w«, upes, 4:kgkekajst :joiin*knox a full line · nery in baltimore and new york, missperrin is...

s r, PUBLIC AUCTION. t CJ t-c Jr. _A ; _ <\ \ Editor Abbeville Press and Banner: On the 21st inst., the State Conven- tion meets to nominate officers. Will the Ring succeed in retaining office ? Have thiyr stolen money enough to purchase the offices again ? The of- fioo of Emperor of the Roman Empire was put up to the highest bidder at pub- lic auction. Julianus purchased it for the price of Jive thousand drachms to cach member of the Prajtorian Guards. He paid the price, but lost liis head and office in sixty days! The thing was so shockingly mon- strous that even the degenerate Ro- mans rose in mass, juuanus paia /us own money,, bat the modern monsters first betray tho people by stealing through tho forms of law, nnd then with t/iQ people's money buy the people's officer again, to enable them to renew the stealing !! "God help the State" PRO BONO PUBLICO. Barbecue at Clear Springs.Mishap by the Way . Dancing . Bounteous Dinner . Water Melons. ; Dreams of the Beautiful . and Fascinating. Editor Abbeville Press and Banner: We, togother with some ten or twelve of oar fellow-townsmen, had the pleasure of attondingthe barbecue at Clear SpriDgs on Saturday last, the 17th inst. Our ride to tho place was quite pleasant and romautic; but four of our fellow-citizens had tho misfortune to miss tho way, and did not arrive until 4 P. M.; and for the pleasure of their ride, we are not authorized to speak. Arriving on tho spot about 11 P. M., the first things that greeted oar cars, were the sweet strains of the violin, and the command {tswing cor- ners." We started for the house, and on tho way, passed by the spot where rm fiTAfl An .nn/1 bli\7 vWAiiig nao vrw} wu\4| i«v«m tho quantity in preparation, wiere convinced that the good people of Clear Springs were not unmindful of the oomiorttheir invited guests. - On arriving at the-bniWing, we en- tered and found the youngsters al- ready tripping j^the light fantastic," and we ourselves began to look aroand n <rtn rtnt* on/1 nAni» Qtinrlrv l.t»iolu A ISA V* J/MI Hivi j Mim Mivvt vavotaWj our efforts were crowned witlr suc- cess. , - ... .At 12 At., the pleasing intelligence arrived, that dinner was in waiting for us. The dinner, to Bay the least, was as good a one as we ever had the satisfaction of helping to destroy. Alnch credit is due to tlio managers of tho affair, for the comforts rand convcrncnces they had -lift Ariqforig them^ we noticed the familiar faces of ilessrsi-Wm. Wilson, jR. A. McGttslan, A. B. 0. Lindsay, Jo^n iXorrow, Thomas Link and others. Wo fool warranted in saying that Mr. George Wilson has the thanks of uvery one present, for his kindness in Wanting there a wn^on load of large, fine, ripe, red, juicy watermelons, which were placed at thetqcrcy ol all present. ^fter dinner was over, the dance was renewed, and continued until 4 P. M., when wo started for home to rest, Mid, dream of the beautiful and fascinating ladies of Clear Springs and Vicinity. R. W. C. Capt. E. L. Parkkr's School;. By reference to the advertisement in an- other, column it will be seen that the ex- ercises of this School will be resinned on Monday, the 2d September. Capt. Parker is an experienced and successful teacher, of high scholastic attainments, and we take pleasure in commending him to the patronage of the community. Hraham "RfTTUTR. Cotton Factors and tbmmipsion Mercliants, of Augus- ta, Ga., publish their card iu another colupin. They are -gentlemen of char- acter, and well-known to our people. They will furnish bagging and ties at the lowest market rates, and; sell cotton at one dollar a bale. O: i j, rr 1 J&" The fieoondSe&ion of Mr. Boyd's school began to-day. Tuition for Ses- sion of about five months, ordinary branches, $12,50; higher branches, $17.- 50. -A. fine Ojrportunity is here present- ed to parents to educate their children. :S, " **1+'-2 "We are indebted to our friend JJr.F.0. .Allen, of Jpavanuali, for late files, of the roity journals, for which he will nlaa&e accent our thanks. Mjeaacs^ "While-Brothers offer 8o0 bushels ofptite, rust-proof red Oats.call and getsuppfted; * Death of an Old ax Well-Known CmzsN..Intelligence has ticen re- ceived of the ceatb of Col. E. S. Ir- cituco qf GreenviUe, who oie4i yestenlay, at the house, ox Mr* Davis, on £lue Itidgp, He bad g.MpMft clears saffered frpm dlsea^ trb^Ue^j«t& whiak j^o.dopbt most thorough and experienced farm- ers inj,h« J5t»te, and his loss to the «P/^;,-,rry ^ HIGH SCHOOL Greenville, S. C. Pbof. JOHN B. PATRICK, Princi- pal, Instructor in Mathematics and En* glish. QJBOk B. WALKER, Instructor in Classics. HARVEY T. COOK, Assistant This School prepares young men for entering College, or for the ordinary business pursuits of life. Tuition from $18, to $28 per Term of twenty weeks, jnixjfbblb in advance. Board, including lights, fuel and washing, abont $15 per month. The next Session will begin Septem- ber 2d. For Catalogue, address Pboe. JOHZjf B. PATRICK, V v ' ' Principal. Aug. 21,1872,19-^, 1 -THE OFFICIikL WAR. V j Secretary Cardozo, Governor Scott aud Treasurer Parker havo bcon waging a war of crimination and re- crimination in the public prints, in which the public havo littlo interest save in the exposure of official misman- ageraont. The Secretary charges that the Stato officials have created a now and fraudulent debt of $6,151,397, under cover of the law authorizing the conversion of the outstanding debt. To this chargo the Governur makes no reply, whilst the Treasurer sustains his action by a reference to the "Validating Act, which declares the aforesaid debt "legal and valid." This Yalidating Act is regarded by high legal authority as itself null and void, and ^ seems by its passage to be equivalent to a plea of guilty on the part of the Financial Board. The charge, however, of the Secretary would have been more effectual if made twelve months ago, ana wnen made at so late a day, the Governor and Treasuror may well reply that it is only a bid for office.an attempt to shift responsibility from the shoulders of the Secretary to those of Meijsrs. Scott and Parker. Getting Keady..The ladies will be pleased to know that the proprietors of tho Emporium of Fashion, are get- ting ready to show a grand stock of dry goods, fancy goodu, and millinery. Miss Perrin, in charge of the millinery department, left yesterday mciriiing, to attend the Fall opening of milli- nery in Baltimore and New York, Miss Perrin is skilled in her profes- sion, and, with all the information she will gather up while absent, will be able to please the. most fastidious. We heir it stated that the proprietors expect to add largely to. their -stock. i x ^ * ^oaT6xone..AY"e direct attention to tho advertisement,^ Mr?" J. 1). Chalmers of "tiiis pkcfe, and John Leipier, near Cokes bttry,: "offpring a sup&rioc<^uality of sos-pston.