the content, Are you sure about this?

    Yurie nodded. I have nothing else to hold me back now. She said confidently.

    What made you change your mind? Last time that I came to your house, I was given the

    impression that in no circumstances that you and your mother would take a look into this matter

    I know and at that time you should know that you came out of nowhere and telling me

    all those things after so many years, what do you want me to think and feel? Yurie explained.

    You have a point there; I realized that it was so sudden. But you see your real family has

    been looking for you- your grandfather has been looking for you all this time. When I mentioned

    about you and that I was able to talk to you, it was the first time that Ive ever seen him smile for

    a very long time.

    That may be so, and pardon me for saying this; I have yet to know him and to feel all the

    loneliness in my heart wasnt because of that but because I lost a good father who treated me like

    his own without any expectations. And to feel something for a stranger, I may not come to that


    Im sure that your grandfather understands how you feel. Erika took the papers out

    from the envelope and scanned the pages carefully.

    *T/N: Sensei=teacher, Sumimasen=pardon me or excuse me in Japanese

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    You have read carefully whats stated in this agreement, right? Checking it for the last

    time, Does Naomi knows that you finally decided on this?

    Yurie felt guilty, but just as she thought about it last night, theres no turning back. To be

    honest, she doesnt know my decision.

    Erika straightened up and looked closely at her, but Yurie didnt want to back down on

    what she already decided.

    Wouldnt that be a big problem once she finds out about you deciding this? Erikas said.

    No she doesnt know, and if possible, I want to leave herout in this matter. I am the

    eldest and I think my father would want me to solve this matter on my own because he trusts me;

    right now we are in desperate need of money. What was left by my father isnt enough to last

    until the twins finishes school, and last time I saw my mother fell down in exhaustion doing

    some extra work. As the eldest child, I think it is right to act upon in this situation. I have the

    solution in my hand, you gave me that opportunity and I dont want to waste anymore the only

    help that I can offer for them for taking care of me all this time. They deserve better than this

    kind of life they are living.

    Erika silently staring at her, listening to what she has to say, Hearing you now, you are

    without a doubt truly Daikis granddaughter. You have that spirit within you that its not so hard

    to miss especially those who know your grandfather well. But as I looking at you now, and this

    close I also cannot erase the fact that you have your fathers eyes and your mothers face. Yurie

    looked up and saw how her face become nostalgic, as if she wasnt seeing them across the room

    and that her presence has disappeared in front of her, her eyes suddenly crystallized a bit, as if

    she was in deep pain and was about to cry.

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    Di you know my father and mother well, Miss Erika? Yurie asked carefully. It was a

    gamble if it case she will avoid answering her, but then again, it would also be nice if she knew

    something, even just a little about her real parents. And much to her surprise, Erika answered

    her, Yes I know them well. I know them very well, especially your mother.

    As awful this might be for her to feel but somehow she felt happy, How did you know

    her? Yurie asked again.

    I am your mothers sensei Erika looked at her in the eyes. And I know for sure that I

    looked as surprise to her more than ever, eager to know more about details in my so called past


    Walking back home seems to be like a dream for Yurie and it all because of what Erika

    said about her mother and father. Yurie thought, This is the first time that I ever got curious

    about my real parents. It never occurred to me to ask even before Erika mentioned about my true

    family. Yurie thought with a sigh.

    When Yurie looked up she was already in front of the gate of her house, just as she was

    about to open the gates, she stop herself short this is odd, usually the twin would have done

    something to me by now, how come this theres no crazy tricks. Yurie said to herself. She

    walked slowly up to the house and stopped again just before she could turn the doorknob. Hold

    on, this isnt normal. She quickly looked both sideways and began searching everywhere for

    any odd things and when Yurie became so sure about it, she gave a sigh of relief and entered the

    house and there once she made step and was about to say, Im hom--- a wet cloth landed onto

    her face.

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    WHAT THE------as it turns out it wasnt the twin who pulled the trick but it was her mother

    this time.

    JUST TELL ME WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Her mother said in anger.


    I wasnt prepared for this, at least not yet Yurie thought.

    I-ah- I came back from practice at the studio. Yurie smiled nervously at her mother, but

    looking at her mother now, Yurie feels that she wasnt buying it at all.

    Ha! Dont lie to me young lady, I called the dance studio and you left a little early than your

    usual cleaning time. Her arms folded like a general who is about to give punishment to a

    soldier. Spill it out! although she wasnt shouting at all, but you could just imagine her face

    that she means business.


