washington herald. (washington, dc) 1906-11-21 [p...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD NOVEMBER 21 1906 WEDNESDAY I IR- it Fire Sweeps Tomiiii Worces- ter Comity ffil SLEEPING YOUTH LOSES Explosion of Turpentine or Powder Starts Blaze thai Caiiiibl Be Gotten mler Control for Five Hours LOSH- I Estimated at 00000 with but Little Insurance f Special to The Wubinctotf Herald Snow Hill Md Nov 29 The town of Stockton Worcester County Md about nine miles below Snow Hill on the Dela- ware Maryland and VIrginia Railroad was viaited by a early this morning which destroyed every business house in the town except the Stockton Building One young man lost his tee About ten oclock a terrific explosion curred in the storehouse of P E Wharton Son tearing out one end of the and setting fire to it Asleep in a room of the storehouse was Clarence Parsons a clerk who burned to death The flames spread rapidly and soon the entire population of about 408 people were working hard with buckets of water to stop thstr progress and save their homes Only One Builrtlnpr Escapes The flames leaped from one business house to another sad with an incred- ible time every store shop hotel and other business house was consumed ex- cept the bank building which 1 con- structed of brick The explosion from which the nre originated hi supposed to have been that of a barrel of turpentine powder When it occurred Justice of the Peace W O Payne was sitting in his office next to Whartons store He was thrown from his chair and the bottdfar was shaken as if by an bufldtags were burned etUaQtaf a loss of J6IOOQ with only a smalt Jmmv ance Those who lost by the Are are P E Wharton A Sum storehoos and stock Store occupied by W O Payiie eorifee tioner owned by Z P Whmrttm- Ktrg B Johnson barber shop Whartons aranery L J Houston ft Son store and stock of goods Z P Whartoa storehouse formerly oc- cupied by F T Taylor Ttylnr Powell dwetthighouat woo A S Bromtey stahtea- K J Duer hotel Storehouse occupied sy Harry Skoektay owned by E J Duer James Smack storehouse Storehouse occupied by MJse E D t eas a millinery store owned by J Smack Dwelling and shop occupied by W H irturgis owned by James Smack M B Paradise storehouse aad dwel- ling A S Bromley storehouse arid stock of foods Checked After Five hours The fire was checked after SIn hours it burned southward at the residence i f Mrs Nancy Burbaee which buiUtna was saved by the bucket brigade The flames were stopped north at the Link building and west after they had destroyed the handsome hotel butMtas of E J Duer The people are determined to rebuild their places of business and friends will islst those who have been almost ruined by the fire Mr Parsons who lost his life ha an up ptr room of the Wharton store was no doubt either so badly stunned by the ex- plosion as to render him unconscious or h j was killed outright His remains have uoi been found He was about twenty thret years old Z P Wharton Is one of the heaviest L rs and bad little insurance Mr Wharton Is a man of considerable means arid is well known throughout the State as a member of the state board of educa- tion GRAND JURY FINDS 50 BILLS Malics Little Progress Investigating LaytonKvIIle Poisoning Case SJvvcittl to The Wwhictfoo Herald Rockville Aid Nov MTne grand jury for this county reported fifty Indict- ments into court this afternoon one of which contained twentyfour counts This indictment Is selling liquor The parties in jail here against whom jrdictments have been brought will ap I eur in court tomorrow morning and their cases wffl be set for trial The criminal docket will be taken up Thurs- day So far there has been but one witness b fore the grand jury to give evidence in arson and poisoning cases at Lay tonsvllle The stales attorney Is experi- encing considerable trouble finding wit res who wilt tell anything about the iifTair It has been learned that the indictment against the Chevy Chase Club which was found time past will not be tried at Lie coming term The case has- h n the terms of which are kept secret Col Joseph II Sherratl Is Dead Special to The WaafetoRtAB ncnVL Lexington Va Nov 31 Col Joseph H Sherrard aged seventyone years died here today He was a son of Judge Jo- seph H Sherrard of Winchester He a lieutenant in Company H Eleventh Virginia Cavalry and later was a mom bor of the Stonewall brigade He repre- sented KockbrMge Bath anti HhjhlanJ counties in the Virginia State senate m the early eighties His funeral will take place tomorrow morning at R E Lee Memorial Episcopal Church George IV Kyi or Is Dead Bjwial The Wuhtagun Hcnu- aHagerstown Md Nor aGe W- Eyler superintendent of the American Ie Company is dead at Waynesboro eleven miles north of Hagerstown from Brights disease aged sixtyseven years Mr Eyler had charge of the plants in Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York aM Atlantic City He had his headquarters in Baltimore Fire at Clmmlicrrfbnrs l cial to The Wtshinftoa BeaM Hagerstown Md Nov 3DA terse livery stable was destroyed and four horses and two ponies perished during a destructive at Chambersburg thi looming The fire department worked for several hours before the fire was under control The blaze is believed to have been of incendiary origin The lose is partially covered by insurance Fireman Killed in Roundhouse Special to WMhinQaa HnmU Roanoke Va Nov 2 Goprge Robert son a Norfolk and Western fireman was killed at Radford tonigfit white backing his engine Into a roundhuse He was twentytwo years old and married Remains of SeaTjury Brought BRC Lynchburg Va Nov 30 Tht remain of W J Seabury who died se W dy ago at l enver Ool where lie twat a month s to staking relief from tuber BV losis reacacd htro today STOCKTON IN ASHES fire Bank bulldng waG or a kee or A cup d for the some settled vas t fire The earthquake- S xteen Joe I i S g 4 k ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > INDICTED VOTEBFJESTG Two Dorchester RepnlilicnnM Made to Feel Severity of Low Spirit to The WnMnftcm H tmU t Cambridge Md Nov 2 Whea grand Jury met at Cambridge on of last week Judge Henry Lloyd In tracted It to investigate any charges bribery which migljt brought before it The Jury in pursuance of Judge Utfya instruction etteh charges were brought to its attention with remit that Indictments were against two prominent Republican of Vi- enna a town of several hundred inhabi- tants in Upper Dorchester eighteen mike from Cambridge While many persons are anxtoos to see rotebuying done away with it is likely that a very strong sentiment the punishment of these two will be found to exist in any section of the coun- ty So many persons have bought votes in Dorchester that there will he found a goodly number who will deplore making of on or two while the rest go free KEEP ELOPEMENT SECRET Baltimore Conple Wait Two Years Before Announcing Marriage Special to The Waaatoetm Herald Baltimore Md Nov SflLMarried lot two years Warren Tatum Fox 21 North Strieker street and BeuUh Kaldenbach daughter of Mrs Annie C tfoMenbach l West Fayette street have Just an- nounced the fact All this tune the union has been a secret not even oonnded- to their most intimate friends They are now Hvlna at home of the young mans parents Young Fox has Just attained his ma- jority and east his first vote at the mel election His bride is two years his Junior They were nineteen and seven- teen respectively when they eloped to York Pa and were married RATS KEEP GUARDS AWAKE Night Watchmen in Agriculture Building Are Disturbed Rodent Overrun Building at SIght mid One Man In Bitten While He Asleep Night watchmen in the AgrfetxUatral Da yartment BofMio are com9lsJtiv lately fecaase of the fact that bs- eoane so numerous sail so that their slvmbers disturbed Some time a o several old frame build bsjs owned by the government were torn own These structures are said to have been alive with rats and driven from their home they were compelled to seek the nearest quartets And the nearest quarters happened to be the Agricultural Department building The rodents lye en the remains of the lunches of the ployes One watchman fell asleep the other sight and during his slumbers one of his arms fell to the The result was that he was awakened suddenly by a bite on the hand He was startled to behold a