wash ington geologic newsle...

A PUBLICATION OF THE WASHI NGT ON STA TE DIVISION OF-GEOLOGY AND EART H RE SOURCES WASH I NGTON GEOLOGIC NEWSLET TER JULY1974 BERT L. COLE VOLUME2 - NUMBER 3 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS OON LEE fRA SER, SUPERVI SO R DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES VAUGHN E. LIVINGSTON, JR., ST ATE GEOLOGIST DIVI SION Of GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF NA TURAL RESOURCES, OIVI SION ' OF GEOLOGY ANO EARTH RESOURCES( OLYMPIA WASH INGTON, 98504 I ' JORSTED CREEK SLIDE, MASON COUNTY The Jorsted Creek Slide on U, S. High- way 101 in northern Mason County is port of the worst area of landsliding on the south- eastern O lympic Peninsula . Most of the west shore of Hood Cano! for 7 mi les near Jorsted Creek, Eag le Creek, and Li Iliwaup has been subject to slides and flows since deg loci ot io n about 13,500 years ogo . Approxi mately 15 pe rcent of U.S. 101 between J orsted Creek and Li I liwoup hos been destroyed or buri ed by landslides ot least once in the post 25 to 50 years, T he Department of Highways hos taken one o r more of the fo llowing act ions each time U.S. 101 has been blocked: re- mova l of the landslide debris from the highway; rebui I ding of the hi ghwoy ove r the toe of t he landslide; placing riprop or bui I ding bulkheads to prevent further movement of the sli de; un- l oading the slide by cutting trees and remov- ing mat erial; or installing horizontal, perfor- ated drai ns to dewater the slide. The Jorsted · creek Slide, locat ed on the west si de of Hood Canal 0. 7 mi le south of Jorsted Cree k, was rea ct i vated during the winter and spring of 1 974. Riprop was placed at the toe of the sli de when it was last a ctive in 1968, During the heavy rains in the first 5 months of 1974, and particu l arly in Morch and April, the Jorsted Creek Sl i de flowed and sl id onto U.S . 101. The landslide mass is a combination of a slump at the top and an earthflow at the toe , with secondary flows and slumps that moved over the old riprap and onto the highway. There is a scarp about 50 feet high at the top of the landsl i de, 280 feet above U. S. 1 01 . The landslide extends at least 1., 000 feet al o ng the highway, and reaches about 600 feet west from the highwa y. The vo lume of material that moved is very dif- ficult to est i mate, but is approximately one - half million cubic ya r ds. The causes of the landsliding along the west shore of Hood Canal, i nclud ing the Jorsted Creek Sli de, are numerous. The stra- tigraphy in the ar ea of most of the slides con- sists of outwosh overlying lakebeds. The out -

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The Jorsted Creek Slide on U, S. High­way 101 in northern Mason County is port of the worst area of lands liding on the south­eastern O lympic Peninsula . Most of the west shore of Hood Cano! for 7 mi les near Jorsted Creek, Eag le Creek, and Li I liwaup has been subject to slides and flows since deg lociotio n about 13,500 years ogo . Approximately 15 pe rcent of U.S. 101 between Jorsted Creek and Li I liwoup hos been destroyed or buried by landslides ot least once in the post 25 to 50 years, The Department of Highways hos taken one o r more of the fo llowing actions each time U.S. 101 has been blocked: re ­mova l of the landslide debris from the highway; rebui I ding of the hi ghwoy over the toe of the landslide; placing riprop or bui I ding bulkheads to prevent further movement of the slide; un­loading the slide by cutting trees and remov­ing ma terial; or installing horizonta l, pe rfo r­ated drains to dewater the slide.