    Oh no.

    I- ah went to the library to borrow some books that I forgot.

    Lied again.

    Suddenly her mother took the dusty old broomstick at her back. And Yurie got surprised and at

    the same time wondered how on earth did that get their.

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    I wouldve understood if its Noaki and Naozumi who would do such tricks but I never thought

    that one of my childrenespecially the older one, would give me such a bad lie. This time she

    was tapping the dirty old broomstick.

    I will count from one to ten, young lady you better tell me where have you been and why were

    you missing this late.

    Somehow she looked like bull.


    Not talking.


    I refuse to say it.


    I should keep quiet. No matter what happens.


    Yikes! Hold on.



    What happened to the other numbers? Yurie asked out aloud.panicking.

    Oh boy.this is so life threatening!

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    You are near your death young lady.

    Wait-I am telling you the---


    Wheresthe twins when I need distraction. Yurie panicked.


    ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, I give up! Herhands were up in the air and the look of victory on her

    mothers was so very visible.

    Yurie was seated on the floor of the living room across the table was her mother who was

    silently looking at her with her dagger eyes. Somehow the used to be airy room became so hot

    and sweaty.

    This is the first time that you came home so late, and youve been acting strange lately. I

    wonder why? Are you keeping secrets Yurie?


    Speak now or forever you wont have peace

    Gulp. Feels like Im in a court house and Im about to be sentence to death.

    Ah, no----Ah. Just then the twins came home much later than her and like her hands all of a

    sudden became rubberize reached the twins quickly and she thought that they would be a good

    distraction. As it turns out, all three of them are now being interrogated by their mother.

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    Im not done with you two boys. I came home expecting to see at least one of my children

    studying but I came into this house like not finding any of you three. Started tapping the

    broomstick on the table, You better not like this person over here, Noami was pointing

    straight at her, while the twins started to turn white in pail.

    Onee-san, what did you do this time? Noami speaking underneath his breath,

    Did you do something stupid again? asked softly Noaki.

    You little brats, I shouldve asked you where were you? whispered Yuire.

    Naoki friend Taiko invited us over to play his new video game that his father bought last

    week. Explained Naozumi

    What were you thinking, the two of you were supposed to be here and youre out there

    somewhere having fun. Yurie said.

    And what about you, we heard something that you too came late could it be that you

    are the same like us grinned the two. This is just incredible.

    The nerve! Yuries blood blew up not realizing that she herself was also in the process

    of being investigated and when she realized what she did, her mother shouted: THAT IS


    All three of them jumped at the sound of her angry voice. ALL OF YOU IF YOU

    DONT STOP THAT YOU WILL NOT EAT DINNER TONIGHT! And just as she said that,

    the twins stomach growled.

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    I see I could tell whod be the first victim to fall tonight; unless one of you confessed

    only the truth and only the truth;

    The twins who were concocting something on their heads a few minutes ago decided to

    abandon any plans of escaping and looked at each other with an obvious defeat on their faces.

    Her mother pointed the broomstick on her and said: are you now ready to tell the truth or would

    you rather be the first to experience my fury.

    The twins looked at her pleadingly and debated in her head whether it will be wise to

    fight not to tell the truth or face the consequences of her decision. Yurie took a deep breath and

    closed her eyes and nervously shouted, IVE MET ERIKA SAN TODAY!

    You did what?!

    Yuries closed her eyes and declared: Ive met Erika-san today. Her mother dropped the

    broomstick on the floor and turned pale.

    Im sorry. But I already signed the paper. When she opened her eyes, her mother turned her

    back and went to her bedroom and came out and dropped the folder in front of her.

    Is this the reason why some of the papers here were missing, because you already signed

    them out?

    Yurie let out a heavy sigh. Yes.

    I see. Then her mother fell into silence.

    Whats going on? Noaki and Naozumi asked in wonder. Yurie looked at them and

    smiled weakly, Maybe you should stay here and hear what I have to say to all of you. They

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    still both looked confused and looked at their mother, who nodded in agreement, and so the twins

    sat quietly waiting for all the explanations Yurie has to say.

    Late that evening, after the twin had known the fact that she isnt their real sister, much to

    their surprise, both of them started crying so loud. And even cried more when Yurie told her

    plans, Onee-chan, you dont have to do that? We could help out. Pleaded the youngest,

    Noazumi, and then he ran towards her and for the first time, hugged her, and while the other twin

    trying to act cool about the whole situation was teary eyed and said: You shouldve been more

    honest to me in the first place.

