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Budget Issues

Impact of the Republican Budget on Medicare

According to the Energy and Commerce Committee, Ryan’s budget affected CongressmanWalberg’s district in the following ways:

• Increase prescription drug costs for 6,900 Medicare beneficiaries in the district who enter the Part Ddonut hole, forcing them to pay an extra $67 million for drugs over the next decade.

• Eliminate new preventive care benefits for 109,000 Medicare beneficiaries in the district.

• Deny 500,000 individuals age 54 and younger in the district access to Medicare’s guaranteed benefits.

• Increase the out-of-pocket costs of health coverage by over $6,000 per year in 2022 and byalmost $12,000 per year in 2032 for the 120,000 individuals in the district who are between

the ages of 44 and 54.

• Require the 120,000 individuals in the district between the ages of 44 and 54 to save anadditional $28.0 billion for their retirement – an average of $182,000 to $287,000 per

individual – to pay for the increased cost of health coverage over their lifetimes. Younger residents of the district will have to save even higher amounts to cover their additional medicalcosts.

• Raise the Medicare eligibility age by at least one year to age 66 or more for  65,000 individuals

in the district who are age 44 to 49 and by two years to age 67 for 381,000 individuals in thedistrict who are age 43 or younger. [Committee on Energy and Commerce, June 2011]

Opposed Army Recommendation to Cease Tank Production for Three Years

Walberg opposed an Army recommendation that U.S. cease tank production for three years, a move that would save $1.3

 billion in defense spending for fiscal year 2012. As an alternative, the Michigan House Delegation suggested limiting production to 70 tanks per year. The Abrams tank program is run by Sterling Heights-based General Dynamics Land Systems.In addition, 224 Michigan suppliers and subcontractors would be affected by the Army's decision to put the program on athree-year hiatus. [MLive.com, 5/12/2011]

Voted against Cutting a Wasteful Alternate Jet Engine Program

Walberg voted against an amendment to cut an alternate jet engine program that would have saved $3 billion over severalyears. Pentagon officials have said supported cutting the program.

Walberg wrote in a statement that he supported the F-35 engine because the men and women in the military deserve the bestquality equipment, and some of it is being built in Jackson.

The amendment passed on a vote of 233-198. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 2/18/11]

Offered Amendment to Cut Arts Funding by $124 Million a Year

During the Continuing Resolution debate in February 2011, Walberg proposed an amendment to bring the NationalEndowment for the Art’s funding down to $124 million per year, which is where it was in 2006.

The amendment was approved 217-209. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 2/18/11]


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Voted with Minority of Republicans to Reduce Funding to 2006 Levels

In February 2011, Walberg was one of a minority of Republicans who voted for an unsuccessful amendment to cut funding back to 2006 levels with exceptions for defense, homeland security and veterans' programs.

The bill failed 93-328, with most Republicans joining all Democrats in opposing it. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 2/26/11]

Voted in Favor of a Failed Amendment for an Across-the-Board Budget Cut

In February 2011, Walberg voted in favor of an unsuccessful attempt to cut an additional $22 billion through an across-the- board reduction in most areas. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 2/26/11]

Voted in Favor of an Amendment to Defund Planned Parenthood

In February 2011, Walberg voted in favor of a successful amendment blocking federal funding to Planned Parenthood for Medicaid, family planning and other services. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 2/26/11]

Voted with Minority of Republicans to Oppose Elimination of NLRB

In February 2011, Walberg was one of 60 other Republican members who voted against an effort to eliminate the National

Labor Relations Board. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 2/26/11]

Floor Speech: Told NEA to Fund Only “Their True Priorities”

In February 2011 on the House floor, Walberg explained his amendment to make a $20.6 million cut to the NationalEndowment for the Arts back down to the fiscal year 2006 levels at $124.4 million. He said, “We are asking them to only fundtheir true priorities, priorities approved by the majority of taxpaying citizens, of sponsors and of patrons of the arts. Limitingresources sometimes refocuses and defines that focus.” [Walberg Floor Remarks on Walberg Amendment to HR 1, 2/16/11]

“OK One Time” to Pass a Short Term Spending Bill

In March 2011, Walberg, who had voted in favor of the two-week continuing resolution, said"That was OK one time.” He did not vote in favor of passage of a second package that kept government operating for an

additional three weeks. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 3/15/11]

Voted against Three Week Stopgap Budget Because It Was “Too Timid”