The Jorsted ·creek Slide, located on the west side of Hood Cana l 0 . 7 mi le south

of Jorsted Creek, was rea ctivated duri ng the winter and spring of 1974. Riprop was placed at the toe of the slide when it was last active in 1968, During the heavy rains in the first 5 months of 1974, and particu larly in Morch and April, the Jorsted Creek Sl ide flowed and sl id onto U.S . 101. The lands lide mass is a combination of a slump at the top and an earthflow at the toe , wi th secondary flows and slumps that moved over the old riprap and onto the highway. There is a scarp about 50 feet high a t the top of the landsl ide, 280 feet above U. S. 101 . The landslide extends at least 1., 000 feet alo ng the highway, and reaches about 600 feet west from the highway. The vo lume of material that moved is very dif­ficult to estimate, but is approximate ly one­half million cubic yards.

The causes of the lands liding along the west shore of Hood Canal, including the Jorsted Creek Slide, are numerous. The stra­tigraphy in the a rea of most of the slides con­sists of outwosh overlying lakebeds. The out-

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wash is permeable sand and gravel r whereas the lakebeds are composed of impermeable si lty sediment. The melting of the g lacier

pressure results in outward flowing of the toe of the landslide and downward slumping of the upper portion of the landslide. Once ac­tivated, landslides such as the Jorsted Creek Slide generally flow and slide each winter until the slope is greatly reduced naturally,

that excavated Hood Canal removed late ra l support from the steep sides of the glacial trough . Wave action on the shore of Hood Canal further steepened the sides of the trough , and the construction of U.S. 101 resulted in many nea r- verti ca I roadcuts. During the

or unti I the Deportment of Hi ghwoys undertakes engineering modifications such as installing drains and placing riprap .

rainy winter months, pore pressure bui Ids up in the potential landslides because ground water percolates into the outwash but cannot escape through the lokebeds. Excessive pore

Robert J. Carson JeffreyJ. Gryta


By J . Eric Schuster

As you probably know from the news media and past issues of this newsletter, geothermal

energy, the heat of the earth's interior, is receiving more and more attention in the United States .

Geothermal energy may provide substantial amounts of electrical power, and many industria l ,

agricultural, and residentia l uses in the future. Since January 1, 1974, most federal lands in the

western United States hove been open for geothermal leasing applications. The following written

communication, from the United States Bureau of Land Management, Portland, Oregon, and the

mop on the facing page show areas for which geothermal lease applications have been received to

June 1, 1974, and present the tentative priorities for development of geothermal areas on federal

land in Washington and Oregon.


The Oregon State Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has developed, in co­operation with other agencies, a list of tentative priorities for developing Geothermal Resources in Oregon and Washington on lands admi nistered by the Federal Government. These agencies include the U.S . Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Oregon Depart­ment of Geology and Minera l Industries, and Washi ngton Division of Geology and Earth Resources.

The localities below cover genera l geographical areas which may contain noncompetitive geothermal lease applications and competitive Known Geothermal Resource Areas (KGRA1s).

1. Vale 11 . Harney Lake 2. Paulino Mountains 12. Summer Lake 3 . Crump Geyser 13. McCredie Hot Springs-Maiden Peak 4. Klamath County 14. Belnap Hot Springs 5. Alvord Desert-Lake 15. Carey Hot Springs 6. Skamania County 16. Cow Lake 7. Breitenbush Hot Springs 17. Mt. Baker-Carlton 8. Lakeview 18. Washington scattered [areas] 9. Mt. St. Helens Beulah Reservoir-Bully Creek

10. Glass Buttes 19. Mt. Hood-Glacier Peaks-Newberry Crater

[Underlined areas are in Washington. Numbers correspond to mop numbers on the facing page.]

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0 R £



TO JUNE l, 1974

Legend I 8 Known Geothermal Resource Area

• Geothermal Lease Application

Map courtesy of U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Portland, Oregon

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The order of priority was established on the basis of the following criteria: (o) Geologic Setting, (b) Replies to questionnaires sent to Industry, (c) Information from the Oregon Deportment of Geology and Mineral Industries, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, and U.S. Forest Service, (d) State of completion of the BLM Bureau Planning System for the planni ng unit or units involved on lands adminis­tered by the BLM, (e) Land Status and Mineral Ownership.