^ gain- ed from a quarry' In tho vicinity of tho latter place. It is fireiprftof and ben4Qv* suitable for chimney.' backs, hearths, &c..can bo furnished ^at half tho cost of granite.and promi- ses to bo a profitable braneh of indus- try.i Woeommend it to the attention of our people. Greenville High School..See the advertisement of this Institution, in an- other column, by Prof. Jno. B. Patrick, Principal, who is aided by two compe- tent associates. The; Instructors are men of character, the rates of. board and tuition low, aud the course of study quite thorough. We commend the In- stitution to the favor of our friends. -7 Sc&~ We learn that a barbecue corpes off at Winestock's Spring on to-morrow, ] for which due preparation is being f made. "We have no doubt that there will be a nice dinner, and a good time generally. t Consignees. The following named porsons have freight in the Depot: W B, Barnwell4s Co., B Barnwell, H P Baker, A Burt, Bradley <fc J, Baker & C, "W K Bradley, J D Chalmers, J E Caldwell, Christian & W, Cothran&>V, Clayton & M, E Cain, B A Davi9, John Enright, Enright iS,HH Ellison, D A Fixworth, C W Guffln, C Hemphill & Co., Hemphill&Co., H W Lawson, Lee & Wilson, Lee & Parker, Miller & R, J BMoseley &Co., McDonald & H," Col. Miller, W M Moore, T C Perrln, W T Penny, Quarles, Perrin & Co., J T Rob- ertson, T A Robertson, Seal, Sign&R, Trowbridge A Co., Thos. Thompson, W A Wardlaw. White Brothel's, J A Wide- man, J A Wardlaw. J. W.MAKSHALL, Agent. The following persons have packages in the Express office: M C Thoriitou;, J S Cothran, E T Par- ker, J E DuBose, C E Bruce, R Jones, J M Coughran, W IC Bradley, J M I^t- imer, E L Seymour, Miss Haskell, M Richardson, T B Milford, \V H Scott, D Jordan. C. V. HAMMOND, Agent. '"Market Reports. COHBECTED WEEKLY JBY HIA RN WELL & CO.. Dealers in Staple Dry Goods, Oroce ric$t Provisions, &c., <t*c.- A DBEVILLE, August 21, 1872. Cotton, .' 16 to 17 Apple®,.; .$2.00 Butter, ....;.20to3Uc Bacon, 10 to 12} Coffee, ..28 to 40 Corn, ...v..$1,35 Chickens,.. 15 to 25c each Eggs 20c per dozen Fodder, £1.50 per 100 lbs jfrour, . $10 to $15 per bbl Ground Peas, $2.00 to $2.25 per bushel Meal,.. $1.60 per bushel Molasses, 50 to 75c per gallon Nails, *.10-cents per lb Oranges,.. 80c to $1.00 per dozen Peas, $1.25 to 1.50 per bushel Syrup, 75c to $1.25 per gal 8ugar .16 to 25c per lb Tea, $1.25 to $2.50 per lb Whiskey, $1.00 to $1.25 per bot- Cotton..Very little offering.good grades would bring 17. Baltimore, August fO..Cotton dull;] middlings 21}; gross receipts 10; sales, 110 bales; stock 939. Ct^WfcTON, .August, 19. Cotton dull; niddlings nominal, no price given; net receipts 27; exports coastwise 570; sales 25 bales* stock 3100. Augijsa, August 19. . Cotton nomi- nal and dull; middling 20; net receipts 1; ssjes gl bales. . £ s New York, August 19.-.Cotton (ini- et, soles 1,004; uplands 21|; Orleans 22J. Gold weak at 14$. Charleston Markets. J BEPQfyn D *BY ' CRAWLEY & DEHON, Cotton Factors, North Atlantic Wharf Charleston, S. C., August 19,1872. Cotton.Strict Middling 19J02C 55 bales sold to-day. , . Guocekies, &c. Bacon.Sides lb / 11@11J Shoulders Butter " 22 Bagging.Domestic yd 1GJ©17< India " . . Cotton Ties."Arro^r"....^ lb f Coffee.Rio " 20©2< Lacuyra " 24@2( Java " 25® S Corn.Prime White ^bl 98@$1.(X Yellow " 85@& Flour.Family ^ bbf $9.00@$10.5( JEitra " " $7.50@$8.7t Super " $0.25@$7.2? Molassses.Muscovado (bbls)l^ gal 4S Muscovado (hhds) " 38©4f Peas ? bl . Rice 1? tb 7©£ Sugar.Crushed $ lb 10|@13J Light Brown " 10] @1: Dark Brown 11 y©lO.J Tobacco.Smoking...^ lb 35 and upw'ds Chewing " 45 " " Whiskey.Corn gal $1.20©$1.5C Rye gal $!.15@$1.5C The above are prices at wholesale rates. For County Commissioner. mt,. 1. .e yp a ATtrr.T'Nr BP.Afi. 111C 111CUVO l/X 1 LEY announce him as a candidate foi COUNTY COMMISSIONER in the ensuing election. B®. The many friends of W. Y. DAVIS announceTiim as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner at the next election. For School Commissioner. We are authorized to announc^Major JOHN F. OSBORNE, of this town, as a candidate for the office of School Com- missioner at the ensuing election. Messrs. Editors: Please announce SAMUEL CARTER as a candidate foi thft nnRJtinn nf Kflhnol (Commissioner at the approaching election. For Solicitor of 8th Circuit. The friends of WM. H. PERRY, Esq., of Greenville, announce him as a ?audidate for re-election, as Solicitor of the 8th Judicial Circuit at the ensuing election. *1 / The friends of Maj. ' JOHN B. MOORE, of Anderson, announce him is a candidate for Solicitor of the EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITat i ensuing election. '! ' !, f.. «li . A CARD. ! tut. W, , V. : / E take great pleasure in an- nouncing to our many friends and patrons in South Carolina, that we are now prepared to open the PALL TRADE with an average Stock of 1,800 Bbls. of Hour, STRICTLY GRADED AND GUAR. ANTEED TO GIVE SATISFAC- TION. - We will always selL at the lowest market price. In addition wq will have on hand at all times, AMPLE STOCK OF GRAIN and other produce, and also be prepared to .fill orders for all lines of GROCER- EES, LIQUORS, &o. Thanking the public for tho liberal patronage heretofore bestowed and soliciting a continuance of the same, we aro Yours, truly,. '' < I?. 15. SifiirfiTifi & 299 BROAD STREET, fl AUGUSTA, GA. Aag. 14, 1872, 18--lm $10 REWARD. CI TRAYED from my home at Smith- ville, about the 1st of June last, three head of cattle.one red COW, or- dinary size.one large black HEIFER, two years old.and one red yearling HEIFER, which were bought from Madison Richardson, of Ninety-Six. I will give Ten Dollars for the cattle, or for information that will enable me to recover them. Address B. F. YOE, Aug. 14f 17-2t. Greenwood, S. C. m i j n J inciters ana vomers. TUCKERS; GORDEKS and NEE- DLES, for the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine for sale by the Agents, at tho * . - Emporium of Fashion. Aug. 14,1872, 18-It SOAP STONE. SOAP STONE can be furnished for chimneys, backs, jams and hearths of any size and shape. All persons en- i I 11 J \ 1J U.L!. CU gugeu in uuuuui^ muiuiu u>je wuis ciuiie for hearths,' jams, &c;.the oDly Stone that wiH stand the tire, apd can be fur- nished at. about half the price of granite. Apply at the Marble Yard, or to Mr. John Lespeir, near Cokesbury. Aug. 14, 1872,18.tf. NOTICE. THE undersigned has associated with him in the Fire Insurance business, JOEL S. PERRJN, Esq., un- der the name and style of 1)UPRE & PERRIN. t < r We-representa Capital of Four Mil- lions Dollars, and are prepared to issue -11 t_ 1 S" * ./ aii Kiiius 01 iroiiuies. Apply to J. F. C. DuPre, at No. J Weite's Block, or to Joel S- Perrin Esq., Law Range. . Notice. PERSONS having claims against th< late Miss MARY PETIGREW deceased, are requested to render attest ed statements, aud those indebted to tin deceased will ihake payment tou ~ JAMES. P. LESESNE, Administrator, No. 23 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. July 81,1872,10-3t. ;? Carolina Life Ihrdb Goran O-sp* Memphis, -Tens., and Baltimore, Mi ASSET^, $1,000,odd. HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS, Presld^ni Gen. Wade Hampton, Vioe-Presidenl . i <i.J Gen. John D. Kennedy,. General Agent for South Carolina COLUMBIA, S. « March 6,1872,46-6m ; W«, UPES, AliES) &c. :joiin*"knox l 11XAS opened a WHOLESALE AND [11 RETAIL STORE forth* sale ol jjYVlNES, LIQUORS, &cM at. Lawson's out reuinu, wnere me nnesc iuuropcan and American Liquors may be fotmd. HIb Stock consists, in part, of tiie fol- lowing: Whiskies, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Sherry, Port, Madiera, Malaga, used for Sacramental Purposes, Champagne, Claret, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Of the finest quality, and at the lowest cash prices; August 7, 1872,17-tf. ATTENTION! ROAD OVERSEERS I "WTO\y that the crops are laid by, put J^l your Roads In good order at once. lie sure to open well all the ditches, cut tho bushes, and trim the limbs hanging over the road. By order of the Board of County Com- missioners. ROBERT JONES, Clerk. Aug. 7, 1872, 17-tf. . N ANNUAL MEETING Of County Commissioners. THE Annual Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, will be held at Abbeville Court House, on the first Tuesday in September next. All persons having Bills against the County, are required to deposit the same with the Clerk of the Board, on or be- fore the first day of September next. In default thereof, such Bills will not be audited at said annual meeting. R. JONES, C. C. C. August 6, 1872, 17.tf Wire Mattresses Should be in Every House in theJLand.... WIRE MATTRESS. BUY the. Wire Mattress for comfort during the hot Summer nights. And shoulq be in -every house, to be, used In cases of sickness/ 'The best testi- monials can be furnished If desired. J. D. CHALMERS & CO. July 31,1872, 16-tf. .FEATHERS. FEATHER Pillows and Bolstere al- ways on hand, at J. D. CHALMERS 4 CO.'S. July 81,1§72,16-tk Window Shades. NEW lotof Oil Window Shades jus1 reoeived, at;: l! J. D. CHALMERS <fc CO.'S. July it, 1872,16-tf. The Universal Life.Insnrance Co., only charges $15.35 ylnrly for $1,000 on a man 25 years old; or one and a half per cent, on the amount. LANDRETHS' HEW CROP Turnip seed, Embracing the following varieties. Purple Top Yellow Ruta Baga, Large Norfolk, Bed Top Strap-Leaved) "White Globe, Yellow Aberdeen, Hanover and Flat Dutch, For Sale, by White Brothers. July 24,1872,, 15.tf , Jast think of it, a man 3.0 years old htr nnvinrf $17 fifv v />on eoonvo J I J 6 V*»»vw ^ VMM UVVUIV $2,000 worth of Insurance in the '-"Universal." SSHRI > Mill Gearm§£haftin§&Mei/3 t^SENO FOR A CIRCUIAS. 1 V'J iiu * KJl\ .i * '. Mi. JUST SO. ONE Gross and four pairs 'of Miteij' best OLOTH GAITERS, received and for sale at / X 9 , .July 31,1872, lflbtf.... # Hartshorn Patent Shade RolI&S FOR sale at' I" J.'D. CHALMERS & Co.'S. ' July 3^ Xg72, IQ-tX,' ' " j. Looking Glasses. u , ^VVAL Freuch looking Glass -.for Parlor, large size; Crown Top ' French Lookiug Glass for Parlor-Arch Top Geiman Looking Glass for Parlor, large size; French twa Glass plate to fill frames; all sizes, at " , . ' J. p. CHALMERS & p<>.'ST, July 81,1872,16-if. MouLDnros; ' TlTAliKUT'aDd GtitfMdiildtogs, jusl j f T received, alt sizes. Pietate frames a of any size can be put up at M>ort notice, at J. D. CHALMERS CO.'g. . juiy3if^;^.;,:; . . . .. What hnstiarid or father 40 yean t old who cannot spare $24.35 yearly to secure a Life Policy for 81,000 ? PICTURE FRAMES, &C, OVAL FRAMES, all sizes.Squan Frames on band and made anj size, at J. 1). CHALMERS & C'0 THE Tax Payers of Abbeville County are herfeby notified that on add after the first day of :^u)yv1872f the Auditor's Office, at Abbeville C. H., wijl.be opened for the purposes of re- opened for the purpose 6'r receiVinpf Re- turns of PERSONAL PROPERTY, for the year 1872, and will remain open until the 20 day of AUGUST, 1872. A striot adherence, to the following pro- gramme will be uecepsary. The four centre Townships . Abbeville, Long Cane, Cedar Springs and Smithville, will be assessed at the Court House, be- tween first day of July, 1872, and 2( August, 1872. AN ASSESSOR Will bo stationed at NINETY-SIX, on Monday and Tu day, 8th and 0th July. ' GREENWOOD, Wednesday and Thursday, 10th and 11th July. COKESI3URY, Friday and Saturday, 12th and 13th July. DONALDSVILLE, Monday and Tues- day, 15th and 16th July. DUE WEST, Wednesday and Thurs- day, 17th and 18th. CENTREVILLE, Diamond Hill Township^ Friday and Saturday, 19th and 20th July. }Tn LOWNDESVILLE, Monday and Tues- day, 22d and 23d July. LANIER'S, in Magnolia'Township, Wednesday and Thursday. 24th and 28thi July. CALHOUN'S MILLS, Friday and Saturday, 25th and 27th July. ST. CHARLOTTE CHURCH, Bor- deaux Township, Monday and Tues- day, 29th and 30th July. CHILES CROSS ROADS, Indian Hill Township, Wednesday and Thurs- _day, SlstJTuly, and 1st August. WHITE HALJLj TOwr»fcj±iit*, JJTlCiay and Saturday, 2d and 3d August. The above method of Assessment has been adopted in order to give the Tax- payers an opportunity to make correct Returns upon oath. Hereafter no abatement will be grant- ed, except in cases where clerical errors occur. It is also the duty of every Tax Payer to. see that those who appear dilatory i* making their Returns are urged to do so, and if not, to report them to the County Auditor, who will Immediately execute the law, which pfovides that where a Tax Payer foils -to make a Re- turn to the County Auditor, or his .Dep- uty, within the time prescribed by law, the laic Return made by said Tax Pay- er wili be copied from the Auditor's Rooks and fifty per cent, added thereto; nnd in -cases where Tax Payers escape paying their Taxes for any one year, Jtl^e pepalty quoted, irt Sec. 47, Special Ses- sion 1SGS," will be" strictly adhered to, which provides for the same penalty ad in the above ca$e. , > 11 > » :;:«i I would also suggest that parties mak- ing Keturns woula contrive to. .attend, the Assessors on the different dates, a$ confusion occasioned by a lai'ge number of Tax Payers at the close of the As- sessor's given time may occasion many disagreeable errors, ana give to the Tax Payero and Assessors a great deal of un- necessary trouble. T. B. MILFORD, - County Auditor. June 26,1876,11, 2A IN ORDER to make room for our Fall Stock, wo will sell during the next SIXTY DAYS, a great ma- ny PRETTY and tJSEFUL GOODS, at primo.coBt. Among which may be found a uico lot of RIBBONS, is. InibrtiMS, Friis, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c. Also a remDant of Summer Bress Goods. r\TTt> errnrar r\x? UU1V kjxvyvy-ii. wJL Hats, Clothing, Domcstics, GROCKERY, GROCERIES, &c. Aro at all times, fully up to the de- mand* and will be sold at short pro- fits for cash. Give us a trial at No. 1 GRANITE RANGE, and bo convinced. Kelson £ Cannon. Jane 26,1872, 11-tf. LIVERPOOL ! V--V 3 r ?»:!, sMi il LONDON AND Gr£idBE! INSURANCE COMPANY. Insures Against loss KY fihe as low as any good , company; i.~. !' » . 865"* Ail Losses paid at the Agency in Charleston without redaction. rPl . * n.i!. ^ o nr ..JJio extra cnarge mr jrtmuy .a qa v- ING of $1.00 T.O INSUli^D. Assets in Gold, $20,000,000 Daily Roccipts.over; - VT $20,000.00, CHICAGO LOSSES, ALI< PAID, »:-"nW $3,aoo,ooo.oc ISF* Business quadrupled since Chi cago Firo. n : / WM. ir. PARKER, Aferi. January 32, 1872.40.tf ~~J. KURZ, Boot and Shoe Maker, LAWSON'S OLD STAND, ABBEVILLE C. H., S. C "W*7AJirTESD. 