which he declares was near- ly as large as the ortmary house cat For a time it was feared the watchman who had been asleep at the switch and Contrary to the orders of his captain qiight suffer m attack ot Wood pomson- Ing but bAa wa carefully nursed and he baa fully recovered The rats simply take charge of the Agricultural Building at night It is salt that they scamper about the halls all night long The watchmen say one must be a sound sleeper to withstand all the noise created by the playful and hungry rat It is only occasionally when one of them Is restless and cannot sleep so tt seems that the rats are seen by watchmen But the trusty night man seen them and there are so ninny of the pests it is impossible that the depart ment officials will make an to rid the place of them Not for the benefit of the night watchman but the bulktlng and its contents Several years ago fer- rets were introduced to scare away the rats SMOKE NUISANCE TO END Railroad ISncincH Come Under Dan of New Baltimore Ordinance Special to Tka Waihtaetaa IferakL Baltimore Md Nov 30 The erect of the antismoke ordinance which has bees signed by Mayor Timanua is to prohibit Ute discharge of black or dark gray smoke from the chimneys or smokestacks of every kind of building or engine the city except from those stacks or chimneys belonging to buildings devoted exclusively to manufacturing It means that the railroad companies whose loco- motives are such prolific contributors to the smoke nuisance must adopt some method to prevent the escape of smoke from their engines Members of the AnU Smoke League declare that they will see that the ordinance is strictly enforced Penitentiary Matron Dies varieS to The WMhtegb lIe Richmond Va Nov 30 Mrs Lavinia- S Page who has been matron of the State Penitentiary since the poattion wag created in J died last night Site was a woman of refinement and ia a great way worked very salutary reforms In the treatment of woman prisoners In the Vir- ginia Penitentiary 3Ir AVarfielil Rapidly Improving special to The WwMnstoo Mould Annapolis Md Nov 38 Mrs WarfteM wife of the governor who has been for the last two is now to an improved condition Mrs WatSenl has been suffering from an injury to a limb sustained about a month ago by striking it against a step and she has been under treatment of a physfean ever since FrcilerlclJHbursGirl a Bride Sawfel to The WubtegUw Ifenld FrederIcksburg Va Nov ML J Ctto toa Fanner of Henrlco County and Bessie D Way of this city were mar- ried this evening at the residence of the oOdating minister Rev R Aubrey WllWaras of the Baptist Church Thomas Lam Soon to Be Tried Harrisonburs Va Nov 3ft Thomas Lam eharged with killing IIi cousin Frank P Henstey was committed today to the grand Jury by a magistrate He will be indicted next Saturday and tile trial will probably take place during the present term of court Mrs John Pcndlcton Is Dead Fredericksburg Va Nov JtMrs John Pendleton died yesterday at her home in Spotsylvania County of asthia aged years Several children survive her Always the same Tharps Pure 118 F St N W Phone Main 114 Special Private Delivery be InvestIgated a the I rata aft emi floor rat effort with- In Weeks J Berkeley Rye i FOR a n Was large are ban tIeS in- disposed Miss ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Alexandria Car Derailed But Passengers Escape COMPELLED TO WALK TO OITY Solilicr Charged with Theft Turned Over to Comntaniler at Fort Hunt by City Authorities Ferry Steamer Helplessly Drifts In Fog Visited Ashbnrn Lodsc Alcxanilrla News WASllIXOTOX HXRALD UOUEAU lieU Tabtstesa nil Comer at Pre eat Itofal Stnabs Alexandria Va Nov 3 Owing it is said to an Improperly turned switch a northbound train which left Alaxandrla at 2i oclock tide morning over the Washington Alexandria and Mount Vr ROn electric line was derailed about a hundred yards south of the new High- way Bridge Although the train was travettns rapidly at the time of tho ac- cident the motorman succecdod in stop- ping it within thirty yards of the place where It left the track No one was but many of the passengers were shaken and considerably excited Most of those on the train were compelled to walk the remainder of the distance to Washington A wrecking crew re- placed the cars on the track this after- noon and they were taken to the shops at Four Mite Run for repairs Conduc- tor Charles W Simpson ac4 Motorman Enoch Davis were In charge of the train Soldier Turned Over to Olllcer Alva Tburman a private of tho Forty Seventh Coast Artillery U S A who was arrested at Port Hunt a few days ago and brought here to await an exam- ination on the charge of having stolen a valuable sold watch chain and charm hi addition to some money was today turned over to the commanding ofltcer at Fort Hunt The owner of the property said to be O B Wheeler of New York refused to prosecute Steamer Helpless in Fog Shortly after the lacy steamer han had left her dock here for the DOOR trip to Washington an accident occurred to her machinery which left her practical- ly helpless in the tog Two tugs went to her assistance and many of the pas- sengers were taken by the BartholdL The tugs finally managed to brine the Callahan to one of the King street wharves In order to repair dam- ages she Win probably be out of commis- sion for several days during which tints her place on the route will be taken by the Woodbury Before the CaHaban was returned to the wharf she went aground and some ditnculty was experienced hi- fioatins her It is stated that the trouble was due to a break in the rudder Visited Ashbnrn CoL K Kemper grand master of Masons in Virginia accompanied by Wil- liam A Moore Jr past master of Alex- andria Washington Lodge of this city paid an omciai visit last night to Ash burn Lodge No 388 at Aattwra J J Green D D G H P of district 3o 1 assisted test evening m the tataitittton of Loudoua Royal Arch Chanter No SS at Leesburg A large gathering attended the third progressive euchre party under the au- spices of tile Council of Jewish Women held this evening in Lyceum The proceeds of the affair will be devoted to Charitable purposes A settlement out of court bees reached in the suit of Cspt Fountain Beatty against the Washington South- ern Railway Company for damages for personal injuries alleged to have bees sustained in a runaway accident said to have been caused indirectly by a sudden blast from a locomotive Arrangements have been completed for the meeting to be held tomorrow even- ing In Laanons Opera House la the of the public schools of this city The gathering will be under the auspices of the State board of education sad will be addressed by several prominent per sons DR A E DICKINSON IS DEAD Editor of the Religious Herald nnd Widely Known Minister- S dal to TIle Wa uajtaa IlenM Richmond Vs Nov Rev Dr A B Dickinson one of the most known ministers In the Southern Baptist Church and for many years editor of the Reli- gions Herald died today He has been in feeble health for some years He was seventysix years old and was a graduate of Richmond Celiega and of the University of Virginia He was a native of Orange County and held his first charge In Chartotteevlne fifty years ago Later he became pastor of Leigh Street Baptist Church in this city In connection with Dr J B Jester he made the Religious Herald one of the ablest and moat widely known of the re- ligious journeis He was married three tlmeg Ids first wife being Miss Fannie Taylor daughter of Dr James B Taylor Born of them were James T Dickinson D D pastor of the First Baptist Church Rochester N Y Mrs Fannie Torlan and Rinse Nellie and Janle Dickinson His second wife was Miss Lou Crad dock of Halifax whose only child Halite Dickinson A few years ago he married Miss Bessie Bagby of King and Queen County who survives him HALTS NEAR BRIDGE f I in- Jured u oil Lodge In- terest widely j t laM has I a- Miss ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ RAILROAD MEN NOT READY Conference with Swanson About R- P P Presidency Adjourns Richmond Va Nov 20 The railroad officials who came her today for a con ference with Gov Swanson and the State officials in connection with the appoint- ment of a president for the Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad asked for more time and the meeting was