In a March 2011 emailed newsletter, Walberg said he voted against the three week stop gap spending measure because itcontinued “to fund programs that are hurting our economy and have been rejected by the American people.” He also called the plan “too timid,” saying he voted against it because he wanted a stronger stance that put pressure on Democrats. [Rep. TimWalberg Newsletter, 3/15/11]

Defended Cuts to Local Career Service Network 

In 2011, Walberg defended his support of a measure that cut funding for the South  Central Michigan Works. The agency’s budget was about $21 million in 2010. Walberg said the measure he supported would cut about $4.4 million from the


About 130,000 people used SCMW’s services in fiscal 2009-10, according to the agency’s annual report for job training andother assistance, and 1,329 were able to find jobs.Walberg justified the cuts by suggesting government needs to get a better rate of return on its investment. [Daily Telegram,03/06/11]

Criticized For Support for Cuts to Jobs Agency


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In a March 2011 editorial, the Lansing State Journal criticized Walberg’s support for the federal budget, which would cutfunding for a jobs agency called Michigan Works. The organization helps Michiganders get jobs in a state whereunemployment is over 11 percent, well over the national level. The editorial said, “The federal budget has to get leaner, but notthis way…Jobs are the No. 1 priority, for the state and the nation. Getting people back to work is vital. Michigan Works provides essential services to the state's unemployed. It must be funded.”

Walberg’s said the cuts “will get the government out of the way so that the private sector can create jobs.” He did not elaborateon the specifics of how eliminating job placement agencies leads to job creation. [Lansing State Journal, Editorial, 3/03/11]

Voted to Eliminate Funding for the Michigan Works Programs

In March 2011, Walberg voted to pass a budget bill that eliminated all funding for the Workforce Investment Act, which is the primary funding source for Michigan Works agencies. In 2011, South Central Michigan Works (SCMW) received $4.5 millionin WIA funding accounting for about a third of its budget. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 3/04/11] Criticized for Voting to Cut Programs

In March 2011, the Lansing State Journal editorial board called Walberg’s vote to cut SCMW, a program whose sole purpose isto help create jobs, “foolish and unacceptable.” [Lansing State Journal, 3/03/11]

Supported Republican Budget Proposal

“I am encouraged by the early details of the budget released today by Chairman Ryan. I believe that it’s a serious proposal that puts us on a path to prosperity and avoids the impending fiscal meltdown.” [Representative Walberg Press Release, 4/05/11]

Defended the Ryan FY2012 Budget Proposal

 In April 2011, Walberg called Obama’s speech introducing his second budget proposal, "the same old rhetoric” and defendedthe Ryan budget plan. [Toledo Blade, 4/14/11]

Called $39 Billion in Cuts “Anemic at Best”

 In April 2011, Walberg called the FY2011 bipartisan continuing resolution “anemic at best,” despite the measure containing

$39 billion in cuts. Walberg did support the measure. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 4/11/11]

Would Not Promise Funding for Michigan State Dept. of Energy Project

In March 2011, Walberg said he supported a project at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) but wanted to wait to seewhat the funding looked like before supporting it in 2012.

Michigan State University was selected as the site for the Department of Energy FRIB project in 2008. The $600 millionfacility would have 400 scientists and staff and is estimated to have a $1 billion impact on Greater Lansing’s economy.

The project had received $10 million and was awaiting an additional #30 million in federal FY2012 funding so thatconstruction may begin in 2013. [Lansing State Journal, 3/29/11]

Supported Job-Killing Cuts to the National Endowment for the Arts

In July 2011, Walberg introduced an amendment to reduce funding for the NEA by $10 million and apply it to deficitreduction. The cut is nearly twice that of the spending cut for other federal programs in the underlying bill. In February,Walberg introduced an amendment to cut the NEA’s budget by $20.6 million.

 NEA data show the performing arts organizations generated nearly $13.6 billion in revenues in 2007. The arts groups alsoemploy tens of thousands of people. [Courier-Journal, 7/29/11]

Concerned about Cuts from Sequestration


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In January 2012, Walberg said the automatic spending cuts to defense programs resulting from the inability of the Super Committee to come to a budgetary agreement worry him. He said he was not sure how his district would be affected from thecuts, He said, “I have not seen anything but positives to be gained to making sure that the National Guard facility as we as theFederal Center remain operating.”