3,000 lbs. DR"i ff HIDESfor which the highes i price will be paid or taken in exetwugi r for Boo ts and Shoes. May 1872, 7-tf "~£T~ 19 (T J SCAT BE FOUJTD / ;i A Choice and well-selected Stock of Goods Embracing f a General Assortment: Some not handsomer-some rather me dium.an# some beautiful. We will not say too much on paper- some people might say we were not in earnest. "V We only ask Jhe people' of Abbeville ana adjoining v^ounues w> Examine Our Stock; Price Our Goods and De- cide for. them- selves. We shall 8{rive to make it the interest of buyers to purchase Goods from our House, close attention shall be given to all who favor us with a call. We still believe the Cash System is the only tafe one for our neople. Hence the great necessity of adhering closely " to it. In the end we will find it to our advantage. No doubt of it. I Kespectfully, ' . . Aprifl7,1872, l»tf > \ . Greenville & Columbia B. R. Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad, up and down ; also with Trains going North and South on Charlotte. ( Columbia and Ayjgusta Railroad, ana Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. TTP Leave Columbia 7:45 a.m. " Alston 9:3p a.m. " Newberry 11:15 a.m. Cokesbury 2:45 p.m. " ' Belton......... 8:30 p.m. Arrive Greenville 6:10 p.m. DQWN. Leave Greenville 6:30 a.m. " Belton 8:30a.m. " Cokesbury ....4...! "...10:14 a.m. " Abbeville... 8:15.a»i " Newberry ....; 1:30 p.m. !f Alston 3:20p.m. Arrive Columbia 5:10 p.m. ANDERSON BRANCH & BIjUEBIDGEDIV'N. . DOWN. ': ,r i Leave Walhalla.. ... 4:45 a.m. Perryville.>....... j 5:25,a.m. Pendleton 6:10 a.m. 4 v AndersoiiJ.....; 7:10 a.m.' Arrive uenon ...v.......v.v o.w a.m. (Connecting with the-down train for . Greenville.}'1; OT, ^ Leave, Beilon.» fo-«i 4:30,p,m. ' M ..'Anderson 5:30p.m. " " Pendleton. 6:30 p.mi " Perrvville 7:l6p.nh « Arrive Walhalla..;...:.* 7:50 p.ml Accommodation Trains will be run on Branch Roads on MondayB, Wednesdays an<1 PwMo^ra * auu a iiuajoi t ii abbeville branch. ' Leave Cokeebury for Abbeville 10:20 a.i*i. " Abbeville for Cokeebtiry 1:30 p.m. ' anderson branch., LeayeBeltdn for Andersoty...1..'. 8:35 a.ta. " Anderson for Beltou!....'.'i 2:80 pim. . » TH08. DODAMEAD. ,1, :i . j Cten'l SupeiintendentJ M. T. Bar^lett, Gen'IJTicl$et Agent* GALLOL GLASS JABS. TIN TOPS. . " * " Bottles, ?lil& .Stoppers, 1 ; II U II M atXEE A PARKER* : i July 8,1872,13-2t ' : ' 1 FAMILY BIBLES, fit! Places For - Family Porlrats, LEE & PAE&ER. Jane 10, T872 20-lf j "The cheapest of premiums consis [ tent with entire and perfect safety to* , the insured best subserve the public interest, and operate to extend the beriefts of these beneficent institu- tions. It is needless and expensive to pay over money or notes to a Life Insurance Co., for the purpose only of having the same returned. Do not Neglect the TURNIP CROP. Plow Deep, and Manure highly. 30 TONS STONO and WAHBO FERTILIZERS / ' «(. In Store, and for Saler by A. M. AIKEN, Greenwood- July 9, 1870, 12, 4t Attention Planters. THE "MORRIS COTTON GIN," is WARRANTED to please or NO SaLE. It has tasen the premium at both fairs held in Colum- bia sinco the Svar. For simplicity, strength, and light rnnning is ;ahea<l of all others. Makes as good lint and more of it from tho same quan-' tity of seed than any gin made. - Price $3.50 per saw in Colombia. Also, Wood Turning of any style dono at short notico. Address, ' E. MORRIS, Columbia, S.C. Juno 5, 1872, 8-3m ______ THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE.; 1' HAVE used SINGER'S SERVING MACHINE 'for 15 years&nd believe. -itto.be theUeatin.use. ... . ;<*.' \ , IgyUKlPijfe 1 HAVE had in constant we in my family SINGERS SEWING MA- CHINE for 15 years and have-been at no **penae except (or needles and for oil . . ; S. S. BAKER. f 1HAVE the agency for |lie above MACHINE. Persons In want can see them at 100, Abbeville, 8. C.' W. R- WHITE. Jan. 1,1872,37-tf FREJSH CANDY, at ' J LEE & PARKER. July 8,1872,13-2t - r ajU'i KA'* ...'J*, i lir i: jti'-yi - SPEAR'S PRESERVING FLUID, at LEE & PARKER, f July, 8, 1872, 13-tf PRESERVING JARS,, at LEE & PARKER. July 8,1872,13-2w f|,*3, NO- $ 4:KGKEkAJST Our Country friends, may not all of them *\ < ' .fill; 72 MS A A FULL LINE ( , Bacon always the-best, Flour of various grade Syrup and "Moli lark In] <>(:>! VI i /' ,t'tO Waii -'.i-f. J .1 ' >.w oi. ^ rjxws* v.r.'ii g- is I* Ui . All.of which we will sell at the lowest m Feb. 14,1872,'43.tf- . > * J. B. & W. J * < »»W HA WILL tiL tU NO. 2 GRAND A.nd are fully prepared to show to the public jni'- ». T| Groceries and Consisting of BACON, frliomiv MOLA ' r,lin ' 'NEW ORI/EANS J «1 -ofirii ft / IiAttD- arid everything in that line suitable for fami] A Nice Assortment o: C^mpriaingJ^^NGES.L LSKAiX U X jrJiiAVJDLUiO, U IC overy thing in that line. i JtcALSO, A Choice Lot of Uotmtaii: sold low and the ] n ' ."a., WALLER & MERCHAI G KEEN WOO ABB now oflferlngto tho public iix the! f1 lino Of fill the fpoila ^ei^^neeflfea THBfHSrO ?u . ffv-ai&T'! na iJa, ifla tt y«i. J.1} Groceries, Hardware^rocfc ro which ike attention of pu rchasers is invi '! j : ?:}>] J. WALLER \ a»n 8,1873i 2H* » ! I! I.1 11 * I "I Jl'l igffg v. ^ v r- j i t > The*marbi>e yard 44J - ters toitiy^^wij WorfcrtSho [mred exprtBsslyi for 4>h&-business Marshitll-Houses ; A fine fltock |&f J t '*** < : , ,<vt iy j-- o.iij(') " '-I: UW ITALIAN AND AME " '} ' " =.0.11 Dan always bo found on.^and, aii lone in a a upeiJiur jjiaaimu., «uim, »i< j Also,; a fine collection..iOf /Kesigii: FANCY HEADSTONES, wMch notiee. <CaIl and see our $*icea altfd J. B. Nov. 2,1871, 28,"tf . :!Vi j .7 ' " : : JlI ARE NOW OPE* SPRING AND SUMMER ijv zjoiD rii> v Hats, Shoes, Crockery, Glassy MOLASSES A3 .f. j ,. .itl j ?/«i- r nauix vvrMjLYt UilVVl«; - A J * V IN ANY QUANTITY, to which thej ** wish to huy Goods April 3,1872, 51-tf .,. GOLDSMITH IROtfFOtJ Are . jai btto irnish tl - m| iiii #0sgB&£ 4 IjftQffliflQO >.< Jtt&y<8g$"T£tH>3 y oc At the Very lowest figures.TJjjey furnished MATERIAL IN THE COUNTRY, and afi They also offer for sale A LIGHT C'RAN LOW FOR CASH. They keep constantly on hand METALU NY and WALNUT COFFINS, and others Their heareo with oiic of the Firm will at ALL WORK WARRANTED. msp. o mo rE tm ypii i' ,j»u<#> imtuilp Birti t/rii'vtk iilt kncrwy that we fceej*!; iu ,umU buA .vfoft litotifcitft iff'i wy fwjifWfs ^WA/SPniJCfl lg *. *, .': a*i>4 ki-iiw * **44 BbU.and Can^ is<a VnVi"' ' | - 7** CoWefe, EiceV MltT&c. arket j*K»«', 4(f»«ofcJjflO *vltj£m -«i». -..'oia«n !ia«RI rr.jteKV-; ^<5tr7 fAf T*-*f '?Vfi><W'rYri nwn it '* «l'£- tlieir select stock of c-vjf « ** AiYf? SSfeSj A , SUGAR, C£j^EE, fc'lCE Igs j^Iso f Confeetionarifs, .NAS, COCOA,^UT8ri;JElijilEfi, iTEB^.^AQK^l^ W+m and L UV1U UUU MJIVV MH public are- res J>eetfally invited i*/\i c i ;o jutu Jiru oteci* CK CHP a- Wffyist&t iisfvib^ VI 107? ft.n f-irn 4i JUfrrrtfl of (dm i of .awt^ciiO -(d > ieMC> :> »ij ,wvjh«P A{n4Vi;r*aao3L .wWci emovGa.;#Qjn p and Handsome OmiMwlTpM (Mttv tM^r<Stee^i<flil»v*igie otii 'to wmitam fcatofp# ?ol'' fyt) .h ^qo9 efifov <>$ * d all wol'k "wdrraQ$£ trices lower than el§e 3 for ,M0KCW®5 can be furmsiteeK4 \£> ddUm most of those eTegafirtJreoijta' to .fce meudatfon. '^ve tum s-caUv':1*0^ ' . iuv/.-ot.-v.; od? i"Koi:n $B0?rot opt it 'i f I'nrf Yffff ftifiitifr xi») ,eqo fovo 10I O00/ 'O K* Ac-.-i to l«L; . -v^' 'J** f; :..il/i tu»pi![-nl nc ^ahsj STOCK of BUQGEBS, ntafcfcifcjn lodern imprpvw»ent»ui.jtb-e buai&ces. >est MACHINIST^ »a3. of theBB$T ter the latest and best fltyies. E-NECK CAJRItlAGE, Of goptf- style, .r ' ; i sa.40 [3 BURIAL GASES, and MAHQGA« of cheaperjsty lei.. y .: I tend ail funerals. J . [NoV. 3, isft,28.