This tentative priority list was established on the best technical information available at this time [June 11, 1974]. It is subject to revision due to improved geologic information, revised industry preferences, or coordination with and input from other agencies.

The sequence in which these geographical areas appear reflects the order of processing and envi ronmentol consideration and does not necessori ly reflect the order leasing wi 11 occur. In the process of environmental consideration through the Environmental Analysis Record and if necessary the Environmental Impact Statement, it may be found that geo­therma l leasing cannot be allowed in all or port of any of the designated areas. Where geothermal leasing can be permitted, special protective lease stipulations will be devel­oped and areas of no surface occupancy identified.


We join with many other individuals in our expression of sorrow in the untimely death of Dr. Roald Fryxell, of the Anthropology Department at Washington State University. Apparently, he was on his way to the WSU Lind Coulee archeology site near Warden at the time of the one-car fata I accident.

Dr. Fryxell's discovery of the ske letal remains of the ancient Marmes Man in south­east Washington in 1968 gave him great pres­tige in the scientific world. Carbon dating established that the Marmes Man existed over 10,000yearsago-the oldest well-documented human remains discovered in the Western Hem­isphere. Dr. Fryxel I was also one of the first American scientists to examine soi I samples from the moon, while he was serving as a mem­ber of the NASA lunar preliminary examina­tion team. Roaldwas a tireless, patient worker and a man of many interests. His friends and colleagues, as well as the profession, wil I miss him.

His wife He len, son Tom, and daughter Jenny live at the family home in Pullman. His parents are Dr. and Mrs. Frittiof Fryxe ll of Rock Island, Illinois.


Frxyell, on the right, with colleague examing fragments of Mormes skul I

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After 41 years with American Smelti ng and Refining Co . , Keith Whiting reti red on June 30, 1974. He graduated with a deg ree in geo logy from the University of Wa shington, and in 1933 began his career with the com­pany in Wa llace, Idaho . After serving as chief geo logist of Asorco 1s Northwestern Min­ing Deportment from 1946 until 1951, Keith transferred to Solt Lake City as explo ration engineer . In 1953, he o pened the Toronto office for the Canadian section of the oom ­pony, ondin 1961, openedthenewofficein Vancouver, B.C. Spokane was his next des­tination, where in 1966 he opened the pres­ent office.

Keith plans to remain in Spokane and do some consulting work . He wi 11 oonti nue to serve as a member of our division 1s Geol ­ogy and Mineral Industry Advisory Commi ttee .

Dr . John C . Bolla i s the new supervisor for Asorco 1s office in Spokane . He earned his doctorate in geologica l engineering at the University of Arizona. Before joining Asarco at Tuscon in 1971, Dr. Bolla worked fo r Bear Creek Mining Co., a subsidiary of Kennecott Copper Co .


Ha l J. Kelly, U.S. Bureau of Mines Liaison Officer for the State of Washington, retired on June 30, 1974, oompleting 30 years with the Bureau, all in Washington and Oregon. Ha l will oontinue in his present capacity for about one month unti I the arri val of his replacement, J. R. Welch. Bob Welch, is a native of Wenatchee and a graduate of Washington State University in mining engi­neering . He has worked in Israel, Africa, and Nepal, and prior to moving to Washing­ton, D. C., was with the Bureau of Land Management in Portland, Oregon, for 12 years .

The liaison program was started by Dr . E. F. Osborn in 1970, when he became di ­rector of the Bureau of Mi nes. The primary purposes of the liaison offices are to conduct al I of the Bureau 's business that con best be acoomplished at the local leve l, to i nsure

participation of appropriate state agencies in actions of mutua l concern, and to serve as p rimary pub Ii c contacts . In carryi ng out this mission, the liaison officer works closely with many state agencies in addition to those di­rectly concerned wi th mining. He monitors state and federa l legislation that may i n­fluence the mining industry, and serves as on observer of trends and developing prob lems in the industry.