Close to 3,000 people near Battle Creek rely on jobs tied to defense, either at the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center or BattleCreek Air National Guard Base. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 1/07/12]

Business and Consumer Issues

Campaign Finance Issues

Challenger Announced against Walberg

In November 2011, Mike Stahly, a former city council member in Potterville announced that he would challenge Tim Walbergfor the Republican nomination for 2012. Stahly called Walberg a “career politician,” a “faux conservative,” a “partyapparatchik” and a “D.C. insider voting to further erode our constitutional protections.”

[Daily Telegram, 11/14/11]

Received Nearly $50K in Post-Campaign Contributions from Big Business PACs

In the weeks after his 2010 election to Congress, Walberg collected more than $49,000 including Battle Creek-based KelloggCo., who gave $2,500 to Walberg's campaign Nov. 16.

Walberg also received donations from PACs for AT&T, Comcast, the National Beer Wholesalers Association and Ford Motor Co. [Times Herald, 2/05/11]

Michigan Messenger – “Walberg: Romney Nomination Would Have Helped Career”

A PDF is saved on the drive. [Michigan Messenger, 9/27/11]

Said He’d Be in His Third Term If Romney Had Been the 2008 GOP Presidential Nominee

In September 2011, according to a report from Politico, Walberg was quoted as saying, “Had Romney been the nominee [in2008], I’d be in my third term now instead of my second term.”

Walberg had not yet endorsed Romney but said his decision “comes down to whether I think the’s the guy that can win.”[Michigan Messenger, 9/27/11 ]

Crime & Public Safety Issues

Debt Ceiling

Lobbied Intensely for Debt Ceiling Vote

In July 2011, Walberg was the subject of intense lobbying over his debt ceiling vote. The Washington Post reported that afellow congressman asked for his vote while he was taking a shower at the House gym. He responded, “Still undecided. Butlet’s do this at some other time.” Later, the Speaker asked Walberg, “I need your vote. I want your vote. Why can’t I have your vote?” [Washington Post, 7/28/11]


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Said That Was How Government Should Work 

During the debt ceiling whipping of votes, Walberg said that his being lobbied while taking ashower is how the government should work. He said, “This is how it ought to be in our country. Weare making decisions for the future of our children and grandchildren. This is not solely about thenext election or the next opening bell of the stock market. This is for freedom. This is for  prosperity.” [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 8/01/11]

Set Conditions to Vote to Raise the Debt Ceiling: No Tax Hikes, No Increased Spending, Only a Temporary Debt Ceiling

Increase and a BBA

In July 2011, Walberg said he was going to remain firm on his conditions to vote for a debt ceiling increase,which included no tax hikes, no increased spending, only a temporary increase to the debt ceiling, structuralchanges to prevent further debt and a balanced budget amendment. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 8/01/11]

Said Debt Ceiling Vote Was the Moment to Put Pressure for Spending Cuts

Walberg agreed that the debt ceiling vote allowed for an opportune moment to address spending. Hesaid, “I think it’s one of the best times (to do it) because it does have something hanging in the balance that puts pressure on people to do the right thing…We’ve always said we’ll take care of thespending later on. … There is no room to let our country kick this can down the road and raise thedebt ceiling and continue spending.” [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 8/01/11]

District Issues

Appeared at Stimulus Ribbon Cutting

In November 2011, Walberg appeared at the grand opening of the Veterans Administration Ann Arbor ribbon cuttingceremony for a hematology-oncology infusion center. The center was funded by $763,000 from the American Recovery and

Reinvestment Act. [Heritage Newspapers, 11/23/11]

• In October 2011, Walberg railed against former Democratic Congressman Mark Schauer for votingfor the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and said that Stimulus projects were nothing morethan “socially conscious puppet shows.” [Associated Press, 10/18/11]

• One year after the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Walberg issued a pressrelease that read, “One Year after the Stimulus Package: Higher Unemployment in U.S., Taxpayer Dollars Creating Jobs Overseas” [Walberg for Congress, 2/13/10]

Walberg Spokesman Defended Cuts to Michigan Works

In March 2011, a spokesman for Walberg defended his vote to cut funding for South Central Michigan Works saying it “wasnot a unique vote.”