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Page 1: W«, UPES, 4:KGKEkAJST :joiin*knox A FULL LINE · nery in Baltimore and New York, MissPerrin is skilled in her profes-sion, and, with all the information she will gather upwhile absent,

s r, PUBLIC AUCTION.t CJ t-c Jr. _A ; _ <\\

Editor Abbeville Press and Banner:On the 21st inst., the State Conven-

tion meets to nominate officers. Willthe Ring succeed in retaining office ?Have thiyr stolen money enough to

purchase the offices again ? The of-fioo of Emperor of the Roman Empirewas put up to the highest bidder at pub-lic auction. Julianus purchased it forthe price of Jive thousand drachms tocach member of the PrajtorianGuards. He paid the price, but lostliis head and office in sixty days!The thing was so shockingly mon-

strous that even the degenerate Ro-mans rose in mass, juuanus paia /us

own money,, bat the modern monstersfirst betray tho people by stealingthrough tho forms of law, nnd thenwith t/iQ people's money buy the people'sofficer again, to enable them to renew thestealing !! "God help the State"


Barbecue at Clear Springs.Mishap bythe Way. Dancing . Bounteous

Dinner. Water Melons. ;

Dreams of the Beautiful. and Fascinating.

Editor Abbeville Press and Banner:We, togother with some ten or

twelve of oar fellow-townsmen, hadthe pleasure of attondingthe barbecueat Clear SpriDgs on Saturday last,the 17th inst.Our ride to tho place was quite

pleasant and romautic; but four ofour fellow-citizens had tho misfortuneto miss tho way, and did not arriveuntil 4 P. M.; and for the pleasureof their ride, we are not authorized to

speak. Arriving on tho spot about11 P. M., the first things that greetedoar cars, were the sweet strains of theviolin, and the command {tswing cor-

ners." We started for the house, andon tho way, passed by the spot where

rm fiTAfl An .nn/1bli\7 vWAiiig nao vrw} wu\4| i«v«m

tho quantity in preparation, wiereconvinced that the good people ofClear Springs were not unmindful ofthe oomiorttheir invited guests. -

On arriving at the-bniWing, we en-

tered and found the youngsters al-ready tripping j^the light fantastic,"and we ourselves began to look aroand

n <rtn rtnt* on/1 nAni» Qtinrlrv l.t»ioluA ISA V* J/MI Hivi j Mim Mivvt vavotaWj

our efforts were crowned witlr suc-

cess. ,-


.At 12 At., the pleasing intelligencearrived, that dinner was in waitingfor us. The dinner, to Bay the least,was as good a one as we ever had thesatisfaction of helping to destroy.Alnch credit is due to tlio managersof tho affair, for the comforts randconvcrncnces they had -liftAriqforig them^ we noticed the familiarfaces of ilessrsi-Wm. Wilson, jR. A.McGttslan, A. B. 0. Lindsay, Jo^niXorrow, Thomas Link and others.Wo fool warranted in saying that

Mr. George Wilson has the thanks ofuvery one present, for his kindness inWanting there a wn^on load of large,fine, ripe, red, juicy watermelons,which were placed at thetqcrcy ol allpresent.

^fter dinner was over, the dancewas renewed, and continued until 4P. M., when wo started for home to

rest, Mid, dream of the beautiful andfascinating ladies of Clear SpringsandVicinity. R. W. C.

Capt. E. L. Parkkr's School;.By reference to the advertisement in an-

other, column it will be seen that the ex-ercises of this School will be resinnedon Monday, the 2d September. Capt.Parker is an experienced and successfulteacher, of high scholastic attainments,and we take pleasure in commendinghim to the patronage of the community.

Hraham "RfTTUTR. Cotton Factorsand tbmmipsion Mercliants, of Augus-ta, Ga., publish their card iu anothercolupin. They are -gentlemen of char-acter, and well-known to our people.They will furnish bagging and ties atthe lowest market rates, and; sell cottonat one dollar a bale. O: i

j, rr

1J&" The fieoondSe&ion of Mr. Boyd'sschool began to-day. Tuition for Ses-sion of about five months, ordinarybranches, $12,50; higher branches, $17.-50. -A. fine Ojrportunity is here present-edto parents to educate their children.:S, " **1+'-2"We are indebted to our friendJJr.F.0..Allen, of Jpavanuali, for latefiles, of the roity journals, for which hewill nlaa&e accent our thanks.

Mjeaacs^ "While-Brothers offer 8o0bushels ofptite, rust-proof red Oats.calland getsuppfted; *

Death of an Old ax Well-KnownCmzsN..Intelligence has ticen re-ceived of the ceatb of Col. E. S. Ir-

cituco qf GreenviUe, whooie4i O» yestenlay, at the house, oxMr* Davis, on £lue Itidgp, He bad

g.MpMft clears saffered frpmdlsea^ trb^Ue^j«t& whiak j^o.dopbt

most thorough and experienced farm-ers inj,h« J5t»te, and his loss to the

«P/^;,-,rry^HIGH SCHOOL

Greenville, S. C.Pbof. JOHN B. PATRICK, Princi-

pal, Instructor in Mathematics and En*glish.QJBOk B. WALKER, Instructor in

Classics.HARVEY T. COOK, AssistantThis School prepares young men for

entering College, or for the ordinarybusiness pursuits of life. Tuition from$18, to $28 per Term of twenty weeks,jnixjfbblb in advance. Board, includinglights, fuel and washing, abont $15 permonth.The next Session will begin Septem-ber 2d. For Catalogue, address

Pboe. JOHZjf B. PATRICK,V v' ' Principal.Aug. 21,1872,19-^, 1


Secretary Cardozo, Governor Scottaud Treasurer Parker havo bconwaging a war of crimination and re-crimination in the public prints, inwhich the public havo littlo interestsave in the exposure of official misman-ageraont. The Secretary charges thatthe Stato officials have created a now

and fraudulent debt of $6,151,397,under cover of the law authorizingthe conversion of the outstandingdebt. To this chargo the Governurmakes no reply, whilst the Treasurersustains his action by a reference tothe "Validating Act, which declaresthe aforesaid debt "legal and valid."This Yalidating Act is regarded byhigh legal authority as itself null andvoid, and

^seems by its passage to be

equivalent to a plea of guilty on the

part of the Financial Board. The

charge, however, of the Secretarywould have been more effectual ifmade twelve months ago, ana wnen

made at so late a day, the Governorand Treasuror may well reply that itis only a bid for office.an attempt to

shift responsibility from the shouldersof the Secretary to those of Meijsrs.Scott and Parker.

Getting Keady..The ladies will be

pleased to know that the proprietorsof tho Emporium of Fashion, are get-ting ready to show a grand stock of

dry goods, fancy goodu, and millinery.Miss Perrin, in charge of the millinerydepartment, left yesterday mciriiing,to attend the Fall opening of milli-

nery in Baltimore and New York,Miss Perrin is skilled in her profes-sion, and, with all the informationshe will gather up while absent, willbe able to please the. most fastidious.We heir it stated that the proprietorsexpect to add largely to. their -stock.

i x ^ *

^oaT6xone..AY"e direct attentionto tho advertisement,^ Mr?" J. 1).Chalmers of "tiiis pkcfe, and JohnLeipier, near Cokesbttry,: "offpring a

sup&rioc<^uality of sos-pston.^ gain-ed from a quarry' In tho vicinity oftho latter place. It is fireiprftof andben4Qv* suitable for chimney.' backs,hearths, &c..can bo furnished ^athalf tho cost of granite.and promi-ses to bo a profitable braneh of indus-try.i Woeommend it to the attentionof our people.

Greenville High School..See theadvertisement of this Institution, in an-

other column, by Prof. Jno. B. Patrick,Principal, who is aided by two compe-tent associates. The; Instructors are

men of character, the rates of. board andtuition low, aud the course of studyquite thorough. We commend the In-stitution to the favor of our friends. -7

Sc&~ We learn that a barbecue corpesoff at Winestock's Spring on to-morrow, ]for which due preparation is being f

made. "We have no doubt that therewill be a nice dinner, and a good timegenerally. t

Consignees.The following named porsons have

freight in the Depot:W B, Barnwell4s Co., B Barnwell, H

P Baker, A Burt, Bradley <fc J, Baker &C, "W K Bradley, J D Chalmers, J ECaldwell, Christian & W, Cothran&>V,Clayton& M, E Cain, B A Davi9, JohnEnright, Enright iS,HH Ellison, D AFixworth, C W Guffln, C Hemphill &Co., Hemphill&Co., H W Lawson,Lee & Wilson, Lee & Parker, Miller & R,J BMoseley &Co., McDonald & H," Col.Miller, W M Moore, T C Perrln, W TPenny, Quarles, Perrin & Co., J T Rob-ertson, T A Robertson, Seal, Sign&R,Trowbridge A Co., Thos. Thompson, WA Wardlaw. White Brothel's, J A Wide-man, J A Wardlaw.