While we were talking to Hal about his reti rement, he said, 11 1n my 4 years in this assignment one of my most pleasant experi­ences has been working with the cooperative and highly effective Division of Geology and Earth Resources. 11 Ha l1s work as the USBM Liaison Officer has increased our very satis­factory relationship with the USBM . We sha ll miss him.


Many persons ask us about Marshal I Huntting, who served as our division super­v isor before Ted Livingston. Marshall retired on June 30, 1971, after 30 year's service. Whi le he was with the division he made many friends, and they often ask us, 11What is Marshall doing these doys? 11


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Well, we talked to Marshall today at his ranch in Silver Creek, in Lewis County. It's raining some, and he has4 acres in ber­ries. The raspberries are about ready and a little sunshine would help the crop. Marshall has 230 acres on his form, partly farm land (with 10 acres in filberts) and partly trees. He also has 45 head of beef cattle.

Marshall hod been living in Olympia until this spring while he was building his new home on the ranch; he and his wife Martha are permanently at home now in Silver Creek. Marshall sti II fi nds time to do some consulting work occasionally.


Dr. John G. Bond, professor of geology at the University of Idaho College of Mines in Moscow, has been app:,inted acting dean replacing Dr. Rolland R. Reid. Dr . Reid re­signed as dean and director of the Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology to return to full­time teaching at the University.

Dr. Bond holds a bachelor's degree in geology from the University of Idaho and master's and doctor's degrees from the Uni­versity of Washington.



Doniel Meschter, mining engineer for the U • .S . Forest Service, wi II work out of the Forest Supervisor's office in Wenatchee be­ginning J uly 22. He was formerly stationed in the regional office in Portland.



Under a 3-year rotating chairmanship system, Dr. Eugene P. Kiver stepped down as chai rmon of the geology department at EWSC, and Dr. Martin D. Mumma began his tenure as chairman on June 24. Among Dr. Kiver1s 6

notable accomplishments whi le acting as chairman was the begi nning of a master's degree program in geology.

Dr. Mumma, who did his undergraduate and master's degree work at the University of Missouri and earned his doctorate at Louisiana State University, works in the field of paleon­tology and stratigraphy.


Among 45 employees of the Department of Natural Resources that were presented serv­ice awards by Commissioner Cole on June 25th were three members of the Division of Geol­ogy and Earth Resources.

Wayne S. Moen, geologist, and William H. Reichert, librarian,received 15-year awards; and Laura Bray, editor, received her 10-year pin.

Figures released by the U.S . Bureau of Mihes in Information Circular 8642, "Land utilization and reclamation in the mining in ­dustry, 1930-71,t' for the State of Washington in the 42-year period indicate that the com ­bined production of sand and grave I, crushed stone, coal, and clay accounted for over 90 percent of the land used for mining.



Preliminary production figures from the U.S. Bureau of Mines show Washington's min­eral production for 1973 as $117 .8 mi Ilion. This represents an increase of $10.2 over the 1972 production. Metallic minerals showed the greatest increase-about 13 percent, while the production of nonmetal lic minerals increased only 1 percent.

The production of gold, silver, lead, tungsten, and zinc was placed at $7. 149 mil­lion; the production of fuel minerals ( coa l and uranium) amounted to $24 ,482 million; and the production of nonmetallic minerals (mainly

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sand and grovel, stone, and cement) was valued at £86.226 million.

' For comparison purposes , 1973 produc­tion figures for t he major Washington natural resources are as fol lows:

Forest products Agricu lture Hydro power Minerals Fishing (commercial 1972)

$1,371.Smillion $1,700 II

$ 144 " $ 11 7.8 " $95. 9 II


An unusually wet winter and spring hove resulted in numerous landslides throughout the state. These slides caused mill ions of dol lars of damage in the Puget Low land.