adojurned until December 10 Those present were President Walters of the Atalntlc Coast LIne President George W Stevens of the Chesapeake and Ohio and Samuel Rea third vice president of the Pennsylvania Dr James IV Massey Married Special to The TOMUagtoa Herald Frederickburg Va Nov 2i Antloch Baptist Church in Orange County was the scene of a pretty wedding today when Miss Rattle Biscoe daugrter of Mr and Mrs J 1L BKscoe of Granite Springs Spottsylvania County of asthia aged of Dr James W Massey of the same county Rev Charles E Saunders forming the ceremony Mrs Iloclcman Away Winchester Va Nov 29 Mrs Bar- bara J Hockman wife of William A Hockman of Bartonsvlile died last night a long illness aged fortysix Mrs Hockman was a daughter of John E of Kernstown and a sister of Rev H Copp of Washington She Is sur by her husband two sons daughters Speelal to TIle lie passes CO an three Waebtatoa IlakL pet tved ¬ ¬ ¬ i SLAYER OF SON FACES JURY Israel Monggoltl Smiles as He to Murder Charge Sped to Tk WatactaB 1IKH- Harrisonburg Va Nov 89 Israel Monggold the aged slayer of his son Casper Monggold In Brock Gap forty miles northwest of Harrisonburg two months ago was placed on trial today in the Circuit Court of Bocklnham The ontlre day was spent in examining the aliftcaUons of Jurors to try the case and it was not until late in the evening that a panel was secured The indictment was read as the gray headed old man stood before the clerks deck He remained unmoved by the charge against him spat on the floor as the clerk finished reading the charge and sat down with a smile No evidence will be taken until tomorrow The crime was committed the latter part of last August at the home of Mong gold who is one of the wealthiest men in that section of the country The boy was barricaded In the house with the dead body over night until he surrendered to a posse He admitted Ills crime and has since been in JaiL He is sixtynine years of age SHOOTS NEGRO AT WOODPILE Thief Reached for lib Gun but Owner of Fuel Got First Shot to The UMWojto Herald Culpeper Nov 30 John Burgam alias William Craig shot and instantly killed Edward Lewis near Eggborins Va in this county late last evening Craig caught Lewis In the act of steal- ing his wood and on being encountered Lewis made i ly to shoot Craig but the latter shot irst Craig directly after killing came to town and surrender- ed to the county sheriff grand jury being in session it heard the evidence with the result that Craig was discharged Both are negroes Lewis had a bad repu tation in his neighborhood TO CONFER WITH EMPLOYERS Building Trades Journeymen Go Slow in Plumbers Case DelcsratcN Go on Record Against the Opcn Shop but Defer Taking Definite Action The following moons and anted ease cJaUons win moot today BattaoT IMw 2 SKAT SsMBta Least lien tatta at PSM JNMBI Multi awl Qttts Tattrtir SW f- awthvwt Oota Xa Ml sauMi TtMjsa BWa sad Conservative counsel prevailed at Jut nights meeting of the representatives of sixteen building trades who met la the Corcoran building to dtoeucn the fUTe- reoces between the Journeymen plumbers and the Master Plumbers Association Each trade was represented by two delegates every one of whom wont on record as being unalterably opposed to permitting the openshop question to be considered to the matters now before the board of arbitration Before taking any ddteite action It wee agreed to ask a conference with the Mater Sautters Aaorfftiloa The committee is composed of one repre- sentative from each of the sixteen trades allied with the plumbers in the building section Many Vnionintf at Smoker Between three sad tout hundred mem- bers of various labor organisations at tended the smoker given at the National Rifles Armory last night by I U S E Local No 77 Hoisting sod Portable AH gineers A programme of vaudeville in- cluded a liveround sparring contest be- tween Mysterious Don of Michigan and Young Shrier of local fame Refreshments were abundant The af- fair was the third to be given by Local The arrangements were in the hands of n committee composed of James J McCrackra chairman F J Nicole sec- retary J V treasurer James Devlin D J JJ Cosgrove J W King J G Bishop D P McCrack en George Whelan James Goodwin and William H Ratcliffe MAY LAY OFF ONLY 1000 MEN Commander Lentre Expects Wage Board to Report by December ia not true said Capt E H C LeuUe commandant t the navy yard yesterday afternoon that we intend to lay off onehalf of our force here be- tween now and the end of the year It is a mistake It I have been so quoted What I did say was that we are likely to lay off a thousand men within the next three mouths but as we employ about 40M at the navy yard that can hardly be construed as onehalf their number Asked as to recommendations the wage board may make in regard to the increase of pay asked by the machinists Capt Leutxe said that he could not predict the action of the board the three members of which he added are meeting every- day now and will probably complete their labors in this regard about December 15 The commandant declined to state the personnel of the board which is composed of officers appointed himself t shot in back and his father remained Special the The Hall H I lAlla ate lac Ban ha TI Ru bon 1 l- It An- swers the a strait seth- l Wia Xe g Tntdto- Oo5aa Xe I21IO1 sten- a rhai Tai iapnlam as stag uaiteseqtom how- ever Fitzgerald b < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Business Agent Adams of Columbia Lodge No 174 International Association- of Machinists which Is composed almost entirely of navy yard employee is ex ¬ peeled to return today from his tour of Harrisburg Altoona and Philadelphia where he has been collecting data the wage scale cost of living Ac in connection with the industrial plants of cities Thomas S Carroll a member of the committee appointed by Columbia Lodge- to confer with the wage board said yes- terday that while it Is true as Command- ant Leutae has stated that the failure of Congress to make needful will result in the laying off of many employes the fact remains that within the last two years the government has contracted with private for con- siderable work that might have been done at the navy yard at less cost than the contract prices Mr Carroll further de- clared that much ef this contract work has been full of defects TRAINMEFS UNION SCORED Federation of Labor Denounces the Brotherhood as Strikebreakers Minneapolis Minn Nov 200ohn Mitchell president of the United presided over todays session of the American Federation of Labor at which the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen was denounced as a organization and resolutions were adopted recognizing the sovereignty- of the Switchmens Union of North Amer ica as having complete Jurisdiction over railroad yard and switching crews The Coming Home London Nov 20 Ambassador and Mrs Whltefew Reid will sail for New York on December i with the Intention of spend tug the Christmas holidays In America I appropria- tions concerns Reid re- garding those Mine- Workers strike- breaking ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sale You know when we start a sale it means something its a saving of price worth your while to as it comes right before Thanksgiving This Week I considerespecially Special I Oc I P Catsup I Half Pint Bottle t lOc I Red Alaska I Salmon r 1 Oc can A5 Per Package Best Elgin Creamery Butter Lowest Market Price GrapeNuts lOc I Coffee at The household brand for more than ten thousand homes every day The A P Congressional Cof fee is absolutely PURE delicious and comes from the finest old Java and Mocha fresh roasted daily Makes a delicious cup c f coffee and if you have never used it you t really dont know or appreciate good coffee till you do Only at our store One price to all TheaNecfar The famous brand of this pound fully guaranteed A green tea with a blacktea flavor but theres something about the deliciousness of this brand which is not to be found in any other brand Ask any housekeeper what brand of tea she j at least 50 per cent will say TheaKectar 9ur price per pound Great A CML Tea Co Main Store Cor 7th and E Sts N W Branches in all Parts of the City Stands in All Markets ALPHABETICALLY Our Congressional 35e I b Tea houseevery usesand Atlantic Pacific BUSINESS