The following persons have packagesin the Express office:M C Thoriitou;, J S Cothran, E T Par-

ker, J E DuBose, C E Bruce, R Jones,J M Coughran,W IC Bradley, J M I^t-imer, E L Seymour, Miss Haskell, MRichardson, T B Milford, \V H Scott, DJordan.

C. V. HAMMOND,Agent.


HIA RN WELL & CO..Dealers in Staple Dry Goods, Oroce

ric$t Provisions, &c., <t*c.-

A DBEVILLE, August 21, 1872.Cotton, .' 16 to 17Apple®,.; .$2.00Butter, ....;.20to3UcBacon, 10 to 12}Coffee, ..28 to 40

Corn, ...v..$1,35Chickens,.. 15 to 25c eachEggs 20c per dozenFodder, £1.50 per 100 lbsjfrour, . $10 to $15 per bblGround Peas, $2.00 to $2.25 per bushelMeal,.. $1.60 per bushelMolasses, 50 to 75c per gallonNails, *.10-cents per lbOranges,.. 80c to $1.00 per dozenPeas, $1.25 to 1.50 per bushelSyrup, 75c to $1.25 per gal8ugar .16 to 25c per lbTea, $1.25 to $2.50 per lbWhiskey, $1.00 to $1.25 per bot-

Cotton..Very little offering.goodgrades would bring 17.Baltimore, August fO..Cotton dull;]

middlings 21}; gross receipts 10; sales,110 bales; stock 939.Ct^WfcTON, .August, 19. -« Cotton

dull; niddlings nominal, no price given;net receipts 27; exports coastwise 570;sales 25 bales* stock 3100.Augijsa, August 19. . Cotton nomi-

nal and dull; middling 20; net receipts1; ssjes gl bales. . £ s

New York, August 19.-.Cotton (ini-et, soles 1,004; uplands 21|; Orleans 22J.Gold weak at 14$.

Charleston Markets.J BEPQfyn D *BY '

CRAWLEY & DEHON,Cotton Factors, North Atlantic Wharf

Charleston, S. C., August 19,1872.Cotton.Strict Middling 19J02C55 bales sold to-day. ,


Guocekies, &c.Bacon.Sides lb / 11@11JShoulders

Butter " 22Bagging.Domestic yd 1GJ©17<India " . .

Cotton Ties."Arro^r"....^ lb fCoffee.Rio " 20©2<Lacuyra " 24@2(Java " 25®S

Corn.Prime White ^bl 98@$1.(XYellow " 85@&

Flour.Family ^ bbf $9.00@$10.5(JEitra " " $7.50@$8.7tSuper " $0.25@$7.2?

Molassses.Muscovado (bbls)l^ gal 4SMuscovado (hhds) " 38©4f

Peas ? bl .

Rice 1? tb 7©£Sugar.Crushed $ lb 10|@13JLight Brown " 10] @1:Dark Brown 11 y©lO.J

Tobacco.Smoking...^ lb 35 and upw'dsChewing " 45 " "

Whiskey.Corn gal $1.20©$1.5CRye gal $!.15@$1.5C

The above are prices at wholesale rates.

For County Commissioner.mt,. 1. .e yp a ATtrr.T'Nr BP.Afi.111C 111CUVO l/X 1

LEY announce him as a candidate foiCOUNTY COMMISSIONER in theensuing election.

B®. The many friends of W. Y.DAVIS announceTiim as a candidatefor the office of County Commissionerat the next election.

For School Commissioner.We are authorized to announc^Major

JOHN F. OSBORNE, of this town, as acandidate for the office of School Com-missioner at the ensuing election.

Messrs. Editors: Please announceSAMUEL CARTER as a candidate foithft nnRJtinn nf Kflhnol (Commissioner atthe approaching election.

For Solicitor of 8th Circuit.The friends of WM. H. PERRY,

Esq., of Greenville, announce him as a?audidate for re-election, as Solicitor ofthe 8th Judicial Circuit at the ensuingelection.

*1 /

The friends of Maj. ' JOHN B.MOORE, of Anderson, announce himis a candidate for Solicitor of theEIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITat iensuing election. '! ' !, f..«li .

A CARD.! tut.

W, , V. : /E take great pleasure in an-

nouncing to our many friendsand patrons in South Carolina, thatwe are now prepared to open thePALL TRADE with an averageStock of

1,800 Bbls. of Hour,STRICTLY GRADED AND GUAR.ANTEED TO GIVE SATISFAC-TION. - We will always selL at thelowest market price. In additionwq will have on hand at all times,AMPLE STOCK OF GRAIN andother produce, and also be preparedto .fill orders for all lines of GROCER-EES, LIQUORS, &o.Thanking the public for tho liberal

patronage heretofore bestowed andsoliciting a continuance of the same,we aro

Yours, truly,. ''<

I?. 15. SifiirfiTifi &299 BROAD STREET,


Aag. 14, 1872, 18--lm

$10 REWARD.CITRAYED from my home at Smith-

ville, about the 1st of June last,three head of cattle.one red COW, or-

dinary size.one large black HEIFER,two years old.and one red yearlingHEIFER, which were bought fromMadison Richardson, of Ninety-Six.I will give Ten Dollars for the cattle,

or for information that will enable meto recover them. Address

B. F. YOE,Aug. 14f 17-2t. Greenwood, S. C.

m i j n Jinciters ana vomers.

TUCKERS; GORDEKS and NEE-DLES, for the Grover & Baker

Sewing Machine for sale by theAgents, at tho* . - Emporium of Fashion.Aug. 14,1872, 18-It


SOAP STONE can be furnished forchimneys, backs, jams and hearths

of any size and shape. All persons en-i I 11 J \ 1J U.L!. CU

gugeu in uuuuui^ muiuiu u>je wuis ciuiie

for hearths,' jams, &c;.the oDly Stonethat wiH stand the tire, apd can be fur-nished at. about half the price of granite.Apply at the Marble Yard, or to Mr.John Lespeir, near Cokesbury.Aug. 14, 1872,18.tf.


THE undersigned has associatedwith him in the Fire Insurance

business, JOEL S. PERRJN, Esq., un-der the name and style of 1)UPRE &PERRIN. t < rWe-representa Capital of Four Mil-

lions Dollars, and are prepared to issue-11 t_ 1 S" * ./aii Kiiius 01 iroiiuies.

Apply to J. F. C. DuPre, at No. JWeite's Block, or to Joel S- PerrinEsq., Law Range.

. Notice.PERSONS having claims against th<

late Miss MARY PETIGREWdeceased, are requested to render attested statements, aud those indebted to tindeceased will ihake payment tou ~

JAMES. P. LESESNE,Administrator,

No. 23 Broad St., Charleston, S. C.July 81,1872,10-3t. ;?

Carolina Life Ihrdb GoranO-sp*

Memphis, -Tens., and Baltimore, MiASSET^, $1,000,odd.

HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS, Presld^niGen. Wade Hampton, Vioe-Presidenl

. i <i.J

Gen. John D. Kennedy,.General Agent for South Carolina

COLUMBIA, S. «March 6,1872,46-6m

; W«, UPES,AliES) &c.

:joiin*"knoxl 11XAS opened a WHOLESALE AND[11 RETAIL STORE forth* sale oljjYVlNES, LIQUORS, &cM at. Lawson'sout reuinu, wnere me nnesc iuuropcanand American Liquors may be fotmd.HIb Stock consists, in part, of tiie fol-





Malaga, used forSacramental Purposes,


TOBACCO AND CIGARS,Of the finest quality, and at the lowestcash prices;August 7, 1872,17-tf.


"WTO\y that the crops are laid by, putJ^l your Roads In good order at once.lie sure to open well all the ditches, cuttho bushes, and trim the limbs hangingover the road.By order of the Board of County Com-

missioners.ROBERT JONES, Clerk.

Aug. 7, 1872, 17-tf.. N

ANNUAL MEETINGOf County Commissioners.

THE Annual Meeting of the Boardof County Commissioners, will be

held at Abbeville Court House, on thefirst Tuesday in September next.All persons having Bills against the

County, are required to deposit the samewith the Clerk of the Board, on or be-fore the first day of September next. Indefault thereof, such Bills will not beaudited at said annual meeting.

R. JONES, C. C. C.August 6, 1872, 17.tf

Wire Mattresses Should be inEvery House in theJLand....WIRE MATTRESS.