    Yurie glanced at her mother who was about to put away the cups to the sink and noticed a

    teardrops fell on to her hand. And for her to avoid being noticed that she was crying, she quickly

    opened the faucet so that the water flows drown her sniffing.

    Yurie felt bad.

    I love everyone and I dont want you to suffer anymore because of me. Yurie


    Have I been complaining? If I did I am sorry. Yurie stood up and instead of taking a

    step towards her mother, decided to remain on her place lest be embarrassed by the whole

    situation and that she might not be able to control herself.

    Thats not true! You dont need to apologize. I just wanted to help, and for you not to

    worry about us anymore ever since father died. Her mother quickly dried her eyes using the

    back of her hand and slightly glanced at her.

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    Silly girl, you are my children. How can I not worry about you all? A mother will

    always be like that no matter how and what circumstances their children would be.

    Yurie ran towards her mother and leaned her head at her back. Thank you for always

    taking care of me and my brothers. Even though I know that I am not really your child. I wanted

    to thank you for choosing to take care of me even though I know that I am a burden to you and

    father sometimes.

    Get this in your head, Yurie you are not a burden to me even to your father. We have

    always treated you as our own just like the twins because we love you and you are a part of this

    family. So stop thinking that you are different from any of us because you are not at all. Yurie

    shed a quiet tear and felt herself that shes the luckiest orphan in this world.

    The next day, she woke up and her eyes were swollen from crying and while the other

    twin-Naoki wasnt even looking at her during breakfast and Noazumi, well like always acting

    more mature for the two of them and as for her mother, Yurie was already expecting it from

    either one of them, but no matter how much you are prepared, it would still hurt even if it is just

    a pinch. It would still hurt. Her mother was as usual prepared everything; even the food for

    breakfast was chatty but deep down inside Yurie knows that she had hurt her in a way and no

    matter how much she said last night that she understands, Yurie cant help but feel down about

    the whole situation.

    Through out the day, Yurie wasnt in the mood to listen to any of their teachers lesson

    and even Ruka noticed how bad she looked. And while they were having lunch at the rooftop,

    Ruka kept noticing how Yurie was playing with her food and not eating at all.

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    You know, they say its bad to play with your food. So if you dont want that egg roll

    why dont I eat it instead Ruka took in Yuries *bento Yurie didnt even notice that her food

    had started to disappear one by one not just the egg roll but even the rice.

    Oh, I guess I was hungry after all.

    Rukas mouth dropped, This girl can sometime be so dense. She thought, She didnt even

    notice that I was the one who ate it all; Yurie spaced out again and continued to play with her

    empty lunch box as if theres still some food to be eaten, Ruka couldnt contain herself anymore,

    and in anger, she shouted at her, ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!!

    Whats with you? Yurie asked innocently.

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHATS WITH ME? Ruka answered angrily. Huffing like

    some bull ready to charge any moment.




    Hey, theres no need for you to be angry. Seriously

    Suddenly Ruka grew ten times bigger that totally says IM REALLY, REALLY



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    ANGRY!!!! Yurie looked up and saw that Ruka wasnt joking at all and suddenly realized how

    angry she was at her.

    Im sorry, Im sorry. Yurie pleaded at Ruka, who had started calming down afterRuka

    gave her a dose of her own medicine.

    Ruka stood sat in front of Yurie with her positioned crossed leg and hand crossed over

    her chest. She looks like an Indian chieftain. Yurie thought.

    Im really ready to listen. Ruka added.

    And so I told her everything from start to finish and it was easy Ruka stayed there

    without saying anything watched me react and cry and hear all the frustrations down to the very

    end of it. And after that, she just stared at me and pats my head, and said: You are a good girl

    and you have a good heart, they know this and they are afraid to lose you. Thats why they are

    reacting that way towards you. You understand that dont you?

    Wiping the tears from my eyes, I nodded.

    The day went by quickly as usual and Yurie was scolded again by her math teacher, it

    was just like before only Yurie couldnt shake off the feeling of guilt that in a way, no matter

    how hard she insisted that she did that for the good reasons. Yurie felt that she had hurt them

    more than ever.

    I should hurry up. Said Yurie after she and Ruka parted ways that afternoon, they

    usually go out of the school together. Ruka had to stay behind in school because of the club

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    meeting at the newspaper and she is the second year representative. Yurie on the other hand, has

    to hurry up and went quickly to the studio for an early clean up.