DIRECTORYCL- ASSIFIED IbR AM PM Oc WASHINGTON BAICBRY M HOLZBEIERLEINS FAMOUS BREAD CAKBRATBD CAKES wdcr with joar lo ly- IJAUBBR HERALD SHAVING PARLOR OM 7 l WTII ST X W JW- H A DAVIS Late of Pond BMc rYopr BICYCLE SUNDRIES AND RBPAIRS MENDELL C0T728 7th St NW Ttacn JIB vp P U 8te p B He Fill Uae Xw Toys far tb ChiUtta CAFE AND LUNCH ROOM McCEYSTMS CAFE FMrtMBtli nw tlnt JM Dtatos Fi d GMML DrigMfB- vctjrtbtoc at CORSBTS LA GEECftTIE CORSETS Man auisCHAKD nsi F srwnrr I Cancu k the aateteMam af rtyk AU COXlBCTIOXBR JESSE COOK FOtntTKlXTI ST X W- ay Cnu s s- ttkk srt llUaUbk fruit Cfktt DANDRUFF CURE J K Turners Soalpo Hair Tonic mrs jean All liaJh s r awl bKtea Iito 9k and L P0 Joe MS FANCY S GROCERIE- SS PBXNA AVB N W SUPRRB UOFFCE WINES AND LIQDOR- 8GROCBRS Private Stock Whisky 75c a Quart AWKT nrfltox JAS D DOXNHLLY- IMa and I its aw sod LBnaBcaa atiicaika- iiHIGHGRADC TAILORING A H COOPER TAILOR AND VALJBT- 9SS Kth St N W D a seal auaadon t to U w ails INVALIDS SUPPLIES A J MoKEE CO MMMfKiam laqmtcrs of Hotpltal ani loraW Kaever OoodB OftiMMdle AHdUKM- Tntom o lAdy tt wknt MM F ST X W JEWELER Carl A Doubet 1402 14th St NW Wt CKIJ Urge toe of Cwt Gtus 98vcm re- AH Kinds of IUp rtBS STOP NEW YORK PACKERS oK J8K lIP C have u sad lot maL W HENRY w and sad sad PeIou aM wbe Let rem p om bou thapss ed nno wilt she Wise a > > < Wilson Orders Them to Close Their Slaughterhouses on Sunday Will Refute Them Government In apcctlon and Block Shipments if They Refuse to Comply Notice was sent to the in New York by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson yesterday that unless they close their establishments on Sunday in ac- cordance with State laws they will be denied Federal inspection This would mean that their products could not be shipped In interstate or foreign commerce This action was taken not only as tho result of complaints made by several cler gymen in Now York against the practice of slaughtering cattle on Sunday but the department regulations require- a strict compliance with State laws When the complaints were received from Now York clergymen that cattle were be- ing killed in that city on Sunday Secre- tary Wilson sent a special agent out to make an investigation and report The agent informed him after visit to al- most all the slaughterhouses in New York City that most of them were opened for the killing of cattle on Sunday The packers explained that the Jewish population insisted on kosher moat on Monday morning and that in order to supply It It was necessary to slaughter- on Sunday The agent discovered how ever that twothirds of the cattle led to the slaughter on Sunday were hogs which tended to disprove this claim m be- cause t1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Courtenays Worcestershire Sauce Swifts Silver Leaf Lard 5lb Pail 50c lOc 3lb Pail 30c LADIES TAILORS R ROSS BURT 1233 YOU ST NV- Bfwfctota Saitosttk UfMdfroa CO up We perfect lit guaranteed MARKET SUPPLIES DUPONT MARKET COMPANY K17 PMMU XW DWYER IOOBE Props Oar ComykH Une of MEATS AND PROVISIONS WM TWENTYTHIRD AXD L STS NW XMU UwcertM and Irovfeiom and Y S Speefek MERCHANT TAILOR MORRIS BACHRACH 689 E Xr X D ALTERATIONS CLEANING M PRESSING EXPERT MERCHANT TAILOR G US B ST NW dturi AMcstag Neatly Dons at Short MEXS TAILOR- J T ENGLISH Tailor i FIFTEENTH AXD I ST3 N W or anmttoa made MEVS WEAR SOL HERZOG 1416 14th St N the that WriJdrtswd Man Arrow Brand Collars Meearefa Cost ShIrt iii Jtcat design and panacea MILLINERY ZmMERMANN 616 13th St N W Between F G Sis W hate UK latest fall ned winter tries Modtb re t New York and Paris Camel pries MACHINE SHOPS G W FORSBERG MACHINIST AND BOILER MAKER wharf Etfc sad Water ta s Brazed ORIENTAL GOODS 1423 F St N W PINE PERSIAN RUGS AND VARIETY OK ORIENTAL GOODS ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS M N only CMiwir Oriental Store In Uiriqm designs weares CORNER UTH AXD U STREETS X W OYSTER HOUSE Original Phila Oyster House The oily Philadelphia oyster house serrtes seamed u E SANDS wt UTH ST N w HITCHCOCK ADMITS GRAFT Acknowledges that Somebody In De partmcnt Favored Itailroad Ethan A Hitchcock Secretary of the Interior admitted yesterday that charges had been submitted to him that through alleged favoritism of somebody in au- thority the Union Pacific Railroad Com- pany had come into control of largecoal land holdings in Womlng I am investigating the matter said Secretary Hitchcock and until I get some results I do not care to talk about itIt is understood that there will be In- teresting developments in connection with the Wyoming land frauds In the near It is said the land patents in ques tion were issued to the entrymen who had virtually agreed in advance to relin quish them to the coal company owned or controlled by the Union Pacific It Is alleged that protests were made against the issue of such patents but that they were ignored Forfeits 1500 Ball John C Schlesiager alias John K Mac key who is charged with and larceny was called up for trial In the Criminal Court yesterday Not respond- ing to his name Justice Stafford declared his bail of 1500 forfeited Annie C Plumley appearing as Schlesingers Schlesinger is charged with en- tering the office of dentists in April and May last and stealing quantltes of gold fillings bridge work and other articles used in dentistry Will Remodel Office Building A permit was taken out yesterday for the remodeling of the old house at 1315 New York avenue Into an office building The improvements to the structure are estimated at 12COO Appleton P Clark is named as the architect and T H owner of the property expert tsUous ATe See 1tI CARL Wes Undressed I Street Let MAIER X S W pkee to your PIt 18 the Iiaown and W M SAMARA REmIT A 1l CO- ne W e fu- ture housebreaking se- curity elton Meets Year VORK aol ode N hen dtldag aide W- All Re- es lane tad nate Uth aM J t nw rhoaes Male 151 and 74 Rag ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PILJIB1NG AND HEATING Eugene Bush 1845 7th St N cheap materials POULTRY SUPPLIBS Southern Poultry Supply Company PRINTING THE OLIVERI PRESS HaTe Ne Specfahtco Print Avythtag 92SST F ST X W PHONE MAIN RENTING AGENCY COLUMBIA RENTING AGENCY wed oc wraWMd in all rta of 603 Bta gc N W Gvmod tfeat nSZTaSXH TAILOR H 0 OROSCHIN nor ST N W Cleaning Prewinj The Very at R UMa BUSINESS DIRECTORYB- ANKS ALEXANDRIA NATIONAL BANK Every banking CacUitr oSmd InterMt w wia- cowaU We Matte bwBe kite uM sauH W A SMOOT CO COAL ALEXANDRIA VA IfUY GOODS BENDHEIM HILL WHOLESALE DRY GOODS LUMBER AND MILL WORK HENRY K FIELD CO SASH DOORS FRAMES LUMBER OF ALL KINDS N EtVSPAPERS 3IAGAZINES SHERWOODS STAND REAL ESTATE List Your Del Ray and St Elmo Lots With JOhN D King ant Royal Streets SELECT LOTS UNDER HAMMER Property at Fourteenth and E Sold at 7 a Square Foot Government Probably Will Have to Pny Like Sum for New De imrtment Valuable property fronting on Pours taenth and K streets northwest to the square immediately south of Ptmtsylvaaia avenue was sold at auction ytsterday bringing about 7 square foot The sale was In chancery at tfr order of the Supreme Court of District Adam A Weschler wielding hajamer as agont for Ralph P Barnard Justin Merrill Chamberlain and T Percy May ers trustees of the Ferdinand Butler es- tate Lots 17 and IS at KC and W4 Fourteenth street having a combined frontage of W feet and 76 feet deep were sold to B H Neumeyer and R T Warwick at M sQuare foot Lot 20 premises E street 31 by W feet containing 130 square was sold to Washington Nattor at K a square foot Lot 21 premises 1466 B street M by 16 feet was sold to A B Graham at 5tSO a square foot Much interest attaches to the bidding- in of this property because it 2s this square and the one just south of it that is involved In plaas of the government to erect a new department building to house the Departments of State Justice and Commerce and Labor The prices are considered an index of the values of tho squares the government will take 1 tallta 6 it cell and ma as I wict ud so 9tI B Street 8 P S Pre S S CIlf lOg We mat JQOIU aed w TH 1IIe Pb ALEXANDRIA I AND NOTION DLLBIIS 119121 S Jaifax K a 1 NEWS n far eT tbats JdMeIL rti rr lublB enkL k 1total U I < Building af- ternoon the the a 1 feet the WO W- In would be welt I see gvazant sss OVUM P BOUP 4 COAL Mentadrb a ¬ ¬ ¬