One of the most costly sl ides occurred at Poulsbo, on a sea cliff overlooking Liberty Boy. A. large (4 acres) ancient slump, possibly late Pleistocene in age, was reactivated ofte r a. pe~iod of e.xtrem.ely heavy rain. Precipita­tion '. nteract1.ng w1 th geologic factors ployed a mo1or role 1n the reactivation of this s li de . A storm drain emptying directly on the head scarp of the slide may also ho ve added a greater than normo I amount of water to the sl ide block . The slump mass moved about 4 feet in January and February. This amount of offset does not seem excessive, but it was enough to make the 32- un it Liberty View Apa rtm_ent building (three stories high) 1 which was bu1 It across the slide scarp, a total loss. Damage to the apartment bui I ding was assessed at about S330, 000. Other costs for damages to and protection of utilities were as fo llows:

Repair and reroute water main $ 81 625 . '

Reroute phone lines (approximate ly) 20 000 Repair streets, curbs, gutters, and '

stabilize·slide Reroute power line (approximately)


100,000 8,000


This approximate figure gives on indi­cation of the large costs that con result from the movement of a relatively smal l slide in a developed area.

Mackey Smith


The Division of Geology and Earth Re­sources has received a grant from Clark County to do environmenta l mapping throughout the county . Clark County is one of the faster growing counties in Washington State and has asked for pertinent geologic i nfonnation for use in thei r land use planning .

Division geologists will prepare three geologic factor mops of the county. These mops wi II show landslides and slope stability r

mineral resources, and geo logic factors per­taining to construct ion and engineering.

The landslide and slope stabili ty mop wi II show areas of ancient and historica l landsliding, as well as delineating present­day landslides. Areas that may be unstable due to geologic conditions will also be out-Ii ned. The mineral resource mop wi II provide the county with information pertai ning to aggregate deposits as well as other mi nero l deposits. The third map wi II be a combi na­tion of factors relating to construction . The map wi 11 delineate the areas where ground fa i lure ond(or) differentia I settlement may occur from ground shaking by man-caused vibrations or seismic events, and will also show bedrock ri ppabi Ii ty in areas where the bedrock is exposed o r near the surfa ce.

The project wi II start this fa II and con­tinue through next summer . These maps wi II provide Clark County with use ful tools for p lanni ng througho ut the county.

Allen Fiksdal


Hanna Min ing Company of Cleve land hos signed on agreement to purchase the Foote Mi nera l ferrosil icon and silicon metal plant at Rock Island, near Wenatchee, in Douglas County. The p lant was bui It during World War 11 end consequent ly is not in compliance with air quality standards. It is Hanna's in­tent to hove the required pollution- contro l equipment installed by July of 1975.

The Wallace Miner reports that the plant wi 11 cont inue to produce both ferrosi li-


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con and silicon metal, but that the production will be for use in Hanna's nickel smelters and not for commercial sale.

Reaction to the sale expressed by local leaders has been favorable. The area wi II re­tain a much needed payroll and the air pc l lu­tion problem associated with the o Id plant wi II be cleaned up.


The operations of the Western Field Operation Center, R. N. Appling, Jr., chief, and the Mining Research Center, George B. Wallace, research director, ore both located in the new U.S. Bureau of Mines office building in Spokane. Designed by the bureau, this is the first combining of these centers in the United States. Their new address is E. 315 Montgomery, Spokane, WA, 99207 .


According to WORLD OIL (June 1974), Lone Star Producing Company reached a depth of 31,441 feet in their Bertha Rogers 1 well in Oklahoma. The well wi II be plugged and abandoned below a depth of 14,000 feet.


The failure of the Land Planning bi II to pass the U.S. House of Representatives has been viewed with considerable consternation by the various envi ronmento[ groups and some legislators of similar interests. As for myse lf, when the bi 11 failed to muster the necessary votes to poss, I breathed a sigh of relief. Some land planning is necessary to protect one 1s rights; however, invariably it seems that when the rights of one person are being protected, the rights of someone else are sometimes being trampled on. Because of this, l believe that planning or land use de­cisions are best mode by people at the local lev.el, rather than by a remote governing body, 8

3,000 miles away. The local groups ore the most familiar with the problems of a particular area and their possible solutions. They are also accountable and have to face their peers when decisions ore mode; this tends to make them more thoughtful than if they make their decisions by remote control.

