water pollution anthropogenic causes

Water Pollution Anthropogenic ( man made) causes Std IX

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Water PollutionAnthropogenic ( man made) causes

Std IX

Some Pollutants


Solid waste

Heavy metals

What do you think this image depicts?

Source: http://desip.igc.org/populationmaps.html accessed November 2008


Every item that we use needs water for production

Domestic bathing, flushing, washing, cooking, drinking…

Agriculture People require food to eat

Industry Increase demand for goods

Increase in Population Power water evaporation from reservoirs of large hydro power projects

'It's not just excess consumption. Man is creating further water stress by polluting fresh water sources.'

Run off from

agricultural fields Air

pollutants dissolve in rainwater

Untreated industrial wastes


Tourism and religion

Domestic waste water generation and treatment ( in million litres per day – MLD)


10313Himachal Pradesh






12281351363Bihar & Jharkhand


10632081271Andhra Pradesh

808Andaman & Nicobar

Untreated wastewaterWastewater treatmentWastewater generation

State / UT

Source: Springs of Life, published by World Water Institute

Domestic waste water generation and treatment ( in million litres per day – MLD)










9322271159Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh

Untreated wastewaterWastewater treatmentWastewater generation

State / UT

Source: Springs of Life, published by World Water Institute

Domestic waste water generation and treatment ( in million litres per day – MLD)

15207722292Uttar Pradesh & Uttaracnchal

17413722113West Bengal

8042901094Tamil Nadu




Untreated wastewaterWastewater treatmentWastewater generation

State / UT

Source: Springs of Life, published by World Water Institute

More food required to feed the growing millions'

Increase in Population

Converting forests into croplands

Fewer Forests

Water Pollution

Fertilizers and pesticides

Fewer forestsTopsoil washed out into freshwater sources and reduced

recharge of water into the ground

AgricultureFertilizers and pesticides easily dissolve in water.

They enter surface water sources through rainwater and irrigation runoff and also percolate into the

ground to contaminate groundwater sources.

World agricultural area under irrigation

Global fertilizer consumption

Source: http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/global_fertilizer_consumption, cartographer: Philippe Rekacewicz, UNEP/GRID-Arendal

Source: http://www.earthpolicy.org/Updates/2008/Update72_data.htm#fig11

Overgrazing – soil washed out into freshwater sources

Animal bathing in freshwater sources

Animal faeces pollutes water and soil

Water pollution caused by

food processing industries

Increased Demand for Animal Products

Clothes we wear – dyes and bleaches

Paper, paper, paper everywhere

Leather bags and shoes


Metal plating




Let’s look around us …..

Increase demand for goods

Increase in Population

More Industrialisation


All these industries are highly water polluting

Increased mining for Raw Materials

The Damodar river travels through 6 coal fields, 183 coal mines, 28 iron ore mines, 33 limestone mines, 5 copper ore mines, 84 mica mines and Numerous graphite, silver and uranium extracting units.

‘ Water in this river is polluted beyond repair ’

Mining is a highly polluting industry

Increased industrialization results in

Increased solid waste generation

Lifestyle changes

Use and throw culture

Higher aspirations

Change in packaging

Disregard for natural resources

Inadequate waste management systems

Waste dumped in surface water bodies

Waste dumped in open landfills – toxic materials leach into soil and groundwater

Waste burnt – air pollutants dissolve in rainwater and pollute surface water sources or seep into ground water aquifers

Increased solid waste generation water pollution

Lakes, tanks and ponds being destroyed. Land filled for construction purposes.

Unsustainable extraction of groundwater in urban areas, affecting groundwater quality.

Receive sewage that cannot be handled by sewage treatment plants.

Disposal of solid and liquid wastes above or into groundwater aquifers.

Additional stress in urban areas

Tourism and water pollution


Laundry – detergents, bleach, hot water Landscaping – fertilizers, pesticides

Cleaning and washing Waste generation



Sanitation Bathing in rivers

Waste generation (use and throw)

Most tourism is close to water sources and areas of rich biodiversity

Bathing in holy rivers

More than10 million people bathe in the Ganga daily!

During the annual Kumbh Mela, more than a million people take a dip in Allahabad alone!

Religion and Water pollution

Dead bodies

Prayer materials

Idol immersionPaints contain many heavy metals

Conflicts and Water Pollution

Production of arms

Death toll

Bombs – heavy metals

Municipal services (water supply, sanitation, waste mgmt) don’t function in areas of conflict

“ If you had a bottle of life-preserving fluid on which your life depended, would you pour into it

all your sewage and rubbish, along with any other poisonous chemicals you could find? And

yet, that is exactly what we are doing to our water supply – all over the world.”

Source: http://www.unep.org/geo2000/pacha/fresh/fresh.htm

This is what a young person like you has to say:

Does Man Pollute Water?

Not just Fresh Water, We are polluting our Oceans too

Source: http://www.unep.org/dewa/assessments/ecosystems/water/vitalwater/38.htm accessed December 2008

Source: http://www.unep.org/dewa/assessments/ecosystems/water/vitalwater/39.htm accessed December 2008

A game to check how much you have learnt


Divide the class into 5 teams.

Team A selects 2 people who will guess the answer.

These 2 people turn their face to the wall or go out of the room, so that they can’t see the clue.


Team A have to act out the clue for the 2 guessers.

Either all members of Team A can act it out (very boisterous, but all children are involved) or a representative is selected to do the acting.

The other members of Team A (and the rest of the class) see the clue.

If the guessers got the right answer in 30 secs, they get 5 points

If the guessers get the right answer in 30 secs, they get 3 points


The chance then goes to Team B and so on.

Rules: No mouthing of words

Round 1Team A – Agriculture

Team B – Domestic use

Team C – Reservoir

Team D – Population

Team E – Industrial production

Team A – Energy Demand

Team B – Over exploitation

Team C – Urbanization

Team D – Lifestyle

Team E – Lake destruction

Round 2

Round 3

Team A – Fertilizer runoff

Team B – Sewage disposal

Team C – Industrial waste water

Team D – Pesticides

Team E – Domestic waste water

Team A – Idol immersion

Team B – Tourism

Team C – mining

Team D – Conflicts

Team E – Animal products

Round 4