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Post on 16-May-2018




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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-11-21 [p 4].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1906-11-21/ed-1/seq-4.pdfTHE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 21 1906 I IR-it Fire




Fire Sweeps Tomiiii Worces-

ter Comity ffil


Explosion of Turpentine or PowderStarts Blaze thai Caiiiibl Be Gotten

mler Control for Five Hours LOSH-

I Estimated at 00000 with butLittle Insurance f

Special to The Wubinctotf HeraldSnow Hill Md Nov 29 The town of

Stockton Worcester County Md aboutnine miles below Snow Hill on the Dela-ware Maryland and VIrginia Railroadwas viaited by a early this morningwhich destroyed every business house inthe town except the StocktonBuilding One young man lost his tee

About ten oclock a terrific explosioncurred in the storehouse of P E

Wharton Son tearing out one end ofthe and setting fire to it

Asleep in a room of the storehouse wasClarence Parsons a clerk whoburned to death

The flames spread rapidly and soon theentire population of about 408 peoplewere working hard with buckets of waterto stop thstr progress and save theirhomes

Only One Builrtlnpr EscapesThe flames leaped from one business

house to another sad with an incred-ible time every store shop hotel andother business house was consumed ex-

cept the bank building which 1 con-

structed of brickThe explosion from which the nre

originated hi supposed to have been thatof a barrel of turpentinepowder

When it occurred Justice of the PeaceW O Payne was sitting in his office nextto Whartons store He was thrown fromhis chair and the bottdfar was shaken asif by an

bufldtags were burned etUaQtafa loss of J6IOOQ with only a smalt Jmmvance

Those who lost by the Are areP E Wharton A Sum storehoos and

stockStore occupied by W O Payiie eorifee

tioner owned by Z P Whmrttm-Ktrg B Johnson barber shopWhartons araneryL J Houston ft Son store and stock of

goodsZ P Whartoa storehouse formerly oc-

cupied by F T TaylorTtylnr Powell dwetthighouat wooA S Bromtey stahtea-K J Duer hotelStorehouse occupied sy Harry Skoektay

owned by E J DuerJames Smack storehouseStorehouse occupied by MJse E D

t eas a millinery store owned by JSmack

Dwelling and shop occupied by W Hirturgis owned by James Smack

M B Paradise storehouse aad dwel-ling

A S Bromley storehouse arid stock offoods

Checked After Five hoursThe fire was checked after SIn hours

it burned southward at the residencei f Mrs Nancy Burbaee which buiUtnawas saved by the bucket brigade

The flames were stopped north at theLink building and west after they haddestroyed the handsome hotel butMtas ofE J Duer

The people are determined to rebuildtheir places of business and friends willislst those who have been almost ruined

by the fireMr Parsons who lost his life ha an up

ptr room of the Wharton store was nodoubt either so badly stunned by the ex-plosion as to render him unconscious orh j was killed outright His remains haveuoi been found He was about twentythret years old

Z P Wharton Is one of the heaviestL rs and bad little insurance MrWharton Is a man of considerable meansarid is well known throughout the Stateas a member of the state board of educa-tion


Malics Little Progress InvestigatingLaytonKvIIle Poisoning Case

SJvvcittl to The Wwhictfoo HeraldRockville Aid Nov MTne grand

jury for this county reported fifty Indict-ments into court this afternoon one ofwhich contained twentyfour countsThis indictment Is selling liquor

The parties in jail here against whomjrdictments have been brought will apI eur in court tomorrow morning andtheir cases wffl be set for trial Thecriminal docket will be taken up Thurs-day

So far there has been but one witnessb fore the grand jury to give evidencein arson and poisoning cases at Laytonsvllle The stales attorney Is experi-encing considerable trouble finding wit

res who wilt tell anything about theiifTair

It has been learned that the indictmentagainst the Chevy Chase Club whichwas found time past will not betried at Lie coming term The case has-h n the terms of which arekept secret

Col Joseph II Sherratl Is DeadSpecial to The WaafetoRtAB ncnVL

Lexington Va Nov 31 Col JosephH Sherrard aged seventyone years diedhere today He was a son of Judge Jo-seph H Sherrard of Winchester He

a lieutenant in Company H EleventhVirginia Cavalry and later was a mombor of the Stonewall brigade He repre-sented KockbrMge Bath anti HhjhlanJcounties in the Virginia State senate mthe early eighties His funeral will takeplace tomorrow morning at R E LeeMemorial Episcopal Church

George IV Kyi or Is DeadBjwial The Wuhtagun Hcnu-

aHagerstown Md Nor aGe W-Eyler superintendent of the AmericanIe Company is dead at Waynesboroeleven miles north of Hagerstown fromBrights disease aged sixtyseven yearsMr Eyler had charge of the plants inWashington Baltimore PhiladelphiaNew York aM Atlantic City He had hisheadquarters in Baltimore

Fire at Clmmlicrrfbnrsl cial to The Wtshinftoa BeaMHagerstown Md Nov 3DA terse

livery stable was destroyed and fourhorses and two ponies perished during adestructive at Chambersburg thilooming The fire department workedfor several hours before the fire wasunder control The blaze is believed tohave been of incendiary origin The loseis partially covered by insurance

Fireman Killed in RoundhouseSpecial to WMhinQaa HnmU

Roanoke Va Nov 2 Goprge Robertson a Norfolk and Western fireman waskilled at Radford tonigfit white backinghis engine Into a roundhuse He wastwentytwo years old and married

Remains of SeaTjury Brought BRCLynchburg Va Nov 30 Tht remain

of W J Seabury who died se W dyago at l enver Ool where lie twat amonth s to staking relief from tuber BVlosis reacacd htro today






or a kee or

Acup d









earthquake-S xteen


i S


















Two Dorchester RepnlilicnnM Madeto Feel Severity of Low

Spirit to The WnMnftcm H tmU t

Cambridge Md Nov 2 Wheagrand Jury met at Cambridge onof last week Judge Henry Lloyd Intracted It to investigate any charges

bribery which migljt brought before itThe Jury in pursuance of Judge Utfya

instruction etteh chargeswere brought to its attention withremit that Indictments wereagainst two prominent Republican of Vi-

enna a town of several hundred inhabi-tants in Upper Dorchester eighteen mikefrom Cambridge