    It was pouring rain again and like the usual, she had to watch everyday the practices of

    the other dancers and really watch it in order to memorize it. And although the dance instructor

    was a bit fast, Yurie managed to remember at least most of it. Before the session ended, their

    instructor called everyone to gather.

    Listen up everyone, the Sayuri Dance Studio is about to celebrate its founding

    anniversary and as tribute to the owner and the legendary prima ballerina Sayuri we are going to

    hold to feature a performance of the well loved ballet Swan Lake. This dance presentation will

    have an audition, so those students who are interested to be a part of this production. We are

    going to hold the audition two weeks from now. If you wanted to sign up for production, I will

    leave the sign sheet outside at bulletin board near the reception area; Good night everyone!

    Their dance instructor together with their pianist left the room along with the sign sheet

    for the audition. Yurie thought that this might be a chance for her to perform her favorite dance

    piece. Kotoko approached her, So are you interested? beaming at her.

    But then the Rika, Funny, it only says all students from this dance studio are allowed to

    audition for this production. Sneering at Yurie while Yurie clenched her fist, trying to hold on

    to her temper just in case she might lose it; but smiled and said, Of course, she is allowed to

    audition, she has the right to just like anybody else in this class.

    Are you sure about that, Kotoko? asked the other girl named Rena.

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    It is quite obvious that she hasnt been joining us lately in our classes. I dont think

    continuing to be here will be enough.

    I beg to disagree. Kotoko said. Then the other girl whos also another of those evil

    witches as most of them call them, went near and joined in the conversation.

    She has every right to be here just like any of us. Whatever situation she is in right now

    it doesnt matter. Because when it comes to dancing, she has what it takes be there on stage just

    like any of us. Kotoko said defensively.

    You got guts to say this to us, huh. Reena went in front of Kotoko and leaned over to

    her, but Reena could do anything, Yurie stepped in and said, Dont touch her. Holding Reenas

    arm and when Reena saw this, her face went totally red in disgust, slaps Yuries hand.

    How dare you touch me with your filthy hands!!! shouted Renna and pushed her down

    but before she fell on the floor, Umeda Sensei caught Yuries back,

    Whats happening here? she demanded, while helping Yurie gain back her balance that

    gave Kotoko a sign of relief, but nobody wants to speak.

    Girls classes are already over. You cant stay here. Go home everyone! There was a

    fierce note in her voice as Umeda Sensei looked intently at everyone.

    Rika leaned closely at Yuri and whispered in her ears, You are lucky today. Sneered at

    Yurie and Reena went to Kotoko, bumped into her and said, Dont push it!

    All three left and Umeda Sensei, You two, you should also go home. It is already dark


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    Uhm, I cant yet, I still have to clear things up before I leave the studio. Said Yurie

    Alright, but dont stay up late. You know there has been some reports of accidents near

    this area. We dont want to have to explain your conditions to your parents. Dont forget to lock


    Umeda Sensei left and Yuri and Kotoko were the only ones left in the room. Im so

    sorry about that, I should have kept my mouth shut. Kotoko said apologetically.

    But Yurie disagree, No. it was all my fault, I shouldnt involve you with my problems

    with those girls.

    Well, no matter, they are annoying all the same. Said Kotoko. So shall we go over the

    last steps so that you can practice on your own? asked Kotoko. Yurie agreed and they practiced

    all the steps needed. After one hour, Kotoko left and bid Yurie goodbye.

    Yurie looked at the room and it was in total mess, even the lockers for girls, when she

    went to the reception area, it was Mrs. Kimura stacking up the papers in the drawer.

    Oh Yurie, youre still here? now starting to wear her coat,

    Yeah, I still need to fix everything up before I leave, Sensei might get angry with me if I

    dont put things back in order. Yurie explained.

    Well, okay, I really need to go home; I have to meet my husband at the restaurant near

    the studio, I feel bad leaving you alone here.

    Oh, no its okay. I dont need to stay that long either; Theres some costumes that I need

    to put back at the boxes in the stock room.

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    Mrs. Kimura smiled, You are a good girl Yurie, hey I heard that there will be auditions

    for the studios anniversary, are you going for it? she asked.

    I dont know. It only says students embarrassed, Right now, I am not.

    Dont be ridiculous! You are a student of this class. And besides, why not give those

    three awful girls some competition? Yurie laughed.They both walked towards the door, make

    sure you lock up. But before Mrs. Kimura could step up and walk off, she looked up the dark

    night, look at that, she called. Yuri looked up and saw the bright moonlight.