Walberg spokesman Kent Sholars said some Michigan Works affiliates have reported the bill would cut about 25 percent of their funds. [Lenaweek County Daily Telegram, 3/04/11] 

Spokesman: Others Had to Deal with a Twenty-Five Percent Cut

“I don’t think that a 25 percent cut is anything anybody looks forward to, but there are plenty of businesses that havehad to deal with that, and they’re surviving just fine,” Sholars said. [Lenaweek County Daily Telegram, 3/04/11]


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Voted to End Neighborhood Stabilization Program that Had Brought Millions to Battle Creek 

In March 2011, Walberg voted to eliminate a neighborhood stabilization program that had only just recently distributed a $8.4million grant to rehab and/pr demolish more than 140 vacant and foreclosed homes. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 3/17/11]

Called the Program “Ineffective and Wasteful”

Walberg responded saying, “With a $14 trillion dollar debt and rising, there is no room in the budget for programs thatwaste taxpayer funds ... This program, with little benefit, proved repeatedly to be ineffective and wasteful.” [BattleCreek Enquirer, 3/17/11]

Committed to Attending the Michigan Works’ Annual Breakfast

In March 2011, Walberg’s spokesman Kent Sholars said Walberg planned to attend SCMW’s seventh annual legislative breakfast for local elected officials. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 3/04/11]

 Walberg Was a No-Show at the Michigan Works Event

According to the Jackson Citizen Patriot in the paper’s coverage of the SCMW’s annual March Legislative Breakfast,“The elephant in the room was the proposed elimination of a chunk of Michigan Works’ federal funding. U.S. Rep.

Tim Walberg, who voted for a budget that would eliminate that funding, had planned to attend Monday’s meeting, butinstead held a constituent meeting in Spring Arbor.” [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 3/21/11]

 Defended cuts to SCMW and the 130,000 Constituents Who Have Utilized Its Services

Walberg defended his support of a measure that cut he funding for such programs in the Workforce Investment Act as theSCMW. Walberg said that despite the organization serving about 130,000 people since 2009, he wanted “a better rate of return” on the government’s investment. [Daily Telegram, 3/06/11]

MLive: “Dozens of Postal Workers Hold Rally In Front of US Rep Tom Walberg’s Office”

A PDF is saved on the drive. [Mlive, 9/27/11]

Postal Workers Protested in front of Walberg’s Office

In September of 2011, about 50 USPS workers wearing T-shirts and holding signs that said “Save America’s Postal Service”rallied at Walberg’s office. They called for him to co-sponsor House Bill 1351, which within a decade would no longer requirethe postal service to fund retiree health benefits for the next 75 years.

Walberg did not address the crowd. However, his spokesperson said that Walberg wants to keep the postal service alivewithout using a taxpayer bailout which President Obama proposed. [Mlive, 9/27/11]

Workers Rallied in Front of District Office to Protest Walberg’s Anti-Worker Agenda

In August 2011, the American Federation of Government Employees held a rally in front of Walberg’s district office in protestof his “anti-worker” legislative agenda and his votes to cut the federal workforce. [Mlive.com, 8/16/11]

Economic and Financial Issues

Floor Speech: Blamed Michigan’s Unemployment and Troubled Manufacturing on Government Growing “Too Large”

In March 2011 on the House floor, Walberg claimed that it was big government that is to blame for the poor economy in hisstate. He said, “A State that was known for its manufacturing, its auto industry, always having jobs, high standard of living.


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And yet, as a result of government growing too large, too strong, too intrusive, and spending too much and taxing too much,we’ve destroyed the economy in Michigan.” [Walberg Floor Remarks, 3/2/11]

Education Issues

Walberg: “No Place for the Federal Government in Education”

In January 2011, Walberg, as a member of the House Education and Workforce Committee, said there is "no place for thefederal government in education." [Bloomberg Business, 1/27/11]

Called No Child Left Behind Unconstitutional

In March 2011, Walberg, who is an advocate of rolling back federal involvement in education and sits on the Ed andWorkforce Committee, said the committee will address No Child Left Behind in the fall of 2011. Of the act, he added, "The problem is I don't think the federal government should have done it. I don't think it's our responsibility to do it. We don't haveany backup from the Constitution to do that at all. Not one article. One section. One sentence." [Detroit News, 3/24/11]

Said He Will Try to Allow States to Opt Out of No Child Left Behind

In his previous term in Congress, Walberg had co-sponsored legislation to allow states with a solid education plan toopt out of the No Child requirements and still receive federal dollars. That could still come into play, he says. [Detroit News, 3/24/11]

Energy Issues

Detroit Free Press-“Green Auto Loans hangs in balance as Congress squabbles over funding