While many persons are anxtoos to seerotebuying done away with it islikely that a very strong sentimentthe punishment of these two will befound to exist in any section of the coun-ty So many persons have bought votesin Dorchester that there will he found agoodly number who will deplore making

of on or two while the restgo free


Baltimore Conple Wait Two YearsBefore Announcing Marriage

Special to The Waaatoetm HeraldBaltimore Md Nov SflLMarried lot

two years Warren Tatum Fox 21 NorthStrieker street and BeuUh Kaldenbachdaughter of Mrs Annie C tfoMenbachl West Fayette street have Just an-

nounced the fact All this tune theunion has been a secret not even oonnded-to their most intimate friends They arenow Hvlna at home of the youngmans parents

Young Fox has Just attained his ma-jority and east his first vote at the melelection His bride is two years hisJunior They were nineteen and seven-teen respectively when they eloped toYork Pa and were married


Night Watchmen in AgricultureBuilding Are Disturbed

Rodent Overrun Building at SIghtmid One Man In Bitten While

He Asleep

Night watchmen in the AgrfetxUatral Dayartment BofMio are com9lsJtiv latelyfecaase of the fact that bs-eoane so numerous sail so that theirslvmbers disturbed

Some time a o several old frame buildbsjs owned by the government were tornown These structures are said to have

been alive with rats and driven fromtheir home they were compelled to seekthe nearest quartets And the nearestquarters happened to be the AgriculturalDepartment building The rodents lyeen the remains of the lunches of theployes

One watchman fell asleep the othersight and during his slumbers one ofhis arms fell to the The resultwas that he was awakened suddenly bya bite on the hand He was startled tobehold a which he declares was near-ly as large as the ortmary house catFor a time it was feared the watchmanwho had been asleep at the switch andContrary to the orders of his captainqiight suffer m attack ot Wood pomson-Ing but bAa wa carefully nursedand he baa fully recovered

The rats simply take charge of theAgricultural Building at night It is saltthat they scamper about the halls allnight long The watchmen say one mustbe a sound sleeper to withstand all thenoise created by the playful and hungryrat It is only occasionally when oneof them Is restless and cannot sleep sott seems that the rats are seen bywatchmen But the trusty night manseen them and there are so ninny of thepests it is impossible that the department officials will make an to ridthe place of them Not for the benefitof the night watchman but the bulktlngand its contents Several years ago fer-rets were introduced to scare away therats


Railroad ISncincH Come Under Danof New Baltimore Ordinance

Special to Tka Waihtaetaa IferakLBaltimore Md Nov 30 The erect of

the antismoke ordinance which has beessigned by Mayor Timanua is to prohibitUte discharge of black or dark graysmoke from the chimneys or smokestacksof every kind of building or engine

the city except from those stacks orchimneys belonging to buildings devotedexclusively to manufacturing It meansthat the railroad companies whose loco-motives are such prolific contributors tothe smoke nuisance must adopt somemethod to prevent the escape of smokefrom their engines Members of the AnUSmoke League declare that they will seethat the ordinance is strictly enforced

Penitentiary Matron DiesvarieS to The WMhtegb lIeRichmond Va Nov 30 Mrs Lavinia-S Page who has been matron of theState Penitentiary since the poattion wagcreated in J died last night Site wasa woman of refinement and ia a greatway worked very salutary reforms In thetreatment of woman prisoners In the Vir-ginia Penitentiary

3Ir AVarfielil Rapidly Improvingspecial to The WwMnstoo Mould

Annapolis Md Nov 38 Mrs WarfteMwife of the governor who has been

for the last two is nowto an improved condition Mrs WatSenlhas been suffering from an injury to alimb sustained about a month ago bystriking it against a step and she hasbeen under treatment of a physfean eversince

FrcilerlclJHbursGirl a BrideSawfel to The WubtegUw Ifenld

FrederIcksburg Va Nov ML J Cttotoa Fanner of Henrlco County andBessie D Way of this city were mar-ried this evening at the residence of theoOdating minister Rev R AubreyWllWaras of the Baptist Church

Thomas Lam Soon to Be TriedHarrisonburs Va Nov 3ft Thomas

Lam eharged with killing IIi cousinFrank P Henstey was committed todayto the grand Jury by a magistrate Hewill be indicted next Saturday and tiletrial will probably take place during thepresent term of court

Mrs John Pcndlcton Is DeadFredericksburg Va Nov JtMrs John

Pendleton died yesterday at her home inSpotsylvania County of asthia aged

years Several children surviveher

Always the same

Tharps Pure

118 F St N W Phone Main 114

Special Private Delivery






rata aft








Berkeley Rye























Alexandria Car Derailed ButPassengers Escape


Solilicr Charged with Theft TurnedOver to Comntaniler at Fort Huntby City Authorities Ferry SteamerHelplessly Drifts In Fog VisitedAshbnrn Lodsc Alcxanilrla News


Comer at Pre eat Itofal StnabsAlexandria Va Nov 3 Owing it is

said to an Improperly turned switch anorthbound train which left Alaxandrlaat 2i oclock tide morning over theWashington Alexandria and Mount VrROn electric line was derailed about ahundred yards south of the new High-way Bridge Although the train wastravettns rapidly at the time of tho ac-

cident the motorman succecdod in stop-ping it within thirty yards of the placewhere It left the track No one was

but many of the passengers wereshaken and considerably excited Mostof those on the train were compelled towalk the remainder of the distance toWashington A wrecking crew re-placed the cars on the track this after-noon and they were taken to the shopsat Four Mite Run for repairs Conduc-tor Charles W Simpson ac4 MotormanEnoch Davis were In charge of the train

Soldier Turned Over to OlllcerAlva Tburman a private of tho Forty

Seventh Coast Artillery U S A whowas arrested at Port Hunt a few daysago and brought here to await an exam-ination on the charge of having stolen avaluable sold watch chain and charmhi addition to some money was todayturned over to the commanding ofltcer atFort Hunt The owner of the propertysaid to be O B Wheeler of New Yorkrefused to prosecute

Steamer Helpless in FogShortly after the lacy steamer

han had left her dock here for the DOOR

trip to Washington an accident occurredto her machinery which left her practical-ly helpless in the tog Two tugs went toher assistance and many of the pas-sengers were taken by theBartholdL The tugs finally managed tobrine the Callahan to one of the Kingstreet wharves In order to repair dam-ages she Win probably be out of commis-sion for several days during which tintsher place on the route will be taken bythe Woodbury Before the CaHaban wasreturned to the wharf she went agroundand some ditnculty was experienced hi-

fioatins her It is stated that the troublewas due to a break in the rudder

Visited AshbnrnCoL K Kemper grand master of

Masons in Virginia accompanied by Wil-liam A Moore Jr past master of Alex-andria Washington Lodge of this citypaid an omciai visit last night to Ashburn Lodge No 388 at Aattwra J JGreen D D G H P of district 3o 1assisted test evening m the tataitittton ofLoudoua Royal Arch Chanter No SS atLeesburg

A large gathering attended the thirdprogressive euchre party under the au-spices of tile Council of Jewish Womenheld this evening in Lyceum Theproceeds of the affair will be devoted toCharitable purposes

A settlement out of court beesreached in the suit of Cspt FountainBeatty against the Washington South-ern Railway Company for damages forpersonal injuries alleged to have beessustained in a runaway accident said tohave been caused indirectly by a suddenblast from a locomotive

Arrangements have been completed forthe meeting to be held tomorrow even-ing In Laanons Opera House la the

of the public schools of this cityThe gathering will be under the auspicesof the State board of education sad willbe addressed by several prominent persons