In reviewing the various pieces of land use legislation that hove been considered by the U.S. Congress and the state legislatures, I was impressed that the bi Its were, at least to me, excessively inclusive; they included provisions to force planning of enormous tracts of land (states and counties, or large fractions the reof) without regard to whether these meas­ures were justified. It's a very difficult thing to foresee the future and develop a plan that will be usable 5 years hence. It's more logi­cal to develop planning as the need arises, and this con best be done at the local level . I'm not convinced that the people of King County know what is best for the people of Stevens County, for instance; nor that the people of Okanogan County know what is best for the town of Twisp. The more our reg­ulatory activities con be implemented at the loca l level, the better off we are, because those regulatory activities wi II more nearly fit the actual need that exists.

I guess my problem is that I con see no compel ling reason for a federal land use plan­ning act . The states- at least Washington State-ore beginning to take the initiative in land use planning, and more and more counties ore developing comprehensive p lans that meet their specific needs. It seems to me that whether a county chooses to base part of its economy on some type of ind ustry or not is the business of the people of that county. What a happy place this old world would be if people would learn correct principals and live by them, and stop trying to gain an ad­vantage over the next guy by developing o plan to control him.

Ted Livingston

11When your ty,ouhZes get you dou)n, remember', a diamond is only a piece of coal that has been ha:t>d pressed for a Zang time. "

Triassic VaZZey Bulletin

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The Division of Geology and Earth Resources Symposium on "Geology and Land Planni ng

Development" was held on Mo rch 26- 27, 1974. Ernest Artim , chairman, hos completed his re ­

view of the video tapes. Copies of the following tapes ore now ava i lable to the pub Ii c: Time

Title Speaker (minutes)

Study of Landforms

Seismic Hazards

Methods Used for the Detection and Mapping of Landsli des

Landslide Studies- A Team Effort of Geologist and Engineer

Ground Water Resources and the Effect Upon Planning and Development

Land Use Planning and Development Around Seismic Haza rds

Norman R. Anderson University of Puget Sound Tacoma, Washington

Lloyd S . Cluff Woodward- Lundgren and Associates Oakland, Cal i forn ia

Gerald W. Thorsen Division of Geology and Earth Resources Olympia, Washington

L. Keith Bestwick Shannon and Wi Ison Seatt le, Washi ngton

Bruce L. Foxworthy U. S . Geological Survey Tacoma, Washington

Charles L. Taylor Woodward-Lundgren and Associates Oakland, California







Copies of the video tapes may be checked out from the Washington State Li brary for a

period of two weeks. Inquiries about pennanent copies may be directed to the Department of

Natural Resources, Public Information Office, O lympia, 98504, phone: (area code 206) 753- 6663.


The fo llowing meetings were attended by various members of our staff recently.

Approaches to Envi ronmental Geo logy, pre­sented by the Bureau of Eco nomic Geology at the University of Texas, in Austin. Mackey Smi th, staff geo logist , attended on May 13-14.

Geothermal Regulations, Geothermal Re­sources Counci I Special Short Course No . 2, held on May 23- 24, 1974, i n Son Francisco. Donald M . Ford attended.

Expo '741s Conference on Energy, held in cooperation with the National Science


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Foundation, in Spokane. Vaughn E. Livingston, Jr., attended on May 26-29.

Association of American State Geologists, in Bend Oregon. Attended by Vaughn E. Livingston, Jr., and Dona Id M. Ford on June 8-14.


Two map-type reports, by Garold G. Parker, Jr., were recently made available to the public by the U. S. Geo logical Survey.