    Thats so beautiful! Yurie smiled,

    You know the old ones say, the moon holds a great mystery. Who knows something

    better will unfold tonight. Mrs. Kimura chuckled. Bye!

    Yurie went back inside and saw that it was already seven oclock in the clock hanging

    near at the wall near the reception area. She went first to the girls locker room and saw

    everything in a mess. Wow, this is not so much a mystery to figure out! exclaimed Yurie. And

    one by one, she picked up the wet towels and placed them to the laundry net, tissues and make

    up dusty, mopped the floor, sweep it, and when finally she had had completed everything, Yurie

    went back to the studio and had saw that she havent return the song sheets used to the drawer at

    the corner.

    She sat on the piano chair and gave a loud sigh; she unconsciously placed her fingers on

    the piano and tapped one or two chords of the song that was played during the practice lesson

    earlier that evening. She looked everywhere and found a CD player and there was a stack of

    classical music that has been used during dance lessons. And at the end of the CD stacks was the

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    music of sleeping beauty and in her delight, since no one was around and she is able to practice

    after lesson hours of the other students Yurie decided to play the music and perhaps practice

    dancing otherwise she will have a hard time remembering what Kotoko taught her that day.

    At the Blue Rose mansion, Chojirou decided to visit Akihiro at the academy, it was

    already night, it was time that he should stop hiding in the mansion and started doing some work

    himself. He was about to leave when Sasaki appeared behind him, master Chojirou, are you by

    any chance going somewhere?

    Yes, I need to see Aki at the academy. Is there something the matter? He asked. Sasaki

    called another maid servant and was carrying in a small plate and on it a key.

    This has been seen in one of your luggages. I presume that it must be the key at the

    summer mansion in Paris, because of the key chain that has the familys crest.

    Ah, indeed. How can I be so clumsy, I mustve forgotten all about it after I arrived at

    this mansion; Chojirou said, Please have the car ready Sasaki. I think I might paid Aunt

    Sayuri a visit at the studio tonight.

    She will be delighted to see you come by. Chojirou was about to leave, when Sasaki

    called him again, Sir, your brother wishes to see you tonight also, if you could drop by at the

    usual place, he will be waiting for you there.

    He doesnt seem know how to quit, does he?

    Hes been excited to hear from you again, He said its for old time sake. Sasaki said

    looking at Chojirou and waiting for an answer. Chojirou stop and looked over at Sasaki, Let

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    see. Sasaki accompanied the young master outside, opened the door and was about to open the

    cars door when something caught his eye while looking up.

    Is there something wrong? asked Chojirou. Sasaki didnt look at him but replied to him

    with a smile on his face, You know an old legend says that good things are about to unfold

    during the first of moonlight.

    Do you believe that Sasaki? asked Chojirou.

    I do indeed sir. Answered the butler who was still giving a strange look at the


    I dont know about that. Chojirou finally said. He got inside the car and the butler

    closed the door of the car.

    Mostly it is just a strange image to me. Chojirou said and then the car moved on with a

    thought in his head.

    Where are we heading sir? asked the chauffer.

    Please go to Cross Academy, I will pay a visit to Aki and Kanama sama. Said Chojirou.

    Very well sir. Said the chauffer and the car started to move, he placed his hands onto

    his pocket and felt something in it. When he took it out, it was the key that Sasaki gave him

    before he left the mansion awhile ago.

    Suddenly there was an urge in him to change his destination, Will you please head down

    to the studio.

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    Yes sir. The chauffer changed its course and carefully turned right on the next turn.

    Chojirou was still looking at the key and thought about Aunt Sayuris suggestion to pay her a

    visit at the dance studio. As a child, he used to go there and watched Aunt Sayuri teach students

    in her class ballet. The music always captivated him in a way, it sends him peace, he started

    going there after his mother died and at that time Ryu was still young so he was able to go along

    with him as well.

    After twenty minutes, they finally arrived at the studio of his aunt. The chauffer told him

    that they finally arrived, he opened his door and before he could take another step up, the

    moonlight caught up his attention. He look up to the dark night that seems to hold a beautiful

    pale moonlight, it was so majestic.

    Mystery, huh Chojirou opened the entrance door of the studio there was a light from

    the office and as he turn to his left, he could hear from the hallway a music being played. He

    walked towards the sound that seems to lead him towards the mini theater. Chojirou thought, at

    this time of the hour, no humans stays longer; it is usually the other classes who will begin its

    lesson under the tutelage of her aunt but apparently, theres someone inside that didnt know the

    rules of the studio. He knows this because he has been with his aunt and some of her human

    friends for a very long time. It was also the rule set up in the academy.