A PDF is saved on the drive. [Detroit Free Press, 9/27/11 ]

Environmental Issues

League of Conservation Voters Gave Walberg a 4 on Their Annual Score Card

In March 2011, the League of Conservation Voters rated Walberg a score of 4 on their latest scorecard. [League of Conservation Voters Score Card, 02/2011]

Furthered Legislation to Drill in ANWR 

In March 2011, Walberg co-sponsored legislation to promote domestic drilling because he said energy and gas prices are on therise and the US needs energy exploration in Alaska’s ANWR region. [WTVB, 3/15/11]

Co-Sponsored Legislation to Promote Alternative, And Nuclear, Energy

Walberg is also an original co-sponsor of house resolution 909, A Road Map to America’s Energy Future. If enacted,it’s designed to expedite permitting and leasing programs for energy exploration, encourage the development of nuclear energy, and promote alternative and renewable energy technology. [WTVB, 3/15/11]

Floor Speech: Supported Drilling in Alaska, Expedited Permits for Drilling in the Gulf and Nunes’ Roadmap to

America’s Energy Future

In March 2011 on the House floor, Walberg said that after speaking with Netanyahu in Israel, he better understood thatAmerica needs to address its energy crisis and to adopt an all-of-the-above energy plan to establish energy independence.


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Walberg advocated for drilling in Alaska as outlined in HR 49, the American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act.He also advocated for HR 909, the Roadmap to America’s Energy Future, and joined Rep. Steve Scalise in asking PresidentObama to expedite the permitting process for offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. [Walberg Floor Remarks, 3/15/11]

M-Live - “Walberg’s Environmental Record Fouls Air For Everybody”

A PDF is saved on the drive. [MLive, 9/28/11]

Lansing State Journal: “Congress must get tougher on pipelines; Mid-Michigan lawmakers should lend support to bills”

“Michigan is among states where recent leaks have had disastrous results. Crews are still at work cleaning the KalamazooRiver and surroundings - more than a year after a broken Enbridge Inc. pipeline spilled 800,000 gallons of oil. And cleanupcontinues right here in Ingham County, where a Marathon Pipe Line LLC gasoline leak spilled more than 400,000 gallons. In both cases, the spills went undetected too long, leading to the contamination and environmental damage. The legislation is co-sponsored by Reps. John Dingell, D-Dearborn, and Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph. Upton, as chair of the House Energy andCommerce Committee, holds some clout that ought to help get this done. But mid-Michigan's Reps. Mike Rogers, R-Howell,and Tim Walberg, R-Tipton, ought to find plenty of reasons to lend their support, with constituents in both their districtssuffering the impact of pipeline problems.” [Lansing State Journal, 8/12/11]

League of Conservation Voters: Walberg One of the Worst Environmental Records Ever

According to a September 2011report from the League of Conservation Voters, Walberg has one of the worst environmentalrecords in the entire history of Congress.

The report noted that Walberg has voted more than 100 times to defund Environmental Protection Agency activity and delaycrucial new clean air regulations in 2011 alone. He has opposed good, new green jobs.

Further Walberg is collecting campaign contributions from big oil, gas and mining companies. [MLive, 9/28/11]

Advocated for the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

At a January 2012 town hall meeting in Hillsdale, Walberg trumpeted the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline sayingit could bring thousands of jobs to the nation. The Hillsdale Daily News wrote, “Walberg said the projectwould create 20,000 “shovel-ready” jobs and over 100,000 ancillary jobs, and would create more energyindependence and security for the country.” [Hillsdale Daily News, 1/11/12]

Ethics Issues

Traveled to Africa, Europe, Middle East with Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

In February 2011, Walberg traveled to Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Israel, and Germany with members of the Oversight andGovernment Reform Committee. The total cost of the trip was $576.83. Only Walberg’s per diem, and not transportation,appeared on the report. [Official Foreign Travel Report, 6/07/11]

Paid iConstituent $110,000 for Web and Email Services

On January 19, 2011, Walberg paid Campaign Grid LLC $110,000 for web development, email and related services. [Q1Statement of Disbursements, Jan.-March 2011]

Paid iConstituent nearly $7,000 for Publications and Reference Materials


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On February 8, 2011, Walberg spent $6,689.50 for publications and reference material from iConstituent. [Q1 Statement of Disbursements, Jan.-March 2011]

Paid iConstituent Additional $2,500 for Web and Email Services

In the first quarter of 2011, Walberg spent $2,500 on iConstituent LLC for web development, email and related services. [Q1Statement of Disbursements, Jan.-March 2011]