Editor of the Religious Herald nndWidely Known Minister-

S dal to TIle Wa uajtaa IlenMRichmond Vs Nov Rev Dr A B

Dickinson one of the most knownministers In the Southern Baptist Churchand for many years editor of the Reli-gions Herald died today

He has been in feeble health for someyears He was seventysix years old andwas a graduate of Richmond Celiega andof the University of Virginia

He was a native of Orange County andheld his first charge In Chartotteevlnefifty years ago Later he became pastorof Leigh Street Baptist Church in thiscity

In connection with Dr J B Jester hemade the Religious Herald one of theablest and moat widely known of the re-ligious journeis

He was married three tlmeg Ids firstwife being Miss Fannie Taylor daughterof Dr James B Taylor Born of themwere James T Dickinson D D pastorof the First Baptist Church RochesterN Y Mrs Fannie Torlan and RinseNellie and Janle Dickinson

His second wife was Miss Lou Craddock of Halifax whose only child

Halite DickinsonA few years ago he married Miss Bessie

Bagby of King and Queen County whosurvives him














I a-



















Conference with Swanson About R-

P P Presidency Adjourns

Richmond Va Nov 20 The railroadofficials who came her today for a conference with Gov Swanson and the Stateofficials in connection with the appoint-ment of a president for the RichmondFredericksburg and Potomac Railroadasked for more time and the meetingwas adojurned until December 10

Those present were President Waltersof the Atalntlc Coast LIne PresidentGeorge W Stevens of the Chesapeakeand Ohio and Samuel Rea third vicepresident of the Pennsylvania

Dr James IV Massey MarriedSpecial to The TOMUagtoa Herald

Frederickburg Va Nov 2i AntlochBaptist Church in Orange County wasthe scene of a pretty wedding today whenMiss Rattle Biscoe daugrter of Mr andMrs J 1L BKscoe of Granite SpringsSpottsylvania County of asthia agedof Dr James W Massey of the samecounty Rev Charles E Saundersforming the ceremony

Mrs Iloclcman AwayWinchester Va Nov 29 Mrs Bar-

bara J Hockman wife of William AHockman of Bartonsvlile died last night

a long illness aged fortysix MrsHockman was a daughter of John Eof Kernstown and a sister of Rev

H Copp of Washington She Is surby her husband two sonsdaughters

Speelal to TIle




an three

Waebtatoa IlakL








Israel Monggoltl Smiles as Heto Murder Charge

Sped to Tk WatactaB 1IKH-Harrisonburg Va Nov 89 Israel

Monggold the aged slayer of his sonCasper Monggold In Brock Gap fortymiles northwest of Harrisonburg twomonths ago was placed on trial todayin the Circuit Court of Bocklnham Theontlre day was spent in examining thealiftcaUons of Jurors to try the case

and it was not until late in the eveningthat a panel was secured

The indictment was read as the grayheaded old man stood before the clerksdeck He remained unmoved by the chargeagainst him spat on the floor as theclerk finished reading the charge andsat down with a smile No evidence willbe taken until tomorrow

The crime was committed the latterpart of last August at the home of Monggold who is one of the wealthiest men inthat section of the country The boy was

barricaded In the house with the deadbody over night until he surrendered toa posse He admitted Ills crime and hassince been in JaiL He is sixtynine yearsof age


Thief Reached for lib Gun butOwner of Fuel Got First Shot

to The UMWojto HeraldCulpeper Nov 30 John Burgam alias

William Craig shot and instantly killedEdward Lewis near Eggborins Va inthis county late last evening

Craig caught Lewis In the act of steal-ing his wood and on being encounteredLewis made i ly to shoot Craig butthe latter shot irst Craig directly after

killing came to town and surrender-ed to the county sheriff grand jurybeing in session it heard the evidencewith the result that Craig was dischargedBoth are negroes Lewis had a bad reputation in his neighborhood


Building Trades Journeymen Go

Slow in Plumbers Case

DelcsratcN Go on Record Against theOpcn Shop but Defer Taking

Definite Action

The following moons and anted easecJaUons win moot today

BattaoT IMw 2 SKAT SsMBta

Least lien tatta at PSM JNMBI

Multi awl Qttts Tattrtir SW f-

awthvwtOota Xa Ml sauMi TtMjsa BWa sad

Conservative counsel prevailed at Jutnights meeting of the representatives ofsixteen building trades who met la theCorcoran building to dtoeucn the fUTe-reoces between the Journeymen plumbersand the Master Plumbers Association

Each trade was represented by twodelegates every one of whom wont onrecord as being unalterably opposed topermitting the openshop question to beconsidered to the matters now before theboard of arbitration

Before taking any ddteite actionIt wee agreed to ask a conference

with the Mater Sautters AaorfftiloaThe committee is composed of one repre-sentative from each of the sixteen tradesallied with the plumbers in the buildingsection

Many Vnionintf at SmokerBetween three sad tout hundred mem-

bers of various labor organisations attended the smoker given at the NationalRifles Armory last night by I U S ELocal No 77 Hoisting sod Portable AHgineers A programme of vaudeville in-

cluded a liveround sparring contest be-tween Mysterious Don of Michiganand Young Shrier of local fame

Refreshments were abundant The af-fair was the third to be given by Local

The arrangements were in the handsof n committee composed of James JMcCrackra chairman F J Nicole sec-retary J V treasurer JamesDevlin D J J J CosgroveJ W King J G Bishop D P McCracken George Whelan James Goodwin andWilliam H Ratcliffe


Commander Lentre Expects WageBoard to Report by December

ia not true said Capt E H CLeuUe commandant t the navy yardyesterday afternoon that we intend tolay off onehalf of our force here be-tween now and the end of the year Itis a mistake It I have been so quoted

What I did say was that we are likelyto lay off a thousand men within the nextthree mouths but as we employ about40M at the navy yard that can hardlybe construed as onehalf their number

Asked as to recommendations the wageboard may make in regard to the increaseof pay asked by the machinists CaptLeutxe said that he could not predict theaction of the board the three membersof which he added are meeting every-day now and will probably complete theirlabors in this regard about December 15The commandant declined to state thepersonnel of the board which is composedof officers appointed himself


shot in back and his father remained



HallH I lAlla

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Business Agent Adams of ColumbiaLodge No 174 International Association-of Machinists which Is composed almostentirely of navy yard employee is ex ¬

peeled to return today from his tour ofHarrisburg Altoona and Philadelphiawhere he has been collecting data

the wage scale cost of livingAc in connection with the industrialplants of cities

Thomas S Carroll a member of thecommittee appointed by Columbia Lodge-to confer with the wage board said yes-terday that while it Is true as Command-ant Leutae has stated that the failureof Congress to make needful

will result in the laying off of manyemployes the fact remains that withinthe last two years the government hascontracted with private for con-siderable work that might have been doneat the navy yard at less cost than thecontract prices Mr Carroll further de-clared that much ef this contract workhas been full of defects


Federation of Labor Denounces theBrotherhood as StrikebreakersMinneapolis Minn Nov 200ohn

Mitchell president of the Unitedpresided over todays session

of the American Federation of Laborat which the Brotherhood of RailroadTrainmen was denounced as a

organization and resolutionswere adopted recognizing the sovereignty-of the Switchmens Union of North America as having complete Jurisdiction overrailroad yard and switching crews

The Coming HomeLondon Nov 20 Ambassador and Mrs

Whltefew Reid will sail for New York onDecember i with the Intention of spendtug the Christmas holidays In America