BUY the. Wire Mattress for comfortduring the hot Summer nights.

And shoulq be in -every house, to be,used In cases of sickness/ 'The best testi-monials can be furnished If desired.

J. D. CHALMERS & CO.July 31,1872, 16-tf.

.FEATHERS.FEATHER Pillows and Bolstere al-

ways on hand, atJ. D. CHALMERS 4 CO.'S.

July 81,1§72,16-tkWindow Shades.

NEW lotof Oil Window Shades jus1reoeived, at;: l!

J. D. CHALMERS <fc CO.'S.July it, 1872,16-tf.The Universal Life.Insnrance Co.,

only charges $15.35 ylnrly for $1,000on a man 25 years old; or one and ahalf per cent, on the amount.


Turnip seed,Embracing the following varieties.

Purple Top Yellow Ruta Baga,Large Norfolk,

Bed Top Strap-Leaved)"White Globe,

Yellow Aberdeen,Hanover and Flat Dutch,

For Sale, by

White Brothers.July 24,1872,, 15.tf ,

Jast think of it, a man 3.0 years oldhtr nnvinrf $17 fifv v />on eoonvoJ I J 6 V*»»vw ^ VMM UVVUIV

$2,000 worth of Insurance in the'-"Universal."

SSHRI> Mill Gearm§£haftin§&Mei/3


.i * '. Mi.


ONE Gross and four pairs 'of Miteij'best OLOTH GAITERS, received

and for sale at

/ X 9 0», .July 31,1872, lflbtf.... #

Hartshorn Patent Shade RolI&S

FOR sale at'I" J.'D. CHALMERS & Co.'S.


July 3^ Xg72, IQ-tX,' ' "

j. Looking Glasses. u

, ^VVAL Freuch looking Glass -.forParlor, large size; Crown Top

' French Lookiug Glass for Parlor-ArchTop Geiman Looking Glass for Parlor,large size; French twa Glass plate tofill frames; all sizes, at


, .' J. p. CHALMERS & p<>.'ST,July 81,1872,16-if.

MouLDnros;' TlTAliKUT'aDd GtitfMdiildtogs, juslj fT received, alt sizes. Pietate framesa of any size can be put up at M>ort notice,

at J. D. CHALMERS CO.'g.. juiy3if^;^.;,:;.


. ..

What hnstiarid or father 40 yeant old who cannot spare $24.35 yearly

to secure a Life Policy for 81,000 ?


OVAL FRAMES, all sizes.SquanFrames on band and made anj

size, at J. 1). CHALMERS & C'0

THE Tax Payers of AbbevilleCounty are herfeby notified that

on add after the first day of:^u)yv1872fthe Auditor's Office, at Abbeville C. H.,wijl.be opened for the purposes of re-

opened for the purpose 6'r receiVinpf Re-turns of PERSONAL PROPERTY,for the year 1872, and will remain openuntil the 20 day of AUGUST, 1872. Astriot adherence, to the following pro-gramme will be uecepsary. The fourcentre Townships. Abbeville, LongCane, Cedar Springs and Smithville,will be assessed at the Court House, be-tween first day of July, 1872, and 2(August, 1872.

AN ASSESSORWill bo stationed at

NINETY-SIX, on Monday and Tuday, 8th and 0th July. '

GREENWOOD, Wednesday andThursday, 10th and 11th July.

COKESI3URY, Friday and Saturday,12th and 13th July.

DONALDSVILLE, Monday and Tues-day, 15th and 16th July.

DUE WEST, Wednesday and Thurs-day, 17th and 18th.

CENTREVILLE, Diamond HillTownship^ Friday and Saturday, 19thand 20th July. }Tn

LOWNDESVILLE, Monday and Tues-day, 22d and 23d July.

LANIER'S, in Magnolia'Township,Wednesday and Thursday. 24th and28thi July.

CALHOUN'S MILLS, Friday andSaturday, 25th and 27th July.

ST. CHARLOTTE CHURCH, Bor-deaux Township, Monday and Tues-

day, 29th and 30th July.CHILES CROSS ROADS, Indian HillTownship, Wednesday and Thurs-

_day, SlstJTuly, and 1st August.WHITE HALJLj TOwr»fcj±iit*, JJTlCiayand Saturday, 2d and 3d August.The above method of Assessment has

been adopted in order to give the Tax-payers an opportunity to make correctReturns upon oath.Hereafter no abatement will be grant-

ed, except in cases where clerical errorsoccur.

It is also the duty of every Tax Payerto. see that those who appear dilatory i*making their Returns are urged to doso, and if not, to report them to theCounty Auditor, who will Immediatelyexecute the law, which pfovides thatwhere a Tax Payer foils -to make a Re-turn to the County Auditor, or his .Dep-uty, within the time prescribed by law,the laic Return made by said Tax Pay-er wili be copied from the Auditor'sRooks and fifty per cent, added thereto;nnd in -cases where Tax Payers escapepaying their Taxes for any one year, Jtl^epepalty quoted, irt Sec. 47, Special Ses-sion 1SGS," will be" strictly adhered to,which provides for the same penalty adin the above ca$e. , > 11 > » :;:«iI would also suggest that parties mak-

ing Keturns woula contrive to. .attend,the Assessors on the different dates, a$confusion occasioned by a lai'ge numberof Tax Payers at the close of the As-sessor's given time may occasion manydisagreeable errors, ana give to the TaxPayero and Assessors a great deal of un-necessary trouble.

T. B. MILFORD,- County Auditor.

June 26,1876,11, 2A

IN ORDER to make room for our

Fall Stock, wo will sell duringthe next SIXTY DAYS, a great ma-

ny PRETTY and tJSEFUL GOODS,at primo.coBt. Among which may befound a uico lot of

RIBBONS,is. InibrtiMS, Friis,

Collars, Cuffs,Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c.

Also a remDant of

Summer Bress Goods.r\TTt> errnrar r\x?UU1V kjxvyvy-ii. wJL

Hats, Clothing, Domcstics,GROCKERY, GROCERIES, &c.

Aro at all times, fully up to the de-mand* and will be sold at short pro-fits for cash.

Give us a trial at No. 1 GRANITERANGE, and bo convinced.

Kelson £ Cannon.Jane 26,1872, 11-tf.

LIVERPOOL! V--V 3 r ?»:!,

sMi il


Insures Against loss KY fiheaslow as any good

, company;

i.~. !' » .

865"* Ail Losses paid at the Agency in

Charleston without redaction.rPl. * n.i!. ^ o nr

..JJio extra cnarge mr jrtmuy .a qa v-

ING of $1.00 T.O INSUli^D.

Assets in Gold, $20,000,000Daily Roccipts.over; - VT $20,000.00,CHICAGO LOSSES, ALI< PAID,

»:-"nW $3,aoo,ooo.ocISF* Business quadrupled since Chi

cago Firo. n : /

WM. ir. PARKER,Aferi.

January 32, 1872.40.tf

~~J. KURZ,Boot and Shoe Maker,



"W*7AJirTESD. 3,000 lbs. DR"i

ff HIDESfor which the highesi price will be paid or taken in exetwugir for Boo ts and Shoes.

May 1872, 7-tf


/ ;i

A Choice and well-selectedStock of Goods Embracing

f a General Assortment:Some not handsomer-some rather me

dium.an# some beautiful.We will not say too much on paper-

some people might say we were not inearnest. "VWe only ask Jhe people' of Abbeville

ana adjoining v^ounues w>

Examine Our Stock; PriceOur Goods and De-

cide for. them-selves.

We shall 8{rive to make it the interestof buyers to purchase Goods from ourHouse, close attention shall be given toall who favor us with a call.We still believe the Cash System is

the only tafe one for our neople. Hencethe great necessity of adhering closely "

to it. In the end we will find it to our

advantage. No doubt of it. IKespectfully,

'. .

Aprifl7,1872, l»tf >

\ .

Greenville & Columbia B. R.

Daily, Sundays excepted, connectingwith Night Trains on the South CarolinaRailroad, up and down ; also with Trainsgoing North and South on Charlotte. (

Columbia and Ayjgusta Railroad, anaWilmington, Columbia and AugustaRailroad.

TTPLeave Columbia 7:45 a.m.

" Alston 9:3p a.m." Newberry 11:15 a.m.

Cokesbury 2:45 p.m." ' Belton......... 8:30 p.m.

Arrive Greenville 6:10 p.m.DQWN.

Leave Greenville 6:30 a.m." Belton 8:30a.m." Cokesbury ....4...! "...10:14 a.m." Abbeville... 8:15.a»i" Newberry ....; 1:30 p.m.!f Alston 3:20p.m.