Spent nearly $14,000 on Roll Call Subscription

In the first quarter of 2011, Walberg spent $13,990 on a subscription to the Roll Call Newspapers. [Q1 Statement of Disbursements, Jan.-March 2011]

Paid $2,300 to Addison Awing Company

On January 6, 2011, Walberg spent $2,300 on habitation expenses paid to the Addison Awing Company. [Q1 Statement of Disbursements, Jan.-March 2011]

 Note: Potentionally a typo that was meant to read Addison Awning Company

Spent Nearly $400,000 in First Three Months of the Year

In the first quarter of 2011, Walberg spent $385,148.89 total. [Q1 Statement of Disbursements, Jan.-March 2011]

Refused to Sit Next to Democrats During SOTU

In January 2011, Walberg said he was going to stick to the rights side of the aisle during the President’s State of the UnionSpeech despite agreements from Republicans and Democrats to do away with the antiquated practice and to have a hand atcompromise and civility.

Walberg said the traditional seating pattern makes it "easier for the general public to tell the players.""We are in the majority,"he said, "so I think it'd be nice for the public to see that majority, as well." [Battle Creek Enquirer , 1/ 25/11]

Defended King after Story Broke Concerning His Harboring of Irish Terrorists

In March 2011, Walberg wrote in a statement to the Citizen Patriot that he was looking forward to the hearing in theCommittee on Homeland Security concerning the radicalization of American Muslims under Chairman Pete King, who himself had been criticized for having supported the terrorist organization, the Irish Republican Army.

Walberg said of King, "There are few people in Congress who understand the dangerous impact of radical Islam like PeteKing." [Citizen Patriot Blog, 3/09/11]

Said We Must Stand against Radical American Muslims

Walberg added, “We all must take a stand against these destructive beliefs that threatens our national security andwork to make our homeland more secure." [Citizen Patriot Blog, 3/09/11]

Crossed the Picket Line to Attend a GOP Gathering

In March 2011, despite the dozens of angry protestors marching outside, Walberg attended a Jackson County GOP gatheringfeaturing a speech by Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder. [WILX, 3/21/11]

Mum after the Release of President Obama’s Birth Certificate

In April 2011, Walberg remained silent after President Obama released his Hawaiian birth certificate despite having repeatedlyquestioning the President’s birthplace and religion during the 2010 House campaign. [Mlive.com, 4/27/11]


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Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Health Care Issues

Accused Administration of Spying on Doctors

 At a June 2011 town hall, Walberg told the Common Sense Patriots tea party group that the administration was spying ondoctors to enforce the Affordable Care Act. [WTVB, 6/28/11]

Accused Democrats of Distorting Medicare Issue

In June 2011, Walberg said Democrats were using Medicare for political purposes and were “push[ing] our seniors off a cliff.”Walberg voted in support of the GOP plan for Medicare. He said, “As the Democrats continue to present no credible plan tosave Medicare for future generations, the Republicans have led and presented an alternative to put Medicare on a pathway of long-term sustainability while giving consumers more choice in their health care decisions.” [Battle Creek Enquirer, 6/08/11]

Walberg Said Health Care Reform Has Not Worked Anywhere in the World

In January 2011, Walberg said that the cost-sharing scheme at the heart of health care reform “hasn’t worked anywhere in theworld.” [Lansing State Journal, 1/06/11]

Walberg Conceded There Is Merit to the Argument Those HCR Opponents Should Not Accept Congressional Health


In January 2011, Walberg, who is not opting for the program, said there is merit to the argument that GOP members of Congress who opposed the Health Care Reform law should refuse to accept government-supported Congressional health care,saying he was "willing to look at" the argument. [Lansing State Journal, 1/06/11]

Voted against Disclosing Acceptance of Congressional Health Care Plans

In January 2011, Walberg voted against a measure that would have required members of Congress renounce their congressional health care plans before being able to enact repeal of the Health Care law. Walberg called the accusationdisingenuous, arguing the vote proposed by House Democrats was political gamesmanship. He said, "It isn't genuine. It's justsimply to put Republicans on the hot seat of voting against something kind, sweet, American apple pie, girl-next-door-type provisions, as this was." [WILX, 1/21/11]

Supported Health Care Repeal

In May 2011, Walberg said he approved of the GOP’s budget proposal’s plan to repeal the health care reform law. He addedthat he also supported their plan to lock in lower taxes. [Detroit News, 5/16/11]

Immigration and Border Issues


Labor and Working Family Issues

Voted Against Support for Mothers, Children, and Cost Savings


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In June 2011, Walberg voted to cut $868 million from the Women, Infants, and Children program that provides nutritious foodfor low-income mothers and their children.