SaleYou know when we start a sale it means something its a saving of price worth your while to

as it comes right before Thanksgiving

This WeekI


Special I Oc

I P Catsup


Half Pint Bottle

t lOcI Red Alaska

I Salmon

r 1 Oc can


Per Package

Best Elgin Creamery


Lowest Market Price



Coffee atThe household brand for more than ten thousand homes every day The A P Congressional Coffee is absolutely PURE delicious and comes from the finest old Java and Mochafresh roasted daily Makes a delicious cup c f coffee and if you have never used it you treally dont know or appreciate good coffee till you do Only at our store One priceto all

TheaNecfarThe famous brand of this pound fully guaranteed A green tea with a

blacktea flavor but theres something about the deliciousness of this brand which is notto be found in any other brand Ask any housekeeper what brand of tea she j

at least 50 per cent will say TheaKectar 9ur price per pound

Great ACML Tea Co

Main Store Cor 7th and E Sts N W

Branches in all Parts of the City Stands in All Markets


Our Congressional 35e




Atlantic Pacific









wdcr with joar lo ly-




MENDELL C0T728 7th St NWTtacn JIB vp P U 8te p B He

Fill Uae Xw Toys far tb ChiUtta


McCEYSTMS CAFEFMrtMBtli nw tlnt JM Dtatos

Fi d GMML DrigMfB-vctjrtbtoc at


LA GEECftTIE CORSETSMan auisCHAKD nsi F srwnrrI Cancu k

the aateteMam af rtyk AU



ttkk srt llUaUbk fruit Cfktt


J K Turners Soalpo Hair Tonicmrs jean All liaJh s r

awl bKtea Iito 9k and L P 0 Joe MS






Private Stock Whisky 75c a QuartAWKT nrfltox JAS D DOXNHLLY-

IMa and I its aw sod LBnaBcaa atiicaika-



9SS Kth St N W D aseal auaadon t to U w ails


A J MoKEE COMMMfKiam laqmtcrs of Hotpltal ani loraW

Kaever OoodB OftiMMdle AHdUKM-Tntom o lAdy tt wknt MM F ST X W


Carl A Doubet 1402 14th St NWWt CKIJ Urge toe of Cwt Gtus 98vcm re-

AH Kinds of IUp rtBS


oK J8K



have usad







sadPeIou aM wbe Let


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bouthapss ed







Wilson Orders Them to Close TheirSlaughterhouses on Sunday

Will Refute Them Government Inapcctlon and Block Shipments if

They Refuse to Comply

Notice was sent to thein New York by Secretary of AgricultureWilson yesterday that unless they closetheir establishments on Sunday in ac-cordance with State laws they will bedenied Federal inspection This wouldmean that their products could not beshipped In interstate or foreign commerce

This action was taken not only as thoresult of complaints made by several clergymen in Now York against the practiceof slaughtering cattle on Sunday but

the department regulations require-a strict compliance with State laws

When the complaints were received fromNow York clergymen that cattle were be-ing killed in that city on Sunday Secre-tary Wilson sent a special agent out tomake an investigation and report Theagent informed him after visit to al-most all the slaughterhouses in NewYork City that most of them were openedfor the killing of cattle on Sunday

The packers explained that the Jewishpopulation insisted on kosher moat onMonday morning and that in order tosupply It It was necessary to slaughter-on Sunday The agent discovered however that twothirds of the cattle led tothe slaughter on Sunday were hogs whichtended to disprove this claim











Worcestershire Sauce

Swifts Silver

Leaf Lard

5lb Pail 50c


3lb Pail 30c



Bfwfctota Saitosttk UfMdfroa CO up Weperfect lit guaranteed



DWYER IOOBE PropsOar ComykH Une of



XMU UwcertM and Irovfeiom andY S Speefek






dturi AMcstag Neatly Donsat Short



or anmttoa made


SOL HERZOG 1416 14th St Nthe that WriJdrtswd Man

Arrow Brand Collars Meearefa Cost ShIrtiii Jtcat design and panacea


ZmMERMANN 616 13th St N WBetween F G Sis

W hate UK latest fall ned winter tries Modtbre t New York and Paris Camel priesMACHINE SHOPS


wharf Etfc sad Water ta s Brazed





M Nonly CMiwir Oriental Store In

Uiriqm designs wearesCORNER UTH AXD U STREETS X W


Original Phila Oyster HouseThe oily Philadelphia oyster house serrtes seamed



Acknowledges that Somebody In Departmcnt Favored Itailroad

Ethan A Hitchcock Secretary of theInterior admitted yesterday that chargeshad been submitted to him that throughalleged favoritism of somebody in au-

thority the Union Pacific Railroad Com-pany had come into control of largecoalland holdings in Womlng

I am investigating the matter saidSecretary Hitchcock and until I getsome results I do not care to talk aboutitIt is understood that there will be In-

teresting developments in connection withthe Wyoming land frauds In the near

It is said the land patents in question were issued to the entrymen whohad virtually agreed in advance to relinquish them to the coal company ownedor controlled by the Union Pacific It Isalleged that protests were made againstthe issue of such patents but that theywere ignored

Forfeits 1500 BallJohn C Schlesiager alias John K Mac

key who is charged withand larceny was called up for trial In theCriminal Court yesterday Not respond-ing to his name Justice Stafford declaredhis bail of 1500 forfeited Annie CPlumley appearing as Schlesingers

Schlesinger is charged with en-tering the office of dentists in April andMay last and stealing quantltes of goldfillings bridge work and other articlesused in dentistry

Will Remodel Office BuildingA permit was taken out yesterday for

the remodeling of the old house at 1315New York avenue Into an office buildingThe improvements to the structure areestimated at 12COO Appleton P Clark isnamed as the architect and T Howner of the property

expert tsUous




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Eugene Bush 1845 7th St N

cheap materials


Southern Poultry Supply Company


THE OLIVERI PRESSHaTe Ne Specfahtco Print Avythtag



COLUMBIA RENTING AGENCYwed ocwraWMd in all rta of

603 Bta gc N W Gvmod tfeat nSZTaSXHTAILOR

H 0 OROSCHINnor ST N WCleaning Prewinj

The Very at R UMa



ALEXANDRIA NATIONAL BANKEvery banking CacUitr oSmd InterMt w wia-

cowaU We Matte bwBe kite uM sauH











List Your Del Ray and St Elmo LotsWith

JOhN DKing ant Royal Streets


Property at Fourteenth and E Soldat 7 a Square Foot

Government Probably Will Have toPny Like Sum for New De


Valuable property fronting on Pourstaenth and K streets northwest to thesquare immediately south of Ptmtsylvaaiaavenue was sold at auction ytsterday

bringing about 7 square footThe sale was In chancery at tfr orderof the Supreme Court of DistrictAdam A Weschler wielding hajameras agont for Ralph P Barnard JustinMerrill Chamberlain and T Percy Mayers trustees of the Ferdinand Butler es-tate

Lots 17 and IS at KC and W4 Fourteenthstreet having a combined frontage of W

feet and 76 feet deep were sold to B HNeumeyer and R T Warwick at MsQuare foot

Lot 20 premises E street 31 by Wfeet containing 130 square was soldto Washington Nattor at K a square foot

Lot 21 premises 1466 B street M by 16feet was sold to A B Graham at 5tSOa square foot

Much interest attaches to the bidding-in of this property because it 2s thissquare and the one just south of it that isinvolved In plaas of the governmentto erect a new department building tohouse the Departments of State Justiceand Commerce and Labor The prices areconsidered an index of the values of tho

squares the government will take


tallta 6 it celland ma as I wict ud so

9tI B Street8 P S PreS S CIlf


We mat JQOIU aedw






NEWSn far eT tbats JdMeIL rtirr lublB enkL k 1total U











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