Public Water Supply in the Seottle­T a coma Urban Complex and Adjacent Areas, Washington

Urbanized. Areas Served by Sewers and Septic Tanks in the Seattle­Tacoma Urban Complex and Adjacent Areas, Washington

The reports ore the third and fourth in a series that defines hydro logic conditions in these areas. The four mop-sheet reports are ovoi lab le without charge from the U.S. Geo­logical Survey, Water Resources Division, 1305 Tacoma Ave. S. 1 Tacoma, WA 98402.



(New maps received in Division of Geology and Earth Resources Library since Apri l 1, 1974)


Amboy Anatone Birch Point Black Butte Cliffdell Glenwood Hudson Creek Lawrence Milk Canyon Mount Adams East Nile Piscoe Meadow Tieton Trout Lake Weissenfels Ridge White River Park Windy Point

Latitude Longitude (indicates southeast corner)



48°52 130 11

46°00'00 11



46°52'30" 48°45100'' 46°4510011

46°07'30" 46°4510011

46°22'30" 46°37'30" 46°0010011






122°45100 11

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121 °00100 11

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121 °00100 11


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121 °30100 11



Clark, Cowlitz Asotin Whatcom Asotin Yakima, Kittitas Yakima, Kl ickitat Kittitas, Yakima Wha tcom Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Skamania, K Ii cki tat, Yakima Asotin Pierce, Yakima Yakima


Wenatchee sheet, 47° Latitude, 120° Longitude, 1957 edition, revised 1971.

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Aerial Photography completed. Information available from Western Mapping Center, U. S. Geo logical Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, or Map Information O(fioe, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington. D. C . 20244 .

Basic horiiontal .ind vertical control surveys completed . Dc.,criptions and una(ljusled coordi­notes and/or elevations are available. Price is S0ce111sfore•ch l5•minulc quadrnni:le horizon Lal or vertical control list. Sec N otcs.

Prints of manuscripts compiled from ncrinl pho· lographs a re available at 75 cen ts each.

Field monning and checking completed. One· color unedited advance print.<, with names an d SCC· Lion corner data, are, available for 75 cenlS each.

Final drafting complclcd. Parlfally ediled one· co lor advance prinls available for 75 cent~ Cilch. (If shaded, sec explanation below) .

I Shaded areas indicate that maps have been publishe.: al 1:62,SOO-sc.ale ONLY. However, I :24.000-scalc prints in 7 .5-m inulc uni ls, with approprialc accuracy and contour interval. are and will rema[n available. Each such print is 75 cc,u,, or SJ for prints coverin& a comple111 I S-mlnute quad rangle.


I. Requests for al l advance materials ihould be sent to Western Mapping Center, U.S. Geo­lQgica lSurvcy, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Payment in exact amount should accompany order and may be made by check or money order, payable lo U. S, Geological Survey. Plcascdonotsend sUmps. NO D ISCOUNT ALLOWED.


owau.w111. ~..l...-' r-1,- r::::1 I> 11.. -·-·

2. In orde ring material, or requesting informa· lion, mark the area of interest OO' this index andforwarditwithyourordcr. A new copy of the index will be returned for your future use.


Maps published since la lest edilion I NOV. 1,m 1 of Sales Index to published maps.

Sales lndu ""'ii able free. P ublished maps uail­abl cml 75 cents each from U.S. Geolo,tlcal Suney, DtnY<r Ulslribulion S ection, ~·eden I Center, Bldg. 41, Den,er, CO 80225, nd Oislribution Section, U. S. Geological Suney, J200 South Eads St., Arlinglon, VA 22202. On an order amounting lo S300 o r more at lhe Hsi price, a JO-percent discoun t ii allowed; no other di~counl is applicable. Remittance may be ma_de by check or money order payable lo the U. S. Gi,ologieal Suney.

Status of new topographic mapping in Wash ington, April 1, 1974

Page 12: WASH INGTON GEOLOGIC NEWSLE TTERfile.dnr.wa.gov/publications/ger_washington_geology_1974_v2_no3.pdf · wash ington geologic newsle tter july1974 bert l. cole volume2 -number 3 commissioner

Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Earth Resources Olympia, WA 98504



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