In Michigan, the program helps 5,000 low-income mothers and their children, and the Michigan State Department of Community Health says each dollar spent on a pregnant woman saves $3.50 in federal, state, local, and private health carecosts.

The Director of Children’s Programs at the Community Action Agency in Jackson Mary Cunningham-Deluca said, “If (WICis) reduced, they are not going to be able to get baby formula and food for their children.”

Walberg said, “With a $14 trillion debt and growing every day, all areas of the budget must be on the table for review to ensurethe highest degree of efficiency and effectiveness. While preserving the overall integrity of the WIC program, my vote on theunderlying agriculture appropriations bill cut unnecessary spending across many programs.” [MLive.com, 7/16/11]

Voted with Minority of Republicans to Oppose Elimination of NLRB

In February 2011, Walberg was one of 60 other Republican members who voted against an effort to eliminate the NationalLabor Relations Board. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 2/26/11]

Defended Cuts to Local Career Service Network 

In 2011, Walberg defended his support of a measure that cut funding for the South  Central Michigan Works. The agency’s budget was about $21 million in 2010. Walberg said the measure he supported would cut about $4.4 million from theorganization.

About 130,000 people used SCMW’s services in fiscal 2009-10, according to the agency’s annual report for job training andother assistance, and 1,329 were able to find jobs.Walberg justified the cuts by suggesting government needs to get a better rate of return on its investment. [Daily Telegram,03/06/11]

LGBT Issues

Other Issues

Ranked 15th Most Conservative by National Journal 2011

 National Journal ranked Walberg as the 15 th most conservative House Member with a score of 85.0 (100 = most conservative).Forty-nine members rank ahead of him, however many of them share scores resulting in multiple ties. [National Journal,2/23/12]

Second Amendment Rights

Social Security, Medicare, MedicaidSaid Constituents Must Have an Adult Conversation about Entitlements – Hinted at Privatization

In a February 2011 op-ed in The Hill, Walberg said, “We must also have an adult conversation about entitlements. Just as I proposed in the 110th Congress, we need to put Social Security on a sustainable path for the future. And we must look into realreform of Social Security to allow younger workers more options and more control over their future. [The Hill, 2/18/11]


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Tax Issues

Voted to Repeal Tanning Tax

In June 2011, Walberg signed on as a cosponsor of HR 2092, a bill to repeal the 10 percent tax on tanning salon services. Thetax was implemented in health care reform law. [Detroit News, 6/23/11]

Tea Party

Detroit Free Press: “Hey, Republicans, whose side are you on?”

A PDF and scanned copy are saved on the drive. [Detroit Free Press, 9/25/11]

Trade Issues

Trade Pacts Could Add 400 Jobs to Michigan

In July 2011, the Lansing State Journal reported trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea could boostMichigan exports by $44.6 million per year and add 400 jobs to the state’s agriculture industry.

The approvals are being held up in the House over Democrats’ insistence that Trade Adjustment Assistance is included; the program helps workers who have lost jobs due to free trade agreements re-train, and Michigan has been a major beneficiary.Walberg supported the TAA in 2007. [Lansing State Journal, 7/30/11]

Transportation Issues

Voted against Cutting a Wasteful Alternate Jet Engine Program

Walberg voted against an amendment to cut an alternate jet engine program that would have saved $3 billion over severalyears. Pentagon officials have said supported cutting the program.

Walberg wrote in a statement that he supported the F-35 engine because the men and women in the military deserve the bestquality equipment, and some of it is being built in Jackson.

The amendment passed on a vote of 233-198. [Jackson Citizen Patriot, 2/18/11]

Joined Tea Party Caucus

 In February 2010, Walberg was announced as a member of the House Tea Party Caucus by the office of Michele Bachmann.[MinnPost, 2/28/11]

Women’s Issues

Voted in Favor of an Amendment to Defund Planned Parenthood

In February 2011, Walberg voted in favor of a successful amendment blocking federal funding to Planned Parenthood for Medicaid, family planning and other services. [Battle Creek Enquirer, 2/26/11]


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