Arrive Columbia 5:10 p.m.


Leave Walhalla.. ... 4:45 a.m.Perryville.>....... j 5:25,a.m.Pendleton 6:10 a.m.

4 v AndersoiiJ.....; 7:10 a.m.'Arrive uenon ...v.......v.v o.w a.m.

(Connecting with the-down train for.« . Greenville.}'1;

OT, ^Leave,Beilon.» <» fo-«i 4:30,p,m.

' M ..'Anderson 5:30p.m." " Pendleton. 6:30 p.mi" Perrvville 7:l6p.nh «

Arrive Walhalla..;...:.* 7:50p.mlAccommodation Trains will be run on

Branch Roads on MondayB, Wednesdaysan<1 PwMo^ra *

auu a iiuajoi t ii

abbeville branch. '

LeaveCokeebury for Abbeville 10:20 a.i*i." Abbeville for Cokeebtiry 1:30 p.m.


anderson branch.,LeayeBeltdn for Andersoty...1..'. 8:35 a.ta.

" Anderson for Beltou!....'.'i 2:80 pim.. » TH08. DODAMEAD.,1, :i . j Cten'l SupeiintendentJ

M. T. Bar^lett, Gen'IJTicl$et Agent*GALLOL GLASS JABS. TIN TOPS. .

" * " Bottles, ?lil& .Stoppers,1 ; II U II M


July 8,1872,13-2t ' : ' 1

FAMILY BIBLES,fit! Places For - Family Porlrats,

LEE & PAE&ER.Jane 10, T872 20-lf j"The cheapest of premiums consis [

tent with entire and perfect safety to* ,the insured best subserve the publicinterest, and operate to extend theberiefts of these beneficent institu-tions. It is needless and expensiveto pay over money or notes to a LifeInsurance Co., for the purpose onlyof having the same returned.

Do not Neglect theTURNIP CROP.Plow Deep, and Manure highly.


/' «(.

In Store, and for SalerbyA. M. AIKEN,

Greenwood-July 9, 1870, 12, 4t

Attention Planters.THE "MORRIS COTTON GIN,"

is WARRANTED to please orNO SaLE. It has tasen thepremium at both fairs held in Colum-bia sinco the Svar. For simplicity,strength, and light rnnning is ;ahea<lof all others. Makes as good lintand more of it from tho same quan-'tity of seed than any gin made. -

Price $3.50 per saw in Colombia.Also, Wood Turning of any style

dono at short notico.Address,

' E. MORRIS, Columbia, S.C.Juno 5, 1872, 8-3m




MACHINE 'for 15 years&nd believe.-itto.be theUeatin.use. ... . ;<*.'

\ , IgyUKlPijfe1 HAVE had in constant we in my

family SINGERS SEWING MA-CHINE for 15 years and have-been at no**penae except (or needles and for oil .

. ; S. S. BAKER.f

1HAVE the agency for |lie aboveMACHINE. Persons In want can

see them at 100, Abbeville, 8. C.'W. R- WHITE.

Jan. 1,1872,37-tf


J LEE & PARKER.July 8,1872,13-2t -

r ajU'i KA'* ...'J*, i lir i: jti'-yi-


July, 8, 1872, 13-tf


July 8,1872,13-2w

f|,*3, NO-$4:KGKEkAJSTOur Country friends, may not all of them

*\ < ' .fill; 72MSA

A FULL LINE (, Bacon always the-best,

Flour of various gradeSyrup and "Moli

lark In]<>(:>! VI i /'

r» ,t'tO Waii -'.i-f.J

.1 ' >.woi. ^ rjxws* v.r.'ii g-

is I* Ui .

All.of which we will sell at the lowest m

Feb. 14,1872,'43.tf- . > *

J. B. & W. J* < »»W HA


NO. 2 GRANDA.nd are fully prepared to show to the publicjni'- ».T|Groceries andConsisting of

BACON, frliomiv MOLA' r,lin '

'NEW ORI/EANS J«1 -ofirii ft / IiAttD-

arid everything in that line suitable for fami]

A Nice Assortment o:C^mpriaingJ^^NGES.LLSKAiXU X jrJiiAVJDLUiO, U IC

overything in that line. i JtcALSO,A Choice Lot of Uotmtaii:

sold low and the ]n '."a.,


GKEENWOOABB now oflferlngto tho public iix the!f1

lino Of fill the fpoila ^ei^^neeflfeaTHBfHSrO

?u . ffv-ai&T'! na iJa,

ifla tt y«i.

J.1} Groceries, Hardware^rocfcro which ike attention of pu rchasers is invi

'! j : ?:}>] J.WALLER \

a»n 8,1873i 2H* » !I! I.1 11


I "I Jl'l igffg

v.^ v r- j i t >

The*marbi>e yard 44J- ters toitiy^^wij WorfcrtSho

[mred exprtBsslyi for 4>h&-businessMarshitll-Houses ; A fine fltock |&fJ t '***

< : , ,<vt iy j-- o.iij(') " '-I: UW



'» =.0.11Dan always bo found on.^and, aiilone in a a upeiJiur jjiaaimu., «uim, »i< j

Also,; a fine collection..iOf/Kesigii:FANCY HEADSTONES, wMchnotiee. <CaIl and see our $*icea altfd

J. B.Nov. 2,1871, 28,"tf

. :!Vi j .7 ' " : :


SPRING AND SUMMERijv zjoiD rii> v

Hats, Shoes, Crockery, GlassyMOLASSES A3

.f. j ,. .» .itl j ?/«i- r

nauixvvrMjLYt UilVVl«; -

A J * V

IN ANY QUANTITY, to which thej** wish to huy Goods

April 3,1872, 51-tf .,.


Are . jai btto irnish tl

- m|iiii #0sgB&£ 4

IjftQffliflQO >.< Jtt&y<8g$"T£tH>3 y oc

At theVery lowest figures.TJjjey furnished

MATERIAL IN THE COUNTRY, and afiThey also offer for sale A LIGHT C'RAN

LOW FOR CASH.They keep constantly on hand METALU

NY and WALNUT COFFINS, and othersTheir heareo with oiic of the Firm will atALL WORK WARRANTED.

msp.o morEtm ypii i'

,j»u<#> imtuilp Birti t/rii'vtk iiltkncrwythat we fceej*!; iu ,umU buA.vfoft litotifcitft iff'iwy fwjifWfs


lg *. *, .': a*i>4 ki-iiw * **44

BbU.and Can^ is<aVnVi"' ' | -

7** CoWefe, EiceV MltT&c.arket j*K»«', '» 4(f»«ofcJjflO*vltj£m -«i». -..'oia«n !ia«RI

rr.jteKV-; ^<5tr7 fAfT*-*f '?Vfi><W'rYri

nwn it '* «l'£-

tlieir select stock of

c-vjf « ** AiYf?

SSfeSj A

, SUGAR, C£j^EE, fc'lCEIgs j^Iso

f Confeetionarifs,.NAS, COCOA,^UT8ri;JElijilEfi,iTEB^.^AQK^l^ W+m and


public are- resJ>eetfally invited

i*/\i c i ;o jutu Jiru oteci*CK CHP a- Wffyist&t iisfvib^

VI 107? ft.n f-irn

^» 4i JUfrrrtfl of (dmi of .awt^ciiO -(d

> ieMC>

:> »ij ,wvjh«P A{n4Vi;r*aao3L .wWciemovGa.;#Qjnp and Handsome OmiMwlTpM(MttvtM^r<Stee^i<flil»v*igieotii 'to wmitam fcatofp#?ol'' fyt) .h ^qo9 efifov <>$ *

d all wol'k "wdrraQ$£trices lower than el§e3 for ,M0KCW®5can be furmsiteeK4

\£> ddUm

most of those eTegafirtJreoijta' to .fcemeudatfon. '^vetum s-caUv':1*0^ '

. iuv/.-ot.-v.; od? i"Koi:n $B0?rot optit 'i f I'nrf Yffff ftifiitifr

xi») ,eqofovo 10I

O00/ 'O K*Ac-.-i tol«L; . -v^'


f; :..il/i tu»pi![-nl nc ^ahsjSTOCK of BUQGEBS, ntafcfcifcjnlodern imprpvw»ent»ui.jtb-e buai&ces.>est MACHINIST^ »a3. of theBB$Tter the latest and best fltyies.E-NECK CAJRItlAGE, Of goptf- style,

.r ' ; i sa.40[3 BURIAL GASES, and MAHQGA«of cheaperjstylei.. y .: Itend ail funerals. J.

[NoV. 3, isft,28.