    The music was getting louder as he approached the mini theater; he reached for the door

    handle and pulled the door and finally he could recognize even more the music. Chojirou smiled

    and thought aloud, Perhaps Aunt Sayuri was practicing at this hour in here, what a show off

    again. Chojirou privately joked around. It seems that the small stage was also lit up and when

    he was about to climb a few more steps, he felt something strange in his chest, and he clutched it,

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    he felt a bit excited. Chojirou wondered. And there he finally could see in the dark, somebody

    was on the stage and was about to dance, the light was only lit at the three corners of the stage,

    the center, at the left and on to the right side near where both sides.

    The music began and finally, she walked gracefully in the middle of the stage, Chojirou

    looked closely and when the person standing in the middle who he thought was his aunt began to

    move upon the start of the music of Tchaikovskys sleeping beauty, a part that he knew very well

    from the dances of his aunt. But when she looked up and began dancing, his heart started to beat

    fast, it wasnt Sayuri at all. It was a different person.

    Chojirou stood there in the dark and could only watch the girl gently moved into the

    sound of the music on stage, like some angel who came down from heaven. There was a warm

    feeling that he felt at that moment looking at the girl that was dancing on the stage, Chojirou

    unconsciously clutched his heart that seems to be doing something with him. Then that strange

    aura; that hazy images began to fill in his head and voices of a girl from far away, on some

    distant land, and both images of the past and present kept switching in front of him, making his

    head and his heart spin.

    Chojirou wanted to move but it seems he is being held onto this very same spot that

    keeps on bringing him to some kind whirlwind of images and voices that he felt before and now

    it has become stronger. Why? he asked. Who is this person?

    The warm feeling seems to escalate together with the beatings of his heart. As his eyes

    could only watch every move the young girl make on to the stage of her own dreams. Chojirou

    felt scared but puzzled at the same time. He wanted to find out more and ask the girl who she

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    was; but every move he makes he couldnt walk as if like some barriers that prevented him to go

    pass that line that leaves him to wonder more and more.

    Music and dance was the only thing that kept her dreams alive, Yuri thought, and the

    only chance that she can fully capture all of her dreams was to dance her dreams away. Yuri

    placed the disc inside the player and pushed the button play, finally she could hear the first note

    of the famous classical song, and it was also one of her favorite part of the dance.

    Yurie went to the center of the stage, all alone complete in her very own world and no

    one was ever going to stop her from reaching that dream, even if just for this very moment she

    could be one with her dreams and the dance that she loved. It would probably the last time that I

    would ever have the chance to have this stage on my own. She whispered. Yurie took a deep

    breath and she closed her eyes and waited for the right note to enter into her first step.

    The dance of her dreams! That was it was. Yurie collected in her thoughts all that was left

    of her former life, the images of her father, whom she adored so much, her mother and the twins.

    Her friends from her old school, Ruka, her old sleeping place; all were part of her dreams that

    may not be there once she leaves her old place and moved on to a next life so unknown to her.

    But then, all the happiness is all the things that she will bring along with her. She raised her

    arms up and began to move and dance her dreams away.

    As she was about to make another turn to her right, making another step as what Kotoko

    taught her, she vowed that she will do her best at the new school, she will try to get her family

    back and as for her old life, she will leave it for the future to handle it for her.

    Yurie never felt happy, she felt like she was about to expect something more and

    something beautiful but as soon as she was about to make a jump and turn, the whole images

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    began to change. There were some swift flashes of images, like pictures being taken and

    somehow these images she saw was in the meadow and herself as a child, she closed her eyes

    and began to make another turn and another images swiftly flashes, and this time a voice- a

    childs voice calling out her name. Somehow it flows along with the music as well; she wasnt so

    sure who it was from, but definitely it came form some distant place, calling her name sweetly. A

    little childs voice, her heart began to thumb a beat.

    Yurie tried to concentrate and then she could smell while doing her routine, the smell of a

    fresh picked flower, it seems so familiar but not wanting to be distracted, she continually dance

    and follow the music along with her heart beating fast.

    This time the voice was from a young boy, as if she is being awaken from a dream, the

    music and the images was playing trick on her, her heart was beating so fast, it was never like

    that before.


    The music was almost ending and finally she made her last step and gracefully stop and

    heard that voice again.

    Who are you? she called out.

    Chojirou was surprised, could she have know who he was?

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